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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [361]Dec 25, 2008
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    i think brock should catch a few more new rock types in the next generation since he was orginally a rock/ground type trainer or go back to bein a gym leader for awhile

    ashs pokemon should evolve and they should have less fillers and he should keep the girl for awhile instead of dumping her and they should replace the boy for once like did with tracey i actually liked him even though it was weird.

    they should let ash keep a few of his pokemon other than pikachu especially if they havent evolved and then get rid of them later in the seasons like they did in johto

    they should mix old, present and new.

    the next arc should focus more on legendaries that get little or no attention like ho oh and raikou i know he was in pokemon chronicles but is that even canon? and they shopuld replace team rocket or at least make them less lame like they were in kanto

    and last but definitely not least, they should stop resetting pikachu to level 5 at the start of every region

    and whatever game they base it off of they should make the game kinda like anime where if u kill the pokemon, then u can still catch it rather than u kil the pokemon and then its dead like there should be an option where u can catch poklemon after u kill them orlet them die yah i know its a bit much but if generation 5 was anything like thgat i would be so happy and just to be honest i think they are running out of pokemon. i mean i know that there are 150 sinnoh pokemon but lot f them were like evolutions and different forms of pokemon so yea....L0L

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [362]Dec 26, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:

    i think brock should catch a few more new rock types in the next generation since he was orginally a rock/ground type trainer or go back to bein a gym leader for awhile

    ashs pokemon should evolve and they should have less fillers and he should keep the girl for awhile instead of dumping her and they should replace the boy for once like did with tracey i actually liked him even though it was weird.

    they should let ash keep a few of his pokemon other than pikachu especially if they havent evolved and then get rid of them later in the seasons like they did in johto

    they should mix old, present and new.

    the next arc should focus more on legendaries that get little or no attention like ho oh and raikou i know he was in pokemon chronicles but is that even canon? and they shopuld replace team rocket or at least make them less lame like they were in kanto

    and last but definitely not least, they should stop resetting pikachu to level 5 at the start of every region

    and whatever game they base it off of they should make the game kinda like anime where if u kill the pokemon, then u can still catch it rather than u kil the pokemon and then its dead like there should be an option where u can catch poklemon after u kill them orlet them die yah i know its a bit much but if generation 5 was anything like thgat i would be so happy and just to be honest i think they are running out of pokemon. i mean i know that there are 150 sinnoh pokemon but lot f them were like evolutions and different forms of pokemon so yea....L0L

    Team Rocket should continue being the runnin gag but they should not be saying something stupid(The Dub) at least once in each episode. I mentioned before in a Thread I made or was it this one? I don't know but I remember saying that: "I would like it if the next generation, when a Pokemon reaches its evolution level, it evolves during the battle, not after". That would be sweet(I am talking about the game). I don't think that Levels exist in the anime because Levels could be like "Age" in a certain way because a Pokemon evolves at a certain level(the ones that do/can evolve). It's kinda strange that Pikachu would lose to the first Gym Leader of a future generation. Like when Pikachu lost to Roarks Onix. Of course, Pikachu's electric attacks won't naturally work on a Ground type, but Levels would make a difference. But Pikachu loses to Onix but 2 episodes later, Pikachu barely defeats it. Strange.
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [363]Dec 27, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:

    i think brock should catch a few more new rock types in the next generation since he was orginally a rock/ground type trainer or go back to bein a gym leader for awhile

    ashs pokemon should evolve and they should have less fillers and he should keep the girl for awhile instead of dumping her and they should replace the boy for once like did with tracey i actually liked him even though it was weird.

    they should let ash keep a few of his pokemon other than pikachu especially if they havent evolved and then get rid of them later in the seasons like they did in johto

    they should mix old, present and new.

    the next arc should focus more on legendaries that get little or no attention like ho oh and raikou i know he was in pokemon chronicles but is that even canon? and they shopuld replace team rocket or at least make them less lame like they were in kanto

    and last but definitely not least, they should stop resetting pikachu to level 5 at the start of every region

    and whatever game they base it off of they should make the game kinda like anime where if u kill the pokemon, then u can still catch it rather than u kil the pokemon and then its dead like there should be an option where u can catch poklemon after u kill them orlet them die yah i know its a bit much but if generation 5 was anything like thgat i would be so happy and just to be honest i think they are running out of pokemon. i mean i know that there are 150 sinnoh pokemon but lot f them were like evolutions and different forms of pokemon so yea....L0L

    Team Rocket should continue being the runnin gag but they should not be saying something stupid(The Dub) at least once in each episode. I mentioned before in a Thread I made or was it this one? I don't know but I remember saying that: "I would like it if the next generation, when a Pokemon reaches its evolution level, it evolves during the battle, not after". That would be sweet(I am talking about the game). I don't think that Levels exist in the anime because Levels could be like "Age" in a certain way because a Pokemon evolves at a certain level(the ones that do/can evolve). It's kinda strange that Pikachu would lose to the first Gym Leader of a future generation. Like when Pikachu lost to Roarks Onix. Of course, Pikachu's electric attacks won't naturally work on a Ground type, but Levels would make a difference. But Pikachu loses to Onix but 2 episodes later, Pikachu barely defeats it. Strange.
    well actually levels do exist in pokemon but i think i works a little differently in the anime like if ubattle a pokemon and it faints without u even touching it, it counts as experience. nd sometimes when a pokemon loses a battle they evolve which means they get experience even if they lose a battle. but u know what i would LOVE to see in the game? i would love it if they did the thing they did with mystery dungeon where the pokemon heal up from just walking around i mean itsmore realistic anyways. just think about it, ur pokemons life is in red and t just stays like that forever unless u heal it orgive it an item. that doesnt even logically make sense so yea LOL
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [364]Jan 1, 2009
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    If a man had a a knife stab, it would take days to recover. For a needle prick minutes. The different attacks would need diferent recovery rates. That would take too much programing, as well as make the games too easy. EX:
    *I beat the Galactic Admin. Turn game to next month, and I am
    at full health. Sweeps Cyrus.*
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [365]Jan 2, 2009
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    tenacon wrote:
    If a man had a a knife stab, it would take days to recover. For a needle prick minutes. The different attacks would need diferent recovery rates. That would take too much programing, as well as make the games too easy. EX: *I beat the Galactic Admin. Turn game to next month, and I am at full health. Sweeps Cyrus.*
    lol ok good point but they could make it seem like u only get life bak if u walk around in the grass WITHOUT repel that way it could still be a challenge..i guess im overdoing it a bit ;p
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  • Avatar of mhunter01


    [366]Jun 16, 2009
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    have you already think in the possibility of the pokemon gods. maybe there is a good from each season. like if some pokemon where a team or even "brothers". first mew, then celebi, jirachi, then arceus/shaymin/manaphy, and now one or two more gods. the perfect team of creators. mew created the ADN, celebi created time, jirachi the stars and wishes, arceus the pokemon´s, shaymin the fields and flowers and of course manaphy the sea´s. now don´t came here with the thing that in the game kyogre created the sea, because he could be THE GUARD OF THE SEA`S.

    this is my opinion.

    compliments mhunter01.

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  • Avatar of harryathouse


    [367]Jun 23, 2009
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    Some of my ideas:

    I think that Misty should travel with Ash through the new land. I always prefered her to Brock. Maybe Brock could travel with them too and they could be a three again! But I think that Brock should step down for a little while and let Misty travel for a while with a new character. Possibly the male protoganist of the games, instead of the female one.

    Maybe not have Team Rocket in EVERY episode. I used to always stick up for these guys when people used say how annoying they are, but noe they're seriously becoming a BIG annoyance. I'm not saying get rid of them completely, but maybe not every episode.

    Give Ash a love interest. Brock always seems to be infatuated with every girl he sees and it's now his trademark gag throughout the show, but maybe make Ash interested sometimes. Or even make him interested in just one girl who keeps reccuring.

    Make some more Fire types! Mainly because they are one of the most favoured types, and only FIVE (not including Arceus) were introduced in Gen 4, and three of them were starters and one was legendary so it really is slim pickings for fire types. Even a couple of dual fire types wouldn't hurt...

    Possibly make some new types. Maybe a 'wood' type or 'glass' type.

    Give Tauros and Lapras some evolutions. Maybe give Them both a baby pre-evolution.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [368]Jun 23, 2009
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    harryathouse wrote:

    Some of my ideas:

    I think that Misty should travel with Ash through the new land. I always prefered her to Brock. Maybe Brock could travel with them too and they could be a three again! But I think that Brock should step down for a little while and let Misty travel for a while with a new character. Possibly the male protoganist of the games, instead of the female one.

    Maybe not have Team Rocket in EVERY episode. I used to always stick up for these guys when people used say how annoying they are, but noe they're seriously becoming a BIG annoyance. I'm not saying get rid of them completely, but maybe not every episode.

    Give Ash a love interest. Brock always seems to be infatuated with every girl he sees and it's now his trademark gag throughout the show, but maybe make Ash interested sometimes. Or even make him interested in just one girl who keeps reccuring.

    Make some more Fire types! Mainly because they are one of the most favoured types, and only FIVE (not including Arceus) were introduced in Gen 4, and three of them were starters and one was legendary so it really is slim pickings for fire types. Even a couple of dual fire types wouldn't hurt...

    Possibly make some new types. Maybe a 'wood' type or 'glass' type.

    Give Tauros and Lapras some evolutions. Maybe give Them both a baby pre-evolution.

    I personally don't think there will be a 5th generation and I have my reasons. But time to critic your ideas:

    1] First off, Misty & Ash won't be traveling together for a long period of time.

    2] Ash won't have a love interest! EVER!

    3] I agree 100% on the whole Team Rocket thing. They didn't appear in the Clip Episode in the Advanced Generation, not even in flashbacks, but it would be nice to not see them at all for one episode. I am enjoying how they don't bug Ash & Co. during his Sinnoh Gym battles.

    4] That would mean Miltank needs a pre-evolution.

    5] We need an Electric/Fighting, Electric/Psyshic, and a Fire/Psychic.

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  • Avatar of Oreno5267


    [369]Jun 24, 2009
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    if they create 5th gen pokemon, then they need to make new items( berries, orbs, balls, stones, etc) and traits (air lock, etc) for the 5th gen games

    doesn't gamefrak create pokemon based on fossils, plants, animals, etc?

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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [370]Jun 30, 2009
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    Maybe the fifth generation will be about evil people hypnotizing Pokemon trainers to fight other Pokemon trainers and steal thier Pokemon or capture Pokemon and give them to the orginazation . . .
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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [371]Sep 20, 2009
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    it would be cool in generation 5 if team rocket followed you in the new games
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [372]Sep 20, 2009
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    TotallyTyler01 wrote:
    it would be cool in generation 5 if team rocket followed you in the new games

    This thread has been dead for 2 and a half months, please don't revive it.

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