Seriously though, thanks for uploading the pictures pikastatic100, these are way better quality than what I would have uploaded, lol! So, let's get to it!
I guess we'll star off with the stars of HeartGold and SoulSilver: Ho-Oh and Lugia! I don't think I have to tell you you're battling them in the Brass Tower and within the Whirl Islands (respectively), do I? Anyway looks like you do battle them at level 45 and look to be showing off those new In-battle Sprites of theirs... well, at least Lugia (who's In-Battle Sprite probably was inspired by the it's artwork of it on the SoulSilver box) as Ho-Oh's looks rather the same it always has been except with its head a bit lower and feets seperated. Though their environments do look nice with the brass rod (Ho-Oh) and waterfall (Lugia) behind them, and they'll probably look better when we see those things moving (or at least the waterfall, the best the brass rod might do is shine)!

(Lugia: Hey Ho-Oh, how do I like my moving waterfall and new In-Battle Sprite?
Ho-Oh: ... Oh shut up...)
I guess we might as well get all the Pokemon out of the way, so next up is the famous Red Gyarados! It's at level 30 as expected and to prove it's a shiny, it gives off that shimmer whenever it appears! So now that we confirmed it is a true blue... I mean red... shiny, I can now say throughout online gameplay the status of having a legit shiny and/or legit shiny Gyarados is no longer impressive
. Anyway I like the Red Gyarados's Overworld Sprite but I have to say that with all the modeling they are doing to have all Pokemon able to travel behind you and use HM moves on the field for you... THEY STILL HAVE THE WAILMER SURF SPRITE?!?! I mean come on, I mean if you're going through all the trouble giving each Pokemon and all form(e)s they could possibly come in an overworld sprite you might as well give Surfing Pokemon the same treatment! Anyway, moving on, I noticed it is raining at Lake Rage so I'm going to guess it'll either be raining there all the time or Team Rocket's Evolution Machine is causing it the rain will stop once you defeat Team Rocket and shut off the machine.

(Red Gyarados: Haha! I'm more detailed then your Surfing Pokemon!
Gold: ... Oh, shut up and prepare to be fitted into a 2 square inch ball!)
Next we'll get to the Legendary Dogs/Cats/Gerbils/Beasts! They'll be catchable at Level 40 and will be given actual faces on the Pokegear's map so you'll know which one is being the biggest pain in the neck without having to get into a battle with it
! But as long as they are Roaming Pokemon I'll hate them all the same, though I'll have a special hate in my heart for MESPRIT!!!

(Gold: Hey, I can't see Suicune on the map... it better not be hiding in Kanto...
Entei: Hello? You're in a middle of a battle with me? Worry about my sibling when times come around to catch it!)
Guess we'll finish the Pokemon pics with Arceus's spawns: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina! And all are doing their new special moves Metal Burst, Hydro Pump, and Shadow Sneak! Like I said before, I think Palkia got the better deal here, as once you catch them you'll probably replace Dialga's and Giratina's special move with something that is better and more reliable. I mean give Dialga something like Meteor Mash (which is a Steel-type move) and Giratina something like Nightshade/Destiny Bond (yay, couldn't find a powerful Ghost-type move).

(Okay, who's bright idea was it to have a Typlosion (and FIRE-type) go up against a Palkia (and WATER/DRAGON-type)? It is already half Dragon-type so it has Fire-type resistance already, but being half Water-type makes it a quad resistance and now can get STAB on Water-types move which will be Super Effective on it. And addition to that, it's using Hydro Pump, meaning that Typlosion is getting hit with an attack that has 360 Power (120 * 2 * 1.5).)
With all the Pokemon done, I guess we might as well go on to those who control Pokemon, Trainer! Yay, nothing special here (if we're lucky they have the same AI as the one in Platinum so some attached Seals to their Pokeballs and some might use items like X Attack or X Defend to look somewhat smart). I think I'll also throw in pictures of Kurt's House and you talking with your mom about her saving a portion of your money just to make this section a bit bigger.

(Random Pictures FTW?)
Oh, here's something to pay attention too, the Kimono Girls who now have a more importent role in the plotline other than being all located in one house and act like a side battle! If like any other NPC that activates a "cutscene", they'll probably give you items or importent info whenever you meet one. Obviously they all have the same Overworld Sprite but we haven't seen any battles with them so there is a still a chance they have different In-Battle Sprites that matches the Eeveelution they have. I also wonder if they'll have two new sisters who will have Leafeon and Glaceon after we beat the storyling, have them be cousins, or just not include those two Eeveelutions at all and have you get those two yourself if you want them in your pokedex.

(If you can't tell, the first one is in Violet City, second in Illex Forest, and the this has one talking to a Rocket Grunt. Let's listen to what they are saying:
Kimono Girl: If it wasn't for the fact the player has to be the one to beat you in battle I'll... probably have lost since I only have an Eeveelution on my team which aren't even on a high level in the original games...
Rocket: Why are you talking to me again?)
But those aren't the only importent trainers! We also have Eusine and we re-live his journey to follow and capture Suicune! Unfortunetly we have a morep ure heart than his so Suicune only wants to see us and runs off just a few seconds before Eusine appears. Though it looks like you might encounter them the same way you did in Crystal by falling through a hole in the Burnt Tower, seeing them, and have them leap off. From the looks of it they'll probably have them "leap" away by just moving their still Overworld Sprite rather then giving them an actual leaping motion. Oh well, put it along with my complain about the Surfing Pokemon.

(Entei: Okay, Gold saw us, let's run.
Suicune: Not yet...
*hears someone climbing down the ladder*
Raikou: Come on, I here someone coming down the ladder!
Suicune: Any moment... NOW!
*They all run off just a second before Eusine enters the room*
Eusine: Did I come in time? Are they here?
Gold: Just missed them by a second...
Eusine: ... Oh, shut up...
Entei: You know Suicune, you're acting like a jerk...
Suicune: I know... but it is so dang funny!
Next up if a Trainer's favorite location: Gyms! And here we have the Azalea, Goldenrod, and Ecruteak Gym along with some pictures of a place in Goldenrod and Ecruteak City! But with that said, it looks like only Azalea got a new puzzle here, while Goldenrod and Ecruteak look to be revamped version of the old puzzles. In Azalea Gym you need to ride Spinarak "boats" over a web covering a hole, but being there are 3 "boats" there, the beams looking to be in like rails, and there are 3 spot the rails end in 3 different spots (dead end, dead end with trainer battle, and correct path with trainer battle up ahead), I think this puzzle is a bit more complicated then we think. To be honest, there is something like this in the New Super Mario Bros. DS game, but I still can't figure out how this puzzle will work.
Anyway the Ecruteak Gym you once again got to walk a pathway in darkness, yet there are trainers blocking the pathway! Well, the visible pathways at least. My guess that in the darkness there are hidden pathways you need to use to get around the blocking trainers, but becareful not to fall into the empty darkness less you want to start from the beginning of the puzzle again.
Finally the Goldenrod Gym looks to be a bit of a maze with rised platforms and stairs with trainers sprawled about. Nothing too difficult looking here though in the screenshot I don't see anyway to get to Whitney, so guess you'll have to go around and wish for the best. But remember that you need to talk with Whitney twice though, as after you beat her she'll begin to cry and forget to give you the Plain Badge until you talk with her again.

(Another day, another game, another gym, and another puzzle which makes you wonder who gives these Gym Leader's money to do this stuff to pesture challening trainers to solve?)
Onto one of the newest features I was surprised they did: The Pokethlon. Now it's not that they mde mini-games which surprised me, it's that they made NINE new mini-games that did! Anyway we have the building and the front entrance of the Pokethlon and the one thing I have to note here is the Pokethlon logo. It's a fist coming out of a Pokeball. Kind of random but a logo we never saw before so I guess it'll do. Next we see some of the games which is Dash Hurdles (the racing game where you also have to jump hurdles), Bounce Field (which looks like a pingo-like game which I'm guessing you need to have more of the "bouncers" be the color which your represented by in order to win, and you do this by having your Pokemon bounce on it as it heads down/up), Snowball Shoot (showball throwing game where you verse a team of 3 Pokemon facing you while trying to avoid hitting snowballs of another snowball fight happening right in front of you), and Ring Out (a basic last-one-standing game where you push your opponent's off the side of the arena).

(I'm afraid to find out how much longer this made my already-too-long post...)
And I'm not covering the Pokegear or Pokewalk (which I mistook as Poketalk) as I don't understand any of it. However I will provide the pictures for you to decipher (and if you want to, even make a post about it):

(Yay, I'm not even going to try...)
And that's it!