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Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [201]Jul 2, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Well this game will definitely be my last cause if they make a 5th Generation, i am sure they will add another dumb feature So HG&SS will be MY LAST no doubt about it cause seriously, if they create more pre & evolutions of previous generation Pokemon more than actual new generation pokemon that means they are running out of ideas! I think 4 Generations enough!

    In my opinion they should always include 100 new wild Pokemon that aren't pre-evolutions of previous generation, evolutions of previous generarion Pokemon, Legendaries, or Fossils.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [202]Jul 3, 2009
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    Well the screenshots have ben added to Serebii.net, some include Morty's Gym, and an unknown gym puzzle, which I think is the Blackthorne Gym, cause what other gym had lava in it in Johto? It seems that the Pokemon that walk with u can use HM's.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [203]Jul 3, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Well this game will definitely be my last cause if they make a 5th Generation, i am sure they will add another dumb feature So HG&SS will be MY LAST no doubt about it cause seriously, if they create more pre & evolutions of previous generation Pokemon more than actual new generation pokemon that means they are running out of ideas! I think 4 Generations enough!
    Yeah, when they start making pokemon games that are escentially the last one but with a few extra features, bunch of new pokemon including evolutions and pre-evolutions of the last ones and a graphical enhancement, we should all quit playing it, oh wait...

    No one can ever deny that since Gold and Silver, pokemon is the same, with an improvement over the battle system making it better, and more pokemon, of which few are good in the competitive area (Electrivire, how i love thee, such ThunderPunch that breaks all walls, a good speed, and an ability that can be so awesome to pull off) and the others are to Catch 'Em All.

    Don't give up on the 5th gen, who knows, maybe they'll have less pre/evo pokemon this time, and more original new pokemon, plus, if you compare any generation battling with another one, there's a huge difference, we just got the most notorious one this gen, who knows what will come in the next one.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [204]Jul 3, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Well the screenshots have ben added to Serebii.net, some include Morty's Gym, and an unknown gym puzzle, which I think is the Blackthorne Gym, cause what other gym had lava in it in Johto? It seems that the Pokemon that walk with u can use HM's.

    Nothing new basically.

    Morty's Gym looks to be the same with you having to walk a pathway in pitch blackness, so the only difference they coudl make would be making a more complicated pathway with twists and turns (but if they do this they'll probably include a way to figure out which way you need to go).

    Yay, that's Blackthorn Gym, I don't know why Serebii said it was an unknown Gym as it's the only Gym in-game to have lava in it (only other place in-game I ever saw that had lava was Flint's Elite Four room). However it looks like it got a puzzle upgrade. Instead of having to go to upstairs to push boulders into the lava to make a path across, in HeartGold and SoulSilver it looks like the platforms spin and float around (similiarly to how the Sunyshore Gym worked).

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [205]Jul 3, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD5YTCGeE-s There's the video if someone wants to see it, though it's recorded (likely with a cellphone) in front a kinda small tv, so the quality is indeed very low.
    well the quality isnt THAT bad at least you can see the awesome graphics and hear the japanese LOL

    BAC510 wrote:
    Well this game will definitely be my last cause if they make a 5th Generation, i am sure they will add another dumb feature So HG&SS will be MY LAST no doubt about it cause seriously, if they create more pre & evolutions of previous generation Pokemon more than actual new generation pokemon that means they are running out of ideas! I think 4 Generations enough!
    well all the features they have added so far are cool in my opinion but i definitely agree that they are running out of ideas and just need to stop with generation 4. this may also be my last generation of pokemon games i buy im satisfied with the ones i have and completing the pokedex is very hard to do i still have about 50 pokemon left

    BAC510 wrote:
    Well the screenshots have ben added to Serebii.net, some include Morty's Gym, and an unknown gym puzzle, which I think is the Blackthorne Gym, cause what other gym had lava in it in Johto? It seems that the Pokemon that walk with u can use HM's.
    well of course they can why wouldnt they be able to LOL

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [206]Jul 3, 2009
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    They aren't running out of idea for Pokemon, it's just that they seem to be going for more object and ideas originated Pokemon rather than real world creatures. The Pokemon Company probably has a secret fault filled with thousands of concept art of yet-existing Pokemon and every new Generation they go in there and take a few ideas out and use them (as well as create some brand new fresh ones). Hey, if I can create over 100 new Pokemon (not counting evolutions of existing Pokemon, pre-evolutions of existing Pokemon, Legendaries, and Fossils), then the Pokemon Company can think of about 100 times that amount, if not more.

    The main problem though isn't that there aren't enough new Pokemon in each generation, is that the very idea there is more Pokemon coming increasing the list. We have already 493 Pokemon, not counting Pokemon with multiple forms or shiny Pokemon... that's a lot, especially for a single person to get the data of in their Pokedex, let alone catch! Personally I have no problem with this, but this is simply because I'm lucky enough to complete the regional dex. However to others this is a bit overwhelming, and the Pokemon Company does its best to help but often forgets a few things (like you having to see the Pokemon in order to get it from the GTS? I'm using it so I can get the missing Pokemon! Grrr...). They also need to make any Pokemon you didn't see before that you then verse over Wi-Fi, local connection, or in Battle Tower/Battle Frontier count as a seen Pokemon and be registered into your Pokedex as seen.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [207]Jul 8, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    There's the video if someone wants to see it, though it's recorded (likely with a cellphone) in front a kinda small tv, so the quality is indeed very low.

    Better quality video via Gametrailers


    *had to remove youtube vid because it kept misformatting my post

    Edited on 07/08/2009 5:01pm
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  • Avatar of RikoZerame


    [208]Jul 9, 2009
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    I'm going to keep going with Pokemon. It's too hard to find good, clean games anymore, and Pokemon does that while being good quality. And hey, they can't be running out of ideas if they come up with things as awesome as Riolu, Arceus, Lucario, Darkrai, Giratina...alright, I'm going to stop right there, but they've made some pretty incrediblePokemon lately. Don't write them off yet

    Edited on 07/09/2009 8:09pm
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [209]Jul 9, 2009
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    RikoZerame wrote:

    I'm going to keep going with Pokemon. It's too hard to find good, clean games anymore, and Pokemon does that while being good quality. And hey, they can't be running out of ideas if they come up with things as awesome as Riolu, Arceus, Lucario, Darkrai, Giratina...alright, I'm going to stop right there, but they've made some pretty incrediblePokemon lately. Don't write them off yet; after all, a lot of people thought they would never get a new Golden Sun game, but they've recently announced Golden Sun DS. Never give up unless the company shuts down (which hopefully won't happen. Ever).

    well no matter how many pokemon games come out its gonna be the same formula over and over with a few added features in each game(some that dont really affect gameplay or the plot), and even if they still have TONS of ideas left, all its gonna do is make it harder to fill up the pokedex. for the first time ever i am ony 59 pokemon away from having a completee legal non hacked pokedex and now i hear they might come out with yet ANOTHER generation? no thank you. 13 years of the same thing with slight differences is more than enough for me.i didnt mind at first but seriously if they come out with a 5th generation im quitting

    Edited on 07/09/2009 8:10pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [211]Jul 9, 2009
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    This thread is about Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, not Golden Sun.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [212]Jul 10, 2009
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    A good chunk of new details have been revealed:

    - Eusine from Pokemon Crystal appears in the storyline, based on the Legendary Beasts.
    - The Level 1 Dialga knows the move Metal Burst, the Level 1 Palkia Hydro Pump, and the Level 1 Giratina Shadow Sneak.
    - There are nine new mini-games that are based on the touch screen.
    - It's said that Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo appear in the game but this info is not confirmed.
    - Lugia and Ho-oh are confirmed to be at Level 45, while the Red Gyarados is confirmed to return at Level 30.

    To top all that, here's a new screenshot:


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [213]Jul 10, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:

    A good chunk of new details have been revealed:

    - Eusine from Pokemon Crystal appears in the storyline, based on the Legendary Beasts.
    - The Level 1 Dialga knows the move Metal Burst, the Level 1 Palkia Hydro Pump, and the Level 1 Giratina Shadow Sneak.
    - There are nine new mini-games that are based on the touch screen.
    - It's said that Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo appear in the game but this info is not confirmed.
    - Lugia and Ho-oh are confirmed to be at Level 45, while the Red Gyarados is confirmed to return at Level 30.

    To top all that, here's a new screenshot:


    1. Ah, so they are adding stuff from Pokemon Crystal into the game! So the main question is now: Is Kris somewhere in the game too?
    2. So if thier Bulbapedia page is right, that means Lv. 1 Dialga's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Metal Burst; Lv. 1 Palkia's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Hydro Pump; and the Lv. 1 Giratina's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Shadow Sneak. I guess those are good enough moves, out of all of them I suppose Palkia got the best, Dialga getting the second best if used right, and Giratina getting ripped off. However I think it would have been more appropriate to have given them their signature attack.
    3. Nine new mini-games? Wow, I wonder if they'll also bring back Wobbuffet Pop, Mime Jr. Top, and Swalot Plop (... I just realized they all rhymed, I am so slow -_-; ) an dif it'll be in a Wi-Fi Plaza of some kind?
    4. So let's do a Legendary Count, shall we: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Kyogre, Groudon, and now (unconfirmed) Mewtwo, Latios, and Latias. Being the other trios (including the Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres) and Golem Trio (Regirock, Registeel, Regice)) and Sinnoh Legendaries are catchable in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the only Pokemon not catchable unless directly transferred into a Generation IV game is Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Deoxys.
    5. In the original games, the version mascot was at level 40 when you went to where it was hiding. So for some reason they raised it 5 levels (probably to match the levels of Legendaries in recent games). Note that in both games the other version mascot was also catchable after the storyline but would be at level 70, so I don't know exactly what they are planning to do with that feature that was in the game. However I do think both Lugia and Ho-Oh should know their signature moves (Aero Blast and Sacred Fire, respectively) right when you catch it, as many other Legendaries knew their signature move when you battle them. Infact in the original game this was how it was and then in Generation III and IV they rose those moves up to being learned at level 77 and 85!
    As for the Red Gyarados, its level is the same as it was in the original games.

    Edited on 07/10/2009 2:33pm
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  • Avatar of RikoZerame


    [214]Jul 10, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    This thread is about Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, not Golden Sun.

    Yes, but I was just using that as an example to support my case: suspicions are worth little unless confirmed.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [215]Jul 10, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. There is some conflicting information here, as Bulbapedia say they are Level 50 but Serebii say they are Level 45.

    Actually, Bulbapedia also states that Lugia and Ho-oh are at Level 45. At least, it's stated here. I don't know if any other page on Bulbapedia states otherwise.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [216]Jul 10, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. There is some conflicting information here, as Bulbapedia say they are Level 50 but Serebii say they are Level 45.
    Actually, Bulbapedia also states that Lugia and Ho-oh are at Level 45. At least, it's stated here. I don't know if any other page on Bulbapedia states otherwise.

    That was where I got the "Level 50" from, I guess it was a mistake. I corrected my post to make it more fitting now. You might want to go up and re-read that part

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [217]Jul 10, 2009
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    Pokebeach now says:

    You follow Entei, Suicune, and Raikou around Johto, just like in the original games. However, Eusine is stalking Suicune

    Ho-Oh is in the Tin Tower and Lugia is in the Whirl Islands, both at Level 45.

    There is a new feature in the game called the "Pokeathelon," which is a mini-game feature that uses the stylus.

    The Pokemon Gyms have various traps.

    Red Gyarados appears in the Lake of Rage at Level 30.

    The Kimono Girls are part of the storyline and you meet them many times.

    (from here on it's pretty much stuff we already heard.)

    Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina each learn moves they could not previously learn - Metal Burst, Hydro Pump, and Shadow Sneak (respectively).

    There are 9 mini-games. One of them could be the racing game I saw at the early premiere of the Arceus movie.

    Eusine, a character from Crystal, is in the game.

    Latios and Latias are in the games at Level 30.

    Mewtwo is in the game (Kanto confirmation if it turns out to be true?).

    Lugia and Ho-Oh have a "hidden ability."

    Edited on 07/10/2009 2:42pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [218]Jul 10, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Pokebeach now says:

    You follow Entei, Suicune, and Raikou around Johto, just like in the original games. However, Eusine is stalking Suicune

    Ho-Oh is in the Tin Tower and Lugia is in the Whirl Islands, both at Level 45.

    There is a new feature in the game called the "Pokeathelon," which is a mini-game feature that uses the stylus.

    The Pokemon Gyms have various traps.

    Red Gyarados appears in the Lake of Rage at Level 30.

    The Kimono Girls are part of the storyline and you meet them many times.

    (from here on it's pretty much stuff we already heard.)

    Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina each learn moves they could not previously learn - Metal Burst, Hydro Pump, and Shadow Sneak (respectively).

    There are 9 mini-games. One of them could be the racing game I saw at the early premiere of the Arceus movie.

    Eusine, a character from Crystal, is in the game.

    Latios and Latias are in the games at Level 30.

    Mewtwo is in the game (Kanto confirmation if it turns out to be true?).

    Lugia and Ho-Oh have a "hidden ability."

    1. *Sigh* Oh yes, how can anyone ever forget about the Beast Trio being the first Legendary Pokemon to be Roaming Pokemon... and like in Crystal I'm sure Eusine will battle you thinking that'll make him worthy in Suicune's eyes. Though it makes it sound like it Entei and Raikou will also be making appearances like Suicune did in Crystal so... I have no idea where I'm going with this. However I wonder if the scenes will be CG like Lugia's and Ho-Oh's or will just be there overworld models and just give them a jumping movement.

    2. It was like that in the original game except they were at Level 40. But the question remains whether we'll need the Silver Wing/Rainbow Wing to activate there event OR they'll be using something else (like maybe those "Lugia Soul/Ho-Oh Heart badges" shown on the titles). Also the question whether both will be in both games is also still unknown.

    3. Don't all the mini-games involve the styIus? At least we know the (Japanese) title of one of the mini-games, or that title could be the "umbrella" name for the new nine mini-games.

    4. Traps? I wonder what they mean by that? I know thye updated the puzzles (Ecruteak Gym probably is still the invisible pathway in a pitch black room and Blackthorn Gym is now spinning platforms with the switches being like the ones in Sunyshore Gym), but never heard of traps. Lol, imagine if the traps eject you out of the Gym.

    5. Nothing different here, except we'll probably now be seeing a whole batch of legit Shiny Gyarados's over Wi-fi battles.

    6. The Kimono Girls are part of the storyline? That's new, they used to just be a side thing where you can battle all the Eeveelutions at that time. Hey, maybe they'll add two more Kimono Girls after the main storyline that will have Leafeon and Glaceon or maybe two cousins. Probably unlikely but will still be interesting to see. Though I do hope they make their sprites different from each other (even if it is re-colors) so they'll match the Eeveelution they have.

    7. So if thier Bulbapedia page is right, that means Lv. 1 Dialga's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Metal Burst; Lv. 1 Palkia's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Hydro Pump; and the Lv. 1 Giratina's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Shadow Sneak. I guess those are good enough moves, out of all of them I suppose Palkia got the best, Dialga getting the second best if used right, and Giratina getting ripped off. However I think it would have been more appropriate to have given them their signature attack.

    8. Nine new mini-games? Wow, I wonder if they'll also bring back Wobbuffet Pop, Mime Jr. Top, and Swalot Plop (... I just realized they all rhymed, I am so slow -_-; ) an dif it'll be in a Wi-Fi Plaza of some kind?
    Racing game? That's sounds interesting though I would imagine over Wi-Fi the lag would be bad.

    9. Ah, so they are adding stuff from Pokemon Crystal into the game! So the main question is now: Is Kris somewhere in the game too?

    10. & 11. So let's do a Legendary Count, shall we: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Kyogre, Groudon, and now (unconfirmed) Mewtwo, Latios, and Latias. Being the other trios (including the Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres) and Golem Trio (Regirock, Registeel, Regice)) and Sinnoh Legendaries are catchable in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the only Pokemon not catchable unless directly transferred into a Generation IV game is Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Deoxys.

    11. In the original games Cerulean Cave collapsed so unless they plan on having that happen I wonder what they'll do with Mewtwo. He doesn't seem like a Roaming Pokemon (which I'm pretty sure Latios and Latias will be, don't know about Kyogre or Groudon will have their teleporting Marine Cave and Terra Cave, respectively), maybe a new place or cave will be created like the Shinto Ruins.

    12. "Hidden Ability"? Like a new set of Abilities (because like many other Legendaries, they have the Pressure Ability), or like Shuckle's ability to create Berry Juice (and possibly Rare Candy) when it is attached with an Oran Berry? I guess we'll have to wait and see as I doubt it'll be revealed until the game is released. *Sigh*

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [219]Jul 13, 2009
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    A few more details have been revealed:

    - First of all, the info regarding Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo has been confirmed. Also, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are confirmed be at Level 40 upon roaming.
    - The PokeWalk has been reconfirmed; it appears in the Menu as usual and has the same features as before such as the Map and Radio. It also features the Itemfinder.

    Besides that, a whole bunch of new pre-release pictures have come out.

    EDIT - Serebii has just updated with even more info. The Notched-Ear Pichu you receive by getting the Pikachu-colored Pichu at the 12th movie cannot be traded, nor can it evolve. Also, there are apparently two key items that you can register in the game that are accessible via the Touch Screen.

    Edited on 07/13/2009 6:32am
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [220]Jul 13, 2009
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    Here is the exact information from the recent Corocoro scans:

    1. Entei, Suisune, and Raikou will be at level 40 when you encounter them (by random encounter while roaming -_-; ).
    2. Two more mini-games discovered: "Shooting Snow" and "Ring Out Fight". In "Shooting Snow" you're lined up with two other Pokemon and must knock-out three other Pokemon across from your group with snowballs. In "Ring Out Fight" you'll verse 3 other Pokemon and have to knock them out.
    3. The Pokegear will be appearing on the touch screen much like how the Pokedex and Menu will be. It contains the old features Map, Phone, and Radio but now also includes an Item Finder. The radio program "Professor Oak's Pokemon Talk", shortened to "Poketalk", will be returning on the Radio with the given example having the host talking about catching Pokemon. It is unknown whether the host still is Professor Oak and DJ Mary.
    4. You can Register TWO Key Items and can choose them by pressing on one on the touch screen. While the main Key item will be still accessible pressing the "Y" button, the second Key Item looks only accessible by tapping it on the touch screen.
    5. The Notched-Ear Pichu given away at the 12th movie is unable to be traded or evolved.
    6. A Kimono Sister will be visitng the player on several occasions throughout the storyline, it is unknown whether this is the same Kimono Sister or they are a different Kimono Sister each time.
    7. Azalea Gym has a new puzzle which involves riding Spinarak "boats" across a web.

    Well that's all to report for now, Serebii has some pictures HERE, but the new ones are either small or blurry.

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