Before we begin, I want to announce a change of plans. Kind of realized my "Mega Evolution Qualification" post will be kind of long and big since we'd be dealing with 315 Pokemon (rough math, but it's still a lot). Thus I would rather get all the new stuff out of the way before I start going into other topics. With that, now that I'm done talking about all the new Pokemon & Mega Evolutions, let's talk about something involving the old non-Mega Evolved Pokemon, something which was actually announced before CoroCoro's batch of news:
Pokemon Bank:
Gen V introduced a new feature to Pokemon which wasn't contained on the cartridge: a website where you can "send" Pokemon to, or at least a dream version of themselves. Yes, I'm talking about the Pokemon Dream World and it was a pretty innovative thing for Pokemon to do. You were able to catch new Pokemon, possibly with a move it normally can't learn and Hidden Ability, find items, grow & harvest Berries, and then send all these things back to your game (and if you've done enough activities you may even level up the sleeping Pokemon). In addition to this you were able to decorate your virtual home by choosing what house you wanted, what furniture and decorations to fill it with, and let's not forget all the Pokemon plushies there was to collect! Now while you can argue with the execution and handling of the Dream World, it was still a pretty inovative thing for Pokemon to do. However, it was also a limited feature as you didn't actually send your Pokemon out of the game (though while they were dreaming you couldn't wake them up and to wake them up you had to go to the Global Link where you could do all the Dream World stuff and wake them up after or it also gave you the option to do so on the Global Link).
Let's quickly talk about space, specifically the Storage System. You can only carry 6 Pokemon with you thus whenever you catch a Pokemon with a full party they're sent to the Storage System on the PC which is located at every Pokemon Center and certain other special places (like the White Treehollow, Black Tower, Battle Subway, World Tournament, and other competitive battling places). now the Storage System can store a lot of Pokemon, each game makes sure you have enough boxes to fit every individual species of Pokemon an then some. Gen V's Storage System had the a maximum of 24 boxes which could old 720 Pokemon. However, some Pokemon don't have just one appearance, now do they? We have Pokemon who have different forms, Pokemon who have gender differences, Shiny Pokemon, and if your a competitive battler you could even have multiple of the same Pokemon yet have different strategies for each of them. While there is enough room for one individual Pokemon each, if you try to get different forms or have multiples of one with different strategies you'll find out that extra room isn't so spacious anymore.
So with Pokemon venturing into the realms of the interwebs and the need for space to put all your extra Pokemon comes a new online feature: the Pokemon Bank. Some of you may remember in Gen III and IV they sort of answered the space problem by releasing games on the home consoles that was pretty much just a storage box: Gen III had the "Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire" for the Gamecube which held 1,500 extra Pokemon & Gen IV had the "My Pokemon Ranch" for the Wii which held 1,000 Pokemon. Pokemon Bank is no different, though instead of being on a Nintendo Home Console it's an application for your 3DS that uses the internet to store up to 3,000 Pokemon.
We'll talk about Poke Transfer in a few, because that's where I have a small complaint...
Now before you get excited there is one catch to all this: Pokemon Bank is an ANNUAL (YEARLY) PAID SERVICE. The subscription price for Japan has already been released for Japan at 500 Yen which is $5 to us, so it's not that expensive. In addition to that, there's going to be a 30 day free trial which helps alleviate that complaint I mentioned in my caption (in fact, the 30 day free trial's could possibly be just for that issue). Also there will be the usual Storage System in the game, though one must wonder since they're introducing this feature so early if that means they might not be increasing the amount of boxes we had in Gen V so that we may not have room for every individual species of Pokemon...
But enough of the speculation, let's get to some of the features which Pokemon Bank is boasting about:
Personal Application: Since the Pokemon Bank is an application for your 3DS, you can connect multiple versions to your Pokemon Bank so that those games can withdraw any Pokemon in the bank. To do this all you need to do is insert your cartridge (or you can skip this step if you have the digital version) and access the Pokemon Bank application. Also, if you were to ever lose one of your games, you could still withdraw Pokemon originally from those games you had in the Pokemon Bank to your other games!
This person is either disorderly or has an odd sense of which Pokemon should evolve and which shouldn't...
Moving Many Pokemon Around: With Pokemon Bank you don't need two 3DS's to transfer your own Pokemon to another copy of your game one at a time, sometimes even needing to catch "trade fodder" Pokemon. All you need to do is deposit the Pokemon you want from one game into the Pokemon Bank, switch games, and withdraw all those Pokemon. No trading required! And to make things even easier, Pokemon Bank has many search functions so that you can find a specific Pokemon you're looking for without having to search through many boxes and keeping a sharp eye out for its menu sprite.
Relaxed Ampharos? Brave Magnazone? No wonder why they're deposited out of the game...
Pokemon Bank Final Thoughts & Opinions: I really like this idea, even though I probably won't be using it. The service is cheap and yearly, you're given plenty of room to do pretty much whatever you want (well, except maybe trying to catch every single variation of Spinda), you can easily transfer Pokemon between games without needing a second 3DS, and when you want to search for a specific Pokemon it has search features to help. And though they don't mention it, I guess it goes without saying that if you don't pay you'll be locked out from the Pokemon you had deposited until you payed again. Now I doubt it'll have any of the bonus stuff that "Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire" and "My Pokemon Ranch" had with being awarded special Pokemon for getting a certain number of Pokemon, but you're mostly getting this mostly to store Pokemon so it's not that big of a loss. However with the good comes the bad:
Poke Transporter:
When you download the Pokemon Bank application, another application also downloads along with it: Poke Transporter. What's Poke Transporter? Why it's the way you transfer your Gen V Pokemon over to Gen VI games! How it works is that you insert your Black, White, Black 2, and/or White 2 cartridge into your 3DS, open the Poke Transporter application, and it'll transfer Pokemon you select from your Gen V games into a Pokemon Bank box. Now it goes without saying that this is a one-way street, Pokemon removed from your Gen V games cannot be put back so if there is any Pokemon you may want to keep in those games you may want to make sure that when transfer time comes you don't accidentally select it. Once all the Pokemon are moved to a Pokemon Bank box, obviously to move them into your Gen VI game just insert that Gen VI cartridge (step not needed if you have a digital copy) and transfer them over (or you could keep them in their Pokemon Bank box if you want).
HOWEVER not all Pokemon will be able to be transferred over. Pokemon created illegally from devices not authorized by the Pokemon Company will not be able to be transferred over.
Yeah, that pretty explains the main Pokemon you want to transfer over: Legendaries. Legendaries up the wazoo!
Poke Transporter Final Thoughts & Opinions: *sits down and sighs* Okay, if this was just an OPTION to transfer your Pokemon I wouldn't go on the rant I'm about to go on. If you couldn't tell, in order to use Poke Transfer you need to use Pokemon Bank. This presents somethings which not only bug me but some potential problems which recently came up concerning Pokemon's internet interaction with the games.
In previous games, the way to transfer Pokemon was within the game itself: you went to someplace, accessible only post game, and did something either involving a feature of the handheld or needed two handhelds. In Gen IV, you used the GBA slot on the original DS or DS Lite to send Pokemon from your Gen III games to the Pal Park. In Gen V, you needed two DSs so that you can send your Gen IV over to the Poke Transfer. While both methods had their annoyances needing you to play a mini-game to re-catch your Pokemon, both methods still were in-game and just requires the handheld system. Oh, and it was free.
"Really? That's you're problem? It's only 5 dollars! Heck, we're being given a 30 day free trial!". Yes, I know it's only 5 bucks. Yes, I know we're going to have a 30 day free trial which I'll be using to transfer all my Pokemon. While I do have bigger issues I'm going to address, let me give you these scenarios:
1. As I said, I'm probably not going to use the Pokemon Bank. The Storage System in-game has always sufficed me and I'm sure this is also true for many other people. Let's say one day I get a bit nostalgic and start playing my Gen V game, maybe even started a whole new game since any important Pokemon I had on there I transferred over. So I'm playing, and suddenly it happens, I encounter a Shiny Pokemon! Well, obviously I want to transfer over this new Pokemon. But wait! My 30 day free trial is over. Now, if I want to transfer this Shiny Pokemon, I'm going to have to pay 5 bucks for a service I'm not going to even use! Yes, Gen V required you needing another DS though by the time of Black & White's release the 3DS was around the corner so, even if you didn't have friends or a family member with another DS, you knew at some point you were going to get a 3DS since it was only a matter of time before they released the next main series game on it. In the ends, if I ever get a Pokemon I want to transfer over after my 30 day free trial, I'm going to have to pay for a service I don't want or will be using.
2. Also, how long will this 30 day free trial offer last? I'm going to assume as long as they're offering it it'll only start your 30 days when you activate it, but who's to say they'll always have this offer? What if the offer is only available for say a year? Let's imagine that the time has come they have removed the offer and there's this person who just got into Pokemon but decided to play their way up through the main series game. Up to this point they've had no problem transferring the Pokemon they got from one generation to another and now they've caught up, played Gen VI, and want to transfer their Pokemon over. However the free trial is over, and like me they're not going to use Pokemon Bank. They're going to have to pay 5 bucks to transfer Pokemon THEY ALREADY HAVE! Now the example I supplied above, I made a choice to play the old game knowing that my free trial is over thus any Pokemon I got was either going to stay in the Gen V game or I'd have to pay 5 bucks. That was a choice I made. However this late comer probably didn't know that, and now they need to pay 5 bucks to do something that in previous generations was free for THEIR OWN POKEMON. They bought the game, they caught the Pokemon, the Pokemon is theirs and now they're being told "Oh, you want to transfer your Pokemon over huh? Pay me 5 bucks!". Heck, this doesn't even need to be a newcomer, maybe someone was just late buying Gen VI or was waiting for a reason to buy it.
Now, if the 30 day free trial will always exist then this really won't be a problem, however as we saw with the Dream World that's not a certainty we can count on.
Speaking of that, let's talk about a potential problem with having the transfer being a service over the internet instead of something in-game. As you all know, this December the Dream World, at least for the Gen V games, will be no more. They're updating the Global Link and have decided that they're removing the Dream World since they don't want to support an older generation feature. I told you my problems with that, how this was VERY poor planning on their part as they are essentially taking away a feature and advertising point of the Gen V games. Staying on topic, what if when Gen VII comes they decide "okay, time to update Pokemon Bank & Poke Transporter. It'll be easier to maintain it if we remove the Gen V compatibility and focus on Gen VI to Gen VII transfer". At least with Poke Park and Poke Transfer as long as you have the required handhelds you can transfer Pokemon to the next generation at any time (and before you mention it, sure the original DS & DS Lite are no longer in production, how there are so many of them it'll be DECADES before it becomes difficult to find one). However, because the Pokemon Bank is an online feature, they can easily change how it works and either for convenience or a business decision, when Gen VII comes by there's nothing stopping them from removing Gen V compatibility.
Finally, why does the Poke Transfer even require Pokemon Bank? Not to say it shouldn't be connected, if you're using Pokemon Bank then by all means give us the OPTION to transfer our Pokemon into it. However, if we're not using the Pokemon Bank, why not just have the Poke Transporter have the capability of storing a single box of Pokemon? The 3DS HAS MEMORY, it uses SD CARDS! Are you serious telling me you can't program it so that the Poke Transfer, if not connected to the Pokemon Bank, has it so you can only store one box of Pokemon before needing to go to your Gen VI game to fully transfer them?
In the end I don't like this. Being able to transfer YOU OWN POKEMON should be a free thing and at most you're being limited by the hardware. Now, if you're truly only stuck with one 3DS and your free trial is over, you probably won't mind having to pay 5 bucks instead of the spending money to buying another DS system. However that should be an OPTION and not the only choice! And as I pointed out, why do we even NEED them connected? Why can't the Poke Transporter store some Pokemon, the 3DS if full capable of doing that so why are your purposely limiting it (besides to make money, which is a rather sleazy excuse)!
As one final note, I have to wonder how they'll be able to tell a legitimate Pokemon from a "fake" Pokemon? A good "fake" Pokemon is made so that it's technically POSSIBLE to train a Pokemon to be like it, so they can't really use anything that can be physically seen to detect "fake" Pokemon. For example, if they use a "move detector" then they're going to have to make sure to include all the special Pokemon since Gen III that were given moves they can't normally learn. I'm not saying it's impossible to do this because I don't know how the programming works, but at the same time I can also see the potential to mess up and lock out legitimate Pokemon (mostly Event and Dream World Pokemon).