(continued from previous post)
7. Though Route 22 again (I've been through this route so many times I should set up a house here), I get to the entrance of the cave portion of Giant Chasm and enter. I could have entered before but I sort of new that was end game area so I decided to wait until the game told me to go there. Apparently there were 2 grunts who were blocking your way from getting further. Hugh runs in and sees this but another grunt tells the 2 blocking grunts that they're needed in Giant Chasm. Hugh tells the lone grunt to get ready to battle but the grunt tells them he's the spy from before and allows us to pass through. There's another new exintrance on the opposite side of Giant Chasm leading to Route 23 but that's blocked off by grunts but what isn't blocked off is the front exintrance, the one which connects to Route 13. So I push the boulder to open that path up for easier access and also catch a Vanillish which evolved into a Vanilluxe one level up later! But onto the story, with all that done I then go into crater area where I find Hugh who's looking are Rood and two ex-Plasma grunts arguing with 5 neo Plasma grunts. Rood tells us he wants to try and reason with their old comrades but they believe him to be a traitor and they battle us. Me and Hugh defeat the ones we were battling but more show up however Rood and the ex-grunts hold them back and tells us to enter the Plasma Frigate and stop Team Plasma, also telling Hugh that the Shadow Triad might have his sister's Purrloin.
8. Now if you're playing Black 2 this is where you'll now play the password puzzle while White 2 players get the pipe and teleporter puzzle, which I'll now discuss.
Hugh is battling grunts as I board so I just go down the only new open entrance where I'm greeted by the spy again who explains the puzzle. And boy, this puzzle was a bit annoying, all I can say is trial and error (though they have a Doctor who, though is part of Team Plasma, will still hear your Pokemon because all he wants to do is stop Pokemon from getting hurt (so there still seems to be some members who believe in separating Pokemon and humans to protect Pokemon which is nice I suppose). Eventually all the electric barriers go down (having made sure to touch it before turning them off, of course) and I enter the room where Kyurem is being kept (before I was in the room above it looking down at Kyurem). Zinzolin then appears behind me and says the machine is indestructible and since I won't quit he'll have to defeat me (yes, the Ice-type trainer said he'll take the trainer, who he knows has an overleveled Emboar, down...). So after curbstomping Zinzolin he says Team Plasma will still win and I decide to head to the teleporter being blocked by a grunt who says if we want to continue then to use the other portal (they might as well have put a sign up which says "This way for game progression". Also I just curbstomped your boss, if I want to go through the portal you're blocking I don't think you can tell me no, or rather my Emboar no). However I do what the game wants me to do and we discover the boss of Team Plasma: Colress!
Colress says he became the boss of Team Plasma on request of a friend though he's not really interested in leading Team Plasma but rather he's interested in unlocking a Pokemon's true potential, whether it be my way of raising a Pokemon, Team Plasma's by taking over the world, or even if it DESTROYS THE WORLD (great, we're getting into Xehanort level experiments here...). He then challenges us to a battle and it's rather a good battle, of course since most of his Pokemon are Steel-types or don't resist Fire-type moves Emboar wins the battle for me. After the battle Colress congratulates me and asks if I'm going to continue becoming better by understanding both Pokemon and trainers. Being I'm the good guy, I say yes, and he goes off again on how he'll bring out Pokemon's hidden potential no matter the cost and tells us our battle with Team Plamsa will prove whether my or their method is right. He tells me to use the other portal that grunt was protecting so I go back and the guy gets scared off since I beat Colress plus he doesn't have any Pokemon.
So where does this teleporter take us? To the bid bad himself, the true freak without a heart, the mastermind behind not this plan but also Team Plasma's last takeover attempt 2 years ago: Ghetsis. He curses Colress for not caring about his plans and goes into a villain speech to how he'll use Kyurem's power to freeze Unova and take over. A Shadow Triad member then appears and tells Ghetsis that Kyurem has been transferred and Ghetsis sets of as Hugh comes in and demands the Shadow Triad to give back his sister's Purrloin. And the Shadow Triad member not knows where Purrloin is, he has it with him! However it's no longer a Purrloin but now an angry Liepard which the Shadow Triad says only listens to him and goes on how Pokemon in Pokeballs are slaves and if Ghetsis plans have succeeded 2 years ago then many Pokemon would have been saved. But now that he's done messing with Hugh he wants to mess with me... a rather poor decision when your Pokemon are Dark- and Steel-types and fighting someone who you should know uses his Fire/Fighting-type Starter often. After that the 2 other Shadow Traids appear and prevent me from following Ghetsis until I defeat all of them (and they don't just teleport you away because?), and don't expect Hugh to be doing anything as he's BSODing about Liepard. I defeat them just the same (only time one of their Pokemon got to hit me was the last one's Accelgor, but even then I 1HKO all their Pokemon) and the first Shadow Triad says it doesn't matter as all we can do is watch Ghetsis use Kyurem to freeze all of Unova. They tell Hugh he can have Liepard back as, if Ghetsis plans succeeds, they won't be needing it and teleport away leaving me, Hugh, and Liepard alone. Hugh is still BSODing so I go on to the inner cave of Giant Chasm.
9. Within Giant Chasm's inner cave where Kyurem was in Black & White (BTW, didn't I catch you in that game?) I find Ghetsis who summons Kyurem. Ghetsis says the glare in your eyes reminds him of something (or maybe someone *winkwinknudgenudge*) and orders Kyurem to FREEZE ME WITH GLACIATE! As the player stands there and does nothing (huh? Oh, that's not me, if it was me I would have sent out Emboar to fill Kyurem's and Ghetsis's face with fists of flame), just as giant icicles are about to freeze him solid, N and Reshiram (Zekrom in Black 2) appears and uses Fusion Flare (Fusion Bolt in Black 2) to destroy Glaciate. N says his dragon told him Kyurem was suffering and how he likes Unova and won't let harm come to either Pokemon nor Unova. Ghetsis says he expected such determination from N though still hasn't forgotten how N ruined his plans even though he adopted and cared for N. Ghetsis actually was expecting N to come, or more specifically, his dragon as he uses the DNA Splicers which goes into Kyurem and a flashy animated scene takes place as Kyurem breaks the ice on its wings and uses the spikes on them to fire laser at N's dragon which turns it back into its Light/Dark Stone form. Kyurem then uses Absofusion, absorbing the Light/Dark Stone and becoming White/Black Kyurem. N is in disbelief as Ghetsis says he was going to win over people's hearts to take over Unova but now he's going to use force to do so, blaming N for Unova's "upcoming" destruction. Ghetsis then tells me (yeah, the player is now me again since we're going to actually be battling soon) to challenge Kyurem though informs us we can't catch Kyurem due to his cane emitting waves which de-activate Pokeballs (then shouldn't that mean either all of my Pokemon should have come out of their Pokeballs or I can't send out any of my Pokemon?). N says he still hears his dragon and begs us to help it as Ghetsis says he wants to see the fear in my eyes while battling Kyurem. So how did the battle go? WELL I wanted to see if what Ghetsis said about Pokeballs was true so I thought that one Fire Punch from Emboar surely wouldn't knock out a Legendary even if Emboar was 10 levels higher. Yeah, Kyurem didn't last one turn since Fire Punch DID knock it out *sigh*.
So beating it up manages to separate N's dragon and Kyurem as N's dragon goes back to N's side and Kyurem vanishes, leaving Ghetsis angry and panicking. Ghetsis won't give up though, saying he will recapture Kyurem though first wants to destroy me. So the battle with Ghetsis begins and it goes as you expect, though I will note that it was my Ampharos which ended up taking down his Hydreigon by paralyzing it and Signal Beaming it to defeat. Yes, the Pokemon which once took down half my team now falls in rather a pathetic way... kind of fitting for what Ghetsis has become . Ghetsis is in disbelief of this saying he's the one meant to rule the world but N tries to tell him Pokemon aren't tools and people and Pokemon can become better working together. Ghetsis however won't hear it which is when one of the Shadow Triad appears and says Ghetsis has lost control and they'll take it from here which N agrees with and they vanish. N thanks me and says Kyurem is fine and will be back here, also telling me how Alder and the BW player taught him how people and Pokemon need to work together so N has been flying around the world and meeting with people and Pokemon. N then suggests I go to the Pokemon League and he flies off on his dragon as Hugh come in and asks if it's all over. Being that Ghetsis wasn't caught and I don't have Kyurem in my possession, I decide to say no though honestly it doesn't matter. Hugh says he has to bring "Purrloin" back to his sister though he can't take it out of its Pokeball yet and I "tell" him I'm heading to the Pokemon League. Hugh tells us how to get to Route 23 and we run off, even hearing from Rood that Colress has told them that I've proven my way right and he's going to disband Team Plasma, flying away on the Plasma Frigate.
10. Route 23 is your typical location: wild Pokemon, trainer, and items. Though I will have to travel back through it with a Pokemon that knows Surf and Cut. Oh, and Waterfall. But where do you get Waterfall you maybe wondering? Why when you enter Victory Road, N will be right there and after talking more about people and Pokemon needing to work together he'll give you HM05 Waterfall! I go through the new Badge Gate which honestly I prefer the old one which has areas based on each Gym Leader. This is interesting too, a series of scanners which open locks eventually leading to the opening of the biggest door lock you may ever see! However after going into the Pokemon Center I decided to stop here for the day. I have Waterfall meaning there are several areas I can now access, plus I want to start planning my team for the Elite Four & Champion. Because of this I won't be including my team information since I might be changing it by next post.