Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Blue is just as cocky as ever... But I beat him, and got my 14th badge~ I also went up to Mt Silver and challenged Red, which ended very badly for me... He just had to send out his Pikachu first, but I knew I'd end up losing anyway... If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask since I seem to be the only one who's gotten this far.
First off, I had to use a Quagsire and Geodude for any HMs I'd need... Turns out all you need is Rock Climb to reach him =_=; So excluding them I had Arcanine lv 52, Feraligatr lv 53, Umbreon lv 52, and my Shiny Marowak that I traded over which is lv 54... I didn't stand a chance.
PinKunoichi wrote: |
First off, I had to use a Quagsire and Geodude for any HMs I'd need... Turns out all you need is Rock Climb to reach him =_=; So excluding them I had Arcanine lv 52, Feraligatr lv 53, Umbreon lv 52, and my Shiny Marowak that I traded over which is lv 54... I didn't stand a chance. |
Um... all of Red's Pokemon are at level 80 and above with Pikachu being his strongest at level 88...
PinKunoichi wrote: |
First off, I had to use a Quagsire and Geodude for any HMs I'd need... Turns out all you need is Rock Climb to reach him =_=; So excluding them I had Arcanine lv 52, Feraligatr lv 53, Umbreon lv 52, and my Shiny Marowak that I traded over which is lv 54... I didn't stand a chance. |
@SPD: lol, same thing happened to me,
EDIT: Well with that Silver's taken care of, the battle was pretty fun though, each of my mons took out one of his, well now i'm at Pallet, let's visit Oak, can i use the computer and the green stuff to heal? oh an e-mail lol i'm looking at his personal stuff, blah blah blah i'm awesome says Elm an- WTFH ASDL;HFAPSOGH?!!?? "8-)" THIS IS MADNESS!!
EDIT2: Yup, Red still abandoned all his friends and family to improve possibly losing his humanity in his mind too, also his carpet is red lol "A Wii! It's big in Kanto too!" subtle Nintendo lol. And over at Green's he's still called Blue in the U.S. version but his carpet is Green lol.
PinKunoichi wrote: |
Blue is just as cocky as ever... But I beat him, and got my 14th badge~ I also went up to Mt Silver and challenged Red, which ended very badly for me... He just had to send out his Pikachu first, but I knew I'd end up losing anyway... If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask since I seem to be the only one who's gotten this far. |
Wow, in 7 days you already gotten to Red......Kinda takes the fun out of playing the game......
I learned to take my time and enjoy the game to the maximum....... barely got to Chuck & Jasmine yesterday and lost to both of them. I also traded the Shiny Stone to evolve my Togetic but I think I will train it........ Strangely, I haven't played SoulSilver today.
I'll train for a bit like tomorrow or something, I just don't want to beat SoulSilver sooo quickly, I payed $42 darn bucks for it, so I should enjoy it as much as possible.
I know I was doomed from the start, I just wanted to face him... But he's the one who made his Pikachu faint after one too many Volt Tackles... >.> And of course I'll challenge him again after I get a more powerful team ready. And I do have fun playing it, its the reason why I made it this far so fast.
PinKunoichi wrote: |
I know I was doomed from the start, I just wanted to face him... But he's the one who made his Pikachu faint after one too many Volt Tackles... >.> And of course I'll challenge him again after I get a more powerful team ready. And I do have fun playing it, its the reason why I made it this far so fast. |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
So I beat Jasmine rather easily and then lose to Pryce who has levels lower then Steelix...WTF? Just kidding. I knew I needed to train. |
I beat chuck jasmine and pryce in one hour
well it was really because I had finished the warehouse after losing to chuck twice
edmasterchaos wrote: |
That Pikachu, it destroyed, no obliterated, no no it combined every synonim of kill/destroy into one powerful word i shall reffer to Braho, it Braho'd my entire team so hard with not a single bit of effort. When i thought Mamoswine would at least beat that very fragile Pikachu the Pikachu simply Iron Tail'd it to hell. I gotta reach the late 50s to do the double battle against Lance and Clair, then reach 60+ to train with Elite 4s.... |
Well what did you expect, you were going up against Red and his Godchu.
BAC510 wrote: |
Wow, in 7 days you already gotten to Red......![]() |
EDIT: Why do Dodrios need to have different colored features between males and females?...
edmasterchaos wrote: |
EDIT: Why do Dodrios need to have different colored features between males and females?... |
If you're going to ask that you might as well throw Gyarados in there as well.
A bunch of Pokémon are like that. A better question would be why do Male Torchics have an almost non-existent spec on their butt.