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    [81]May 14, 2013
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    Wonder if the story will change eg like what they had for black and white 2. Or the standard catch beat gyms become champion

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [82]May 19, 2013
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    SORRY it took me so long to post this. A whole batch of college projects popped up and well, education before entertainment. HOWEVER I have done what I can do for said projects, and with the English website having updated (http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/pokemon/), it's time to go over all the info that's been released and, oh boy, is it a LOT! In addition to that I'll also be giving my thoughts on everything. So let's begin with the creatures who's name are the very title of the series:


    Type: Grass
    Species: Ride Pokemon (Japanese)
    Height: 1.7 m/5'07"
    Weight: 91 kg/200.6 lbs
    Known Moves: Horn Leech
    Flavor Text: Gogoat is so large that people are able to ride on its back. It's very calm, and can form a strong bond with its Trainer's feelings when its Trainer grabs onto its horns.
    Based On: A Goat/Ram. Probably a Mountain Goat or Bighorn Sheep.
    Name: "Go" & "Goat".
    Thoughts/Opinion: Surprised it took us this long to get a goat Pokemon (then again, the same can be said about almost all animal species yet to become Pokemon. Then again Gogoat would have been very handing when they made the horoscope in Gen V...). I like Gogoat, considering it's special skill it might mean you can get one early so it could be a worth getting one if you're not going to start out with Chespin. Of course there might be another reason to get one:

    That's right, as it's flavor text suggests you get to ride on one's back in the game! Or course this has brought up a few questions due to most information relating to riding it mentions Lumiose City also: Is Lumiose City the only place you can ride on Gogoat? If so then is this even a Gogoat that belongs to you or a "service" which provides Gogoat rides (like horse carriage rides)? If not then is their any limitation to where you can't ride your Gogoat? Can you jump on your Gogoat as soon as you get one or do you need a certain item? If you do is that red and yellow rug that item? Are any other Pokemon rideable? Will this be replacing the bike? What about those rollerskates we saw the main character skating on?

    Well even if it's limited or not, I'll still look forward to riding Gogoat. Quickly discussing it's stats, looks like Gogoat will be big on Attack (even getting Swasbuck's signature move, Horn Leech). Speaking of Sawsbuck, I can actually see Gogoat having similar stats to it. Though considering Gogoat's size I would imagine it'd be a bit slower then Sawsbuck but higher higher defenses and HP. I would also say Gogoat is a 1st stage Pokemon like Sawsbuck, and there might even be a hint for this on one of the pictures on the site:

    It's an easy thing to miss (as well as the playable boy character riding on rollerskates, but we're not discussing that now), but right next to a flag pole you can see two things which have a similar color scheme to Gogoat. Many believe them to the basic stage of Gogoat. As you can imagine, many people have taken a crack at trying to draw it, this one being the best I've seen:

    The legs of the colored version don't match (though the sketch version's legs do) but to me it looks accurate enough where it counts. Though if it is an early route Pokemon and the Gogoat you ride is suppose to be your's, at what level would it evolve at (if it even evolves by level?). This makes me think that this is a thing that can only be done in Lumiose City (since every time they mention Lumiose City they also say it's huge so additional and faster transportation (which you don't have to pay for *cough*cabs*cough*) was deemed necessary) and is either a service (thus you don't need a Gogoat of your own) or something that'll be doable later in the game if you caught Gogoat's pre-evolution and evolved it to a Gogoat (being Lumiose City is in the middle of the region, I imagine it'll sort of be acting as a "hub" requiring you to pass through it several times in the main story).

    Pokemon: Pancham
    Type: Fighting
    Species: Naughty Pokemon (Japanese)
    Height: 0.6 m/2'00"
    Weight: 8 kg/17.6 lbs
    Known Moves: Parting Shot (NEW! Decreases the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage before switching out)
    Flavor Text:
    With its trademark leaf always sticking out of its mouth, Pancham tries to intimidate its opponents by glaring at them intensely (although this is rarely successful).
    Based On: A Giant Panda.
    Name: "Panda", "Punch" & "Champion". Could also be play on the phrase "Punch 'em".
    Thoughts/Opinion: Sorry Spinda, but there's a new panda in town (though I guess you can make the argument that Spinda was based on a red panda instead of a giant panda (FUN FACT: There is no such animal that's just "a panda", there's only the giant panda (black & white) or red panda (red). Also those species are not related to one another, at least directly anyway). On the long list of "why isn't this animal not a Pokemon yet" we finally have a giant panda, or at least its basic stage. I'm surprises it's a Fighting-type, a reference to Kung Fu Panda perhaps (and even if it isn't you'll know people will name theirs "Po" anyway). Stat wise, being it's a Fighting-type, I can see a big Attack stat though it's "naughty" portrayal could also lead it to getting a series of Dark-type moves as well as some status moves. Many are thinking it could get Prankster as an Ability which would combo very nicely with Parting Shot (speaking of which).

    Parting Shot could bring in a whole new set of strategies out in the metagame. Decreasing both of the opponent's offensive stats and then switching out is a great boon to defensive teams as the opponent will now have to consider switching out themselves to lose the drops or continue the battle with both ways of attacking being hindered. It could also be a good way to bring in Pokemon who normally wouldn't survive/receive heavy damage from an attack from the opponent switching in normally. Or it could be used to put a stopper, even if it's a momentary one, to the opponent's sweeper. Combine this move with Prankster (an Ability which increases the priority of status moves by 1) could very well make this a mainstream move. Though with that said, I wonder how this move will work if the opponent has the Ability Magic Bounce? Will the stat drops be reflected back to the user before they switch out (thus removing the stat drops) or will they be reflected to the Pokemon that switches in?

    Getting back to Pancham, the only other thing to discuss about it is a possible evolution. Considering its "naughty" portrayal and Parting Shot sounding be be something done by a Dark-type, could this possibly mean that if Pancham evolves it'll become a Fighting/Dark-type (and so soon after Scraggy/Scrafty?)? Well if there is one thing I hope seeing in it's evolution, I do hope it evolves to using a bamboo stick as a bo staff. Though if the reverse type triangle stater theory is true, once again Chespin choosers might have to give up on Pancham if they don't want another Fighting-type on their team (unless Pancham's evolution is Fighting/Dark-type, of course).

    Pokemon: Helioptile
    Type: Electric/Normal
    Species: Generation (Serebii)/Electricity (Bulbapedia) Generator Pokemon (Japanese)
    Height: 0.5 m/1'08"
    Weight: 6 kg/13.2 lbs
    Known Moves: Parabolic Charge (NEW! Heals the user by half the damage done to the target)
    Flavor Text: Helioptile charges itself by bathing in the light of the sun, providing it with enough energy that it doesn't need to eat!
    Based On: A Frill-Necked Lizard. Also possibly a Spotted Salamander.
    Name: "Helio" (Ancient Greek for "sun"), "heliophile" (organisms attracted to sunlight), & "reptile".
    1. Electric/Normal is a unique type combination.
    2. First time the Normal-type is a secondary type.
    Thoughts/Opinion: Finally a Pokemon not on the "why isn't this a Pokemon yet" list (at least the basic version), Helioptile is rather an interesting Pokemon. It's Electric/Normal typing bring two "firsts" as the trivia entails. Though the second trivia doesn't really mean anything since Gamefreak haven't put in any mechanics which deals whether a type is a primary or secondary type, the first trivia means we've never faced a Pokemon like this before: Weak to Ground & Fighting; immune to Ghost; resistant to Electric, Flying, & Steel. But my main question about it is what its stats will be like. Electric is normally a Special type while Normal is a Physical, so I don't know what exactly it's play styIe will be like (while both types have moves in the other category, usually the stronger moves of that type are in the categories which I mentioned they belong in). Parabolic Charge sounds like it'll be a Special move, though not a lot of the Special Normal-type moves sound like they'll fit
    Helioptile (since a lot of them have to do with sound).

    Speaking of Parabolic Charge, let's talk about it. It sounds like an interesting move and if it's just like Giga Drain that'll be a HUGE boon to Electric-type Pokemon. Of course that is if it is a copy of Giga Drain and not it's lesser versions such as Mega Drain or Absorb. However there is something about Parabolic Charge that's quite noteworthy. Here are a few moves and tell me if you notice something about them: DragonBreath, DynamicPunch, ExtremeSpeed, PoisonPowder, SmellingSalt, ThunderPunch, ThunderShock. Now you'll probably immediately notice that these moves are two words combined. Upon further examination you'll then realize all these moves are 12 letters long. From Gen I to Gen V, 12 letters has been the maximum a Move or Ability can be (counting spaces: the move "Roar of Time" is also 12 letters even though two are spaces). However Parabolic Charge is SEVENTEEN letters long! This means Moves (and possibly Abilities) can now have names that are 17 (probably 20) characters long! But that's not all, Pokemon names were restricted to 10 letters (Feraligatr anyone?), but if you look at Pancham's French name, Pandespiegle, you'll count it has 12 letters! While not really that big of news, it's nice to see they're increasing the number of letters for names of Moves and Pokemon (and possibly Abilities).

    Getting back to Helioptile, what makes me the most curious about it is if it'll have an evolution. To me it either looks like a standalone or a basic stage Pokemon. For a possible evolution the only direction I can see them going is by making its frills more noticeable (for those wondering, those "ears" on the side of its head unfolds like a fan. You can see it in its attacking animation in a recent trailer which I'll go over). Also many are saying it might be replacing the generation rodent (since it's part Normal-type) or the Pikaclone. I highly doubt that, though it's something worth mentioning.


    Edited on 05/19/2013 4:34pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [83]May 19, 2013
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    Pokemon: Fletchling
    Type: Flying/Normal
    Species: Japanese Robin Pokemon (Japanese)
    Height: 0.3 m/1'00"
    Weight: 1.7 kg/3.7 lbs
    Known Moves: Flame Charge
    Flavor Text: With a friendly nature and a beautiful chirp, Fletchling is a popular Pokemon among many Trainers. But Fletchling is also known to be ferocious in battle, capable of unleashing relentless attacks!
    Based On: A Japanese Robin.
    Name: "Fletching", "Fledgling", & "Hatchling".
    Thoughts/Opinion: It's the region bird, what's there to say? Well I say that yet it learns Flame Charge (assumingly from Leveling Up) so it has some uniqueness. It's also nice it's not mainly monochrome, having a bright red face. No doubt it'll evolve but whether it'll be once or twice is the question (though even then it's fate has already been decided for it being its a region bird: in the games it'll be used as a fly slave & in the anime Ash will catch it but only send it out if they need to have a flying scout).

    Some new pics show some interesting things about the Starters, mainly with their starting Leveling Up movesets:

    First, when you get the Starter they'll already know three moves, one being a STAB move. Before this the Starters came with 2 moves: a status move and a Normal-type attack. Now this was probably done since your first trainer battle is usually with your rival which has the starter which is stronger to yours and happens before you could catch another Pokemon. But now that the Starters are coming with a STAB move does that mean we're not going to get a rival battle at the beginning, we'll be able to catch some Pokemon before the rival battle, or would we have to battle strategically now that our rival can 2HKO us?

    On the move themselves, first off a PP change: Vine Whip has gone back to being 25 PP from 15 PP in Gen VI & V. Next it looks like Fennekin might have a slower Leveling Up since (as far as we know) it gains its fourth move at level 11 while Chespin and Froakie gets theirs at level 8. Looking at them individually, Chespin look to be coming out the strongest as Tackle is stronger than Scratch & Pound and it's getting early type coverage with Rollout (which, for those of us who battled Whitney, know that it can also be a powerful move once it gets *puts on sunglasses and then takes them off* rolling. YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH!). Froakie comes up second best in terms of fourth move but worst with STAB. Quick Attack is nice to have early on as it lets you attack first (though it has the same Power, Type, and Category as Pound. Though I suppose this does let you know which move to delete for your fifth move...), however Bubble is the weakest STAB here (and its 10% of decreasing Speed by 1 stage isn't really helping it). Finally Fennekin is the opposite of Froakie having the best STAB but worst fourth move. Ember is always a nice early Fire-type move (and it's 10% of causing Burn is a nice bonus... unless you're trying to catch something...), but Howl just increases Attack by 1 stage which doesn't really help Fennekin (and since it gets it later than Chespin and Froakie looks like Fennekin might be a bit of a challenge if you pick if... Challenge accepted).

    Oh, and if you haven't noticed yet, we have our first shots of the status screen! It has the usual features, I see a button to check the Pokemon's Ribbons and the "next" button to check out the Pokemon's Type, Dex number, OT, ID No., Item it's holding, etc..Though what has me curious is the space with the "???". If I recall, that is usually where the Pokemon's Ability is. Now all Starters have the Ability Overgrow (if Grass-type), Blaze (if Fire-type), or Torrent (if Water-type). Why would they keep those Abilities a secret unless they're not giving Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie those Abilities (which I doubt)?

    The mysteries of Sylveon continue as Pokemon Smash have recently started "investigating" this. For the past few weeks/months, Pokemon Smash had a segment about the Eeveelutions. In the segment, the Pokemon Smash crew knock at a door to a home where someone dressed as one of the Eeveelutions comes out and talk about the Eeveelutions they're dressed as (OH, it gets stranger...). Well we finally have gotten to Sylveon and the Pokemon Smash crew asked the question on everyone's mind: What type is Sylveon? Well apparently "Sylveon" doesn't know either (all she knew was that she wasn't any type that another Eeveelution already have (including Eevee) so they decide to test her skills. They first decide to see if she's a Fighting-type so gave her a pair of nun-chucks which she swung around a bit... until a big guy pushed her into a barrel, that was enough to show she wasn't a Fighting-type. They next tested to see if she could break a block of ice which she did. Because she broke the ice yet isn't a Fighting-type, they test if she's a Steel-type by making her smell a stinky show (which represents the Poison-type). Well she smelled the shoe and started coughing thus was decided she wasn't a Steel-type (however she began to cough so hard a question of the "Poison" being Super Effective was asked). After she recovers she gets a call and had to leave somewhere, the Pokemon Smash crew deciding to follow.

    After your done trying to figure out Japanese television (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!), you're probably asking "What does it mean?". Well... if we were to take everything at face value:

    POSSIBLE TYPES: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, New?
    Test #1: She's only not good at fighting but was beaten up by a fighter. Thus she's weak to Fighting.
    POSSIBLE TYPES: Rock, Steel, New?
    Test #2: She broke a block of ice. Thus is Super Effective against Ice-types.
    POSSIBLE TYPES: Rock, Steel, New?
    Test #3: She smelled a "toxic" shoe and started coughing bad. Thus she's weak to Poison-types.

    Yeah, you can probably see the problem here. If the tests were taken at face value, it automatically proves Sylveon is a new type thus no point on continuing the segment unless it changes to figuring out the type relation to this new mysterious type. From how I see it, we're only suppose to assume one thing unless told otherwise. So revising the results as I described them:

    POSSIBLE TYPES: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, New?
    Test #1:
    While practicing fighting she was "shown up" by a fighter. Thus she's not a Fighting-type.
    POSSIBLE TYPES: Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, New
    Test #2: She broke a block of ice. Thus her type is not resisted by Ice-types.
    POSSIBLE TYPES: Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Dragon, New?

    Test #3:
    She smelled a "toxic" shoe and started coughing badly. Thus she's not immune or resistant to Poison-types.
    POSSIBLE TYPES: Flying, Bug, Dragon, New?

    Now this is a result I would expect to see. We not only got rid of a whole batch of types, but we also still have some remaining thus we don't know if Sylveon is a new type or an odd variation of a Flying-, Bug-, or Dragon-type. If Pokemon Smash continues the segment are are careful with their testing, they can slowly eliminate the other types Sylveon isn't. With Sylveon appearing in the next movie's Pikachu Short, it'll either be near that time they reveal Sylveon's type or the Pikachu Short will reveal Sylveon's type. Eitherway the mysteries of Sylveon's type is coming to a close... but will the answer only bring more question?

    Well I'm done with everything new concerning Pokemon themselves, so let's move onto some of the other new information:


    Edited on 05/19/2013 5:25pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [84]May 20, 2013
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    Fire is usually the type that's at a disadvantage during the first part of the game at least during gen 1, 3 and maybe 4, 5

    Question how are flying and dragon possibilities?

    Funny how Rock types fit the same requirements

    weak against fighting strong against ice not immune to poison

    liked the idea one person had about a "love" type

    Edited on 05/20/2013 4:18am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [85]May 20, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    1. Fire is usually the type that's at a disadvantage during the first part of the game at least during gen 1, 3 and maybe 4, 5

    2. Question how are flying and dragon possibilities?

    Funny how Rock types fit the same requirements

    weak against fighting strong against ice not immune to poison

    liked the idea one person had about a "love" type

    1. Though that's usually because of the type of the first gym. Kanto, Hoenn, & Sinnoh's first gyms were Rock-types while BW Unova's first gym made sure that no matter which starter you chose you'll have the disadvantage (though it was sort of meant to be a tutorial gym teaching about using other Pokemon besides your starter).

    Though theories have popped up that maybe Fennekin learns a new move at Level 8 so to hide it they went to it's next Level Up move, Howl, and replaced the new move with that.

    2. Did you not read what I said? I suggested we not take the tests literally but instead assume they were only proving one thing. Test #1 proved Sylveon wasn't a Fighting-type, Test #2 proved Ice-types did not resist Sylveon's STAB, and Test #3 proved that Sylveon was not immune/resistant to Poison-types. The only three known types which fits those requirements which Sylveon can possibly be is Flying, Dragon, and Rock.

    Actually the "popular" new type is Fairy due to PokeBeach having gotten "leaked" info about it.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [86]May 20, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    1. Fire is usually the type that's at a disadvantage during the first part of the game at least during gen 1, 3 and maybe 4, 5

    2. Question how are flying and dragon possibilities?

    Funny how Rock types fit the same requirements

    weak against fighting strong against ice not immune to poison

    liked the idea one person had about a "love" type

    1. Though that's usually because of the type of the first gym. Kanto, Hoenn, & Sinnoh's first gyms were Rock-types while BW Unova's first gym made sure that no matter which starter you chose you'll have the disadvantage (though it was sort of meant to be a tutorial gym teaching about using other Pokemon besides your starter).

    Though theories have popped up that maybe Fennekin learns a new move at Level 8 so to hide it they went to it's next Level Up move, Howl, and replaced the new move with that.

    2. Did you not read what I said? I suggested we not take the tests literally but instead assume they were only proving one thing. Test #1 proved Sylveon wasn't a Fighting-type, Test #2 proved Ice-types did not resist Sylveon's STAB, and Test #3 proved that Sylveon was not immune/resistant to Poison-types. The only three known types which fits those requirements which Sylveon can possibly be is Flying, Dragon, and Rock.

    Actually the "popular" new type is Fairy due to PokeBeach having gotten "leaked" info about it.

    1. Johto had flying types first and bugs second. so grass were at a disadvantage during that saga

    2. Over scrolled and misread that bit on the ice.

    eh I suppose it could anyway, only 5 months to go

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    [87]May 30, 2013
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    I should probably finish going over the "new" information before any more show up:

    We've seen plenty of interesting places in the trailer, though it wasn't until this update where we got out first pieces of detail on actual locations. First off we'll start off with the big one which just so happens to be the biggest location: the region itself!

    The region this time around is named Kalos. Now that right there would be the end of thing however we also got a drawn map of the region in fairly a large size thanks to it being a wallpaper. Click on the smaller image to see the largest:

    Before we start looking at the details of the region, let's quickly go over its basis. If you haven't figured it out already, this region is based on France. Not only does it have Lumiose City being based on Pairs, having a tower which is an expy of the Eiffel Tower and placed in the center of the country, but also the general shape of the region is similar to France (albeit if you squished it a bit):

    So with that out of the way... wow, I have NO idea where to start. In fact it took me a while to figure out where the starting/city is! Luckily some users on Smogon made some of their own observations so I don't have to point every single thing out myself. Click HERE for Kalos map details and HERE for starting town/city theory.

    Now to start, I agree with the starting town/city theory. I also concluded that it was the starting town/city being it's right in the middle of Kalos and leads straight up to Lumiose City which I imagine is where the game wants to take you to get the story rolling. However upon reaching Lumiose City... I have no clue the next direction you're suppose to go. I would be awesome if Game Freak decided to let the players choose which way they wanted to go and just have Lumiose City acting like a hub city (which may help with story telling as this would mean the player would have to pass through Lumiose City meaning they can have many story events occur there. Of course this does bring up the question on how the gyms will be set up if we're allowed to go to any location we want upon reaching Lumiose City. From where I see it, either it's not going to be as free as I wish it would be and upon getting to Lumiose City we can only go one direction and after going through it we come back to Lumiose City and have the next road open up OR the game will adjust the strength of the Trainers, Gym Leaders, and syndicate members depending on how many badges you have before entering onto another road. Now the former will allow for more control not only allowing to control the levels of wild Pokemon and trainers but also in terms of story. However I think if they tried hard enough the latter is not only possible but could provide an experience we've never had in Pokemon before where people could have their own unique experiences which only a few others might have also chosen to do by lucky chance! Honestly I'm more expecting the former to happen but, considering how Kalos is laid out, the latter is always a possibility!

    Though just as I don't know where to go upon reaching Lumiose City, I don't know what other thing to talk about either. Not because nothing catches my eye, far from it, a LOT of things catch my eye and it's scattered all about in seemingly a random fashion. Going left to right we has Stonehenge (which is in England not France...) which they could do any number of things with, a very tall castle on an island, a power plant place which has a magma pool, a town or two surrounded by autumn leaves with one building being combined with a tree which has a clock, a windmill which is snowflake designed that leads into a winter landscape which reminds me of a Scandinavian country (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc.), a castle on top of a mountain which SO screams Pokemon League building, and finally a pink horn thing coming out of a lake near a town with a yellow half Pokeaball symbol on it. And that's no mentioning the various ruins, towns, gardens, and lakes scattered everywhere else. We've gone from super linear Unova to locations being scattered every which way and no straight path connecting any of them together! However there's one city we know for certain, I mentioned several times throughout this analysis, let's take a closer look at Lumiose City:

    Lumiose City:

    It's the center of Kalos, it's based on Paris, has it's own Eiffel Tower expy, and is so large you require a Pokemon if you want to travel anywhere fast. The only thing we've seen of Lumiose City is the main characters running through the streets and even with that I can tell it's going to have a lot to offer. Now honestly many of my observations come from the trailer that was released along with this new information so sadly you'll have to wait for when I go over that to understand what I mean. However that doesn't mean there's nothing to talk about it now.

    The strong evidence of Lumiose City possibly being a major hub leads to a lot of interesting ideas. If the story requires you to go down a certain route how will it explain all the other routes being blocked at the same time? Being you're most likely going to be coming back here a lot they'll a have to be constantly introducing new things or story elements to keep Lumiose City interesting and thus evolving. Will it's duty as a hub be over once you're done with the story and can pretty much fly to anywhere you need to go or will it have attractions which makes you want to come back and visit it? How explorable really is it? What are it's limits? What and how many story events could occur in it? All questions unknown though have to be addressed if it wants to be a good hub.

    Well we've talked about the Pokemon and the Locations, I guess our next discussion should be about something which relates directly to the player: the characters, especially the playable characters!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [88]Jun 10, 2013
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    With more XY info coming out tomorrow I think it's about time I finish talking about the soon to be previous info:

    While Pokemon are the main stars, the character your in control of isn't a Pokemon. No, you are a Pokemon Trainer, a human who has taken up the field of taming, training, and competitively battling with the creatures known as Pokemon. But you're not the only Pokemon Trainer, far from it, there are hundreds of other Pokemon Trainers of all sorts of trainer classes and strategies. If you are to become a Pokemon Master, you're not only going to have to catch 'em all, but you're also going have to beat 'em all! But before we talk about who you got to beat, let's talk about probably the most important characters in the game: the playable character.

    Playable Character:
    I've talked a bit about the playable characters already. The Pokemon Company seems to have grown accustomed to having the boy look a certain way as his styIe isn't that far off from the playable boy characters in the Gen V games (Hilbert and Nate). The girl is a different story, as she looks different then any other girl we saw before (and probably filling one of the game creator's fetishes BUT we won't go into that (though she certainly has some Zettai Ryouiki going on...)).

    In addition, this year's model come with some cool shades along with their nice hats (though whether they have any more important isn't known as of yet). Also we're going to ignore their bracelet things as of now since, well, we don't know what they are yet.

    Huh? You don't like their look? Well then I guess you're just going to have to deal with it... by CHANGING THEIR CLOTHES! That's right, for the first time ever, Pokemon is allowing you to customize the in-game trainer! Though to what extent is not known, it's confirmed via screenshots you can change your characters skin tone and hair color and via description that clothing can be changed. And from it looks like the start of the game gives you 3 default settings though no doubt you'll be able to change them as the game goes on:

    So you either have a choice of being an albino, default, or ambiguously brown. I wonder if eventually you'll be able to dye your hair blue...

    Other Trainers:
    Now that you know the playable characters, let's find out what changes they've done to the trainer classes. On your journey you'll meet plenty of different kind of trainers to battle you. Normally a trainer you meet will have a "Trainer Class" sort of a trainer version of a Pokemon's typing. Now in the original games this was probably done so that they'll have the excuse of using the same sprite over and over again (and from the looks of it that's still the same case here though hopefully they'll give them SOME variety, they did in the Colosseum games...), though it was also used to determine what type of Pokemon they'll have so when you battle them you'll have some idea what you'll generally be up against. However upon meeting eyes with a trainer old Pokemon fans might be in for a surprise.

    Oh, you battle, gee, that... not new at all...

    ... BUT THAT IS!!!

    That's right, old time Pokemon fans, no longer are intro splashes just for important characters like Rivals, Evil Syndicate Leaders, Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champions, but now everyone has you see their stock art before entering battle! Oh, and the Lass Class is back (as if that's a surprise).

    Sure they are... hmm, there's that girl with the pigtails that was following you in the trailer. And is that the female playable character waiting up the path? Looks like there's still plenty to do here... too bad that's all we know for now.

    Walking Diagonally:
    But if you get tired of seeing the same kind of trainer's splash image over and over (or, you know, don't want to battle), then you can always sneak past the trainers. But now you can do so DIAGONALLY! Yup, in addition to customization we're also getting diagonal movement! Though whether this is being able to move at any degree of angle you want or a simple 45 degrees like in the Mystery Dungeon games isn't known, it's still nice that we'll now be able to go straight to something diagonally across from us instead of having to zigzag.

    It's not till now that we're going into full 3D graphics I had a problem of trainers just standing around doing nothing and you being able to "sneak around" right next to them. I mean, how does she not see, hear, or feel someone who's practically RIGHT NEXT TO HER!

    Though as you may see with the grass above, the floor is still a grid though take that whether it means full movement or 45 degree. We have one final topic that's not really character BUT I'm adding it in here anyway since I have no where else to put it.

    As in all games you're not just an ordinary Pokemon Trainer. You're helping collect information about Pokemon you encounter, battle, and catch, probably for the regional professor. But being I doubt you want to deal with paperwork, to do that task you'll need the device which is every trainer's cataloging friend: The Pokedex!

    In previous games the Pokedex looked sort of like the handheld device it was being played on. Being the 3DS looks just like a DS, guess it was finally time to break the tradition and bring the Pokedex into the new age. Behold, the iPokedex!

    Yup, the Pokedex now looks like a tablet computer like a iPad (though I guess you can argue it could be based on the WiiU's WiiPad). Looking at the Pokedex itself, it now can look like a Pokeball like everything else in the series (albeit a bit squarish) with the screen looking either holographic or possible a kind of smart glass. FUN FACT: If you zoom in on the above image, you'll see one of the Pokemon is a Zigzagoon confirming them being in the Kalos Regional Dex!

    But that's not all the Kalos Pokedex has to offer. You may or may not have noticed that the Kalos Region looks like a star. Well that's on purpose as the symbol for the Kalos Region is a star colored blue, white, and red (sound familiar... no, not the American flag (that's red, white, and blue)... NO, not the English flag (they never ordered their colors)... THE FRENCH FLAG! The French Flag is blue, white, and red).

    It's both nice and sad that this little detail might be one of the few actual references the region is based on France.

    Now you probably already see something a bit odd about the Kalos Regional Dex, there's actually three. If you were to look at the Kalos Region map again, you'll notice the colored in space of the star matches what part of the star-shaped region that part of the Regional Dex covered. Central Kalos is in the center Kalos where your starting town/city and Lumiose City is (thus can probaly be considered the starting point and hub), Coastal Kalos is the right where the sea is, and Mountain Kalos is to the right where the mountains form the land borderline of the region. With the Pokedex split up like this one must wonder how many Pokemon does Kalos have if it needs 3 Regional Pokedexes and if there is any cross over between them. Well once again this is where the information ends, not only for this bit as well for what we got this time around. All that's left is a trailer and box art.

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    [89]Jun 10, 2013
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    With the release of the new information we also got a new trailer. Well technically we got five new trailers, but four of them is just showing the new Pokemon attacking with the move you're told they know. So without further or do, the trailer!

    ... You know that tv.com doesn't support direct Youtube videos. Click here to watch it as I go through the video and point out things I think are worth pointing out:

    0:12 - 0:15: Ah, the entrance/exit of Route 5. Further adding evidence Lumiose City will be acting like a hub.
    0:17 - 0:18: Possibly a mall where you can buy more clothing?
    0:21: Looks like a taxi cab, maybe used as a quick travel around Lumiose City in exchange for some money?
    0:22 - 0:23: So the playable character might at buildings you're able to enter if close to said building to help you distinguish which you can enter and which are just to make the city look filled.
    0:41: OH. MY. ARCEUS... YOU CAN SIT DOWN ON THE BENCHES! Nothing is going to top this, NOTHING!
    0:54 - 0:56: Just want to point out Helioptile's frill lizard's reference: when it attacks it extends its frills fully.

    AND that's it. Now for some box art examining:

    We've gone from a plain black & white covers to complex ones with background design tinted the mascot's main color while at the same time having their letters monochrome and overlaying the background.

    As if you couldn't figure it out before, Xerneas relates to nature and is blue while Yveltal relates to the sky and is red (wonder if that means the third theoried member is related to the sea and is green). Eitherway the box art looks nice. Still picking up Y version.

    So I guess until tomorrow, SEEYA!

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    [90]Jun 11, 2013
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    WHOLE batch of new news coming in! I'll handle it once it's over but here's one big news:


    Here are links to keep an eye on:

    Bulbapedia's Twitter

    Edited on 06/11/2013 8:01am
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  • Avatar of Nik800


    [91]Jun 11, 2013
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    I think pancham will be one of the first Pokemon we will be able to catch. Noivern looks like it could be a third evoloution to woobat and swoobat.

    eh fairy type?

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [92]Jun 11, 2013
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    It looks as if the name for the male trainer this gen is Xavier.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [93]Jun 11, 2013
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    It's just a preliminary name, like Blair and Whitlea.

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    [94]Jun 11, 2013
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It looks as if the name for the male trainer this gen is Xavier.

    That's interesting, if they were going to go with a chromosome idea I would have though the boy's name would start with a Y. Whatever, the girl's default will start with Y so let's come up with some: Yale, Yalena, Yalene, Yalissa,Yancy (though that name was already used by an NPC in BW2), Yasmine, Yera, Yeva, Yindi, Yoko, Yolanda, Yonita, Yordana, Yori, Yosepha, Yoshe, Yoshiko, Yoshino, Yovela, Yuki, Yulenka, Yumiko, Yuna, Yuri, Yuta, Yvetta, Yvonne.

    Well, they have a nice pile to pick from...

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    [95]Jun 12, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It looks as if the name for the male trainer this gen is Xavier.

    That's interesting, if they were going to go with a chromosome idea I would have though the boy's name would start with a Y. Whatever, the girl's default will start with Y so let's come up with some: Yale, Yalena, Yalene, Yalissa,Yancy (though that name was already used by an NPC in BW2), Yasmine, Yera, Yeva, Yindi, Yoko, Yolanda, Yonita, Yordana, Yori, Yosepha, Yoshe, Yoshiko, Yoshino, Yovela, Yuki, Yulenka, Yumiko, Yuna, Yuri, Yuta, Yvetta, Yvonne.

    Well, they have a nice pile to pick from...

    They've been using it in a lot of the images I'd seen. And it looks like they might lean towards Yvonne for the female name.

    EDIT: I guess those are preliminary names or maybe their English names as from the CoroCoro scans, it says the names of the opposite gender character are either Callum or Serena in game.

    Edited on 06/12/2013 6:54am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Nik800


    [96]Jun 12, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It looks as if the name for the male trainer this gen is Xavier.

    That's interesting, if they were going to go with a chromosome idea I would have though the boy's name would start with a Y. Whatever, the girl's default will start with Y so let's come up with some: Yale, Yalena, Yalene, Yalissa,Yancy (though that name was already used by an NPC in BW2), Yasmine, Yera, Yeva, Yindi, Yoko, Yolanda, Yonita, Yordana, Yori, Yosepha, Yoshe, Yoshiko, Yoshino, Yovela, Yuki, Yulenka, Yumiko, Yuna, Yuri, Yuta, Yvetta, Yvonne.

    Well, they have a nice pile to pick from...

    Yancey is more of a boys name.

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    [97]Jun 12, 2013
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    Nik800 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    It looks as if the name for the male trainer this gen is Xavier.

    That's interesting, if they were going to go with a chromosome idea I would have though the boy's name would start with a Y. Whatever, the girl's default will start with Y so let's come up with some: Yale, Yalena, Yalene, Yalissa,Yancy (though that name was already used by an NPC in BW2), Yasmine, Yera, Yeva, Yindi, Yoko, Yolanda, Yonita, Yordana, Yori, Yosepha, Yoshe, Yoshiko, Yoshino, Yovela, Yuki, Yulenka, Yumiko, Yuna, Yuri, Yuta, Yvetta, Yvonne.

    Well, they have a nice pile to pick from...

    Yancey is more of a boys name.

    Yancy would like to have a talk with you (and before you "correct" me, her TV personality is named Nancy).

    Anyone a TON more info just appeared in a CoroCoro leak (including starting town's name and rivals (yes, with a "s")). You can check Serebii or go to THIS Bulbapedia article.

    Also, if anyone has any doubts about the Fairy-type, I think THIS Bulbapedia article explains quickly why it's deserves to be a type as any other type.

    Edited on 06/12/2013 8:09am
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    [98]Jun 14, 2013
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    Good new (or bad new depending on how you're looking at it), with the CoroCoro information now on the main English site I think we're done with all the Pokemon XY info for now. When I have a free time I'll gather all 3 chunks of info drop, organize them, and post them here with my usual thoughts and analysis. Until then, let me see if this works: ?.

    EDIT: GAH! No good, meaning a certain Pokemon's name is going to be a bit incorrect...

    Edited on 06/14/2013 9:56am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [99]Jun 18, 2013
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    Huh, just read that in this game the protagonist has friends. Gotta say something so simple is pretty cool to see. Wonder if you battle them all or if they have generic roles in the game focused on certain aspects e.g One friend battles you, another is your rival at contests or musicals and the other is trying to fill their pokedex up before you.

    Since one friend is the one to apparently give you the pokedex and challenges you to fill them up.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [100]Jun 25, 2013
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    So if the Fairy type are super effective against Dark type the wondertomb and wondereye strategies are going to fail. little sad that two of the three pokemon with no type weakness is going to change. Unless fairy types are strong against electric in which case dang

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