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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [221]Oct 11, 2012
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    Up at the fifth gym, gonna do some grinding first though.

    Team is at 4/6 desired mons, Shellder eggs were traded from White 1 and hatched in White 2 to avoid exp boosts:

    Cleo (Trapinch) lvl 28

    Reyn (Darumaka) lvl 26

    RawVoltage (Elekid) lvl 22

    Spike (Shellder) lvl 1

    Tommy (Servine) lvl 23

    Mastermind (Pidove - FLY) lvl 14

    Gonna go get myself the Eevee i could have gotten a bit ago after beating this trainer I left behind (shellder's already at lvl 11)

    Edited on 10/11/2012 8:34pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [222]Oct 12, 2012
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    you can trade eggs? dang if I had know that I wouldn't have waited to hatch my axew

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [223]Oct 12, 2012
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    Slowly chugging away here. Defeated all the trainers on Route 4 and in Desert Resort, captured the Mandibuzz on Route 4, started Join Avenue, defeated the trainers on Routes 5 and 16 and Lostlorn Forest, picked up the Forgotten Item, defeated the Nimbasa Gym. Sandile evolved after the battle with Elesa. Thanks to Join Avenue Golbat evolved.

    Current Team:

    Dewott (Lv 24)
    Flaaffy (Lv 21)
    Crobat (Lv 25)
    Maractus (Lv 23)
    Flareon (Lv 26)
    Krokorok (Lv 29)

    I'll only get the change to play for about an hour today so I'll spend that time getting Dewott, Flaaffy, and Maractus up to speed.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [224]Oct 12, 2012
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    Shellder's still quite difficult to use atm, evolved mons usually OHKO him so I gotta somehow get him to lvl 30 so it can actually fight Clay. In the meantime, turns out i'm already at the point where I can get Heracross, so now i'm gonna spend a few hours on my bike in this forest, refreshing the hidden grotto over and over until there's a mon inside and until that mon happens to be a heracross. Oh and the first two times it's been Combees. Caught one and named him Cheerios.

    Reyn (Darumaka) lvl 32

    Cleo (Trapinch) lvl 30

    RawVoltage (Elekid) lvl 28

    Spike (Shellder) lvl 24

    Keima (Eevee) lvl 18

    Mastermind (Pidove) lvl 15

    EDIT: Okay. I think i'm about ready to give up on trying to get a Heracross. #___#; Keima and RawVoltage have evolved, though and Spike's at lvl 29, so I think i'm good anyway. Fate will choose my final mon.

    Edited on 10/12/2012 12:51pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [225]Oct 12, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    you can trade eggs? dang if I had know that I wouldn't have waited to hatch my axew

    As long as it's within the same Generation you can trade Eggs. The only time you can't trade Eggs is when you're transferring them to the next Generation (so you can't transfer an Egg in your Sapphire version to your Diamond version, you have to hatch them and then use Pal Park to transfer them where you catch them). The only reason I didn't trade Eggs is because I needed the Pokemon I was sending over to hold items which Eggs can't do.

    ANYWAY, Pokemon White 2 story time:

    So last time I stopped before I ventured through Route 13 (which I accidentally called Route 14 in observation #11 in my last post). Not only because I finished the Forgotten Item quest, but also because I wanted to train a bit. So after flying back to Mistralton City and grinded on the Breeder on Route 7 (hey, if I'm going to train I might as well make some money off it, plus trainer Pokemon do give out more experience) among other things (like Surfing to locations I could now), I flew back to Undella and now ready to see what Route 13 has in store for me:

    1. And one of these things is a Legendary battle! You remember when I encountered Cobalion and after Sage Rood told me to go catch it I joked that by now it's probably on the other side of Unova... as it turns out I was right! Just outside of Lacunosa Town there was Cobalion, sitting and waiting for me. When I approached it looked at my direction though like most Legendaries it waited for me to interact with it before starting the battle. After saving I engaged the battle and now Cobalion is sitting pretty in my PC at Level 45 (meaning it knows Sacred Sword, Iron Head, Retaliate, and Helping Hand).

    2. Entering Lacunosa Town victoriously, Professor Juniper and Bianca stopped me and Professor Juniper tells me she has a story she wants me to hear (Bianca also teased that she got here first using Fly, though considering in order to use Fly you needed to be at a location before and on my way here I caught a Legendary Pokemon, I think I actually won). So Juniper takes me to an old woman who tells us the story of the town, it had high walls built because a monster which came from a meteorite that fell was going out at night to eat people and Pokemon. Professor Juniper theorizes that since Reshiram and Zekrom we transformed into stones after their ancient battle then that could mean Kyurem also was. Apparently everyone does know about Kyurem and Bianca even suggests it doesn't come out during the day because it hates sunlight though Professor Juniper says they can't really say that for certain. Anyway Professor Juniper tells us to go to Opelucid City and here what Drayden has to say about Kyurem.
    Though we aren't done in Lacunosa Town yet as Hugh is waiting for you at the town's exit into Route 12 on the lookout for Team Plasma. Of course, Zinzolin and a grunt appears and you do a double battle with Hugh and defeat them (BTW, for a guy who complains about the cold, Zinzolin uses ICE-type Pokemon). They run off with Hugh right on their tails and you too (sorta) as we enter into Route 12.

    3. Entering Village Bridge (yeah, there was nothing on Route 12 except trainer, items, and wild Pokemon), it seems to have changed a bit as the Village Bridge Restaurant and been replaced by a tennis court (and on the other side is a basketball court), though you an find the chef now operating out of one of the houses however he doesn't do the waiter mini-game. Only other interesting spot is a new room open under the bridge where you find a girl practicing to sing but upon realizing you're there she pushes you out. I can't find any information on any events which occur with her so maybe something in the future?

    4. Route 11 only has one thing to note aside from the usual, though this would normally be considered part of the usual: There's a Breeder here. She has 2 Pokemon at level 41 so their good to find off of if you need to before battling Drayden or Marlon.

    5. Finally we get to Opelucid City and upon entering you'll meet Iris who asks if we're here to battle her "grandpa" Drayden though tells us they aren't related. She says Drayden is in the Gym though you can also go to Route 9 to train a bit and then leaves. BTW, Route 10 no longer exists in Black 2 & White 2, a landside happened on Victory Road and destroyed it and Route 10. Now while I can go battle Drayden now, let's go over and see how Route 9 is doing.

    6. Nothing much is happening on Route 9. Went into Shopping Mall Nine which has an interesting "quest" where a girl gives you 1,200 Pokedollars to buy a Hyper Potion (she can't because she doesn't have any badges) though being I have a few free ones I found I gave her one of those so she rewards me with an Energy Root. Another interesting addition is that there's a maid who sells a certain item on a 10% discount, though when I talked to her the item was only a potion which, even with the discount, the ton of Fresh Water I have (and can buy from a Vending Machine upstairs) is still better. Hopefully she'll eventually discount vitamins. Tried crossing Tubeline Bridge however a guy stopped me from entering saying they were testing how many people could be on the bridge and they reached the limit (so if you reached the limit why are you still testing?).

    7. Gym time. Depending on what version you have the Gym sort of changes, at least in appearance... actually only in color. The Gym puzzle has you "riding" on a dragon statue up against another dragon statue. If you're playing White 2 your dragon is white and the Gym's is black while in Black 2 it's the opposite. The puzzle involves your riding your dragon statue having it rise to that it's head is facing the head of the other Dragon (and, of course, Drayden is on the other Dragon's head), but in order to do so you need to battle at least one of the trainers on each "level" to be allowed to ride to the next. First there's the only one on the tail, however as you rise feet level you can battle one (or both) of two trainers: one which focuses on Defense and another who focuses on Offense (WARNING on the one with Defense, her Druddigon not only has the Rough Skin Ability but also has a Rocky Helmet. In other words, use Special Attacks for it). Arms (or front feet) level, one trainer does Rotation Battles while another does Triple Battles. Finally you get to Drayden at head level. It sort of reminds me of Petalburg Gym. Oh, and Drayden wasn't hard to beat, Flygon actually turned out to be useless as it was slower then most of Drayden's (and the otherGym Trainer's) Pokemon, however Emboar and his Hammer Arm picked up the slack. After getting the Badge, Drayden tells you to meet him in his house where they'll talk.

    8. In Drayden's house, he explains how Reshiram and Zekrom were one Pokemon, but there's a third dragon made from what was left over: Kyurem. He wonders if there are any more dragons but tells you he's giving you an item that has been passed down from generations in his family since it's made from a same material found in Giant Chasm and Dragonspiral Tower: the DNA Splicers. Drayden says he doesn't know what the items did (yet you called them the DNA Splicers, a name which indicates its function...) however he knew he had to keep them safe until they were needed so he hid them where no one could get them.
    Suddenly you hear an odd roar outside and when you do you'll see Team Plasma's Frigate FLYING over the city! Before you could think anything else, it then starts bombarding the city with a cannon which creates giant ice pillars all over the city. Zinzolin and a few grunts walk up to you and asks for the DNA Splicers, though it's mostly an empty threat since Zinzolin reveals that they can't fire any more shots (Hint if you want to become a villain: NEVER reveal the limitation of your devices. Zinzolin should have just said if they don't give the DNA Splicers they would fire more onto the city of Dragon-types. Then if they wanted to they could have a grunt become confused by this and accidentally reveal they can't fire again). Team Plasma starts running around the city to look for the DNA Splicers and Drayden says he needs our help to drive them out of Opelucid City. I actually ran around the city (by the way the ice pillars create sliding ice tiles) and the building you can enter actually have the people inside worried about what's going on!) After running around the city and defeating a batch of grunts, they then remember that they were told the DNA Splicers could be at the Gym (you mean one of the first places you didn't search was the Gym?) and when you go to the Gym you see Zinzolin in front of it. He's easy enough to defeat so him and the other grunts run away.
    Now that Team Plasma has been chased out, Drayden reveals where he hid the DNA Splicers: The Opelucid Gym (I would say that's not exactly the greatest hiding place though being that is indeed the last place Team Plasma decided to look for it...). Daryden gives us the the DNA Splicers... only for them to be snatched by the Shadow Triad! The Shadow Triad say they thought the DNA Splicers were in the Gym since they can't get in when Drayden isn't there (why not? You can teleport, how does Drayden not being in the Gym stop you from teleporting in and searching around?) and when he is there he's strong enough to chase them off. So now that they have the DNA Splicers they teleport away, though for some reason Drayden believes they're still in Opelucid City and tells us to start searching. Now we "sort of" go through the "Shadow Triad chase through a frozen city" scene in the animated trailer. Except we're not really following anyone and when we do find a Shadow Traid member it's only the one, he's just standing in front of the gate to Route 11 instead of an ice pillar, and when you battle him he doesn't have a Bisharp (though he does have a two Pawniard, though his strongest Pokemon is an Absol). Also the Shadow Traid was holding a scroll in the animated trailer and not the DNA Splicers but I understand changing that to avoid spoilers (though maybe in the games they could have had Drayden say it was hidden in a scroll). Anyway the Shadow Triad member says he was just buying his other members time to get away and teleport away himself, leaving us defeated.
    Hugh and Cheren then call and ask what happened as they saw a flying ship heading toward Opelucid City (and you called me and not Drayden because...?) and after hearing what happened Cheren tells me and Hugh to go to Humilau City via the Marine Tube in Undella Town. So with that we head off, though if you want a little "easter egg" you may want to see how the ice blasts effected Route 9 and Route 11.

    9. The Marine Tube is very nice looking, it's essentially B2W2's equivalent to BW's Skyarrow Bridge. There's no items or battles you need to worry about, however if you a Wailord swim over you get a Medal however it's random when that happens and sadly it didn't happen for me.

    10. Humilau City is interesting, while Virbank City was really just another city except it had canals, Humilau City is like a resort with a beach area (where the Pokemon Center and Gym is) while the vacation goers stay in huts built on platforms over the water. Also Hugh is by the Gym and tells you to win the Gym Badge so that they can go after Team Plasma. At first you're told Marlon isn't in the Gym and to go look for him though he can be anywhere... and as soon as you go to where all the huts are he jumps out, sees you're here to battle him, and says he'll be in the Gym. But of course I first want to talk to everyone and get all the items scattered around, which for some of that you need Surf for. One interesting hut has an old woman who asks you to walk her Pokemon, a Mienfoo, and the hut and she practically yells at you for doing anything (trying to leave, looking in the trash, watching the TV...). However after walking it around enough (to see how it's doing just interact with it) and once you walked around with it enough you'll be given a Pearl.
    Now I plan on exploring Route 22, 21, and Seaside Cave next so I stopped an saved here (I tried to explore Seaside Cave before but some guy with 4 Roggenrola says to come back when I'm strong enough. I checked to see if you can battle this guy and you can: he has 4 Roggenrola that are around level 40. My Emboar at that time was level 50. I think I can take care of myself).

    11. Team time:

    Emboar: Level 57: Blaze: Fire Punch, Heat Crash, Hammer Arm, Flamethrower
    Lucario: Level 46: Innder Focus: Force Palm, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball
    Braviary: Level 44: Defiant: Fly, Aerial Ace, Slash, Rock Slide
    Amphoras: Level 43: Static: Discharge, ThunderPunch, Power Gem, Thunder Wave
    Excadrill: Level 45: Sand Force: Earthquake, Metal Claw, Slash, Rock Slide
    Pinsir: Level 43: Mold Breaker: X-Scissor, Thrash, Brick Break, Superpower
    Flygon: Level 47: Levitate: Earth Power, Dragon Tail, Dragonbreath, Rock Slide

    Going to start training Amphoras since, unlike the Flying-type Gym, I don't think Emboar can take on the Water-type Gym because Marlon uses a Carracosta which is bulky Physical wise, a Wailord which has high HP, and a Jellicent which is part Ghost-type so I can only use my Fire-type attacks which would be halved. However Amphoras should have no problem from no matter who it faces.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [226]Oct 12, 2012
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    I caught a Skorupi not long ago, since I needed a sixth mon due to giving up on getting heracross. After a while in the Strange House (creepy stuff there) i go to the magma cave, Bianca comes with but i don't care much. Then, towards the end. Boldore and a SHINY SKORUPI!! I hadn't used my Skorupi yet! It was going to be awesome! BUT NO. NO. BIANCA OHKO'D IT WITH A PSYCHIC BEFORE HTE GAME WOULD EVEN ALLOW ME TO THROW BALLS AT IT.


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [227]Oct 13, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:


    I caught a Skorupi not long ago, since I needed a sixth mon due to giving up on getting heracross. After a while in the Strange House (creepy stuff there) i go to the magma cave, Bianca comes with but i don't care much. Then, towards the end. Boldore and a SHINY SKORUPI!! I hadn't used my Skorupi yet! It was going to be awesome! BUT NO. NO. BIANCA OHKO'D IT WITH A PSYCHIC BEFORE HTE GAME WOULD EVEN ALLOW ME TO THROW BALLS AT IT.


    You're already at Lentimas Town? Wow, you must be speeding through the game.

    And ouch, I'm sorry to hear about that, I do hate that partner characters participates with you in Wild Battles. Trainer battles I understand (though I also prefer those alone because of the experience), but wild battles? What if you want to catch the Pokemon to fill out your Pokedex, or it's a higher level then the one you already have, or, I don't know, IT'S A SHINY! I would have said try knocking out her Pokemon but unfortunately she uses a Musharna which are pretty bulky.

    Actually I overall hate how Wild Double Battles work when you want to catch a Pokemon. First off there has to be only one Pokemon left, if both wild Pokemon are still active then it says the trainer can't focus on which Pokemon to catch (no game, I am pretty focused on at least one of these Pokemon). And if you want both Pokemon then too bad, you'll have to choose one for now and encounter the other one later. And, despite having two Pokemon on the field thus you should have two turns, you're only allowed to throw the Pokeball using your first Pokemon's turn and the 2nd Pokemon's turn just vanishes. And when you want to weaken a Pokemon you can't tell the other Pokemon to do nothing, if you want them to do nothing then you have to switch them out which added a few more seconds to the battle. Oh, and all these complaints? THEY DON'T EXIST IN THE COLOSSEUM GAMES! There you're allowed throw the Pokeball even if your opponent still has two Pokemon on the field (meaning you can catch both if their both Shadow Pokemon), you can throw the Pokeball on any of your Pokemon's turn without taking the turn of the other Pokemon, and you can tell your Pokemon to do nothing (technically you "Call" them but it's essentially a do nothing command unless the Pokemon is in Hyper Mode, Confused, or Asleep in which case it cures them).

    Of course being this is a partner battle it won't work the same however they should probably give you an option to tell your partner whether to attack or not since, well, you're the player and know what you're doing.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [228]Oct 13, 2012
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    Made it to Castelia City, and out of OCD, trying to find an Eevee with a good nature for Espeon. Exploring the Sewers but still trying to figure out how to get into that Alley place that you reach through the sewers. Training is not bad, though kinda just Audino killing to level up my Pokemon to a good level.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [229]Oct 13, 2012
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    Ok, i'm currently lost and have no clue where i'm supposed to go. I think Drayden is the next gym i'm supposed to fight? But one of the /FIGHT trio is in the way and I don't wanna have to catch it yet. :T

    RawVoltage (Electabuzz) lvl 40
    Reyn (Darmanitan) lvl 39
    Keima (Espeon) lvl 38
    Spike (Cloyster) lvl 37
    Cleo (Vibrava) lvl 37
    Karai (Skorupi) lvl 35

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [230]Oct 13, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Ok, i'm currently lost and have no clue where i'm supposed to go. I think Drayden is the next gym i'm supposed to fight? But one of the /FIGHT trio is in the way and I don't wanna have to catch it yet. :T

    RawVoltage (Electabuzz) lvl 40
    Reyn (Darmanitan) lvl 39
    Keima (Espeon) lvl 38
    Spike (Cloyster) lvl 37
    Cleo (Vibrava) lvl 37
    Karai (Skorupi) lvl 35

    You can do two things:

    1. Just walk past it. It may react to you being near it, but it won't do anything until you interact with it.

    2. Knock it out and get some experience. Once you beat the Elite Four & Champion it'll return though will be at level 65 instead of 45.

    The same will go for the other two Swords of Justice.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [231]Oct 13, 2012
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    Experience it is!

    They have a KICKASS theme, btw. And woo. Karai evolved.

    OK. Drayden's Gym. GOTY. Gym of the Year. Holy hell that was a cool one.

    Of course, Spike murdered everything by itself.

    Edited on 10/13/2012 10:09am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [232]Oct 13, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Experience it is!

    They have a KICKASS theme, btw. And woo. Karai evolved.

    It's the Legendary theme all the Unova non-Tao Trio Legendaries have... which now thinking about it only applies to the Swords of Justice in Black 2 & White 2. Hmm, guess they should make it their official theme (though I do wish they would remix each track so it's unique for each member like they did with the Legendary Beasts theme in HeartGold & SoulSilver).

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [233]Oct 13, 2012
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    Huh well while you guys are off getting the seventh badge I just got my fourth

    Beat Elisa with Axew and Lucario lost my Magnemite.

    Also didn't think you could get N's pokemon until you received Zorua, I already caught two of them :S

    Edited on 10/13/2012 6:21pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [234]Oct 13, 2012
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    I got six of them so far, I really need to go pick up that Zorua sometime...

    Anyway, just beat up the boat. Teams is now:

    Spike (Cloyster) lvl 46
    Keima (Espeon) lvl 44
    Cleo (Flygon) lvl 46
    RawVoltage (Electivire) lvl 50
    Reyn (Darmanitan) lvl 46
    Sifu Kisu (Mienshao) lvl 50

    Cleo is the only girl here. Also, all of the musketeer trio has been beaten up with extreme prejudice. Next up, the Great Chasm!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [235]Oct 13, 2012
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    Maractus is a bit too slow so I traded for a Petilil. Lilligant served me well in White so I know it will be a beast again. Did a lot of training today to get Dewott and Flaaffy up to par with the rest of the team. Although I need to find a way to speed Flaaffy up some. Also did the Team Plasma events in Driftveil City. Tomorrow I'll head up Route 6 for gym battle training.

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Huh well while you guys are off getting the seventh badge I just got my fourth

    Beat Elisa with Axew and Lucario lost my Magnemite.

    Also didn't think you could get N's pokemon until you received Zorua, I already caught two of them :S

    Don't worry, I'm right there with you. Only at Driftveil right now.
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    [236]Oct 14, 2012
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    I started feeling really sick while playing, so I called it a night. Got to the third area in the Victory Road proper. Turns out that Waterfall is Not for all water mons, so when I reach the part that needs it, i'll be going back and teach it to some random pokemon to finish cruising the road.

    Not gonna bother checking my levels again, but everything's 50-54. Cleo is starting to suck, so i'm gonna research how to get Dragon Claw, Earthquake and hopefully Stone Edge. Shadow Ball for Keima.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [237]Oct 14, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    I started feeling really sick while playing, so I called it a night. Got to the third area in the Victory Road proper. Turns out that Waterfall is Not for all water mons, so when I reach the part that needs it, i'll be going back and teach it to some random pokemon to finish cruising the road.

    Not gonna bother checking my levels again, but everything's 50-54. Cleo is starting to suck, so i'm gonna research how to get Dragon Claw, Earthquake and hopefully Stone Edge. Shadow Ball for Keima.

    Dragon Claw: Level 55
    Earthquake: Can't get till post game (TM26 is on Route 15)
    Stone Edge: Can't get till post game (TM71 is in Twist Mountain)
    Shadow Ball: There's a path alongside the left of the Strange House that goes to the back of the house where TM30 is.

    I stopped using my Flygon now that I have a Vanilluxe, though I'm going to have to train it up. And just as you said, before that I'm actually going to start forming my League Team as well as go back to previous areas now that I have Waterfall (plus I have to go through Route 23 again with a Pokemon that knows Cut and Surf).

    And tomorrow I'll post up what happened in the rest of the story.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [238]Oct 14, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Maractus is a bit too slow so I traded for a Petilil. Lilligant served me well in White so I know it will be a beast again. Did a lot of training today to get Dewott and Flaaffy up to par with the rest of the team. Although I need to find a way to speed Flaaffy up some. Also did the Team Plasma events in Driftveil City. Tomorrow I'll head up Route 6 for gym battle training.
    Kwando7 wrote:

    Huh well while you guys are off getting the seventh badge I just got my fourth

    Beat Elisa with Axew and Lucario lost my Magnemite.

    Also didn't think you could get N's pokemon until you received Zorua, I already caught two of them :S

    Don't worry, I'm right there with you. Only at Driftveil right now.

    Just got there, got the Zorua plan on making it apart of the group. There's a move tutor there I'm sure you guys know about. Still trying to make an entirely new team so I have a good rotation going

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [239]Oct 14, 2012
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    Drayden can be annoying if you don't have a Dragon Pokemon, an Ice Pokemon, or something with an Ice attack. The only Ice Pokemon you could actually get before you face him is Lapras at the Village Bridge, which only has a 5% chance of appearing, and if it uses Perish Song, you have three turns to soften it up and catch it before you have to go nuts again. All the other Ice types are around the Giant Chasm for obvious reasons, unless you wait until Winter and catch Cubchoo on Route 7.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [240]Oct 14, 2012
    • member since: 06/27/07
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    • rank: Shark Jumper
    • posts: 9,508

    Kwando7 wrote:

    There's a move tutor there I'm sure you guys know about.

    Not only know about, but used. How else do you think my Emboar knows Fire Punch and Vanilluxe knows Signal Beam?

    Just finished the main story (well, in terms of the Team Plasma plot that is): (SPOILERS AHEAD)

    1. Well I went and explored Route 22, 21, and Seaside Cave and really there was nothing except the usual 3: Wild Pokemon, trainers, and items. HOWEVER in Seaside Cave I did come to a point where one of those Crustle rocks that Corless woke up on Route 4 was blocking a side exit/entrance (we should make up a word for something like that, how about exintrance?). However I did show that Roggenrola guy that I am indeed tough enough, though funny thing is he said that now he'll let me pass him... except I was ALREADY in the cave as I came in from the entrance on Route 21. With no way to move the Crustle rock (which was preventing me from getting some items, GRR) I decided it was time to take on Humilau Gym.

    2. My favorite type of Pokemon are Fire-types. No while I personally don't have a type I don't like, you can say that a type a Fire-type probably would least like are Water-types. Yeah, Fire-types are also weak to Rock- and Ground-types and Rock-types also resist Fire-type attacks like Water-types do, but being Emboar is part Fighting-type his Fighting-type move can handle Rock-types. So that just leaves Water-types, and oh boy, after battling some of the trainers in this Gym I can agree that Water-types can get a bit annoying. But first let's talk about the Gym puzzle. This Gym puzzle is probably the most well known Black 2 & White 2 Gym Puzzle as it was ALWAYS shown in the trailers thus we already know what it is: in order to travel through the Gym or fill gaps between docks you have to jump onto lily pads and move them to your next destination or to fill up said gaps. Doesn't take much to figure it out.
    But the trainers, GAH! I was using Ampharos and trying to conserve Discharge PP while traveling through so I guess that was problem #1. Problem #2 was that pretty much everyone's Pokemon was faster then Ampharos despite Ampharos being 10 levels above their Pokemon (kind of why I got rid of Electro Ball for Discharge). So here I was, trying to conserve Discharge PP, which would probably take them all out with 1 hit, and using Power Gem and Signal Beam (which replaces ThunderPunch since Ampharos is a Special Attacker) to at best 2HKO their Pokemon (though sometimes I did use Discharge).
    However I made it ALL the way through and finally it's time to battle Gym Leader Marlon... and I pretty much 1HKO all his Pokemon. Carracosta got a Scald in due to Sturdy letting it survive a 1HKO, but took it out with a Power Gem next turn and walked all over his other two Pokemon which didn't have the benefit of Sturdy.
    Also, after getting the Badge (and TM for Scald), Marlon then dives into the water behind him and swims away. Clyde even notes this if you talk with him before you leave the Gym.

    3. So now that I got the Badge, Hugh is ready to go after Team Plasma however Marlon then walks up to me from Route 21 (an impressive feat considering, if his Gym is open to the outside, swam toward the resort area of Humilau City) and asks if Hugh really hates Team Plasma which he says he does and asks me whether I think I should stop Team Plasma or not. I'm sensing the game is trying to say that technically Team Plasma hasn't really done anything wrong to me personally, unlike Hugh who's little sister's Pokemon was stolen, and in story I'm only fighting for Team Plasma on behalf of my rival friend. An interesting question to provide to the player... if it wasn't for the fact several times as you battle them Team Plasma state their goals of stealing Pokemon and taking over the world for the Evulz. They're no longer hiding behind their "we're doing this to free Pokemon from slavery" like in Black & White (though even there you can tell many of the grunts really didn't care) but are in full-on villain mode. Yes, they did nothing wrong to me, but then again they're trying to take over the world (which we'll later learn by FREEZING IT) and if they succeed they'll no doubt take my Pokemon from me. So you know what, yes, I do want to stop Team Plasma. And Marlon, before you try being philosophical, GET THE ENTIRE STORY FIRST! Anyway Marlon says he personally has no qualms with them (yes, a Gym Leader, a specialist in training and caring for Pokemon, doesn't care about a villainous group who are trying to take over the world and doing this via using stolen Pokemon that they have even said they "bullied" *coughtorturedcough* into making stronger) so just walks away with Hugh asking if the guy is just laid back or irresponsible. Hugh then tells me we'll split up and look for Team Plasma with him taking Route 21 and I taking Route 22.

    4. So I go through Route 22 again but this time there's a new resident waiting for me: Terrakion, the last of the Swords of Justice. So I get ready to capture him but when I'm a step away from him Colress comes up to me and start talking about how Terrakion seems to be waiting for me, unlocking Pokemon hidden potential, blah blah blah HOWEVER he does give me the Colress Machine which is the device he used to move the Crustle rocks on Route 4 and I just so happen to know where there's another one. But first I catch Terrakion which was a bit interesting since I accidentally confused him with Signal Beam and was throwing Ultra Balls like mad hoping that he either recovers from Confusion soon or get captured before knocking himself out, thankfully the latter happened.

    5. Back in Seaside Cave in front of the Crustle rock, I interact with it and the Colress Machine wakes the Crustle up and I capture it since that Crustle has it's Hidden Ability, Weak Armor. So I step through the exintrance and I find Team Plasma's Frigate just floating there. Hugh comes running onto the scene and wonders how we're going to get on when the screen goes black and we here what I think is suppose to be the sound of the boarding plank being let down. Who let it down? Why it's Mr. I'm-Not-Getting-Involved Marlon. He says that though Team Plasma isn't his enemy (I guess we're not going to get a scene of the Gym Leaders coming together and helping us this time around, are we?), he still sees that we need some help which had has no problem doing though runs away as he says Team Plasma grunts are coming out. With the plank down, Hugh runs up and me right behind.

    6. Now before I go on further, apparently there are two puzzles you do on the Plasma Frigate, HOWEVER the order you do them in different depending on the version you're playing. The puzzles are 1. you needing to get a password to clear electric barriers so you go down to the grunts sleeping quarters and battle them to get the key card and password & 2. a puzzle which involve moving around pipes to get to certain teleporters which will lead to switches to turn off an electric barrier. I'm playing White 2 so right now I'm doing the 1st puzzle but if you're playing Black 2 you should be doing the 2nd puzzle. Now onto the story:
    Unlike the last time we were on the Plasma Frigate, after defeating the first few grunts we now get to explore the Plasma Frigate though soon find electric barriers keeping us from getting to where we need to go. Hugh says we should split up so now I'm on me own, exploring around and making sure I'm not missing any items (and also touching the electric barrier because it's funny what happens). Once done I go down below what I presume is the crew quarters where Hugh is harassing a Team Plasma grunt who reveals he's a spy from Rood (BTW, as he tells us all this we have other Team Plasma grunts doing patrols on eitherside of us, apparently those ski masks they were limits their site and hearing), though Hugh has no use for him since he doesn't know where his sister's Purrloin is. The spy tells us that to get through the electric barriers we need the Plasma Card and password. So now I proceed to going around and beating up all the grunts until I got the Plasma Card as well as the password (there's also a room with beds where you can rest... said room also has 2 Plasma grunts yet they decide not to steal my Pokemon and tie me up while I sleep). Now apparently there are 5 possible passwords you can get: 2202, 7707, 9909, Reshiram, & Zekrom. I got the 7707 one and these were what the clues were:

    1. A female grunt says she doesn't know the password, however he "favorite" number is 0. (the only reason you would tell us that last part is because you know part of the password. However from the text is sounded like you didn't want to help us... yet you did. So either she secretly wanted to help us but didn't want to admit it or it's actually a coincidence her favorite number is part of the password and she decided to tell us for no good reason except maybe to try and sound like a smarta$$)
    2. The first number is 7. (Okay, simple enough)
    3. Three of the four digits are the same number. (that's rather stupid to do)
    4. Second number is 7. (Okay, so 7 is the duplicate number but is the third of fourth digit the other 7?)
    5. Fourth number is 7. (... You know, this isn't really much of a logic puzzle, is it?)

    Anyway, after getting the barriers down I enter the previous barred room to find Zinzolin and a grunt viewing Kyurem who Team Plasma had captured and caged. Zinzolin reveals they've been using Kyurem's power to fly the Plasma Frigate and how they were able to shoot ice blasts at Opelucid City. Hugh then rushes in and sees Kyurem though it's time for a double battle with me and Hugh vs. Zinzolin and the grunt. Easy enough battle, though I can imagine it being harder if one of us had a Serperior instead of Emboar and Samurott. Hugh demands for Purrloin back saying it was given to his sister by their grandfather however Zinzolin says the sentiment only means something to Hugh and no one else as Zinzolin has the Shadow Triad teleport us off the Plasma Frigate and we get a cutscene of it using Kyurem's ice powers to lift and fly off.
    Back on the side beach of Seaside Cave, Cheren comes in and says the Plasma Frigate is heading toward Giant Chasm. Cheren and Hugh run off and so do I!

    (Continued in next post)

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