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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Official HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [141]Apr 5, 2010
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    oh yay I'm not a real man...

    cant wait to see the clefairy...

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [142]Apr 5, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    oh yay I'm not a real man...

    cant wait to see the clefairy...

    ...Captain Falcon would be sad.

    Team all at 65, strategy planned out. *buys 45 of Full Restores*

    *puts on Yin-Yang hat*

    Yoooosh! Time to fight! Red!

    *one adventurous climb of mt. silver later*


    *opens iTunes, plugs in iPod, puts SPIRIT OF MANKIND playlist, Your Torn's Over plays, perfect*

    MastodonZR (mamoswine) Vs Pikachu, Pikachu's Iron Tail missed, MatodonZR uses Earthquake, OHKO, silly Red Pikachu fails in defenses. Blastoise's coming, i send
    MaxCharge (Ampharos) Vs Blastoise, Blizzard hits... should've thought of that, 80 damage, frozen. Thawed out instantly, Discharge does over half Max HP damage. Another Blizzard CRITICAL hmmm i'll trust raw force for now.
    MastodonZR Vs Blastoise (slightly over 1/4th hp) Focus Blast?! damn, hit..... OHKO need a fast mon...
    PsychoPuff [Espeon]Vs Blastoise, Your Torn's Over ends... "NOW YOU'RE A MAN" starts, Psychic hits, K.O. Blastoise's down, here comes Snorlax
    HeartHero Vs Snorlax, YOU ARE NOW YOU'RE A MAN HEART HERO! Aura Sphere... around 1/8th, Blizzard... slightly over half damage.... no point on recovering, anotehr Aura Sphere he got Snorlax to half, at this point i'm not sure who to send... i'll send PsychoPuff
    PsychoPuff Vs Snorlax, Misguiding Your Life plays, PsychoPuff uses Psychic, Crunch! did not see that coming, OHKO, Snorlax is almost at red... BurninHope will have to go
    BurninHope [Typhlosion] Vs Snorlax, Red used Full Restore.... BurninHope's full power Eruption does... slightly less than the Auraspheres... i use another one, still at green. Crunch takes down a good chunk, less than half though... i revive Heart Hero, BurninHope falls to Hyper Bam...
    HeartHero Vs Snorlax, Aurasphere, closer, another one.... AGH! no KO.... Blizzard takes down HeartHero... the hail finishes Snorlax. Down to the last mon, Superheroes plays
    SeaCourage[Gyarados] Vs Lapras ...... SeaCourage doesn't have a thing for this, i revive Max Charge, Blizzard does lots of damage, but SeaCourage takes it, i revive MastodonZR, Seacourage faints,
    MastodonZR Vs Lapras, i hope MastodonZR survives a turn... Brine doesn't allow that, i send out
    MaxCharge Vs Lapras, Blizzard hits first. K.O.
    HeartHero Vs Lapras, hearts on fire plays.... no, as awesome as the try could be, i don't listen to the song, i Max Revive MastodonZR, HeartHero falls to the Blizzard
    MastodonZR Vs Lapras, Max Revive Max Charge, Brine hits... 51 hp left. SeaCourage is revived.
    MaxCharge Vs Lapras, Blizzard.... 95 HP left. Discharge.... still on green...gotta make a gamble here... Brine?! aww i could've resisted that well! anyhow
    BurninHope Vs Lapras, Lavatory Love Machine plays! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! Optimistic, Flamethrower! ...not enough, guess i'll make the wild gamble....
    SeaCourage Vs Lapras, Max Revive on BurninHope, my last Max Revive, Body Slam? Sea Courage is paralized.... this is my time! i full restore SeaCourage [LAVATORY LOVE MACHINE! NO BROKEN WINGS TO STOP THIS DREAM!] psychic and body slams hit one after another, but not for enough damage, i revive everyone, minus Max Charge, and i Full Restore PsychoPuff, SeaCourage managed this.
    BurninHope Vs Lapras, Eruption. The Last Element plays, fitting.
    BurninHope Vs Venasaur, Eruption... Almost. Sludge Bomb does a lot of damage... hail does 12... BurninHope has 25 left..... Red heals Venasaur. BurninHope uses Flamethrower, it enters the red zone. BurninHope has 13 HP ?! Red used Full Restore again.... Flamethrower again in red, but more this time, not enough for K.O. I full restore BurninHope, Sludge Bomb..... 49.... wait, what? oh, well... ok, and Venasaur faints
    BurninHope Vs Charizard, before going done, BurninHope!... gets K.O.'d...
    PsychoPuff Vs Charizard, Down To The Devil plays, Psychic! reduced the special Def, it's still on green, flare blitz.... OHKO, now charizard's on yellow, nearing red.... !!
    MastodonZR Vs Charizar, [Can't you hear the sounds?! as they make the hammer pound] Ice Shard!! [LEARN TO WANT IN YOUR BELIEF!] Air Slash... K.O.... well, not what i had in mind....
    Heart Hero Vs Charizard, i revive SeaCourage, Red full restores Charizard, i revive Max Charge, Flare Blitz....... K.O.... [slow solo part]
    SeaCourage Vs Charizard, [WE'RE GOING DOWN TO THE DEVIL!] Air Slash hits first! K.O....
    MaxCharge Vs Charizard, i revive BurninHope, Flare Blitz, Paralyzed! now in Yellow
    BurninHope Vs Charizard, i revive SeaCourage.... this is it, air slash
    SeaCourage Vs Charizard, the pride of creation plays, Waterfall! Hp going down and down! FAINT!3762 Exp "....."

    Let the credits roll! Love these ones! [HERE WE GO! WHAT A SHOW! YOU'RE ALIVE! SAID THE LORD IN SPITE OF THE ADVOK!]

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [143]Apr 5, 2010
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    ^ lmao, nice one. defeated Pokemon League, along with Lt. Surge & Sabrina. all my Poke are lvl 55/54. fighting Erika next ...ah can't wait to fight Red
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [144]Apr 5, 2010
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    ...so, i beated red, got my charmander and mudkipz, even went to see the cleffas, now what?
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [145]Apr 5, 2010
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    either one :kill yourself

    two: trade everything to another game and play the game again with a tottaly random name


    or four: create technology that makes pokemon real

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [146]Apr 5, 2010
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    ...yeah, i'll just go back to Platinum and finish EV training 6 mons i have there, transfer them and get them to 100 and try my luck in Battle Frontier aftwards
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [147]Apr 6, 2010
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    Turns out the lvl 1 Dialga/Palkia/Girantina can be done Twice! First time must be with the movie Arceus, while the second time you need a Hall Of Origin or whatever Arceus, when you go to the place that leads you to the Shinto ruins with it it will let you go, you'll get to deposit all your other mons and then do the event just like always, only Cynthia won't be there cuz she's a busy champ, and the event won't let you pick the pokemon you picked the last time (So if you grabbed a Girantina by doing the event with the Movie Arceus then you can't get a Girantina with the second Arceus) This means our DPPt games aren't utterly useless yet since Nintendo will probably release the Azure Flute sometime!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [148]Apr 6, 2010
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    I don't get why the whole internet is in a tizzy about this when it was revealed by Serebii two months ago.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [149]Apr 7, 2010
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    Really? *looks up in serebii*
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [150]Apr 7, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    ...so, i beated red, got my charmander and mudkipz, even went to see the cleffas, now what?

    ^That is why I take my time now with video games, classic example here. Person gets game and beats it fast(not too fast but under a month is still pushing it in my view). I understand pep's like Serebii or the SpeedGamers, for the coverage and getting all 493 Pokemon ASAP, respectively. It's only been out for 24 days now and I yet to battle Clair yet. Actually I am ata rather medium-sized slump. When it comes to finding a Heart Scale, it sure is a pain to find when you are actually on the prowl for it. Whenever I don't need em' they reach my PokeBag one way or the other but when I truly need them, I cannot find them. I lost my Platinum yet again where I have a few Heart Scales to spare. I only have 5 in Diamond but I am trying to find more...... which is a pain.

    In SoulSilver, I don't have the patience to Hulk Smash every rock to find one, I found a Blue Shard after my 10th rock I smashed? Then a Yellow and then another Blue. I need Heart Scales to teach my Togekiss some good attacks: Sky Attack, Air Slash, Extremespeed, and Aura Sphere. But I will probably only give it Aura Sphere. Grovyle will probably evolve soon too, which I plan to teach it Dragon Claw so it can kick some Dragonific butt. So because of college, I am taking a short break on it. Aipom is Level 31, just one for more Double Hit. Monferno and Marshtomp need 4-5 levels til' evolution. As for Scizor, she's hanging on, its only powerful move is X-Scissor which was a pain to use against Team Rocket. Them and their preference for Poisons.

    Edited on 04/07/2010 3:19pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [151]Apr 7, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    ...so, i beated red, got my charmander and mudkipz, even went to see the cleffas, now what?

    ^That is why I take my time now with video games, classic example here. Person gets game and beats it fast(not too fast but under a month is still pushing it in my view). I understand pep's like Serebii or the SpeedGamers, for the coverage and getting all 493 Pokemon ASAP, respectively. It's only been out for 24 days now and I yet to battle Clair yet. Actually I am ata rather medium-sized slump. When it comes to finding a Heart Scale, it sure is a pain to find when you are actually on the prowl for it. Whenever I don't need em' they reach my PokeBag one way or the other but when I truly need them, I cannot find them. I lost my Platinum yet again where I have a few Heart Scales to spare. I only have 5 in Diamond but I am trying to find more...... which is a pain.

    In SoulSilver, I don't have the patience to Hulk Smash every rock to find one, I found a Blue Shard after my 10th rock I smashed? Then a Yellow and then another Blue. I need Heart Scales to teach my Togekiss some good attacks: Sky Attack, Air Slash, Extremespeed, and Aura Sphere. But I will probably only give it Aura Sphere. Grovyle will probably evolve soon too, which I plan to teach it Dragon Claw so it can kick some Dragonific butt. So because of college, I am taking a short break on it. Aipom is Level 31, just one for more Double Hit. Monferno and Marshtomp need 4-5 levels til' evolution. As for Scizor, she's hanging on, its only powerful move is X-Scissor which was a pain to use against Team Rocket. Them and their preference for Poisons.

    ...3 Weeks, on POKEMON, [20 hours tops?] i went glacial dude lol, and a good chunk was training for Red, which i did in two days when i found out i could re-challenge as many times as i wanted (So nice to destroy Whitney and Janine to lvl up)

    Well, from my experience, you rock smash stuff in a city, get out and then in, almost at every visit you'll get one item and just continue, patience is important to savor the game the longest =)
    Also, may i suggest, get Togekiss the Air Slash for good STAB and then if you have the time to hunt for another Heart Scale to give it Aura Sphere for more type coverage, Togekiss is in no way a physical fighter.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [152]Apr 7, 2010
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    I dont bother with the weak ones

    blaine and blue! your going down!

    as soon as I get three more grooming sessions

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [153]Apr 7, 2010
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    Just because someone beats a game quickly doesn't meant hey don't enjoy it. Playing a lot means they love it. Besides, he's in the same boat as everyone, After beating Red there's really nothing to do other then the Battle Frontier.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [154]Apr 8, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Just because someone beats a game quickly doesn't meant hey don't enjoy it. Playing a lot means they love it. Besides, he's in the same boat as everyone, After beating Red there's really nothing to do other then the Battle Frontier.

    I didn't mean that if they beat the game fast means they didn't enjoy it, I meant beating it fast just makes it less enjoyable on the long run. I did that for all previous games and damn, I lit my fingertips on fire playing through those games but this time, as much as I LOVEplaying Soulsilver, I gotta lay off the game sometimes. Even though the Battle Frontier is there,I can sometimes get frustrated battling them and I'd stop playing the Battle Frontier.

    Wait, if youbeat Red, aren't the Elite 4's teams & level's changed now? So that means there is something minor to do after beating Red, right?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [155]Apr 8, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Just because someone beats a game quickly doesn't meant hey don't enjoy it. Playing a lot means they love it. Besides, he's in the same boat as everyone, After beating Red there's really nothing to do other then the Battle Frontier.

    I didn't mean that if they beat the game fast means they didn't enjoy it, I meant beating it fast just makes it less enjoyable on the long run. I did that for all previous games and damn, I lit my fingertips on fire playing through those games but this time, as much as I LOVEplaying Soulsilver, I gotta lay off the game sometimes. Even though the Battle Frontier is there,I can sometimes get frustrated battling them and I'd stop playing the Battle Frontier.

    Wait, if youbeat Red, aren't the Elite 4's teams & level's changed now? So that means there is something minor to do after beating Red, right?

    No, the elite 4 use their hardcore pokemon after you beat them the first time, or get 8 kanto badges, not sure, either way i beat 'em the second time already. And got Mewtwo, and Kyogre. *slowly and lazily keep fighting bibarels back at platinum to train elekid in order to have a good Electivire for my HG* And, in many things your point is valid, but, in a videogame where everything's already kinda predetermined there's really not much more enjoyment you can get by taking breaks before continuing.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [156]Apr 13, 2010
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    Finally got through the Elite 4. I was soooo underleveled, like around Level 37-40 when I first arrived. But after about 10 times that I battled the Elite 4 and lost, my Pokemon all were Level 42-45, so Will, Koga, Bruno, and Karen were a breeze........ but that Lance sure does have luck on his side, he got like 5 Critical Hits after I Iron Defensed with Scizor.-_- But after resetting like 3 times for his battle, I won. Can't wait for Kanto!!!!!

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [157]Apr 13, 2010
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    Trying to catch raikou and entei it's going to take a while.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [158]Apr 13, 2010
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    phonzee101 wrote:

    Trying to catch raikou and entei it's going to take a while.

    Being the only runners in the game, you might as well use the Master Ball on one of them.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [159]Apr 13, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    Finally got through the Elite 4. I was soooo underleveled, like around Level 37-40 when I first arrived. But after about 10 times that I battled the Elite 4 and lost, my Pokemon all were Level 42-45, so Will, Koga, Bruno, and Karen were a breeze........ but that Lance sure does have luck on his side, he got like 5 Critical Hits after I Iron Defensed with Scizor.-_- But after resetting like 3 times for his battle, I won. Can't wait for Kanto!!!!!

    I feel sooooo good after reading this and remembering how i not only used only pokemon that i could catch in Johto along with not even evolving Togetic to Togekiss but i also had my pokemons in lvl 38-42 (Typhlosion being in 42, the rest didn't hit 40 until during the match with Lance) and i still won with no trouble against the Elite 4. =)
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [160]Apr 14, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    Finally got through the Elite 4. I was soooo underleveled, like around Level 37-40 when I first arrived. But after about 10 times that I battled the Elite 4 and lost, my Pokemon all were Level 42-45, so Will, Koga, Bruno, and Karen were a breeze........ but that Lance sure does have luck on his side, he got like 5 Critical Hits after I Iron Defensed with Scizor.-_- But after resetting like 3 times for his battle, I won. Can't wait for Kanto!!!!!

    I feel sooooo good after reading this and remembering how i not only used only pokemon that i could catch in Johto along with not even evolving Togetic to Togekiss but i also had my pokemons in lvl 38-42 (Typhlosion being in 42, the rest didn't hit 40 until during the match with Lance) and i still won with no trouble against the Elite 4. =)

    Woah!?!?! WTH, Lance was easy for you and you were much more underleveled than me? Please tell me you didn't use Lugia/Ho-Oh/Other Legendaries???- I was tempted to use Lugia but I decided not to.

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