1. *Sigh* Oh yes, how can anyone ever forget about the Beast Trio being the first Legendary Pokemon to be Roaming Pokemon... and like in Crystal I'm sure Eusine will battle you thinking that'll make him worthy in Suicune's eyes. Though it makes it sound like it Entei and Raikou will also be making appearances like Suicune did in Crystal so... I have no idea where I'm going with this. However I wonder if the scenes will be CG like Lugia's and Ho-Oh's or will just be there overworld models and just give them a jumping movement.
2. It was like that in the original game except they were at Level 40. But the question remains whether we'll need the Silver Wing/Rainbow Wing to activate there event OR they'll be using something else (like maybe those "Lugia Soul/Ho-Oh Heart badges" shown on the titles). Also the question whether both will be in both games is also still unknown.
3. Don't all the mini-games involve the styIus? At least we know the (Japanese) title of one of the mini-games, or that title could be the "umbrella" name for the new nine mini-games.
4. Traps? I wonder what they mean by that? I know thye updated the puzzles (Ecruteak Gym probably is still the invisible pathway in a pitch black room and Blackthorn Gym is now spinning platforms with the switches being like the ones in Sunyshore Gym), but never heard of traps. Lol, imagine if the traps eject you out of the Gym. 
5. Nothing different here, except we'll probably now be seeing a whole batch of legit Shiny Gyarados's over Wi-fi battles. 
6. The Kimono Girls are part of the storyline? That's new, they used to just be a side thing where you can battle all the Eeveelutions at that time. Hey, maybe they'll add two more Kimono Girls after the main storyline that will have Leafeon and Glaceon or maybe two cousins. Probably unlikely but will still be interesting to see. Though I do hope they make their sprites different from each other (even if it is re-colors) so they'll match the Eeveelution they have.
7. So if thier Bulbapedia page is right, that means Lv. 1 Dialga's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Metal Burst; Lv. 1 Palkia's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Hydro Pump; and the Lv. 1 Giratina's moves will be Scary Face, DragonBreath, and Shadow Sneak. I guess those are good enough moves, out of all of them I suppose Palkia got the best, Dialga getting the second best if used right, and Giratina getting ripped off. However I think it would have been more appropriate to have given them their signature attack.
8. Nine new mini-games? Wow, I wonder if they'll also bring back Wobbuffet Pop, Mime Jr. Top, and Swalot Plop (... I just realized they all rhymed, I am so slow -_-; ) an dif it'll be in a Wi-Fi Plaza of some kind?
Racing game? That's sounds interesting though I would imagine over Wi-Fi the lag would be bad.
9. Ah, so they are adding stuff from Pokemon Crystal into the game! So the main question is now: Is Kris somewhere in the game too?
10. & 11. So let's do a Legendary Count, shall we: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Kyogre, Groudon, and now (unconfirmed) Mewtwo, Latios, and Latias. Being the other trios (including the Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres) and Golem Trio (Regirock, Registeel, Regice)) and Sinnoh Legendaries are catchable in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the only Pokemon not catchable unless directly transferred into a Generation IV game is Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Deoxys.
11. In the original games Cerulean Cave collapsed so unless they plan on having that happen I wonder what they'll do with Mewtwo. He doesn't seem like a Roaming Pokemon (which I'm pretty sure Latios and Latias will be, don't know about Kyogre or Groudon will have their teleporting Marine Cave and Terra Cave, respectively), maybe a new place or cave will be created like the Shinto Ruins.
12. "Hidden Ability"? Like a new set of Abilities (because like many other Legendaries, they have the Pressure Ability), or like Shuckle's ability to create Berry Juice (and possibly Rare Candy) when it is attached with an Oran Berry? I guess we'll have to wait and see as I doubt it'll be revealed until the game is released. *Sigh*