I don't think you battle.
As for Shiny Pokemon and Horde Encounters, as of right now you have a 1 our of 8,192 chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon in the wild. Being you encounter five Pokemon is a Horde Encounter, I guess the chance of one being Shiny goes down to 1 out of 1,638 chance. However the chance of ALL the Pokemon being shiny is 1 out of 40,960.
Now onto the main post:
Connecting Across The Globe!
Pokemon has always been big on interacting with other players. Be it battling, trading, or playing mini-games, Pokemon is constantly creating new ways to expand the player-to-player interactivity. Pokemon XY are no different adding in a whole new slew of ways to interact with other players, all thanks to their newest creation: the Player Search System (or PSS for shot)!
PSS Menu: The PSS looks like it'll work similarly to the Gen V's C-Gear, but with much more options (though possibly less customization). We can access the PSS anytime and it's menu looks like this:

Choices... choices...
Let's go over these things, shall we:
Battle: Enter a local battle with nearby player.

I hope that "Battle Time" means how long the battle will last and not how long that battle has been going on... Oh, and I'm guessing "Command Time" is how many seconds the players have to choose a move.
Trade: Start a local trade with nearby player.

So what, did Sylveon de-evolve after the battle?
Now from this point on the other features which connect to other players will use the internet.
Battle Spot: Battle with players across the globe. What little features we know are "Free Battles" which are casual everyday challenges & "Rating Battles" which are ranked and competition based. Also we're told that if that if you're to disconnect in a middle of a battle, the player's who's fault for the disconnection will have the battle count as a loss on their record (the nowadays norm to prevent people from rage quitting).

Rage quitters beware, you're choosing to battle fair.
Wonder Trade: The dumbest idea ever! Basically you put a Pokemon up to trade and they're instantly traded with another Pokemon that was put up for a Wonder Trade... yeah, you can probably see the problems with this. Now while I can see this feature being used by Game Freak to host special giveaways to lucky players, no one is going to put any rare Pokemon up for trade and if they do they'll probably get a Fletching you can catch on Route 1 in return!

Yeah... if you think you're going to get Trades like this you're dreaming, and you haven't even confirmed if the Dream Word is coming back.
Shout-Out: Basically you write a message (looks like you get 16 spaces) and any player who connects to you can read that message. Now it says you can share your feelings and/or accomplishments though I have a feeling it'll be more used to ask if anyone has a certain Pokemon they want to trade or asking for a O-Power (we'll get to that).

The games aren't out yet and people are begging for help... wait, being you can see players from around the globe, will their messages be translated? I'm guessing no, which tells me that possibly half the messages people write won't be understood by half the people who read it... *sigh*
Holo Caster: The PSS's version of the Xtransceiver's calling feature where you can chat with someone via video. However it will be used in the games as your friends and the region's Professor (we'll get to them in a day or two) will either call you up or you can call them up.

Though from what it looks like right now, they'll be as useful as past NPCs... as in not that helpful at all.
GTS: Connects to the Global Trading Station. Speaking of which, an announcement was made a few days ago about it as well as the Pokemon Global Link:
A. The Global Link will open up for a special X & Y version on October 12th 2013, after a 12 day long maintenance from the start of October.
B. However, from October 12th 2013, various Pokemon Black, White, Black 2 & White 2 features will go offline.
1. Putting a Pokemon to sleep will go offline on December 10th 2013.
2. The trial version of the Dream World will go offline on October 12th 2013, as will new user registration.
3. The GTS tracking for Gen V ends on January 14th 2014 and Rating Mode on Random Matchup goes offline on January 14th 2014.
4. The ability to do WiFi Memory Link in Black 2 & White 2 also goes offline on January 14th 2014.
5. C-Gear, Musical and Pokedex Skin changing deactivates on January 14th.
6. Waking up your Pokemon to get items and Pokemon also deactivates on January 14th. You will be able to wake your Pokemon up from the game side at any time, but the ability to do so from the Global Link deactivates on January 14th
7. However, using the GTS in the games, Free Rating in the Random Matchup and all the other in-game online features will continue.
Yup! I hope you had fun making your Dream Home the best that it could... because I highly doubt it'll carry over to whatever new thing they put up! Now honestly I hope that isn't the truth and they do find a way to transfer the things you bought for your current Dream Home like Furniture and Dolls over to whatever the new online feature they'll have. However that wasn't how it worked when Black 2 & White 2 were released and I wouldn't be surprised if they also made XY separate. Eitherway, you pretty much have till end of the year to do any remaining Dream World thing, C-Gear skin changing, Musical performance, and Pokedex Skin choosing. Great job Game Freak, you REALLY messed up here and I hope that this doesn't happen for XY's online feature.
Anyway the XY GTS works similarly to the Gen V GTS except with one BIG change: you can now look for a Pokemon without having it been registered in your Pokedex! That's right, all you need to know to look up a Pokemon is how to spell its name and it'll connect you to all the players who are trading that Pokemon and, if you're able to fulfill what they want, you'll immediately trade Pokemon!

Completing the Pokedex is now actually possible!
Game Sync: Synchronizes the player's save file with the Pokemon Global Link website. Of course, how much are we syncing we don't know, in Gen V the Game Sync was used to put a Pokemon asleep to access the Dream World yet the Dream World or a similar feature hasn't been announced yet.
And once again, please read my announcement concerning the Pokemon Global Link if you haven't already.
O-Power: If you haven't guess it, it's the Entralink's Pass Power in another name. However, unlike Pass Powers which can only be given to other players, you can activate O-Powers on yourself, but they'll require more energy then simply giving it to someone else. Now they don't tell u how to get energy, but if it's anything like the Pass Powers it'll require us to connect with other players. Also it looks like the O-Powers will have all the choices the Pass Powers had.

PSS, now you're playing with O-Power!
However what if you want to use an O-Power but don't have any Energy? Well the PSS will show you players who are currently using an O-Power and by selecting that player you can then ALSO use that O-Power! Of course you can't really choose what O-Power you'll get, but hey, a random O-Power is better than no O-Power!

Whatever's good for you is good for me!
Finally, what if you're feeling a big generous and want to give someone an O-Power?... STOP LAUGHING! Anyway, you can select a player and choose to give them a certain O-Power (I imagine the Shout-Out will be filled with O-Power requests).

While a nice gift idea, do remember that one of the Pass Powers was DECREASING the amount of Experience Points you can get or INCREASING the Wild Encounter rate... Game Freak is sometimes nicknamed Troll Freak for a reason...
Favorites List: I'm going to guess this will be replacing the Pal Pad.
Profile: Set up how you'll want to be represented when shown in the PSS.
PSS Settings: This will probably be the first place you go to upon getting the PSS to make sure it's properly set up to your internet.
BUT WAIT! There's still some more things to discuss. However it's getting late and this post is getting kind of long so I think I'll stop here for today. But...
NEXT TIME: Taking Pictures and Final Thoughts on these subjects!