Okay, with Bulbapedia having a more indepth information of what the translation says (and also chopped up the images), let me correct any information I got wrong and go into what I personally think (as if it matters...):
Changes Occurring In Unova:
1. Game is 2 years after events in the original Pokemon Black and White. Very cute, 2 years have gone by and the title of the games are Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 (and I guess the 2 can also be a reference to the who yin-yang concept and that there are two version sequels). In other words I have a feeling the number "2" is going to play a bit of a role in these games (like how there are 2 new Gym Leaders, though we'll get to them in a second). As for the games finally being confirmed to be sequels and them taking place a couple of years Black and White, I'm quite excited. As said many times before, not since the Gameboy era of games (Gen I and Gen II) has a Pokemon game been considered an actual sequel to a previous Pokemon game (at least for the main series). But this is the first time it's a full outright sequel instead of a the next generation of games which just so happens to have occurred after the previous generation like Gen II was to Gen I. However I'm not too sure how the 2 year gap will play in all this. Being this isn't a new generation, I doubt much is going to be changed (some construction being done in Black and White has been completed as you'll find out about, but that's merely a cosmetic change). I'm more of thinking along the lines of characters, especially the important NPCs. I guess I can see Drayden fully retiring and handing Gym responsibilities over to Iris, but that's the only one I can see. Maybe they might do something with Brycen and Alder, though I don't know. Though speaking of Alder, or more specifically the Championship, what are they going to do with that? I think it's safe to say that though the main character may defeat the Champion, they probably just receive a Championship title but that doesn't necessarily make them the Champion (though don't know how to explain how Blue became Champion in the Kanto games, maybe the previous Champion was looking to retire but it wasn't until Blue came along that anybody was able to defeat him and when Blue won he was able to retire finally finding a replacement. Kind of explains why though Red/Leaf beats him they don't become Champion and by the time of the Johto games Blue grew tired of being Champion or agreed to take control of the Viridian Gym letting Lance take the Champion spot (Red either turned down the position to train on Mt. Silver/they couldn't contact him while Leaf canonically doesn't exist). I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really don't see the Hilbert/Hilda being the Champion(s) in Black 2 and White 2, sure they won the Championship but does that really qualify them of being Champions? Though speaking of seeking the Championship, I wonder what will be happening with Cheren and Bianca? Oh so many questions and thoughts though I think I better move on.
2. Unova SEEMS to have been partially covered by ice. Bulbapedia has pointed out that the ice covering Unova doesn't look to be part of the map drawing but is rather on the picture itself to possibly cover-up any visible changes done to the other cities and routes. Because of this I'm not going to comment on this yet until we either get confirmation if the ice is part of the map or it's just a clever way of keeping too much from being revealed.
3. Of what we can see of the map, the following changes can be seen:
* New locations have appeared south of Driftveil City. The most southwest location is player's starting city: Hiougi City. Bulbapedia says it sees two new cities and at least one route, though I see three cities and two routes (unless they're counting the two furthest southwest cities connected by a route/road all be Hiougi City). Anyway glad they're doing something with that patch of land, of course now Unova is no longer a giant linear circle though I'm not complaining about that. 
* As said, Hiougi City is the player's starting city and it has a Lookout Spot, Pokemon Center, and Trainer School. Oh good, we're going to get all the tutorial out of the way in one town. Joking aside, a couple of first time things are happening here. First, it's the first time the player is from a CITY instead of a TOWN. Second, it's the first time that the player's starting city has any interesting facilities besides from the Professor's lab. Though with all that said, according to the map, only your house and the "points of interest" make up the whole of Hiougi City (they don't show Pokemon Centers on the map, though if they don't include Pokemon Center I guess that means there could be other houses not shown like your rivals...). Also, if the new locations south of Driftveil City wasn't enough proof of them breaking the linearity then this should. Hm, I wonder if there will be a specific order of Gym Leaders like tradition or because the road splits they might let you choose which group of Gym Leaders you want to fight first. I mean them making you backtrack back and forth on a linear path seems a bit of a wasted opportunity. Also does this mean Clay might be the 1st/2nd Gym Leader this time around?

(click on the image to see the Corocoro page that shows what Hiougi City looks like in-game, including what the Lookout Spot has to show: an empty valley!)
* The road being built on Route 4 is completed and buildings have been built all along side it. So what does this mean for Desert Resort? I still see it on the map, though with the buildings built all along side the road there looks to be no way through. Also does this mean Route 4 is now a city? If it is, does that mean there is no more Route 4 or will they be pulling every route starting with Route 5 down a number?
* A new building has been added to the front of Nimbasa City, and a new area to the east of the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel. From what it looks like I think the building in front of Nimbasa City is just a bigger gate house (though they felt to add it to the map which usually doesn't show gate houses so maybe it does have a bigger role). Can't say much on the new area east of Rondez-View Ferris Wheel as there is a glare right in that spot so expect this post to be edited when clearer pictures come out.
* Driftveil City's lighthouse is gone, several craters have appeared in the city, and the construction zone and Cold Storage south of Driftveil are both gone. . Well the lighthouse never did anything except house a Water Stone. However the craters are a big mystery (underground cave-ins? The Gym was a underground mine, who knows how far it reached under Driftveil City). And being the new cities are south of Driftveil I've imagined that might have something to do with the disappearance of Cold Storage (what was the purpose of Cold Storage anyway?).
* Liberty Garden is now shown in the official artwork of the map, and appears to have been revamped. I'm assuming Victini isn't there anymore so they thought why not actually build something there (or make bigger).
* There is a section taken out of the side of the mountain in eastern Unova, and there are several buildings here. It's hard to see, best I can direct you is the spot above where the Poke Transfer Lab is. I think I see a plane meaning that maybe in order to access it you'll need to use the Mistralton City Airport (yes, I know it's actually a Cargo Service). But as for what is the building, I don't know.
* Challenger's Cave has disappeared. Nothing important was there so no loss.
* The webbing that initially blocks the entrance to Chargestone Cave is gone. Well duh, Clay destroyed it Black and White. Besides it was nothing more then an obstacle to keep you from advancing past Driftveil City until you beaten Clay.
* The Entralink's moat is now dry, and the inner area has changed. I'm more interested in what they're going to do about Black City and White Forest.
* There are several new facilities. One image shows a large glass tube going through water with Mantine swimming overhead. Sounds interesting, the water glass tube definitely sounds like something the new Water-type Gym Leader would have in his city.

(If you want to compare the two maps, just click on the images to make them larger. Left is Black and White map, right is Black 2 and White 2 map.)
4. Unova Regional Pokedex has been changed and now has 300 Pokemon in it.
* Known previous generation Pokemon included in the new Pokedex are Psyduck, Arcanine, Lapras, Eevee, Mareep, Tyranitar, Metagross, Buneary, Riolu, Lucario, and Weavile. I'm assuming this also means their evolutionary family members as well. Also so much for Unova only having new Pokemon in it's main game, though I suppose that promise only applies to Black and White which they did fulfill.
* Numbering has also been changed with known ones being Riolu #033, Psyduck #026, and Metagross #264. Possibility of having a Lucario and Metagross in your party for the main storyline? Awesome!
This post is getting kind of long so my next post will finish up with the new characters.