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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [21]Nov 15, 2009
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    dragonite is more awesome however.


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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [22]Nov 15, 2009
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    I vote for Dragonite!

    Dragonite: 3 votes

    Garchomp: 1 votes

    Dragonite wins!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Nov 15, 2009
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    Aaerni wrote:

    I vote for Dragonite!

    Dragonite: 3 votes

    Garchomp: 1 votes

    Dragonite wins!

    Now Aaerni, what did HaydenAvery tell you?

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [24]Nov 16, 2009
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    in that case the next match up is Pikachu vs Elekid!

    Pikachu: 1

    Elekid: 0

    Edited on 11/16/2009 3:53pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [25]Nov 16, 2009
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    Huh, kinda unfair since Pikachu is one stage above Elekid.

    That said, Elekid is stronger in every aspect against Pikachu, Elekid will always hit first, they both get access to almost the same moves, but here's what i'm basing it most:
    ElekidATK= 63-30=33
    PikachuATK= 55-37=18
    ElekidSpA= 65-40=25
    PikachuSpA= 50-55= -5 Pikachu's only viable option is to use Physical attacks, and even then, Elekid can do it for more damage, hence, Elekid would win.

    Elekid-1 Pikachu-1
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [26]Nov 17, 2009
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    i just like pikachu more even if elekid can beat it.

    Elekid-1 Pikachu-2
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [27]Nov 17, 2009
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    Well, Elekid is superior in every stat, so i'll go with him:
    Elekid 2
    Pikachu 2
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [28]Nov 17, 2009
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    Unlike Charizard VS. Magmorter where my favorite Pokemon was involved so I chose it, though my username does have "Pikachu" in it and I do like Pikachu to an extent, this won't change my view and whoever has the better stats, Ability, and Moves will win:

    Pokemon: Elekid
    Type: Electric
    Ability: Static (If this Pokemon is hit by a Physical attack, there is a 30% chance the attacking Pokemon will become paralyzed)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 45
    =Attack: 63
    =Defense: 37
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 55
    =Speed: 95
    =Total: 360
    Weakness (2x): Ground
    Resistance (.5x): Flying, Steel, & Electric

    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Nothing can take on that Ground-type weakness, and with only three moves that can get through to Ground-types (the Normal-types Quick Attack and Swift and Fighting-type Low Kick), keep Elekid away from Ground-types (especially Ground/Ghost-types... wait, those don't exist... yet). Anyway from here it's the typical electric attcks, ones which you'll mostly want is ThunderPunch, Discharge, Thunderbolt, and Thunder.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Still nothing to handle Ground-types which weakens it severly. However it does know a few moves that should be noted here. It knows Rain Dance to make Thunder a 100% hit. It also has Steel-type Iron Tail, Fighting-type Focus Punch, and Psychic-type Psychic.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    That ThunderPunch is so lonely, if only it had two other counterparts like with the Fangs... oh wait, they do! It is here we see Elekid get the other two elemental punches, one being the Ice-type Ice Punch to handle those feared Ground-types! And besides from the Fire-type Fire Punch and the Fighting-types DynamicPunch and Cross Chop, we'll keep moving along.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    From the damagin point of view, besides from the elemental punches I've mentioned above, it can learn the Bug-type Signal Beam. But by a strategic point of view, it can learn Magnet Rise, which will make it immuned to Ground-type!... though still won't be able to damage them with Electric-type attacks (but that's what Ice Punch is for).

    Pokemon: Pikachu
    Type: Electric
    Static (If this Pokemon is hit by a Physical attack, there is a 30% chance the attacking Pokemon will become paralyzed)
    =HP: 35
    =Attack: 55
    =Defense: 30
    =Special Attack: 50
    =Special Defense: 40
    =Speed: 90
    =Total: 300
    Weakness (2x): Ground
    Resistance (.5x): Flying, Steel, & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    Like Elekid, nothing to handle that Ground-type weakness and the only damaging moves it can do to it are three Normal-type moves: Quick Attack, Slam, and Feint. Slam is pretty strong though and learns it rather early. Naturally, it learns the Electric-type moves Thunderbolt, Discharge, and Thunder as far and noticeable Electric-type moves are concerned.
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Now here is something interesting, it can learn the Grass-type move Grass Knot, and with most Ground-types being heavy as they becomes stronger, this can be quite useful. Other things to note would be the Ground-type Dig, Fighting-type Focus Punch, Steel-type Iron Tail, and Normal-type Strength. It also can learn Rain Dance for Thunder's benefit, and the combo of Rest + Sleep Talk might be interesting.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Volt Tackle, let's move on. But wait, I also see Electric-type ThunderPunch, Fighting-type Reversal, and Normal-types Flail and Wish.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    We see Magnet Rise here too which is nice. There is the Rock-type Rollout (though no Defense Curl) and Bug-type Signal Beam.
    Moveset Analysis (Events):
    With the PokeWalker course Yellow Forest giving out the Surfing Pikachu and Flying Pikachu, Pikachu gains the power Water-type Surf to wash out Ground-types or the Flying-type Fly to skip its turn to get no damage and attack the next.

    Like with pretty much all the weaker Pokemon, Speed is the decider. Even with a Light Ball attached and Pikachu doing a Quick Attack, Elekid will take Pikachu down on its first turn if it uses a strong attack.

    But admit it, this is more of a Ash VS. Paul question, isn't it.



    Elekid: 3 | Pikachu: 2

    Edited on 11/17/2009 5:32pm
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [29]Nov 18, 2009
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    sort of. wow elekid won and pikachu is already out.

    Treecko vs Turtwig! this is tough for me but ill have to go with..

    Treecko: 0

    Turtwig: 1
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [30]Nov 18, 2009
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    Well, Turtwig gets to do much more physical damage than Treecko what can do with special or physical damage and Turtwig has more HP, so yeah

    Treecko-0 Turtwig- 2
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [31]Nov 18, 2009
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    Pokemon: Treecko
    Type: Grass
    Overgrow (Raises Grass-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 40
    =Attack: 45
    =Defense: 35
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 55
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 310
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, & Ice
    Resistance (.5x): Ground, Water, Grass,
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    When you have this many weaknesses and none of the moves you get from leveling up are super effective against any of them, you have a big problem. Other then the Dark-type Pursiut, Treecko only learns offensive Normal- and Grass-type attacks. A note worthy Normal-type attack is Slam whilel for Grass-type attacks it's Giga Drain and Energy Ball. It also learns Detect which could help evade an attack, but each time you use it it has a higher chance of failing (and being you waste a turn doing it, it's not all that worth it).
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    It gets points back here. Fighting-type (Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Drain Punch) and Steel-type Iron Tail handle Ice-types. Ground-type Dig handles Fire- and Poison-types. Rock-type Rock Slide handles Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, and Ice-types. Finally Flying-type Aerial Ace handles Bug-types. And as always, we have our favorite combo: SolarBeam + Sunny Day.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Crunch, Normal-types Cruch Claw & Razor Wind, Dragon-type DragonBreath, and Grass-types Leaf Storm & Magical Leaf are the good ones here. It can learn Endeavor meaning if it has Quick Attack you can make Treecko a F.E.A.R. (Or in this case, F.E.A.T.) Pokemon. also it can get GrassWhistle for a sleep-inducing move and Synthesis for healing.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Can learn a Grass-type Seed Bomb and Electric-type ThunderPunch.

    Pokemon: Turtwig
    Type: Grass
    Overgrow (Raises Grass-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 55
    =Attack: 68
    =Defense: 64
    =Special Attack: 45
    =Special Defense: 55
    =Speed: 31
    =Total: 318
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, & Ice
    Resistance (.5x): Ground, Water, Grass,
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Much like before, nothing to handle those pesky weaknesses. It can learn Dark-type moves Bite and Crunch, and Grass-type moves Giga Drain and Leaf Storm. Interesting note, it can learn ???-type Curse.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Can't really counter any weaknesses here, but can counter one. Steel-type Iron Tail and Fighting-type Rock Smash handles Ice-types. Has SolarBeam + Sunny Day combo, and can be set-up Pokemon as it can learn both Light Screen and Reflect. Nothing here really, can get Grass-type Energy Ball and Normal-types Rock Climb & Strength.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Can get Normal-types Body Slam, Double Edge, and Thrash and for Grass-types it gets Seed Bomb. Also learns Fighting-type Superpower. Final thing I'll note is that it can get Stockpile, Swallow, and Spit Up (all Normal-type).
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Finally another type to handle a few more weaknesses. It gains the Ground-type Earth Power to handle Fire- and Poison-types. And that's really it as I mentioned Seed Bomb above already.

    Sorry Turtwig, but like with all the other weak Pokemon battles speed rules and with Treecko knowing Aerial Ace it spells your doom.



    Treecko: 1 | Turtwig: 2

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [32]Nov 19, 2009
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    this time ill vote treecko cause its cool too.

    Treecko: 2 | Turtwig: 2
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [33]Nov 22, 2009
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    would someone vote? i really dont want to be the one to decide this.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [34]Nov 22, 2009
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [35]Nov 22, 2009
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    turtwig advances. next is Togepi vs Lotad!

    Togepi: 0

    Lotad: 1
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [36]Nov 22, 2009
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    Lotad2 Togepi0
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [37]Nov 25, 2009
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    ok im done waiting for pikachu and his awesome setup for choosing. lotad wins.

    Shellder vs Snorunt!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [38]Nov 25, 2009
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    Oops! Knew I forgot something (if I don't post in a day you might want to make a "reminder" post as I pretty much read all new posts that are made here). Well looks like I'm once again doing a two-fer

    Pokemon: Lotad
    Type: Water/Grass

    = Swift Swim (Doubles Speed in Rain)
    = Rain Dish (Recovers 1/16 of maximum HP each turn if it's Raining)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 40
    =Attack: 30
    =Defense: 30
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 50
    =Speed: 30
    =Total: 220
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, & Bug
    Resistance (.5x): Ground & Steel
    Resistance (.25x): Water
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    Well would you look at that, it can learn Psychic-type Zen Headbutt which is super effective against its Bug-type weakness. Other then that it doesn't have much else. Has Water-type Bubble Beam (STAB), Grass-type Mega Drain and Energy Ball (STAB), and even the Ghost-tyep Astonish. also has can learn Rain Dance to activate any of its two Abilities.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Surprisingly it has a wide variety for a Basic Pokemon. Knows Ice-types Ice Beam and Blizzard to handle Flying-types, but other then that nothing to take care of Bug-types. It can learn Water-type Water Pulse and Surf (STAB), Grass-type Giga Drain and Grass Knot (STAB), and Normal-type Facade and Secret Power. One nice combo is the ever popular Sunny Day + Solar Beam (STAB), and another is Rest and Sleep Talk.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Not much here. There's Leech Seed that can help heal your other Pokemon if you switch out. There's also the Fighting-type Counter and the Normal-type Flail.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Some things worth noting. Ice-type Icy Wind is here to further handle Flying-types, and I also see Grass-type Seed Bomb (STAB). Final note is Snore is here which also works if you plan on using Rest.

    Pokemon: Togepi
    Type: Normal

    = Hustle
    - (In Battle: Increases Attack by 50% but decreases Accuracy of Physical moves by 20%)
    - (Outside of Battle: If leading party, chances of battling higher-leveled wild Pokemon increase by 50%)
    = Serene Grace (If a move has a chance of doing an additional effect, the chance of it happening gets doubled)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 35
    =Attack: 20
    =Defense: 65
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 65
    =Speed: 20
    =Total: 245
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    GAH! Doesn't really learn any attacking moves until it gets to higher levels. Well I'll start off by saying that is has Rock-type Ancient Power as it's only non-Normal-type move. As for Normal-type attacks (STAB), it has Double-Edge and Last Resort but learns them near/over Level 50. Other moves include the popular Metrenome which could perform any attack that exists in the game, Sweet Kiss to cause Confusion, Yawn to put opponnet to Sleep, Encore to force them to use the same attack for multiple turns, and Wish to heal. It also has Safeguard and Baton Pass.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Wow, HUGE improvement here. Psychic-type Psychic handles its only weakness, and from there on you got a wide choice to choose from. Water-type Water Pulse, Fire-type Flamethrower and Fire Blast, Ghost-type Shadow Ball, Electric-type Shock Wave, and Normal-type Facade and Secret Power (STAB). Few combos I see is Sunny Day + Solar Beam, Rest + Sleep Talk, and if you previously used Yawn then Psychic-type Dream Eater can be quite painful. It can also learn Light Screen and Reflect to set-up as well as Endure, Thunder Wave, Attract, and Captivate
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Can learn Psychic-type Extrasensory and Future Site, but nothing much after that. Flying-type Peck is here if you prefer to use that against Fighting-types. Also Present is here.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    I see Bug-type Signal Beam, Rock-type Rollout, Psychic-type Zen Headbutt, and Normal-type Swift (STAB). Has Heal Bell to cure party's status ailments, Normal-type Snore (STAB) for a Rest combo, and Endeavor (but unfortunetly Togepi doesn't have a +1 priority move which doesn't make it a F.E.A.(R/T). Pokemon).

    I've got to say, for once the result goes against what I would have said. Sure Lotad is faster and will stirke first, but with no Figting-type moves it might not OHKO. However if Togepi has Signal Beam or maybe even Peck, Lotad is in big trouble if it gets to attack.


    But enough about the past match, onto the present!

    Pokemon: Shellder
    Type: Water

    = Shell Armor (Isn't affected by critical hits)
    = Skill Link (Multiple striking moves will doe maximum number of hits)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 30
    =Attack: 65
    =Defense: 100
    =Special Attack: 45
    =Special Defense: 25
    =Speed: 40
    =Total: 305
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water, & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Right away it takes care of that Grass-type weakness by learning several Ice-type attacks as Icicle Spear (takes adventage of Skill Link), Ice Shard, Aurora Beam, and Ice Beam. For Water-type and STAB, it has Clamp and Brine. As if the Defense wasn't already high, it has Withdraw and Iron Defense. There's also Supersonic and Protect.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    This thing stays with its and its evolution's type. Water-type Water Pulse and Surf (STAB); Ice-types Blizzard; Normal-type Facade, Secret Power, and Explosion; and Dark-type Payback are all here. We got Rest + Sleep talk combo. There is also Endure, Attract, and Captivate.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Seeing Ground-type Mud Shot to handle those Electric-types, as well as Rock-type Rock Blast which Skill Link can make very handy. Also Normal-type Take Down and Water-type BubbleBeam (STAB).
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Water-type Dive is quite nice (STAB), Ice-type Icy Wind, and Normal-type Swift and Snore (if previously used Rest).

    Pokemon: Snorunt
    Type: Ice
    = Inner Focus (Prevents flinching except from Focus Punch)
    = Ice Body (Recovers 1/16 of maximum HP each turn if it's Hailing. If the Pokemon isn't Ice-type, it recieves no damage for Hail and gets the healing benefit)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 50
    =Attack: 50
    =Defense: 50
    =Special Attack: 50
    =Special Defense: 50
    =Speed: 50
    =Total: 300
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Steel, & Fire
    Resistance (.5x): Ice

    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Nothing to handle its weaknesses, so we move on. Ice-type Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Ice Fang, Ice Shard, and Blizzard all get STAB. It also has Dark-type Bit and Crunch and Normal-type Headbutt. Also learns Hail which not only activates one of its Abilities but also makes Blizzard 100% accurate.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Another one who's typing stays within the family line. There is Water-type Water Pulse, Ice-type Ice Beam and Avalanche (STAB), and Ghost-type Shadow Ball. (BTW, I'm going to stop mentiong Rest, Sleep Talk, Attract, Captivate, and Endure as it seems like all Pokemon have it. I'll only mention it if I have a reason to).
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Upon coming here we finally have a move to handle weaknesses. Rock-type Rollout takes care of Fire. It can also learn Spikes and Normal-type Weather Ball.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Gets Spite, but nothing much else.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    If you got one from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, its moveset once purified is this: Sing (can't have normally), Water Pulse, Bite, and Icy Wind. Obviously Sing is the special move which you want here.

    Though faster, with no type that can deliver Super Effective hits it's at the mercy of the Shellder who can learn Rock Blast, and if it has the Skill Link Ability that Rock Blast is a certain OHKO.


    : 1 | Snorunt: 0

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [39]Nov 25, 2009
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    cool. never knew shellder could learn rock blast. its my favorite pokemon so go shellder!

    Shellder: 2 | Snorunt: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [40]Nov 26, 2009
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    we got something in common dude


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