Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Dragon Pokémon are not always big. Bagon and Dratini for instance. Even Shelgon isn't that big.
EddyBob15 wrote: |
First off, SPD, you left out Sea. Second of all, perhaps the newest Legendary could control reality itself. |
I left out a lot, and I wrote Earth/Land twice by accident.
I dont think he meant the base forms
a dragon eeveelution would be fully evolved
all fully evolved dragons ARE huge
Hey everyone! Sorry about not able to make the post I promised to make on Friday, what I was planning on doing took a bit longer then I thought. What was I planning you say? Well... THIS:
BUT WAIT! Before I show it to you I guess I should explain what it is. Well every Generation of Pokemon has a certain formula which they follow tp an extent. Well I decided to gather as much as this formula as I can (along with a few examples) and list them here! Now by far this isn't a complete list, and if I'm missing anything, please feel free to mention it and I'll see if it is indeed part of the formula and if it is I'll add it in. Now without further or do, the formula:
1. There will be at least 100 new Pokemon + a few additional "secret" Pokemon.
2. Evolutions (including Split Evolutions) & Pre-evolutions (Baby) of previous Generation's Pokemon. Rarely does a single Pokemon get both an Evolution & Pre-evolution though it does happen.
3A. There will be several "Legendary" Pokemon. As each Generation goes on, there will be more Legendaries then the previous Generation.
* Generation I: 5
* Generation II: 6
* Generation III: 10
* Generation IV: 14
3B. Two Legendaries will be the mascots of the paired games and they'll be related to each other in someway and only the game's mascot can be caught in that game. When the third game comes out its mascot will be the third member of that previous two and all three will be catchable.
* Generation II: Ho-Oh (Gold) & Lugai (Silver)
* Generation III: Groudon (Ruby) & Kyogre (Sapphire), later Rayquaza (Emerald)
* Generation IV: Dialga (Diamond) & Palkia (Pearl), later Giratina (Platinum)
3C. There will be a trio group of Legendaries who are related to each other in someway (which would be reflected in their groups nickname). They will generally have a master though the master might have come from a later Generation.
* Generation I: Legendary Birds - Articuno, Zapdos, & Moltres; Their master is Lugia
* Generation II: Legendary Beasts - Raikou, Entei, & Suicune; Their master is Ho-Oh
* Generation III: Legendary Golems - Regirock, Regice, & Registeel; Their master is Regigigas
* Generation IV: Lake Guardians - Uxie, Mesprit, & Azelf; Their master is Arceus
3D. There will be "secret" Legendaries that will not be part of the Regional Pokedex and can only be obtained through giveaways and events. These Pokemon will also star in a Pokemon Movie.
* Generation I: Mew
* Generation II: Celebi
* Generation III: Deoxys & Jirachi
* Generation IV: Darkrai, Shaymin, & Deoxys
4. The player will be given a Starter Pokemon by the region's Professor in someway. There will be three Starters and will be at least part Grass-, Fire-, or Water-type and are part of a 3-stage evolution. They and their evolutions are the first Pokemon in the Regional Pokedex. After choosing one your rival will choose the one who has the type advantage against yours (the one which you have a type advantage over may not be chosen or recently taken by the other gender playable character you didn't pick).
* Generation I: Bulbasaur, Charmander, & Squirtle given by Professor Oak (Yellow Version was an exception as the player could only get Electric-type Pikachu while the rival got a Normal-type Eevee)
* Generation II: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, & Totodile given by Professor Elm
* Generation III: Treecko, Torchic, & Mudkip given by Professor Birch
* Generation IV: Turtwig, Chimchar, & Piplup given by Professor Rowan
5. Each region will have a signature "Bird", "Rodent", & "Bug" Pokemon which the player is able to catch early (possibly their first & second Pokemon after their starter). Note the Pokemon mentioned also include their evolutions.
* Generation I: "Birds" are Pidgey & Spearow; "Rodent" is Ratata; "Bugs" are Caterpie & Weedle
* Generation II: "Bird" is Hoothoot; "Rodent" is Sentret; "Bug" is Ledyba
* Generation III: "Bird" is Tailow; "Rodent" is Zigzagoon; "Bug" is Wurmple
* Generation IV: "Bird" is Starly; "Rodent" is Bidoof; "Bug" is Burmy
6. Old common Pokemon (and their evolutions) from Generation I will be in the Regional Pokedex. These Pokemon are Geodude, Abra, Zubat, Machop, Psyduck, Goldeen, Tentacool, Magikarp, and Pikachu (OF COURSE!).
7. The Generation might have Fossil Pokemon and/or new Eeveelutions. For Eeveelutions they are all so far types in the "Special" catagory and only Dragon-type is the last remaining one (though whether it'll stop there or go into the "Physical" catagory is not known but possible).
* Generation I: "Fossils" are Kabuto, Omantye, & Aerodactyl; "Eeveelutions" are Flareon, Jolteon, & Vaporeon
* Generation II: There are no "Fossils", "Eeveelutions" are Umbreon & Espeon
* Generation III: "Fossils" are Anorith & Lileep, there are no "Eeveelutions"
* Generation IV: "Fossils" are Cranidos & Shieldon; "Eeveelutions" are Leafeon & Glaceon
8. There will be a 3-stage Pokemon family at the end of the Regional Pokedex, near where the Legenadaries are, who's final evolution would be considered as a Psuedo Legendary. Many of them are dragon-like or have dragon-like qualities. They must be evolved all the way from there Basic Stage and even then the player has to go a bit out of their way to get it.
* Generation I: Dragonite
* Generation II: Tyranitar
* Generation III: Salamence & Metagross
* Generation IV: Garchomp
9. There will be an Electric-type rodent Pokemon which will resemble Pikachu is certain ways. It may or may not be related to Pikachu (as in evolution/pre-evolution).
* Generation I: Pikachu & Raichu
* Generation II: Pichu
* Generation III: Plusle & Minun
* Generation IV: Pachirisu
1A. The Region the game will take place as well as locations within that Region will be based off a part & locations in Japan mainly (though some places might take inspiriations from other places in the world).
* Kanto is based on the region of the same name and eastern Chubu
* Sevii Islands are based on the Izu Islands and Bonin Islands, two archipelagos off the coast of Tokyo
* Johto is based on Kansai and western Chubu
* Hoenn is based on Kyushu and Okinawa
* Sinnoh is based on Hokkaido and parts of Sakhalin and Kunashir Island
1B. The player will start out in a simple home town. The Routes will be specifc only for that Region. One city/town will have a Game Corner, Department Store, One city/HQ for the game's evil syndicate, and/or a Safari Zone.
* Kanto: Hometown is Pallet Town; Routes are 0##; Game Corner, Department Store, & Syndicate HQ located in Celadon City (Game Corner also located on Two Island in Firered/LeafGreen); Safari Zone located in Fuchsia City.
* Johto: Hometown is New Bark Town; Routes are 0## and continue off Kanto's routes; Game Corner & Department Store located in Goldenrod City; Syndicate HQ located in Mahogany Town; Safari Zone located near Cianwood City (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
* Hoenn: Hometown is Littleroot Town; Routes are 1##; Game Corner located in Mauville City & Mossdeep City (Emerald only); Department Store located Lilycove City; Syndicate HQ located in Lilycove City & Jagged Pass (Team Magma only in Emerald); Safari Zone located off Route 121
* Sinnoh: Hometown is Twinlead Town; Routes are 2##; Game Corner, Department Store, & Syndicate HQ located in Veilstone City (Syndicate HQ also located in Eterna City); Safari Zone (called Great Marsh) located in Pastoria City
2. You can choose to play as either the Male & Female Playable Character. The other gender playable character will play a NPC role, possibly choosing the starter you have an adventage over and becoming a friendly (bot not main) rival. Normally you only have a mother as the only parent figure.
3. You'll have a main rival who would choose the Starter that has the type advantage agianst yours. Throughout the game you'll mee you Rival at several points where they'll challenge you to a battle. Recently you and your rival may Double Battle as partners at one point in the game.
4. The Region will have a Pokemon Professor who would give the player their Starter. In Japan they are Doctors instead of Professors. In Japan they are named after a certian plant-life, in the American version they are named after trees. Each on is an expert in a specific Pokemon field.
* Kanto: Professor Oak/Dr. Okido; Oak tree/Big-tree family; Expertise in Pokemon & Human relationships
* Johto: Professor Elm/Dr. Utsugi; Elm tree/Deutzia shrub; Expertise in Pokemon Breeding & Eggs
* Hoenn: Professor Birch/Dr. Odamaki; Birth tree/Aquilegia flower; Expertise in Pokemon habitats & distribution
* Sinnoh: Professor Rowan/Dr. Nanakamado; both named after the Rowan tree; Expertise in Pokemon Evolution
5. There will be an evil syndicate trying to accomplish a malicious goal which the player has to stop. The syndicate will be comprised of Grunts, Elites, and the Boss. While Grunts and Admins will be battled at several points in the game, the Boss will normally only be battled one at the near end of the game.
* Kanto: Team Rocket; There goal is to steal rare and power Pokemon; Executives (Elites) aren't named; Boss is Giovanni
* Johto: (Neo) Team Rocket; There goal is to reform Team Rocket; Executvies are Proton, Petrel, Arianna, & Archer; Archer is also serving as the Boss.
* Hoenn: Team Aqua; There goal is to expand the oceans and seas; Admins (Elites) are Matt & Shelly; Boss is Archie
* Hoenn: Team Magma; There goal is to expand the landmass; Admins (Elites) are Courtney & Tabitha; Boss is Maxie
* Sinnoh: Team Galactic; There goal is to create a new universe; Commanders (Elites) are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, & Charon; Boss is Cyrus
6. There is going to be eight Gyms which the player have to defeat in a certain order to battle the Elite Four & Champion. After the first Gym they'll have puzzles the player will need to solve to get through, battling trainers along the way. Each Gym will be of a different type and have a Gym Leader who once defeated will give that Gym's Badge. Each badge enables a HM, highest level of Pokemon to obey you, and a certain stat. You normally can't challenge the last gym until you have defeated the Region's evil syndicate.
7. After you have gotten the eight Gym Badges, you can challenge the Elite Four who you will have to battle consecutively with no healing at a Pokemon Center or buying items at the PokeMart (though you can used items on your Pokemon you brought with you inbetween battles). The Elite Four will have types that no Gym Leaders had for that Region. After defeating the Elite Four you can challenge the Champion who may or may not specialize in a single type (and if they do it could be of a type a previous Gym Leader had).
8. Recently in the third games, a Battle Frontier is added. A Battle Frontier is made up of a number of Battle Facilities which follow their own set of rules. After a certain amount of winning streaks, you may challenge the Frontier Brain. If you win against the Frontier Brain you'll get that Battle Facilities equivalent of a Gym Badge which there a two different versions of. The Battle Tower is included into the Battle Frontier and is considered the "leader" of the Battle Frontier.
1. Each route, city/town, and importent storyline buildings have their own music. otherwise caves & buildings both respectively can have a shared theme. All Pokemon Centers and Poke Marks have a respective theme they all share. Water Routes do not play any music but rather have the Surfing theme as their background music.
2. Riding the bike or using Surf to go surfing have their own themes. However if you enter another route, city/town, or cave the music will change to that place theme and to get the bike music back you must get off and then back onto your bike. While you're surfing the theme will last as long as you surf, but once you get off the music will change back to the theme that would be playing otherwise.
3A. There is a specific battle theme for Wild Pokemon, Trainers, Gym Leaders, Elite Four Members (though it could be a remix of the Gym Leader music), Champion, and Frontier Brains. The Region's Syndicate gets 3 themes, one for Grunts, another for Elites (though it could be a remix of the Grunt theme), and the Boss.
3B. Each trainer type will have its own "Encounter" theme which plays upon noticing you and giving a line ot text before you begin the battle. These "Encounter" themes can extend to other characters as long as these themes only play when that character is talking or interacting with the player (they don't have to battle the player).
4. Legendary Pokemon get themes judging by their role in the game. Mascot of the pair games get their own theme, third version mascot could either share the pair mascot's theme or get on of its own, the Trio group gets their own theme (sometimes each member has a slightly different styIe to this theme), certain Event Pokemon (usually the "secret" Legendaries) have their own themes, and all other Legendaries get an "extra" Legendary theme. A few Legendaries have the normal Wild Pokemon Battle music play.
5. A theme may play for certain events if they are storyline related or meant to help the player in someway.
1A. First two versions will be released as a pair. A year or so later a third version with additional features and storyline of the paired versions is then released. Recently remakes of paired version that came two Generation previously have been being released, either before or after the third version.
* Generation I: Paired Versions are Red & Blue, Third Version is Yellow (In Japan it was Red & Green, Third Version was Blue, and Yellow Version was an Anime-based Version)
* Generation II: Paired Versions are Gold & Silver, Third Version is Crystal
* Generation III: Paired Versions are Ruby & Sapphire, Third Version is Emerald, Remakes are FireRed & LeafGreen
* Generation IV: Paired Versions are Diamond & Pearl, Third Version is Platinum, Remakes are HeartGold & SoulSilever
1B. The Paired Versions will have version exclusives which each game will have a set of Pokemon the other version doesn't. The Third Version would have Version Exclusives that you could have only gotten from one of the Paired Versions, but in return not have a Pokemon which you can get in both the Paired Versions.
2. New Mechanics are introduced each generation which in the most part stay and continue into future Generations.
* Generation I: In Pokemon Yellow, there was the Happiness "stat" and Pikachu followed the player wherever they went.
* Generation II: Genders, Breeding, Eggs, Time Events, new types (Dark & Steel), Pokeballs that can made with Apricorns, Shiny Pokemon, Hold Items, the Pokerus, IVs, Split Evolutions, Evolution through Happiness, Evolutions based on highest stat, Evoltuions from holding a certain item at a certain time/while being traded. In Crystal it gave the player the choice to play as a girl and had the first ever animated sprites.
* Generation III: Abilities, Natures, Personality Value, Pokemon Contests, Weather Conditions, Double Battles, Communication with the e-Reader, Secret Bases, Evolution based on Personality Value, Evolution by maxing out a Contest Condition, Evolution by having an empty slot, Overhaul of data structures such as IVs, Shiny Pokemon, Berries, and PC usage. FireRed & LeafGreen allowed Wireless communication. Emerald added Tag Battles and the Battle Frontier.
* Generation IV: Return of the Time system, 3D rendering, Attacks are split as Physical or Special based on the move and not type, Super Pokemon Contests, Sinnoh Underground, Gender Sprite Differences, Evoluton from knowing certain moves, Evolution from being in a certain location, Needing a certian other Pokemon for evolution, Evolution based on gender. Platinum gave you the ability to record battles. HeartGold & SoulSilver brought back the Apricorns, introduced the Pokeathlon, and the first Pokemon in the player's party follows them like Pikachu in Yellow Version.
3A. Each Region's Pokedex should be modelled after the handheld it's intended to be released on. They first start out with only having the Regional Dex, but after having seen all the Pokemon on the Regional Dex and defeating the Elite Four & Champion you'll be able to upgrade it to the National Dex.
* Generation I: Kanto Pokedex looks like a Game Boy
* Generation II: Johto Pokedex looks like a Game Boy Color
* Generation III: Hoenn Pokedex looks like a Game Boy Advance; Kanto Pokedex looks like Game Boy Advance SP
* Generation IV: Sinnoh Pokedex looks like a Nintendo DS Lite; Johto Pokedex looks like a Nintendo DSi
3B. In addition with the Pokedex, the player will also recieve a device that'll do additional functions which the Pokedex can't. A common function in all of them is a Map. While it comes with a few Functions, many other Functions and upgrades must be required in another way.
* Johto: Poke Gear; Functions are Time, Map, Phone, & Radio
* Hoenn: Poke Nav; Functions are Map, Conditions, Trainer's Eyes/Match Call, & Ribbons
* Sinnoh: Poketch; Functions are Digital Watch, Calculator, Memo Pad, Pedometer, Pokemon List, Friendship Checker, Dowsing Machine, Berry Searcher, Day Care Checker, Pokemon History, Counter, Analog Watch, Marking Map, Link Searcher, Coin Flip, Move Tester, Calendar, Dot Artist, Roulette, Trainer Counter, Kitchen Timer, Color Changer, Matchup Checker, Stopwatch, & Alarm Clock
4A. Unless a major data restructuring is done, games must be somewhat compatiable with the previous Generation to transfer Pokemon to the newer game.
* Generation II was compatible with Generation I
* Due to the major data restructure, Generation III and future games are not compatible with Generation I and Generation II games.
* Generation IV is compatible with Generation III
4B. The Third Version must be completely compatible with its Paired Games, allowing battles to take place. Therefore any necessary changes needed to be done to the Third Version to allow this may be done but once the battle is over it is to be changed back to how it was.
* Generation II: Crystal players who was playing as the girl playable character had to "change clothes" if they were battling someone with a Gold or Silver Version.
* Generation IV: Alternate Formes of Giratina and Shaymin in Platinum were changed to look like their "normal" sprites when battling someone with a Diamond or Pearl Version, but they still had the Stats and Ability of the Alternate Forme
5. Mainly two games are to be released on the Consoles: A 3D battling game & a storage box "game". In addition to being able to transfer Pokemon over to these games, there are Pokemon in these games that can be won as prizes or gifts and transferred into your game.
* Generation I: 3D Battler is Pokemon Stadium
* Generation II: 3D Battler is Pokemon Stadium II
* Generation III: 3D Battler are Pokemon Colosseum & Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness; Storage Box is Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire
* Generation IV: 3D Battler is Battle Revolution; Storage Box is Pokemon Ranch
6. Recently there have been two side games being released on the handhelds: Pokemon Ranger and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. These games have no connection with the main series games at all, but the Pokemon Ranger series do have Pokemon that you obtain from a special mission you can transfer to the main series games.
* Generation III: Pokemon Ranger & Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red & Blue Rescue Team
* Generation IV: Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia & Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
1A. In the anime Ash will first go to the new Region with only Pikachu. Recently he'll be meeting up with Brock again somehow as well as that region's playable girl character. While Ash competes in battles the girl playable character will compete in Pokemon Contests. Team Rocket (Jessie, James, & Meowth) will also follow Ash to the new region.
* Generation III: May
* Generation IV: Dawn
1A. When the Third Version & Remakes are released the anime will include features (and Pokemon) that are in these games. Most notably Ash will probably challenge the Generations Battle Frontier once he is done battling in that Region's League.
2A. Before a new Generation is released, a Pokemon Movie will prominently feature the a new Pokemon from that Generation. It does not have to be a movie right before the releasing of the new Generation.
* Generation I:
- Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back: Donphan
- Pokemon the Movie 2000 - The Power of One: Lugia & Slowking
* Generation II:
- Pokemon Heroes - Latios & Latias
* Generation III:
- Destiny Deoxys: Munchlax
- Lucario and the Mystery of Mew: Lucario, Bonsly, & Weavile
- Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea: Manaphy, Buizel, & Chatot
2B. In addition to this, several new Generation Pokemon may debut in Pikachu Shorts.
* Generation I:
- Pikachu's Vacation: Marill & Snubble
- Pikachu's Rescue Adventure: Ledyba, Elekid, Bellossom, & Hoothoot
* Generation II:
- Pikachu's PikaBoo: Wailmer
- Camp Pikachu: Duskull
2C. The anime may also introduce new Generation Pokemon.
* Generation I: Ho-Oh & Togepi
* Generation II: Kecleon
3. The Pokemon Special Manga will base a new manga off the new region, naming the main characters after the games "title". When the Third Version comes out they may create a new character to have that Versions "title" as a name or they might have kept a character's name secret to be named that Version's "title" later. When the remakes are made they will go back to that region as well as the characters which were in that region.
1. Bulbapedia - Where I did my research
2. pikastatic100 - Suggested the "signature" Bug Pokemon for each Generation.
there needs to be more people like you pikachu
*thumbs up/manly tears*
Very impressive.
It must've been difficult to gather all of that info.
It was very interesting and helpful too.
*thumbs up from me too*
HaydenAvery wrote: |
About the plusle and minun thing multiply and divide should be added and they all evolve a different way into equal. |
I think a better idea would be a baby form that could evolve into either Plusle, Minun, or a third evoltuion that could be added in the next Generation.
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Very nice, Pikachu, that formula is great for trying to sneak peak at some features that might be available in Gen. V. Regarding #5 in the Pokemon section, there also seems to be some sort of pattern in which two evolutionary lines of caterpillar/butterfly/insect Pokemon (with slight variations in the path of evolution), which can also be caught at early points in the games, are introduced every other generation. There were Caterpie and Weedle in Gen. I, no specific evolutionary lines in Gen. II, Wurmple in Gen. III (which would then branch out into two separate evolutionary lines upon evolving into either Silcoon or Cascoon), and no specific evolutionary lines in Gen. IV. If this is a specific pattern, then that would mean that it would come back around for Gen. V, with there either being two caterpillar Pokemon with separate evolutionary lines (like in Gen. I), one caterpillar Pokemon with it branching out into two evolutionary lines (like in Gen. III), or some different sort of evolution pattern involving caterpillar Pokemon. In fact, if the latter is the case, application of the caterpillar(s)' evolution changing each time could also be part of the pattern, especially considering the fact that a new way to evolve Pokemon is being introduced in Gen. V. |
Actually, while maybe not be caterpillers, Generation II and IV do have a well known bug Pokemon you can catch early. I added that the list above.
Also I added in new Generation Pokemon debuts in the ANIME & MANGA section. And yes, I left out Movie 13 and Zoroa & Zoroark on purpose as we don't know if those are the only Generation V Pokemon that'll be making an appearance.
Finally, I gave you credit (as well as Bulbapedia) on the bottom of my second post.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
Wow! Never knew all that stuff followed a pattern. I would like Shellder to be able to evolve into something better then Cloyster. Something not as ugly. |
It's possible. If the Writers went from Gen IV to Gen I to just give Magmar & Electabuzz an evolution & Snorlax a Pre-Evo, its possible that Shellder can get a Cross-Evolution.