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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Official Best Wishes!/XY Anime Thread (SPOILERS!)

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Sep 23, 2010
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    Ok everybody, the first two episodes of the Best Wishes series aired in Japan today. Since most sites aren't reporting anything yet:

    -Ash is already getting ready to go to Isshu when the episode begins and he, Delia, and Oak are on their way in less then a minute and a half. Not like it really matters, but they finally show that Pallet Town is located by the sea in episode 1.

    -Team Rocket HQ has been revamped, and the TR trio has been promoted.

    -They take a flight to Isshu

    -The title card shows the ocean with the sun on the horizon with six pokeballs surrounding the screen.

    -Pikachu gets his by Zekrom, but no one can find anything wrong with Pikachu.

    -Shooti appears and picks Tsutarja as his starter.

    -Ash and Shooti battle.

    -Pokemon have new animations when coming out of their Pokeballs.

    -Ash loses since Pikachu can't use Electric attacks and the episode 1 ends with everyone freaking out about Zekrom's electricity raining down on the city.

    -In episode 2 Ash leaves on his journey and the episode is mainly about Ash and Iris getting to know each other.

    -Also in episode 2, Ash captures Mamepato and Jessie captures Koromori.

    -Araragi's Mijumaru follows Ash throughout these two episodes and should be capture in episode 3.

    Edited on 09/11/2013 7:28pm
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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [2]Sep 23, 2010
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    Did Tracey get a look in?
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Sep 23, 2010
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    Tracey who? just kidding..

    Anyone else love the opening?

    also we were right

    no bike = she get's shocked herself...

    Edited on 09/23/2010 11:33am
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  • Avatar of legersem


    [4]Sep 23, 2010
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    Does anyone else think that this new season is an attempt to reboot Jesse and James as villains and make them more serious again? I mean, first of all, they have darker clothes. And Jesse even gave up on Contests after she lost in the Grand Festival (not that it matters since there aren't any Contests in Isshu but that's besides the point). It just seems, especially since their new animations look a little...I dunno...colder, perhaps?...that the writers in Japan are trying to make them true villains instead of comedic relief as they have been for some time now.

    Other than that one question, it looks like this season is going to be awesome, although I am still a little sad that they seem to be essentially starting all over again what with Brock and Dawn leaving. Ash already has his obligatory bird Pokemon and it looks as though he's going to catch Mijumaru in the next episode, which would give him his Water type, too. I am kinda intrigued by Iris, though, especially since I'm not sure exactly what her role on the show will be.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [5]Sep 23, 2010
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    Jessie didn't give up on contests.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [6]Sep 23, 2010
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    (1) The writers really rushed to promote Isshu. He's already getting ready, geez. No goodbye of his pokes, no meeting Tracey, Misty.

    (2) Anyone had a WTF moment when the newly fresh received starter defeated good ol' Pikachu? I get that he lost his electric attacks but he still has his other moves, which should be enough considering it was a freakin starter.

    Edited on 09/23/2010 4:56pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [7]Sep 23, 2010
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    Watching right now and... damn Team Rocket's kicking up the badass, even Jesse and James seem to be affected by the badassness that Team Rocket is leaking right now O.o;;

    lol, Pikachu gets Poetic Justice after all it's haxx'd use of electric attacks

    And, whoa. Not like uber dark and edgy or anything, but TR Trio now delivers. Their silly is dropping at an alarming rate here!

    The music's pretty cool, that new TR Trio intro was pretty sick, and now this music when introducing hte starters is kinda awesome as well. Awesomesauce.

    Edited on 09/23/2010 5:14pm
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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [8]Sep 23, 2010
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    So based on Serebii's description of Jessie's Koromori are we to assume that bats simply can't be caught on screen? Well...I guess that depends on whether or not you consider Gligar & Gliscor bats...
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [9]Sep 23, 2010
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    I'll watch as soon as I can find some subs. I've seen the opening though, not really sure how to feel about it

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Sep 23, 2010
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    Just discovered this, Koromori is the only pokemon Team Rocket has with them. Giovanni's secretary made them keep all their older pokemon at Team Rocket HQ.
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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [12]Sep 24, 2010
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    Obviously not counting Meowth.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [13]Sep 24, 2010
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    So Yanmega isn't there anymore? I would think that would be a bigger threat than a bat with a heart symbol

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [14]Sep 24, 2010
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    Meh. I knew it was too good to be true when I saw Serebii listing Jessie with four Pokémon. Wait, WHY would Team Rocket do that though? Deliberately making them weaker...and knowing the trio as well as I'm sure Giovanni does, they need all the help they can get...how'd they manage to get promoted anyway? Or is that just some line Giovanni's fed them to make them feel important?

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [15]Sep 24, 2010
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    I think we are finally going to get some closure on Team Rocket. Giovanni is plotting something big, and in the end I think Team Rocket will be destroyed because of it, and surviving members will be put in jail. Except for our trio, I think they will get a happy ending, with no organisation they are free to pressure their own dreams.

    So no more Team Rocket, keep your fingers crossed. About time the writers wrap this storyline up like they finally did with Brock.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Sep 24, 2010
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    PsyduckRanger wrote:

    Meh. I knew it was too good to be true when I saw Serebii listing Jessie with four Pokémon. Wait, WHY would Team Rocket do that though? Deliberately making them weaker...and knowing the trio as well as I'm sure Giovanni does, they need all the help they can get...how'd they manage to get promoted anyway? Or is that just some line Giovanni's fed them to make them feel important?

    They got promoted because they said they took down Team Galactic and Hunter J. Giovanni's secretary made them leave the pokemon because those pokemon are not native to Isshu and it would apparently make them stand out since Isshu residents will have never seen these pokemon before.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Sep 24, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    PsyduckRanger wrote:

    Meh. I knew it was too good to be true when I saw Serebii listing Jessie with four Pokémon. Wait, WHY would Team Rocket do that though? Deliberately making them weaker...and knowing the trio as well as I'm sure Giovanni does, they need all the help they can get...how'd they manage to get promoted anyway? Or is that just some line Giovanni's fed them to make them feel important?

    They got promoted because they said they took down Team Galactic and Hunter J. Giovanni's secretary made them leave the pokemon because those pokemon are not native to Isshu and it would apparently make them stand out since Isshu residents will have never seen these pokemon before.

    And them dressing in black with a giant red "R" on their shirt will not make them stand out? And if you were planning to take over a region, wouldn't you use Pokemon not native so the trainers they're battling won't know what type those Pokemon are or what attacks it knows thus allowing you to get an advantage? Wait, did they provide them with any Pokemon? If they didn't that's like telling a solider to go out and fight enemies with guns with your bare hands.

    Edited on 09/24/2010 10:44am
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [18]Sep 24, 2010
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    I think one possibiity could that Giovanni's assistant is a double agent for Team Plasma, Jessie and James promotion is part of a Team Plasma plot to get Team Rocket.

    What I want to know is that Giovanni after he talked with Jessie, James, and Meowth. I doubt it was anything endearing like "I know those three can do it". More likely he is using them as a decoy or sacrificial lamb.

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [19]Sep 24, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Jessie didn't give up on contests.

    Are you sure about that? Jessie kind of ditched her Jessalina clothes at the end of the Grand Festival, so I took that to mean that her Contest days were over. Besides, I never took Jessie seriously as a threat to Dawn and/or May in Contests, so the fact that she even made it to the Grand Festival impressed me. It really wouldn't fit with their new character arc right now anyway, especially if the attempt is to get them to be legitimate villains again.

    And I can't believe that they left all of their Pokemon at the TR HQ. That seems really weird and totally dumb. I agree with the prior posts, especially since now James has no Pokemon and Wobbuffet is no longer there...which is kinda sad.

    Edited on 09/24/2010 1:29pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [20]Sep 24, 2010
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    About the promotion, if you look at it from Giovanni's POV:

    The lamest trio goes to Hoenn. Team Aqua and Magma are finished.
    The lamest trio goes to Sinnoh. Team Galactic and Hunter J are finished.

    Giovanni probably figures it's pure damn luck, but it's something that has worked twice in otherwise hard situations for criminal world takeovers, so why waste it?

    The only think i think it's kinda moronic is to keep Meowth there, sure he's part of the trio and all but if they are getting poke-nerf'd, for the adequate reason of wanting them to not stand out as they scout Isshu, then keeping Meowth really just goes against it for good 'ol Fridge Logic.

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