The Game Ain't Release Yet:
Thus I will still keep on reporting about localization names! This time we have one location (which Serebii reports is the last new area which localized name hadn't been revealed yet, except for now) and various new items.
1. Nature Sanctuary is now Nature Preserve. You remember that other island just below and to the right of Liberty Garden (aka the place you got Victini in Black & White)? Well this is what that island is. You can't go there until you complete the game. Aside from high level Pokemon and a few scarce items, the only other attraction to this place is a Shiny Haxorus! Just like you did when you got the Red Gyarados, you can catch it and gloat to all your friends about having a Shiny Haxorus only to find out they too have one!
Ah, nature, it's so relaxing... WHERE IS THAT DARN HAXORUS!
List Of Localized Items:
2. Colress Machine is now Colress MCHN. Description: A special device that forcibly awakens the powers of Pokemon. But it's a prototype, so it's unfinished. ("What does that all mean?" you maybe asking? You remember those Snorlax in the Kanto games, how about Sudowoodo in the Johto games, or maybe them Kecleon in the Hoenn games. That's right, it's used to move a certain Pokemon aside. This time it's a Crustle. Colress will actually get rid of the first one for you, however you can find a Crustle of your very own to wake up in the Seaside Cave.)
3. Dirty Handkerchief is now Grubby Hanky. Description: A handkerchief that a regular visitor to Nacrene City's "Cafe Warehouse" dropped. Faintly smells of Pokemon. (As you might have guessed from the description, you're given the item (by someone on Monday) to return to its owner (which is a girl that goes to the cafe on Tuesday). What happens when you do this? No idea. Really, I looked around and no one is quite sure if anything happens when you complete the task. Though while trying to figure out what it does I did discover that it might actually be a reference to Final Fantasy XI as in those games there is also an item called "Dirty Handkerchief" which is used in Chocobo raising. In fact the very second sentence is a re-wording of that item's description "A used handkerchief that smells faintly of sweat and chocobos.")
4. Gene Wedge is now DNA Splicers. Description: A pair of linking pins to combine Kyurem and a Pokemon which were said to originally be one. (Well, guess that answers how Kyurem becomes Black Kyurem and/or White Kyurem. Though I have to wonder, isn't Black Kyurem and White Kyurem still incomplete? BOTH Reshiram and Zekrom came from Kyurem, so wouldn't you need 3 DNA Splicers (the description says there are only a pair of DNA Splicers, meaning 2) to create the original dragon? Hmm, I also wonder if this item works in reverse...)
5. Forgotten Item is now Dropped Item. Description: A LiveCaster picked up in Nimbasa City's Amusement Park. (Oh boy, does this ever sound like a fun side quest, though the reward is quite interesting. Serebii wrote up everything you need to know about this quest HERE.)
6. License is now Permit. Description: A license card necessary to enter the Nature Preserve that very few people know of. (What, you thought after becoming Champion they're just going to let you go wherever you want? No, you need permission to go to the Nature Preserve to get your Shiny Haxorus, but how do you get your permit? Well I heard Professor Juniper has one, but how to get it from her... wait, weren't we suppose to do something for her... *looks at pokedex* Oh, yeah, we got a new Pokedex to fill out...)
7. Round Charm is now Oval Charm. Description: A mysterious unbelievable charm that when held, makes it easier for the Daycare Man to find eggs. (So what, it's a aphrodisiac? Ah, I suppose it's good for those who competition train though really what do you expect from COMPLETING THE REGIONAL DEX. Yeah, that's how you get this item, it's given by Professor Juniper. So wait, if you get this for completing the Regional Dex, what about the national dex? Well...)
8. Shinning Charm is now Shiny Charm. Description: A mysterious shining charm that when held, makes it easier to encounter shiny Pokemon. (Now this item seems a bit more interesting, especially since it would have helped get you that Medal for capturing a Shiny Pokemon... if it wasn't for the fact there are two instances in the game where the player is given or can catch a Shiny Pokemon. But still, a nice item, too bad the requirement to get it is a pain in the neck...)
9. Reflecting Mirror is now Reveal Glass. Description: A mysterious mirror that reflects the truth and changes Pokemon to their true forms. (Speaking of which, there's an announcement about the Dream Radar below that I know you're going to just LOVE...)
10 & 11. Medal Box and Plasma Card keep their names. Medal Box Description: A box-like device which stores the medals you've collected and displays information about them. Plasma Card Description: A card key needed in the Plasma Frigate when entering the Password. (Box-like?)
Gotta make that Key Item pocket worth having!
Dreaming It Was Free:
As you all know, there will soon be an application available on the 3DS eShop called the Dream Radar which lets you catch Pokemon and send the over to your Black 2 and/or White 2. However the main draw of this application is that it also allows you to catch the Kami trio in their Therian Forme as oppose to their Incarnate Forme we're familiar with. This is not only the only way to get the Kami Trio in Black 2 and/or White 2 outside of transferring them from Black and/or White, but also the only way to get the Reveal Glass as to get that you need to take Landorus in its Therian Forme (only gotten through Dream Radar) to the shrine in Abundant Shrine. All this and more... for $2.99! Yes, along with the release of Black 2 & White 2 on October 7th, Sunday, the Dream Radar will also be released onto the eShop for $2.99. I guess 3 bucks isn't asking for much, though still wish it was free or you got it free for buying Black 2 and/or White 2. Oh well, at least if transfer over Pokemon unlike the Pokedex 3D Pro which costs $14.99 yet, as far as I can tell, doesn't transfer any Pokemon over to Black 2 & White 2.
Now if you excuse me, I have to figure out how to put money onto my eShop account...