EPISODE: BW122 "What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!"
After a recap, we start the episode with the glowing red Light Stone floating up into the sky as Ash yells at them to stop (yes, reveal that you're now awake and sneaking around, the ONLY advantage you have at this point). Suddenly a fog rolls and a Psybeam and Magical Leaf fires out and knocks the Plasma Grunts guarding N, Ash & co. realizing it's Anthea & Concordia here to rescue N. With everyone distracted, Iris takes the opportunity to have Axew start working on breaking the metal rings binding her.
Anthea: N, your heart has been stained.
Concordia: What exactly has happened to you?
Comment: ... What in the world are you talking about? Are you talking about N surrendering himself and the Light Stone to save Ash & Pikachu? First off, Team Plasma was surrounding Ash & N so even if N didn't give up it's very doubtful that he's escape from Team Plasma once they were done toying with Ash & Pikachu (actually, what were the Plasma Grunts doing as Colress was having Pikachu attack Ash & co., watching? Shouldn't they have been surrounding N?). Second, if the plan was for N to take the Light Stone and run, where were YOU TWO! A blinding fog which teleports people? That's kind of useful for escapes!
N tells Anthea & Concordia that Team Plasma is trying to wake up Reshiram and will probably repeat the disaster years ago. He also says Reshiram i filled with rage and must find out why or else there will never be understanding between Pokemon and people, dooming both without a future (or Reshiram just goes on a rampage until another Legendary appears and smacks it down, may I remind everyone that Arcues does owe Ash a favor for saving it's life. Though Unova will probably be decimated before then, unless Zekrom decides to be that "hero" Legendary). Anthea & Concordia tell N to return to them but N says he won't run away and of he wants Pokemon happy they'll battle alongside them. The eyes of Gardevoir and Gothitelle appear... which only gives Colress a location to shoot. And indeed the Pokemon Control Device takes control of Gardevoir and Gothitelle, the fog disappear to reveal Anthea & Concordia are standing on a nearby rock (why did you guy also come through? Wouldn't it be safer to remain in the other dimension, it's not like the first time where you had to come through because N was injured and unable to move) which Gardevoir and Gothitelle then attack, Team Plasma then surrounding them.
Ghetsis completes the ceremony and Reshiram is fully summoned, everyone looking at it in awe. Meanwhile, Axew breaks Iris's metal ring and she tells it to start working on Cilan's (you know now that you're not hidden by the fog all Team Plasma has to do to ruin your plan is look over to you, you may have wanted to find a place to hide while the fog was still up). Reshiram flies down in front of Reshiram, however Ghetsis greets Reshiram and it turns to him and angrily roars. Ghetsis says he knew it'll be angry which is where Colress comes in and he uses the Pokemon Control Device to take control of Reshiram, or does he? In true villain undersight, Ghetsis orders Reshiram to kill (not using that word, of course) N, Anthea, & Concordia BUT Reshiram goes crazy and starts sending off "power waves" knocking everyone back. Iris, Cilan, Cedric, and Looker specifially runnig away to a safer location. Reshiram then fires a Fusion Flare at a piece of th ruins but th power of alone sends Plasma Grunts and Pokemon flying all over the place, though Ghetsis is pleased by it (BTW, Team Rocket is watching and making comments the whole time, though nothing too importent). Colress is impressed by the data he's getting but says Reshiram's potential is far greater then what they're seeing and commands Reshiram to do another Fusion Flare, destroying more ruins and sending more Pokemon flying. Now in a more hidden location, Iris and Cilan check on Cedric who essentially says he's alright as Cilan sends out Crustle to break his metal ring (Looker is gone though).
Over to Ash, Ash tells Pikachu that they need to do something when N, Anthea, and Concordia meet up with him... as well as Team Plasma and their pack of Liepard. Pikachu attacks with a Thunderbolt and chases them off.
Team Rocket also are thinking they need to do something or else Team Plasma will take the world from them. Looker then appears behind them (managing to free himself from the metal ring, there was a quick shot of him getting a device after the second Fusion Flare) and ask them for their help, James asking why they would and Meowth saying for their own rep and happily agree.
Back to Ash, Liepard surround Pikachu as Barret tells Colress to aim the Pokemon Control Device at Pikachu (why? You have control of Reshiram. Now it'd make sense for Colress wanting to do it since he thinks Pikachu is an interesting specimen, but I would think to other Team Plasma members they'd see Pikachu as a moving target for Reshiram. Also wouldn't you not want to risk straining the Pokemon Control Device now that it's controlling a highly powerful Legendary Pokemon?) though Ash steps in front of Pikachu saying he won't let them. Colress of course just aims between Ash's feet to Pikachu... when Meowth jumps in! Meowth uses Scratch/Fury Swipes to knock away Barret and the Liepards, causing the other Plasma Grunts to run. Ash asks why Meowth is helping them though he tells him not to sweat it and hide, Ash agrees following Meowth. Meowth leads Ash to Jessie, James, and Looker and explains they're working together to destroy the Pokemon Control Device. Ash says he'll help lure away Team Plasma, but tells Pikachu to stay behind. N, Anthea, & Concordia then appear and Ash tells them about the plan and for them to stay behind, though N asks how they plan on destroying it (I assumed by attacking it until it's a pile of scrap metal). Meowth says it's being guarded by controlled Pokemon so Ash says they'll have to force their way through (because this is Pokemon, EVERY question can be solved by battling) and runs off.
Meowth: Are you nuts twerp?
Comment: Yeah, this isn't one of the movies... and even if it was you ramming into things NEVER works anway!
N: Oh no, Ash!
Iris: Don't do it!
Comment: Iris? Where did you come from?
Looker: It's too dangerous!
Comment: In Pokemon, what isn't?
James says Ash's job is a distraction, Jessie saying they'll do the heavy lifting, both then running off as well. Aldith tells Ash he's wasting his time and all the controlled Pokemon and Liepards surround Ash. Pikachu can't stay behind with Ash in danger and rushes out, Ash telling it not to but finally accepting Pikachu isn't going to wait around and tells it to use Quick Attack. N tells Anthea & Concordia though Ash can't hear Pokemon he knows how they're feeling and asks if that isn't the ideal their looking for. Colress tries locking on Pikachu though it moves out of the way, meanwhile Ash dodges the Golurk punches until one is blasted by Axew's Dragon Rage, Iris telling Ash to leave this to them. A bunch of controlled Conkeldurr & Timburr confront Iris but they're knocked back by Woobat's Air Slash and Yamask's Shadow Ball, Meowth knocking aside some Liepard surprising Iris. Team Rocket does their motto and say they got things under control leaving Ash & Pikachu a clear run to the Pokemon Control Device... that's up on a hill.
Ghetsis: Reshiram, get them!
Comment: Oh, and they also have an Reshiram to deal with. You know, maybe it's a good time to see two fire dragons fight...
Reshiram lands in front of Ash & Pikachu so Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball on the Pokemon Control Device. However Colress finally locks onto Pikachu and fires, taking control of Pikachu again. Ash runs up to Pikachu but is shocked back, N running up and grabbing Ash though explains Pikachu is fighting the device. Iris and Cilan also run up and cheer on Pikachu, Ash telling Pikachu he knows it can fight the device back.
Colress: My, you really like to dream, don't you? My device is able to control the likes of Reshiram. What hope does you little Pikachu have to resisting it?
*Pikachu turns toward Reshiram and Colress*
Colress: Impossible! There's no way you can resist!
Comment: Foolish Colress, this is a kid's anime, meaning that the power of friendship is the strongest thing ever.
Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt on Reshiram, N saying that Reshiram's consciousness has returned, and Cilan explaining Reshiram is using Pikachu's Thunderbolt to break free of the control (I heard being shocked to your senses but this is ridiculous!... Actually, it is, why would a Thunderbolt even be effecting Reshiram as well as it is. Maybe if this was Zekrom it would make a little more sense since it's at least part Electric-type so you can say it's using Pikachu's electrical attack to power itself, but what excuse does Reshiram have?). Ghetsis ask Colress what is going on and tells him to increase the output to control Pikachu. Colress fires again but Pikachu remains unaffected, releasing electricity in resistance.
Ghetsis and Colress can't believe in this Tauros Mulch.
Finally, Ash gives Pikachu the order to user Electro Ball on the Pokemon Control Device and, with Reshiram adding in a Fusion Flare, the Pokemon Control Device is destroyed freeing all the controlled Pokemon. As everyone tries to figure out if its over and Ash gives Pikachu a hug, Colress starts having a mental break down not understanding how Pikachu resisted which N says it's something he'll never understand that there's nothing stronger then Ash's bond with his Pokemon. Colress gets up saying he won't quit but Reshiram breaks free of its control (what took it so long?) and starts to power up, N saying he's hearing the voice or anger and Colress saying its power is more then when it was being controlled.
Reshiram uses Blue Flare destroying more of the ruins as N & Ash tell it to calm down. N tells Reshiram that people and Pokemon can live together and they care for it which does calm Reshiram down. Ghetsis tells Reshiram this is unacceptable but Aldith and Barret hold him back saying they must retreat. Looker yells to not let them excape and Ash sends out Krookodile to use Stone Edge & Cilan has Crustle use Rock Slide to surround Ghetsis, Colress, Aldith, and Barret with rocks. Iris then sends out Dragonite to use Ice Beam, trapping Team Plasma in a block of ice.
Reshiram gets ready to fly off but N stops it and talks about the first time they met it sensed it anger and even now it still does. He asked how Reshiram felt when it saw all of them working together to stop Team Plasma and after a moment of pause N thanks it and asks if it can believe in people the same way. N says he'll keep on fighting for the truth Reshiram seeks and the ideal world they want, Reshiram giving out a huge roar and flying off above the clouds. Iris asks N what did Reshiram say (what, you couldn't figure it out from what N said next?) but as N tries to put it into words Ash says he doesn't need to tell them as he wants to meet Reshiram again and ask for himself, saying it's something to look forward to (yeah... Ash, what you have to look forward too is a black & red death vulture and an elegant life deer). N turns to Anthea & Concordia and ask don't they think they saw many things they couldn't from within the fog (get it, the fog was a metaphor for thier bias toward the world!). N asks for them to travel with him but Concordia asks where they'll go.
N: To the ideal. To work toward to turning that ideal into a reality.
Comment: Wow, they sure mention "ideals" a lot. You'd think at some point that a dragon of ideal would be involved... WHERE IS ZEKROM!
Anthea and Concordia agree as they hear police siren and we cut to the White Ruins being covered by police. Officer Jenny puts Ghetsis, Colress, Aldith, and Barret in a prison van as Colress mopes that his Pokemon Control Device was a failure... before suddenly becoming very cheery saying that for his next invention he'll make a device that lets Pokemon talk to people.
Stage 5 of grief or mood whiplash?
Looker thanks Ash for his help saying that they'll meet again (well your both a fan favorite and creator favorite character so, yeah, we'll probably see you at some point in XY dealing with Team Flare) and drive off. Cedric meanwhile is in stage 2 of grief as he complains that the Light Stone was a major discovery but then some of the archaeologists tells him they found new ruins which is ice-based (ugh, ice sliding puzzles...) and already made some finds. They ask for Cedric's support and he gets excited, telling Iris and Cilan goodbye and they won't meet again... until when they do (hey, they got to get one last running gag in). Team Rocket are seen running off, once again inspired to catch Pikachu. Finally Ash & co. say bye to N, Anthea, & Concordia, N thanking them and that they'll be working toward creating their ideal world, the narrator coming to end the episode.