i think brock should catch a few more new rock types in the next generation since he was orginally a rock/ground type trainer or go back to bein a gym leader for awhile
ashs pokemon should evolve and they should have less fillers and he should keep the girl for awhile instead of dumping her and they should replace the boy for once like did with tracey i actually liked him even though it was weird.
they should let ash keep a few of his pokemon other than pikachu especially if they havent evolved and then get rid of them later in the seasons like they did in johto
they should mix old, present and new.
the next arc should focus more on legendaries that get little or no attention like ho oh and raikou i know he was in pokemon chronicles but is that even canon? and they shopuld replace team rocket or at least make them less lame like they were in kanto
and last but definitely not least, they should stop resetting pikachu to level 5 at the start of every region
and whatever game they base it off of they should make the game kinda like anime where if u kill the pokemon, then u can still catch it rather than u kil the pokemon and then its dead like there should be an option where u can catch poklemon after u kill them orlet them die yah i know its a bit much but if generation 5 was anything like thgat i would be so happy and just to be honest i think they are running out of pokemon. i mean i know that there are 150 sinnoh pokemon but lot f them were like evolutions and different forms of pokemon so yea....L0L