Pokemon: Charmander
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze (Raises Fire-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
Base Stats:
=HP: 39
=Attack: 52
=Defense: 43
=Special Attack: 60
=Special Defense: 50
=Speed: 65
=Total: 309
Weakness (2x): Ground, Rock, & Water
Resistance (.5x): Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, & Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
As expected, there are no moves ot handle any weaknesses just yet. As for other moves, we have Normal-type Scratch & Slash and Fire-type Ember, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, & Fire Spin (STAB). In tactical there is Growl, SmokeScreen, Scary Face, and Dragon Rage.
Moveset Analysis (TH/HM):
There is no love to Rock-type as we have Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Steel-type Iron Tail; and Ground-type Dig. In other moves we have Normal-type Strength; Dragon-type Dragon Claw; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Flying-type Aerial Ace; Tock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling; and Fire-type Fire Blast & Overheat (STAB). Tactical there is Will-O-Wisp and Sunny Day.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Rock-types can't catch a break with Fighting-type Counter and Steel-type Metal Claw. For other moves we have Rock-type AncientPower; Dark-type Beat Up, Bite, & Crunch; Dragon-type Dragon Rush & Outrage; and Fire-type Flare Blitz (STAB). Tactical there is Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, and Belly Drum.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
We finally get Electric-type ThunderPunch to deal with those Water-types and as always a Ground-type Mud-Slap for Rock-types. Other moves are Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, and SWift; Bug-type Fury Cutter; & Fire-type Fire Punch & Heat Wave (STAB).
Moveset Analysis (Events):
In Japan on Pokemon's birthday, a Charmander knowing Normal-type Return, Hidden Power, & Quick Attack as well as the move Howl was given away. Now while it's odd that they didn't give it a Fire-type move, there are two moves here it can't learn naturally indeed making this an event Pokemon. These moves are Quick Attack and Howl.
Pokemon: Chimchar
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze (Raises Fire-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
Base Stats:
=HP: 44
=Attack: 58
=Defense: 44
=Special Attack: 58
=Special Defense: 44
=Speed: 61
=Total: 309
Weakness (2x): Ground, Rock, & Water
Resistance (.5x): Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, & Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
No weakness handlers, so other moves are Normal-type Scratch, Fury Swipes, & Facade and Fire-type Ember, Flame Wheel, Fire Spin, & Flamethrower (STAB). We have a lot in tactical: Leer, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Torment, and Slack Off.
Moveset Analysis (TH/HM):
In addition to Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Steel-type Iron Tail; and Ground-type Dig smashes Rock-types, we also have Grass-type Grass Knot which weakens all the weakness: Ground-, Rock-, and Water-types! In addition to this we have Normal-type Strength & Rock Climb; Bug-type U-turn; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Dark-type Fling; Flying-type Aerial Ace; and Fire-type Fire Blast & Overheat (STAB). Tactical there is Bulk Up, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Swords Dance, and Stealth Rock.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Besides Fighting-type Counter & Double Kick further injuring Rock-types, we also have Electric-type ThunderPunch for those Water-types. There is also Normal-type Fake Out and Fire-type Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, & Heat Wave (STAB). Tactical there is Assist, Encore, Focus Energy, and Helping Hand.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fighting-type Low Kick & Vacuum Wave as well as Ground-type Mud-Slap further grinds down on Rock-types. Other moves are Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, Swift, & Uproar and Rock-type Rollout. Tactical here is Magic Coat mostly. I'll also like to point out Endeavor is here, and with Vacuum Wave that means Chimchar can become a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!
Well that's it, who wins? Well, though Charmander is the pre-pre-evolution of my favorite Pokemon, that won't change my judging on who's better in battle here. So with these being weak Pokemon meaning Speed with a Super Effective move is going to be the winning factor... Charmander wins! Yay, Charmander is faster then Chimchar, who would have thought?
Charmander: 2 | Chimchar: 2