Ok everybody, the first two episodes of the Best Wishes series aired in Japan today. Since most sites aren't reporting anything yet:
-Ash is already getting ready to go to Isshu when the episode begins and he, Delia, and Oak are on their way in less then a minute and a half. Not like it really matters, but they finally show that Pallet Town is located by the sea in episode 1.
-Team Rocket HQ has been revamped, and the TR trio has been promoted.
-They take a flight to Isshu
-The title card shows the ocean with the sun on the horizon with six pokeballs surrounding the screen.
-Pikachu gets his by Zekrom, but no one can find anything wrong with Pikachu.
-Shooti appears and picks Tsutarja as his starter.
-Ash and Shooti battle.
-Pokemon have new animations when coming out of their Pokeballs.
-Ash loses since Pikachu can't use Electric attacks and the episode 1 ends with everyone freaking out about Zekrom's electricity raining down on the city.
-In episode 2 Ash leaves on his journey and the episode is mainly about Ash and Iris getting to know each other.
-Also in episode 2, Ash captures Mamepato and Jessie captures Koromori.
-Araragi's Mijumaru follows Ash throughout these two episodes and should be capture in episode 3.
Edited 2 total times.