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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [21]Jan 11, 2013
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    Looks to be pretty interesting. As usual, I'm probably going with Froakie, though I do want to see the final evolutions and their typings first. The possibility of a Fire/Psychic starter is awesome. And pretty excited that we're getting a worldwide release.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [22]Jan 11, 2013
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    We got artwork!

    But no types or Abilities. Game Freak, you bunch of teases.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Jan 11, 2013
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    While going through TV Trope's Pokemon X & Y's Wild Mass Guessing entries, the contributors there have brought up a few things I think are worth noting:

    Gen VI Region Is Mainly Based On France:
    Previously I have said the new region looks to be based on Europe which was rather silly of me since Unova isn't based on the United State but rather New York and parts of New Jersey. With that said, the new region is mainly based on France with 3 notable places hinting on this:

    Eiffel Tower
    An obvious one.

    SO are they going to make us jump out of windows like with the Glitter Lighthouse?

    Vaux-le-Vicomte Chateau
    The home of Nicolas Fouquet, the superintendent of finances of Louis XIV. Being he was working for Louis XIV (who later had Fouquet imprisoned because it was TOO luxurious and the king thought he was spending public funds (the ironic thing is that he spend so much to try and impress the king, oops)), the chateau is very luxurious, bringing in what is called the "Louis XIV style" architecture, interior design, and landscape design. It's style and designs were later used to make the palace and gardens of Versailles. So yeah, it's a famous building.

    Hmm, surely such an influential building in real life would have an important NPC living in it/purpose in its video game counterpart, right?

    Pic du Midi de Bigorre/Pic du Midi Observatory
    Remember those weird buildings in the desert from the trailer? Well apparently it's based on an actual place, an observatory to be more exact. Though in real life it's in the mountains and not a desert, but hey, at least we now know what it is.

    Guess they really wanted to be an Area 51 place but couldn't in Unova since, you know, Area 51 is in Nevada.

    Girl Following You Might Be Rival:
    Can't believe why this didn't occur to me. Guess it was because it was a girl, though that exact reason would actually make her an excellent choice for the rival. We've had Bianca and May (if you chose to be a boy) as female rivals before, but we've never had a female rival be the main (or solo) rival before. Bianca was at best a co-rival with Cheren (but even then Cheren was considered to be the main rival) and May only battled you a few times making Wally more of the main rival. Having the first female main/solo rival would be a nice change to things, I mean out of all the Champions the most popular (at least within GameFreak) was the first female Champion, Cynthia, so why not try that with the rival?

    Though despite how innovative the first main/solo female rival will be, she'll of course still need to wear pink. I don't make the rules, I just point them out.

    The Other Type Triangle:
    Grass, Fire, Water. We all know them as the traditional starter types though in recent years a demand for another type triangle has surfaced: Fighting, Psychic, & Dark. If you recall back to my Starter analysis, I've noted that Fennekin's use of a Psychic-type move might mean it's final evolution would be Fire/Psychic and Froakie's unknown Physical move may hint a future Water/Fighting-type. Though when I talked about Chespin I said that the move in the trailer "looked" like Aerial Ace's animation in Gen V though being it is apparently based on a hedgehog (apparently a hedgehog tail does look like that, but most of the time it's hidden under its spines...) I said it could be either a Grass/Flying or Grass/Ground. However the Aerial Ace animation looked sort of like one that would be used for a Dark-type move, with the target surrounded by black stripes, in a red stripe, and getting hit by the user who dashes by leaving purple motion lines behind. Could this actually be a Dark-type move and a hint of Chespin's final evolution being Grass/Dark? If so that would be an interesting typing choice as it sort of makes a two way triangle:

    Chespin's Grass/Dark-type is strong against Froakie's Water-type & Fennekin's Psychic-type but weak to Fennekin's Fire-type & Croakie's Fighting-type.
    Fennekin's Fire/Psychic-type is strong against Chespin's Grass-type & Croakie's Fighting-type but weak to Croakie's Water-type & Chespin's Dark-type.
    Croakie's Water/Fighting-type is strong against Fennekin's Fire-type & Chespin's Dark-type but weak to Chespin's Grass-type & Fennekin's Psychic-type.

    Now while in the past the gaining of a second type might have helped a starter gain an advantage against the starter it was weak to (for example, Infernape's Fighting-type is strong against Empolean's Water-type) but never had the two way triangle been done (while Torterra's Ground-type is strong against Infernape, Empolean doesn't gain a type that can help it fight Torterra (Steel-type is resistant to Grass-type, but that just means Empolean takes neutral damage from Grass-type attacks while Torterra's Ground-type is strong against its Steel-type).

    What dark secrets are you keeping from us?

    Unova's Legendaries Were Eastern, Gen VI Region's Legendaries Are Norse?
    It's been pointed out that in Norse mythology the world tree, Yggdrasil, had several animals living inside it: 2 birds, 4 stags, and a dragon. It could be possible that Yveltal were based off the birds while Xerneas based off the stags (meaning the 3rd member of the no-doubt trio would be a dragon, maybe a serpent that forms a z-shape?). Also, being Yggdrasil was a world tree thus its what connected everything together (we won't go into specifics), such a theme might not be far off from one which seems to be based off DNA and/or chromosomes. Also note hor Xerneas's entry was from in front of a giant tree.

    Yggdrasil must have moved to France since a cold climate where Norse mythology would took place is no place for a tree.

    Gendering Legendaries:
    A quick one, being Xerneas is an "X", Yveltal is a "Y", and we have a chromosome theme going on, Xerneas will be female while Yveltal will be female. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing unless they're able to breed with something, though being we've had gendered Legendaries before (Latios, Tornadus, Thundurus, & Landorus are all male; Latias & Cresselia are all female, and Heatran have a 1:1 ratio of both genders) yet nothing was done with them I doubt anything will be done with Xerneas and Yveltal.

    Anyway, being I am male I'm going to get Pokemon Y version, plus I like it's Legendary better.

    Dress For Success:
    Remember how at the beginning of the trailer we saw the male playable character in front of the mirror? I'm sure many of us assumed it would probably be part of the beginning cutscene of our trainer getting reading to explore the Pokemon world... but what if it's actually part of a new customization feature? From Gen I to Gen V, a clothing feature would have been tedious to do since it was all sprite work, but now that Gen VI is jumping into 3D where changing a model's clothing is much easier to do, maybe it's time for a clothing mechanic to be added in? Hey, maybe the girl following you in the trailer was actually the female playable character but in different clothing (the clothes we see the playable boy and female in as the playable character might be their default clothes). Also remember that we're in France, which has Paris, the city of fashion!

    I'm feeling like being generic today... with cool shades.

    Well that's all for now. I'll be back later when there's an update or I decide to go into my generation posts...

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [24]Jan 11, 2013
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    With this revelation I'm guessing there may be some pokemon based off of paintings and food (As well as fashion)

    Moaninglisa, Cross-ant

    maybe Smeagle and Unknown will be wild in certain areas, hopefully.

    The person following you could just be another one of those escort missions like in Diamond and Pearl, but I'm rooting for a female rival even if it's just a gender flip option e.g you choose the male character rival is female or if you could choose your rival's gender that would be cool.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [25]Jan 12, 2013
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    I get the sinking feeling that RSE remakes may be dead now...darn. My batteries are dead in those games

    I love the battles....but the character models look way too awkward.

    Getting both version as usual....looks like I'm using Fennekin the first time and I'll flip a coin for the next one.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [26]Jan 12, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    The person following you could just be another one of those escort missions like in Diamond and Pearl, but I'm rooting for a female rival even if it's just a gender flip option e.g you choose the male character rival is female or if you could choose your rival's gender that would be cool.

    Well of course that's that possibility (that what I thought she was at first), however at the beginning of the Sinnoh games and BW2 the rival followed you around at the beginning the game and that might be the case here.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    1. I get the sinking feeling that RSE remakes may be dead now...darn. My batteries are dead in those games

    2. I love the battles....but the character models look way too awkward.

    3. Getting both version as usual....looks like I'm using Fennekin the first time and I'll flip a coin for the next one.

    1. Maybe they're saving Ruby & Sapphire remakes for Gen VI as their first 3D worlds? Gen III wasn't that popular though transforming it into a 3D world means they could do more with it and maybe make people more open to the Generation. Though with that said, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to go back and do Kanto for their first 3D remake since, well, it's the region the first games took place in. HOWEVER if they do that I want an original story, maybe something that takes place between/during the events of Black & White.

    2. I'm guessing they wanted to go "easy" on the 3DS and went with chibi, cel-shaded models which are easy to render. Though I'm sure the 3DS would be able to use the models from the Pokemon Console games which I would they prefer to use (the 3DS is more powerful then the Gamecube which had Pokemon's first two 3D games: the Colosseum games (heck, maybe they'll remake those or release the 3rd one...)).

    3. I'd thought you would use Froakie for at least one versions. But eitherway, that's so far 3 people for Fennekin, WOOT!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [27]Jan 12, 2013
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    Yeah, remakes probably were being left to one engine each, two engine overhauls a gap before remaking. So it's possible Gen VI will see Gen III stuff.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [28]Jan 12, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I get the sinking feeling that RSE remakes may be dead now...darn. My batteries are dead in those games

    I love the battles....but the character models look way too awkward.

    Getting both version as usual....looks like I'm using Fennekin the first time and I'll flip a coin for the next one.

    Really? I can still play my Emerald version

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Jan 13, 2013
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    Ah, you know what's more fun to read about then official news? RUMORS! I've already told you some rumors via TvTropes in my last post, however a new rumor has sprung up which has become quite popular... and it's from the world's most famous trolling website (which I can't say here because it's filtered...). I can already hear some of you sighing and clicking open a new tab, but to try and give little credit I can muster up for the theory, I did hear about it from BlisteredThumbs which generally doesn't post nonsense unless they feel it's interesting. But before I get to this new rumor, I want to talk about a previous rumor:

    I Dropped My Glasses:
    Remember the rumor I said about you finally being able to dress your character? Well this rumor actually has some more backing to it after a little discovery was made in the trailer... a graphical glitch. In the trailer, during the rope (which I accidentally called vine) swinging part at 0:24, you actually see the glasses the male playable character has on the top of his hat left floating in mid air from where he swung. While a funny glitch to see, especially in a debut trailer which you would think the Pokemon Company would watch over 100 times to catch such things, it also reveals that the glasses are not part of the playable character's model. If the glasses was part of the model, chances are it wouldn't do that as there would be no separate data to be left behind. However it being left behind means there is separate data for it thus a possibility of customization. Of course there could be other explanations for it having separate data like it being used as a Key Item or there are scenes where the character moves/takes/adjusts the glasses. However it's still a (rather funny) accidental hint that we'll finally be able to customize how we look (only questions is how much clothing do would they offer and are they actually different styIes, recolors, or a mix of both?).

    The glasses must have seen those giant gaps in the net and decided it would rather not risk swinging across.

    New Types:
    Yup, that's what the new rumor is about: new types. "Um, there's ALWAYS a rumor about there being new types" I hear you say and you are right. However someone on the "website that must not be named" took a look at the Legendaries as well as their part in the trailer and came up with a rather reasonable conclusion that the two Legendaries could be representatives of two new types: Sound & Light. They made a poster explaining their reasoning:

    Explains his reasoning, gives examples, nice presentation, I give it an A... what is this person doing on "website that must not be named"?

    Now as I said two times already, being this comes from "website that must not be named" not only is this just a person's conclusive opinion but there's also a possibility this person is trying to troll us. Let's take a closer look at these possible new types:

    1. For those who don't know, the "Sound-type already existing" probably comes from the Ability Soundproof which nullifies Moves that you'll think involve sound (a full list of those moves are listed on SoundProof's Bulbapedia page). In addition several Pokemon seem to have something dealing with sound such as the Jigglypuff family and Whismur family (and being Magnemite got a Steel-type addition when the Steel-type was introduced in Gen II, it's not far off to think such sound-based Pokemon would get a type addition/change).
    2. As for my actual opinion, this seems a bit of a stretch for a type. To me a "Sound-type" is much like the "Flying-type" as it more explains an attribute rather then something which can natural stand on its own so I can't really see there being any solo-Sound-types (which is a bit ironic as that would make Yveltal a Flying/Sound-type, the two types which can't seem to stand on their own without combining with another type). mean what would a Sound-type be weak to? I guess I can imagine Steel-, Rock-, and other sturdy types being resistant to Sound-types, but even then are we talking about normal sound or supersonic sound (which can actually shatter stone)? Being Water amplifies sound, how would it's relationship with Sound-type be? And these questions don't get any easier with Light-type.

    1. On the topic of most-request type, here's the issue with that. The reason Light-type is requested is because Dark-type exists. The only problem with that is that Dark-type isn't referring to the night or DARKNESS but rather a dark attitude such as cheating, being mean & nasty, hateful, etc.. That's why in Japan they're actually called the Evil-type. Now we have some Dark-type Pokemon which seem to have some relation to the night or DARKNESS like Umbreon and Darkrai to a degree, but they're more like exceptions which prove the rule. So in that context a Light-type doesn't actually make sense since it's the Fighting-types which are usually shown to be honorable and they're super effective against the Dark-type because of this. Psychic-type could also be seen as the "good" counterpart to Dark-types on the mental side of things though Dark-types are strong against them since, in in-game explanation (the real reason is because Psychic-type was broken in Gen I and needed a type that can counter it), a Psychic-type would first try to read their minds only to see and experience all the horrible thoughts that goes through a Dark-type head (in theory). This could be why Umbreon and Espeon wee paired together as the Eeveelutions of Gen II (by the way there's also a rumor of another Eeveelution, whatever). So in essence there's no need for a Light-type since the Dark-type isn't referring to the night or DARKNESS and we have an honorable types which both counter and are weak to Dark-types.
    2. I actually sorta gave my opinion on if the Light-type is necessary above, so I'll go more into it being a type. Like Sound and Flying, can there be a Light-type which stands on it own? And what would Light-types relationship with the other types be? It's relationship with Dark-types? Water once again amplifies light. "Solid" types like Steel and Rock prevents light from coming though, though light can be focused into a laser which can cut through metal and rocks, but that then starts falling into heat which is more related to Fire-types. Ice is usually translucent, Electricity and Fire creates light, there's so many odd relationships here and I don't quite know how it'll all fall together to form weaknesses and resistances.

    To sum things up, while I would like to see new types, Sound and Light seem to be two that would be tricky to pull off. However, as the poster points out, Sound and Light could make for an interesting theme... even though it has nothing to do with DNA which is what they're more going for it seems.

    And to finally end this, remember that whole mathematical/dimensional axises nonsense I talked about when discussing the game titles? Well this was just brought to my realizations: the X-axis (the horizontal axis) is represented by Xerneas, a Pokemon which walks on the GROUND. The Y-axis (vertical axis) is represented by Yveltal, a Pokemon which can FLY.


    Edited on 01/13/2013 1:48am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [30]Jan 13, 2013
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    I like the Y = Flying X = Ground, but not too sure about sound and light type pokemon

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [31]Jan 13, 2013
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    If there isa female rival this time, hopefully we can actually name her. They gave the default names of May and Bianca in Gen 3 and Gen 5 respectively,so it would be a nice change. They've had 4 of the male rivals nameable by the player (Gary, Silver, Barry, and Hugh), but not one for the female.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [32]Jan 13, 2013
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    This will be the greatest generation ever

    Dibs on a Chespin and Pokemon X
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [33]Jan 13, 2013
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    UnovaChampion wrote:
    This will be the greatest generation ever Dibs on a Chespin and Pokemon X

    need more info before I can get behind that statement. I prefer pokemon Y any way, although Pokemon X has a cooler English name.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [34]Jan 14, 2013
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    Starter Basic Stage Pure Type Confirmed:
    The the Starters using moves which look like of different types, that doesn't quite mean they are those types from the get-go. Infact the starter's Basic stage rarely have a secondary type, the only exception being Bulbasaur who was part Poison-type (which is neither weak, resistant, or immune to Fire- and Water-types so the type triangle still stands) though that could be marked as early installment weirdness. Thus I announce that, as you might have already figured out, Chespin is a pure Grass-type, Fennekin is a pure Fire-type, and Froakie is a pure Water-type. But this does not mean that they'll stay this way, it's just that as the basic stage they want to maintain the type triangle to make your first few battles with your rival be somewhat more challenging when it comes to starter vs. starter. Though when they'll get a secondary type, if they even do, remain to be seen:

    Bulbasaur is the only Basic starter with two types and it remains like that to it's final evolution. (1/15)
    Torchic, Mudkip, Chimchar, & Tepig gain their secondary type upon evolving once to their 1st stage: Combusken, Marshtomp, Monferno, & Pignite, respectively. (4/15)
    Charmander, Turtwig, & Piplup gain their secondary type upon reaching their final evolution (2nd stage): Charizard, Torterra, & Empoleon, respectively. (3/15)
    Finally, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Snivy, & Oshawott never gain a secondary type. (7/15)

    So as you can see, odds are upon reaching their second or final evolution at least one of them will be getting a secondary type (well, at least for Fennekin is that above info is anything to go by...)

    What kind of Pokemon are you?

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    Edited on 01/14/2013 12:44pm
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  • Avatar of Dre5d


    [35]Jan 15, 2013
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    The new pokemon series should be coming out this year too where Ash trys to win and fails again.

    Wonder who is going to join him on his journey the girl protagonist, the potential girl rival, or a gym leader.

    Since bacl and white is opposite of the original Iris may come back instead of Cilan since Brock came back for hoen and Misty didnt

    Or they could even stick with Iris and Cilan for the next Gen like Misty and Brock in Jhoto

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [36]Jan 16, 2013
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    I hope they stick with Ash and Iris and Cilan. It seems a bit too soon for him to part ways with them right now.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [37]Jan 16, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    I'd thought you would use Froakie for at least one versions. But eitherway, that's so far 3 people for Fennekin, WOOT!

    I'm not sold on Froakie yet which is surprising since the Water Starter is almost always my favorite. Evolutions will be the deciding factor.
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [38]Jan 16, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    I'd thought you would use Froakie for at least one versions. But eitherway, that's so far 3 people for Fennekin, WOOT!
    I'm not sold on Froakie yet which is surprising since the Water Starter is almost always my favorite. Evolutions will be the deciding factor.

    Agreed I saw some fan art of what Chespin's final stage looked like and if it resembled that I'd go for it.

    I chose Oshawott when I saw Samurott

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [39]Jan 17, 2013
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    I love all the fanart and jokes popping out about Fennekin evolving into a Fire/Fighting type. That said, if it happens I'll probably sob myself into a coma after picking Chespin.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [40]Jan 19, 2013
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    Speculation Study: Starters
    With Gen VI announced but very little information known, I think it wouldn't hurt to go over the various features of the Pokemon franchise and see if we can't find patterns and possibly predict what may be coming. And where else better to start then with the Starters: the three Pokemon which we're given a choice to choose one to start our Pokemon adventure. Though the starters come in different shapes, stats, and possibly secondary type, there's always has been on thing consistent: there's always a Grass, Fire, and Water starter. For most players, their starter is their main Pokemon (at least during the story) thus usually their most highest level. In this post I'm going to go over the starters by their generation as well as in order to know what the Gen VI starters might have in store we need to know what role each Starter played in their generation. Since I went over my thoughts and opinions of the Gen VI starters in earlier posts I won't be really expressing my opinions that much, so for the most part I'll be sticking to the facts. So let's get started since that's why you're reading this and I'm running out of introductory things to say:

    Gen I/Kanto:
    Ah, where it all started. The first three Starters of the Pokemon franchise was Bulbasaur (a green, four-legged reptile of some sort with a plant bulb on its back), Charmander (an orange, bipedal lizard who had the tip of its tail on fire), and Squirtle (a blue, bipedal turtle). Though they started the Grass, Fire, & Water Starter tradition, Bulbasaur is also part Poison-type and remains that way as it evolves. At the very beginning you could sort of consider them as sort of a difficulty scale due to the order of the Gym Leaders (something which actually didn't really change until Gen V): Bulbasaur was the easiest, Charmander the hardest, and Squirtle somewhere in the middle. Of course, as any Pokemon trainer can tell you, type disadvantage can be overcome with high enough levels, and if their level is high enough then may evolve to Ivysaur (a bigger reptile thing who's bulb has sprouted), Charmeleon (a bigger lizard who turned a darker orange and grew a horn), and Wartortle (a bigger turtle though one with the most changes as it grew a fluffy tail and ears). However this is only their intermediate stage as enough leveling will soon have them evolve into Venusaur (a prehistoric reptile thing with a fully bloomed flower on its back), Charizard (a two-horned, winged dragon who's orange color matches Charmander's again and is now part Flying-type), and Blastoise (a giant turtle which has two CANNONS coming from the top of its shell).
    Stat-wise, the Bulbasaur Family has pretty even stats with their Special stats slightly higher, another reason why they were easier to use as you didn't have to worry about not being able to take or do that much damage. The Charmander Family are true red Fire-types, having high Special Attack and Speed though in return have lower Defense and HP, meaning they can dish out damage but not really take any. Finally the Squirtle Family was the more defensive choice, having high Defense and Special Defense but lower Speed and HP, meaning you'll probably be in a battle for a little longer then the other starters.

    Balanced Leaning Special - Grass/Poison throughout

    Speedy Special Attacker - Fire until final stage which is Fire/Flying

    Slow Defensive - Water throughout

    Gen II/Johto:
    A whole new region with a brand new attitude! And that's hold true with the starters as now we have Chikorita (a tiny, green, long-necked dinosaur with a leaf on top of its head and a necklace made of buds), Cyndaquil (a yellow and navy, long-snout mammal which can lit its back ablaze), and Totodile (a small, blue, bipedal crocodile). A special thing to note about the Johto Starters is that they all of them remain single type while other generations had at least one Starter gain a secondary type. This also started the tradition of the the basic stage of the Starters being single type, though that could be more coincidental considering, as mentioned before, none of the Starters gain a secondary type. For this generation the Grass and Fire Starter switched difficulty positions as it was now Cyndaquil who had the more easier time and Chikorita the hardest, Totodile once again sharing Squirtle's position of being middle difficulty. Though like before, they soon evolve into Bayleef (a bigger, more yellow, long-necked dinosaur who's head leaf is missing a chunk and bud necklace have sprouted), Quilava (a longer, small-snout mammal who now can only set its neck and behind ablaze), and Croconaw (a heavier crocodile with a bigger jaw and who now looks like it's wearing caveman clothing). But those middle stages go by so fast as soon they've fully evolved to a Meganium (a tall, once again green, longed-necked dinosaurs who has flower around its neck and it's head leaf now replaced by two stamen-like antennas), Typhlosion (a long, tall, and now bipedal mammal which can only light the back of its neck ablaze), and Feraligatr (a huge and heavy crocodile with the jaws to match).
    For stats, the Chikorita Family shares some traits with the Bulbasaur Family and Squirtle Family as they're balanced leaning toward the defensive, though the extra defense doesn't really much help it against Gym Leaders with the type advantage. The Cyndaquil Family follow in the footsteps of the Charmander family, expressing their Fire-type with high Special Attack and Speed though lower HP and Physical stats. It's up to the Totodile family to bring something new which they do having high Physical stats but low Speed and Special stats.

    Balanced Leaning Defensive - Grass throughout

    Speedy Special Attacker - Fire throughout

    Slow Physical - Water throughout

    Gen III/Hoenn:
    A turning point in Pokemon, due to the Game Boy Advance not being compatible with the original Game Boy games, GameFreak took the opportunity to re-structure the series mechanics adding in new features such as Abilities. All Starters got a type boosting Ability when their HP was low, and the first starters to show it off was Gen III's: Treecko (a green, bipedal gecko), Torchic (an orange, wingless chicken chick), and Mudkip (a blue quadruped that's a visual pun on the name "mudpuppy", looking like a dog-like fish). From now until Gen V the Fire-type will be the difficult choice as the first Gym Leaders for the next two generations are Rock-type. However after the first or second Gym you usually either get enough Pokemon to cover your weaknesses or have your starter evolve into Grovyle (a slicker gecko with leaves growing from its head, wrists, and tail), Combusken (a yellow and orange chicken which gains a secondary Fighting-type), and Marshtomp (a bipedal, visual pun on "mudpuppy" who further re-enforces it by becoming part Ground-type). And with Combusken becoming part Fighting-type we start an odd tradition of having the Fire Starters evolving into part Fighting-types for 3 generations. However this was the first generation that did it thus it was exciting to see as well as the starter's final stages: Sceptile (a tall, gecko dinosaur with a fern tail and yellow pollen orbs on its back), Blaziken (a tall, red, kickboxing chicken with long white head feathers), and Swampert (a huge, visual pun on "mudpuppy" with giant eyebrow and tail fins).
    Stats have started to become more specialized as there are no Starter here you would considered to be "balanced". The Treecko family decides to break away from what Grass Starters have been by copying the Fire Starters having high Speed and Special Attack though low Special Defense and HP. The Torchic family decides to embrace both their Fire and Fighting types by having high Attack and Special Attack but lower stats in about everything else. Finally the Mudkip family sort of follows in the footsteps of the Totodile Family by having high Attack but also high HP though instead of lower stats all around it chooses to have a very low Speed stat.

    Speedy Special Attacker - Grass throughout

    Offensive - Fire only for first stage and Fire/Fighting for the rest.

    Slow Physical Attacker - Water only for first stage and Water/Ground for the rest.

    (contineud in next post)

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