Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
yugiohfan99 wrote: |
How would the skateboard work with Pokemon following you? |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
About those changes, the radio, i could easily live without, the apricorn balls, i have mixed feelings, they were replaced with better balls that you can simply buy rather than wait some time for it. And, i never once used the item deposit, on any game, the bag was big enough for me... Well, all i can say now is, hope next update gives us more info. |
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Hey, does anyone take these games as a sign that Ash and co. will be returning to Johto? We might see the GS Ball plotline picked back up. |
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Hey, does anyone take these games as a sign that Ash and co. will be returning to Johto? We might see the GS Ball plotline picked back up. |
Shurikangirl wrote: |
I doubt the GS ball will be brought up again. But maybe the New Battle Frontier will be in Johto, giving Ash the chance to get to come back to Johto. |
i_hated_hoenn wrote: | ||||
Are you serious? Are you on drugs? Ash & Co. went to Kanto during the Advanced Generation Series for the Kanto Battle Frontier, key word= Kanto.
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||
Are you serious? Are you on drugs? Ash & Co. went to Kanto during the Advanced Generation Series for the Kanto Battle Frontier, key word= Kanto. |
Okay, to clear this whole think up:
Ash went back to Kanto because that is where his home town is (you know, Pallet Town). Ash was going home to see his mom, Professor Oak, and Tracey; he had no idea that the Battle Frontier even existed until he met Scott and Agatha in Viridian City. After seeing his mom, Professor Oak, Tracey, and a surprise visit by Gary, Misty, Professor Birch and Max he then set out through Kanto once more to challenge the Battle Frontier right when Brock and May joined back into his party.
The main point I'm trying to make is that Ash didn't go to Kanto for the Battle Frontier, he went to Kanto to drop in and say "hi" to everyone at home. Of course when he heard about the Battle Frontier he took the challenge, but that was not his main reason for going back to Kanto after Hoenn. It is his reason to travel through it again though (We have to keep Ash busy while the plotline for the next region is being drawn up).
This is why I'm having a problem seeing Ash going to Johto, he has no reason to go there unless he somehow hears there is a Battle Frontier there. It would be easier just to have a place in Sinnoh where the Battle Frontier could be so Ash could go through it while he is still in Sinnoh and then after it he can go home, say "hi", and move onto the next region.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||||||
Okay, to clear this whole think up: Ash went back to Kanto because that is where his home town is (you know, Pallet Town). Ash was going home to see his mom, Professor Oak, and Tracey; he had no idea that the Battle Frontier even existed until he met Scott and Agatha in Viridian City. After seeing his mom, Professor Oak, Tracey, and a surprise visit by Gary, Misty, Professor Birch and Max he then set out through Kanto once more to challenge the Battle Frontier right when Brock and May joined back into his party. The main point I'm trying to make is that Ash didn't go to Kanto for the Battle Frontier, he went to Kanto to drop in and say "hi" to everyone at home. Of course when he heard about the Battle Frontier he took the challenge, but that was not his main reason for going back to Kanto after Hoenn. It is his reason to travel through it again though (We have to keep Ash busy while the plotline for the next region is being drawn up). This is why I'm having a problem seeing Ash going to Johto, he has no reason to go there unless he somehow hears there is a Battle Frontier there. It would be easier just to have a place in Sinnoh where the Battle Frontier could be so Ash could go through it while he is still in Sinnoh and then after it he can go home, say "hi", and move onto the next region. |
Yusei08 wrote: | ||
I didn't even think about Ash going over to Johto to see May compete in the Johto Grand Festival. Hmm, I guess it's possible but will the Sinnoh League be over just in time for Ash and co. to take a trip over to see the Johto Grand Festival? Generally, Grand Festivals occur before league competitions (probably because they know there are trainers who compete in both *cough*Nando*cough*).
i_hated_hoenn wrote: |
when firered and leafgreen came out they didnt go back to kanto |
BAC510 wrote: |
Are you serious? Are you on drugs? Ash & Co. went to Kanto during the Advanced Generation Series for the Kanto Battle Frontier, key word= Kanto. |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
Okay everyone, here is the latest updates from Bulbapedia:
* Release date is Fall 2009, but no specific month or day was mentioned.
(And look, we get to see Lugia and Ho-Oh in all their new stockart glory!)
* The new female character is named Soul (And now has a Bulbapedia page).
(I can already hear the Kris-fans rioting...)
* Instead of picking your starter from a briefcase, you instead use a turn table-like storage machine with the starter inside the Poke Ball information and picture shown on the top screen.
(And around, and around, and around it'll go! Which Starter will you choose? Only you know!)
* PokeGear got redesigned with a new layout. It will appear on the bottom screen whenever you press "X" or "Start".
(I'm gonna guess the 5 options we're shown here is Pokemon (Poke Ball), Bag Inventory (Backpack (might be a Duffle Bag for Soul)), Trainer ID (ID Card), Phone Numbers(?) (Notebook & Pencil), and Options (Wrench).)
* The Arceus given away for the 12th Movie will activate a special event in Platinum (which Serebii has already found HERE).
(Time to learn the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth)
Oh, and here are some better Screenshots then the ones I got:
Gold & Cyndaquil Outside Kurt's house in Azalea Town
Gold & Totodile in front of a Team Rocket Grunt infront of Slowpoke Well in Azalea Town
Cutscene upon entering Sprout Tower in Violet City
Gold with Pikachu-colored Pichu who just noticed Notched-ear Pikachu infront of the Celebi Shrine in Ilex Forest
And that's all I have!
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Actually, Soul is a fan made name. She is technically nameless. |
You're right, apparently they followed a "pattern" which was used for Leaf. If you want to know this "pattern", they just took the prefix of the 2nd version of the Generation II remakes which was how Leaf was named, her name is the prefix of the 2nd version of the Generation I remakes. Note that when I say 2nd version I mean the "partner version" which is mentioned last if you're using the game titles:
FireRed & LeafGreen
HeartGold & SoulSilver
of course, like SPDShadowRanger said, this is all just speculations as she is still a complete enigma.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Although the above is true, Leaf is not a fan made name. The name actually appears in game data. |
I know, which is why people probably think the new female's name is Soul.
Personally, I think she should be named Heart because Soul sounds more like a boy's name.