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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [181]Oct 1, 2012
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    The Game Ain't Release Yet:
    Thus I will still keep on reporting about localization names! This time we have one location (which Serebii reports is the last new area which localized name hadn't been revealed yet, except for now) and various new items.

    1. Nature Sanctuary is now Nature Preserve. You remember that other island just below and to the right of Liberty Garden (aka the place you got Victini in Black & White)? Well this is what that island is. You can't go there until you complete the game. Aside from high level Pokemon and a few scarce items, the only other attraction to this place is a Shiny Haxorus! Just like you did when you got the Red Gyarados, you can catch it and gloat to all your friends about having a Shiny Haxorus only to find out they too have one!

    Ah, nature, it's so relaxing... WHERE IS THAT DARN HAXORUS!

    List Of Localized Items:
    2. Colress Machine is now Colress MCHN. Description: A special device that forcibly awakens the powers of Pokemon. But it's a prototype, so it's unfinished. ("What does that all mean?" you maybe asking? You remember those Snorlax in the Kanto games, how about Sudowoodo in the Johto games, or maybe them Kecleon in the Hoenn games. That's right, it's used to move a certain Pokemon aside. This time it's a Crustle. Colress will actually get rid of the first one for you, however you can find a Crustle of your very own to wake up in the Seaside Cave.)
    3. Dirty Handkerchief is now Grubby Hanky. Description: A handkerchief that a regular visitor to Nacrene City's "Cafe Warehouse" dropped. Faintly smells of Pokemon. (As you might have guessed from the description, you're given the item (by someone on Monday) to return to its owner (which is a girl that goes to the cafe on Tuesday). What happens when you do this? No idea. Really, I looked around and no one is quite sure if anything happens when you complete the task. Though while trying to figure out what it does I did discover that it might actually be a reference to Final Fantasy XI as in those games there is also an item called "Dirty Handkerchief" which is used in Chocobo raising. In fact the very second sentence is a re-wording of that item's description "A used handkerchief that smells faintly of sweat and chocobos.")
    4. Gene Wedge is now DNA Splicers. Description: A pair of linking pins to combine Kyurem and a Pokemon which were said to originally be one. (Well, guess that answers how Kyurem becomes Black Kyurem and/or White Kyurem. Though I have to wonder, isn't Black Kyurem and White Kyurem still incomplete? BOTH Reshiram and Zekrom came from Kyurem, so wouldn't you need 3 DNA Splicers (the description says there are only a pair of DNA Splicers, meaning 2) to create the original dragon? Hmm, I also wonder if this item works in reverse...)
    5. Forgotten Item is now Dropped Item. Description: A LiveCaster picked up in Nimbasa City's Amusement Park. (Oh boy, does this ever sound like a fun side quest, though the reward is quite interesting. Serebii wrote up everything you need to know about this quest HERE.)
    6. License is now Permit. Description: A license card necessary to enter the Nature Preserve that very few people know of. (What, you thought after becoming Champion they're just going to let you go wherever you want? No, you need permission to go to the Nature Preserve to get your Shiny Haxorus, but how do you get your permit? Well I heard Professor Juniper has one, but how to get it from her... wait, weren't we suppose to do something for her... *looks at pokedex* Oh, yeah, we got a new Pokedex to fill out...)
    7. Round Charm is now Oval Charm. Description: A mysterious unbelievable charm that when held, makes it easier for the Daycare Man to find eggs. (So what, it's a aphrodisiac? Ah, I suppose it's good for those who competition train though really what do you expect from COMPLETING THE REGIONAL DEX. Yeah, that's how you get this item, it's given by Professor Juniper. So wait, if you get this for completing the Regional Dex, what about the national dex? Well...)
    8. Shinning Charm is now Shiny Charm. Description: A mysterious shining charm that when held, makes it easier to encounter shiny Pokemon. (Now this item seems a bit more interesting, especially since it would have helped get you that Medal for capturing a Shiny Pokemon... if it wasn't for the fact there are two instances in the game where the player is given or can catch a Shiny Pokemon. But still, a nice item, too bad the requirement to get it is a pain in the neck...)
    9. Reflecting Mirror is now Reveal Glass. Description: A mysterious mirror that reflects the truth and changes Pokemon to their true forms. (Speaking of which, there's an announcement about the Dream Radar below that I know you're going to just LOVE...)
    10 & 11. Medal Box and Plasma Card keep their names. Medal Box Description: A box-like device which stores the medals you've collected and displays information about them. Plasma Card Description: A card key needed in the Plasma Frigate when entering the Password. (Box-like?)

    Gotta make that Key Item pocket worth having!

    Dreaming It Was Free:
    As you all know, there will soon be an application available on the 3DS eShop called the Dream Radar which lets you catch Pokemon and send the over to your Black 2 and/or White 2. However the main draw of this application is that it also allows you to catch the Kami trio in their Therian Forme as oppose to their Incarnate Forme we're familiar with. This is not only the only way to get the Kami Trio in Black 2 and/or White 2 outside of transferring them from Black and/or White, but also the only way to get the Reveal Glass as to get that you need to take Landorus in its Therian Forme (only gotten through Dream Radar) to the shrine in Abundant Shrine. All this and more... for $2.99! Yes, along with the release of Black 2 & White 2 on October 7th, Sunday, the Dream Radar will also be released onto the eShop for $2.99. I guess 3 bucks isn't asking for much, though still wish it was free or you got it free for buying Black 2 and/or White 2. Oh well, at least if transfer over Pokemon unlike the Pokedex 3D Pro which costs $14.99 yet, as far as I can tell, doesn't transfer any Pokemon over to Black 2 & White 2.

    Now if you excuse me, I have to figure out how to put money onto my eShop account...

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [182]Oct 1, 2012
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    Oh crap, these come out next week @__@; And I'm still on the reds trying to get cash for the WiiU and a decent computer screen. And an SD/USB thingy and TMNT comic.

    ...I can't even say that I might have to wait on this. I can't even say that. I know i'll get it in the first few days.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [183]Oct 1, 2012
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [184]Oct 2, 2012
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    Book Tag Deal:
    Do you have limited use time on your computer? Have certain sites been blocked off that would have been helpful to your Pokemon playing experience? Or do you simply don't have internet (which in this case how are you reading this?)? Black 2 & White 2 has made many changes to a lot of Pokemon though if for some reason you're separated from a computer while playing then no need to worry as the Pokemon Black Version 2 & Pokemon White Version 2 The Official National Pokedex & Guide Volume 2 (JEEZ, can they make that title any longer?) is coming out November 19th! However if you will have the internet right next to you while playing then there still might be a reason to get it. The book will come with a serial code, which is most likely to be one-use, which will get you a Gothorita with its Hidden Ability, Shadow Tag from the Global Link!

    And if you're having a problem thinking up a moveset for Gothorita to take full advantage of its Shadow Tag ability, you can look up it's moveset on page 285 (NOTE: Gothorita's stats may not be on page 285).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [185]Oct 2, 2012
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [186]Oct 3, 2012
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    Dreaming Of An Online World:
    The Global Link is back (or at least suppose to be, at this moment in time it's down) from it's maintenance to prepare it for Black 2 & White 2! However, in addition to making it Black 2 & White 2 ready, it also added several things, mostly to the Dream World:

    1. If you have any friends in your Pal Pad you can add them as a Dream Pal and visit their Dream Home if they have one. If this feature sounds familiar to you it's because this was an original feature to the Dream World but was removed after the update for some reason. However a new thing is that you can now have up to 50 Dream Pals.

    I'll give you one thing, no one will ever accuse this neighborhood's houses looking alike...

    2. Your garden can now have 3 more additional rows (if you have reached that many dream points) making a grand total of 8 rows (or if you prefer in the number of berries that you can plant, 24)!

    Good, now I can plant 3/5ths more HP healing, PP restoring, status curing, and high priced berries to further make potions, ethers, and status curing medicine not needed and money a none issue.

    3. The chances of encounter a Pokemon or item has been increased which hopefully means that we won't be getting too many "empty" rooms.

    With all the locations you get to got to do you think you can get it added to your frequent flyer miles?

    4. The Pokemon Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta & Genesect can now be tucked in and go to the Dream World. You may or may not have noticed, but if you had any of those mentioned Pokemon in a Storage Box you were viewing when choosing a Pokemon to tuck in, you'll have seen they would have been faded out and selecting them would tell you that they couldn't be put to sleep. Obviously this was because 1. Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Kyurem, & Keldeo were given alternate formes in Black 2 & White 2 so they had to make new artwork for their alternate formes (though how this effects them if they were tucked in Black or White I don't know) and 2. Meloetta and Genesect haven't been released yet. But being we're going to have the Genesect event active soon Meloetta will no doubt have an event either because of its 15th movie short or when it appears in the anime.

    It's always the Legendaries who are causing the problem.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [187]Oct 3, 2012
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [188]Oct 4, 2012
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    A Key, A Song, A Bug, & A Correction:
    If you've been paying attention to my countdown posts (incase you have yet to figured out what those posts are about), Black 2 & White 2 are only a mere 3 days away! A lot of what many people would consider the more "important" localizations have been released but there's still plenty of other features who's localization still remains a mystery. But that's not all I have, some news about certain Event Pokemon have risen, one interesting and another which leaves you wanting more. Finally I have a correction to make about one of the new features in the Dream World, one which if you didn't know might have made you less productive... Let's get started:

    1. Key Link is now Key System. What is Key System? Well it's one of the 3 "systems" within the Unova Link, pretty much one of the options you can choose on the title/main screen (you know, the screen you mostly ignore as you either press "New Game" or "Continue Game"). Now the Key System has 3 features of it's own, but right now we'll only focus on what many would consider the more interesting one, the Mode Change. Mode Change is essentially a difficulty setting, you know, like one you get in a RPG when you start a new game. However at first you can't do anything with it as it'll only have "Normal Mode" unlocked (meaning the game won't have any changes to it at all). HOWEVER once you beat the Champion then things start getting interesting. It's here where there are version differences, but there's a away to get the other Mode which I'll explain later. Anyway, if you have Black 2 you'll unlockChallenge Mode which can be considered the "Hard Mode" as it'll increase trainer's Pokemon's levels, make trainer AI more intelligent, and make battles with important NPCs (Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, Team Plasma Bosses, Bonus Bosses, etc.) more difficult by, in addition to increasing their Pokemon's level and making their AI more intelligent, giving them an extra Pokemon (if they have room), changing their some of their Pokemon moves, giving their Pokemon Held Items, and giving them more potions. If you have White 2 you'll unlock Easy Mode (known as "Assist Mode" in the Japanese version) which, as you can probably guess, does the exact opposite and makes the game easier, though only be decreasing levels and AI intelligence (wow, if you think the AI was stupid before...), it doesn't change any Pokemon moves. "But wait" I hear you say, "I'm getting White 2 and want to play Challenge Mode and you said there's a way to unlock it". Well I did and there is! If you know someone with a copy of the other version (you have have both versions and two DSs) and if they already have unlocked their Mode Change, they can actually unlock that mode in your game, even if you didn't beat the Champion yet! In addition to this, if you know someone who has the same version as you and one of you have unlocked that versions Mode Change, you can actually unlock theirs without them needing to beat the Champion. However I'm not too sure that if you have the other versions or both Mode Changes unlocked you'll be able to unlock another game's Mode Change for the other version's version specific Mode Change. "GREAT!" I hear you exclaim, "As soon as I get it I'll restart my game and play through this harder difficult..." HOLD IT! For some incredibility STUPID reason, if you restart your game then it also locks Challenge Mode and Easy Mode if you have unlocked them. So while I don't really see this as a problem for Easy Mode as the only reason you'd go to Easy Mode is because you're having a hard time with a boss, and even then that can be fixed via grinding, this might be a problem for those who want to play through the game again with Challenge Mode (especially those who would like to do a Nuzlocke or one Pokemon Challenge Mode run!) as you'll need to know someone (or have) a Black 2 version which has beaten the Champion as soon as you start a new game. Oh well, this is Pokemon's first attempt at a difficulty level so there's going to be a few mistakes made here and there. Oh, finally your game's Save file will tell you if you have any mode other then "Normal Mode" activated and if you want to turn on or off another Mode then just go to the Key System's Mode Change and change the Mode, easy as that!

    Hey, Pokemon, you know what would have been also great to add if you weren't going to let us keep the Modes if you restart the game? NEW GAME PLUS!

    2. Now with that wall of text out of the way, Meloetta has been officially announced for the U.S.! We're told its stats, shown it's picture (Aria Forme of course)... and nothing else! Yeah, right now it's really only a teaser, though with it revealed that pretty much guarantees an Event for it sometime in the future.


    3. More information about the Genesect Event has been revealed and, as we've all expected, it's the same as the one from Japan... except for one thing. It's level has been decreased from 50 to 15! You know what that means, right? That means as soon as you get it it'll listen to you! And with moves like Techno Blast, Magnet Bomb, Solar Beam, and Signal Beam, it's pretty much a disc one nuke! Though with moves and its stats the way they are, make sure you get one that at least doesn't have a negative nature for Special Attack. Remember the Genesect Event is from October 7th to Novmber 12, meaning as soon as you get your Black 2 and/or White 2 you'll be able to download it from Nintendo Wifi!

    Getting ready to rip the game a new one.

    4. Finally it seems that there was a mistake in my Dream World announcement regarding the amount of rows in your Garden. Apparently it wasn't 3 new rows added but rather 5, meaning you can have up to 10 rows in your garden (or 30 individual Berry plants if you prefer)! So whenever you can access the Dream World next time (yes, it's STILL under maintenance despite having "reopened" ) and you don't have 10 rows, you may want to start playing the mini-games and sending over Pokemon. You many not use the Pokemon (might even release them), but it's the fastest way of getting Dream Points!

    10 rows! Kind of wish they would increase the maximum amount of berries you can have up from 999... or maybe release more Berries (Kebia Berries would be nice... considering you need them to buy the Chikorita Doll, the ONLY Pokemon Doll I don't have aside from one only available in Japan, and the only way you could have gotten a Kebia Berry was by having it as your "starting Berry" from a 1 out of 16 chance (Kebia Berry is part of a group of Berries known as the "Type Resistant Berries", 16 Berries which would half the damage from Super Effective attacks (except the Chilan Berry which just halves the damage for any Normal-type attack)), though my starting Berry was a Chople Berry! Oh, I guess I could trade with my Dream Pals for one... too bad I don't have any and even then they too would either have to have gotten lucky or knew someone who had gotten Kebia Berries...).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [189]Oct 4, 2012
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [190]Oct 5, 2012
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    Roxie's gym music has been changed. Instead of changing it to Koffing from Dogars, they changed it to Pokemon, and here's the vid.


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    [191]Oct 5, 2012
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Roxie's gym music has been changed. Instead of changing it to Koffing from Dogars, they changed it to Pokemon, and here's the vid.


    Oh, wow, is that an actual voice in a Pokemon game!

    And of course the comments for that video has everyone joking (well, HOPEFULLY they're joking) about how this is a deal breaker. Though I think personally she should have been singing saying spelling P-O-I-S-O-N. I mean why would she be spelling out Dogars (the Japanese name for Koffing), because she has one? It's not even her strongest Pokemon, it's actually the first Pokemon she sends out. Listen Pokemon Company, I know your excited about adding back in the previous generation Pokemon (first they were excited about having all new Pokemon only, now this, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!), but that doesn't mean you need to have the singing character spell out a name of a previous generation Pokemon. Here's a list of previous generation Pokemon we could encounter before arriving to Virbank City: Sunkern, Dunsparce, Psyduck, Mareep, Azurill, Riolu, & Marill. I think by the time we get to Virbank City we'd get the idea you've added back the previous generation Pokemon.

    Anyway, Are These The Final Localization:
    With the games a mere 2 days away (though, as you can see from the video TKnHappyNess posted, some people are getting their copies early) final bits of localizations still have a chance to appear and they are:

    1. Various Medals have received name changes. Which ones? I don't know, Serebii doesn't really say. Though speaking of Serebii, to look through the list of Medals click HERE.

    2. Various PokeStar Studio Movies have received new names, mainly the ones which were in another language:

    Amora Primera Vista has been changed to Love and Battles.
    Die Pforten des Zauberreichs has been changed to Mystery Doors of the Magical Land.
    La Nebbia Rosa has been changed to Red Fog of Terror.
    Un Souvenir Inoubliable has been changed to Everlasting Memories.
    Brycenman Returns Strikes Back has been changed to Brycenman Strikes Back Harder.

    Brycenman, Full Metal Cop, Invaders, Big Monster, TimeGate Traveler, Giant Woman, & Ghost Eraser keep their names.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [192]Oct 5, 2012
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    Brycenman Strikes Back Harder is going to be the first movie I make. If it can't be the first, then i'll stop everything in my life until I get to do it.

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    [193]Oct 5, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Brycenman Strikes Back Harder is going to be the first movie I make. If it can't be the first, then i'll stop everything in my life until I get to do it.

    ... To unlock it you have to obtain the good endings for all the other movies...

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [195]Oct 6, 2012
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    Brycen-man Strikes Back Harder?

    Thank goodness. I don't know what they were thinking with the Japanese name...

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [196]Oct 6, 2012
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    It's revealed early that Professor Juniper's first name is Aurea. Your mother gets a call on the Xtransceiver and refers to her by Aurea Juniper

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [197]Oct 6, 2012
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    It's revealed early that Professor Juniper's first name is Aurea. Your mother gets a call on the Xtransceiver and refers to her by Aurea Juniper

    Uh...That's not new.

    We've known that since BW.

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  • Avatar of Krael4


    [198]Oct 6, 2012
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    The Global Link is back up again!

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [199]Oct 6, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Roxie's gym music has been changed. Instead of changing it to Koffing from Dogars, they changed it to Pokemon, and here's the vid.


    Oh, wow, is that an actual voice in a Pokemon game!

    And of course the comments for that video has everyone joking (well, HOPEFULLY they're joking) about how this is a deal breaker. Though I think personally she should have been singing saying spelling P-O-I-S-O-N. I mean why would she be spelling out Dogars (the Japanese name for Koffing), because she has one? It's not even her strongest Pokemon, it's actually the first Pokemon she sends out. Listen Pokemon Company, I know your excited about adding back in the previous generation Pokemon (first they were excited about having all new Pokemon only, now this, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!), but that doesn't mean you need to have the singing character spell out a name of a previous generation Pokemon. Here's a list of previous generation Pokemon we could encounter before arriving to Virbank City: Sunkern, Dunsparce, Psyduck, Mareep, Azurill, Riolu, & Marill. I think by the time we get to Virbank City we'd get the idea you've added back the previous generation Pokemon.

    Anyway, Are These The Final Localization:
    With the games a mere 2 days away (though, as you can see from the video TKnHappyNess posted, some people are getting their copies early) final bits of localizations still have a chance to appear and they are:

    1. Various Medals have received name changes. Which ones? I don't know, Serebii doesn't really say. Though speaking of Serebii, to look through the list of Medals click HERE.

    2. Various PokeStar Studio Movies have received new names, mainly the ones which were in another language:

    Amora Primera Vista has been changed to Love and Battles.
    Die Pforten des Zauberreichs has been changed to Mystery Doors of the Magical Land.
    La Nebbia Rosa has been changed to Red Fog of Terror.
    Un Souvenir Inoubliable has been changed to Everlasting Memories.
    Brycenman Returns Strikes Back has been changed to Brycenman Strikes Back Harder.

    Brycenman, Full Metal Cop, Invaders, Big Monster, TimeGate Traveler, Giant Woman, & Ghost Eraser keep their names.

    too be fair even in the anime Koffing wasn't Roxie's strongest pokemon

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [200]Oct 6, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Brycen-man Strikes Back Harder?

    Thank goodness. I don't know what they were thinking with the Japanese name...

    That's Engrish for you. However with that said, I did like the titles of the movies that were in other languages... though that's probably because they were in another language (they pretty much translated to what the title would be into English). But since they translated it the titles sound bland (though not as bland as the titles which weren't in another language). I wished the translation team would have done some work to make some of the blander titles (Invaders, Big Monster, Giant Woman, Love and Battles, Mystery Doors of the Magical Land) more interesting. Though with all that said, now that they translated some of the foreign titled languages their going to have to change those movies "icons":

    They can leave Full Metal Cop, Timegate Traveler, The Giant Woman, and Ghost Eraser as is, but all the others their going to have to edit.

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    It's revealed early that Professor Juniper's first name is Aurea. Your mother gets a call on the Xtransceiver and refers to her by Aurea Juniper

    Uh...That's not new.

    We've known that since BW.

    I think it was revealed right around the time they revealed N's full name.

    Krael4 wrote:

    The Global Link is back up again!

    Yup, and it seems like I only have 8 rows in my Garden so I have a lot of point to get. Oh well, that just means I'll have to start playing with the Pokemon again, though that's technically not a bad thing since I'll now have it linked to my White 2 and, though they won't be counted into the Pokedex until post game when you get the National Dex, sending a Pokemon over to your game does get you a chunk of dream points.

    The Last Localization:
    This it it everyone, the last piece of localization. Black 2 & White 2 is out tomorrow meaning I won't be constantly spamming posting on this board like I have been. So here it is, the last piece of localization:

    1. Several of the FunFest Missions have been renamed... though I don't know which ones.

    My, that was anticlimactic... um... here's the awesome PokeStar Studio sprites:

    Just look at all these special effects and make-up! I wonder how they do it...

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