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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [81]Jun 26, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    The only interesting thing they did with any of the Gym Leaders was with Elesa and changing the Gym Puzzles, but other then that most of the returning Gym Leaders didn't get anything that new or impressive. In addition to that, the new Gym Leaders didn't get much either. Cheren and Roxie are the first two Gym Leaders so they don't get a lot of Pokemon and Shizui only got 3 Pokemon. I don't understand why they don't give the last Gym Leaders that many Pokemon. The first two not having that many I understand, but by the time you get to the middle batch you should see an increase and by the seventh and/or eighth they should have 5.

    The same goes for the Elite Four. Only 4 Pokemon when first versing them? They should have 5 like other generations. Black & White had the excuse that Team Plasma plot was going to disrupt the Elite Four & Champion challenge, but in Black 2 & White 2 there's no excuse.

    Now the Elite Four do get a full team of 6 after the National Dex, though I hope they do the same for the Gym Leaders (I heard you can battle them in the World Tournament, though I think that only uses 3 Pokemon for the NPCs so that's not what I'm talking about).

    Speaking of disappointments, Alder, why are the Striaton Triplets, Achroma, and your OWN GRANDSON stronger than you? I mean we can only battle you once, why are you leaving with a whimper? Then again he does have a full team of 6 though that didn't stop Achroma from being stronger and only able to be battled once.

    If I remember correctly, Game Freak wanted to make the games easier for the kiddies. That's why Unova is so linear, HM's are gone, the Gym Leaders never have more than three Pokes, the Elite Four are all at the same levels, and all Trainers all use the same "most Pokemon share the same level, while the last Pokemon is two levels higher than the rest" gimmick. Please stop it, Game Freak. Please.

    Oh, and guess what.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [82]Jun 26, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    If I remember correctly, Game Freak wanted to make the games easier for the kiddies. That's why Unova is so linear, HM's are gone, the Gym Leaders never have more than three Pokes, the Elite Four are all at the same levels, and all Trainers all use the same "most Pokemon share the same level, while the last Pokemon is two levels higher than the rest" gimmick. Please stop it, Game Freak. Please.

    Oh, and guess what.

    I don't mind the HMs not being needed to travel place to place (though if they were more clever they could have found ways to use the HMs to keep you out of plot-related areas until it was time to visit them). However I would like some more wiggle room when traveling and having the Gym Leaders being actually bosses rather then being slightly tougher then the other trainers in their gym. Also I do like the idea that you can battle the Elite Four in any order though it's a bit disappointing the next Elite Four's Pokemon doesn't raise in level/difficulty. As for just normal NPC trainers, while I would like to see them use a variety of Pokemon and not have any duplicates, I don't really mind it that much since they're just their for experience. However I would like to see the villainous team mooks using a variety of Pokemon instead of seeming to rely on one type.

    Oh, and NOOOOO! All our theories down the drain! All well, though I wonder why the Shadow Triad are visiting the Striaton Triplets?

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [83]Jun 26, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    If I remember correctly, Game Freak wanted to make the games easier for the kiddies. That's why Unova is so linear, HM's are gone, the Gym Leaders never have more than three Pokes, the Elite Four are all at the same levels, and all Trainers all use the same "most Pokemon share the same level, while the last Pokemon is two levels higher than the rest" gimmick. Please stop it, Game Freak. Please.

    Oh, and guess what.

    Oh, and NOOOOO! All our theories down the drain! All well, though I wonder why the Shadow Triad are visiting the Striaton Triplets?

    Cress: You... you're the Shadow Triad. But why are you here?
    Dark: ...on a whim.
    Dark: ...for a diversion.
    Dark: ...to waste time.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [84]Jun 26, 2012
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    I like that there is no longer a need for the HM's to get to places it would annoy me tons to get to a part of a route and discover I need strength or rock smash. This also removes the need for HM Slaves . I guess since the older games were tougher that they would make these easier.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [85]Jun 26, 2012
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    Yeah, taking the necessity of HMs off the main route is something i can get behind of.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [86]Jun 27, 2012
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    It did free up space in your party so that you could carry around your current full team, though I occasionally miss having around an HM slave around.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [87]Jun 27, 2012
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It did free up space in your party so that you could carry around your current full team, though I occasionally miss having around an HM slave around.

    Well most people still probably had a Flying HM Slave, though considering Fly is a good move I wouldn't be surprised if some people taught it to their Flying-type Pokemon which they battle with.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [88]Jun 27, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It did free up space in your party so that you could carry around your current full team, though I occasionally miss having around an HM slave around.

    Well most people still probably had a Flying HM Slave, though considering Fly is a good move I wouldn't be surprised if some people taught it to their Flying-type Pokemon which they battle with.

    I know I did,Swoobat

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [89]Jun 27, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It did free up space in your party so that you could carry around your current full team, though I occasionally miss having around an HM slave around.

    Well most people still probably had a Flying HM Slave, though considering Fly is a good move I wouldn't be surprised if some people taught it to their Flying-type Pokemon which they battle with.

    I know I did,Swoobat

    True, it did come in handy every now and then in battle.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [90]Jun 27, 2012
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    Turns out that Heracross is in White 2 on the hidden hollow at the forest you find Zoroark at in BW1, AKA Moxie Heracross! White 2 it is!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [91]Jun 27, 2012
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    GEEZ! Would you look at some of the things you have to do to obtain Medals, they're all CRAZY! Here are the most cruelest ones:

    1. Small Reporter - Save the game 10 times. (I don't think my DS will last that long to do that!)
    2. PokeCen Fan - Heal your Pokemon many times. (it's encouraging you to hurt your Pokemon!)
    3. Sign Beginner - Read 5 different signs in the Unova region. (Oh, just make fun of your young players why don't you!)
    4. Beginner Touring - Ride a Bicycle for the first time. (But walking around is much faster!)
    5. Faulty Fisher - Use the Super Rod for the first time. (But I don't like the smell of fish!)
    6. 30 Boxed - Place 30 Pokemon within the Box. (You want me to CATCH Pokemon?!)
    7. Vendor Master - Buy 10 drinks from a Vending Machine (Do I look like I'm made of money?)
    10. Evolve Hope - Evolve a single Pokemon. (But they're stronger unevovled!)
    11. Ace Pilot - Use Fly to fly across the Unova Region. (But trudging through routes we've already been though is the most fun thing in the game!)
    12. Lost Property Seeker - Find a hidden Item. (You know it was probably hidden for a reason...)
    13. Naming King - Change the nickname of one of your Pokemon (Oh, you think I'm that bad at naming my Pokemon I'll have to do it again?)
    14. Regular Customer - Make a return visit to a PokeMart. (Are you saying I'm not good at preparing?)
    15. Sweet Home - Take a rest at home. (What if my mom turned my bedroom into that lounge she always wanted?)
    16. Egg Beginner - Get your first Egg. (I'm more of a milk and cereal person.)
    17. Fossil Master - Restore a Pokemon from a Fossil. (It wants you to resurrect the dead!)
    18. Battle Pupil - Participate in 100 battles. (See, here it is wanting you to hurt your Pokemon!)
    19. Never Give Up - Don't retreat from a losing battle. (It not only wants you to hurt your Pokemon, but make them FAINT!)
    20. Search Hunter - Explore a shaking spot of Grass or Dust. (But what is a monster attacks me?)
    21. First Cult Film - Create your first Cult Pokewood Movie. (O_O What...)

    Thankfully they do have some easy ones:

    1. International Collector - Capture all the Pokemon in the National Pokedex and receive the certificate. (Pfft, like is there one person who doesn't do that normally?)
    2. Rush Hour - Pass by 1,000 people using the C-Gear. (Like who doesn't have there DS on them at all times?)
    3. Lucky Colour - Capture your first Shiny Pokemon. (Why don't you actually give me something that's difficult to find.)
    4. Pokerus Hunter - Have a Pokemon receive PokeRus. (I have more of a problem keeping it not getting sick.)
    5. Diamond Dust - Experience the Diamond Dust weather for the first time. (It's harder to find rain.)
    6. Runaway Express Train - Reach a streak of 100 in the Battle Subway. (Like I'm going to lose to those easy trainers?)
    7/8/9. Single/Double/Multi Express - Defeat the Subway Masters in the Single/Double/Multi Line. (These guys are easier then Brock if you chose Squirtle or Bulbasaur in Gen I.)
    10. Leader's Strongest - Defeat the Champions in the Pokemon World Tournament. ("Champions" yet none of them are the Champion in B2&W2, what a batch of fakers.)
    11. Straw Millionaire - Trade 100 Pokemon. (Just 100? That's a slow day for me!)
    12. King of Guides - Have 100 people join your Join Avenue. (People practically wait in block long lines to have the chance to play with me.)
    13. King of Store - Have 50 shops open in Join Avenue. (Pfft, if I stopped at 50 I wouldn't be a very good entrepreneur, now would I?)
    14. Multiple Movies - Earn over 1,000 billion in the box office for PokeWood (Hey, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, and Joss Whedon ask me for advice. George Lucas once did too but he stopped and, well, look what happened to him.)

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [92]Jun 28, 2012
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    And this is why I hate achievements, they get way too ridiculous. Who in their right mind is going to do all of these.
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [93]Jun 28, 2012
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    I guess the incredibly determined? Is there something that you get once you have all of them?

    P.s I didn't realize Pokerus still existed. Or did it get re-introduced

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [94]Jun 28, 2012
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    Wow. Some of those are...pretty brutal. Of course I'm a perfectionist, so I'll maybe try to complete them anyway.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [95]Jun 28, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    And this is why I hate achievements, they get way too ridiculous. Who in their right mind is going to do all of these.

    The list seems pretty good, a few kinda BS ones but most are doable.

    21. First Cult Film - Create your first Cult Pokewood Movie.

    This. Makes me tear up. The game tells me to make a cult movie. GOTY.

    One and Only - Defeat the Elite 4 and Champion using only 1 pokemon.

    I. Love. This. Game.

    Edited on 06/28/2012 10:50am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [96]Jun 28, 2012
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    U.S. Release Date: October 7th
    European Release Date: October 12th

    1. PokeWood is now PokeStar Studios.

    (Be a star, a POKE star!)

    2. You Rival Hue is now Hugh.

    (How do you pronounce that? Oh, the same way? Kind of a pointless change then...)

    3. Gym Leader Shizui is now Marlon.

    (This just even gives more reason to call him "Freaky Fish Guy". )

    4. Achroma is now Corless.

    (Are we still keeping the secret that he may... or may not... work for a certain group?)

    Edited on 06/28/2012 4:59pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [97]Jun 28, 2012
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  • Avatar of Krael4


    [98]Jun 28, 2012
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    Achroma's English name is now Corless

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [99]Jun 28, 2012
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    Krael4 wrote:

    Achroma's English name is now Corless

    Why do I think of Colourless when I hear that?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [100]Jun 28, 2012
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    @ SPDShadowRanger - Marlon Joke:
    Yes, that was one of the jokes I was debating to use.

    @ Kwando7 - Pokerus:
    Pokerus has always been around, it's just incredibly rare to get (it's a 3 in 65,536 chance of finding a Pokemon with Pokerus from either wild or breeding). However that is one of the medal I'm going to get because a year or so back I discovered my cousin had a few Pokemon infected with Pokerus (I'm assuming he caught a Pokemon with it, had it with him for a while so it infected the other Pokemon in his party, and then put it and a batch of them into his PC) so I traded one of his Pokemon over to my game and spread it to all my other Pokemon!

    @ Kwando7 - Corless:
    Because his Japanese name, Achroma, comes from "achromatic" which means "without color".

    @ Medals:
    Don't know how I feel about the Medals. On the one hand I like them as it gives you a few more things to do and you get a reward for doing them. On the other hand some of the challenges are either ridiculously simple that you wonder why it's even a challenge, ridiculously hard that I won't be doing them so they might as well not be there, or require you to like in Japan where within 1 mile radius your DS will pick up 1,000 other DSs with a good chunk of them playing Pokemon no matter where you go (in other words, the social Medals which I have no possible way of doing). But on the why-do-I-have-a-third-hand hand, being their only use it to decorate your Trainer Card with 1 of your Medals, I can't help but to see it as nothing to pay any attention to. With all this said I think I'm going to go through them summarizing them the best I can:

    Special Medals:
    All of these Medals are just congratulating you for collecting Medals, kind of pointless. The only two which makes sense here is the "Finishing Prize" which is a Medal for competing in a Rally and the "King of Medalist" which is for collecting all the medals (fat chance), but all the others seem just to be there to increase the number of Medals.
    Adventure Medals:

    "Step Medals":
    I guess we had to have some of these, however the only one which seems like a challenge is the last one, "Footprints of Honour", which is for 100,000 steps though even then that sounds small.
    "Save Medals":
    Why is this here? You're awarding me for making sure everything I spent the last few hours doing isn't forgotten? I mean if these Medals didn't exist is there someone out there who's going to say "Well if I'm not getting a Medal for this then why bother?". Also what's stopping someone from just spending half an hour saving over and over again until they get all of them? Do you have to play your game for a certain length of time before it's accepted as a "new save"? Probably not.
    PokeCen Fan:
    Once again, you're awarding me for something I'm naturally going to do throughout the game. And like before, what's stopping me from spamming healing, unless you programmed the Nurse to actually refuse healing if you're Pokemon are at full health (and even then you'd just have to hurt them a bit in a wild battle for her to heal them again).
    "Sign Medals":
    Hm, I guess this would be okay if it wasn't so simple. Not everyone bother to read the signs so it's actually something you have to go out of your way for. However I would prefer the challenge to be something like "read all the signs on every route", "read all the signs in every city/town", "read all the signs in Unova", etc.. However the "Graffiti Clairvoyance" sounds interesting as I never knew some signs had graffiti on them (hopefully it's only a small few signs that have graffiti and not all of them since that would kind of ruin the success of finding one with graffiti).
    "Bike Medals":
    Like the "Step Medals", I suppose we had to have one of these too. However this has the same problem as a lot of the others above have as you just need to "ride your bike" to get these though unless there's a # of steps you need to ride for it to count what's stopping someone from spending half an hour getting on and off and on their bikes?
    "Super Rod Medals":
    Being you just need to "use" the Super Rod this is another throw away one. If it required you to hook and catch a Pokemon I would say these medals actually give you a "challenge" (still an easy challenge, but a challenge), but since they don't just spend half an hour spamming the Super Rod.
    "Capture Medals":
    This is more like what I'm thinking these medals should be but in a bland sort of way. Each one is just catching all of that type in the Unova Pokedex except for the last two. Why not have one which requires you to "capture all the version exclusive Pokemon" or "capture all the form differences of the Pokemon with them in the Unova Dex". Also the last two, "Unova Collector" and "International Collector", which requires you to catch all the Pokemon in Unova Dex and then in the National Dex, have the SAME MEDAL DESIGN as each other and the Medals which just require you to catch all of a single type in the Unova Dex!
    "Box Medals":
    Once again, this is awarding us for doing something which we normally do. However they could have gotten a bit fancy here like requiring us to put certain Pokemon in boxes like "have a box contain 1 of each type of Pokemon" or "make the Pokemon in a box form a shape of a heart". The last one, "Box Max" which is filling all the boxes with Pokemon, is the only one which I think deserves to be here as they are right now.
    Capture King:
    50 Pokemon in one day? Sure, but that'll be a lot of level 2-5 Pidoves, Patrats, and Lillipups...
    "Vendor Medals":
    Only interesting one is the "One More Drink" which you get for getting a free drink from the Vending Machine... is this a new thing in the game?
    "Evolve Medals":
    Read "Box Medals". They could have some like "Don't evolve a Pokemon until it learned every move it can via leveling up" or "Evolve a Pokemon just when it reaches level 100".
    "HM Medals":
    It's not even all the HMs, just Fly and Strength, what's the point? And you only need to use them just once. Is it so much to ask for some creativity?
    Search Master:
    Look in a bin once... do we need to find anything? If we need to find something and only a very few bins have something then like the graffiti one I would consider this a bit of a challenge... but as they wrote it I think you just need to look in a bin ONLY ONCE.
    "Lost Property Medals":
    Like the ones similar to it, the last one is the only one which I would consider a challenge. Though the Dowsing MCHN does pretty much make getting these a piece of cake.
    Naming King:
    I'm assuming the Pokemon already needed to have a nickname? Fine, change it to get the Medal, and then change it back. It was if there was no point.
    TV Addict:
    Oh, we can finally change the TV channels, maybe I could find one which doesn't have creepy people who seem to know EVERYTHING ABOUT ME.
    "PokeMart Medals":
    For the money spending ones, only the last two, "Luxury Special" and "Super Millionaire", seems like it'll be an interesting challenge. "Skilled Shopper" is a rather fun way of showing that buying 10 normal Pokeballs get you a Premier Ball, however considering it's the PokeMart thus having various items for sale they could have done more things. Maybe even include something involving Shopping Mall Nine.
    Sweet Home:
    This medal is rather far done the list for one which you'll most likely get in your first batch of Medals in the game considering your home city is WHERE THE FIRST GYM IS.
    "StreetPass &
    Pass Power Medals": Remember that Japanese joke I made? Well here it is in full glory. As I said, I'll probably be getting none of these. Well, maybe the "First StreetPass" and "Pass Power+" if my cousin gets the game, but at most that's what I'll be getting with these.
    "Dream World Medals":
    Hey, something involving the Entralink I CAN get! As for worthy of being challenge I'd say the last one, "Let's Meet in a Dream" for transferring over 100 Pokemon. Though they could have done some more things, especially since the Dream World also provide you with items.
    Hidden Hole Expert: Hey, one that does sound like a challenge. I would say they could have done more but I've said that already for a lot of them.
    "Egg Medals": Remember those "Step Medals" and "Bike Medals"? If you don't want to be cheap then I suppose getting these Medals will help get those other two groups Medals if you don't have them all already. Speaking of which I'm adding the "Day-Care Center Mania" one here since if you're doing these you'll get that one easily.
    Fossil Master: For this one I'm stuck between thinking "you're being awarded for something you normally do" and "you do have to go out of your way to do it". Though being you just need to do it one time I sadly have to learn toward the former thought.
    Pure & Innocent: Ah, some explaining here. For those who don't know, using something called "Memory Link" which involves your Black and/or White version, at Chargestone Cave you'll get a vision of N releasing the Pokemon he used to battle you in those games back into the wild. After the vision you'll then be able to encounter these Pokemon in the wild. While these Pokemon looks and has the stat or a normal Pokemon of its species, will actually sparkle like a Shiny Pokemon upon entering battle (also upon encountering one in the wild a message saying it may not be wild appears, the Pokemon's OT (Original Trainer) is "N", have an ID of "00002", and you can't nickname/rename them). So yeah, I guess this is an interesting challenge (as long as one of the Sage's giving you N's Zorua doesn't count), though they could have had a series of Medals involving N's Pokemon like "Catch all of N's Pokemon", "Beat the Elite Four & Champion with a team of N's Pokemon", "Fully evolve all of N's Pokemon that can", or "Train all of N's Pokemon up to Level 100".
    Lucky Colour: This Medal probably would mean more if it wasn't for the fact that after completing the Unova Dex you can encounter a Shiny Haxorus...
    Pokerus Hunter: Though this one still retains its challenge... if you don't already have Pokerus infected Pokemon in your Black and/or White version that is.
    Castelia Gang Leader: Now is defeating the Castelia City gang a required thing to do or an optional. If it's optional then I'll accept it as a challenge but it it's required then once again you're being awarded for something you're suppose to do anyway.
    Railway Mania: Being a different train is on display each day I suppose this could take a few days to complete (more if you miss a day) if you don't want to go through the hassle of changing your DS's clock.
    Wailord Watch: How rare is it to see a Wailord in the Marine Tube? Also do you have to do something for one to appear or can you, say, leave your DS on (and plugged in) and go off to do something else and eventually (and hopefully) one will randomly appear while your away so that when you get back you can go get the Medal?
    Appearance Memorial: Once again, being it sounds like this is the only place you can get a photo and you need to do this only once it's not really a challenge. It could at least require you to have a Frillish in your party...
    Heavy Machinery Mania: Hm, this sounds like an interesting challenge, actually it sounds like one you may even need a guide for!
    Ruins Master: Another one which you'll probably need a guide for, wow, why is it now they're getting good? Though I wonder if they kept continuity and have it be empty since I don't know anyone who wouldn't have cleared it out though then again it does seem that canonically your character actually didn't do some of the things you probably did in Black & White.
    Diamond Dust: If it wasn't for the fact that on Junichi Masuda's birthday (January 12) that Diamond Dust appears in Icirrus City, this would have been difficult to get.
    Bridge Mania: *Sigh* Though I know for main story you don't (or rather can't) do this, it's very likely you'll keep playing for the post story which would require you to cross every Bridge, thus making this Medal being one which rewards you for doing something you have to do anyway.
    Unova Revolution: Same as "Bridge Mania" above, if you're playing post story you're going to do this anyway.
    Adventure King: Okay, it's the obligatory "Series Finished!" Medal, can't argue anything here.

    AND I think I'll stop here for now. I'll go through the rest the next following days.

    Edited on 06/28/2012 5:02pm
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