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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2461]Jun 1, 2009
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    Summer10 wrote:

    Here are some things that have happened to ash and co. before and happen now relating to captures/ evolutions/other:

    -he caught the grass starter

    -he catches the normal/ flying type (he even exclaims "A Normal/Flying Type!" when he catches starly

    -he catches a fire type and water type as well

    -He evolves staravia the EXACT SAME WAY as tailow (the pokeringer contest)

    -Ash loses the first gym battle he fights in the region (which happens in every region but johto)

    -He is separated from pikachu and meets up with a new companion while finding him (hoenn and sinnoh)

    -Somebody sees a legendary in the first episode of a new region except hoenn (ho-oh, suicune, mespirit)

    -One of ash's starters reaches 3rd evolution (kanto, hoenn, and most likely either Infernape or Torterra in sinnoh)

    -Ash's normal flying type reaches final evolution (not a complant, although ash did catch noctowl in its final evolution and pidgeotto in its second

    -Ash's current party consists of 2 pokemon he didn't actually catch (3 if you count pikachu) -Technically he did catch chimchar but only after paul caught him first.

    There could be more but what I think is most likely is that dawn could catch a burmy and so could jessie or james and one would evolve into mothim and one would be wormadam kind of like the whole wurmple situation in hoenn if the writers continu this streak of what i call SOBS (Same Old Boring Story)

    I don't see the point of this? Well, lets critic this a little:

    1] First off, Ash only had 2 fully evolved Starter Pokemon, it has only been seen that Ash's 2 Sinnoh Starters will be at their Mid-Form, so we can't be sure if either one will be at final evolution.

    2] The Petalburg Gym was not an official gym battle, so only Kanto & Sinnoh shair the trait of Ash losing to the first gym leader, since Norman is the 5th gym leader also.

    3] I EVEN catch the Normal/Flying type of any region first, get a Starter and get the other 2(Grass/Fire/Water), Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu, and some other one.

    4] I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, don't see where you are going with this, just seems like a random post but I won't judje, I have made random posts myself.

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  • Avatar of Summer10


    [2462]Jun 10, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Summer10 wrote:

    Here are some things that have happened to ash and co. before and happen now relating to captures/ evolutions/other:

    -he caught the grass starter

    -he catches the normal/ flying type (he even exclaims "A Normal/Flying Type!" when he catches starly

    -he catches a fire type and water type as well

    -He evolves staravia the EXACT SAME WAY as tailow (the pokeringer contest)

    -Ash loses the first gym battle he fights in the region (which happens in every region but johto)

    -He is separated from pikachu and meets up with a new companion while finding him (hoenn and sinnoh)

    -Somebody sees a legendary in the first episode of a new region except hoenn (ho-oh, suicune, mespirit)

    -One of ash's starters reaches 3rd evolution (kanto, hoenn, and most likely either Infernape or Torterra in sinnoh)

    -Ash's normal flying type reaches final evolution (not a complant, although ash did catch noctowl in its final evolution and pidgeotto in its second

    -Ash's current party consists of 2 pokemon he didn't actually catch (3 if you count pikachu) -Technically he did catch chimchar but only after paul caught him first.

    There could be more but what I think is most likely is that dawn could catch a burmy and so could jessie or james and one would evolve into mothim and one would be wormadam kind of like the whole wurmple situation in hoenn if the writers continu this streak of what i call SOBS (Same Old Boring Story)

    I don't see the point of this? Well, lets critic this a little:

    1] First off, Ash only had 2 fully evolved Starter Pokemon, it has only been seen that Ash's 2 Sinnoh Starters will be at their Mid-Form, so we can't be sure if either one will be at final evolution.

    2] The Petalburg Gym was not an official gym battle, so only Kanto & Sinnoh shair the trait of Ash losing to the first gym leader, since Norman is the 5th gym leader also.

    3] I EVEN catch the Normal/Flying type of any region first, get a Starter and get the other 2(Grass/Fire/Water), Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu, and some other one.

    4] I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, don't see where you are going with this, just seems like a random post but I won't judje, I have made random posts myself.

    I know this was a little random and I apologize, but in my defense to your critic:

    1.) I said he would MOST LIKELY have a final evolution of a sinnoh starter seeing as he already has 2 mid forms with one and a half seasons to go, assuming he goes to the Battle Fronteir again.

    2.)By "a gym battle ash partcicpats in" I mean a battle fought in a gym, official or not (i guess that one was a little unclear)

    3.) I totally know what you mean with the whole normal/flying pokemon logic as i most commonly do this as well, but I am simply saying that after three regions of normal flying types, you'd think that the writers would try to give a little more variety to the fourth, just so it isn't too much like the gamer's experience (or at least not make two of them evolve in the same way. To be fair, each normal/flying tpe had a little different scenario: pidgeotto was caught in its second form, noctowl was shiny, tailow was caught in its first stage, and starly was caught in its first stage but evolved twice. Not a big difference but it shows some effort.

    I am really sorry for this random post but I just wanted to share my thoughts

    Edited on 06/10/2009 3:15pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Milli


    [2463]Jun 11, 2009
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    It seems Chimchar finally evolves in episode 132....yeah
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2464]Jun 12, 2009
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    As I stated last week.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2465]Aug 7, 2009
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    Well since no one has mentioned anything about Umbreon I will. Since she has one, you think Dawn will get an Eevee or an Eevee Egg? Out of all the pokemon, Johanna had to get an Eeveelution. And of course a Generation 2 Pokemon....... If Dawn were to get a Grass type, it would be a Leafeon in my opinion. So I cant wait for the next episode and possibly the Oaknapped Episode.
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  • Avatar of DayDreamer15


    [2466]Aug 30, 2009
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    What pokemon do you think that ash/dawn will have in the future?

    This is just a totally wild guess but I hope she gets a leafeon.

    (she needs a grass pokemon)
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2467]Aug 30, 2009
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    DayDreamer15 wrote:

    What pokemon do you think that ash/dawn will have in the future?

    This is just a totally wild guess but I hope she gets a leafeon.

    (she needs a grass pokemon)

    Uh oh, expect a message from pikachu315111, saying Dawn will get a Cherubi/Cherrim. Well It is going to be Eevee first and then Leafeon but I have high hopes for Chikorita.

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  • Avatar of DayDreamer15


    [2468]Aug 30, 2009
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    I love leafeon

    but Any of them will be good

    They are all cute

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  • Avatar of Dlcreator


    [2469]Sep 1, 2009
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    When so once Happini evolves into a chansy (Which is a high chance since it already has the round stone) what will happen with Brock? If he wants to become a pokemon breeder, shouldn't he start rasing pokemon and teach them egg-moves, like a houndour with counter.
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  • Avatar of Blue_Blood


    [2470]Sep 1, 2009
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    Dlcreator wrote:
    When so once Happini evolves into a chansy (Which is a high chance since it already has the round stone) what will happen with Brock? If he wants to become a pokemon breeder, shouldn't he start rasing pokemon and teach them egg-moves, like a houndour with counter.
    I really cannot picture Brock having a Chancy O.O Then again, I never really could picture anyone other than Nurse Joy having one.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [2471]Sep 7, 2009
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    The title of DP145 makes me think that someone is going to catch a Gible. Ash is out since he has a full team, and I doubt that Dawn would get one, especially since she already has a Pokemon that's part Ground-type. I think it would be awesome if Brock caught one, though, and it evolved all the way; he deserves a pwnsome Pokemon.

    It does seem likely, though, that the catch (if there is one) will be made by a filler character, and Ash and comp. will just be helping he/she out (like in the Yanma episode).
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