So the entire Elite Four actually appear in their home region. I believe this is a first for the series.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
So the entire Elite Four actually appear in their home region. I believe this is a first for the series.
syrusfan wrote: |
So the entire Elite Four actually appear in their home region. I believe this is a first for the series. |
Um, I already said that.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Um, I already said that. |
Hey now, give em' a break.... he just didn't want to go through 1 Page to found out.
Wow, I am excited. I wonder if it will be 1 on 1, just Torterror & Hippowdon or maybe 2 on 2(not Double Battle) or heck 3 VS 3? Maybe Gible can also be used seeing how its half-Ground. Buizel can battle too butI think it will betoo much. Staraptor should get another major battle, even if it loses, since the darn bird has so little losses.
Another first for the series, if it is just 1 on 1, that means Pikachu won't be used against an Elite 4 Member for once!YES!
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
ice fang nuff said.. |
Torterra- Leaf Storm
Hippowdon= Dead
Nuff' said.
elite four pokemon
nuff said....
I agree with Shiny Missingno. Ash is gonna lose.
Ash has never had a lot of luck fighting the Elite Four, so this won't be any different.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
snorunt perfected ice beam after it evolved |
Oh yeah, I guess you're right, I just went back and re-watched that part. Still, I stand by what I said. I see a big similarity between the two what with both Gible and Snorunt struggling to master a move for basically the entire time that Ash owned them. Gible should evolve whenever it learns Draco Meteor. I just don't see how Ash can lose with the team he has right now, Gabite would just cement his place in the Sinnoh Hall of Fame for me and anything short of that would just mean he got cheated out of it. I mean, I know it can't happen in order to have the series kept going, but, come on, he would have Pikachu, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Buizel, and (hopefully) Gabite. Even with just Gible, that team seems pretty unbeatable to me in terms of the anime.
Alright, everyone, sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news but I have inform you guys. On Newtype, there is a section on April 1, then it goes to April 8. From the looks of it, the only information shown on that section is about Togekiss but nothing about Bertha.
BAC510 wrote: |
Alright, everyone, sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news but I have inform you guys. On Newtype, there is a section on April 1, then it goes to April 8. From the looks of it, the only information shown on that section is about Togekiss but nothing about Bertha. |
... I can't read Japanese...
I'm too busy waiting for marley to even care ^_^
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Surprised no one posted this. Obviously Jessie now has ribbon number 4. Also, Dawn finally has a new dress. |
I'm surprised by how good Jessie is doing this season. I mean, The Greatest Everday basically says she would be in the Grand Festival, but she's come a long way from bumbling fool trying to get Pikachu. Now she's a bumbling fool trying to catch Pikachu with ribbons.
syrusfan wrote: |
I'm surprised by how good Jessie is doing this season. I mean, The Greatest Everday basically says she would be in the Grand Festival, but she's come a long way from bumbling fool trying to get Pikachu. Now she's a bumbling fool trying to catch Pikachu with ribbons. |
There's also the fact that during the Advanced Generation series Jessie lost every contest she entered, including being disqualified from two Hoenn contests for cheating.