syrusfan wrote: |
Wow, six Pokemon is less than 20 episodes? Remainds me of the good ole days |
There was Krabby as well as the temporary trade for Raticate that Ash went back on at the end of the ep.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
syrusfan wrote: |
Wow, six Pokemon is less than 20 episodes? Remainds me of the good ole days |
There was Krabby as well as the temporary trade for Raticate that Ash went back on at the end of the ep.
Houston, we got a new Pokemon
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
Houston, we got a new Pokemon |
Ash: Didn't i tell you guys it would be fun to put the baby ground type on the other side of the small river thing and run!?
Dento: That's sorta mean.
Pignite: Hated that thing.
So is someone going to be catching a Munna?
Survey says, maybe
Who knows...
If Ash gets Meguroco, it will probably be either Iris or Dent who gets Munna, since Meguroco would give Ash a full party of six Pokemon. Hopefully Dent, since Iris is pretty much confirmed to be getting that mole pokemon, whatever it's called, but Dent hasn't been confirmed to be getting any new Pokemon yet and the only Pokemon he currently has is his Yanappu. But then again, Iris might want to catch a Munna, since a Munna put her Kibago to sleep a few episodes ago, so she might want to catch Munna in order to get even.
Ash is getting Meguroco. It's not pretty much confirmed it is confirmed. And why would Iris attempt to "get even" with a Pokemon just because it put her Kibago to sleep? and FYI it was Musharna that did that, not Munna.
nyfan wrote: |
I think we are finally going to get some closure on Team Rocket. Giovanni is plotting something big, and in the end I think Team Rocket will be destroyed because of it, and surviving members will be put in jail. Except for our trio, I think they will get a happy ending, with no organisation they are free to pressure their own dreams. So no more Team Rocket, keep your fingers crossed. About time the writers wrap this storyline up like they finally did with Brock. |
If this is the final series of Pokemon, I hope they plan to end it with a bang - like having all of Ash's travelling companions appear (Misty, Brock, Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris and Dent), show off all their Pokemon, and if Ash actually wins the Isshu League and gets to challenge that region's Elite Four, have a huge party or something, and perhaps have an epilouge to show what happens to thecharacters in the end.
Like Ash accomplishing his dream.
Misty becoming the best Water Pokemon Master
Brock becoming the best Pokemon Doctor (and perhaps find the RIGHT girl)
Tracey continuing his work as Prof. Oak's assistant.
May becoming one of the best Pokemon Coordinator
Max officially becoming a Pokemon Trainer himself
Dawn becoming a great Pokemon stylist
And Iris and Dent going back to what they do.
But who knows?
Whoa whoa. Beast Wishes has just started. It's way too early to say if its the end.
syrusfan wrote: |
Whoa whoa. Beast Wishes has just started. It's way too early to say if its the end. |
another calender
I'm hoping that Zorua isn't on here because of his role in the movie and instead is going on a main characters team
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
another calender I'm hoping that Zorua isn't on here because of his role in the movie and instead is going on a main characters team |
Well James still needs a Pokemon...
All I can to that idea is great victory
edmasterchaos wrote: |
*pictures James with a Zoroark* ...oh heavens yes. |
It'd be a shame to see that thing get blasted off