Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
PokeSponge123 wrote: |
I've been on Bulbapedia before, and it's really helpful! How many side games of Pokemon are there? (By that, I mean ones that don't have a precious or semi-precious jewel in the title, if you get what I mean. Like Snap, Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, Link etc.) |
Bulbapedia is the best, infact they have a few pages that answer this very question! Just click on a catagory below:
Main Series/Connecting Console Games
Spin-Off/Side Games
Mini Series Games
Other Games
tvfan95 wrote: |
IN DP092 Team Rocket used there old motto. Is this just a one time thing or is the motto back? |
tvfan95 wrote: |
IN DP092 Team Rocket used there old motto. Is this just a one time thing or is the motto back? |
It was a Team Rocket based episode, so it was only for that episode.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Bulbapedia is the best, infact they have a few pages that answer this very question! Just click on a catagory below: Main Series/Connecting Console Games |
pikastatic100 wrote: |
In the japanese theme song for Pokemon Battle Frontier, Ash, May, Max, and Brock are falling out of the sky when Ash's Butterfree and it's pink mate fly by! His Primeape and Pidgeot also appear in the theme song. What's that about?! |
They were just showing off all of Ash's older Pokemon. Though many hoped it did mean something, nothing came out of it.
PokeSponge123 wrote: |
How many new forms will Rotom get? (Sorry for the pointless question, but I can't be bothered to check. |
As of now, only 6. But being each Forme (except for its Normal Forme) seems to be affiliated with an elemental type and appliance:
Forme - Type - Appliance
Heat - Fire - Toaster Oven
Wash - Water - Washing Machine
Frost - Ice - Refrigerator
Spin - Flying - Fan
Cut - Grass - Lawn Mower
It is always likely that in a future generation another Forme might be created of a different type/appliance.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Formes. |
Oh yes, Formes with an "e". Still don't know why they did that, only reason I see is to make Legendary Pokemon (and Rotom) even more special.
pikastatic100 wrote: |
In Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Emerald, there's a mysterious place called Altering Cave where only Zubat are found. I read on Bulbapedia, however, that you can find Mareep, Aipom, Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, and Smeargle there if you use Mystery Gift with other players. How exactly do you do that? |
According to what I found, after using Mystery Gift the Pokemon inside Altering Cave will change. You can "access" Mystery Gift at any time (if you unlocked it which I'll explain below) when your at the main screen when you start up your game (you know, the main screen which has the options to "Continue Game", "Start New Game". Mystery Gift will be another option just like that under the existing ones and will say "Mystery Gift"). However, unless you used Mystery Gift at a Nintendo Event, you will not receive an item. I'm not to sure if you need to get an item from Mystery Gift or just needed to access it, but one of those changes the Pokemon in Altering Cave. Since there is no longer any Nintendo Events for FireRed and LeafGreen, you'll have to hope that simply using Mystery Gift will change the Pokemon in Altering Cave, because otherwise it'll remain to have Zubat in it (unless you hack it).
If you don't have Mystery Gift in your FireRed/LeafGreen game, this is what you need to do:
1. Go to any PokeMart.
2. There should be a clipboard on the counter. Go up to it and press "A".
3. There will be 4 slots where you can place words in. Depending on what langugage you have the phrase will be different. Since I'm going to guess you have the English version, the words you need to put in are (in third order): LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL
4. Click OK and the cashier will alert you that Mystery Gift has been activated. Mystery Gift will not be an option on the main screen, just choose it to use it.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
According to what I found, after using Mystery Gift the Pokemon inside Altering Cave will change. You can "access" Mystery Gift at any time (if you unlocked it which I'll explain below) when your at the main screen when you start up your game (you know, the main screen which has the options to "Continue Game", "Start New Game". Mystery Gift will be another option just like that under the existing ones and will say "Mystery Gift"). However, unless you used Mystery Gift at a Nintendo Event, you will not receive an item. I'm not to sure if you need to get an item from Mystery Gift or just needed to access it, but one of those changes the Pokemon in Altering Cave. Since there is no longer any Nintendo Events for FireRed and LeafGreen, you'll have to hope that simply using Mystery Gift will change the Pokemon in Altering Cave, because otherwise it'll remain to have Zubat in it (unless you hack it). If you don't have Mystery Gift in your FireRed/LeafGreen game, this is what you need to do: 1. Go to any PokeMart. |
BAC510 wrote: |
I need some help! I want to know where I can find the list of Pokemon Anime Town/Cities/Villages etc. Not the ones that are in the games but others like: Silver Town or Rubellow Town for example. I used to have it as a favorite but I can't find it! |
Bulbapedia solves this problem. Click here to get to the Anime-Exclusive locations template (the page it is on is the Silver Town (Johto) page): wrote: | ||
Bulbapedia solves this problem. Click here to get to the Anime-Exclusive locations template (the page it is on is the Silver Town (Johto) page): |
BAC510 wrote: | ||||
Go to the page, and on the bottom there will be links to other anime-only locations. And below that, there will be links which would lead you to other anime-only locations in other regions.