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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [321]Dec 23, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Does anyone remember when Gamecrazy & any other stores began to let people pay that $5 to *I forgot what its called*(preorder?) for Diamond & Pearl back in 2007? Or has there been news revealing about when Platinum can be preordered??? Since the Release Date is 1 month earlier, shouldn't we be able to "preorder" it by now? I really don't know what the correct term is called!

    I have no idea, but I hope it's soon. I wonder if the game would come with a Giratina Stylus if you preordered it, just like Diamond came with a Dialga Stylus, and Pearl came with a Palkia Stylus.
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [322]Dec 23, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:
    Does anyone remember when Gamecrazy & any other stores began to let people pay that $5 to *I forgot what its called*(preorder?) for Diamond & Pearl back in 2007? Or has there been news revealing about when Platinum can be preordered??? Since the Release Date is 1 month earlier, shouldn't we be able to "preorder" it by now? I really don't know what the correct term is called!

    I have no idea, but I hope it's soon. I wonder if the game would come with a Giratina Stylus if you preordered it, just like Diamond came with a Dialga Stylus, and Pearl came with a Palkia Stylus.

    Giritina stylus? sounds awsome.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [323]Dec 23, 2008
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    tenacon wrote:
    pikastatic100 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:
    Does anyone remember when Gamecrazy & any other stores began to let people pay that $5 to *I forgot what its called*(preorder?) for Diamond & Pearl back in 2007? Or has there been news revealing about when Platinum can be preordered??? Since the Release Date is 1 month earlier, shouldn't we be able to "preorder" it by now? I really don't know what the correct term is called!

    I have no idea, but I hope it's soon. I wonder if the game would come with a Giratina Stylus if you preordered it, just like Diamond came with a Dialga Stylus, and Pearl came with a Palkia Stylus.

    Giritina stylus? sounds awsome.

    It would be hard to put it in its Origin Forme because it has no legs but its Another Forme is easier because it has legs. It should come with that but I hope the Strategy Guide is a full guide(When Pokemon learns moves/evolutions/locations etc).
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [324]Dec 23, 2008
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    No U.S. stores have yet offered any pre-ordering deals. Besides, Platinum will be out on March 22, they won't begin pre-oders that early.

    I do wonder what they'll give away as a "pre-order extra" though. In Japan, they gave out Giratina Origin Forme Figurines, and to every 1,000th buyer they gave them a metallic-painted version:

    (Click HERE to see larger image of both normal and metallic-painted)

    As for the StyIus idea, it could be possible. Though saying Giratina couldn't be in its Origin Forme because it has no legs is no excuse. If they do go with the StyIus thing (though I hope they go with the figurine one instead), then they could have Giratina Origin Forme on its belly. Or better yet, have a miniture version of the above figurine (though, as I said before, I hope they woudl go for the actual sized figurines).

    Edited on 12/23/2008 11:45am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [325]Dec 23, 2008
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    What was Misty's first pokemon again? I forgot.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [326]Dec 23, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    What was Misty's first pokemon again? I forgot.

    It was never mentioned. When she appeared in the anime the three Pokemon she had were Goldeen, Staryu, and Starmie; but we don't know whether any of these were her first Pokemon. Being part of a Gym Leader family, she could have very well not have a first Pokemon because she grew up with the Cerulean Gym's Pokemon. And when she left home, she could have just chose 3 of her favorite from the Gym's collection.

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  • Avatar of halozi10


    [327]Dec 24, 2008
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    1.i remember t.v saying that mystery dungeon was going to be made a real series.will this be true?

    2.i remember brock being in every generation.has he always been on the show?

    3.they made ferret pokemon,chicken pokemon,mouse pokemon,and more.have they made a pokemon for every animal?

    4.for every generation ther is one bird pokemon(pidgey,tailow,starly,ect.).has ash caught a bird pokemon for every generation?

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [328]Dec 24, 2008
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    halozi10 wrote:

    1.i remember t.v saying that mystery dungeon was going to be made a real series.will this be true?

    2.i remember brock being in every generation.has he always been on the show?

    3.they made ferret pokemon,chicken pokemon,mouse pokemon,and more.have they made a pokemon for every animal?

    4.for every generation ther is one bird pokemon(pidgey,tailow,starly,ect.).has ash caught a bird pokemon for every generation?

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by "TV", but I'm sure it would be big news if that was true.

    2. Yes, he's always been on the show, except for the Orange Islands, where Tracy replaced him until Johto.

    3. Depending what you mean by "every animal". There are millions of types them.

    4. Yes, in Kanto, he caught Pidgeoto. In Johto, he caught Notowl. In Hoenn, he caught Taillow. And in Sinnoh, he caught Starly. All of them evolved once so far, except for Noctowl of couse.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [329]Dec 24, 2008
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    halozi10 wrote:

    1.i remember t.v saying that mystery dungeon was going to be made a real series.will this be true?

    2.i remember brock being in every generation.has he always been on the show?

    3.they made ferret pokemon,chicken pokemon,mouse pokemon,and more.have they made a pokemon for every animal?

    4.for every generation ther is one bird pokemon(pidgey,tailow,starly,ect.).has ash caught a bird pokemon for every generation?

    1. It's false. This rumer came to be when everyone saw the "To Be Continued..." message at the end of the episode. However that message was there as a well of telling you that to find out the rest of the story you need to buy the games.

    2. Except for Season 2, Brock has been part of Ash's group in every season. In Season 2, Brock stayed behind with Professor Ivy at the beginning of the Orange Islands and Tracey took his place. But at the end of Season 2/beginning of Season 3 Brock returned and has been part of Ash's group in every season since then.

    3. There are plenty of animals which do not have a Pokemon counterpart; but who knows, maybe these animals will have Pokemon counterparts with the coming of the next generation.

    4. Yes. It is a tradition for Ash to either catch the "bird" Pokemon or one of its evolutions in each generation. Generation I (Kanto) he caught Pidgeotto (which evolved to Pidgeot which he then released but promise to come back for one day), Generation II (Johto) he caught Noctowl (now with his other Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab), Generation III (Hoenn) he caught Tailow (which evolved to Swellow and now with his other Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab), and in Generation IV (Sinnoh) he caught Starly (which evolved to Staravia and his currently part of his party).

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [330]Dec 24, 2008
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    halozi10 wrote:

    1.i remember t.v saying that mystery dungeon was going to be made a real series.will this be true?

    2.i remember brock being in every generation.has he always been on the show?

    3.they made ferret pokemon,chicken pokemon,mouse pokemon,and more.have they made a pokemon for every animal?

    4.for every generation ther is one bird pokemon(pidgey,tailow,starly,ect.).has ash caught a bird pokemon for every generation?

    Seriously? I know its a Q & A Thread but those seem like everyoone should know if they like Pokemon. Especially Question #2 & #4- They seem like everyone would know. I would enjoy a Mystery Dungeon Series but the main character better be an Aipom!
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [334]Dec 26, 2008
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    How do you put the accent over the "e" in Pokemon, when typing? I've always wanted to do that, but I've never known how...
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [335]Dec 26, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    How do you put the accent over the "e" in Pokemon, when typing? I've always wanted to do that, but I've never known how...

    Me too! I remember finding out from SPD but I forgot, so I just went to any "e" with that accent, & Copied & Pasted.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [336]Dec 26, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    How do you put the accent over the "e" in Pokemon, when typing? I've always wanted to do that, but I've never known how...

    I don't know the keyboard command and couldn't find a site which gave me a straight answer, but a word document program like Microsoft Word will have that symbol among many others if you look around it. You'll have to copy and paste, but at least you'll have it:


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