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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [121]Dec 13, 2009
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    I vote for Blastoise!

    Blastoise: 2 votes

    Swampert: 1 vote

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [122]Dec 14, 2009
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    Type: Water
    Torrent (Raises Water-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 79
    =Attack: 83
    =Defense: 100
    =Special Attack: 85
    =Special Defense: 105
    =Speed: 78
    =Total: 530
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Attacks are Steel-type Flash Cannon; Normal-type Tackle, Rapid Spin, & Skull Bash; Dark-type Bite; and Water-type Bubble, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, & Hydro Pump (STAB). Tactical there is Tail Whip, Withdraw, Protect, Rain Dance, & Iron Defense.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    For weakness counters there is Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard (+ Hail to combo), & Avalanche to take care of Grass-types and Ground-type Earthquake & Dig to take care of Electric-types. Other attacks are Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Focus Blast; Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Strength, & Rock Climb; Steel-type Iron Tail & Gyro Ball; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; and Water-type Brine, Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB). Tactical there is Roar along with the ordinary ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Attacks are Normal-type Fake Out & Flail and Water-type Aqua Jet, Muddy Water, & Water Spout (STAB). Tactical we have Aqua Ring, Foresight, Haze, Mirror Coat, Mist, Mud Sport, Refresh, and Yawn.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Weakness counters are Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind and Bug-type Signal Beam to take care of Grass-types and Ground-type Mud-Slap to take care of Electric-types. Other attacks are Dragon-type Outrage; Rock-type Rollout; Psychic-type Zen Headbutt; and Water-type Dive & Hydro Cannon (STAB).

    Type: Water/Ground
    Torrent (Raises Water-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 100
    =Attack: 110
    =Defense: 90
    =Special Attack: 85
    =Special Defense: 90
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 535
    Weakness (4x): Grass
    Resistance (.5x): Poison, Rock, Steel,
    & Fire
    Immunity (0x): Electric

    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Attack are Normal-type Tackle, Bide, & Take Down; Fighting-type Hammer Arm; Water-type Water Gun & Muddy Water (STAB); and Ground-type Mud-Slap, Mud Shot, Mud Bomb, & Earthquake (STAB). Tactical there is Growl, Foresight, & Protect. We also have Endeavor but no higher priority attack.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    For weakness counters there is Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard (+ Hail to combo), & Avalanche to take care of Grass-types. Other attacks are Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Focus Blast; Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling; Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB); and Ground-type Dig & Earthquake (STAB). Tactical there is Roar, Rain Dance, and Stealth Rock along with the ordinary ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Weakness counters there is Ice-type Ice Ball and Poison-type Sludge top take care of Grass-types. Other attacks are Rock-type Ancient Power; Dark-type Bite; Fighting-type Counter; and Normal-type Double-Edge, Stomp, & Uproar. Tactical there is Curse, Mirror Coat, Refresh, and Yawn.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Weakness counters are Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind to take care of Grass-types. Other attacks are Fighting-type Low Kick & Superpower; Dragon-type Outrage; Rock-type Rollout; Normal-type Snore; Water-type Aqua Tail, Dive, & Hydro Pump (STAB); and Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap (STAB).

    Don't know really, they are quite even and with higher evolutions Speed doesn't really determine who will win. However with Swampert having lost its Water-type resistance Water-type now do normal damage which Blastoise strongest attack is in so...


    Blastoise: 3 | Swampert: 1

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:36pm
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [123]Dec 14, 2009
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    blastoise wins. Flygon vs Skarmory!

    Flygon: 0

    Skarmory: 1
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [124]Dec 14, 2009
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [125]Dec 14, 2009
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    flygon all the way

    *hugs flygon named flygal*

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [126]Dec 14, 2009
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    Pokemon: Flygon
    Type: Ground/Dragon
    Levitate (Gives immunity to Ground-types and is unaffected by Arena Trap)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 80
    =Attack: 100
    =Defense: 80
    =Special Attack: 80
    =Special Defense: 80
    =Speed: 100
    =Total: 520
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Poison, Rock,
    & Fire
    Immunity (0x): Ground
    & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Dragon-type DragonBreath & Dragon Claw (STAB) handle the Dragon-type weakness. Other attacks are Normal-type SonicBoom & Hyper Beam; Dark-type Faint Attack; and Ground-type Sand Tomb (STAB). Tactical there is Sand-Attack, Supersonic, Screech, and Sandstorm.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Dragon-type Dragon Pulse (STAB) further slays Dragon-types while Fighting-type Rock Smash; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; and Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide take care of Ice-types. Other attacks are Grass-type Giga Drain & SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day to combo); Steel-type Iron Tail & Steel Wing; Flying-type Aerial Ace & Fly; Bug-type Silver Wind & U-turn; Normal-type Giga Impact & Strength; and Ground-type Earthquake & Dig (STAB); Tactical there is Roost and Defog among the usual tactical moves.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Normal-type Flail & Quick Attack; Bug-type Fury Cutter; Flying-type Gust; and Ground-type Mud Shot (STAB). Tactical there is only Focus Energy.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    ELEMENTAL PUNCHES!... minus one. First the weakness counters with Dragon-type Draco Meteor, Outrage, & Twister (STAB) for those Dragon-types and Fire-type Fire Punch & Heat Wave for Ice-types. Other attacks are Flying-type Air Cutter; Bug-type Bug Bite; Ghost-type Ominous Wind; Electric-type ThunderPunch; and Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap (STAB). Tactical there is only Tailwind.

    Pokemon: Skarmory
    Type: Steel/Flying

    = Keen Eye
    + (In Battle: Prevents loss of Accuracy)
    + (Outside Of Battle: If leading the party, the chances of encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon is decreased by 50%)
    = Sturdy (Negates one-hit knockout moves)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 65
    =Attack: 80
    =Defense: 140
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 70
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 465
    Weakness (2x): Fire & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Normal, Flying, Ghost, Steel, Psychic, Dragon,
    & Dark
    Resistance (.25x): Bug
    & Grass
    Immunity (0x): Poison
    & Ground
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    We have Normal-type Swift, Fury Attack, Feint, & Slash; Dark-type Nigh Slash; Flying-type Peck, Air Cutter, & Air Slash (STAB); and Steel-type Steel Wing (STAB). Tactical there is Leer, Sand-Attack, Agility, Spikes, and Metal Sound.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide smothers Fire-types. Other attacks are Dark-type Thief, Payback, & Dark Pulse; Bug-type X-Scissor; Normal-type Cut; Fighting-type Rock Smash; Flying-type Aerial Ace, Pluck, & Fly (STAB); and Steel-type Flash Cannon (STAB). Tactical there is Roar, Double Team, Roost, Flash, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, and Defog.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Assurance & Pursuit and Flying-type Brave Bird, Drill Peck, & Sky Attack (STAB). As for tactical there is Curse, Guard Swap, and Whirlwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Ground-type Mud-Slap hurts both Electric- and Fire-types. Other moves are Bug-type Fury Cutter; Ice-type Ice Wind; Ghost-type Ominous Wind; and Dragon-type Twiste. As for tactical there is Iron Defense and Tailwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purify your Shadow Skarmory and you'll get one knowing Flying-type Drill Peck & Air Cutter; Steel-type Steel Wing; and tactical Metal Sound... not one move which you couldn't have gotten another way *sigh*.

    So who wins? While Skarmory could do a lot of damage with that Icy Wind, Flygon is not only faster but knows Flamethrower and Fire Blast (not to mention it can learn Sunny Day to make those moves stronger if it wanted to), so my choice will go to...


    2 | Skarmory: 2

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [127]Dec 15, 2009
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    I vote for Flygon!

    Flygon: 3 votes

    Skarmory: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [128]Dec 15, 2009
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    flygon surprisingly wins. um wobbuffet vs mime jr! match 29.

    Wobbuffet: 1

    Mime Jr.: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [129]Dec 15, 2009
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    how is it surprising

    flygon owns skarmory's metal butt

    are you running out of matches?


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [130]Dec 15, 2009
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    Type: Psychic
    Shadow Tag (Prevents the opponent from fleeing even if this Pokemon was switched out. If the opponent has Run Away for Shadow Tag, they can flee. This does not effect partner Pokemon in double battles)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 190
    =Attack: 33
    =Defense: 58
    =Special Attack: 33
    =Special Defense: 58
    =Speed: 33
    =Total: 402
    Weakness (2x): Bug, Ghost, & Dark
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting
    & Psychic
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    No attacks, but we all know Wobbuffet doesn't need it. The reason is for Counter and Mirror Coat which reflects physical or special attacks (respectively) back with double the damage. We also have Safegaurd to keep Wobbuffet clean of any status ailments. And just incase Wobbuffet is about to faint, Destiny Bond will make sure its opponent goes down with it.
    Also, being Wobbuffet doesn't have any TM/HM, Breeding, or Tutoring moves we'll skip them and go right to our next Pokemon.

    Mime Jr.
    Type: Psychic

    = Soundproof (Prevents all effect (including damage) from sound-based moves)
    = Filter (Reduces the damage of Super Effective damage by 1/4)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 20
    =Attack: 25
    =Defense: 45
    =Special Attack: 70
    =Special Defense: 90
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 310
    Weakness (2x): Bug, Ghost, & Dark
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting
    & Psychic
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    We only have 4 real attacks, Psychic-type Confusion, Psybeam, & Psychic (STAB) and Normal-type DoubleSlap. We have a LOT of tactical moves though, and they are Tickle, Barrier, Copycat, Meditate, Encore, Mimic, Light Screen, Reflect, Substitute, Recycle, Trick, Role Play, Baton Pass, and Safeguard *phew*.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Drain Punch make Dark-types double over in pain while Dark-type Thief & Fling and Ghost-type Shadow Ball make Ghost-types shudder. We're not finished as other attacks are Grass-type Solar Beam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; and Psychic-type Dream Eater (STAB). Tactical we have a whole bunch such as Calm Mind, Double Team, Snatch, Flash, Thunder Wave, Psych Up, and Trick Room among the usual ones and the ones it learns leveling up!
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-types further run away with Fighting-type Wake-Up Slap. The only other attacks here are Normal-type Fake Out and Psychic-type Future Sight (which doesn't get STAB but can hurt Dark-types). We have even more tactical moves here, this time being Charm, Confuse Ray, Healing Wish, Hypnosis (making that Dream Eater & Wake-Up Slap now useful), Nasty Plot, and Teeter Dance.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Bug-type Signal Beam keeps on striking down Dark-types. We also have Ground-type Mud-Slap and Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, & Uproar. And for the final group of tactical moves, we have Helping Hand and Magic Coat.

    Wobbuffet, in many people's eyes you are god, up there in the uber tier with the Legendaries and some even saying it and its pre-evolution Wynaut deserve a tier all of their own! How could a Mime Jr. ever stand up against it? Well, I do see a way and all that is needed are these moves: Hypnosis, Future Sight, attacking move (preferably Fighting-, Bug-, or Dark-type), and a status move. Being Wobbuffet isn't going to make the first move and none of Wobbufett's moves are higher priority, all Mime Jr. needs to do is use Hypnosis to put Wobbuffet to sleep and lay waste to it. If Wobbuffet is to wake-up, it'll probably put up a Destiny Bond or Safeguard up. If this is to happen, just keep on doing Future Sight and the status move. Future Sight happens at the end of each player's turn, meaning it won't be reflected back by Mirror Coat and interesting tibit is that it won't activate Destiny Bond. And with this you'll be left with victorious and an-harmed...

    MIME JR.

    Wobbuffet: 2 | Mime Jr.: 1

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [131]Dec 16, 2009
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    well wobbuffet still wins. Donphan vs Foretress! and im not running out since there are over 400 pokemon.

    Foretress: 1

    Donphan: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [132]Dec 16, 2009
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [133]Dec 16, 2009
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    Going just by Types, we get that both have no Super Effective STABS, Foretress likely survive much much longer than Donphan. Foretress2 Donphan1
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    [134]Dec 16, 2009
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    well dophan does have fire fang which is the only super effective move against foretress

    but has 2 super effective moves against donphan...solarbeam and giga drain but my answer stays

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [135]Dec 16, 2009
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    Type: Bug/Steel
    Sturdy (Negates one-hit knockout moves)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 75
    =Attack: 90
    =Defense: 140
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 60
    =Speed: 40
    =Total: 465
    Weakness (4x): Fire
    Resistance (.5x): Normal, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Psychic, Ice, Dragon,
    & Dark
    Resistance (.25x): Grass
    Immunity (0x): Poison
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    We'll begin with Normal-type Tackle, Selfdestruct, Take Down, Rapid Spin, Bide, Explosion, & Double-Edge; Dark-type Payback; Electric-type Zap Cannon; Bug-type Bug Bite (STAB); and Steel-type Mirror Shot & Gyro Ball (STAB). Tactical there is Toxic Spikes, Protect, Natural Gift, Spikes, Iron Defense, & Magnet Rise.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ground-type Dig and Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rockslide smother Fire-types entirely. We also have Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Grass-type Giga Drain & SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day); Steel-type Flash Cannon (STAB); and Fighting-type Rock Smash. Tactical there is Lightscreen, Reflect, Sandstorm, Rock Polish, & Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Ground-type Sand Tomb keeps on burying Fire-types. We also got Normal-type Flail & Swift; Fighting-type Counter & Revenge; and Bug-type Pin Missile (STAB). Tactical there is Power Trick.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Rock-type Rollout will definietly keep Fire-types down as the battle goes on. Only other noteworthy attack to mention is Bug-type Signal Beam (STAB). Tactical there is mainly Block & Gravity. We also have the rather interesting move Pain Split, which adds up both you and your opponent's current HP, averages it (it divides it by two), and then makes both Pokemon's HP the averaged amount.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purify your Shadow Forretress from Pokemon Colosseum to get one knowing Normal-type Explosion, Rapid Spin, & Bide; and tactical Protect... we'll skip my "special Pokemon should have un-learnable move" rant for today.

    Type: Ground
    Sturdy (Negates one-hit knockout moves)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 90
    =Attack: 120
    =Defense: 120
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 60
    =Speed: 50
    =Total: 500
    Weakness (2x): Water, Grass, & Ice
    Resistance (.5x): Poison
    & Rock
    Immunity (0x): Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    ELEMENTAL FANGS... minus one! Fire-type Fire Fang burn Grass- and Ice-type; Electric-type Thunder Fang shocks Water-types; and Rock-type Rollout (+ Defense Curl) runs over Ice-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Horn Attack, Flail, Rapid Spin, Slam, Fury Attack, & Giga Impact; Dark-type Knock Off & Assurance; & Ground-type Magnitude & Earthquake (STAB). Tactical we have Growl & Scary Face.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide crushes Ice-types; Steel-type Iron Tail & Gyro Ball crushes Ice-types even more; Poison-type Poison Jab makes Grass-types ill; and we got back to Fighting-type Rock Smash beating upon Ice-types. Other attacks is just the Normal-type Hyper Beam & Strength. Tactical there is Sandstorm, Rock Polish, & Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Rock-type AncientPower & Head Smash as well as Fighting-type Counter bashes Ice-types meanwhile Ice-type Ice Shard freezes Grass-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Body Slam & Snore . Tactical we got Focus Energy. Now we also have the OHKO Ground-type Fissure and also Normal-type Endeavor which (being Ice Shard is a higher priority move) makes Donphan a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Poison-type Gunk Shot further toxicate Grass-types; Grass-type Seed Bomb keep feeding on Water-types; and Fighting-type Superpower crushes Ice-types once and for all. Other attacks are Dark-type Knock Off and Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap (STAB). Tactical here is Block & Iron Defense.

    So who wins? It's close, and while Donphan has Fire Fang which does quadruple damage to Forretress, the problem is its physical which Forretress is prepared for. Meanwhile Forretress does have Super Effective moves against Donphan, one which is very powerful and another which takes HP, and both of them are special which Donphan isn't prepared for. So sorry to say Donphan, but...


    Forretress: 3 | Donphan: 1

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [136]Dec 16, 2009
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    I vote for Forretress!

    Forretress: 4 votes

    Donphan: 1 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [137]Dec 17, 2009
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    foretress wins! Caterpie vs Weedle!

    Caterpie: 1

    Weedle: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [138]Dec 17, 2009
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [139]Dec 17, 2009
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    Type: Bug
    Shield Dust (Negate side-status ailments from attacks, but not from moves that only cause status ailments)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 45
    =Attack: 30
    =Defense: 35
    =Special Attack: 20
    =Special Defense: 20
    =Speed: 45
    =Total: 195
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Rock, & Fire
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Ground,
    & Grass
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Normal-type Tackle and Bug-type Bug Bite (STAB). Tactical there is String Shot. Now we'll skip TM/HM and Breeding (since there are no moves) and go to Tutoring.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Now only new move here is Normal-type Snore (yet Caterpie has no move like Rest which self-inflicts with sleep), but that isn't what interests me here. What interests me is that Caterpie can have Bug Bite and String Shot tutored to it. Now keeping in mind that all Caterpies come with String Shot, at level 15 they automatically learn Bug Bite (you can't refuse as there are two free spaces), and Caterpie can only learn 4 unique moves which includes String Shot and Bug Bite, I would like to ask WHAT SITUATION WOULD HAVE YOU NEEDING TO TUTOR STRING SHOT OR BUG BITE ONTO CATERPIE! And before you say "well maybe you want to teach your Caterpie a good move before level 15", I'll let you know that the move tutor to teach Bug Bite to Caterpie is at the BATTLE FRONTIER which you need to have completed the game to get to and Battle Points to use and there is still no need for String Shot to be learn by Move Tutor! Outside of messing around with the Move Deleter, I see no reason why Caterpie should have Bug Bite and String Shot as moves that can be Tutored! I mean with Bug-type moves like Fury Cutter and Singal Beam move Tutors are able to teach, those would make sense to teach to Caterpie as they are stronger then the normal Tackle and will get STAB to boot!

    Type: Bug/Poison
    Shield Dust (Negate side-status ailments from attacks, but not from moves that only cause status ailments)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 40
    =Attack: 35
    =Defense: 30
    =Special Attack: 20
    =Special Defense: 20
    =Speed: 50
    =Total: 195
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Rock, Fire, & Psychic
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Poison,
    & Bug
    Resistance (.25x): Grass
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Poison-type Poison Sting (STAB) and Bug-type Bug Bite (STAB). Tactical there is String Shot.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Only two and it's Bug Bite and String Shot... see my above rant but replace "Caterpie" with "Weedle".

    With higher Attack and Speed and resistance to Bug-type attacks, Weedle has the adventage even if it doesn't try (or maybe I should say "if it doesn't attempt" as Caterpie has Shield Dust) to poison with Poison Sting, Weedle will be doing 90 damage with a higher attack stat using Bug Bite while Caterpie will only be doing 45 if it tries attacking Weedle with Bug Bite.


    Caterpie: 2 | Weedle: 1

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [140]Dec 17, 2009
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    So week, their stats counter eachother the same, Weedle wins due to higher speed. Weelde2
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