Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
... To unlock it you have to obtain the good endings for all the other movies... |
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
... To unlock it you have to obtain the good endings for all the other movies... |
Let the sequel adventure BEGIN!
Quick Reminders:
1. Use Memory Link as soon as you can. The reason is because their is several lines of dialogue which changes if you have used Memory Link. I won't say what they are, but here's a hint: have your B2W2 character named something different than your BW character.
2. Connect your game to your account on the Global Link to access several promotional bonuses as well as having access to the Dream World.
3. The Genesect Promotion should be active now. Also if you have Keldeo you might also think of sending it over as soon as you get the C-Gear (given to you by Bianca upon defeating Cheren).
Dun Dun DUN!
Pokemon White 2 GET!
I'm gonna have to wait to pick it up during the week. -w-;;
Yes, got White 2, and have time to play!
Had other stuff to do today, but I made it up through Pokéstar Studios today. Tomorrow I shall sail to Castelia. Current team is Oshawott, Mareep, and Growlithe.
Near the end of the evening I stopped playing so I could plan my team for the whole game. I stopped after beating Cheren, and it was a tough fight. I also got 5 medals today, I believe.
My team at the moment:
Smugwort the Snivy Lv 12
Jinx the Purrloin Lv 11
Badges: Basic Badge
I'm about to finish up Castelia City, there's just a few more things I need to do in the sewers (also thinking about raising my non-starter Pokemon to level 20 before leaving. My starter (now a Pignite) I think is level 26 while all the others are level 18 (bringing over those Exp. Shares from Black & White was a good idea... and yes, I did get the one from the Battle Company so I now have 3)). So I guess a few things to note:
1. Before you tell me I'm cheating, well, okay I am. But why spend additional hours training up my other Pokemon when I have two Exp. Shares in my White version which I won't be playing for a while? Might as well send them over so that I can use them where I need them the most right now. So now you're probably wondering what were the 2 Pokemon I sent over to have the Exp. Shares in the game. Well allow me to correct you, I didn't send 2 Pokemon over... I sent 6. STOP GLARING! There's a reason I sent 6 and once you see the list you might figure out why:
Vullaby: Payback, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Facade.
Spoink: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Charge Beam, Double Team
Buneary: Facade, Dig, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Gothita: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball
Magby: Flamethrower, Psychic, Brick Break, Facade
Keldeo: Scald, Bubblebeam (only there for Secret Sword), Poison Jab, X-Scissor
Incase you still don't know, except for Keldeo, these are version exclusive Pokemon, specifically for Black 2. Since I have these Pokemon in my White, I decided to breed them and sent them over to they all are level 1. Why are you still looking at me like that? Oh, the moves... yeah, I decided that since I won't be using these Pokemon I'll make them my "Emergency" Pokemon, ones I'll only use if I don't have a choice (however, as you can tell from my first paragraph, I have a team that's nicely forming). Anyway two of them held the Exp. Shares, another held a Lucky Egg (was considering the Amulet Coin however you get one earlier then a Lucky Egg so I went with that), and the other 3 I gave Nuggets to "pay back" the 6 Pokeballs that needed to be used on extra Pokemon to make the trades. In addition to all that, all of these Pokemon have Pokerus. Though I have to wonder, how are these trades possible? Did my character from Black & White use Dialga's or Celebi's power to bend time to make that trade happen, and if so why? Did he foresee the return of Team Plasma? Was the reason Professor Juniper chose the Black 2 & White 2 character because the Black & White character actually told her to?
2. Apparently the player character's mother worked as a nurse in the Pokemon Center (meaning to work at a Pokemon Center you have to either dye and sculpt their hair or wear a wig like Nurse Joy). Also why does your mother heal your Pokemon when there's a Pokemon Center only a few feet away?
3. Your rival already has a Pokemon that he hatched from an egg (yet it's conveniently the starter which is strong against your's). Also originally only you were suppose to get a Pokedex but your rival begs Bianca to give him one and she just so happens to have an extra on her (what for? Did Professor Juniper not trust you to not break my Pokedex so she gave you an extra?).
4. Surprised how early you meet Alder, though considering he lives in the town right next to your home city I guess that shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
5. Incase you're wondering about the Memory Link thing I mentioned, the first instance of it happens in Floccesy Town's Pokemon Center.
6. I accessed the Dream World and the Transferable C-Gear Skin promotion isn't up yet however the Zekrom, Reshiram, and Keldeo Pokedolls one is. Remember, the password for that is GTDNYH. Also it looks like each game file has a different Dream Home set to it, so in other words you'll be starting all over again in the Dream World (though I'm assuming you can switch back to your old Dream Home by switching the versions and putting a Pokemon in that game to sleep).
7. The new Castelia Gym puzzle is very interesting, especially the room which Burgh is in. Though I do have to wonder how they make the cocoons transport you and why the paint in Burgh's room makes normal water sound effects. However what I do like is that it seems like each Gym has its own theme with hints of the old Gym Theme
8. It's interesting they went a bit more indepth with the Bag organizer with each one giving you various ways to order your bag.
9. Incase you're wondering about my team thus far: Pignite, Flaaffy, Riolu, Herdier, Koffing, & Pidove. Of course this party is subject to change, plus when I go to battle the Elite Four/Champion I'll make a new team. Also I have Keldeo and Genesect ready to back me up in an emergency.
Got it yesterday.
At Nimbasa, preparing to not die at the Gym.
Current team
Servine, level 25,
Lucario, level 23.
Growlithe, level 24.
Eevee, level 24.
Sigilyph, level 19.
@ Krael4: There's a Memory Link thing in Aspertia's Pokemon Center? Was it the one with the ex Plasma Grunt remembering a conversion he had with N? Also being this is the Black 2 & White 2 Discussion Board I think it's safe to assume you can put your log here. Afterall I make long posts all the time. Speaking of which:
SO I finish what I needed to do in the Castelia Sewers and head on off and stopping today at the Pokemon World Tournament. Despite it sounding like I didn't do much, I actually did though most of it happened in the Desert Resort (aka me exploring every inch of it for trainers to battle and items to get). So moving to my list of observations:
1. After leaving Castelia City I discovered an interesting bit of information: Breeders can be re-battled as many times as you want! Just battle them, exit the area, and re-enter and they're ready to battle again! They always have the same Pokemon and award the same amount of money so there's some easy grinding.
2. While checking the list of Pokemon you can get on Route 4, I found out that Pokemon White's weekly Braviary "event" was happening today! For those who don't know, somewhere on Route 4 a Braviary or Mandibuzz will appear on a certain day depending on what version you have. If you have Black 2 you'll get a Mandibuzz on Tuesday, but if you have White 2 you'll get a Braviary on Monday. What's special about these Pokemon is that they have their Hidden Ability, Weak Armor for Mandibuzz and Defiant for Braviary. Not only that, but there level 25 which is a pretty nice level for them to be at that stage of the game. So with the opportunity of getting a Braviary with its Hidden Ability, I went and got it!
3. SO have your Memory Linked yet? If not then you might want to before Desert Resort because that's where one of the BIG reasons why you should occurs. While exploring the resort and catching the Pokemon there, I came across a Darmanitan. Now if you look at the Pokemon list for Desert Resort, you'll see that, though they have Darumaka's, Darmanitan isn't listed, at least with the normal Pokemon. For you see, when this Darmanitan appeared, it had a unique "shinning" animation sort of like a Shiny Pokemon but different. This is one of N's Pokemon, and Desert Resort is where the first batch of them can be found. But you see, the problem with N's Darmanitan is that it's level 35... and my highlest level Pokemon at the time was level 26 (my Pignite). YEAH, this was a pretty grueling battle, Darmanitan took down half my team (thankfully there's a Nurse nearby), however I battled on and managed to catch it! Interesting thing about N's Darmanitan is that it has Zen Mode which is how I was able to catch it since it went into Zen Mode thus stopped destroying me with its attacks (interesting fact though, N's Darmanitan has a Calm nature which is a nature negative to Attack but positive to Special Defense. I guess they want N's Darmanitan to be used in its Zen Mode, I mean it has Belly Drum in its movepool).
BUT WAIT! I also found N's Sigilyph!... and it ended the battle before I could catch it using Whirlwind! However I found a post of someone who had the same thing happened but they found Sigilyph again. I guess as long as you don't knock out N's Pokemon you always have another chance to catch them.
4. Apparently Relic Castle had a cave-in as there's only 2 floors.
5. Became the manager if Join Avenue and actually opened a few raffle shops up (didn't win a Master Ball though)... however if no more NPCs appear on their own that's the most I'll be getting from Join Avenue.
6. Elesa decided to go the Jasmine way of Gym Puzzles and had you first have you go through a different building to gain access to her Gym. However the twist is that this other building was her old Gym. Yes, Elesa has a new Gym but you're still required to go through the old Gym to get access to the new one. Anyway her new Gym is impressive visually but not puzzle wise as it's just a runway with 3 required battles. But hey, I do like what they do when you beat Elesa.
7. Incase you didn't already know, it's here where you find out why your rival hates Team Plasma, they stole his sister's Purrloin 5 years ago. Apparently not everyone's Pokemon was returned to them after the defeat of Team Plasma, someone in another house says their Pokemon is still missing plus what you hear in Driftviel City.
8. Another Memory Link thing, if you had any Props in your Prop Case in Black/White your playable character had left them in the Pokemon Musical. The owner finds them and gives it to you (you as in your Black 2/White 2 character) and we get a flashback which make all the hassle I had to go through to get those props actually seem to have a purpose. In addition a NPC also mentions your BW character and that they were a huge star (yet I'm still missing 2 Props because one you get on your Birthday and another you need another game to get).
9. Had the double battle with Rosa against Ingo and Emmet (I knew I forgot two bonus bosses!) which was easy to do... then again it was a normal battle.
10. Went to Route 16 and checked out Lostlorn Forest which had grown since last game. Finally got to my first Hidden Grotto... and only got mulch from it. Also met Zoroark, apparently she can speak when in human form and after talking to her (in a guise of a Backpacker) you get the Snarl TM which was previously un-obtainable due to the event to get it in Black & White was never released. Also in Lostlorn Forest I got another team member: PINSIR! Black 2 however got the better deal with having Heracross, but Pinsir is cool too.
11. Route 5 has Bianca giving you HM02 FLY! WOOT! Not I can go back to Castelia City and Nimbasa City for those "rechargeable" trainer battles. It also makes a rather nice move for my Braviary. Also she "officially" showed me the "first" Hidden Grotto I was suppose to find. Inside I found a Minccino with its Skill Link Hidden Ability which is quite useful with its Signature Move, Tail Slap, so I caught it even though I already have a Minccino.
12. Apparently Charles was given more of the spotlight as (in White 2) you battle him in a Triple Battle on Route 5 and then in Driftviel City he has you do a Rotational Battle.
13. Ah, so Driftviel City, well, incase you don't know, this is where the base of old Team Plasma is as they try to do their best to redeem themselves. After "helping" an ex-Team Plasma member (yet still wears the knightly attire) and defeat Sage Rood in a battle you're told about old Team Plasma and are even given N's Zorua. Of course I didn't have enough room so I had to deposit a Pokemon though when I went back the building was empty and there was a Zoroark who used its Illusen Ability to show me another flashback of N's feelings about Team Plasma splitting up. After the flashback I had to exit and re-enter the building to get N's Zorua.
Oh, and your rival hates old Team Plasma even more then new Team Plasma since technically they were the ones who stole his sister's Purrloin. Rood reveals that new Team Plasma has kept many of the stolen Pokemon though old Team Plasma also have some "stolen" Pokemon because they can't find their owners so until they do they're taking care of those Pokemon.
Oh, and talked to Anthea and Concordia. Only important thing they tell you is that them and N are orphans, though we only go into details about N. N's home town/village found his ability to speak to Pokemon freaky so they abandoned him and Ghetsis found him living with a Darmanitan and Zorua... aka the two of N's Pokemon I have, strange. Oh, and no, even if you have another of N's Pokemon in your party no one takes notice.
14. Since the Pokemon World Tournament opened up a lot of hotels were built around Driftviel City. Of course they're all booked up however that doesn't stop you from barging into people's rooms (which are apparently connected to the elevator), some even give you free stuff!
15. Driftviel Gym's puzzle is sort of the same except instead of being vertical it's now flat. Eitherway I was a bit worried about this Gym since I didn't have a Water- or Grass-type (well I do in my box, but they're not trained). Seeing that Clay's first Pokemon is a Krokorok that has Intimidate, I decided that I didn't want Emboar's (Pignite evolved while battling a Gym trainer ) Attack to go down so I decided to sent out Braviary first instead since two of Krokorok's moves were Ground-types. I actually wasn't expecting Braviary to win the battle... that was until Krokorok used Intimidate on Braviary and it activated Defiant which rose Braviary's Attack up two stages meaning it now had a +1 stage to Attack! A single Fly pretty much took out Krokorok. From there it was Emboar's turn and he pretty much took out the rest of Clay's Pokemon with 1 Heat Crash (in addition to STAB I also had Emboar holding Charcoal to give it a nice boost
). So, yeah, getting Braviary was a VERY good idea.
16. Of course after that Clay took you to the Pokemon World Tournament and had you participate in the Driftveil Tournament along with Hugh, Cheren, and Corless. Actually they pretty much tell you those would be the only trainer you'd be battling as 3 of the other NPCs "battling" were in red while you, Hugh, Cheren, Corless and another NPC (for some reason) were in blue. Anyway had no problem taking down Hugh and Cheren, though Corless almost fainted Emboar (stupid Magneton and it's Paralyze-Confusion combo). However I did win and, after seeing Roxie go to enter a tournament and Clay hoping trainers around the world will enter, you, Hugh and Cheren go outside and see a Team Plasma member run by. Corless comes out and spouts some gibberish and Hugh and Cheren run off after the Team Plasma member. And I ran too... to the Pokemon Center as this is where I saved. Tomorrow I'll continue.
17. However, before I saved, I did do one last thing, wrote down my current party! Take a look:
Emboar: Level 36: Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Assurance, Heat Crash
Lucario: Level 27: Metal Sound, Quick Attack, Dark Pulse, Force Palm
Drilbur: Level 27: Slash, Hone Claws, Dig, Metal Claw
Braviary: Level 26: Wing Attack, Hone Claws, Fly, Aerial Ace
Pinsir: Level 26: Submission, Revenge, Brick Break, Vital Throw
Flaaffy: Level 26: Electro Ball, Take Down, Thunder Wave, ThunderShock
Thankfully at level 27 Braviary will be getting Slash and at Level 30 Pinsir will be getting X-Scissor so better moves are on their way.
Ah man, i'm jealous over here .=.
I got one mon ready for White 2, at least. I'm gonna trade over a Shellder I just caught in White as well as my Ditto (Shellder's a boy) so I can breed it to be my water mon (so not gonna wait until I get to route 13!) wanna see what the buzz is with this Skill Link Cloyster thing.
Finished what I needed to do in Castelia minus the Gym.
Current team:
Dewott (Lv 20)
Flaaffy (Lv 18.)
Flareon (Lv 19)
Zubat (Lv 16)
Sandile (Lv 17)
Just need Maractus to complete my team.
WELL I just started school today and, though I will still be playing of course, I might not have as much free time to spend playing the game as I would like. Of course being I have 6 badges I think I'm close enough to end of the main storyline. Anyway, time to recap. Last time on my adventure, after I won the Pokemon World Tournament Driftveil Tournament, I, Hugh and Cheren saw a Plasma Grunt run to the docks. Corless told us some mumbo jumbo as Hugh and Cheren ran off after the plasma grunt and, considering it was getting late and I'm suspecting some battles coming my way, I decide to head to the Pokemon Center to heal and save. Now we continue:
1. So we finally get to the boat scene, you know, the one the animated trailer showed. Of course you can immediately tell the animated trailer took some liberties as we battled all male grunts, none of them had a Seviper (nor a batch of other Pokemon), and Hugh's starter was still on it's 1st stage. Now the scenes of the animated trailer showing Nate versing Elesa with an Emboar is possible if you chose the male character, chose Tepig, and had gone mad leveling up until it evolved into an Emboar. That scene completely depends on the player to re-create if they wanted to. However when it comes to other characters like the rival or Team Plasma, showing them with Pokemon they don't have at that point in the game is a bit of false marketing as you made a rather quick battle rush look like some kind big encounter. Oh well, still was nice to battle next to Cheren and Hugh, even if you didn't need the help.
BUT WAIT! Team Plasma still has a trick up their sleeve has Sage Zinzolin (the Sage you find in Cold Storage) comes on deck, sees the commotion, and summons the Shadow Triad to take you off. The Shadow Triad teleport in and are about to tell Zinzolin something (it looks like it was along the lines of "you're not our boss") but Zinzolin says he knows and tells them to just me, Hugh, and Cheren off the boat which they due via teleporting. So with the boat gone, Hugh and Cheren run off leaving me to my own vices.
2. Before I leave Driftveil for good, I decide to explore the Relic Passage entrance it had. This way had a bit more to offer then the one in Castelia Sewers as, remember when I said that Relic Castle's lower area was no longer accessible? Well that's not entirely true as this Relic Passage leads to an entrance to the lower portions of Relic Castle. Yes, the portion which has Volcarona's Room. Yes Volcarona's Room is open. And yes, there was a Volcarona just sitting there! But wait, wouldn't a Volcarona be WAY too overpowered at this point in the game? Well someone must have hacked this Volcarona in as this one's level is 35 while normally a Larvesta evolves at level 59. Oh, well it's still pretty powerful with that high Special Attack and Speed, right? Yes, it has high Special Attack and Speed, but remember you're thinking of it in terms of the BW Volcarona. You see, here was this Volcarona's moveset: Fire Spin, Gust, Leech Life, String Shot. Yeah, and the first "good" move it gets, Silver Wind, is at level 50. Yeah, so though I caught it, I'm not using it.
3. Venturing through Route 6, Cheren eventually stops me and takes me to the Season Research Lab, explaining they've been picking up strange weather readings, specifically drastic cold fronts of like -50 degrees. Being we're the ones going all around Unova, he asks for us to investigate and gives us the best HM in the game: HM03 Surf... OF course I don't have a Pokemon that can learn Surf so I decided to wait till tomorrow to go around to former locations and use Surf to pick up things I couldn't before.
But that's not the only surprise as I had a legendary sighting: Cobalion! It just jumped in front of me, roared, and ran off. Sage Rood and some other old Team Plasma grunts come up and explain who Cobalion is and asks why it appeared to us, finally telling us that if Cobalion was indeed inspecting us then we should follow it as it'll make for a strong ally. Yeah, too bad I can't run through trees, it probably ran to the other side of Unova...
4. Chargestone Cave hasn't changed much. Bianca is running around doing some research. I think we "hear" N talk about how he likes the place but he can't stop now as he has to stop Team Plasma. Oh, and I caught another of N's Pokemon! This time it's his Boldore. But other then that, nothing else so let's move on.
5. Ah, Mistralton City, you FINALLY meet Professor Juniper in person (as well as Skyla) as Professor Juniper goes off to Celestial Tower while Skyla says she'll be waiting for us in the Gym. HOWEVER I decide to do some training for you see my strongest Pokemon is Emboar, a Fire/FIGHTING-type. Infact Lucario and Pinsir are also weak to Flying-type Pokemon so I decided that I'll train Ampharos (Flaaffy evolved in Chargestone Cave) until it learned Discharge to take full advantages of that high Special Attack stat (it knows ThunderPunch, but still).
6. Route 7 has nothing new, actually they took stuff away. Also add that same observation to Celestial Tower. I would also say something about Twist Mountain but Marshal was blocking the entrance saying there was a cave-in and no one's allowed it. Anyway the old couple that told you the legend of Tornadus/Thunderus now instead shows you pictures of the Kami Trio so that you can have them counted as "seen" in your Pokedex, with their grandson saying he's seen one recently though in a different form (Oh come on Pokemon Company, you can make a more blatant reference to the Dream Radar then that ). Also that Hiker who wanted a Boldore for an Emolga in BW will now trade a Gigalith for an Emolga, so I guess he regretted trading away his Emolga
. However considering I was going up against a Flying-type Gym Leader next I did the trade so that I would have something to fall back upon if something were to happen to Ampharos.
Speaking of Ampharos, I find a rather easy to level him up quickly: A Breeder! That's right, there's another Breeder here and with him giving 1,200 experience per battle, using two Flying-type Pokemon that Ampharos easily OHKOs, I got Ampharos up to level 40 pretty quickly. Why level 40? Because that's when Ampharos learns DISCHARGE! Now time for the Gym.
7. Mistralton Gym continues it's proud tradition of not being safe as, though they stopped using people as ammunition, now they have giant fans which sometimes blow so much that it causes you to fly back if you get caught. And this happens all awhile on thin platforms several feet above the ground. After making my way through and to Skyla the battle begins with Emboar getting in some battling to Heat Crash her Unfezant. Next up is the Pokemon I was worried about, her Swanna... worried about Emboar facing that is. Ampharos used one Discharge and it went down. Her last Pokemon was a Skarmory and, well, even though Emboar is weak to Flying-types, Skarmory is weak to Fire-types. Skarmory did get the first hit in too, however Emboar's Heat Crash showed it that being faster doesn't make you more powerful.
With Gym Badge in hand and Professor Juniper done with her studies (as well as Bianca), I get invited to fly with them to Lentimas Town.
8. Lentimas Town is pretty much just a pit stop as the real location here is Reversal Mountain. BUT before I talk about my ventures through there let's talk about a house which you can find further east if you follow the dark green grass: the Strange House. The Strange House is the game's haunted location, this time having furniture which not only changes positions after entering that room again through a different door, but if you look at the furniture itself you'll see them wiggle. Upon getting access to go to the 2nd floor (but not the 2nd floor center room), you'll see the ghost girl from Marvelous Bridge and hear her talk about darkness being everywhere and asking where her parents and Abra is before vanishing. After some more running around the 2nd time you go to the 2nd floor she'll appear again and start talking about the Lunar Wing and how she wants to return it to the Pokemon that gave it despite her father's protests. This time you have access to the 2nd floor center room and if, as hinted at, contains the Lunar Wing as the ghost girl appears one final time asking us to take it back to the Pokemon that it belongs to as she can no longer do it before vanishing for good. So... I'm guessing Darkrai killed the girl by putting her into an endless sleep after she tried giving the Lunar Wing back to Cresselia thus not having the wing's protection? What's with those looks? Okay, YOU come up with a better explanation to what they were trying to tell us then!
9. ANYWAY, as you try to go through Reversal Mountain you're stopped by Bianca who also wants to go through it so she becomes a double battle partner. Reversal Mountain looks interesting though it's just like any other cave, though I did find Heatran's lair (no Heatran though, the game made sure that you knew you needed the Magma Stone since about 25% of the trainers there tells you that you need the Magma Stone to summon Heatran).
10. Finally gotten to Undella Town and the Riches Family had moved away. How do I know this? 1. A NPC told me this and 2. THEIR HOUSE IS GONE! The Undella Town's entrance to Reversal Mountain is literally where the Riches' Mansion was! Actually, not all the Riches moved away, the father is still in a nearby house still ready as ever to buy rare items. Despite it being Autumn, Cynthia isn't in Caitlin's villa but rather an elderly woman who tells you this villa belongs to Caitlin and sometimes Cynthia stays there. With the Marine Tube not opened yet and sensing plot progression was within Route 13 I decided to venture through Route 14. After doing that (yeah, nothing was really there) I tried going to White Forest but there was a whole bunch of people in the gate blocking my way and singing about how "someone is going to disappear". I ran back to Undella Town as quickly as I could.
11. I got to Route 14... BUT stopped here as I finally gotten enough calls from Yancy. Yes, throughout traveling around I made sure to get in the spots to activate the Forgotten Item quest and finally got my 10th call which is when she asks for her Xtransciever back. With that done I decided to call it a day.
12. Now for what you've all been waiting for, my Pokemon team. HOWEVER I'm going to add a 7th Pokemon here as I started training a certain Pokemon I'm hoping will help me battle Drayden:
Emboar: Level 50: Fire Punch, Heat Crash, Hammer Arm, Flamethrower
Lucario: Level 39: Force Palm, Bone Rush, Dark Pulse, Metal Sound
Excadrill: Level 37: Earthquake, Metal Claw, Slash, Rock Slide
Braviary: Level 39: Fly, Aerial Ace, Slash, Hone Claws
Pinsir: Level 35: X-Scissor, Revenge, Brick Break, Storm Throw
Vibrava: Level 39: Earth Power, DragonBreath, Rock Slide, Supersonic
Ampharos: Level 40: Discharge, ThunderPunch, Take Down, Thunder Wave
Yup, being it pretty much has to be Winter during the main game to get an Ice-type, I plan on fighting Dragon-type with Dragon-type. Hoping to have Vibrava evolved to a Flygon before I reach Drayden, though I don't think that'll be much of a problem being today I think I'm just going to Surf around and train. In even if Flygon faints, I'm sure I have enough Pokemon to pick up the slack, hey, Emboar's Hammer Arm is probably powerful enough to show them who's boss.
Skill link Cloyster is pretty insane. I've used it in White and it's amazing.
Got to Virbank and still training up. Current team is
Dewott Lvl 18
Lucario Lvl 17
Lillipup Lvl 14
Elekid Lvl 12
Pidove Lvl 12
Growlithe Lvl 13
Still debating whether or not I should keep Growlithe and Elekid or trade them out for Tynamo and Litwick later.
Its really a shame that Roxies gym isnt the last english words is impressive and it's only the second gym
finally got my copy. They need to create a friendship meter so you know how close they are to evolving