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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [201]Oct 2, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    New Pokemon....Espurr. Said to be the pre-evolved form of Meowstic.

    Espurr was rumored along with Meowstic.

    With news leaking everywhere, I wonder if I should even bother with my Moves & Ability post. It's taking me a while to complete and new leaks are coming out constantly.

    Also, SPDShadowRanger, I know you changed the title of this thread that it has spoilers however I do feel that something like a new Pokemon (even if its a pre-evolution or evolution of a one we know) just deserved to have the image linked. All you need to say is "New Pokemon" and have that link to the image (afterall, the guy is posting the new Pokemon's stat page so we'll see what its name is when we go to the link). Everything you previously posted is okay as they aren't that big of leaks, however something big like new Pokemon, characters, plot info, etc. should either be hidden behind a link or between two giant spoiler tags.


    Like this.


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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [202]Oct 2, 2013
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [203]Oct 2, 2013
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    The games come come out in a week and a half, if people don't want to be spoiled by what the game contains they shouldn't be looking at forum threads about talking about the games.

    The evolved forms of Swirlix and Spritzee:


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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [204]Oct 2, 2013
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    Heard that some places got it a week early

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [205]Oct 2, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Heard that some places got it a week early

    As I said, some Canadian stores broke early. Wish my nearby GameStop would do that... whatever, hopefully nothing too spoilerific is leaked. Though I will admit that I did look at some images posted by the guy that SPDShadowRanger was linking too and saw two pieces of information. It's nothing big but I'll post them below in spoiler tags:


    As I said, I'm okay with spoilers like these and hopefully I can keep myself to only knowing these or at least spoilers like these.

    Also, since they were released by Game Freak and not from the leaked games, Mega Charizard X and the evolutions for Swirlix and Spritzee aren't spoilers. However I will not be making a post about the Swirlix and Spritzee evolutions since they aren't up on the main site, but I still for Mega Charizard X because it is:


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [206]Oct 3, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon: Charizard -- Mega Charizard
    Type: Fire/Flying -- Fire/Flying
    Ability: Blaze//Solar Power -- Drought
    Charizard's Stats: 78/84/78/109/85/100//534
    Noted Stat Changes: Special Attack increases
    Height: 1.7 m/5'07" -- 1.7 m/5'07"
    Weight: 90.5 kg/199.5 lbs -- 100.5 kg/221.6 lbs
    Mega Stone: Charizardite(?)
    Description: When Charizard becomes Mega Charizard, its pointed horns and long tail give the Pokemon a look of sleek sharpness. Mega Charizard is in a league of its own when it comes to flying prowess, able to reach incredible heights. When Charizard Mega Evolves, its wings become larger than ever.


    *cough* Okay, I'm done. Do I really need to go over how awesome Mega Charizard is? First off, it's now more draconic looking then ever before (I know what you're thinking, we'll discuss that soon), with a slender body, bigger wings, a pair of hand wings, spikes on its tail, and a more rigid face with its pair of dull horn sharpened and an additional "spoiler" horn that tells you Mega Charizard means business! Design-wise I can't say anything bad about Mega Charizard, it tells you he's a mean dragon ready to bring on the HURT!
    Well, mean Fire/Flying ready to bring on the HURT. In one of Game Freak's oddest moves, they didn't change Charizard, a Pokemon is clearly a FIRE BREATHING DRAGON, to a Fire/Dragon but instead left it as Fire/Flying. Meanwhile, I would also like to remind everyone that Mega Ampharos got a secondary Dragon-type. I repeat:



    It's important to remember this, it could save your life.

    However, I think I do know why Game Freak didn't make Mega Charizard Fire/Dragon even though it DEMANDS it: they're afraid. Yes, for you see, being Fire/Flying is sort of a power limiter they put on Charizard so that it gains a quadruple weakness to Rock-types thus Stealth Rock takes away half of its HP. For you see, Game Freak probably tested a Fire/Dragon Charizard... and the sheer power that monster had made many employees to witness it not be able to sleep from fear of seeing it in their nightmares. Be afraid people, for if Charizard ever became Fire/Dragon, it'd be Judgement Day upon the entire Pokemon world:

    Dun dun dun dun dun, Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun, DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN!

    ANYWAY! To not have Charizard go after them and turn them into piles of soot, they gave Mega Charizard two gifts: An increase Special Attack because there's no kill like overkill, and the Ability Drought. Yes, Drought, also known as the Ability which shot Ninetales from Underused to Overused over night. For those who don't know what Drought does, it brings out Sunny Weather. Teams have been built around all the weather conditions and Sunny Weather is no exception (though Rain Teams are a bit more popular). Now there are two "problem" with Mega Charizard having Drought: one is that it won't be able to change weather upon being sent out, it'll have to wait until the end of its turn meaning for t least its first move it won't have the benefits for the first turn. And if it's facing a Rain Team, that may mean it goes up against a Pokemon with Drizzle and is going to be hit with a power Water-type attack. However Charizard can learn Protect like most other Pokemon, so it can simply defend on its first turn and then have Drought kick in to change the weather to its advantage. Second "problem" is that Charizard won't have Solar Power, an Ability which powers-up its attacks by 50% in Sunny Weather but in return loses 1/8th of its HP every turn (not to mention it won't be able to hold any items). Now while Charizard does get a Special Attack increase, it probably won't equal to a 50% increase (and Solar Power works for both Attack and Special Attack). However I argue that the Special Attack increase and the 50% increase provided by Sunny Weather will still make Charizard a force to be reckoned with, and it's highly probable that Mega Charizard will also get a Speed boost (they mention how it has improved flying capabilities which I think would lend to speed) which will help it further outpace any competition. So overall it may lose power however I still see it having MUCH more to gain.


    Pokemon: Charizard -- Mega Charizard X
    Type: Fire/Flying -- Fire/Dragon
    Ability: Blaze//Solar Power -- Tough Claws
    Charizard's Stats: 78/84/78/109/85/100//534
    Noted Stat Changes: Attack increases
    Height: 1.7 m/5'07" -- 1.7 m/5'07"
    Weight: 90.5 kg/199.5 lbs -- 110.5 kg/243.6 lbs
    Mega Stone: Charizardite X
    Description: With this transformation, Mega Charizard X's body turns black, and its flames burn blue with increased heat.


    *cough* Okay, I'm done. Well looks like Game Freak pulled a fast one on us, though that's not a bad thing in this case. No, far from it, as what they pulled was a SECOND CHARIZARD MEGA EVOLUTION! And yes, this time it's FIRE/DRAGON! Just like with Mewtwo, the previous Mega Charizard that was Fire/Flying and had Drought is called Mega Charizard Y while this new one is called Mega Charizard X. And yes, they're version exclusive as to get Mega Charizard Y (Fire/Flying, Drought) you need the Mega Stone "Charizardite Y" which is only in Pokemon Y and to get Mega Charizard X (Fire/Dragon, Tough Claws) you need the Mega Stone "Charizardite X" which is only in Pokemon X. *sigh* Of course, the version I'm getting is the one with the Mega Charizard that people are now no longer interested in... but does that mean it's the lesser of the two? Let's take a closer look at Mega Charizard X and compare it to it's high flying alternative.
    Starting with looks, Mega Charizard X's color scheme is AWESOME with a black body like a Shiny Charizard but also breathing blue flames (which are the hottest color flames). However that is where the compliments stop. Comparing Mega Charizard X to normal Charizard, it's just a palette swap with the belly area increases up to its low jaw, odd looking spike shoulders, ripple wings, two spikes on the back of its neck, and its horns were made pointy with blue markings on the tip. Maybe there's some slight changes to its body shape, however I do think Mega Charizard Y has the better design as it looks Charizard went under an evolution instead of swapping out certain traits for more "draconic" looking ones. If it Charizard's normal color scheme it'd be easy to mistake it for a normal Charizard (also what color is it Shiny going to be? Normal Charizard colors?).
    However looks aren't everything and as long as Mega Charizard X looks alright and is awesome to play there should be no problem. Mega Charizard X takes a few notes from Mega Mewtwo X and focuses on Attack instead of its Y version's focus on Special Attack. To further help it dish out serious damage, it gets a new Ability called "Tough Claws" which increases the Power of moves that make physical contact with the opponent (here's a list of Physical moves that don't make contact & Special moves that do make contact, many of which Charizard doesn't learn anyway). STAB wise Mega Charizard X is pretty good as Charizard learns Flare Blitz via leveling up (can also learn Fire Fang and Fire Punch if you're really that worried about recoil damage) and gets Outrage as an Egg Move (though if you don't want to bother with that I guess you can give it Dragon Claw which it learns leveling up or from TM). Infact I would say that, by just raw power alone, Mega Charizard X would likely dish out more damage than Mega Charizard Y assuming their Attack and Special Attack stat are the same. I say this because Mega Charizard Y's best move will probably be Flamethrower which is 95 Power. Add in STAB (1.5) and increase its power by 50% because of Drought's Intense Sunlight and you'll have a move's who's Power is 213.75. Meanwhile, take either Flare Blitz or Outrage which has 120 Power, adding STAB and probably a 20% increase in power (the same increase Iron Fist does to "punching" Moves) and you get a Power of 216... okay, there isn't that much of a difference, but it's still a little bit more and do remember how annoying it is when after a huge attack your opponent is left with 1 HP, that additional 2.25 damage is looking a bit more tempting. And remember that Mega Charizard X is doing this with 2 moves of different types while Mega Charizard Y can only do this with Fire-type attacks (yeah it gets STAB from Flying-type moves, but their Power doesn't get increased by Drought). And yes, there are stronger Special Fire-type moves like Heat Wave, Fire Blast, and Blast Burn but those have side effects which makes Flamethrower much more appealing (then again a Heat Wave + Topsy-Turvy combo could be pretty devastating...).
    Now I'm factoring Abilities into thus, so let's cut them out and look at them separate from the stats. I made a huge deal about Mega Charizard Y getting Drought and it is still a big deal, however Drought only gives Mega Charizard Y a few tricks. In addition to increasing the power of its Fire-type attacks, specifically Flamethrower, it also decreases the Power of Water-type attacks and Thunder's Accuracy by 50% (which Mega Charizard Y appreciates), makes SolarBeam happen instantly which gives Mega Charizard Y some more types it can hit super effectively (especially Rock-types), and being Mega Charizard Y can't activate Drought upon being sent out it's guaranteed to change the weather next turn taking away the opponent's Weather support if they used any (and it's not Intense Sunlight). However that's where Drought stops helping Mega Charizard Y as the rest of its uses can only be benefited by other Pokemon (which also include the opponent's Pokemon). Mega Charizard X's Tough Claws is a bit more flexible as it pretty much increases the Power of all of Mega Charizard X's physical attacks and the opponent isn't able to also use it.
    Finally I think it's important we go over the type chart. Mega Charizard Y is weak to Rock (4x), Water (2x), & Electric (2x); resistant to Fighting (.5x), Bug (.25x), Steel (.5x), Fire (.5x), Grass (.25x), & Fairy (.5x); and Immune to Ground (0x). Mega Charizard X would be weak to Ground (2x), Rock (2x), & Dragon (2x); resistant to Bug (.5x), Steel (.5x), Fire (.25x), Grass (.25x), and Electric (.5x). Both has their pros and cons. Mega Charizard Y has a quadruple weakness to Rock-types and a normal weakness to common types like Water; its resistance to Fighting, Steel, and Fairy could be useful; immunity to Ground means no worries about Earthquake; and finally its STAB hits Steel-, Ice-, & Fighting-types super effectively. Mega Charizard X is weak to Ground- (hello Earthquake) and Dragon-type moves; only useful resistance is against Steel-types; and STAB hits Ice-, Steel-, and Dragon-types super effectively (though it has to watch out of Fairy-types with its Dragon-type attack). With all this layed out, I'd actually say Mega Charizard Y has more of an advantage despite the quadruple weakness as I can see it being used in many kinds of scenarios having something up it sleeve while Mega Charizard X pretty much has to rely on its raw power (though what Dragon-type doesn't?).
    So in the end, which is the better Mega Charizard? Honestly, both have their own uses and you won't go wrong choosing either one. At first I was kind of upset that Mega Charizard X was a X Version exclusive, however after comparing and contrasting I realize I wasn't getting a lesser deal with Mega Charizard Y but rather one which further expands upon what a normal Charizard could do it a bit more powerful. And both are going to start out as a normal Charizard, meaning if sent in it'll still get half of its HP taken off by Stealth Rock and probably would be using Protect on its turn to Mega Evolve. So in the end, no matter what Mega Charizard you choose to get you're in for a good time... that is if you choose Charmander. NITPICK TIME:

    1. Poor Venusaur and Blastoise, for once they were being treated on an equal level as Charizard and then BAM! Charizard gets a second Mega Evolution. Poor Blastoise has probably been begging to become part Steel-type and Venusaur... well I don't know what additional thing Venusaur could get. However, it wasn't like they just announced the second Mega Charizard, no, they created a 4 EPISODE MINI-SERIES to advertise it. That's right, Pokemon Origins has Red's Charizard Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X while battling Mewtwo in the last episode (he got the Mega Stone from Mr. Fuju after helping ease the pain of the Ghost Marowak in Lavender Tower) and it helped Red catch Mewtwo in an Ultra Ball. Talk about a promotion!
    2. And poor, poor Fennekin, every few announcements concerning Fire Starters are just pushing it into obscurity (unless you're a freak like me who plans on using a Fennekin, Torchic, and Charmander. FIRE-TYPES FOREVER (and they have different secondary types... at least I hope Fennekin is)).
    3. Tough Claws kind of sound like the Iron Fist/Mega Launcher/Strong Jaw version for claw, scratching, and slashing attacks.
    4. I like how they Mega Charizard X's description talks about its flames turning blue from intensity even though it's the Attack stats which Mega Charizard X focused on.

    Well, that's all I have to say till next time!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [207]Oct 3, 2013
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    Ok so more leaked information!


    DBZ reference FTW!

    Aerodactyl has a Mega Evolution

    Vivillion has two forms, the Pink form is normal form and it also has a "Polar Form" which is blue. It looks cool.

    Grant is indeed a Rock-type trainer. His gym is the second gym and he uses Tyrunt and Amaura. He give out Rock Tomb.

    Third Gym is Fighting, final gym is supposedly Ice and there is a Fairy gym.

    Fletchling is a three stage evolution family.

    The starter's final forms are Chesnaught: Grass/Fighting, Delphox: Fire/Psychic, Greninja: Water/Dark

    Sweet Kiss and Charm are now Fairy moves.

    There are nine slots after Eevee, but no word on if it's a new Pokemon or new Eevelution.

    Shauna and the PC you didn't pick get the other two Kalos starters.

    Edited on 10/03/2013 12:55am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [208]Oct 3, 2013
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    There have been images leaked of the final stages and chespins looks cooler then its previous two Froakies looks just as cool while Fennekin is more like an old sage making it really hard to decide which to choose

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    [209]Oct 3, 2013
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    [210]Oct 3, 2013
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    Vivillion's Polar Form is still bug/Flying. No idea what the point of the forms is.

    There are some people saying another Gym is Grass but it hasn't been confirmed.

    Trevor has Pikachu and Tierno has Corphish.

    There is a cave called Glittering Cave where you can find Fossils and apparently some Mega Stones.

    Badge Case.

    Edited on 10/03/2013 12:02pm
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    [211]Oct 3, 2013
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    [212]Oct 3, 2013
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    *Sigh* I'm never going to finish my post for new Moves and Abilities...


    You'd think they'd stop showing us new Pokemon with the games about to be released next week. Heck, Mega Charizard X probably sold all those who were holding back. However I guess they want to show us that Fairy-types do indeed evolve, so back to the version exclusive Fairy-types:

    Pokemon: Slurpuff
    Type: Fairy
    Ability: Sweet Veil (NEW! (I'll talk about it in my next non-spoiler post, hopefully))
    Species: Meringue Pokemon
    Height: .8 m/2'07"
    Weight: 5 kg/11 lbs
    Flavor Text: The evolution of Swirlix, Slurpuff has an unbelievable sense of smell - a hundred million times more sensitive than that of humans. With its highly attuned senses, it can distinguish the faintest of odors. Since its particularly good at distinguishing sweet smells, some Slurpuff work to assist pastry chefs.
    Based On: A meringue (a dessert strongly associated with Swiss and FRENCH cusine)
    Name Origin: "Slurp" & "Puff"
    It helps pastry chefs? Good Arceus, that thing must be afraid for its life every waking moment, and it dares not sleep!... And that's all I got. I guess it looks alright? I guess it looks edible which is what they were going for, but that's kind of sick if you think too much on it. Oh, and remember it's available in Pokemon X and if you want one in Y you're going need to trade for it or its pre-evolution.

    Pokemon: Aromatisse
    Type: Fairy
    Ability: Healer (Has a 30% chance of healing an ally's status ailment at the end of each turn in a Double Battle or Triple Battle)
    Species: Fragrance Pokemon
    Height: .8 m/2'07"
    Weight: 15.5 kg/34.2 lbs
    Flavor Text: Aromatisse, the evolved form of Spritzee, can give off a variety of different smells, from a pleasant fragrance to an odor so repugnant to its opponent that it can turn a battle in its favor.
    Based On: What is this I don't even... *leaves for a few minutes* OKAY! I'm back. Apparently it's based on a flamenco dancer and partially a flamingo. It also has some traits of a gryphon and a plague doctor. Finally it also looks like Divine, the famous drag queen, especially how Divine dressed in the film "Pink Flamingos"... I think my first reaction still stands.
    Name Origin: "Aroma" & misspelling of "Tissue"
    WHAT A I LOOKING AT?! What is this thing?! When it started out as a Spritzee I really didn't think it was that odd, it was essentially a pink bird (sure its face looks like a Plague Doctor mask which is a bit disturbing, but it still made sense). Jokingly it looked like an In-Training Digimon (specifically Poromon) or an Angry Bird. Now I did think it was going to evolve but I thought it was going to be something like a proper flamingo. BUT THIS?! Being this is Y exclusive meaning I'll be encountering them in the wild, I was debating of MAYBE using it just to try out the Fairy-type... but now I don't even want to fight it! Now of course I'll be catching one, but I don't think I'll be using one.
    Oh, and of course I really have nothing more to say since, like the previous evolutions I talked about, nothing changed about it except its stats which we don't know about.

    Well, while I won't say this will be the last new Pokemon to OFFICIALLY be revealed, I will say this might be the last few bits of XY news until the game is finally released next week. Now it you'll excuse me, I got to finish a post I've been working on.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [213]Oct 3, 2013
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    Abomasnow has a Mega Evolution. Gengar, Heracross, Druddigon, and Galvantula are all reportedly getting Mega Evolutions.

    Aerodactyl's Mega Evolution stays Rock/Flying.

    Badges 1-4

    Edited on 10/03/2013 3:38pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [214]Oct 3, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Abomasnow has a Mega Evolution. Gengar, Heracross, Druddigon, and Galvantula are all reportedly getting Mega Evolutions.

    Aerodactyl's Mega Evolution stays Rock/Flying.

    Badges 1-4

    Whoo heracross

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    [215]Oct 3, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Abomasnow has a Mega Evolution. Gengar, Heracross, Druddigon, and Galvantula are all reportedly getting Mega Evolutions.

    Aerodactyl's Mega Evolution stays Rock/Flying.

    Badges 1-4

    I'll stop with the spoiler tags.

    Mega Evolutions:

    Abomasnow: Suppose we can't have Mega Charizard Y the only weather summoner Mega Evolution... that is unless they removed Abomasnow's Snow Warning. Actually that's a interesting, does a Mega Evolution count separetly from its normal counterpart upon activation? If it does and both Abomasnow and Mega Abomasnow have Snow Warning, that means Abomsanow technically has two chances activating Snow Warning. Also I would say Abomasnow looks like a defensive Pokemon BUT with 7 weaknesses I think it'll just be better with a Special Attack and Speed boost so it can throw out as many Blizzards as it can in the hail.
    Yeah it can now switch out anytime it wants to, but why would it? Ghost hitting Steel neutral, Poison being super effective against and resistant to Fairy, what more could Gengar want? Why a Mega Evolution of course! Wonder if they'll increase its very Special Attack & Speed or try working on its defenses... definitely the former. Actually Poison never really made any sense, Gengar always seemed like a Dark-type so could this be Gengar's chance to become Ghost/Dark (and being it's normally Poison it'll have a Poison attack ready for any pesky Fairy-types that appear to stop it)!?
    Ooh, another of Ash's Pokemon can Mega Evolve. Of course it'll probably only Charizard getting to Mega Evolve, but maybe if Heracross (and any other of Ash's Pokemon who can Mega Evolve) gets lucky Ash may bring home their Mega Stones. Anyway, Heracross is already a Dark-type's nightmare so it getting a Mega Evolution probably makes them not want to sleep ever again. It's typing alright though I would have it use its Dream World Ability or something else (it probably wouldn't mind Compoundeyes for 100% accurate Megahorns).
    Druddigon needs a Speed boost, its okay otherwise. Maybe give it a second type would help it more like Dark or maybe even Fighting (it does learn Superpower (or Brick Break if you don't want the stat decreases)). And though its Abilities are alright, I can see it eying Mega Charizard X's Tough Claws in envy (as well as Pure Power and Huge Power but now we're talking about a fool's dream).
    Having an appropriate type and a good Ability in Compoundeyes (for THUNDER), only place to go from here is with its stats. Like with Gengar, they can either focus on Special Attack & Speed or work on its defenses... definitely the former. Actually, it only has a 91% Accurate Thunder with Compoundeyes... but it's raining it'll not only get 100% Accurate Thunder but also decrease Fire-type attack Power. So maybe it could ditch Compoundeyes for Drizzle. "Um, why would it get Drizzle?" Well, we do have a song based on a spider in the rain. The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
    Aerodactyl: Oh, well then I suppose they could give it a better Ability like Sheer Force, Mold Breaker, or Moxie. Actually, maybe they can experiment with Aerodactyl by having it learn 2 moves upon Mega Evolving. That way it can keep its Ability Rock Head and instead learn HEAD SMASH AND BRAVE BIRD (seriously Game Freak, you give Aerodactyl Rock Head but not the two moves it could be most effective with it? "But Aerodactyl isn't a bird" yeah, neither is Zubat but it can learn it as an Egg Move)!

    Badges: Oh, the 4th Badge is a leaf, duh! Well I just feel silly now.

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    [216]Oct 3, 2013
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    Snubbull, Granbull, and Mr Mime are part Fairy-types now.

    No second Eeveelution. That ninth slot was Emolga.

    Each Kalos Dex has 150 Pokemon so 450 total.

    Mega Stones are tradeable.

    Edited on 10/03/2013 11:09pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [217]Oct 4, 2013
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    I'm really confused about the final starter evolutions. I know nothing has been 100% confirmed, but I've seen alleged pictures of them..... there are two forms for the fire starter. which one is more likely the real form? please oh PLEASE I hope it is not the old sage looking one... I will be so extremely disappointed if it is.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [218]Oct 4, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Snubbull, Granbull, and Mr Mime are part Fairy-types now.

    No second Eeveelution. That ninth slot was Emolga.

    Each Kalos Dex has 150 Pokemon so 450 total.

    Mega Stones are tradeable.

    Fairy Re-Type: Well I did mention Snubbull and Granbull has the same classification of Clefairy being the Fairy Pokemon so obviously called that. However I didn't see Mr. Mime becoming Fairy-type, that just seems out of left field. Mimes aren't faeries, their humans in white face makeup doing silent slapstick with invisible objects.

    Emolgeon: Oh Emolga, you little trickster making people think there's a 2nd new Eeveelution. Of course this now makes Sylveon the only Eeveelution to appear in a generation without another paired Eeveelution. I suppose it's possible there could be a Mega Evolution or two of some of the older generation Eeveelutions, but I doubt it.

    Poke-tri-dex: Do any of the Pokedex's share Pokemon? Even if they did that's sure a lot of Pokemon, though makes me wonder how many new Pokemon are there. Guess we won't know that until someone posting leaks finishes the game and unlocks the National Dex.

    Trading Stone Game: Hmm, this makes me wonder if there aren't any version exclusive Mega Stones (aside from the Mewtwo and Charizard ones, and those are for the same Pokemon). I remember reading somewhere that Professor Sycamore gives you your Kanto Starter's Mega Stone so I'm going to guess that means I can't find a Charizardite X in my cousin's game and swap it for an extra Charizardite Y I dug up.

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    I'm really confused about the final starter evolutions. I know nothing has been 100% confirmed, but I've seen alleged pictures of them..... there are two forms for the fire starter. which one is more likely the real form? please oh PLEASE I hope it is not the old sage looking one... I will be so extremely disappointed if it is.

    No clue. I haven't looked them up, trying to surprise myself. All I know is that Fennekin's final is Fire/Psychic. Though I will say it sounds kind of odd they'll make the final form an old sage when Briaxen looks like a young witch.

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    [219]Oct 4, 2013
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    I'm really confused about the final starter evolutions. I know nothing has been 100% confirmed, but I've seen alleged pictures of them..... there are two forms for the fire starter. which one is more likely the real form? please oh PLEASE I hope it is not the old sage looking one... I will be so extremely disappointed if it is.

    The "old sage" is the real one.

    We haven't seen the full Pdex lists yet but no repeats so far.

    Azurill is Normal/Fairy. Was hoping they would change it to just Fairy.

    Edited on 10/04/2013 2:30pm
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    [220]Oct 4, 2013
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    A game website I go to, Blistered Thumbs, has released some XY info. In the spoiler tags are what is believed to be the Starter's final evolutions, a new Pokemon, and a new Mega Evolution (sorta, we already knew about this Mega Evolution from SPDShadowRanger, but now we have what it looks like). Click the spoiler tag below at your own risk:


    Now there is a possibility of what I just posted being fake, however they look legit to me.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    We haven't seen the full Pdex lists yet but no repeats so far.

    Azurill is Normal/Fairy. Was hoping they would change it to just Fairy.

    1. Wow, 450 Pokemon. Well I guess most of that is made up of evolutions, but still I think that's more then any main series game has offered yet.

    2. I was kind of hoping they would leave it just Normal for the lulz. Of course it going from Normal (now Normal/Fairy) to Water (now Water/Fairy) was never the odd thing about Azurill, the odd thing about it is that female Azurill have 1 out of 3 chances to change to a male upon evolving.

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