My favorite new rule for the DS games only is to add not only the starters of that region, but also the starters of another region and I am using the Sinnoh starters as well since as I mentioned before the DS games have no trade requirements. I've already uploaded Turtwig, and Chimchar to Heartgold and have them become Grotle and Monferno, and will in a bit be doing the same thing with Piplup (I actually transfer their eggs).
But anyway I had a chance to do the Voltorb Flip, and its tricky to use since I have to save my coins alot. Removing the slot machine may have in some ways solved legal issues, but taking away the ability to purchase coins was unnecessary, which I will definitely avoid purchasing the more expensive items I can have transferred with my other DS from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
But anyway I have two badges now, and will most likely get my third tonight as well.