Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
every gym has had a rock type gym
Jasmine (before steel types were discorved)
if it wont be first it will be in it
Again, I just want a Dark-Type Gym.
The only things that I'm wondering about are what are the new Legendaries going to be in control of? We've got Sky, Earth, Sea, Time, Space, Creation itself. What is left? Also, what will the new region be based off of.
They've already used the good locations from Japan. The only areas left are just generic looking.
Limezz wrote: |
I'd also like to be able to catch a dragon type pokemon earlier in the game as they take a while to train and by the time you catch 'em they're probably not worth training for how long they'll take and close you usually are to the league. |
Well Gible was available for capture after you got your Second Badge.
Just a quick thing to mention, Bulbapedia has put up a page for our Generation V stars and, not surprisingly, have a different Species name for them then Serebii has mentioned. Zoroa is the Dark Fox Pokemon (not really that different from Evil Fox Pokemon). However Zoroark is the Illusory Fox Pokemon, fitting into Bulbapedia's translation of the 13th movies title "Ruler of Illusions". This also might hint toward an ability (no, not the game mechanic) to turn into different shapes (or make it looks like it has shapeshifted), meaningthe suspectation of "Z" being a being who has simply shapeshifted into an identical clone of Ash is seeming more likely, but we can't really call anything yet.
In addition Bulbapedia has provided us with these few more tibits:
1. Though Vulpix and Ninetales more closely resemble the origin creature in appearance, Zoroark could be based off the power of shape-shifting which the mythical fox-like Kitsune is able to do pull tricks on people. Zorua is just based off a baby fox.
2. Zoroark comes from the Spanish word "zorro" which means "fox" and the English word "dark". Zorua is just a shortening of Zoroark's name.
Finally, here is Zorua's and Zoroark's Bulbapedia page.
(Gotta love Bulbapedia's humor sometimes )
Adv193 wrote: |
One thing which I believe is important for introducing new moves that can balance the ones for physical and special attacks for each type. For example, only Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz were the only physical Fire-type moves, which was also an issue with Electric-types. I hope this generation they create a better balance between both damage types for the moves. Other things to think of is if they will finally have a dark-type gym. |
DarthFreeza wrote: | ||
Perhaps, but I was just giving a few quick examples.
Adv193 wrote: | ||||
Perhaps, but I was just giving a few quick examples. |
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
So guys I was just noticing Why does one page have them with blue eyes and green the other?
maybe the one eye is just for the ones in the movie? or something like that, you know like the spikey eared pichu
shadowkombat wrote: | ||
maybe the one eye is just for the ones in the movie? or something like that, you know like the spikey eared pichu |
the spiky ear pichu is different.......
and why would they change the eye color for the movie? that sounds like a pointless change
shadowkombat wrote: | ||
maybe the one eye is just for the ones in the movie? or something like that, you know like the spikey eared pichu |
Nah, if they were going the Spiky-Eared Pichu thing it would have been a more obvious difference then eye color.
Of course there us also the Shiny option. Though it's always preferred for a Shiny of a Pokemon to be drastically colored differently then the original, sometimes we get a Pokemon like Jigglypuff who's noticeable difference is the eye color.
(Okay, okay, yay, Shiny Jigglypuff are a light pink, but it's the green eyes that stand out as the main color change.)
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Again, I just want a Dark-Type Gym. The only things that I'm wondering about are what are the new Legendaries going to be in control of? We've got Sky, Earth, Land, Time, Space, Creation itself. What is left? |
First off, SPD, you left out Sea. Second of all, perhaps the newest Legendary could control reality itself.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Well Gible was available for capture after you got your Second Badge. |
This might sound crazy, but I'm betting Ash caught Gible because in Gen V, it gets a new branch evolution.
a branched evolution?
that sounds......................................................terrible honestly
why would almost ubers need even more forms
and if they all get it the branch wouldnt be special
those two eye colors could be a way to distinguish between a male Z and female Z
guys, do you think this new poke could be a pseudo legendary?
found this:
Update (11:30 AM) - Yaminokame has translated CoroCoro's commentary, and we've included what we think is important in this paragraph (since most of it is just unimportant hyping). They state, "It seems like something is after Celebi! Celebi is a hair away from danger!! Who is Celebi being chased by in the forest!?" Considering they say "hair," they're obviously telling us Zoroark is after Celebi. The first teaser trailer showed us something was chasing Celebi, and Zoroark's claw slashing even formed the animation for the "Z" in the movie's title. The magazine also states Zoroark and Zorua are in a huge rage, though for what reason we do not know why. As for Zoroark's Pokemon ability, CoroCoro goes out of its way to mention it but purposefully hide it, suggesting it will be important to the movie. They ask us, "What could the relation between Zoroark and the Ruler of Illusions be...!? Is there a secret in its ability!?" As of right now, the magazine is not officially linking Zoroark to whoever the "Ruler of Illusions" is, but since they mention it has a special ability, we can probably assume the ability is related to illusions and that Zoroark is in fact the "Ruler of Illusions," as the title of the movie suggests. After all, the magazine says Zoroark holds the key to the movie.
Update (2:30 PM) - The CoroCoro page also mentions that a new method of evolution may be involved for evolving Zorua into Zoroark. The page asks, "Could we see a new method of evolution!?" Thanks goes to DorianBlack for catching this overlooked detail. What could it mean?
heres what i want
-a baby for of scyther
-a baby form of kangashkan
-a dragon eevelution
-a poison eeveelution
-a ghost eeveelution
-an AWESOME fire type starter
-somethin else for haunter to evolve into
an evolved form of (sotty bout spelling) aerodactyl
-a new snorlax evolution
halozi10 wrote: |
heres what i want -a baby for of scyther -a baby form of kangashkan -a dragon eevelution -a poison eeveelution -a ghost eeveelution -an AWESOME fire type starter -somethin else for haunter to evolve into an evolved form of (sotty bout spelling) aerodactyl -a new snorlax evolution |
-Huh, you're the third or fouth person i heard wanting that, not htat i'm against it.
-Sorry, part of the mystery of evolution sub-plot, any pokemon that has no evolution line by now will likely not get one ever.
-Nothing against
-Nothing agasint
-Nothing against
-Charizard is the manifestation of awesome, Typhlosion owns and Infernape is freakin' Infernape, i think we don't need to worry much about the level of awesome for the fire starter
-Why? Gengar is an awesome sweeper.
-Same with what i said about Khanghaskan.
- Snorlax is already powerful, no need for it to evolve further.