Pokemon: Cacnea
Type: Grass
Ability: Sand Veil
= (In Battle: Evasion incrases by 25% in a Sandstorm and doesn't get hurt in a Sandstorm)
= (Outside of Battle: If this Pokemon is leading your party and are in an area with a sandstorm, the wild Pokemon encounter rate is decreased by 50%)
Base Stats:
=HP: 50
=Attack: 85
=Defense: 50
=Special Attack: 85
=Special Defense: 40
=Speed: 35
=Total: 335
Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Ground, Water, Grass, & Electric
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Ah Poison- and Bug-types, the Pokemon who attacks are super-effective against the other one. There is the Poison-type Poison Sting to handle Bug-types while there is the Bug-type Pin Missile for those Poison-types. Other moves are Dark-type Faint Attack, Sucker Punch, & Payback and Grass-types Absorb & Needle Arm (STAB). Tactical we have Cotton Spore, Sandstorm (gotta activate that Ability), Spikes, Leech Seed, and Destiny Bond.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
In addition to having Poison-type Poison Jab now squashing bugs, we also have Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Drain Punch taking breaking apart Ice-types. We also have Dark-type Dark Pulse and Grass-type Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, SolarBeam (has Sunny Day for combo), Energy Ball, & Grass Knot (STAB). Nothing special in tactical sense.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Poison-type Acid keeps on swatting bugs and Fighting-type Counter, DynamicPunch, and Low Kick cracks Ice-types. We also got Normal-type SmellingSalt and Grass-type Magical Leaf & Seed Bomb (STAB). Tactical we get Nasty Plot, GrassWhistle, and Teeter Dance.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Bug-type Fury Cutter strikes back at the Poison-types who have been bombarding them previously. Things look worse as Ground-type Mud-Slap also beat down on Poison-types and Fire-types. Also the Electric-type ThunderPunch (no Ice Punch or Fire Punch though) deals with the Flying-types. Other then that we only really have tactical moves Magic Coat, Spite, Synthesis, and Worry Seed.
Pokemon: Carnivine
Type: Grass
Ability: Levitate (Gives immunity to Ground-types and is unaffected by Arena Trap)
Base Stats:
=HP: 74
=Attack: 100
=Defense: 72
=Special Attack: 90
=Special Defense: 72
=Speed: 46
=Total: 454
Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Ground, Water, Grass, & Electric
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Nothing for weaknesses so we'll continue on as usual. Got Dark-type Bite, Faint Attack, & Crunch; Normal-type Spit Up (yes, it has Stockpile and Swallow) Bind, & Wring Out; and Grass-type Vine Whip & Power Whip. Tactical we Ingrain and Sweet Scent.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Poison-type Sludge Bomb takes care of those Bug-type pets. If not we also got Normal-type Hyper Beam & Giga Impact; Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Payback; and Grass-type Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, SolarBeam (do I even need to say it has Sunny Day to combo?), Energy Ball, & Grass Knot (STAB). Tactical is all the same as others.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Has Normal-type Slam and Grass-type Magical Leaf & Razor Leaf (STAB). There is a whole bunch of tactical here like Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Synthesis, & Worry Seed to name some... or all.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Bug-type Bug Bite & Fury Cutter appear to take revenge on Poison-types but Ground-type Mud-Slap comes up to fight Poison- and Fire-types. We got Dark-type Knock Off and Grass-type Seed Bomb (STAB) to finish things off on attacks. For tactical, the only interesting thing left is Gastro Acid.
Each have attacks that is Super Effective against the other, so I'm going to go with Speed once more and say...
Cacnea: 2 | Carnivine: 1