Well, Black 2 and White 2 are out this week in Japan and news is starting to pour in so it's time for a new thread.
There are too many images to post so head to Serebii to view them all.
As expected, the first new routes in the region are 19 & 20. The new southwest area connects to Castelia City via boat and thus the rest of the region. Route 10 is seemingly gone. A new city and routes north of Lacunosa Town Town lead to the Pokemon League. The new area in the mountain on the eastern side of the region connects to Undella Town via a new route. There seems to be some kind of route crossing Undella Bay between Undella Town and the new town. There are dotted lines representing some kind of new paths between Castelia and Driftveil (probably that underwater tunnel, and one across Twist Mountain. Cheren's team is a LV11 Patrat and LV13 Lillipup and his TM is Work Up. Homika's team is LV16 Koffing and LV18 Whirlipede (totally predicted that), and her TM is Venoshock. C-Gear is given by Bianca after beating Cheren. Alder appears on Route 19. New Team Plasma are meet early in the game again. The forest where the Keldeo event takes place is called the Oath Woods and is located just outside Sanji Town which is between Houigi City and Tachiwaki City. And last but not least....Elesa is still very sexy.
Edited 3 total times.