1. Huh, I guess to separate it from Butterfree (not like a form change will keep it from having equally low stats)? 
2. We'll talk more about Gyms when we get to the Badge Case.
3. They had to shove Pikachu in somewhere, but I guess if you want to fill your Pokedex one place to start is with the series mascot.
And I can sort of see Corphish fitting into Tierno's dancing theme, Brock always had Ash's Corphish help distract people when they needed to (if I recall Corphish plays the maracas, though if you put small stones in Corphish's claws it could probably make its claw into a maraca).
4. Ooh, maybe they'll give Sail Fossils so I don't need to trade for an Amaura. Wonder how getting the Mega Stones will work, surely you can't just find them like you would with Fossils.
5. Badge Case time, better go in order: (though going off topic a bit, WOW, 28 thousand money already? Wonder if that's just from battles or he did some side activities. Anyway...)
1st: So the Bug Badge looks like a scarab beetle. There's more bugs then just beetles, Game Freak. Every Bug-type Badge so far has been a beetle (albeit, the Insect Badge is a very stylized one, but it is one since its called the "Beetle Badge" is Japan!). Spider/scorpion, fly, centipede/millipede, butterfly/moth, bee/wasp, mantis, worm, etc.. Or you can do something related to bugs like a web, cocoon, bee hive, bug eyes, larva, etc.. Yes there are many beetles thus many beetle designs, but they're still beetles which is one order of bugs!
2nd: Grant's Badge, already seen and commented on it.
3rd: And now we come to the Badges in silhouette but we already know two of them. This one is Korrina's Badge (totally forgot about Korrina) which we saw and commented on. However this means we're going to find out about Mega Evolutions pretty quickly, at the very least I thought Korrina was going to be a later game Gym Leader since I expected her to use a Mega Evolution in her battle... then again I did say the Fighting-type Gym could be tough if they decided not to hold back (hopefully I'll have a Psychic- and Flying-type on my team at that point)...
4th: Yeah, I have NO clue what that could be. It's sort of shaped like a fat water droplet?
5th: Oh, Clemont's Gym is fifth (which makes sense, in the anime we know Clemont is going to refuse to battle Ash until he has more Badges). As I said, it looks like a badge belonging to an Electric-type Gym Leader but in the anime he does use a Bunnelby (though at one point half of Brock's team were Water-types so I don't think we can really rely on the anime on what type a Gym Leader is if he's also a traveling companion of Ash's).
6th: WHAT?! That Badge is the length of two and is half an oval! Maybe it's a pair of wings for Flying- or Fairy-types? A boat for a Water-type Gym? A field of grass for the rumored Grass-type Gym? That has to be one of the weirdest looking badges yet!
7th: Hmm, how interesting. It looks like a ball releasing smoke. Fire-type (we saw a building releasing two giant flame pillars in the first trailer, though I thought that could be for an Elite Four member)? Maybe Psychic and it represents someone dreaming (we saw a Gym which warps reality in the first trailer)? Or maybe instead of Psychic it's Fairy-type (in the Pikachu Short before the Genesect Movie is shows that Sylveon has reality warping powers of some kind)?
8th: Well now that we know this is the Ice-type its obviously a snowflake. Even though we already had an Ice-type Badge which was a snowflake, there have been other Ice-type Badges which weren't (which is funny, out of any Gym you'd think that would be repeating designs it would be the Ice-type because they could use a snowflake, not the Bug-type...). If I didn't know it was Ice-type already I would have guessed Steel since it looks like a Bronzor.
And of all the Badges, none look like they could be for a Dark-type *sigh*