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Black and White Discussion

  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [301]Apr 14, 2012
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    Guess this means the old gyms will have a more diverse mix of Pokemon as well. For Homika, I'm seeing a Scolipede since she has a Scolipede guitar and they've done low level final evolutions before. And I suppose Trubbish, or Koffing, since she has one in the anime, would be a viable second Pokemon she uses.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [302]Apr 14, 2012
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    Official artwork.

    Look at that TAN!

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  • Avatar of Krael4


    [303]Apr 14, 2012
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    @edmasterchaos: Yeah, I know they can be awesome. :3 But I understand that you like other Pokemon more than it.

    Welp, I was most likely wrong about the Zubat, but I will keep my bets with the Whirlipede!

    Also, you can find wild Lillipup and Azurill on the first route.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [304]Apr 14, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Fair enough, though I just didn't like Tepig that much, by the end of the main story he just felt restricted, chained down, like, he had all that power and not a single good Fire or Fighting move.

    Yeah, Tepig and its evolutions really need to get more physical Fire- and Fighting-type attacks like Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Close Combat, Superpower, Cross Chop, Storm Throw, and Vital Throw.

    As for Homika's Pokemon, based on what she has in the anime and her guitar I'm going to say she has a Koffing (to show that they now have previous generation Pokemon and even the Gym Leaders will be using them) and a low level Whirlipede (I can't see them having a Scolipede at as low a level as the first few Gym Leaders are, especially with it being a 2nd stage evolution. Having a Whirlipede I can see.).

    So she has a Koffing in the anime? That'll be an interesting surprise for Ash & co., though Ash will probably appreciate seeing a familiar Pokemon.

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Watching Smash.

    Your rival uses the starter strong against yours. (Duh)

    Hiougi is a huge city.

    The opening features the Musketeers. So they might be important.

    The starters have new animations.

    1. And the Pokemon weak to your's will rot forever with the Professor.
    2. Hm, nice to hear, though I have a feeling it's big mostly because it's going to contain all the tutorial lessons.
    3. With how much they're advertising the 15th movie and the Legendary Musketeers, especially Keldeo, I'm not surprised.
    4. Well of course, I'm sure a lot of Gen V Pokemon are going to get sprite and animation updates.

    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Official artwork.

    Look at that TAN!

    That tan line just draws your eye to it. Though why aren't his feet tanned?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [305]Apr 14, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Official artwork.

    Look at that TAN!

    That tan line just draws your eye to it. Though why aren't his feet tanned?

    My crazy speculation is that that's his street clothes, in every other occasion he'll wear a merman tail thing that keeps his entire lower body pale.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [306]Apr 14, 2012
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    From what I saw of the battle against your rival, his sprite has much more frames of animation than usual. Hopefully, this is true for every Trainer.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [307]Apr 15, 2012
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    Pokemon Black 2 Intro
    Pokemon Smash's April 14 Sneak Peak Footage

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [308]Apr 15, 2012
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    Best minute of your life. Homika is instant win for me now. Koffing is long overdue for an appearance.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [309]Apr 15, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:


    Best minute of your life. Homika is instant win for me now. Koffing is long overdue for an appearance.

    Well here is some screenshots from Pokemon Smash of Homika in the anime (some having Koffing).

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [310]Apr 20, 2012
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    I'd like to see Zorua as a wild Pokemon in BW2. It and Zoroark are the only Pokemon outside of legends that can be accessed by event. If you're going to have Riolu as a wild Pokemon, have Zorua too so we can go around with both Lucario and Zoroark

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [311]Apr 20, 2012
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    I'd like to see Zorua as a wild Pokemon in BW2. It and Zoroark are the only Pokemon outside of legends that can be accessed by event. If you're going to have Riolu as a wild Pokemon, have Zorua too so we can go around with both Lucario and Zoroark

    Well the difference between getting Zorua and Zoroark compared to getting a Riolu is that with a Riolu you just needed to help Riley clear out Team Galactic from Iron Island as an in-game side quest. However with Zorua and Zoroark, in order to get one or both you needed a specific event Pokemon (Celebi for Zorua, one of the "Crown" Beasts for Zoroark) which themselves were distributed as a Gen IV event so you had to transfer them over from one of those games (in a different way then how you usually transfer Gen IV Pokemon over, BTW) meaning you needed 2 DS's. Because of all this I don't feel that, at least for this generation, that Zorua should be wild Pokemon as it'll sort of be an insult to those who had gone through the trouble of getting the Gen IV event Pokemon and using 2 DS's to transfer them over with a special method. And if they do make Zorua catchable in the wild in a future game you should be forced to go out of your way to get it (meaning difficult to get to place and low encounter rate).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [312]Apr 20, 2012
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    Nintendo Direct revealed a new trailer.

    Dat Shizui entrance.

    Oh, and the AR and Dex 3D pro things are cool, too.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [313]Apr 20, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:


    Nintendo Direct revealed a new trailer.

    Dat Shizui entrance.

    Oh, and the AR and Dex 3D pro things are cool, too.

    0:02 - Ah good, a close-up of the map, I think now I can point out what I was saying about the ice. For example, look at how the ice is covering the Skyarrow Bridge. It doesn't look like there's a junk of ice covering but rather there's a sheet of ice covering that part of the picture.
    0:34 - You know at this point you might as well just show us the whole solution to the Water-type Gym puzzle.
    0:39 - Ah, so even Gym Leaders now have extra frames of animation. Oh, and Shizui has 3 Pokemon meaning he's most likely battled after Homika. So I'm going to guess that it's Homika first, Shizui seconds, Clay third, and then who knows.
    1:16 - ROBO TYRANITAR!

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [314]Apr 21, 2012
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    Yeah, that gym order would make sense since the player would be traveling in the new parts of Unova first. And yes, Robo-Tyrannitar was awesome!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [315]Apr 28, 2012
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    Sunkern, Growlithe, Magby, Koffing and Magnemite are found in the wild.

    They showed a battle between Ho-Oh and Keldwo, Ho-oh got OHKO.

    From Pokemon Smash.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [316]Apr 28, 2012
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    What's Regigigas doing here?

    Could it have a role in BW2?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [317]Apr 29, 2012
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    The ice covering Unova is apparently from "a incident in the rural areas".
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [318]Apr 29, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    The ice covering Unova is apparently from "a incident in the rural areas".

    So the ice is part of the geography and not something covering the map itself, at last we finally know.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [319]May 1, 2012
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    The Global Link And Dream World Is Returning!

    So here's what we know:
    1. The Battle Union will also be returning. (Kind of obvious.)
    2. There will be new Areas and new Pokemon in those Areas. One new area is called Cool Hole. (Another obvious one but the one I'm more looking forward to. I'm going to guess "Cool Hole" will be Ice-type related.)
    3. The wait time has been cut from 24 hours to 20 hours. (Gee, 4 hours... why not just have it so that as soon as you put a Pokemon to sleep you can visit the Dream World? The C-Gear needs to recharge after putting one Pokemon to sleep and if you temper with the time it resets the recharge time.)
    4. There's a promotion where if you have Pokemon Black or White version registered to the same account as your Pokemon Black 2 or White 2 version it'll unlock a special feature. (So it sounds like you'll be keeping your account which is nice.)
    5. The C-Gear is also getting a makeover as you see an example of what the screen looks like bottom right of the picture. (Looks like they wanted more room to play around with Skin designs, though nice to have all the same.)
    6. There will be promotions right when the new Global Link becomes active including a Black 2 and White 2 tournament. (I would have been pretty disappointed if they didn't do this (I already think they aren't using the Global Link and Dream World to its full potential...).)
    7. They'll be finally releasing the Global Trading Station. (Gee, I wonder why it wasn't in Black and White?)
    8. Berries now have a time limit of sorts. If you don't visit the Dream World before 100 Days, all your berries (except 1 of each kind to give you a chance to re-grow your collection back) will be "absorbed by the Tree of Dreams" and be turned into Dream Points (you know, those points you need to accumulate in order to access locked Areas/Pokemon/Items). (I... do not know why they decided to do that. I guess they found many accounts which haven't been visited in 100 days and thought that since their obviously not in use yet they can't delete them they might as well try to clear up as much data as they could to make room? Either case I personally visit the Dream World almost everyday (and if I miss a day it's usually because I want to have early access to it due to the 24 hour limit) so this really isn't that much of an issue to me.)

    The Global Link will be going down on June 5th and be re-opened with its new redesign on June 21st!

    Edited on 05/02/2012 2:21pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of Krael4


    [320]May 2, 2012
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    Huh...I can't help but think that this is ironic because I found out about this news today when I finally made my Global Link account today...

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