Well this is interesting, Sabrina is an actress in PokeStar Studios. She plays the main antagonist, Magic Queen Jujube, in the "Die Pforten des Zauberreichs" series.
Guess they decided they wanted to use practical effects instead of CGI.
I also like how she looks older (considering in-game it's been over 10 years since the Johto games), yet her Pokemon World Tournament sprite is the same as it was in HeartGold & SoulSilver and thus looks younger. Now Sabrina is one of the Gym Leaders which I said they could probably get away with using her old sprite if they didn't want to make a new sprite for every Gym Leader being she's probably a young adult in the Johto games thus is finished growing for the most part. Of course, with that being said, if they're going to go through the trouble of making her a new sprite for her role in the PokeStar Studio cameo... WHY NOT USE THAT SPRITE FOR THE POKEMON WORLD TOURNAMENT! It's not like we don't have other Gym Leaders who dresses extravagantly (Fantina, anyone?) so it wouldn't look out of place (okay, I might have still complained a bit, but considering the option they went with I would rather then re-use the PokeStar Studio sprite). Then again, even if they had used her PokeStar studio sprite, that still wouldn't change the fact the kid Gym Leaders and Champions are still kids despite being probably young adults by now. Also, now with Sabrina being in a PokeStar Studio movie, that makes me wonder about the canon of the Pokemon World Tournament. Now if it wasn't in canon then, while it would be a big missed opportunity to update us on the Gym Leaders, there's no problems and would explain why all the Gym Leaders look the same as they did in their games, it's just for the fans. But if that's the case, why is Sabrina in Unova in a PokeStar Studio movie? If the Pokemon World Tournament is canon then this would make sense, being she's in Unova she may have decided to participate in a PokeStar Movie which I quite like the idea of, actually have the Gym Leaders doing something other then being challengers in a building... of course then we come back to the non-aging problem. Then again, I also suppose my joke caption I made about them wanting to use "practical effects instead of CGI" and for a magic queen they decided to get a well known psychic (though I don't know how well known Sabrina would be in a region on the other side of the planet ) and fly her out.
Also, speaking of PokeStar Studios. I know I said I might focus my next long post on that next but the fact of the matter is that I don't know what I can really say about it. I would like to talk about it but unfortunately I don't fully know the story of the movies (I can make an educated guess, but why bother being? And I'm not going to look up a guide as I'm trying to remain unspoiled). Maybe when the games come out in English (and I can understand what's going on) I might talk about it then, but if I do decide to make another long post do know it's highly likely it's going to be the PokeStar Studios.