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Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [121]Oct 24, 2007
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    One, there is nothing weird about being gay Two, this is a Japanese anime, and homosexuality is a common thing in them. Plus, homosexuality is accepted widely in Japan, unlike some places. *COUGHUSAANDMIDDLEEAST*
    Edited on 10/24/2007 3:35pm
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [123]Oct 24, 2007
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    The weird ithing is introducing the concept of gayness through a cartoon childrens watch. I'm not talking about other Japanese anime, I'm talking about THIS one.

    Children watch this and the Japanese writers wouldnt introduce that. Gayness is more open in the USA than in Japan. It's a conservitive state and it shows on that through the views the people hold it there. And if the Middle East is more on the conservative side, hooray for them.

    Comparing buneary to a cross-dresser is plain ridiculous

    Edited on 10/24/2007 4:05pm
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [124]Oct 24, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:

    frogsinmywine wrote:
    One, there is nothing weird about being gay Two, this is a Japanese anime, and homosexuality is a common thing in them. Plus, homosexuality is accepted widely in Japan, unlike some places. *COUGHUSAANDMIDDLEEAST*

    The weird ithing is introducing the concept of gayness through a cartoon childrens watch. I'm not talking about other Japanese anime, I'm talking about THIS one. Children watch this and the Japanese writers wouldnt introduce that.

    Gayness is more open in the USA than in Japan. It's a conservitive state and it shows on that through the views the people hold it there. And if the Middle East is more on the conservative side, hooray for them.

    Japan doesn't have to deal with the retarded and closeminded person known as the soccer mom who just wants to shield their child from the truths of the world. Kids in Japan grow aware of homosexuality and its something acceptable in their society. There ofcourse is some homophobia in Japan but people those who are keep it to themselves. America is oversensitive about pretty much everything. -_-' If they see a gun in a cartoon they have to call the station to can such cartoon....thats what parental controls are for ppl. Meh...I ma stop my rant now. Um also explain to me Harley? Just about everyone who watches the show considers him to be gay...or close to it...even the little kids even if they think of it as a joke. =/

    If more homosexuality was introduced into wide known shows like Pokemon Id be happy. Why? No Im not gay,but I just hate how people treat homosexuals and its about time things start to change. -.-
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [126]Oct 24, 2007
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    Alzatia wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:

    Japan doesn't have to deal with the retarded and closeminded person known as the soccer mom who just wants to shield their child from the truths of the world. Kids in Japan grow aware of homosexuality and its something acceptable in their society. There ofcourse is some homophobia in Japan but people those who are keep it to themselves. America is oversensitive about pretty much everything. -_-' If they see a gun in a cartoon they have to call the station to can such cartoon....thats what parental controls are for ppl. Meh...I ma stop my rant now. Um also explain to me Harley? Just about everyone who watches the show considers him to be gay...or close to it...even the little kids even if they think of it as a joke. =/ If more homosexuality was introduced into wide known shows like Pokemon Id be happy. Why? No Im not gay,but I just hate how people treat homosexuals and its about time things start to change. -.-

    If people think of Harley has a homo fine. The writers wouldnt intend that as his personality. So what moms sheild their kids from homo's? It's what THEY feel is right for their kids, just like most parents shield them from guns, or beer, or smoking. Your asking people be open to that idea saying their oversensative? In the same sense, your being insensative to people who feel/view/religious or whatever the case may be about the idea of gayness.

    I grew in Japan, so I know that there are closeminded persons, in facts theres tons, possibily millions of them all in the neighborhood, but its their system of belief of shielding that from their children.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 4:26pm
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [127]Oct 24, 2007
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    Starting on a new topic away from Pikachu/Buneary gender

    Maybe Paul will catch Charmander/Heatran or another Fire from another region for his aresenal. What if the writers make Ash lose to Paul in the Sinnoh League?
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [128]Oct 24, 2007
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    No they are just overreacting and being prejudice to a group of ppl because of their way of life,they think if their kids see a gay character on a TV show they'll grow up to be gay =/ Im being "oversensitive" because this people over react over the stupidest things,our parents and grandparents grew up with Bugs Bunny and countles other cartoon characters crossdressing,smoking ect. and none came out imitating this characters so why start thinking this NOW after about 50 years or so? =/

    On topic.

    I doubt Shinji will catch Heatran...its a legendary. Magmortar on the other hand would be pretty cool actually....it could give Ash an even greater challenge when the invetitable rival battle happens.

    Personally I think Ash will beat Shinji cos I think its possible the writters will make Shinji change in the end. (Thou I personally wish they don't cos his just awesome the way he is).
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [129]Oct 24, 2007
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    Going back: No, they're not. We ALL prejudice. We can't stop it. People were prejudice after the terrisits attack for anyone who were Muslims or wore those clothes. People are prejudice when they see a black man alone with them on an elevator. In all these sense, we overeact because we assume overselves to one way. And if some people are more on the conservative side, WAY to go for them. Their not oversensentive. They are simply trying to protect their children from a world that may confuse them according to their views, values, or religious minds.

    On topic: Magmortar, Paul would only get it if he trained or unless he already had it. No way would he level up a Magby/Magmar. The writers HAVE been pullig some suprises so Paul winning is an unexpected one

    Edited on 10/24/2007 4:45pm
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [130]Oct 24, 2007
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    Oh no what have I done?

    I am wondering what Ash's 6th pokemon will be, you know I wonder how Ash will get his 6th pokemon. We need a new way for Ash to capture a pokemon *thinks* Has Ash ever had an accidental capture before, and no I don't think cyndaquil counts. Yeah Ash should be looking through his bag, and a Riolu walks up to him and Ash walks a way and Riolu sees a Pokeball and starts to play with it. Ash turns around and sees Riolu playing with, tries to stop it, but Riolu presses something and gets captured, I think it would be awesome if that happened in the first few minutes, and the rest of the episode is Ash deciding to keep it.

    Make it a two parter.

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [131]Oct 24, 2007
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    Wasnt Caterpie an accidential capture? The Riolu/Ash capture should be a little more exciting but in the game, remember you get it as an egg not the actual pokemon
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [132]Oct 24, 2007
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    Just to clarify. The Japanese are FAR more liberal than Americans. Sailor Moon is a KIDS show, too, and it had crossdressers, gays, and lesbians. Pokemon can have it too. And the more Conservative places are, the worse. I've even had Japanese exhcange students to know. If anything, the only thing the Japanese would be prejudiced against would be foreigners. And I would appreciate if the terms "lez" and homo weren't being used, as it's kind of offending.
    Edited on 10/24/2007 6:49pm
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [133]Oct 24, 2007
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    Like I said, I was talking about THIS show. Clearing looking at the short skirt flying chicks, its pretty easy to see where THAT show stands.

    Pokemon, it wont have it. The fact a POKEMON or a person in this cartoon show is that persona is just ridiculous. "Oh, yeah, honey, you know your cute bunny friend there? She cant marry your male Pikachu cause she prefears her own cute bunnies?" There should be somethings we need to shelter from our kids. Whether it be guns, smoking or something as the sexuality of a person.

    A foreign exchange student is ONE view, on one idea. Thats not defy every other person there. Sure, like you said there are SOME liberal. But the MAJORITY of Japanese people are conservative. Like you said, their prejudice against foreigners. Am I calling them retarted for feeling that way no? Why do they feel that way? It's not somethign their used to. Just like people here or wherever feel towards homosexuality. And what excatly show I call them? Special people?

    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:01pm
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [134]Oct 24, 2007
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    Homosexuals and lesbians is more polite. And excuse me? Just about every magical girl show has girls in short skirts. That does NOT mean they are all sluts and crap. And FYI, Sailor Moon was all about love, friendship, and compassion.It's obvious as to why it's one of thebiggest animes ever.And for someone to be Conservative, they basically have to be Christian. Less than 1% of Japanese are Christian. And I'm not saying all Japanese are all like "HURR LETS LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE! GAY RIGHTS!!!!" I'm saying their isn't a stigmatazion on homosexuality in Japan like there is in America. That really can't be argued.

    I don't know if you are for gay rights or not, but it doesn't matter who is for what. It's simply the Japanese are MORE liberal with the issue. But it's not like they're having parades on a daily basis.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:03pm
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [135]Oct 24, 2007
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    Dont most people just say Homo/Lez? People arent no more polite when it comes to saying things. Its a slang form and more people use it. I write it because its less time consuming to write. Its not being offensive.

    Being conservative and Christian has no correlation. You can be any other religon and be conservative. People are Buddist, Jews, or many others and you can be conservative. Personally, I view homo/uality is more open here than in Japan. People here are more forward than in Japan. And Japan is LESS conservative on the idea of gayness. It's not that open as it is here.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:08pm
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [136]Oct 24, 2007
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    This is about future captures, not the sexual orientation of Pokémon or their trainers. Stick to the topic, please.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [137]Oct 24, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    This is about future captures, not the sexual orientation of Pokémon or their trainers. Stick to the topic, please.

    Wasnt Caterpie an accidential capture? The Riolu/Ash capture should be a little more exciting but in the game, remember you get it as an egg not the actual pokemon
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [139]Oct 24, 2007
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    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Well, most people I come across just say "gays."
    And I agree that a person being more gay is open in the US. (well, depending in which part you live in.) The Japanese are more of a reserved society, and rather not argue on issues, but just come up with a peaceful solution that makes both sides happy.

    Why is Homo bad? Its just short for the sexuality. Japanese people have a few certain views they dont care to cross and sometimes people sacrafice what they feel to better make others around them happy, which you dont see in the USA.
    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:13pm
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