pikastatic100 wrote: |
Yayz for new English names: Pokemon: |
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Yayz for new English names: Pokemon: |
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Anime=/=Games Being it was decided to keep Ash at 10, the anime has decided to ignore the passing of time. However between games time has passed, as it was clearly stated Generation II happened 3 years after Johto & Generation IV took place around the time as Generation II. |
Yes, I know the anime and the games are different, my point in mentioning Ash is that he's supposed to be 10, but still clearly a good few years older than Max, who'd be the same age as the school kid.
Either way, Red, Leaf, Gold, Kris, Brendan, May, Lucas & Dawn (screw Ethan and Lyra) are all supposedly around about 10 at the start of their respective games, and all clearly older than the school kid.
Therefore the son of the Team Rocket Grunt is likely to only be about 6 or 7, but it doesn't really help anyway as we've no idea how long after GSCDPPHGSS he was born.
As for Braviary, the change is obviously to remove the connotations of war. It's the most American thing in the series, of course America doesn't want that to mean war
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
Well bear in mind that that Ash & every other player character before BW was supposed to be 10, and the school kid is clearly a few years younger than that... Still, big gap. |
Wrong, the 10 year old thing is anime only
I love the names Gothitelle and Reuniclus! So clever. I actually prefer Braviary over Wargle b/c Wargle makes it sound very languid. As for the other names, I don't have a strongopinion, but what is the meaning of Axew and Patrat (What are they derived from)?
crzyazn_9399 wrote: |
I love the names Gothitelle and Reuniclus! So clever. I actually prefer Braviary over Wargle b/c Wargle makes it sound very languid. As for the other names, I don't have a strongopinion, but what is the meaning of Axew and Patrat (What are they derived from)? |
Axew = Ax + Chew
Patrat = Patrol + Rat
More English names have been revealed:
Doryuzu is now Excadrill
Mamanbou is now Alomomola
Kurumiru is now Sewaddle
Insect Opposition is now Struggle Bug
Drill Liner is now Drill Run
Just to note, you know the list pikastatic100 posted? Well all these Pokemon names are on the list, so could these mean this list is legit or it just got these names ahead of time somehow? Here is the list again:
* #494 - Victini
* #495 - Snivy
* #496 - Servine
* #497 - Serperior
* #498 - Tepig
* #499 - Pignite
* #500 - Emboar
* #501 - Oshawott
* #502 - Dewott
* #503 - Samurott
* #504 - Patrat
* #505 - Watchog
* #506 - Lillipup
* #507 - Herdier
* #508 - Stoutland
* #509 - Purrloin
* #510 - Liepard
* #511 - Pansage
* #512 - Simisage
* #513 - Pansear
* #514 - Simisear
* #515 - Panpour
* #516 - Simipour
* #517 - Munna
* #518 - Musharna
* #519 - Pidove
* #520 - Tranquill
* #521 - Unfezant
* #522 - Blitzle
* #523 - Zebstrika
* #524 - Roggenrola
* #525 - Boldore
* #526 - Gigalith
* #527 - Woobat
* #528 - Swoobat
* #529 - Drilbur
* #530 - Excadrill
* #531 - Audino
* #532 - Timburr
* #533 - Gurdurr
* #534 - Conkeldurr
* #535 - Tympole
* #536 - Palpitoad
* #537 - Seismitoad
* #538 - Throh
* #539 - Sawk
* #540 - Sewaddle
* #541 - Swadloon
* #542 - Leavanny
* #543 - Venipede
* #544 - Whirlipede
* #545 - Scolipede
* #546 - Cottonee
* #547 - Whimsicott
* #548 - Petilil
* #549 - Lilligant
* #550 - Basculin
* #551 - Sandile
* #552 - Krokorok
* #553 - Krookodile
* #554 - Darumaka
* #555 - Darmanitan
* #556 - Maractus
* #557 - Dwebble
* #558 - Crustle
* #559 - Scraggy
* #560 - Scrafty
* #561 - Sigilyph
* #562 - Yamask
* #563 - Cof@grigus
* #564 - Tirtouga
* #565 - Carracosta
* #566 - Archen
* #567 - Archeops
* #568 - Trubbish
* #569 - Garbodor
* #570 - Zorua
* #571 - Zoroark
* #572 - Minccino
* #573 - Cinccino
* #574 - Gothita
* #575 - Gothorita
* #576 - Gothitelle
* #577 - Solosis
* #578 - Duosion
* #579 - Reuniclus
* #580 - Ducklett
* #581 - Swanna
* #582 - Vanillite
* #583 - Vanillish
* #584 - Vanilluxe
* #585 - Deerling
* #586 - Sawsbuck
* #587 - Emolga
* #588 - Karrablast
* #589 - Escavalier
* #590 - Foongus
* #591 - Amoonguss
* #592 - Frillish
* #593 - Jellicent
* #594 - Alomomola
* #595 - Joltik
* #596 - Galvantula
* #597 - Ferroseed
* #598 - Ferrothorn
* #599 - Klink
* #600 - Klang
* #601 - Klinklang
* #602 - Tynamo
* #603 - Eelektrik
* #604 - Eelektross
* #605 - Elgyem
* #606 - Beheeyem
* #607 - Litwick
* #608 - Lampent
* #609 - Chandelure
* #610 - Axew
* #611 - Fraxure
* #612 - Haxorus
* #613 - Cubchoo
* #614 - Beartic
* #615 - Cryogonal
* #616 - Shelmet
* #617 - Accelgor
* #618 - Stunfisk
* #619 - Mienfoo
* #620 - Mienshao
* #621 - Druddigon
* #622 - Golett
* #623 - Golurk
* #624 - Pawniard
* #625 - Bisharp
* #626 - Bouffalant
* #627 - Rufflet
* #628 - Braviary
* #629 - Vullaby
* #630 - Mandibuzz
* #631 - Heatmor
* #632 - Durant
* #633 - Deino
* #634 - Zweilous
* #635 - Hydreigon
* #636 - Larvesta
* #637 - Volcarona
* #638 - Cobalion
* #639 - Terrakion
* #640 - Virizion
* #641 - Tornadus
* #642 - Thundurus
* #643 - Reshiram
* #644 - Zekrom
* #645 - Landorus
* #646 - Kyurem
Another new name:
High Link is now Entralink.
OK, did anyone else think "Alohomora" when they saw Alomomola's name?Where does that name come from? Aloha? Lola? Can't figure this one out.
Also, have to agree about Braviary. Wargle was one of those names that I absolutely thought would stick since it's already one of the name puns the American names are so fond of and it works really well. Oh well. If that list is right, then they're keeping Emboar, which makes me happy since that one is pretty good, too. My favorites on the new list would have to be Galvantula and Haxorus. And I know it won't happen, but I thought they should've changed Terrakion to Terrabull. Get it?
And, sorry for seeing dumb here, but what is clever about the name "Reuniclus"? I don't get it. Does it have something to do with the nucleus of a plant cell?
legersem wrote: |
OK, did anyone else think "Alohomora" when they saw Alomomola's name?Where does that name come from? Aloha? Lola? Can't figure this one out. Also, have to agree about Braviary. Wargle was one of those names that I absolutely thought would stick since it's already one of the name puns the American names are so fond of and it works really well. Oh well. If that list is right, then they're keeping Emboar, which makes me happy since that one is pretty good, too. My favorites on the new list would have to be Galvantula and Haxorus. And I know it won't happen, but I thought they should've changed Terrakion to Terrabull. Get it? And, sorry for seeing dumb here, but what is clever about the name "Reuniclus"? I don't get it. Does it have something to do with the nucleus of a plant cell? |
I think the official revelation of the most recent names definitely majorly legitimizes the big list. If so, that's cool with me. I've started to take a liking to them, even if some are a bit odd.
legersem wrote: |
And, sorry for seeing dumb here, but what is clever about the name "Reuniclus"? I don't get it. Does it have something to do with the nucleus of a plant cell? |
Bulbapedia wrote: |
Reuniclus seems to be a combination of reunite and homunculus and possibly even "nucleus". It may also derive from unipolar neuron. |
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Another new name: |
Why do they need to change them for no real reason?
New English Names:
Shikijika is now Deerling
Miruhog is now Watchog
Basslao is now Basculin
Swanna keeps its name
Gale/Windstorm is now Hurricane
Acrobat is now Acrobatics
Healing Heart is now Healer
Herbivore is now Sap Sipper
Victory Star keeps its name
Yeah, Sap Sipper. That totally makes sense for a name
Because I'm sure all the animals the Pokemon who can have this ability are based on eat sap
Actually, none of those animals eat sap, so the name Sap Sipper does not make sense at all. Herbivore should have kept its name, since although none of those animals eat sap, they are all herbivorous animals, meaning that they eat plants rather than meat.
Aaerni wrote: |
Actually, none of those animals eat sap, so the name Sap Sipper does not make sense at all. Herbivore should have kept its name, since although none of those animals eat sap, they are all herbivorous animals, meaning that they eat plants rather than meat. |
Are you sure? I'm certain cows and buffaloes are capable of eating British people, old sap.
I believe "Sap" in Sap Sipper refers to the sticky stuff that comes from trees and plants, not to British people.
Aaerni wrote: |
I believe "Sap" in Sap Sipper refers to the sticky stuff that comes from trees and plants, not to British people. |