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Black and White Discussion

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [341]May 14, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Guess who's appearing in BW2?

    Good eye! Didn't see Miss Heal-Before-The-Boss Anthea and Miss Exposition Concordia back there.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [342]May 14, 2012
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    Please tell me i can take that Galvantula o,o

    Also,best thing ever?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [343]May 15, 2012
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    Some more information has been found, but I have a test so I'll report it during the afternoon, but here's a sneak peak of something interesting:

    Behold the game's antagonists: NEO TEAM PLASMA!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [344]May 15, 2012
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    Pokemon.com has updated with some info.

    Hiougi City is now Aspertia City. The AR Searcher is now oddly renamed as the Dream Radar.

    ...What's with the dream part?

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [345]May 15, 2012
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    Not sure, maybe they're trying to keep up with the dream themes from last game?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [346]May 15, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Pokemon.com has updated with some info.

    Hiougi City is now Aspertia City. The AR Searcher is now oddly renamed as the Dream Radar.

    ...What's with the dream part?

    Dreams are like AR but... uh....

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [347]May 15, 2012
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    I need new pants.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [348]May 15, 2012
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    And when I say afternoon I mean noon... I should really stop saying what time I'm going to do these things and stick with "soon" and "eventually"... Anyway, here's the more info which you all probably know about but I like to feel I do important things (and I'm sure you're all rather -tear out your eyes- anxiously awaiting to hear my -nonsense- opinions) . So without any further delays:

    1. English names are starting to be released with Hiougi City being renamed to Aspertia City. (Hopefully this means the English games will be coming out not too long after the Japanese release. Nothing to say other then that, I'm guessing the English name comes from "Aspiration".)
    2. To celebrate Black 2 and White 2 a special Meloetta-based Pokemon Musical will be available for download from the Pokemon Global Link into your Black 2 or White 2 game on July 14th. (Wait, what? I thought Pokemon Musicals were being taken out of Black 2 & White 2 to make room for PokeWood? So either the special Musical is for Black & White OR there are Pokemon Musicals in Black 2 & White 2. Eitherway, Serebii seems to have made a mistake.)
    3. The 15th Movie Meloetta will be able to unlock something in Black 2 & White 2 in addition to learning the move Relic Song. The 15th Movie Keldoe is also said to unlock something in Black 2 &White 2 though this just seems to be its move Signature Move, Secret Sword. (Ooh, so the Meloetta mystery continues. For a Pokemon that's not part of the main movie, Meloetta seems to be getting more attention than Keldeo (possibly because it'll be traveling with Ash & co.?).)
    4. The World Tournament characters have to be downloaded from Nintendo WiFi Connection. (Oh... that's a bit disappointing. Not that I won't be able to do it, but I worry if this means that what we see is going to be what we're getting. Could this mean that the Gym Leaders and Champions are just there as purely characters to battle instead of seeing if any of them had even advanced a little bit in the 7-9 years gap between the Johto games and Black2 & White 2? I mean it's still possible that they could address some of the problems I listed, one being the children/teenage Gym Leaders/Champion should have grown up? Actually I just saw an interesting theory that we could just be facing holograms instead of the actual Gym Leader or Champion, and while this being true would explain the characters not aging, it would still be a bit disappointing since they make it sound like you're facing the actual Gym Leaders and Champions.)

    (Though in-game thinking, even if they are holograms, why would they use the Gym Leaders and Champions younger design instead of what they would look like in present time? Did they make the holograms first and then spent the rest of the years actually making the place?)

    5. It seems like the villainous organization we'll be facing in Black 2 & White 2 is once again Team Plasma however they are dressed differently in more modern day "trooper" clothing instead of Black & White's "knight" clothing. It's unknown whether this new group is working with any of the old leaders of Team Plasma like the Sages or if they are a separate group ala the Johto games Team Rocket. If you remember in an early trailer you see the player's character and Rival being confronted by a group of them (0:36). (I'm going to go with the latter as the Sages were arrested at the end of Black & White and it wouldn't make sense of them to try and start up a new Team Plasma "crusade" since they realized Ghetsis was just using Team Plasma even if they agreed with his "idea" at first. Also what is this group of Team Plasma trying to do? Do they really believe in Ghetsis's "idea", despite it being a lie, and want to bring it into fruition? Or do they see the scattered Team Plasma grunts at an opportunity to form a strong group to try and seize power? Who knows, but if the above picture has anything to say about their choice in Pokemon, we're going to have quite a lot of interesting battles ahead.)

    (Well at least they learned not to use Pokemon which all share a same type thus same weakness...)

    6. Another new English name, the Pokemon AR Searcher has been renamed to Pokemon Dream Radar. In addition to this other information has surface. It's a downloadable game from the 3DS Virtual Store. It takes place in the "Dream Valley" where Professor Burnet(t) studies the Dream Radar. Any Pokemon discovered with the Pokemon Dream Radar then can be transferred over to a copy of Black 2 & White 2 in the 3DS (one confirmed Pokemon is Raltz). As mentioned before, this is the only way to gain access to the Legendary Kami's Sacred Beast Formes. ("Dream Radar"? I'm guessing they're trying to make some connection with the Dream World and/or trying to use the word "dream" as a way to indicate this is an alternate way of catching some Pokemon. Though I wonder if a "Dream Radar" Pokemon will have anything special like having their Hidden Ability or special moves?)

    (For it flapping all around, that living room sure is clean )

    7. PokeWood information. From what it looks like, when you're "filming" the movie you only see a green screen facing a square green target while you're choosing something to say.

    Assuming that you then send out your Pokemon and have it and it attacks the target, after you're done with you part the rest of the movie is "filmed" with the actors and special effects added. In one particular movie it shows that the green screening you did was used to show your Pokemon fighting MECHA TYRANITAR!

    Afterwards the movie you made is rated.

    As mentioned before, Brycen as well as Homika's Father will be having some kind of storyline revolved around PokeWood. In one movie it reveals that Brycen played a villain while Homika's Father played the superhero.

    (I pictured as this was probably how the "filming" of the movie would be like. Also the Brycen and Homika's Father plotline continues to grow and become more complex (and seeing how Brycen have to dress like, I don't blame him for having isolated himself and gone underground). Overall things are looking real exciting for PokeWood.)

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [349]May 15, 2012
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    Look at that hot, new Elesa.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [350]May 15, 2012
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    Pfft. That youtube link no longer works, youtube is too mainstream. Dailymotion is where it's at. /hipster

    OHMYGODTHAT'SSOHARDCORE!! I got so f'ing pumped!

    ...Elise's legs are twice as long as the rest of her body. Holy hell.

    Edited on 05/15/2012 6:00pm
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [351]May 15, 2012
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    Wow. Just...wow. Nintendo, you win at life.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [352]May 15, 2012
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    Seriously, her THIGH is longer than her upper body. She must have a horrible disease! D:

    U.S. Boxart.

    Edited on 05/16/2012 12:09am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [353]May 15, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Look at that hot, new Elesa.

    A potential for an awesome anime and yet...

    we get this:

    Yes, a bit of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

    Anyway as for the promo, IT'S AWESOME! However I'll wait for a sub before I analyze it as I'm sure it's showing scenes that'll be in the game. Also I wonder if Bianca's voice actor is the same one for the anime?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [354]May 16, 2012
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    Nintendo and Game Freak really seem to be going all out with these games and I'm getting very excited. The movie was an interesting promo and damn why must Elesa be even more sexy.

    Edited on 05/16/2012 9:11am
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [355]May 16, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    A potential for an awesome anime and yet...

    we get this:

    Yes, a bit of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

    Anyway as for the promo, IT'S AWESOME! However I'll wait for a sub before I analyze it as I'm sure it's showing scenes that'll be in the game. Also I wonder if Bianca's voice actor is the same one for the anime?

    Spending on BW2 Ad quality animation, storywriters to go with the 'matureness' of it, the music and all that relates to a more 'adult' anime is probably more money than one would want to spend on Pokemon when the current anime does perfectly well enough.

    @SPD: Agreed, simply... all they're putting in this just makes me feel like it's going to be the best games yet.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [356]May 16, 2012
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    With all the promotions and released information, hopefully Black and White 2 will live up to the hype. The game looks really awesome right now.

    Looks like Homika is the second gym leader and N will be returning.

    Edited on 05/16/2012 1:30am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [357]May 20, 2012
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    We need to sacrifice a lamb and maybe they will make an anime out ofthe ad...Also hopefully they atleast dub it for english.

    the new game looks in-friggin-cridible.

    Also I wonder if the World Tournament will happen in the anime...I might consider watching it again if they do so.

    wonder what else will be happening in Black and White 2

    I thought Cheren was going to be the 2nd gym leader?

    I swear the forum bunches up words when you hit submit

    Edited on 05/20/2012 8:34am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [358]May 20, 2012
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    Nah, Cheren is the first one apparently.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [359]May 20, 2012
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    Here is a sub of the Black 2 & White 2 Animated Trailer. You may have to turn Closed Captioning (the button with "CC" on it) on if it isn't already.

    If the trailer does show scenes from the games then here is what I have found most notable:

    1. N appears on Dragonspiral Tower with his dragon. (So N is back but for what reason? Has he complete his soul searching and returned? Did he hear about a new Team Plasma threat and wants to help stop it? Could he be back because part of Unova has been frozen over and he knows something about it?)
    2. You and your rival go to Aspertia City's Lookout knowing you'll be receiving your starters there. (Guessing they were suppose to meet Juniper but she couldn't make it and instead sent Bianca. Nothing really to say here except is it just me or does Bianca's glasses have no lenses?)
    3. You meat Akuroma in Castelia City's square. He you that that Team Plasma had realized the potential of Pokemon and it was best to free them, something which he disagrees with. Akuroma has a Magneton. (Yeah, Akuroma is dancing on the line of eccentric scientist and mad scientist.)
    4. Elesa remains as Nimbasa City Gym Leader, receiving a new design. (So far confirmed Gym Leaders are Cheren (Normal), Homika (Poison), Shizui (Water), and Elesa (Electric). Gym Leaders that are out is obviously the Striaton Triplets (Cilan (Grass), Cress (Water), and Chili (Fire) and Lenora (Normal) (and yes, we know Brycen is in the game but did it say he was still Gym Leader?). So unless Brycen is the last out Gym Leader (probably would be busy with PokeWood), we still have one Gym Leader that needs to be out.)
    5. You, your rival, and Cheren are on a docked boat surrounded and attacked by Team Plasma grunt dressed differently then the ones in Black & White. The Team Plasma grunts have Seviper, Klinklank, Metagross, Liepard, Scolipede, Magnemite, Muk, Scrafty, and Zangoose. Cheren has a Stoutland. (That's Poison, Steel, Psychic, Dark, Bug, Electric, Fighting, and Normal-types. Seem like Team Plasma finally realized that diversifying your team won't mean by Pignite/Emboar will beat through your Dark-types with one Arm Thrust/Brick Break. Also I'm going to make a wild guess that Cheren won't be using his Stoutland against you in your first Gym Battle.)
    The player chases a member of the Shadow Triad through a frozen town until he meets with the other Shadow Triad members and proclaim they'll do whatever it takes to "achieve their goals" holding up a cylinder object before they teleport away. The Shadow Triad have a Bisharp. (Hm, being the Shadow Triad said they decided to leave and never come back at the end of Black & White, does this mean they changed their mind? If so what could have changed their mind? Are they working with the new Team Plasma? What are these goals they're trying to accomplish?)

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [360]May 20, 2012
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    I'm not surprised eliza has a new design she's a fashion model. Maybe Brycen is replaced by the Water Gym leader

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