Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||||||||
There doesn't seem to be that much of a difference, except for the fact that Suicune is not the main legendary Pokémon. I still hope, however, that the three Legendary Dogs and Kanto play a big role in these games.
Actually, I'm kind of upset that they made a new female character.... I loved the old girl with blue hair. My sister will be devastated!
Um... TKnHappyNess... that wasn't appropriate to say...
Anyway, as always I got up the images and made it so that they can be fit here! So let's get started with the stars of HeartGold & SoulSilver: the two Legendary Bird masters themselves, Ho-Oh & Lugia:
(Could this be there possible boxart or will they have something a little bit more dramatic like Giratina Origin Forme had?)
Next up we have more artwork of Pokemon, but this time it is for the normal stock art for the non-legendary Pokemon of Generation II. As we know, the Generation II Pokemon badly needed new stock art and, just like how the Generation I Pokemon got new stock art with the release of FireRed and LeafGreen, the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver gives the perfect reason to do so. And they did:
(I don't think I have to name them, though I do have to note that poor Sentret had his head cut off in the scans we got so far and Dunsparce only got half of his head in. Ouch.)
As you can see on the bottom of the previous picture, we have the Pikachu-color-Pichu (Why can't they just Shiny Pichu?), and as a few had said before, there is an event which involves the Shiny Pichu you would get because of the 12th Movie that also involves the Notched-Ear Pichu (could this possibly mean Notched-Ear Pichu has its own sprite?):
(Well, as it turns out, Pikachu-Colored-Pichu (Top) and Notched-Ear Pichu (Bottom) have their very own over-world sprite. But as I questioned above, does this hold true for their battling/animation sprites?
Also, where is your starter? Could Pichu be one of the Pokemon that will be allowed to follow you?)
Next up we have a few screenshots, nothing much to say right now so lets take a look at them:
(Now that we gotten a look, let's observe a few things:
1. 3 Pokeballs on a turning device? If you recall, in Gold and Silver you didn't have to get a Pokemon from a briefcase but instead are directly given one by Professor Elm so my guess is this is the screen where you choose your Starter.
2. Now in FireRed and LeafGreen, several iconic locations got their own "cutscene" of either the outside or inside of that place. In HeartGold and SoulSilver this is repeated and here is an example "cutscene" from Sprout Tower.
3. New female character in front of Slowpoke Well in Azalea Town with Totodile following her.
4. Gold in Violet City with Cyndaquil following him.)
Wait, hold on, screenshot 3 shows a playable female character, but she doesn't look like Kris. For some reason, the programmers decided to ditch Kris and replace her with a new female playable character! I don't know why they did this, those who were getting ready to play as Kris are now going to be dissapointed, so I hope there is a reason for this replacement (and it better not be because she wasn't in Gold and Silver, I'd actually be quite disappointed if they didn't have Crystal features in HeartGold and SoulSilver). Anyway the other playable character you didn't choose will somehow also play a role in the game much like Dawn/Lucas did if you chose the male/female character in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
By the way, we also get a look at the brand new PokeGear, and it looks more like a flip mobile phone now:
(Gold, glad to see you're back. New lady, prepare for a lot of hate from the Kris lovers out there...)
1. There will be a Skateboard item you can ride on.
2. Wi-Fi Features expanded.
3. Possibly 3 new Wi-Fi games.
4. Starters won't be the only Pokemon that can follow you.
More to come when more appear!
Gah! The new girl does not look Gen II material, at all.
She looks like a failed clone attempt between Dawn and Misty...
I rather they of used Kris as the female mascot for Gold and Silver.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
S-skateboard? ..... We're getting Zafari Zone again! 8D And everything that had to get cut! Probably. Anyway, well, it's random that Crystal got changed by a new female, but i don't really care anyway. And, having random pokemon follow you, i guess this also means you can have them not follow you too, that'll be good incase it gets boring to have the pokemon follow you. |
How do you know we're getting the Safari Zone? Okay, since they probably fixed most of the bugs they have no reason not to open the Safari Zone, though (unless it was mentioned in the CoroCoro pages and someone didn't translate that part) I have heard no news on the Safari Zone.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Actually, the skateboard is not confirmed. Some good news though. We might get these games earlier then I thought. Most people (including me) assumed that they would want to release these in November to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the originals, which would put a U.S. release around May or June of next year state side, but apparently CoroCoro said (has not been confirmed) that they are going to be released on September 11th, meaning an earlier U.S. release. |
ok heres my input: the new girl looks like someone from kanto or someone you would see in a random filler or pokemon chronicle episode. i liked the original crystal girl alot and the new one is ok but meh.
that being said i dont think there will be too many differences in the game. if the game is going to be very close to the original, it means the closest thing to safari zone will be the bug catching contest.
well whether they make updates or not i will be very excited to play the remake of gold and silver i am so happy about this when i was younger i always wished that your starter or at least the first pokemon in your party could follow you everywhere so maybe my wish was granted
and wow i never realized this but the gold silver and crstal series actually had the most changes and some of those changes werent even incorporated into the newer games which i still hate and those changes include the radio option, making balls from, apricorn, etc and am i the only oe who hates the fact that you cant deposit items? its nice to have an item available to your whim but i dont like carrying around a bunch of items that i know i wont be using for awhile...
joeyfun wrote: |
Remember how you could get Deoxys and Jirachi in Firered and Leafgrean? Maybe in this they will have pokemon (legendarys) in these. Maybe Darkari and Arceus? |
Umm, how about Celebi? It's pretty much the only Pokemon so far that haven't had a recent distribution event making the only Celebi that currently exist are hacked.
yugiohfan99 wrote: |
How would the skateboard work with Pokemon following you? |
It either runs after you, hops on the skateboard with you, or has a little skateboard itself.
i_hated_hoenn wrote: |
ok heres my input: the new girl looks like someone from kanto or someone you would see in a random filler or pokemon chronicle episode. i liked the original crystal girl alot and the new one is ok but meh. that being said i dont think there will be too many differences in the game. if the game is going to be very close to the original, it means the closest thing to safari zone will be the bug catching contest. well whether they make updates or not i will be very excited to play the remake of gold and silver i am so happy about this and wow i never realized this but the gold silver and crstal series actually had the most changes and some of those changes werent even incorporated into the newer games which i still hate and those changes include the radio option, making balls from, apricorn, etc and am i the only oe who hates the fact that you cant deposit items? its nice to have an item available to your whim but i dont like carrying around a bunch of items that i know i wont be using for awhile...
yugiohfan99 wrote: |
How would the skateboard work with Pokemon following you? |