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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [161]Aug 14, 2012
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    Well this is interesting, Sabrina is an actress in PokeStar Studios. She plays the main antagonist, Magic Queen Jujube, in the "Die Pforten des Zauberreichs" series.

    Guess they decided they wanted to use practical effects instead of CGI.

    I also like how she looks older (considering in-game it's been over 10 years since the Johto games), yet her Pokemon World Tournament sprite is the same as it was in HeartGold & SoulSilver and thus looks younger. Now Sabrina is one of the Gym Leaders which I said they could probably get away with using her old sprite if they didn't want to make a new sprite for every Gym Leader being she's probably a young adult in the Johto games thus is finished growing for the most part. Of course, with that being said, if they're going to go through the trouble of making her a new sprite for her role in the PokeStar Studio cameo... WHY NOT USE THAT SPRITE FOR THE POKEMON WORLD TOURNAMENT! It's not like we don't have other Gym Leaders who dresses extravagantly (Fantina, anyone?) so it wouldn't look out of place (okay, I might have still complained a bit, but considering the option they went with I would rather then re-use the PokeStar Studio sprite). Then again, even if they had used her PokeStar studio sprite, that still wouldn't change the fact the kid Gym Leaders and Champions are still kids despite being probably young adults by now. Also, now with Sabrina being in a PokeStar Studio movie, that makes me wonder about the canon of the Pokemon World Tournament. Now if it wasn't in canon then, while it would be a big missed opportunity to update us on the Gym Leaders, there's no problems and would explain why all the Gym Leaders look the same as they did in their games, it's just for the fans. But if that's the case, why is Sabrina in Unova in a PokeStar Studio movie? If the Pokemon World Tournament is canon then this would make sense, being she's in Unova she may have decided to participate in a PokeStar Movie which I quite like the idea of, actually have the Gym Leaders doing something other then being challengers in a building... of course then we come back to the non-aging problem. Then again, I also suppose my joke caption I made about them wanting to use "practical effects instead of CGI" and for a magic queen they decided to get a well known psychic (though I don't know how well known Sabrina would be in a region on the other side of the planet ) and fly her out.

    Also, speaking of PokeStar Studios. I know I said I might focus my next long post on that next but the fact of the matter is that I don't know what I can really say about it. I would like to talk about it but unfortunately I don't fully know the story of the movies (I can make an educated guess, but why bother being? And I'm not going to look up a guide as I'm trying to remain unspoiled). Maybe when the games come out in English (and I can understand what's going on) I might talk about it then, but if I do decide to make another long post do know it's highly likely it's going to be the PokeStar Studios.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [162]Aug 16, 2012
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    The best part about Sabrina's character is that her name is "Jujube", which is what her Japanese name, Natsume, translates into.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [163]Aug 18, 2012
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    They released Banjirou's, Alder's grandson, artwork:

    Why is he carrying sticks?

    Okay, seeing that hair, I have to know, what does Alder's son/daughter look like. Does that hair just run in the family?

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [164]Aug 19, 2012
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    i wonder if Alder's wife goes with him on his journies

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [165]Aug 19, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:


    i wonder if Alder's wife goes with him on his journies

    Probably not, actually being Alder wanders around I wouldn't be surprised of his wife had passed away. Then again, in the Pokemon World, it seems like the social norm for trainers to be away from their family for long periods of time, be them a child, spouse, or parent.

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    [166]Aug 20, 2012
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    Some quick updates for the international versions:

    1. Keldeo's Formes keep their names as Ordinary Forme and Resolute Form.

    (You may look a bit different and have animation, but your stats still remain the same...)

    2. Sangi Town is now Floccesy Town.

    Here you get the Medal Box, a Pokedex upgrade, and battle some weak trainers in Alder's House... they sure make these new areas exciting!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [167]Aug 20, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    They released Banjirou's, Alder's grandson, artwork:

    Why is he carrying sticks?

    Okay, seeing that hair, I have to know, what does Alder's son/daughter look like. Does that hair just run in the family?

    More like, why is he carrying a machete? Weapons in my Pokemon games?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [168]Aug 20, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    They released Banjirou's, Alder's grandson, artwork:

    Why is he carrying sticks?

    Okay, seeing that hair, I have to know, what does Alder's son/daughter look like. Does that hair just run in the family?

    More like, why is he carrying a machete? Weapons in my Pokemon games?

    Oh, wow, I can't believe I didn't see that.

    Well, unlike a pile of sticks which you can get everywhere, at least you can use a machete to cut through things (I guess he must have gotten tired of constantly having an HM slave and thought he could do it just as well).

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [169]Aug 21, 2012
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    Here's something to think about if some of the HM's became something the protagonist could do then they would be a ninja.


    Rock Smash


    Surf (walking on water)

    Waterfall (climbing it)

    Fly is the only one I can't think of

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [170]Aug 21, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Here's something to think about if some of the HM's became something the protagonist could do then they would be a ninja.


    Rock Smash


    Surf (walking on water)

    Waterfall (climbing it)

    Fly is the only one I can't think of

    This is getting a bit off topic so I'll just finish off this thought.

    Ninja Skills:
    Cut (karate chop, though technically ninjitsu is the martial arts of guerrilla warfare and espionage)
    Rock Smash (karate chop, again)
    Strength (meditate for a short while to build focus which you then transfer into strength)
    Surf (as you said, running on water, though ninja's were also pretty good swimmers and can hold their breathes for a long time)
    Waterfall (climbing it, as you said once again)
    Fly (ninja teleport? Shadow Triad can do it, why not you?)
    Flash (you'd already have improved vision in the dark (not to mention your other senses will also be heightened))
    Whirlpool (same as surf, either run across it or go into a meditative state when swimming into it and use the focus to guide yourself to the other side)
    Dive (as I mentioned, ninjas were good swimmers and could hold their breathes for a long time)
    Defog (like with Flash, your vision would be good enough to see through the fog (and your other senses are heightened))
    Rock Climb (just like with Waterfall, though probably easier here then there)

    Of course this is just going by physical means and not helped by any equipment. If you were using ninja tools then you could use a sickle for Cut, a grappling hook for both Waterfall and Rock Climb, a hidden back hand glider to Fly, maybe a gunpowder flashbang/flare for Flash, and a fan to Defog. Though speaking of items I always thought for a few certain HMs it would probably be more useful most of the time to use an item instead of having a Pokemon with that certain HM.

    Cut (maybe follow Banjirou's logic and carry a machete, though being how thin the "trees" are that you cut you could probably also make due with a pocket knife)
    Surf (not really an item, our character just needs to learn how to swim)
    Flash (a flashlight would be very easier, and we know they exist since Police Officers use them and the Hearthome's Gym Puzzle in Platinum had you using one. Heck, maybe even night vision goggles)
    Dive (like above, learn to swim but also have an air tank or some kind of breathing device... actually we should probably have one of those already unless our Pokemon is somehow providing us with air...)
    Defog (going with the night vision goggles idea for Flash, maybe having something like inferred or heat vision goggles)

    Can't really think of any items that can help with Rock Smash, Strength, Waterfall, Fly, Whirlpool, and Rock Climb that is easy to carry around (if I had to pick, a hammer/mallet/jackhammer for Rock Smash, high tension piston/power gauntlets for Strength, grappling hook for both Waterfall and Rock Climb, ninja hand glider/jetpack for Fly, and maybe a sturdy, inflatable boat for Whirlpool (which would also be used to Surf)).

    And to finish things off:

    Cut (it's a thin tree in the way and we're a kid, why can't we just slip around it? Or if it's still too wide, why can't we use a big Pokemon to tear it out, a Poison-type to melt corrode it away with poison/acid, Ground-type to move the dirt under it so it's out of our way, Bug-type to eat it, Ghost-type to phase us through it, Fire-type to burn it, Grass-type to control it and move it out of the way, Psychic-type to move it out of the way with it's mind, or an Ice-type to freeze and shatter it? Why can't Pokemon like Scyther, Scizor, Kabutops, Gallade, Pinsir, Kingler, or Crawdaunt use their blades or pincers to cut it down without knowing the HM? Why can't other "cutting" moves like Slash, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, or Leaf Blade be used just like Cut?)
    Rock Smash (why can't we just climb over the rock, it doesn't look like it's that big. If for some reason we can't climb over it why can't we use any Fighting-, Ground-, Rock-, or Steel-type be used to smash it into bits? Or maybe a Ground-, Psychic-, or Grass-type to user their powers to move it out of the way? Or a Ghost-type to phase us through it? Actually I'm sure any move from a strong Pokemon might be able to shatter stone)
    Strength (just to tell you, a lot of these arguments are going to involve "big" Pokemon. Assuming we can't just climb over the boulder, why can't we use any big Pokemon to simply push the boulder? Have Ground-, Psychic-, or Grass-type to user their powers to move it out of the way? Or a Ghost-type to phase us through it?)
    Surf (I'll skip mentioning about learning to swim since I said that above. Shouldn't any big Water-type Pokemon be able to carry us without having to know Surf?)
    Fly (like with Surf, shouldn't a big Flying-type (or any big Pokemon with wings) be able to carry us without having to know Fly?)
    Flash (there's a few Pokemon who can natural generate light like Umbreon, Ampharos, Volbeat, Illumise, and Watchog. Also I'm sure an Electric- and Fire-type can light the way by just using their power (heck, many Fire-types have an open flame on their body, infact I remember seeing some episodes where a Charmander used its tail like a torch)
    Defog (can't any Pokemon with wings just flap hard enough to blow away the fog? Isn't that what almost all the Special Flying-type moves do anyway?)

    I didn't include Waterfall, Whirlpool, Dive, or Rock Climb because with those I can see the Pokemon needing some skills to use (then again why can't I just use Fly (or a big Pokemon with wings that can fly according to my arguement) to reach the place I would use Waterfall/Rock Climb to reach and skip over the whirlpool I'd need Whirlpool to normally pass?).

    And incase anyone says anything, yes, I know Cut, Strength, Flash, and Rock Climb are Normal-type moves, Rock Smash is a Fighting-type, Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool, and Dive are Water-type, and Fly and Defog are Flying-type. I just color-coded them this way to give each one a bit more individuality instead of sharing a color with another move (except for Rock Smash which is the only Fighting-type HM).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [171]Aug 30, 2012
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    Another Update With Hopefully More To Follow:
    With the month of August almost done, we have one new localization:

    1. Hidden Hallows are now called Hidden Grottos. Throughout Unova you may sometimes see two trees which look a bit too close to each other. Taking a closer look, you'll see that in actuality there's something in the middle of those group of trees. Walking between them, you'll find a Hidden Grotto, a small house-sized area where you may encounter certain Pokemon or find an item. The special thing about these Pokemon is that, not only aren't they normally or easily found, but also they have their Hidden Abilities which normally is only gotten through the Dream World! Click HERE for a list of all the Hidden Grottos (Serebii listed them in Route order though so you'll have to either know how the new storyline path is laid out or just look at the Pokemon's possible levels to know where the earliest Hidden Grotto is).

    This would be a nice place to set-up a Secret Bas... oh wait, wrong game.

    With the games being released about a month from now (October 7th), hopefully more information will be coming soon concerning localized names.

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    [172]Sep 10, 2012
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    A Name For A Town And A Mountain:
    1. Yamaji Town, a town high up on a mountain range which is only accessible via a plane from Mistralton City (at least the first time you go there), is now Lentimas Town. Nothing too special about this place though it does have the Blue Shard Move Tutor.

    You'd think a place on top of a mountain would be less... desert-y.

    2. Reverse/Rebirth Mountain, a mountain range next to Lentimas Town which connects to Undella Town, is now Reversal Mountain. An interesting feature about Reversal Mountain is that its one of those locations which appearance changes depending on version. In Black 2 the mountain is filled with water while in White 2 the Mountain is filled with magma. Though the appearance changes the story behind it doesn't: it's a place Heatran goes to cool down (don't know how it plans to do that in White 2 though). As you expect from that story, at some point in the game you're given the Magma Stone and can come back here to battle and potentially catch Heatran. Also at some point, Bianca will join you as a tag battle partner.

    100 Pokedollars says at some point in the mountain there's a Team Aqua symbol in Black 2 and a Team Magma symbol in White 2... or they can switch it just to mess with us.

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  • Avatar of HarrisonKonig


    [173]Sep 10, 2012
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    I'm most looking forward to the Pokemon World Tournament (Love how they have Giovanni representing Virdian Gym instead of Blue) Also I was hoping they would use someone from anotherregionas champion (Agatha?)

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    [174]Sep 11, 2012
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    HarrisonKonig wrote:

    I'm most looking forward to the Pokemon World Tournament (Love how they have Giovanni representing Virdian Gym instead of Blue) Also I was hoping they would use someone from anotherregionas champion (Agatha?)

    Honestly they sort of threw the Pokemon World Tournament quickly together in terms of the previous region Gym Leaders/Champions. The only thing they worked on was new sprites for the over world, new sprites for the Hoenn Gym Leader/Champions, and their teams. Thus why they have Giovanni representing Viridian Gym (they had his sprite and wanted Blue to be counted as a Champion) and there's no Koga since, despite him being a former Gym Leader and a sprite in HGSS, he was an Elite Four member which they for some reason didn't want to include.

    Also Agatha was an Elite Four member (for Indigo Plateau, to be precise), not a Champion.

    Localization Name Game:
    As I predicted, with the games coming out in less then the month we have a stream of names coming in:

    1. Black Skyscraper and White Tree Hollow have been renamed, Black Tower and White Treehollow, respectively. As you may have guessed, these are locations in the version exclusive locations Black City (Black 2, has Black Tower) and White Forest (White 2, has White Treehollow). Within both areas you'll progress through 9 areas, each containing a battles, until you reach the 10th where the "boss" is. When you do this the first time the "boss" will be Alder's grandson, Banjirou, though going through a second time will be a Veteran trainer of equal challenge. Upon completing each area you'll be rewarded with a prize. Click the following links for more information: Black City (specifically trainer list), White Forest (specifically trainer list), Black Tower/White Treehollow (specifically boss information and prize list).

    Do you ever feel small?

    2. Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex keep their names (sort of, Virbank Complex in Japan was known as "Virbank Industrial Complex"). Floccesy Ranch is a location connected to Route 20 where you have the 2nd battle with your Rival, Hugh, and as well is the first location where you can find a Hidden Grotto. Virbank Complex is connected to Virbank City though doesn't have anything noteworthy.

    You know, being both areas are probably private property, you'd think you'll get in trouble for trespassing.

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    [175]Sep 18, 2012
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    All Gym Cities Known:
    The 8th Gym's city has just received it's localized name so with all 8 now known...

    GYM 1:
    LEADER: Cheren
    TYPE: Normal
    BADGE: Basic Badge
    CITY: Aspertia City

    GYM 2:
    LEADER: Roxie
    TYPE: Poison
    BADGE: Toxic Badge
    CITY: Virbank City

    GYM 3:
    LEADER: Burgh
    TYPE: Bug
    BADGE: Insect Badge
    CITY: Castelia City

    GYM 4:
    LEADER: Elesa
    TYPE: Electric
    BADGE: Bolt Badge
    CITY: Nimbasa City

    GYM 5:
    LEADER: Clay
    TYPE: Ground
    BADGE: Quake Badge
    CITY: Driftveil City

    GYM 6:
    LEADER: Skyla
    TYPE: Flying
    BADGE: Jet Badge
    CITY: Mistralton City

    GYM 7:
    LEADER: Drayden
    TYPE: Dragon
    BADGE: Legend Badge
    CITY: Opelucid City

    GYM 8:
    LEADER: Marlon
    TYPE: Water
    BADGE: Wave Badge (?)
    CITY: Seigaiha Humilau City

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [176]Sep 18, 2012
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    I'm guessing with the question mark the wave badge is still unknown?

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    [177]Sep 18, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    I'm guessing with the question mark the wave badge is still unknown?

    Technically the Wave Badge's English name is still unknown, however I'm 99% sure it'll remain as the Wave Badge.

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    [178]Sep 25, 2012
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    Last Batch Of Localization?
    We've just received a huge batch of localized names possibly hinting that, until the games are released on October 7th, this might be the last bit of news. With that said, let's get to them:

    1. Heart Cave is now Cave of Being. It's a cave located in a middle of a lake on Route 20 which requires Surf and Waterfall to reach. If a cave in a middle of a lake sounds familiar, something you might of heard last generation, it is, as in post game you'll fine Professor Juniper here and after talking with her the Lake Guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf) will appear but then vanish. Yeah, you probably didn't know they were in this game, did ya? At that point those 3 are hiding somewhere in Unova, but I'll let you figure out where (... or you could check out Serebii, Bulbapedia, or the Black 2 & White 2 guidebook).

    Deja vu? More like de-generation fou-vu.

    2. Stranger's House is now Strange House. What's so strange about it? It's haunted. It's connected to Reversal Mountain and as you travel though the rooms the furniture will move around accessing new areas. Upon reaching the last room the ghost girl from the Marvelous Bridge will be there and will give you the Lunar Wing, an item you'll need to summon Cresselia. Where? Well, maybe the ghost girl has a hint... too bad she vanished after giving you the item. I wonder where she went?

    As long as there aren't any dinner plates thrown at me, I'm good.

    3. Oath Forest/Woods is now Pledge Grove. Connected to Floccesy Town, it has no items nor grass to catch any Pokemon. For most people this place has no real purpose, but if you have a Keldeo then bringing it here will allow it to learn its signature move: Secret Sword! Also Keldeo will change from is Ordinary Form to its Resolute Form, but that's only because it knows Secret Sword, that doesn't have anything to do with Pledge Grove itself.

    I pledge allegiance, to the grove, so that Keldeo can learn Secret Sword.

    4. Relic Path is now Relic Passage. Remember on the new Unova map that dotted line which intersects Castelia City at an angle? Well this is it. Its a long underground tunnel with two entrances which leads to different areas to explore: one from Castelia Sewers and the other from the Pokemon World Tournament. Nothing too special but it has trainers to battle, items to get, and Pokemon to catch so why not explore there for a bit?

    Who knows what battles await.

    5. Clay Road is now Clay Tunnel. Speaking of dotted lines, you know the one which goes up from Driftveil City? That one is this area. It's only accessible after beating the game and it connects Driftveil City, Twist Mountain, Mistralton Cave, and Underground Ruins. To travel to the different areas you new to talk with workers who run the mine carts. Like Relic Passage there's the usual things to do and nothing much else, though it's the only way to access the Underground Ruins which is where you can catch the Legendary Golems.

    Not quite like the mine carts in Donkey Kong, but they'll do.

    6, 7, 8, & 9. Castelia Sewers, Seaside Cave, Marine Tube & Plasma Frigate keep their names. Castelia Sewers are the sewers under Castelia City, and yes, you do have to come down here since Team Plasma is down here (sewer levels, am I right?). Seaside Cave is a cave located between Route 21 and Undella Town though nothing important here (does have the Toxic TM, though). If you need me to explain what the Marine Tube is then watch the trailer, though I will tell you it's between Undella Town and Humilau City (you also get a Medal if you see a Wailord swim by). Plasma Frigate is Team Plasma's flying ship and that's all I'm saying about it...

    You ever think the Pokemon has you travel to weird places? Yeah, me neither.

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    [179]Sep 28, 2012
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    Know Your Own Name:
    4 names have important characters have been revealed, two being the official/default names of Black2/Kyouhei and White2/Mei!

    1. Black2/Kyouhei's English official/default name is Nate.
    2. White2/Mei's English official/default name is Rosa.
    3. Banjirou's English name is Benga.
    4. A Dark Trinity's Dark are now called Shadow Triad's Shadow.

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    [180]Sep 30, 2012
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