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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [141]Dec 18, 2009
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    I vote for Weedle!

    Weedle: 3 votes

    Caterpie: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [142]Dec 18, 2009
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    so weedle won. next up we have Gible vs Gligar. har har.

    Gible: 1

    Gligar: 0
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [143]Dec 18, 2009
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    Weell, gligar is a stage one pokemon, plus Gible's ground attacks are useless in that situation.

    Gligar1 Gible1
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [144]Dec 18, 2009
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    decided to play smart here

    gligar is weak to ice and water: goble learns no ice type moves and one non-damaging water type move

    gible is weak to ice and dragon: gligar learns no ice type moves(unlike its evolution) and two water type moves

    aqua tail wins it

    glgar is my choice

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [145]Dec 18, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    decided to play smart here

    gligar is weak to ice and water: goble learns no ice type moves and one non-damaging water type move

    gible is weak to ice and dragon: gligar learns no ice type moves(unlike its evolution) and two water type moves

    aqua tail wins it

    glgar is my choice

    Umm... how does Gligar learning two Water-type moves (one being non-damaging Rain Dance) help in defeating Gible who is weak to Ice- and Dragon-types?

    But now for my post:

    Type: Dragon/Ground
    Sand Veil
    = (In Battle: Increases evasion by 1 stage (25%) in a sandstorm and make the Pokemon immune to damage from a sandstorm)
    = (Outside Battle: If leading party, decreases wild Pokemon encounter rate by 50% if in an area with a sandstorm)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 58
    =Attack: 70
    =Defense: 45
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 45
    =Speed: 42
    =Total: 300
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Poison, Rock,
    & Fire
    Immunity (0x): Electric

    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Dragon-type Dragon Claw & Dragon Rush (STAB) handle its own type, Dragon-type, quiet nice. We also have Normal-type Tackle, Take Down, & Slash and Ground-type Sand Tomb & Dig (STAB). Tactical we have Sand-Attack, Dragon Rage, & Sandstorm.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Dragon-type Dragon Pulse (STAB) continue to handle Dragon-types while Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide; and Fighting-type Rock Smash break apart Ice-types. For other attacks we have Flying-type Aerial Ace; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Normal-type Cut, Strength, & Rock Climb; and Ground-type Earthquake (STAB). Tactical there is Roar, Sunny Day (which is good for those Fire-type attacks), & Stealth Rock among the usual ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dragon-type DragonBreath, Outrage, & Twister (STAB) keep blasting Dragon-types back. Other attacks inlcude Normal-type Body Slam, Double-Edge, & Thrash; Steel-type Iron Head & Metal Claw; and Ground-type Mud Shot (STAB). Tactical there is only Scary Face.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Dragon-type Draco Meteor (STAB) finishes off any Dragon-types that were left standing. We'll then finish off this list with Bug-type Fury Cutter and Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap (STAB).

    Type: Ground/Flying

    = Hyper Cutter (Prevents the Attack stat from being reduced)
    = Sand Veil
    + (In Battle: Increases evasion by 1 stage (25%) in a sandstorm and make the Pokemon immune to damage from a sandstorm)
    + (Outside Battle: If leading party, decreases wild Pokemon encounter rate by 50% if in an area with a sandstorm)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 65
    =Attack: 75
    =Defense: 105
    =Special Attack: 35
    =Special Defense: 65
    =Speed: 85
    =Total: 430
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Water
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Poison,
    & Bug
    Immunity (0x): Ground
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    We have Poison-type Poison Sting; Dark-type Knock Off & Faint Attack; Normal-type Quick Attack & Slash; and Bug-type Fury Cutter, U-turn, & X-Scissor. Tactical there is Sand-Sttack, Harden, Screech, & Swords Dance. We also have the OHKO Normal-type Guillotine.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Got Fighting-type Brick Break & Rock Smash and Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide to crush those Ice-types. Other attacks are Steel-type Iron Tail & Steel Wind; Poison-type Sludge Bomb & Poison Jab; Dark-type Thief, Fling, Payback, & Dark Pulse; Normal-type False Swipe, Cut, & Strength; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace (STAB). Tactical there is Sandstorm, Roost, Rock Polish, & Defog amoung the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Fighting-type Counter take on Ice-types once more. Other attacks include Poison-type Cross Poison; Normal-type Double-Edge, Feint, & Razor Wind; Steel-type Metal Claw; Ground-type Sand Tomb (STAB); and Flying-type Wing Attack (STAB). Tactical there is Agility, Baton Pass, & Power Trick.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Pretty much got Water-type Aqua Tail and Ground-type Earth Power (STAB). Tactical there is Tailwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purfiy the Shadow Gligar you snag in Pokemon Colosseum to get one knowing Dark-type Faint Attack, Poison-type Poison Sting, Normal-type Slash, and tactical move Sand-Attack... all which you can get from Leveling Up... WHO'S IN CHARGE OF ASSIGNING MOVES TO SPECIAL POKEMON!? Obviously they don't understand the term "special" means they should have something a normal one wouldn't have!

    Anyhoo, with higher stats all around, the winner is kind of obvious...


    Gible: 1 | Gligar: 3

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [146]Dec 18, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    decided to play smart here

    gligar is weak to ice and water: goble learns no ice type moves and one non-damaging water type move

    gible is weak to ice and dragon: gligar learns no ice type moves(unlike its evolution) and two water type moves

    aqua tail wins it

    glgar is my choice

    Umm... how does Gligar learning two Water-type moves (one being non-damaging Rain Dance) help in defeating Gible who is weak to Ice- and Dragon-types?

    But now for my post:

    Type: Dragon/Ground
    Sand Veil
    = (In Battle: Increases evasion by 1 stage (25%) in a sandstorm and make the Pokemon immune to damage from a sandstorm)
    = (Outside Battle: If leading party, decreases wild Pokemon encounter rate by 50% if in an area with a sandstorm)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 58
    =Attack: 70
    =Defense: 45
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 45
    =Speed: 42
    =Total: 300
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Poison, Rock,
    & Fire
    Immunity (0x): Electric

    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Dragon-type Dragon Claw & Dragon Rush (STAB) handle its own type, Dragon-type, quiet nice. We also have Normal-type Tackle, Take Down, & Slash and Ground-type Sand Tomb & Dig (STAB). Tactical we have Sand-Attack, Dragon Rage, & Sandstorm.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Dragon-type Dragon Pulse (STAB) continue to handle Dragon-types while Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide; and Fighting-type Rock Smash break apart Ice-types. For other attacks we have Flying-type Aerial Ace; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Normal-type Cut, Strength, & Rock Climb; and Ground-type Earthquake (STAB). Tactical there is Roar, Sunny Day (which is good for those Fire-type attacks), & Stealth Rock among the usual ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dragon-type DragonBreath, Outrage, & Twister (STAB) keep blasting Dragon-types back. Other attacks inlcude Normal-type Body Slam, Double-Edge, & Thrash; Steel-type Iron Head & Metal Claw; and Ground-type Mud Shot (STAB). Tactical there is only Scary Face.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Dragon-type Draco Meteor (STAB) finishes off any Dragon-types that were left standing. We'll then finish off this list with Bug-type Fury Cutter and Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap (STAB).

    Type: Ground/Flying

    = Hyper Cutter (Prevents the Attack stat from being reduced)
    = Sand Veil
    + (In Battle: Increases evasion by 1 stage (25%) in a sandstorm and make the Pokemon immune to damage from a sandstorm)
    + (Outside Battle: If leading party, decreases wild Pokemon encounter rate by 50% if in an area with a sandstorm)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 65
    =Attack: 75
    =Defense: 105
    =Special Attack: 35
    =Special Defense: 65
    =Speed: 85
    =Total: 430
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Water
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Poison,
    & Bug
    Immunity (0x): Ground
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    We have Poison-type Poison Sting; Dark-type Knock Off & Faint Attack; Normal-type Quick Attack & Slash; and Bug-type Fury Cutter, U-turn, & X-Scissor. Tactical there is Sand-Sttack, Harden, Screech, & Swords Dance. We also have the OHKO Normal-type Guillotine.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Got Fighting-type Brick Break & Rock Smash and Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide to crush those Ice-types. Other attacks are Steel-type Iron Tail & Steel Wind; Poison-type Sludge Bomb & Poison Jab; Dark-type Thief, Fling, Payback, & Dark Pulse; Normal-type False Swipe, Cut, & Strength; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace (STAB). Tactical there is Sandstorm, Roost, Rock Polish, & Defog amoung the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Fighting-type Counter take on Ice-types once more. Other attacks include Poison-type Cross Poison; Normal-type Double-Edge, Feint, & Razor Wind; Steel-type Metal Claw; Ground-type Sand Tomb (STAB); and Flying-type Wing Attack (STAB). Tactical there is Agility, Baton Pass, & Power Trick.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Pretty much got Water-type Aqua Tail and Ground-type Earth Power (STAB). Tactical there is Tailwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purfiy the Shadow Gligar you snag in Pokemon Colosseum to get one knowing Dark-type Faint Attack, Poison-type Poison Sting, Normal-type Slash, and tactical move Sand-Attack... all which you can get from Leveling Up... WHO'S IN CHARGE OF ASSIGNING MOVES TO SPECIAL POKEMON!? Obviously they don't understand the term "special" means they should have something a normal one wouldn't have!

    Anyhoo, with higher stats all around, the winner is kind of obvious...


    Gible: 1 | Gligar: 3

    ugh you see this is why I dont analyse things like this

    I just mess up and it gives me a headache

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [147]Dec 19, 2009
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    gligar won. Smeargle vs Wynaut!

    Wynaut: 1

    Smeargle: 0
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [148]Dec 19, 2009
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    I vote for Smeargle!

    Smeargle: 1 votes

    Wynaut: 1 votes

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [149]Dec 19, 2009
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    Type: Psychic
    Shadow Tag (Prevents the opponent from fleeing even if this Pokemon was switched out. If the opponent has Run Away for Shadow Tag, they can flee. This does not effect partner Pokemon in double battles)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 95
    =Attack: 23
    =Defense: 48
    =Special Attack: 23
    =Special Defense: 48
    =Speed: 23
    =Total: 250
    Weakness (2x): Bug, Ghost, & Dark
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting
    & Psychic
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Now just look back at my Wobbuffet review to get the main idea on Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, and Destiny Bond. But in addition with these four moves, we now have 3 more with 1 specifically that might come in handy. The first move is Splash... why you may ask? Well, why not! (See what I did there ) Another move we have is Charm which sharply decreases the foe's attack, and with Wynaut and Wobbuffet needing attacks in order to fight back, I don't really think this is that good of a move (a defence decreaser would have been much better). Then we have Encore which forces the foe to use the move it used last for two to six turns. This is the move which I was talking about. If you're opponent used an attack (if it wasn't from a Ghost-type that used a Physical attack or a Dark-type that used a Special attack) you can now properly predict when to use Counter or Mirror Coat for a few turns, hopefully enough to knock your opponent out!

    Type: Normal

    = Own Tempo (Prevents confusion)
    = Technician (Increases the base power of all moves with 60 or less power by 1.5x)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 55
    =Attack: 20
    =Defense: 35
    =Special Attack: 20
    =Special Defense: 45
    =Speed: 75
    =Total: 250
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Smeargle is famously known for the Pokemon that learns the least amount of moves (only 1) yet can learn all but one move with that move! What move is this? This move is Sketch, which permanently copies a move from your opponent. Now while previous generations held a few restrictions, Sketch can now pretty much be used to "sketch" ALL moves except for one, this one move being Chatter (due to audio limitations)(technically Struggle also can't be "sketched" but for the obvious reason that the Pokemon doesn't have Struggle as one of its 4 moves). Oh, and don't worry about having Smeargle only knowing one move until you can get to a move relearner, Smeargle learns Sketch every 10 levels starting from Level 1, then Level 11, then Level 21, then Level 31, etc., etc., until Level 91 which is the last level it learns Sketch since Pokemon cannot go over Level 100 which at that point you'll need a Move Relearner (and possible a Move Deleter). Oh, and did I ever mention that because of it being able to "sketch" every move it's a Pokemon Breeder's dream come true when it comes to teaching Egg Moves (Breeding) to Pokemon in the Ground Egg Group?
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Huh? I thought you said Smeargle can only learn Sketch? Well, I did, however technically Special Pokemon don't really count as "learning" the move but more as "having" the move. So with that said, if you purify your Shadow Smeargle from Pokemon Colosseum it'll come with the Normal-type Double Slap (STAB), Steel-type Iron Tail, and the tactical moves Tail Whip and the all popular Sketch. Now I can't really complain here as technically they did give Smeargle moves it can't learn through leveling up, TM/HM, Breeding, or Tutoring. Yet, I would rather having it know 4 Sketch instead of the MOVES THEY GAVE IT! Smeargle can learn any move, yet for some reason you gave it DoubleSlap and Tail Whip? Iron Tail is a good choice, it's just the other two moves I'm having problems with. Sure if DoubleSlap hits all 5 times it could be quite devestating, but that's an unsure thing and with a Pokemon that can learn any move there had to be two better moves. Oh, also you can't "sketch" Shadow Rush for the obvious reason that if you do you won't be able to take it out of Pokemon Colosseum (plus by then it wouldn't be a Shadow Pokemon and only Shadow Pokemon can learn Shadow moves).

    So, who wins? Obviously if it's just a plain Smeargle VS. Wynaut then Smeargle would run out of moves which has it resorting to Struggle which then means Wynaut can just use Mirror Coat to reflect double the damage back to Smeargle having it win. If you use the Pokemon Colosseum Smeargle, Wynaut will probably also win as all of Smeargle moves there are physcial so it's no doubt Wynaut using Mirror Coat will reflect doulbe the damage back (though if Smeargle uses enough Tail Whips it might be able to lower Wynaut's Defense enough for a OHKO... but then you got to worry about Destiny Bond). However, being Smeargle can copy any move (as I've said the past dozen times), if Smeargle was to "sketch" the moveset I advised for Mime Jr. when it faced Wynaut's evolution Wobbuffet, then Smeargle might have a chance with only Encore it having to worry about. So with that said, I'll go for:


    Wynaut: 1 | Smeargle: 2

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:33pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [150]Dec 19, 2009
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    and smeargle wins with three....(lol)

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [151]Dec 19, 2009
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    smeargle drew its way to victory. next we have Cloyster vs Lapras!

    Lapras: 1

    Cloyster: 0
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [152]Dec 19, 2009
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    Type: Water/Ice

    = Water Absorb (Heals 1/4 of max HP when hit by a Water-type attack and takes no damage)
    = Shell Armor (Not affected by Critical Hits)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 130
    =Attack: 85
    =Defense: 80
    =Special Attack: 85
    =Special Defense: 95
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 535
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Grass, & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Water
    Resistance (.25x): Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Water-type Water Gun, Water Pulse, Brine, & Hydro Pump (STAB) soaks Rock-types while Ice-type Ice Shard & Ice Beam (STAB) chills Grass-types. Only other attack is Normal-type Body Slam. Tactical there is Growl, Sing, Mist, Confuse Ray, Rain Dance, & Safeguard. On the note of special moves, we have the OHKO Sheer Cold as well as Perish Song which will knock out all Pokemon that "heard" it in 3 turns.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Water-type Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB) drenches Rock-types; Ice-type Blizzard (+ Hail) & Avalanche (STAB) flash freeze Grass-types; Steel-type Iron Tail crushes Rock-types; Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (Thankfully it learns Sing through Leveling Up) messes with Fighting-types; and Fighting-type Rock Smash smash Rock-types. Other attacks would be Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (we already have Rain Dance), & Shock Wave; and Dragon-type Dragon Pulse. Tactical is just the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Rock-type AnceintPower is pretty much the unique attack here. Tactical there is Curse, Dragon Dance, Foresight, Refresh, Sleep Talk, Substitute, & Tickle. We also have not one, but TWO more OHKO moves: Ground-type Fissure and Normal-type Horn Drill!
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Water-type Aqua Tail & Dive (STAB) erodes Rock-types; Ice-type Icy Wind (STAB) blows down Grass-types; Steel-type Iron Head breaks apart Rock-types; Psychic-type Zen Headbutt puts mind over matter against Fighting-types; and Bug-type Signal Beam eats away at Grass-types. And other then the tactical moves Block & Heal Bell, that's it!
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Or is it? Purify your Shadow Lapras from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness to get one knowing Water-type Hydro Pump, Ice-type Blizzard, and tactical moves Rain Dance & Heal Bell... you know, moves you could get for a normal Lapras through Leveling Up, TM, and Tutoring.

    Type: Water/Ice

    = Shell Armor (Not affected by Critical Hits)
    = Skill Link (Attacks which deal multiple hits will always strike their max amount)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 50
    =Attack: 95
    =Defense: 180
    =Special Attack: 85
    =Special Defense: 45
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 535
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Grass, & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Water
    Resistance (.25x): Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Ice-type Aurora Beam (STAB) keeps Grass-types cold. And the only other attack is Normal-type Spike Cannon. Tactical wise there is Toxic Spike, Withdraw, Supersonic, Protect, & Spikes.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Water-type Water Pulse, Brine, Surf, & Whirlpool (STAB) keeps spongifying Rock-types; Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard (+ Hail), & Avalance puts Grass-types on ice; and Poison-type Poison Jab sicken Grass-types further. Other attacks would be Normal-type Hyper Beam, Explosion, & Giga Impact and Dark-type Payback. Nothing to mention in tactical, except maybe Rain Dance.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Water-type BubbleBeam (STAB) do something water-related to Rock-types; Ice-type Icicle Spear (STAB) does something ice-related to Grass-types; and Ground-type Mud Shot does something Ground-related to Electric-types. Other attacks would be Normal-type Rapid Spin & Take Down and Rock-type Rock Blast. Tactical there is Barrier & Screech.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Water-type Dive (STAB) does water pun on Rock-types; Ice-type Icy Wind (STAB) does ice pun on Grass-types; and Bug-type Signal Beam does bug pun on Grass-types. Only other thing to mention beside the usual is tactical Iron Defense.

    I don't know how a shell if faster then a dinosaur, but with the Skill Link Ability and Rock Blast Lapras doesn't really stand a chance while it's setting up for Thunder with Rain Dance so within two hits the winner is...


    Lapras: 1 | Cloyster: 1

    Edited on 12/19/2009 5:17pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [153]Dec 19, 2009
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    hey pikachu what happened here?

    Edited on 12/19/2009 5:14pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [154]Dec 19, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:



    hey pikachu what happened here?

    Gah! Bulbapedia must be messing around with some of the Pokemon images. Once I'm done with this post I'll fix it.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [155]Dec 20, 2009
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    ok well then lapras wins. Pichu vs Bidoof!

    Pichu: 1

    Bidoof: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [156]Dec 20, 2009
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    ok NOW I'm playing smart....

    Bidoof is weak to fighting: Pichu only has reversal as it's fighting type move and is only obtained by breeding

    pichu is weak to ground and bidoof can learn dig and mudslap

    bidoof may be slower but it's stats are higher

    BIDOOF is my choice

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [157]Dec 20, 2009
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    Pichu is the horrible horrible mistake of a line that needed a Stage 2 pokemon but they instead made a Baby to make it cuter. No light Ball support like Pikachu either.

    Bidoof2 Pichu0
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [158]Dec 20, 2009
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    Type: Electric
    = (In Battle: When hit by a physical attack, there is a 30% cahnce the opponent will get paralyzed)
    = (Outside Battle: In Emerald, Diamond, & Pearl, if this Pokemon is leading the party the chance of finding the Electric-type Pokemon in an area increases)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 20
    =Attack: 40
    =Defense: 15
    =Special Attack: 35
    =Special Defense: 35
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 205
    Weakness (2x): Ground
    Resistance (.5x): Flying, Steel,
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Only attack it learns is Electric-type Thundershock (STAB). The tactical moves are Charm, Tail Whip, Whunder Wave, Sweet Kiss, & Nasty Plot.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Grass-type Grass Knot ties up Ground-types. We also have Steel-type Iron Tail; Dark-type Fling; and Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam (STAB). In tactical I do spot Light Screen along with all the usuals.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    We have Normal-type Bide, DoubleSlap, Fake Out, Present, & Flail; Fighting-type Reversal; & Electric-type ThunderPunch and Volt Tackle (STAB). Tactical there isn't much, just Charge, Encore, Tickle, & Wish.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Got Normal-type Uproar; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout; and Bug-type Signal Beam. Tactical we have Helping Hand and Magnet Rise.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    The Pikachu-colored Pichu comes exclusively with Normal-type Endeavor (too bad it doesn't learn any higher priority moves) and the Spoky-eared Pichu comes exclusively with Pain Split.

    Type: Normal

    = Simple (Doubles any stat increase or decrease. Also make critical hits do 4X damage instead of 2x)
    = Unaware (Opponent's stat increases, except for Speed, isn't calculated when this Pokemon does or takes damage)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 59
    =Attack: 45
    =Defense: 40
    =Special Attack: 35
    =Special Defense: 40
    =Speed: 31
    =Total: 250
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost

    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    It knows Rock-type Rollout (+ Defense Curl); Fighting-type Superpower; and Normal-type Tackle, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Take down, & Super Fang (STAB). Tactical we have Growl, Yawn, Amnesia, & Curse.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Flying-type Pluck pesters Fighting-types. Other moves are Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Dark-type Thief; Grass-type Grass Knot; Fighting-type Rock Smash; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Cut (STAB). Tactical there is Thunder Wave and Stealth Rock among the usual ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Here we have Water-type Aqua Tail and Normal-type Double-Edge, Fury Swipes, & Quick Attack (STAB). Tactical there is Odor Sleuth and Water Sport for some reason.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    We have Bug-type Fury Cutter; Ice-type Icy Wind; Ground-type Mud-Slap; and Normal-type Heabutt, Last Resort, Snore, & Swift (STAB).

    Though a STAB Volt Tackle from Pichu might strike first and do a lot of damage, I think however Bidoof can survive it (good thing it doesn't become Water-type yet) and all it then has to do is Dig for Pichu to be done for, so all in all...


    Pichu: 1 | Bidoof: 3

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:34pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [159]Dec 20, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Pichu is the horrible horrible mistake of a line that needed a Stage 2 pokemon but they instead made a Baby to make it cuter. No light Ball support like Pikachu either. Bidoof2 Pichu0

    Being the Mascot of Pokemon, maybe they can have Pikachu be the first 4-stage evolution Pokemon (I mean in order to get a Pichu you need to breed it, so it'll still be as if Pikachu is a 3-stage as you'll most likely catch a Pikachu in the wild (yay, I know you can catch Pichu in the wild, but Pikachu is found in all of the games where as Pichu only in Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [160]Dec 20, 2009
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    lol bidoof won. Starly vs Taillow!

    Taillow: 1

    Starly: 0
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