I'd like to see them fix the GTS for B/W 2. Too many idiots want illegal Pokemon for real ones. It happened in D/P, continued in HG/SS, and is still going on in B/W.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
I'd like to see them fix the GTS for B/W 2. Too many idiots want illegal Pokemon for real ones. It happened in D/P, continued in HG/SS, and is still going on in B/W.
This....this can't be real. It's way too ridiculous.
Guess Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus are getting a new form too.
Let's see, Tornadus is the most clear receiving a bird motif (which makes sense, he's pure Flying-type), however I can't quite make out what Landorus or Thundurus becomes. Landous sort of now looks like a bear and Thundurus... I don't know. Hmm, bird and bear, now I just may be grasping straws here, but those sort of sound like animals Native American tribes would consider spiritual animals so maybe they might be trying to "Americanize" the Legendary Kami?
Hey guys! Guess what! TURNS OUT...i sleep at a reasonable hour while you check pokemon news....
Unconfirmed info from the leaker says that Misty and a bunch of old gym leaders will be in a "world tournament" section.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Hey guys! Guess what! TURNS OUT...i sleep at a reasonable hour while you check pokemon news.... Unconfirmed info from the leaker says that Misty and a bunch of old gym leaders will be in a "world tournament" section. |
You sleep? Freak...
Though a world tournament, that sounds interesting! Actually that sounds awesome! Maybe this is where we'll see all the Champions? Wonder who they'll include/exclude... if this is true.
Okay, some more information has been appeared, though once again these are leaks so take everything with a grain of salt:
1. Pokemon Musicals are being replaced with the movie making theatre we've been seeing in the trailer: Pokewoods.
2. Cheren is now a Gym Leader! On a side note Bianca is also featured though for what for we don't know.
3. The new formes (remember, their Legendaries so "form" is spelled with an extra "e") for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus are exclusively caught in the 3DS game: AR Searcher. Once caught you can then insert our Black 2 and/or White 2 game into your 3DS to transfer them into the game.
4. In addition with Misty, other known "Leaders" that will be appearing in a new facility are Lance, Volkner, Blue, and Steven. So it does appear Champions will be appearing in this new facility. Brock and Giovanni are also featured though for what reason we don't know.
5. May 20th's Pokemon Smash episode will tell us more about all this.
Once again, all this needs to be confirmed.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Okay, some more information has been appeared, though once again these are leaks so take everything with a grain of salt: 1. Pokemon Musicals are being replaced with the movie making theatre we've been seeing in the trailer: Pokewoods. Once again, all this needs to be confirmed. |
1. It's Pokewood. A combination of Pokemon and Hollywood. (Get your minds out of the gutter). Good riddance.
2. Blue called, he wants to tell you stop copying him.
3. Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.....
4. Waaaay too good to be true.
5. Typical.
Meh, I wouldn't mind if these were true....except the AR thing.
Those all would be amazing if they were true. Not sure about the AR though. If it is like the 3D Pokedex, it may make it hard to acquire the formes by oneself.
Being there are probably a WHOLE lot of things that still need to be translated, I'll wait till tomorrow to post up everything that is there to be discovered, however I will reveal this information:
Nevermind what you might have saw here, Serebii made a mistake.
Everything looks amazing...and still only a few more months.
I was going back and forth about getting this. This recent information makes it a definite buy.
So...Giovanni never committed suicide?
Blue = Kanto Champion Representative
Lance = Johto Champion Representative
Steven = Hoenn Champion Representative
Cynthia = Sinnoh Champion Representative
Alder = Unova Champion Representative
It makes perfect sense.
Sorry for all the edits to this post, for some reason the pic I have won't show.
Sorry if I was late with this, I was going to post this early today but when I woke up it felt my head was filled with helium. However I managed to have deflated and am here to report the new Black 2 & White 2 information you all probably already know about and share my opinions you all love to ignore. So here we go:
1. 4 characters from the previous game are coming back: Alder, Cheren, Bianca, and N.
A. Alder appears time to time like he did in Black & White. It's unknown whether he's still the Champion. His design hasn't changed from Black & White.
B. Cheren has become the Normal-type Gym Leader, replacing Lenora, and gives the Basic Badge. He's also the 1st Gym Leader and one of his Pokemon is a Patrat.
He receives a new design having taken off his blue coat and glasses, wears an all white collared shirt and a red tie, and changed from black pants to blue jeans.
(Where did his glasses go?)
C. Bianca has become Professor Juniper's assistant and, as a favor to Professor Juniper, is the one who gives you your starter: Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott.
She receives a new design now wearing an all green beret with a white bow, orange framed glasses, an orange jacket, white V-top shirt, black undershirt, a different green bag, and green pants.
(Oh, there's Cheren's glasses. Quickest solved mystery ever.)
D. N does not make an actual appearance but rather is mentioned several times throughout the game. No one knows where he went. One instance of this is when the player character is in a building which has Team Plasma members hanging out and is talked to by Sage Rood.
(Will we be able to battle you 6 now?)
2. The Kami Trio (Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus) receive new formes called Sacred Beast Forme/Reijuu Forme. Their original formes are called Incarnation Forme/Keshin Forme. In Sacred Beast Forme they change into an animal shape and their stats change:
A. Tornadus changes to a bird-like (some say phoenix) appearance. Focuses on Defense, Special Defense, & Speed. Height is 4'07"/1.4m. Weight is 138.9lbs/63.0kg.
B. Thundurus changes to a dragon-like appearance. Focuses on Special Attack. Height is 9'10"/3.0m. Weight is 134.5lbs/61.0kg.
C. Landorus changes to a tiger-like appearance. Focuses on Attack. Height is 4'03"/1.3m. Weight is 149.9lbs/68.0kg.
They go through no type change between formes and in the Black 2 & White 2 Regional Dex are listed as 198, 199 and 200.
(Why is Landorus still considered a Flying-type? It's a quadruped now.)
3. The Pokemon AR Searcher has its own professor named Professor Burnet(t). The Pokemon AR Searcher is the only way to get the Kami Trio's Sacred Beast Forme, but in what way is not yet known.
(She looks like she just escaped from the world of Tron.)
4. PokeWood replaces Pokemon Musicals in Nimbasa City. In PokeWoods, you select a scenario for a movie and then partake in a series of battles. One scenario includes a robotic Tyranitar called Mecha Tyranitar.
Icirrus City Gym Leader Brycen makes an appearance in PokeWood and had co-starred in films alongside the father of the new Poison-type Gym Leader, Homika.
PokeWoods will be featured in the anime on June 7th.
5. Pokemon World Tournament lets you battle all Gym Leaders and Champions from previous regions. You may battle them in Single Battles, Double Battles, and other kinds of battle (possibly Triple and Rotational Battles).
Gym Leaders and Champions so far seen are: Cynthia, Blue, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Blaine, Giovanni, Volkner, Steven Stone, and Lance.
(Let's see, 1 Hoenn character, 2 Sinnoh characters, NINE Kanto/Johto characters.)
6. Some more information about the Meloetta Event. It will be distributed at Level 15, holds a PP Max, and knows the moves Quick Attack, Confusion, and Round. It also shows you can change between its Aria and Pirouette Formes in Castelia City via learning Relic Song and using it in battle.
(You know, if you didn't have the GIANT STOCK PICS THAT TAKES UP A PAGE you might have been able to fit all this information on just two pages.)
7. Shows the two first cards of Japan's July TCG expansion: Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare. The cards are the signature EX Pokemon of the sets: Black Kyurem-EX and White Kyurem-EX.
Why am I including TCG information on the game discussion thread? Because I have no where else to put it.
Oh and click HERE if you want to know what they're saying. )
8. In the picture showing the player receiving the Basic Badge, the next space shows a new Badge shape. It's most likely this is either Homika's or Shizui's Badge.
(First the Striaton Gym Leaders didn't appear in N's castle to battle the Sages, and now they're Badge has been completely removed.)
I'll post my opinions/thoughts tomorrow, hopefully in the morning.
Krael4 wrote: |
So...Giovanni never committed suicide? Blue = Kanto Champion Representative Lance = Johto Champion Representative Steven = Hoenn Champion Representative Cynthia = Sinnoh Champion Representative Alder = Unova Champion Representative It makes perfect sense. Sorry for all the edits to this post, for some reason the pic I have won't show. |
For the Kanto representative, it would make more sense for Red, since he was the one who defeated Blue. Plus with all of them there, it brings up that one thing Cynthia says about how every few years, each region's Champions come together to see who the best is of them all
1. Still waiting for info on Hilbert and Hilda.
A. While I do like Alder's character, I do have to admit he's somewhat of a forgettable Champion. Then again I think sometimes he forgets he's the Champion.
B. How did this happen? 0_o I never really much cared for Cheren though I did like his character development in Black & White. However becoming the first Gym Leader and using a pathetic Patrat pretty much makes him a joke now. I would have expected something like maybe Marshal taking Cheren on as a student much like how Alder took Marshal on as a student. Also why the Normal-type Gym Leader? He had no pure Normal-type on his team and the only Normal-type he did have was the Pidove evolutionary line which are considered Flying-types by default. Maybe they could have drawn some parallels with the Straiton Gym as well as Gary and made Cheren a mixed-type Gym Leader. And speaking of Normal-type Gym Leaders, what has happened to Lenora?
Also (again), looking at the pics you apparently first meet Cheren in the player's home city, Hiougi City, coming out of the Trainer School. Now considering most if not all of the Unova Gyms served a double purpose, could it be that Cheren might be the Gym Leader for Hiougi City? I mean it sounds like they're trying to cover all the tutorial information in Hiougi City, might as well throw the 1st Gym there too!
C. Ah, something which was hinted at in the post game of Black & White, Bianca becoming Professor Juniper's assistant. Nothing to really say here except WHY ARE YOU WEARING GLASSES! Just because you became a Professor('s assistant) doesn't mean you need nerdy glasses to look smart.
D. I'm going to guess that the Sages and the rest of Team Plasma are doing community service work as I can't see them letting the organization that stole Pokemon and relics, destroyed and invaded the Pokemon League, hacked into the Storage Boxes, and have their leader try to take over Unova would be let off easy after 2 years. Nothing to say here, the prospect of N having vanished and possibly re-appearing is interesting, though as I said in the caption all I'm wondering if we'll be able to finally battle the Sages (I respect what the Gym Leaders did it and while it was a pretty epic scene, I still think I could've taken on all 6 Sages without any problems), let alone the Shadow Triad and Anthea & Concordia.
2. Well my "Native American animal spirit" idea has been pretty much thrown out the window as it seems like they were more going for a Shijin concept (minus the turtle). For those who don't know what the Shijin is, it's the East Dragon, South Phoenix, West Tiger, and North Turtle you see in a bunch of anime, manga, and other Japanese things.
Anyway, as for the Pokemon themselves, it's always nice and interesting to see a Pokemon getting new forms, especially a Legendary getting new formes. I would have liked to see them change types (Tornadus gets a pass as it becomes a bird, but Thundurus could have become an Electric/Dragon-type, and maybe make Landorus a pure Ground-type) but I also understand why they wouldn't considering how you get the Sacred Beast Formes. One last funny thing to mention, Thundurus is the only one to actually have its weight change between its two forms.
3. Well they had to include the 3DS features in someway and why not do so with the only feature Pokemon has used thus far: Augmented Reality! I'm curious what they fully plan on doing with the AR Searcher, it can't only be for getting the Legendary Kami's Sacred Beast Formes (even though that might be the only reason many people would use it). Maybe it'll be another way for you to catch Pokemon like the Pokemon Dream World was?
4. Now this sounds a bit engaging, at least more so then Pokemon Musicals. Don't get me wrong, I get they wanted to show Pokemon weren't just battling machines, but really it felt like you were getting nothing from Pokemon Musicals. At least with Pokemon Contests if used moves and stats and awarded you with Ribbons, but with Musicals you just gave your Pokemon the "right" accessories and hope they win. However going through a choose-your-adventure story which includes battles actually sounds kind of fun. I'm also curious if they plan on doing anything with that Brycen & Homkia's father plot. Also who can't resist the possibility of fighting a MECHA TYRANITAR!
5. The feature we've all been waiting for! Hinted at by Cynthia in Black & White, as it turns out it's not only the Champions who gather to battle but also the Gym Leaders! Hopefully they also include the Elite Four and maybe even the Frontier Brains (though it's too early to really say, with all the features they seem to be cramming into Black 2 & White 2 plus having possibly all the previous generation Gym Leaders and Champions in the game, maybe Gen V won't have its own Battle Frontier). Whether the games have a Battle Frontier or not, it'll be pretty hard for it to overshadow this feature!
Though on a side note there are 3 things I'd like to point out:
A. Hello Giovanni, didn't you commit suicide in the HGSS Celebi Event? Is it being retconned you didn't? You did but lived? You weren't committing suicide but rather was running (and swimming) away in shame?
Though getting past that, what exactly is your position in the Pokemon World Tournament? Did you take back your Gym from Blue? Kanto and Johto don't have a problem with this despite you having been the leader of Team Rocket? I hope the game doesn't expect us to forget these rather significant details.
B. Now when your adult your body has fully matured thus you don't really change that much in appearance. So Gym Leader and Champions like Cynthia, Lt. Surge, Erika, Blaine, Giovanni, Volkner, Steven Stone, and Lance aren't going to change that much in appearance despite at least 8 - 10 years having passed by. Though with that being said, the Gym Leaders and Champions who are kids and teenagers would certainly grow in that amount of time, won't you think? Now while this is all stock pics and maybe either early beta shots/them using old sprites to avoid spoilers, even if they don't change the adult sprites they're going to have to make new sprites for Blue, Brock, Misty, Janine, Falkner, Bugsy, Tate and Liza, Maylene, and Candice (and if they're including Frontier Brains the lists extends to Greta, Anabel, and Thorton). And, though they're adults, you would the Gym Leaders and Champions who are young adults to also have a bit of a sprite change. However I'd let that slide as long as they updated the kid/teenager Gym Leader/Champion sprites, because if they're still kids then I think we would need to get a new lord of time as Dialga seems too preoccupied fighting its siblings to maintain the flow of time.
C. Is it just me or above the male playable characters head, is that Brendan (Hoenn games male playable character, you know, the kid who people mistake his white wool cap to be his hair) in one of those pics? Is it possible that it might now only important NPCs we'll get to battle but maybe the playable characters (and maybe rivals) from previous games too?
6. Why is it holding a PP Max? Anyway nothing to say here except a question: Are they going to do anything with that story about Meloetta losing its red shoes?
7. Seems like Black Kyurem has gotten the better deal here. Sure he can't use Freeze Shock on his next turn but then again he still has Dragon Fang which can paralyze the opponent and not waste any Energy Cards. Meanwhile White Kyurem has to discard 2 Fire Energy to use Ice Burn and even though Dragon Stream can help you attack an Energy Card, if you get tails you'll have to wait two turns to use Ice Burn again. And that's if you have any Energy Cards in your hand, if you don't then you can't use either of White Kyurem's attacks (then again I think you're suppose to use some more strategy using Dragon Stream to gather a bunch of Energy Cards onto White Kyurem before unleashing a slew of Ice Burns).
8. Now due to the "bubbliness" of the unknown's badge shape I would say it's Shizui's Badge. However, as we've discussed a few pages back, that'll mean Shizui would be the 2nd Gym Leader however he has 3 Pokemon while Homika has 2 Pokemon. So does that mean the badge is actually Homika's and it's not suppose to be bubbles? The only time this has occurred was in the Johto Games where the Gym Leaders all had different amount of Pokemon regardless of their position (if you went in order, Morty had 4 Pokemon, Chuck has 2, and Jasmine has 3?).
Guess who's appearing in BW2?