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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [101]Dec 9, 2009
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    Type: Fire
    Blaze (Raises Fire-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 39
    =Attack: 52
    =Defense: 43
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 50
    =Speed: 65
    =Total: 309
    Weakness (2x): Ground, Rock, & Water
    Resistance (.5x): Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    As expected, there are no moves ot handle any weaknesses just yet. As for other moves, we have Normal-type Scratch & Slash and Fire-type Ember, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, & Fire Spin (STAB). In tactical there is Growl, SmokeScreen, Scary Face, and Dragon Rage.
    Moveset Analysis (TH/HM):
    There is no love to Rock-type as we have Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Steel-type Iron Tail; and Ground-type Dig. In other moves we have Normal-type Strength; Dragon-type Dragon Claw; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Flying-type Aerial Ace; Tock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling; and Fire-type Fire Blast & Overheat (STAB). Tactical there is Will-O-Wisp and Sunny Day.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Rock-types can't catch a break with Fighting-type Counter and Steel-type Metal Claw. For other moves we have Rock-type AncientPower; Dark-type Beat Up, Bite, & Crunch; Dragon-type Dragon Rush & Outrage; and Fire-type Flare Blitz (STAB). Tactical there is Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, and Belly Drum.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    We finally get Electric-type ThunderPunch to deal with those Water-types and as always a Ground-type Mud-Slap for Rock-types. Other moves are Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, and SWift; Bug-type Fury Cutter; & Fire-type Fire Punch & Heat Wave (STAB).
    Moveset Analysis (Events):
    In Japan on Pokemon's birthday, a Charmander knowing Normal-type Return, Hidden Power, & Quick Attack as well as the move Howl was given away. Now while it's odd that they didn't give it a Fire-type move, there are two moves here it can't learn naturally indeed making this an event Pokemon. These moves are Quick Attack and Howl.

    Type: Fire
    Blaze (Raises Fire-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 44
    =Attack: 58
    =Defense: 44
    =Special Attack: 58
    =Special Defense: 44
    =Speed: 61
    =Total: 309
    Weakness (2x): Ground, Rock, & Water
    Resistance (.5x): Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    No weakness handlers, so other moves are Normal-type Scratch, Fury Swipes, & Facade and Fire-type Ember, Flame Wheel, Fire Spin, & Flamethrower (STAB). We have a lot in tactical: Leer, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Torment, and Slack Off.
    Moveset Analysis (TH/HM):
    In addition to Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Steel-type Iron Tail; and Ground-type Dig smashes Rock-types, we also have Grass-type Grass Knot which weakens all the weakness: Ground-, Rock-, and Water-types! In addition to this we have Normal-type Strength & Rock Climb; Bug-type U-turn; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; Dark-type Fling; Flying-type Aerial Ace; and Fire-type Fire Blast & Overheat (STAB). Tactical there is Bulk Up, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Swords Dance, and Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Besides Fighting-type Counter & Double Kick further injuring Rock-types, we also have Electric-type ThunderPunch for those Water-types. There is also Normal-type Fake Out and Fire-type Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, & Heat Wave (STAB). Tactical there is Assist, Encore, Focus Energy, and Helping Hand.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Fighting-type Low Kick & Vacuum Wave as well as Ground-type Mud-Slap further grinds down on Rock-types. Other moves are Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, Swift, & Uproar and Rock-type Rollout. Tactical here is Magic Coat mostly. I'll also like to point out Endeavor is here, and with Vacuum Wave that means Chimchar can become a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!

    Well that's it, who wins? Well, though Charmander is the pre-pre-evolution of my favorite Pokemon, that won't change my judging on who's better in battle here. So with these being weak Pokemon meaning Speed with a Super Effective move is going to be the winning factor... Charmander wins! Yay, Charmander is faster then Chimchar, who would have thought?


    Charmander: 2 | Chimchar: 2

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:37pm
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [102]Dec 10, 2009
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    I vote for Chimchar!

    Chimchar: 3 votes

    Charmander: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [103]Dec 10, 2009
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    dang. chimchar wins. Ditto vs Magikarp! random much?

    Ditto: 1

    Magikarp: 0
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [104]Dec 10, 2009
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    Type: Normal
    Limber (Prevents paralysis)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 48
    =Attack: 48
    =Defense: 48
    =Special Attack: 48
    =Special Defense: 48
    =Speed: 48
    =Total: 288
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Tranform. No Pokemon except Ditto has the least amount of moves it can get, and the most it can get. For with Transform Ditto compies everything about its opponent (except for level), practically being a clone battle. BTW, NEVER HAVE A DITTO BATTLE A DITTO! They'll keep on using Transform and thus refresh the PP in Transform meaning they'll have infinte Transform and the battle will never end! This is why you don't see any Trainers have Dittos in the game except the Frontier Facilities where you can quit a battle.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):

    Type: Water
    Swift Swim (Doubles the Speed stat if raining)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 20
    =Attack: 18
    =Defense: 55
    =Special Attack: 15
    =Special Defense: 20
    =Speed: 80
    =Total: 200
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Now we all know Magikarp's signature move Splash being a move that does completely nothing, but as the anime had showed us it can learn Normal-type Tackle & Flail (with Flail being VERY dangerous if you know how to use it).
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Zip... WAIT! Apparently it CAN learn a move from a Move Tutor and it's Flying-type Bounce! More surprising is that that means Magikarp has an attack that'll be Super Effective against its Grass-type weakness!

    Wow, who would have thought Magikarp could actually fight well in the games and if strong enough be deadly too?! My vote goes to the Pokemon who doesn't have to waste a turn in order to gain attacking moves:


    Ditto: 1 | Magikarp: 1

    Edited on 12/10/2009 5:29pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [105]Dec 10, 2009
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    Magikarp2 obviously, it can take down a team of ubers with no difficulty.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [106]Dec 11, 2009
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    I'll go with magikrap.....just kidding....magikarp
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [107]Dec 11, 2009
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    magikarp wins?! um ok....spoink vs swinub!

    Spoink: 1

    Swinub: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [108]Dec 11, 2009
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    Now for the pigs huh?

    Swinub buhi!!

    ....Finally found out how to post images....*faint*

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [109]Dec 11, 2009
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    Type: Psychic

    = Thick Fat (Halves the damage of Fire- and Ice-type attacks)
    = Own Tempo (Prevents Confusion)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 60
    =Attack: 25
    =Defense: 35
    =Special Attack: 70
    =Special Defense: 80
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 330
    Weakness (2x): Bug, Ghost, & Dark
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting
    & Psychic
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Right away it can handle Bug-types with Flying-type Bounce and Rock-type Power Gem and Ghost-types suffering from Dark-type Payback. Other attacks are Normal-type Snore; and Psychic-type Psywave, Psybeam, Zen Headbutt, & Psychic (STAB). Tactical we have Rest, Magic Coat, Confuse Ray, Psych Up, and Odor Sleuth. On the useless note, it can learn Splash... yay, I don't know why.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ghost-types take more hits with Ghost-type Shadow Ball and Dark-type Thief. Other moves are Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Shock Wave & Charge Beam; Psychic-type Dream Eater (But yet it learns no move to induce sleep)(STAB); & Grass-type Grass Knot. It has much more to offer in tactical with knowing Calm Mind, Taunt, Light Screen, Reflect, Torment, Snatch, Recycle, Thunder Wave, & Trick Room.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    We have Psychic-type Extrasensory & Future Sight (STAB) as far as new attacking moves go. Tactical there is Amnesia, Substitute, and Trick.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Finally Dark-types get their turn with Bug-type Signal Beam. Only other new moves here are Ice-type Icy Wind and Normal-type Swift. Tactical has Heal Bell and Role Play.

    Type: Ice/Ground

    = Oblivious (prevents becoming attracted to the other Pokemon)
    = Snow Cloak
    + (Evasion incrases by 20% in a hailstorm and doesn't get hurt in a hailstorm)
    + (If this Pokemon is leading your party and are in an area with a hailstorm, the wild Pokemon encounter rate is decreased by 50%)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 50
    =Attack: 50
    =Defense: 40
    =Special Attack: 30
    =Special Defense: 30
    =Speed: 50
    =Total: 250
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Fire, Steel, Water, & Grass
    Resistance (.5x): Poison
    Immunity (0x): Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    For those Fire- and Steel-typeswe have Ground-type Mud-Slap, Mud Bomb, & Earthquake (STAB) and for Grass-types there is Ice-type Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Ice Shard, & Bizzard (STAB). Only other attacks are Normal-type Tackle & Take Down. As for tactical there is Odor Sleuth, Mud Sport (don't know why as Swinub is immune to Electric-types), Endure, Mist, and Amnedia.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam (STAB) freezes Grass-types; Ground-type Dig (STAB) buries Fire- and Steel-types; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide crushes Fire-types; and Fighting-type Rock Smash knocks around Steel-types. Only remaining non-usual attack is Normal-type Strength so going to tactical we have Hail (got to give Blizzard that 100% accuracy and activate Snow Cloak), Light Screen, Reflect, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Rock-type AncientPower pummels Fire-types (not to mention helps evolve Swinub into its final evolution); Ground-type Mud Shot smothers Fire- and Steel-types; and Ice-type Icicle Spear pierces Grass-types. We also have Dark-type Bite and Normal-type Body Slam & Double-Edge. We also have the OHKO Ground-type Fissure. Only tactical move here is Curse.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Here is Ground-type Earth Power to shake-up Fire- and Steel-types and Fighting-type Superpower to overpower Steel-types. There is also Normal-type Snore. The move I'll like to highlight though, and it's a tactical move, is Endeavor and being Swinub can learn Ice Chard through leveling up, that makes Swinub a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purify that Shadow Swinub from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and you'll get a Swinub knowing Rock-type AncientPower, Ground-type Mud Shot, Mist, and the new move Cham. Sure it isn't much but it is a move that it can't normally learn.

    One again, weaker Pokemon have their speed stat do the ruling and if Spoink does an Iron Tail or Grass Knot it will probably do enough to take down any Swinub it goes up against so...


    Spoink: 2 | Swinub: 1

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [110]Dec 11, 2009
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [111]Dec 12, 2009
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    yay spoink wins! corphish vs horsea!

    Horsea: 1

    Corphish: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [112]Dec 12, 2009
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    horsea: 2

    corphish: zip....sorry my crawdad friend

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [113]Dec 12, 2009
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    I vote for Horsea!

    Horsea: 3 votes

    Corphish: 0 votes

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [114]Dec 12, 2009
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    Type: Water

    = Swift Swim (Doubles the Speed stat if raining)
    = Sniper (The base power of moves that get a critical hit is multiplied by 1.5)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 30
    =Attack: 40
    =Defense: 70
    =Special Attack: 70
    =Special Defense: 25
    =Speed: 60
    =Total: 295
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    No weakness handlers so we move on. We have Dragon-type Twister & Dragon Pulse and Water-type Bubble, Water Gun, BubbleBeam, Brine, & Hydro Pump (STAB). For tactical we have SmokeScreen, Leer, Focus Energy, Agility, and Dragon Dance.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (Yes, we have Hail) freezes Grass-types over. Other moves are Steel-type Flash Cannon and Water-type Surf & Waterfall (STAB). Tactical wise only thing note worthy is Rain Dance which increases the power of Water-type moves.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Ice-type Aurora Beam and Bug-type Signal Beam blast away Grass-types. Also here is Dragon-type DragonBreath; Normal-type Razor Wind; and Water-type Muddy Water & Octozooka (STAB). As for tactical there is Disable, Dragon Rage, Flail, and Splash... yes, Splash... yay.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Ice-type Icy Wind and Flying-type Bounce keep on blowing away Grass-types. Other moves are Dragon-type Outrage; Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, & Swift; and Water-type Dive (STAB).

    Type: Water

    = Hyper Cutter (Prevents Attack stat reduction)
    = Shell Armor (Not affected by critical hits)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 43
    =Attack: 80
    =Defense: 65
    =Special Attack: 50
    =Special Defense: 35
    =Speed: 35
    =Total: 308
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Let's just get onto the other attacks, shall we? There is Normal-type ViceGrip; Dark-type Knock Off, Night Slash, & Crunch; and Water-type Bubble, BubbleBeam, & Crabhammer (STAB). Now we have the move Normal-type Guillotine here which is a OHKO move. Tactical there is Harden, Leer, Protect, Taunt, and Swords Dance.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    For Bug-types we have Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (yes to Hail); Flying-type Aerial Ace; Bug-type X-Scissor; and Poison-type Sludge Bomb. As for Electric-types, they only get Ground-type Dig. To finish this off we have Fighting-type Brick Break & Rock Smash; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling & Payback; Normal-type Strength & Cut; and Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, & Waterfall (STAB). Nothing noteworthy for tactical except for Rain Dance as explained above.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Rock-type AncientPower; Normal-type Body Slam; Dark-type Knock Off; Steel-type Metal Claw; and Fighting-type Superpower. As for tactical we have Mud Sport (to weaken those Electric-types), Dragon Dance, and Endeavor (but no high priority move sadly).
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Grass-types take a hit from Bug-type Fury Cutter and Ice-type Icy Wind. Electric-types too get a hit from Ground-type Mud-Slap. Now with that done we have Dark-type Knock Off and that's it. Next up is tactical and there is Iron Defense and Spite.

    I have to go for Speed here once more (sorry if I'm predictable), so...


    Horsea: 4 | Corphish: 0

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:38pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [115]Dec 13, 2009
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    horsea wins of course

    so when are we going to have the winners tournament?

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [116]Dec 13, 2009
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    probably when we et through all the pokemon. (not including legendaries) yup horsea won. Buizel vs Piplup!

    Buizel: 1

    Piplup: 0
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [117]Dec 13, 2009
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    Pokemon: Buizel
    Type: Water
    Swift Swim (Doubles the Speed stat if raining)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 55
    =Attack: 65
    =Defense: 35
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 30
    =Speed: 85
    =Total: 330
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    You know what, for now on if there is no move that can handle weakness I'll just go right into the other attacks instead of stating there is nor weakness countering moves. With that said other attacks are Normal-type SonicBoom, Quick Attack, Swift, & Razor Wind; Dark-type Pursuit; and Water-type Water Gun, Aqua Jet, & Whirlpool (STAB). Tactical wise there is Growl, Water Sport (even though Buizel is resistant to Fire-types), and Agility.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Grass-types get a nasty chill with Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail to combo) while Electric-types get their fair share with Ground-type Dig. Other attacks are Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Steel-type Iron Tail; Rock-type Rock Tomb; Normal-type Strength; and Water-type Water Pulse, Brine, Surf, & Waterfall (STAB). Noteworthy tactical moves would be mainly Bulk Up.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Grass-types get eaten away at with Bug-type Fury Cutter as Electric-types get slapped silly with Ground-type Mud-Slap. Other attacks include Double Slap, Fury Swipes, Headbutt, & Slash. In tactical there is Baton Pass and Odor Sleuth.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Grass-types get the final blow here with Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind. Other attacks which aren't the usual norm is pretty much Water-type Dive (STAB).

    Pokemon: Piplup
    Type: Water
    Torrent (Raises Water-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 53
    =Attack: 51
    =Defense: 53
    =Special Attack: 61
    =Special Defense: 56
    =Speed: 40
    =Total: 314
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    We take those Grass-types from up above with Flying-type Peck & Drill Peck. Other attacks are Normal-type Pound, Bide, & Fury Attack and Water-type Bubble, BubbleBeam, Brine, Whirlpool, & Hydro Pump (STAB). In tactical there is Growl, Water Sport (WHY?), and Mist.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Grass-types get a nasty chill with Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail to combo) while Electric-types get their fair share with Ground-type Dig... whoa, I'm getting a lot of deja vu ever since doing this. Guess I'll go onto other attacks which are Fighting-type Brick Break; Rock-type Rock Tomb; Flying-type Aerial Ace & Pluck; Dark-type Fling; Grass-type Grass Knot; Normal-type Cut; and Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, & Waterfall (STAB). Tactical I do see Stealth Rock interestingly enough.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Electric-types just can't get a break with Ground-type Mud-Slap. Other attacks are Normal-type Double Hit, Flail, & Snore. Tactical there is more to offer with Agility, Aqua Ring, FeatherDance, Mud Sport, Supersonic, and Yawn!
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    The final nail in the coffin goes to Grass-types with Bug-type Signal Beam and Ice-type Icy Wind. Other then tha only attack you'll be interested to know is Water-type Dive (STAB).

    So who wins? While Piplup does have Grass Knot, unfortunetly Buizel isn't that heavy so with it being faster then Piplup...


    2 | Piplup: 0

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:40pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [118]Dec 13, 2009
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [119]Dec 13, 2009
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    buizel wins. Blastoise vs Swampert!

    Blastoise: 1

    Swampert: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [120]Dec 13, 2009
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    my fave water starter swampert of course!!
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