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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [161]Oct 24, 2007
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    Would you say the Japanese are homophobic? Or that's it's simply something that's not brought attention to, and that most people there don't HATE it or HATE the people themselves? (Oh, did you hear, a lesbian in Japan is running for a governmental position!)

    Would you consider yourself homophobic? How do you think the main Japanese would treat me because of my homosexuality?

    And no, I'm not necesserily saying that. Every summer I go down to Mississipi and Alabama. I'm saying there are MORE homophobes there than lets say California. Not the ENTIRE south. But some of it. And yeah, overall the ENTIRE US is going to be more homophobic than just one area.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [162]Oct 24, 2007
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    They are certainly not homophobic. It's not that its not brought attention to, its the fact, people dont SHOW that they are because they have a geniune concern for family memebers/elders. And it could be a bet that she wouldnt win?

    And now I'm not. Theres a difference between Liberal and being open to sexaulity. Being a liberal means your open to a certain NUMBER of ideas, not necessarily sexuality. Possibily your ONLY open to the idea of equal work rights or abortion and NOT gayness. We should return to the subject of pokemon in a few....
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [163]Oct 24, 2007
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    Ohhh. OK. I completely understand and agree 100% with you now after reading your first paragraph. I was misinterpreting your opinions for a while. Well, there's pretty much no more reason for this discussion now. lol, we only took up like almost three pages.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [164]Oct 24, 2007
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    Well, that was certaintly err, fun?

    So do you think Starly evolved too soon/quickly?
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [165]Oct 24, 2007
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    Yes it was. xD I love learning about others opinions.

    And I think it did. It should have stayed Starly for maybe like another 10 episodes.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [166]Oct 24, 2007
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    Why do you think the writers went that path? It'd been MUCH more intersting if it stayed Starly.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [167]Oct 24, 2007
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    Ahh, the magic of politics... brings a friendly discussion into a full blown arguement. Okay, I think we should all now submit and ending opinion on the discussion. An ending opinion is simply a paragragh or less about what you truely feel on the subject. Here is mine:

    WalkingOn Different Roads:
    In my opinion, I couldn't care less. All I ask is to leave me out of it, you could do whatever you wish to do but I don't walk down the same path you exactly do. I give anyone a chance to prove they are intelligent and can hold a decent discussion, but is someone begins to do something else I'll just tell them "Hey, I couldn't care less about the way you live, but I don't do what you do. Soplease respect my personal life and know that I don't do what you do.". There, that's it, though that person might possiblyhas to expect at least one comment from me (If I see someone cross-dressing they have to expect them to give them at least an odd look). Though that would be usually it, I just want to give in my 2 cents and then leave.

    Not Made In Japan:
    I don't know much about Japan culture so I'm not going to comment on it a lot. However I will so that Japan is much for free on what they expose to their people then we in the United States do. This is mainly becuase of Manga, which has comics for adults as well.

    The American Way:
    When they said Americans was a diverse group they weren't fully aware that this was an under statement. They were simply saying it reffering it to race andreligions, but what they forgot to look at was politics. And thus we have a strange way of "protecting" children.Parents want to protect kids from guns, drugs, and sex; Schools teach the dangers and safety of guns, drugs, and sex; they keep guns, drugs, and sex off children TV and say that kids shouldn't watch it; The News talks mainly about guns, drugs, and sex and advise kids to watch it; and all over people are using guns, on drugs, and having sex. Talking about a web of cunfusion.
    But it wasn't always like this, if you watched old cartoons you can clearly see characters using guns (Some older Disney action and adventurecartoons had many of their characters (being hero nor villain) use guns. Even in some current days we have characters using guns (In Tarzen the main villain Clayton used a shotgun, and I see guns all the time in Marvel shows). But when a gun appears in a Japanesecartoon, or anime, then it automatically becomes a big deal. While I understand that its not suitable to havea gun being pointed as akid (though they'll could at least edit it to make it look like something a little "less" threatening like a knife), other times they take it out for no reason.Need more, go and ask the master of horribledubbing: 4Kids, they'll tell you all you need to know.
    So in the end, we have a strange way of doing stuff. However I beleive that there is a clear thing which could be considered an American Way. So, quoteing a line from the newest Red VS. Blue video, the American way is driving big cars and blowing stuff up! YAY!

    Now I am done, I will not comment on the current topic that relates to the thread:

    Magmorter seems like a good Pokemon for Paul to get. I also think it's a good idea to just make him have it in storage instead of him training it, kind of not Paul'sway, Elekid is enough and I think his Murkrow is on the edge of evolving. Though seeing Elekid evolve all the way wouldn't hurt at all and make battles much more exciting (especially if it goes up against Pikachu who is going to try to prove itself after it lost to Gary's Electivire (It doesn't have to, but it's going to want to)). I just want Chimchar to evolve all the way and see Paul's expression when it takes down his Torterra. Also I hope Paul won't change, he's a way better character like he is now, someone who is almost emotionless and doesn't hesitate to release Pokemon he doesn't find worthy of training.

    As for how Ash would hopefully get Riolu. My theory is that Ash would lose against Byron, go to Iron Island to train after hearing it was a good training ground, meet Riley there, help him out, and then he'll give Ash the Riolu Egg.

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [168]Oct 24, 2007
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    Sure there are Manga's but that does imply that its a state of openness. People personally tend to be more conservered. Those with family/children/married and what not. It's true that BEFORE the shows had guns or whatnot but now the cover it up for the children. ITS FOR THE DAMN children. Plus the shows dont want to be sued Oh, the sweetness that is playing safe

    The American Way concept, I dont know what you meant. I liked your ending

    Most likely Paul WILL make Elekid evolve all the way. It has an evil grin like Paul does What if Dawn gets the egg?

    Edited on 10/24/2007 9:01pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [169]Oct 24, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:

    Sure there are Manga's but that does imply that its a state of openness. People personally tend to be more conservered. Those with family/children/married and what not. It's true that BEFORE the shows had guns or whatnot but now the cover it up for the children. ITS FOR THE DAMN children. Plus the shows dont want to be sued Oh, the sweetness that is playing safe

    The American Way concept, I dont know what you meant. I liked your ending

    Most likely Paul WILL make Elekid evolve all the way. It has an evil grin like Paul does What if Dawn gets the egg?

    What part of the American Way didn't you understand? And thanks, the ending was my favorite part as well *blows a object in a distance with a tank (A.k.a. very big car)* This is so awesome, I need something else to blow up with my tank...

    Quoting from a funny comment I saw long ago: everytime Paul smiles a puppy dies...

    And if Dawn gets Riolu Egg (Which I hope not), then I don't think it should evolve until the very end when she leaves for herr own journy alone. Kind of like May's version of how Blaziken evolved at the very end. However I still want Ash to get it.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 9:09pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [171]Oct 24, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    You wrote too much on the American way. Could you summarize your summarazition?

    Oh, the horror!!! It's a good thing since he doesnt smile as much

    Hey, Pikachu are you male or female?

    Sure, in the first paragraph what I was basically saying how parents try to protectkids from guns, drugs, and sex in cartoonsand yet are encouraging us to learn about it and watch the news which is basically all that with the latest sports scores.
    Second paragraph was how I was comparing how cartoons back a few years ago had guns featured in them as a weapon of the hero/villain. I also made fun of 4Kids on their horrible dubbing.
    Thirdparagraph was me joking around.Nowif you would excuse me*drives tank around blasting stuff*

    Oh, and I, Pikachu315111,am amale (I do not want to start that arguement up again, we're already trying to recover from the current one @-@).

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [172]Oct 24, 2007
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    They shelter it when their young but as they get older, its kinda impossible so they do show it but thats nature. Like a tiny Butterfly. 4Kids doesnt want to be sued and thats understandable. If any sensible person owned a station, they would want to avoid the hassles that is the American parent

    Its so funny your a male and the name association. Coincidence? I think not. (joke for those who dont get it)
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [174]Oct 25, 2007
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    Who tries to shelter?
    Wait, did you just say anime doesn't have violence and stuff anymore?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [175]Oct 25, 2007
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    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Who tries to shelter? Wait, did you just say anime doesn't have violence and stuff anymore?

    Well adults for kids think they are "sheltering" kids from guns, drugs, and sex though in reality they have no way since it is everywhere. Also I think 4Kids tries to make animes more "family friendly", well either that or they are just horrible dubbers -_-;.

    You think the stuff we see in anime is violent, then watch the origenal (Japanese) version of more hardcore action/adventure animes like Naruto or One Piece and you'll see tons of blood, cursing, and nudity.

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  • Avatar of AvianRoxMySox


    [176]Oct 25, 2007
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    Well Elekid evolved... Interesting. This just makes it obvious that Paul will get Vire...I think it'd be interesting if he got Magmortar too He also caught a Ninjask a while ago, but it wasn't confirmed whether or not he still has it...
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [177]Oct 25, 2007
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    AvianRoxMySox wrote:
    Well Elekid evolved... Interesting. This just makes it obvious that Paul will get Vire...I think it'd be interesting if he got Magmortar too He also caught a Ninjask a while ago, but it wasn't confirmed whether or not he still has it...

    That would mean Paul has a full roster if he kept the Ninjask. Also looked at a few pictures and saw Chimchar did except Ash's offer to join him and Ash and Paul won the double battles. Well while we're a few episodes away I'm sure that everyone in Japan is eager to get season 11 startedthoughit'll have a big shoe to fill from the wayDiamond and Pearl went.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [178]Oct 25, 2007
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    Well, frogsinmwine basically defending my position in three pages, so thanks for that. All I'm going to say is that Megaman you seriously need to be more open-minded and realize when you are wrong. (Any more posts on the matter will be dealt with accordingly).

    BTW, Elekid evolving in NO WAY confirms Electabuzz will evolve again.
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  • Avatar of AvianRoxMySox


    [180]Oct 26, 2007
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    O I know... I was just saying it is teensy bit obvious, save for Morrison, rivals don't usually have middle evolutions right? Electabuzz is a little... uncool also, vire fits Paul well I think...
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