Kwando7 wrote: |
I agree this no information is starting to piss me off too, Also they said they were revealing a new pokemon they didn't reveal it they just confirmed it. |
So? They obviously didn't plan on someone leaking it early.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Kwando7 wrote: |
I agree this no information is starting to piss me off too, Also they said they were revealing a new pokemon they didn't reveal it they just confirmed it. |
So? They obviously didn't plan on someone leaking it early.
Shiny_missingno wrote: | ||
So? They obviously didn't plan on someone leaking it early. |
didn't they have people confirm it was real, either way I still think that it's cheating
edit: he will be appearing in the next episode to reveal new information about the upcoming Pokémon X and Y for the Nintendo 3DS
No new information about the game either
It seems like they are giving us less information as the time goes on. When we first learned about Pokemon X and Y in January we learned there was a new generation,the three starters and the two legendaryPokemon. The secondpiecewe learned about in Feb was a newPokemonthat was a new eveeloution but we didn't know the type. Now in April we learn there a new pokemon that may or may not berelatedto Mew and Mewtwo.
maybe this generation will have a lot of pokemon based off of old pokemon like gen 4 did with togekiss, tangrowth, electivire.....etc. we already got a new evee and a new mew like pokemon sooooo.......maybe
The questions is that in the anime series that will we see the end of Cilan, Iris and shockingly Ash and Pikachu? I believe that Pokemon needs fresh blood and Ash's departure will not kill the show but save it. I see that Ash will return to Kanto and a new trainer will be introduced for the Pokemon X and Y series. After all it is getting boring to have Ash abandon once again all his Unova Pokemon for a new set at the new region with Pikachu.
snake63 wrote: |
The questions is that in the anime series that will we see the end of Cilan, Iris and shockingly Ash and Pikachu? I believe that Pokemon needs fresh blood and Ash's departure will not kill the show but save it. I see that Ash will return to Kanto and a new trainer will be introduced for the Pokemon X and Y series. After all it is getting boring to have Ash abandon once again all his Unova Pokemon for a new set at the new region with Pikachu. |
1. This isn't that thread to discuss that. This probably belongs on the Best Wishes! Anime discussion board.
2. As long as Ash hasn't won a Pokemon League he's going to remain the main character. When X & Y are released Ash's journey in PokeFrance will also begin around that time, however I'm sure Iris and Cilan will have left for Ash's next two companions.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
1. This isn't that thread to discuss that. This probably belongs on the Best Wishes! Anime discussion board. 2. As long as Ash hasn't won a Pokemon League he's going to remain the main character. When X & Y are released Ash's journey in PokeFrance will also begin around that time, however I'm sure Iris and Cilan will have left for Ash's next two companions. |
I don't think they (writers) will change diddly ash will keep going to each new location to join the league and lose when he gets to the finals
Mewtwo Takes A New Forme:
CoroCoro leaks have started and it reveals the answer we've all been asking about Mewbuu: Is it a new Forme or new Pokemon? And the answer is...
Yup, as the title of the movie suggests, Mewtwo will be "awakening" and doing so will turn it into this new Forme. Unfortunately it doesn't go into anymore specifics other then that so we're still left without a name for the Forme (for convenience sake I'm going to call it "Awaken Forme") or exactly what's so different about it compared with Mewtwo's original Forme (which I'm going to call "Genetic Forme")? If you don't mind me quoting my previous announcement post, I think the questions I ask still apply:
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
REASON FOR NEW FORME: Even though we don't know if this is a new forme for Mewtwo yet, it's hard not to see why people would think this. But assuming this is a new Mewtwo forme, this does go back to one of my reasons why I thought it was fake: Why? What does "Mewbuu" have that Mewtwo doesn't have? Here are Mewtwo's normal stats: HP: 106 These stats are perfect for what Mewtwo is meant to be: a weapon. Super high Special Attack with high Speed & Attack. So the question goes to what a new forme can bring or change. Assuming its stats are just going to be re-arranged (though considering how powerful the Kyurem formes are (not to mention Arceus), it's also very possible this forme has an increased base stat total), what can this forme do that the normal one can't? Be more defensive? Not really Mewtwo's style. Higher Speed? Maybe, though high speed is sort of Deoxys's Speed Forme shtick. Swap the offensive stats? "Mewbuu" doesn't look any more physical than Mewtwo, actually is looks less physical. Accentuate the high stats even more? Once again, high offense and Speed is sort of Deoxys's Attack and Speed forme's shtick. I can't really come up with a good reason for a Forme change unless it's meant to increase Mewtwo's base stat total to be around Kyurem's Formes and Arceus. Also why is Mewtwo changing formes? Does it have to do with the new movie? Does Mewtwo end up in such a desperate situation battling the Genesects that it needs to change formes in order to stand any chance of beating them? What now activates this new forme which didn't when Mewtwo was facing off Mew in the first movie or was badly injured by Giovanni in the Mewtwo Returns special feature? What will be the game's story for Mewtwo's change then? |
As for the other Pokemon news CoroCoro has... well... it tells us some stuff about Pokemon Rumble U including a code for a Shiny Garchomp... if you don't mind me quoting myself again:
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
... right now I REALLY wish we got some solid information about XY. Show us some com mons! Show us the Lucario/Zoroark expy! Tell us about a location or character (like the playable characters)! Tell us how you plan on utilizing 3D, the 3DS's other features, or some new mechanics like the "Bond System" which keeps being mentioned. Give us something to sink our teeth into aside from some images! OR, if you want for player's to go into the game blind since this is the first game to be released world wide, here's a crazy idea: MENTION THAT! Tell us you want us to go into the game blind, it'll only excite us even more when you DO decide to give us a sneak peek and for the game's eventual release! Whatever, October can't come fast enough... |
Pardon me, but I wanted to try this for once.
Today we got some new info from a CoroCoro leak.
First up, four new Pokemon! Woot.
The first up is our new Kung Fu Panda, named "Yanchamu."
It's the Naughty Pokemon and is a Fighting-type Pokemon.
Lovely. We now have a proper panda-based Pokemon.
Next up is Generic bird, named "Yayakoma."
It's the Japanese Robin Pokemon and is a Normal-/Flying-type.
For some reason, it can learn Flame Charge. First Tepig can turn itself into bacon, now we get roasted robin! Do people even eat those?
Next up is the dog lizard rabbit thing, named "Erikiteru", the Generation Pokemon.
It's an Electric-/Normal-type, thus making it the only Pokemon so far to have Normal as a secondary type.
Last up is Gogogogogogogogogoat. I mean "G?g?to." (We have no official romanzations, so Gogoat is incorrect for the moment.)
It's a Grass-type and classified as the Riding Pokemon.
It can also learn Horn Leech, thus making Sawsbuck no longer a Pokemon with a signature move.
What's more important is that it can apparently be ridden on in the overworld. Could it replace the Bicycle? Doubtful.
New Pokemon, New Region, New Trainer Customization:
That's right! the drought of lack of X & Y information has finally ended with this month's CoroCoro being leaked revealing 4 pages of new X & Y information! Now right now the scans aren't that good but you can see the images just fine. However I'll hold off giving my indepth analysis on these new Pokemon until the English Website updates with these new Pokemon. But for now...
Pokemon: Gogoat
Type: Grass
Species: Ride Pokemon
Based On: Goat
Height: 1.7 m/5'07"
Weight: 91 kg/200.6 lbs
Known Moves: Horn Leech
Other Info: This Pokemon has a special skill of letting you ride on it on the overworld map.
A must have for the trainer on the go.
Pokemon: Yancham
Type: Fighting
Species: Naughty Pokemon
Based On: Panda
Height: 0.6 m/2'07"
Weight: 8 kg/17.6 lbs
Known Moves: Parting Remark (Serebii)/Sharp Remark (Bulbapedia)(NEW! Decreases the opponent's stat(s))
Other Info: The leaf in it's mouth is a trademark of the species.
You can tell he's tough because he's using a leaf as a cigarette!
Pokemon: Elikiteru
Type: Electric/Normal
Species: Generation (Serebii)/Electricity (Bulbapedia) Generator Pokemon
Based On: Lizard
Height: 0.5 m/1'08"
Weight: 6 kg/13.2 lbs
Known Moves: Parabola Charge (NEW! Heals the user while doing damage)
Other Info:
1. Generates electricity by absorbing sunlight.
2. Electric/Normal is a unique type combination.
3. First time the Normal-type is a secondary type.
Don't know what makes it more normal than other mono-types...
Pokemon: Yayakoma
Type: Flying/Normal
Species: Japanese Robin Pokemon
Based On: Japanese Robin
Height: 0.3 m/1'00"
Weight: 1.7 kg/3.7 lbs
Known Moves: Flame Charge
Other Info: It has a beautiful voice.
HELLO REGION BIRD! Can't wait for Ash to catch and barely use you.
Also we have more information on the starters:
Chespin has a tough shell covering its head and back. It can learn the moves Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, and Rollout.
Fennekin can have flames as hot as 200 degrees Celsius.
Froakie can jump as high as a three-story building.
Pokemon, making science cry since 1996.
The new region is called Karos (Serebii)/Karosu (Bulbapedia). It's based on France though whether they mean the entirety of France or just a few cities remains to be seen.
Well it looks very mountainy... we're going to need a bigger image for any more details.
Also the city in the trailer is called Maire City and it's the main city in Karos(u), being right in the center of it. It's symbol is its tower. It's very big and is the city seen where the player is riding Gogoat.
These tiny pictures are getting annoying... let's move onto another topic.
FINALLY, after several months of us knowing what they look like, we finally get artwork and some information about the playable characters!
And as a bonus, you can see the screenshots of the trainers riding around Maire City on Gogoat!
What? Can't put yourself into these characters since their hair/skin color don't match yours? NOT TO WORRY! Because customization has been CONFIRMED... sort of. As of right now we only know of the below three choices for customization:
Boy: Light skin, blonde hair; Light skin, black hair; Dark skin, black hair
Girl: Light skin, blonde hair; Light skin, orange hair; Dark skin, black hair
That's right, you too can now be ambiguously brown!
Also remember that girl the main character was guiding in the trailer? Well there's some info on her... but neither Serebii nor Bulbapedia has any info on her yet... I'm going to assume she's your rival, you can see her face below the customization choices in this pic:
Maybe if they had put her above the customization people would have noticed her...
It was a long time coming, but it looks like the Pokedex will no longer be modeled after the Nintendo Handhelds. This new Pokedex model looks more like a tablet computer, it starts out a square but split in the middle to create a holographic screen:
With the Pokedex no longer needing to look like the handheld systems, they can now make it look like a Pokeball like everything else...
Also the playable characters are wearing some kind of bracelet, probably this gen's PokeNav/PokeGear/Poketch/C-Gear. Due to there looking to be no screen, there's an orb thing on top, and how the Pokedex is being handled I'm going to guess it creates a holographic screen via the orb thing on top.
Next we got the box covers:
Nothing special so let's move along...
And to end this post there is confirmation that X & Y is compatible with the Nintendo Network. What does that mean? Well for starters, if the customization is more then hair and skin color there would be download packs for clothing...
Seeya when the English Pokemon Website updates! You can check more at SEREBII or BULBAPEDIA.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Also remember that girl the main character was guiding in the trailer? Well there's some info on her... but neither Serebii nor Bulbapedia has any info on her yet... I'm going to assume she's your rival, you can see her face below the customization choices in this pic:
Sadly, it's just the new Lass design.
But hey, at least regular Trainers will have VS sprites, it seems.
We usually get some artwork (not since Gen III, though), but this might mean all Trainers get some sort of art.
Diagonal walking confirmed!
Apparently the Pokedex will have three separate regional listings: Central, Mountain, and Coastal
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Diagonal walking confirmed! Apparently the Pokedex will have three separate regional listings: Central, Mountain, and Coastal |
Diagonal Walking:
Thank goodness. Considering the Colosseum games had diagonal walking, it would have been odd if X & Y didn't despite being in 3D. Though the question of what kind of diagonal walking is it? It is a perfectly 45 degree diagonal or can we walk in any degree of diagonal we want? Now neither is bad, but knowing this will help us know if the player is still restricted to a grid or not.
I'll hold my thoughts for the Pokedex as it's part of the magazine thus when the English website updates it'll also contain that information.
And thanks for pinning this board.
While it is new I find it funny how diagonal walking is considered big news the three pokedex category idea will be interesting I wonder how they will divide them
Awesome! The games just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to finally be able to walk diagonally!
They've released a map of the Kalos Region, which is the English name. It doesn't look as big as I thought it would, but still interesting none the less.
Dividing the dex into three regions sounds interesting. It reminds me of what they did for Fire Red and Leaf Green.