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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [201]Apr 12, 2010
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    *facepalm*. Hence the thread title.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [202]Apr 12, 2010
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    super_ps2player wrote:

    ......these games are about Gen. 5 pokemon rite?

    No, I think its about Generation 4..... we only got 2 Generation V Pokemon revealed and got 100+ more to be revealed by this fall...... it can't be Gen V. Not trying to sound mean but c'mon, why would we be talking about a newly announced game here if its not Gen V?

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [203]Apr 12, 2010
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    sigh.....I know they must be innocent questions

    but REALLY!? you're asking that!?

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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [204]Apr 13, 2010
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    i wonder if this generation will be completely fresh. Like at least 150 brand new pokemon and no evolutions from the past.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [205]Apr 13, 2010
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    It should be fairly obvious by now that that will not happen.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [206]Apr 13, 2010
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    Yeah...and besides some pokemon NEED evo's

    I'm hoping for at least 120 new pokemon

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [207]Apr 13, 2010
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    TotallyTyler01 wrote:
    i wonder if this generation will be completely fresh. Like at least 150 brand new pokemon and no evolutions from the past.

    Look for my "Pokemon New Generation Formula" posts on page 4 to get an idea of what might be coming.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [208]Apr 15, 2010
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    Okay everyone, Serebii has uploaded better pictures of Pokemon Black & White from the official website (they're the same ones in CoroCoro, but you can now see every detail). I'll redo my post soon, but this isn't what this post is mostly about.

    If you will recall, in the 13th Movie Thread, I posted that not only will people get a Celebi from the movie, but those who pre-order the tickets will have the opportunity to get one of the three Legendary Beasts which will not only have 3 moves it normally can't learn and an event-only berry, but is also Shiny! Well, apparently these Shiny Beasts will be able to unlock something in Pokemon Black & White!

    What is the event? How should I know, I know only as much as 2 Pokemon and 6 pictures for Generation V like everyone else who doesn't work for the Pokemon Company! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what develops from this. But the question I must ask now is: Will all the Shiny Beasts unlock the same event or will each Shiny Beast unlock its own/part of the event?

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [209]Apr 17, 2010
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    I have to say, every time I take a look at those pictures for the as-of-yet unnamed city in the new region in 3D it takes my breath away. There really hasn't been much told about those games yet and they are still probably at least a year away from being released in the US, but still, I am so pumped to play those games. I remember when I first went to the Distortion World in Platinum and how blown away I was by the graphics. Just these few screenshots have made me believe that this will be an amazing game, at least graphically.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [210]Apr 17, 2010
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    it'd make me wonder what it'd be like if it wasnt on the DS

    I'd love to see one of the gen games remade into a 3D game for the consoles

    I'd love to play red on mywii

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [211]Apr 17, 2010
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    Video got up from pokebeach, not sure if it's on youtube yet, but basically the thing they show was that the city we see gets Spinned around in perspective as the character walks, SPIN I SAY!! D=
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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [212]Apr 17, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Video got up from pokebeach, not sure if it's on youtube yet, but basically the thing they show was that the city we see gets Spinned around in perspective as the character walks, SPIN I SAY!! D=
    Here's a link to the video. http://www.filb.de/1294

    Yeah, it's just the main character walking 'round the city. Nothing spectacular. Undecided

    Edited on 04/17/2010 8:18pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [213]Apr 17, 2010
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    Yes but the city SPINS!! =o
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [214]Apr 17, 2010
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    *spins edmaster* *watches as he spins away* *he crashes into a wall*

    The spinning thing is cool but it makes the city look small I hope it's only one part of the place

    and the buildings dont look like they can be entered...

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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [215]Apr 17, 2010
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    when do u guys thing well see any of the new pokemon?
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [216]Apr 17, 2010
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    TotallyTyler01 wrote:
    when do u guys thing well see any of the new pokemon?
    Well, checking serebii news four years back i'd say during this month until june/july we'll get a few pokemon, then at August we should find out the new starters (FIRE PLATYPUS) and stuff

    Edited on 04/17/2010 10:03pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [217]Apr 17, 2010
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    hopefullythe movie will show some

    like Movie 8 did with Mime Jr. Weavile and Bonsly..

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [218]Apr 18, 2010
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    Taking You Out Of The Battle:
    As I mentioned before, I do like that they are now going to have a full sprite of the Pokemon's back. But with that said I have to say that in this picture the back sprite looks kind of choppy, as well as the normal front battle sprite for Zorua. The Zorua sprite looks like it's squashed a bit and I don't think that's because of the picture.
    I also must ask WHERE ARE THEY FIGHTING?! The ground they are standing on (ignoring the green and purple circles, for now) looks like they're in a desert with a background of a grayish rectangles which I guess is suppose to represent a city skyline. Going back to the circles, it looks like the green parts of the circle is suppose to be grass possibly with the purple rings probably being an attack. So according to the picture, this battle is taking place a mile or two away from a city in a desert which has two perfectly circular patch of grass.
    Now I know what you're thinking. "Aren't you being a bit hard, I mean right now Pokemon battles take place in a strange abyss with the Pokemon's sprites standing on circles of the environment they are in". Now this is true, but the problem lies with the background city skyline which now makes the abyss looks like the actual place you're battling in and not just a "trainer focus zone" where you're just focusing on the battle and not any of the surroundings.
    I also must bring up something one of my favorite LPers, Chuggaaconroy, said that this battle looks to be like how the battles in Golden Sun happen. Basically how battles in Golden Sun take place is that on your turn the camera focuses on the back of your characters as you select what moves they want to do. But then when it's your opponent's turn, the camera angles switches so you're viewing the battle from your opponent's perspective. If this is what is going on here, then this would explain why the sprites look choppy as now the sprites would have to be made handle the angle switching.
    I'll finish off saying that if this is what is happening, then I'll admit I don't like it. Sure in the way battles are now you only see the upper half of your Pokemon's back, but the thing was that it made you feel like you were in the battle right behind your Pokemon making the calls and preparing yourself from the attacks your opponent does. This full back sprite and possible angle switching to your opponent's perspective kind of ruins this feeling.

    Zoroark: Why did we travel a mile into a desert to battle instead of battling in the city?
    Zorua: Are you kidding? Do you know how much a city sign ALONE costs? I ain't paying for property damage!

    The Pokemon Center Decided To Franchise:
    Pokemon Center combining with the Pokemon Mart? Okay by my book, and is actual a logical decision being a Pokemon Center probably would probably need some kind of funding and in general would like the trainers to be prepares so they wouldn't need to be rushing back to the Pokemon Center (you may or may not have noticed, but in HeartGold & SoulSilver the Pokemon Center nurses no longer say "We hope to see you again!" but instead say "Please, come back again any time!"). And the more "ground view" camera angle really works nicely in buildings.
    As I said (get used to me saying this at least once in these sections), my main question is whether they'll have the town which has the Department Store will have the Pokemon Center and Department Store be separate buildings. A recent video has shown a city which had a Pokemon Center with several floors above it similar to how the Department Store is, possibly meaning the first floor of the "Department Pokemon Center" would be the Pokemon Center then having the floors above be the usual Department Store (in the other games the first floor only had a useless reception desk anyway).
    Though I would like to point out the new "talking bubbles". What's new about them? Well they actually indicate who is talking! So this might mean the end to how the talking bubbles always started out with the speaking character's name as we'll now know who is talking by having the talking bubble point to that character.

    Playable Girl: Hello, I...
    Playable Girl: Whoa! Whoa! That was the last post, I just wanted to buy a few potions!
    Pharmasist: Oh... well in that case that'll be 200 PokeDollar each, please.

    Do Robot Travel Through Electric Caves?:
    As I said (count: 3), I like how they are staying with the "aerial view" angle for the caves instead of "ground view" like they are doing for buildings and for at least one city.
    Though back to the picture, this cave is quite odd. There is blue electricity seemingly sparking off those glowing blue boulders. And not only that, but the smaller blue rocks are FLOATING with a glowing blue circle to mark the spot they are floating over! Can we perfectly walk through this electric cave, even under the floating rocks? If we aren't, does that mean there will be a device or possibly a new HM that'll let us get through here? Does this cave play any significance to the story or maybe to some Pokemon (maybe a way to evolve Pokemon like Magneton and Nosepass to Magnezone and Probopass?)?
    Oh, I'll also like to say that I won't be talking about the boy or girl playable character this time around as unless we see there Ken Sugimori artwork or at least their back sprites we can't really tell much from their 3D models except the joke that the girl looks like Dawn with a new hairstyle and the boy is Jaden Yuki wearing an Obelisk Blue uniform. Of course, with that said, that doesn't mean I still can't make jokes...

    Playable Boy: Hey, does anyone here want to get their game on?
    *hears crackling electricity*
    Playable Boy: Pfft, guess everyone is too busy "Revving it up"... What a stupid catch phrase...

    Start Is Where The Home Town Is:
    Well the 3D modeling team look to be having fun with the landscape here being how uneven it look. I guess we're suppose to get a feel of a "hill" here but it just doesn't seem to work.
    Also what are up with the dirt roads? I know that they are dirt roads, but the least they could do is maintain it by keeping it straight and not have rock piled in the middle of it. It makes it looks like the playable character is coming from a backlot hillbilly town!

    Playable Boy: Rural? Don't you listen to how I speak in the dub? I'm purely from the street! Word G!

    Cross The Bridge And Over The Traffic:
    Man, I'm going to get so beaten up for that "Word G" joke, but probably not as badly as my perspective is getting from this 3D mess!
    I just don't know what to say. You're travelling over a bridge which some genius decided to place over an active bridge for vehicles like this truck we see. But not only that, both bridges look like they have been lifted to the point that anyone on them would be HIGHER UP then the top of buildings! And the city itself looks pretty massive, besides from the five buildings we can clearly see, in the back fog we can see the shapes of many, many other layers of buildings which I'll admit is pretty impressive... if you can travel into it.
    Also, what is that on the walking bridge with you? Is that a person with a very big backpack? It actually looks like a back of a small train or vehicle, only the stubby "feet" tells me otherwise.

    This is actually making me fell light headed, as if I was traveling several feet up into the air and back down again!

    Walking Around The City, Literally & Horizontally:
    I actually thought this was how you got around the city but didn't mention it as I was too distracted with the "ground view" angle problems. But now seeing the actual 3D spinning while walking around the city in action, I got to say that while the buildings themselves look nice...
    THE 3D CHARACTER MODELS LOOK HORRIBLE! They're very choppy, more so then the battle sprites. Also when you're walking around the city it looks unnatural, your character (and the other NPC) look and walk in 2D which drastically contrasts with the 3D spin. Also how do they plan on having the camera follow your character if/when they need to go down those alleyways?
    Now this isn't the only time this 2D-3D has occurred. In Platinum there was a few issues with walking in some of the 3D portions of the Distortion World (you know, when you jump on the side of "walls" or are walking/surfing upside down) and in HeartGold/SoulSilver the portion of the Glitter Lighthouse where you're outside is an even better example of what I'm talking about.
    Actually, this makes the game have a Paper Mario kind of feel to it with having the environment in 3D yet the characters in 2D (or at least acting in 2D). But in Paper Mario this worked because the characters were actually handdrawn 2D pictures but here the characters are 3D models yet you walk as a 2D character only going up, down, right, or left with the city spinning around you as you do, making the city look like it's a carousel.
    Oh, and bonus points to Nintendo for having the Pokemon Ranch/Rumble 3D Pokemon models on the sign on top of the Department Pokemon Center. Though when I said I hope they provided you with a map for the city, I more meant in the bottom DS screen and not an actual in-game board map.

    ... You spin me right around baby, right around...

    I think the Pokemon games are trying to jump into the realm of 3D a bit too early. I think that maybe when Nintendo released their next handheld (not the DS3, I mean the handheld to come after all the DS models) then maybe the Pokemon games would be ready for 3D and allow the player models to walk in any direction they want instead of the restricted 4 2D directions.

    Edited on 04/18/2010 7:59am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [219]Apr 18, 2010
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    One thing's for sure, the third title is gonna be SOOOO much better than this. I wonder if it'll come out for the 3DS or whatever it's called.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [220]Apr 18, 2010
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    ericwashere15 wrote:
    One thing's for sure, the third title is gonna be SOOOO much better than this. I wonder if it'll come out for the 3DS or whatever it's called.

    Not much information has been given out about Black & White yet and you're already talking about the third version? Okay, we know there is going to be a third version with things improved from the paired version, but let's first wait to see how Black & White is before we decide how much better. Though I wonder what they'll call it, I mean Pokemon Gray is kind of obvious... I guess we'll just have to wait to see the Legendaries before we can truly speculate.

    As for what handheld they are coming out for, from what I understand all DS models should be able to play almost any DS game but obviously some features might not be accessible if you're not using the right model. Like the 3DS has that 3D feature which (from what it looks like) the way you hold the 3DS determines the angle of the camera, so maybe in Pokemon Black & White you can actually control the camera angle while with the other models it'll be fixed on the default camera angle.

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