So i wonder what will happen with the Dub seasons after the N arc ends. They can't keep calling it Adventures in Unova because the gang will be in kanto and the Decolora islands.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
So i wonder what will happen with the Dub seasons after the N arc ends. They can't keep calling it Adventures in Unova because the gang will be in kanto and the Decolora islands.
Sorry for not posting in awhile, it's coming to the end of my semester so work has been piling up on me (also I've been trying to find a job). Because I don't have that much free time I decided to try a new way of writing my reviews. Before it took me 2 to 3 hours to write each review as I was writing it as I went through the episode, constantly pausing it to write what has happened and any additional jokes or comments I wanted to make. However I'm going to try a new method of watching the episode fully first and then write a summary of it from memory and going through Serebii's picture archive of the episode, adding in any additional jokes and comments that I made while watching the episode (note this is my SECOND time doing this because for some reason there's a "Reset" button which I accidentally pressed and deleted my ENTIRE post...). Anyway, let's begin this experiment.
EPISODE: BW113 "The Light of Floccesy Ranch!"
We start the episode with Pikachu and Axew coming upon a Mareep, Ash & co. soon following after.
Ash: Who's that?
Cilan: It's a Mareep
Comment: Ash, you should know that already... actually you should probably be telling Cilan and Iris that it's a Mareep.
And of course, Ash scans it *sigh*. Just then they notice a shadowy figure with glowing orbs on its head and tail coming toward them from the forest. It's soon revealed the figure is a Ampharos (which Ash also scans...) who tries to take the Mareep somewhere but is shocked for its trouble.
Maybe you shouldn't be pulling it's tail...
Ash & co. observe the Ampharos and Mareep don't like each other (gee, what gave you that idea?) as a girl comes out who's been looking for the two sheep Pokemon. Introductions are done and the girl's name is Elly who says Ampharos and Mareep belong to her family's ranch which players of Black 2 & White 2 might be familiar with: Floccesy Ranch! Elly invites Ash & co. over for some lunch, introducing them to her grandfather in the process.
While having lunch Ash & co. notice that Ampharos is having a hard time having the Mareep listening to it, Elly explaining that Mareep is suppose to be watching over the Mareep but it's two kind to be timid with them. Elly says she's been trying to teach Ampharos ThunderPunch so that the Mareep would respect it (why would it knowing ThunderPunch make the Mareep respect it? The problem is that it's not timid enough) but Ampharos is having a problem building up enough electricity. Iris decides to send out Dragonite to help teach Ampharos ThunderPunch but Dragonite is a bit reluctant until everyone begs it to and it agrees (yeah for peer pressure!).
You're a shame to Electric-types everywhere.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are watching all this up on a hill and decide to steal the flock of Mareep. As Dragonite keeps teaching Ampharos to use ThunderPunch, Team Rocket steal their first Mareep... by shooting it with a yellow beam which it for some reason follows into a cage... Anyway, Elly notices a Mareep is missing and Ash & co. (+ Elly) start to look for it, thought Dragonite needs a little "persuading" to help:
Iris: Dragonite, help us find Mareep from the air.
Comment: Does Iris have to slap-a-Dragonite?
However while they searched for the first Mareep, Team Rocket steals a second Mareep. Elly notices another Mareep has gone missing but they have to stop their search as a fog has rolled into the forest. At the ranch, Ash & co. (+ Elly) plan where to search next when Elly's grandfather hears that two Mareep have gone missing and says that they'll have to get a new Ampharos (apparently at something called the "Pokemon Exchange Meeting"). Elly begs her grandfather to give Ampharos one more change and he agrees, Dragonite overhearing this.
Pikachu and Axew then run up and Ash & co. (+ Elly) follow it into the foggy forest where they see Ampharos using its red orbs to cut through the fog. They continue to search as Team Rocket steals another Mareep, however this time Ash & co. sees the beam (which is apparently made of electricity) and follow the Mareep it's attracting to Team Rocket. Team Rocket recite their motto and then uses a machine to drain electricity from the Mareep and fire a powerful bolt of electricity at Ampharos who tries countering with a Thunderbolt but is knocked back. Team Rocket attack Pikachu next but it's Thunderbolt is so powerful it's even able to hurt Arceus so of nullifies Team Rocket's attack and destroyed the machine which causes a flash of bright light. When Ash & co. (+ Elly) get up they see that Team Rocket, the Mareep, and Ampharos are gone.
Team Rocket are back in the Meowth Balloon looking for the Mareep as Ampharos are with the Mareep trying to herd them back to the ranch. Team Rocket finds them though and send out Woobat and Amoonguss to attack, Ampharos protecting the Mareep by blocking the attacks. Ampharos glows its red orbs bright which are spotted by Ash & co. who follow it to Ampharos and Team Rocket. Ash sends out Snivy while Dragonite goes to check on Ampharos (don't feel the need to help, Cilan...). However Snivy is unable to keep back Woobat and Amoonguss attacks as they aim for Ampharos however Dragonite steps in front of them and takes the hits. Elly tells Ampharos to use ThunderPunch and, with some encouragement from Dragonite, Ampharos successfully uses a ThunderPunch to knock Woobat and Amoonguss into Team Rocket which sends them blasting off.
Back at the ranch, Ash & co. (+ Elly and her grandfather) watch Ampharos keep the Mareep in line having gotten more courageous with its battle against Team Rocket and the Mareep respecting it for protecting them (well, at least three of them). Elly thanks Ash & co. though Iris says it was Dragonite who helped teach Ampharos to use ThunderPunch and says it's probably blushing in its Pokeball right now which it indeed is (also why not send Dragonite out to receive its thanks?). With the Mareep herd safe and Ampharos commanding more respect, Ash & co. leave Floccesy Ranch to the White Ruins.
This was an okay filler episode, it was actually more of a Dragonite episode if anything else. While Floccesy Ranch didn't serve a big role in Black 2 and White 2 (besides being the place where you can get a Mareep and Riolu early), it's still nice to see it featured. Though next episode we get right back to the thick of things...
EPISODE: BW114 "Saving Braviary"
We start the episode with two male Team Plasma grunts (named Schwarz and Weiss (German for "Black" and "White"), not that you'll know since their names are never said) driving a truck which is transporting something important. As they comment on the driving grunt's driving skills they soon stop upon driving up to a construction barricade. One of the grunt says that he doesn't remember hearing any reports of a road blocks and wonders if this is a trap, cue N sneaking up behind the truck and hacking the back doors open. In the back we see their cargo was actually a Braviary with an injured wing. The Plasma grunts clear the barricade but turn around to see N trying to walk away with the Braviary (brilliant N, maybe you should have waited behind the truck so that way they would just drive off not realizing what has happened in the back) and send out a Seviper and Zangoose to stop him (now I'm guess we should be surprised that these Plasma grunts don't know who N is... but I'm more surprised that we have a Seviper and Zangoose WORKING TOGETHER! ). They attack though N takes the brunt of it which sends him and Braviary falling off the cliff. The Plasma Grunts get back into the truck as one takes out a tracking device as N take Braviary somewhere safe, not realizing there's a tracking beacon on it.
Meanwhile Ash & co. are on route heading to the Pokemon Center for the night when they see someone collapse from out of the forest in front of them. Ash & co. check to see if they're okay to discover that its N who's also surprised to see them though says he needs to help the Braviary he's with and it has a broken wing. Scene transition to the Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy has patched up Braviary and tells them it'll be unable to fly for awhile and then says she'll help N with his injuries. After getting patched up himself, N explains to Ash & co. that Braviary was captured by Team Plasma which Ash & co. explain they encountered before. N then goes on his philosophical rant about finding out why Pokemon exist (does there need to be a reason? You might as well ask why humans exist. Or plants. Or rocks. Or ANYTHING) and that they don't exist to fight (unless you're a Fighting-type, you know, a type of Pokemon which specialized in fighting techniques...) which is why he doesn't like Pokemon Battles. N though realizes he's making Ash & co. a bit uncomfortable so he assures that he knows they are good people and says his goal is to free the Pokemon that Team Plasma has taken. Ash & co. say they want to help but N says this is his mission.
Outside, the Plasma Grunts have tracked Braviary to the Pokemon Center and start creating a plan to get inside. Inside, Ash & co. are in their room talking about N and not letting Team Plasma win. Back outside, the Plasma Grunts open the Pokemon Center's fuse box and cut the power, everything inside suddenly shutting off. N is checking on Braviary when he finally can see the tracking beacon and takes it off, realizing what's going on. N takes Braviary to Ash & co. and explains the blackout is due to Team Plasma who are after Braviary.
In the hallway Nurse Joy and Audino goes to check the circuit breakers as the Plasma Grunts sneak past into the resting room though upon finding one of Braviary's feathers realize they're too late. They check the tracking device to see Braviary is outside and upon going outside they spot N running with something in his arms. The Plasma Grunts send out Seviper and Zangoose who attack N though see he was only carrying pillows and blankets with the tracking beacon and ask N where he took Braviary. N gets up and runs away as the Plasma Grunts chase after him.
Meanwhile Ash & co. are taking Braviary to safety, going into a flashback where N tells them to release Braviary while he distracts Team Plasma much to Ash & co.'s worries. Ash & co. get to a Pokemon Sanctuary to release Braviary however Braviary tries running back from where they came. Ash & co. figure that since N can feel what Pokemon are feeling then maybe Pokemon can feel what N is feeling thus Braviary sense N is in trouble (OR maybe Braviary just wants to help the person who saved it, it doesn't know anything but it doesn't want to just run away). They agree to go and help N.
Back to N, the Plasma Grunts have caught up to him and have their Pokemon knock him down, N apologizing to Seviper and Zangoose for not being able to help free them and tells the Plasma Grunts he'll never give up his mission to stop them. The Plasma Grunts laugh and tell their Pokemon to finish N off when Braviary comes in and knocks Seviper and Zangoose back. Ash & co. also appear and tell N that Braviary sense he was in danger and they couldn't leave him. Ash sends out Pikachu and Iris sends out Excadrill (once again, Cilan, thank you for not helping...) as Ash tells N he understands he doesn't like battling but sometimes you have to as Ash & co. have a quick match with the Plasma Grunts. Pikachu ties with Zangoose after both having used Iron Tail though Excadrill knocks out Seviper with a Focus Blast though has been weakened by a Screech so Iris recalls it (darn, too bad Iris now can't send out another Pokemon like her DRAGONITE). Zangoose gets up and uses a Mega Punch but Braviary comes to the rescue and knocks Zangoose back with a Wing Attack, revealing it has fully recovered. Pikachu then finished Zangoose with a Thunderbolt causing the Plasma Grunts to return their Pokemon and retreat.
With Team Plasma dealt with, Ash & co. (+ N) finally say goodbye and release Braviary as they head back to the Pokemon Center to bandage N's injuries. Next morning at the Pokemon Center, Ash & co. ask N where he's going and N says to Driftveil City which is where they're heading. Ash asks if N wants to travel with them though N reminds them he's against Pokemon battles but when he watched Ash & co. battle he felt something he never did before. N agrees to travel with Ash & co. as the group then decide on getting something to eat.
So N has joined Ash & co. for a little while. An alright episode to start the Team Plasma plot though wish we would know what Team Plasma was planning on doing with the Braviary so that there was a sense of Team Plasma progressing in their plans. However now that N is with Ash and co. the plot is sure to start kicking up quickly, right? Right?! RIGHT?!?!... *sigh* seeya next episode...
EPISODE: BW115 "The Pokemon Harbor Patrol!"
The episode starts with Ash & co. (+ N) having arrived in Virbank City once more, telling N that last time they were here they helped Luke film a PokeStar Studios movie (you'd think N would have made a comment about people having Pokemon help make movies). Just then Ash smells something strange and in the distance they see smoke and conclude it's a fire and decide to go investigate (why? It's a city, I'm sure people are aware and have some firefighters over their putting out the fire). When Ash & co. (+ N) get there they see a building on fire and Ash sends out Oshawott to use Hydro Pump on the fire but a Watchog runs in front and stops them (and of course, Ash scans the Watchog with his Pokedex *sigh*). Ash & co. look over to see a man commanding a Dewott and two Frillish (male and female) to use Hydro Pump on the fire and then have the male Frillish use Psychic to "rescue" two dummies. Seeing the two dummies Ash & co. realize this is actually a training exercise when Watchog suddenly runs over to his team. The man tells Watchog it shouldn't be away from its station but then a piece of the roof breaks off and Watchog jumps pushes everyone to safety.
Ash & co. (+ N) run up to the man an asks if he's okay which he says he is and introduces himself as Halsey. Ash says it's a good thing Watchog was here and Iris asks if Watchog can see into the future though Cilan says Watchog are rumored to have very powerful sense. For some reason N is acting snobbish and says Halsey was saved thanks to his "friends" skills (you know what N, call any wild Pokemon you want "friend", but you shouldn't be calling another trainer's Pokemon your "friend", especially if you just met that trainer). Halsey is confused by N calling Watchog "friend" and Iris says that's just a thing he does and explains N's ability to hear the hearts of Pokemon. Halsey is impressed as Ash & co. introduce themselves and Halsey introduce themselves as the Pokemon Harbor Patrol, a Pokemon rescue group for Virbank City (and apparently them wearing red scarfs is a big deal as it was pointed out and talked about though is then never spoken of again). Dewott and Watchog then start arguing confusing Ash & co. though Halsey says Dewott is telling Watchog it shouldn't have left its post which he agrees with (well if you didn't stand so close to the building then Watchog wouldn't have needed to leave its post) and reminds Watchog it's the lookout and has to keep people for entering the danger zone. Watchog gets upset and N says that Watchog wants to help with the rescues with Cilan agreeing saying it's been on a rescue team from the start but hasn't done any rescuing. Halsey isn't sure what to do to Iris suggests putting Watchog through an aptitude test which Halsey agrees with and they get started. Meanwhile, Team Rocket watch from behind a building and start making plans to capture Pikachu.
Watchog gets through the first two tests no problem using Strength to lift a dumbbell and Cut to slice through a metal plate, but then it comes to the firefighting portion where Watchog isn't able to put out the fire with Sand-Attack and when it tried blowing it out why swinging its tail its tail catches fire and needs to be put out by Dewott (well how did you think it was going to put out the fire? Well it'll still make a pretty good search & rescue Pokemon at least... right?). Well not according to Halsey:
Halsey: Now listen to me Watchog. Pokemon have various skills that can be helpful in all sorts of rescue efforts. And one of your skills is being able to sense things. Which brings me to the conclusion that being a lookout is still best for you.
Comment: Really? That's the ONLY thing that being able to sense things is good for? Not finding unconscious people under rubble? Not having perfect accuracy in dark or smoke filled rooms? Or not detecting weak points in a building like a weaken floor or, say, part of the roof breaking off and FALLING ON ITS TEAM!
BUT WAIT, IT'S GET DUMBER! Because after Ash & co. says it's cool about using Pokemon as a rescue group (um, why are you acting like this is a new thing? You've met plenty of Pokemon rescue groups. Remember the Pokemon Rescue Squad? Virgil (you know, the WINNER OF THE UNOVA LEAGUE) and Team Eevee?), N has his own opinions:
N: Well I don't approve of recruiting Pokemon for dangerous rescue efforts at all.
Halsey: No? Why?
Comment: You're going to LOVE what N says next.
N: Pokemon have a magnificent world that's all their own. I wouldn't mind if Pokemon were rescuing other Pokemon, but I can't agree with Pokemon rescuing people. Those Pokemon will never find happiness doing that.
Comment: WOW... just, WOW! Where do I begin? Okay, first, WHAT magnificent world does N keep talking about? Pokemon and people share the same world, even the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series takes place on the same Pokemon World as the main series since the Pokemon know what humans are. Second, they're probably ALSO SAVING POKEMON along with people! So by your logic does that mean people shouldn't save Pokemon? Third, before talking for the Pokemon, Mr. I-can-hear-a-Pokemon's-inner-voice, why don't you ASK these Pokemon if they're not happy with what they're doing? If you're saying this because of Watchog, Watchog DOES WANT TO HELP RESCUE!
Halsey: While it's true Pokemon have saved people's lives from time to time, please remember people have saved Pokemon lives as well. When it comes to rescue there isn't any difference between people and Pokemon.
N: I wonder about that.
Halsey: What are you saying?
Comment: NOTHING! N is talking complete nonsense!
No N, you don't have the right to glare, Halsey brought up a good point and you're only comeback was "I wonder about that" like some hipster jerk who doesn't want to admit they're wrong.
Halsey soon gets a phone call though and hears that a fire started at the Virbank Complex where a kindergarten class is visiting (why did they bring a kindergarten class to an industrial complex?). Ash & co. begs Halsey to let them help, eventually agreeing when they say the only things they'll do is help direct people to safety (sure that's the only thing you'll do...). As Team Rocket keep their eyes on Pikachu, Ash & co. (+ N & Halsey) arrive to the Virbank Complex where they evacuate the kindergarten class though Halsey is told there are still workers inside yet he has to deal with the fire. Ash says they and Watchog will help direct the evacuating workers as Halsey, Dewott, and the Frillish put on breathing masks and go to put out the fire.
N is watching you.
Inside the complex, Halsey finds the source of the fire and has Dewott cut the metal door open and the Frillish use Hydro Pump to put the fire out (you know, Watchog could have easily done what Dewott just did). Back with Ash & co., they see more "workers" *coughTeamRocketindisguise* and direct them over, telling Ash there are some workers inside that need saving which Ash runs off to do as Team Rocket quickly snatch Pikachu in plain sight. Now you'd think it would be Iris, Cilan, N, or Watchog who saw Team Rocket do this, but for some reason Ash had turned back and sees the disguised Team Rocket taking Pikachu and asking them what they're doing. Team Rocket recite their motto and take off their disguises as they and Ash & co. get into a battle. During the battle Axew does Dragon Rage at Team Rocket causing them to lose grip of the container that was holding Pikachu and Oshawott uses Razor Shell to cut Pikachu free. Jessie's Woobat uses Hidden Power but Pikachu dodges however the Hidden Power starts another fire. Back to Halsey and his group, the fire alarm goes off and fire doors start to close around them, locking them inside the building.
Ash & co. and Team Rocket's battle continue with Pikachu using Thunderbolt but Team Rocket jump back and decide to retreat, flying away on jetpacks. Ash & co. then try to deal with the new fire having Oshawott use Hydro Pump on it but Oshawott is too weak. Ash finds a phone and somehow knows how to use it to contact Halsey, telling him about the new fire though Halsey says he's trapped and orders Ash & co. to evacuate. Ash says they're not going to leave him and hangs up, telling Iris and Cilan that Halsey is trapped.
N is STILL watching you...
Ash goes to check on Oshawott as Iris and Cilan decide to dig Helsey out using Excadrill. Excadrill starts digging but soon hits something hard, coming back up where N says it has hit bedrock (so we have Pokemon that can cut through steel and concrete, but not bedrock?) and goes to get Watchog saying they need its help. N comes back with Watchog explaining that Watchog can sense where Excadrill should dig and soon Excadrill digs into the tunnel where Halsey is trapped (and somehow Halsey knows who Excadrill is even though he never saw Iris's Excadrill).
Back at the fire, Oshawott still isn't able to put it out but Halsey appears and has the Dewott and Frillish use Hydro Pump and Watchog use Sand-Attack to put the fire out. With the fire out, Halsey thanks N and says that he has to rethink about Watchog's position. N then says he had to rethink his opinion on Pokemon being used for rescues saying that Watchog, Dewott, and the Frillish want to help rescue from the bottom of their hearts. With their differences settled, N and Halsey shake hands. Later that day Ash & co. (+ N) leave and give their best wishes to Halsey and the Pokemon Harbor Patrol as they continue to the White Ruins.
I REALLY hope that N isn't like this throughout his whole time with Ash & co.. The episode was kind of meh, feeling like it was trying to tell us how N will be like as well as showing he has just as much to learn. Also nice the Virbank Complex got featured with it not being mentioned during Ash & co.'s first visit to Virbank City. It was also nice that Luke and PokeStar Studios got a mention (though oddly Roxie didn't, though that may have been Ash & co. not wanting to rile up N). However you can skip this episode with nothing lost, however next episode, NEXT EPISODE... BE THERE!
What is it with Team Rocket and their jetpacks? Have they gotten tired of "blasting off again"?
EPISODE: BW116 "The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!"
We start the episode with Ash & co. (+ N) traveling through a Kanto Fair, a fair about the Kanto region. Obviously Ash is feeling at home with Iris being a bit skeptical, but upon hearing food Iris too gets excited and both rush off with Cilan and N following behind.
Hi Magikarp Salesman! Sadly Team Rocket isn't in this episode... which now thinking about that is kind of odd and sad.
As they're walking through the fair they see a video playing of Professor Oak (we also see Tracey though he's just standing in the background) who's showing off the Kanto Starters: Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur. N asks Ash which was Ash's first Pokemon and Iris says Pikachu was, confusing N until Ash explained he was late and Pikachu was the only Pokemon left. Cilan says it was fate though Ash says that's a bit over the top. The video ends and a girl comes out on stage asking if everyone is ready to see some Kanto Pokemon which gets everyone excited (even though we're in part of Unova where Pokemon from other regions reside. So far we've seen the following Kanto Pokemon living in Unova: Staryu, Rattata, Onix, Krabby, Kingler, Magnemite, Eevee & its evolutions (assuming Virgil caught his Eevees in Unova), & Golbat (assuming the Plasma Grunt caught his Zubat/Golbat in Unova)). Actually I think they might be talking about the Kanto Starters as Cilan asks if N has ever seen any of the Kanto Starters which he says he hasn't though is looking forward to it (you'd think they would ask Ash is he had any experience with the Starters where he would reveal he had all three). The first starter out is a Charmander... which Ash scans (YOU OWNED ONE!) who starts to dance around until the girl host asks it to show off its Ember which it does while spinning around... causing it to get dizzy and accidentally bring down some of the stage.
At the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy scolds Charmander for getting hurt by showing off as the girl host says Charmander can get very excited and Nurse Joy guesses it was the first time it had an audience. Nurse Joy sees Ash & co. waching from the window and goes out to talk with them, Ash asking if Charmander was okay which she says it is. That night as they ate supper/dinner, Ash talked about his Charmander and telling Iris, Cilan, and N about how it was abandoned and him, Misty, and Brock went to save it from the rain and a swarm of Spearow. And as this goes on we get reanimated clips from EP011 "Charmander - The Stray Pokemon":
Actually we're going to get quite a few of these so fasten your nostalgia goggles good and tight! N asks what Ash meant by abandoned and Ash explains Charmander's trainer left it because he thought it was weak, N saying that trainer probably had no intention on returning which Ash confirmed (N, if you listen to the rest of the story you'll find out). Iris asked what happened next and Ash explains Charmander returned to where it was waiting for its previous trainer but upon getting stronger (shown as the scene where Charmander burns Team Rocket, the only time Team Rocket appears in this episode) it's previous trainer did return (Damian even gets a few lines though Eli James (voice of Pansage and Colress) did his voice here instead of Maddie Blaustein (original voice of Team Rocket's Meowth)) for it though Charmander realized how big a jerk he is so refused and joined Ash instead (they sadly didn't animate the scene of Charmander burning Damian). We cut to scenes of Charmander helping Ash catch Primeape (EP025 "Primeape Goes Bananas"), defeating Koga's Golbat and winning Ash the Soul Badge (FUN FACT: Koga is still voiced by his original voice actor, Stan Hart, because he had returned to do the voice of Cedric Juniper)(EP032 "The Ninja Poke-Showdown"), and the scene in "Snow Way Out!" where it used its tail as a campfire and then huddled around Ash along with Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeotto (I kind of wished right then Ash suddenly screams in realization he had forgotten to get Pidgeot back ).
We then get the Charmander evolution to Charmeleon scene in EP043 "The March of the Exeggutor Squad" (BTW, Misty was voice by Michele Knotz making her sound a bit like May) as Ash explains Charmeleon stopped listening to him, showing the scene in EP044 "The Problem With Paris" when Ash realized this. Iris asks why and Cilan explains when a Pokemon evolved their attitudes might change (that, or Charmeleon considered Ash was too inexperienced which was the original reason ). Ash said he didn't give up on Charmeleon and we cut to clips from EP046 "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon" where Charmeleon evolved to Charizard to battle Aerodactyl and though Ash said Charizard still didn't listen to him it did help him in some battles, cutting to when Charizard beat Blaine's Magmar winning Ash the Volcano Badge in EP059 "Volcano Panic". Of course we then cut to the scene in EP079 "Friend And Foe Alike" where Charizard cost Ash the Indigo Plateau Conference because it refused to battle Ritchie's Pikachu, Sparky. Iris says Charizard sounded like a pain though Cilan puts her in her place by pointing out Charizard sounded like her Dragonite and Excadrill before asking Ash if Charizard ever listened to him.
Ash starts on the Orange Islands and we see the scene from EP105 "Charizard Chills" where Charizard gets frozen by a trainer named Tad's Poliwrath's Ice Beam. Ash says that was the first battle Charizard lost as we see scene where Ash tries warming Charizard up as Ash says the only thing he could do was talk to Charizard about the both of them getting stronger. That next morning Charizard started listening to Ash and they defeat Tad's Poliwrath (we even get a quick glimpse of Tad for like a second). N says that Ash's battling spirit must have finally got to Charizard (gee N, I would think you'd be opposed to someone connecting to their Pokemon by battling ) as Iris asks where Charizard is now.
Cilan: I must confess, I'm a bit surprised you still wouldn't be travelling with such a reliable companion as Charizard appears to be.
Comment: Oh Cilan, if only you knew about Ash's other Pokemon...
Ash explains that Charizard is training in the Charicific Valley in Johto and we go to scene from EP134 "Charizard's Burning Ambition" where Charizard gets beaten up by the other Charizards there (us getting a quick appearance of Charla and Liza) and Ash leaving it to train in the Charicific Valley to become stronger. Ash then says Charizard has taken breaks in its training to help in battles like against Clair's Dragonair to win Ash the Rising Badge (despite them reanimating these scenes, they didn't change Dragonair's Iron Tail animation)(EP254 "Better Eight Than Never"), Gary's Blastoise in the Silver Conference (EP270 "Can't Beat The Heat"), and Noland's Articuno to win Ash the Knowledge Symbol (AG136 "The Symbol Life")(Gee, I wonder why they didn't mention when Ash called it to help battle against Brandon in AG189 "Gathering The Gang Of Four!"... And once again I wished upon remembering the Gen III Battling Frontier he would have remembered he never did take Palmer's challenge of battling the Gen IV Battle Frontier).
Ash says right now Charizard is probably training hard as the girl host walks up to them with the Charmander and apologizes for causing them any worries. Ash asks if the Charmander is better and the girl host says Charmander is ready to be taken back home and Ash tells Charmander to be careful for now on. The girl host and Charmander leaves Pokemon Center as Iris & Cilan says though they knew Ash for a little while it's nice to hear about his previous adventures and friends made. Ash says he would like to see Charizard again some day and Iris & Cilan say they would like to meet it too, Cilan going on how Charizard made Ash the trainer he is today and has a bond as strong as Pikachu but different. Hearing this, Ash decides he'll let them meet Charizar... what?
(continued next post)
At the PC, Ash is talking to Professor Oak who apologizes for making him wait and says he just got Charizard from Charicific Valley (why didn't Ash just call Liza in the Charicific Valley then?). Oak says he has Charizard's Pokeball with him... and asks what Pokemon is he going to exchange (get ready, I'm about to rant soon...) and Ash says he'll send over Unfezant.
Professor Oak: Good! Smart choice!
Comment: Being Charizard can fly Ash has no need for his bird Pokemon anymore... I say this like he was using Unfezant for anything important...
Professor Oak: Swellow and Staraptor will be thrilled with a new friend.
Comment: Hey! You forgot about Noctowl! And I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear about how Ash is still neglecting his bird Pokemon.
Professor Oak: Another Flying-type Pokemon will allow them to have battle races at super speed.
Comment: ... Wait, was that a early hint about Flying Battles? Would the translators know about that?
And with that the exchange happens with Professor Oak getting Unfezant and Ash getting Charizard...
HOLD UP! Are you telling me throughout the entire Unova saga Ash was able to get Pokemon from Professor Oak? Then why did he not use any of his reserved Pokemon in the Vertress Conference? And don't say it was because he wanted to only use his Unova Pokemon, he abandoned that plan when it didn't work in Hoenn which is why he uses his reserved Pokemon in Sinnoh's Ever Grande Conference (the only time he just used his Sinnoh Pokemon was when he battled Paul). In fact the original reason Ash was catching so many Pokemon this saga was because he was suppose to be cut off from his reserved Pokemon thus needed to catch a lot of Unova Pokemon to have type and strategy variety. But now that can't be used anymore because just right now Ash traded over Unfezant for Charizard, so why then didn't Ash use his reserved Pokemon now? Also why doesn't Professor Juniper transfer Ash's additional Unova Pokemon over to Professor Oak then? Actually why does Professor Juniper have any of Ash's Pokemon, we saw that any additional Pokemon which Ash catches don't have their Pokeballs teleport to her but instead Ash has to teleport them to her by going to the nearest PC. But if Ash can easily transfer Pokemon over to Professor Oak then why was he sending any Pokemon over to Professor Juniper to begin with? Now you're probably going to say "well how else were they going to send Charizard over to Ash?", though considering this is a Kanto Fair maybe they could have introduced an experimental teleporting machine which can transfer Pokemon between Kanto and Unova as a way of Professor Oak sending over the Charmander to show off to the fair goers. That way you can have Ash get Charizard while also explain why he couldn't get his reserved Pokemon. Speaking of the girl host's Charmander, if it was ready to go home then why not transfer it back to Professor Oak (unless it was her Charmander)?
Well despite them creating a massive plot hole, I suppose it was for a good cause. Outside the Pokemon Center on it's battlefield, Ash sends out Charizard who makes its grand reappearance by roaring so loud is echos through the skies and shock waves so powerful it causes dirt to churn and clothing to flap.
Pikachu jumps onto Charizard's shoulder who gives everyone the thumbs up as Ash introduces Iris and Cilan to Charizard... who Flamethrowers him as tradition:
You were just asking for that to happen.
Iris gets worried though Cilan knows that it's a Flamethrower with love as Ash tells Charizard it's Flamethrower has gotten stronger and they first bump.
N says that the time they have spent together can be felt as Ash sends out his Pokemon as well as Iris (hey Cilan, don't you want your Pokemon to meet Charizard?) and Ash introduces them to Charizard.
Ash: I want all of you to meet my very good buddy from the Kanto region, Charizard!
Comment: Actually Charizard's been training in Johto these past few years.
But of course there's a reason why Cilan didn't send out his Pokemon, it's the same reason why Ash sent out his Pokemon, and that's to get Iris to send out her Pokemon, for Iris to send out DRAGONITE. Yeah, if you didn't see this coming you obviously just came back to watching the anime upon hearing Charizard was being brought back this episode. Charizard suddenly gets tense as its "flame vision" senses a strong opponent who glares back at it with eyes burning:
Cilan: They say opposites attracts, but I say likes attracts too.
N: I think you're exactly right, those two are drawn to each other.
Comment: No, I think their drawn through each other, as in they both want to use their claws to dig through the other.
Charizard and Dragonite roar at each other despite Ash and Iris trying to calm them down though with that failing Ash suggests a battle much to Iris's surprise though she soon accepts the idea.
Iris: Okay Dragonite, what do you say we show those two how we do it in the Unova region.
Comment *mocking Iris*: Yes my GEN I DRAGON WHICH SPECIES COMES FROM KANTO, let's show them how to do things Gen V Unova styIe! *sigh*
The battle starts with Dragonite and Charizard both using Flamethrower.
Do you think people in the Pokemon World are able to sleep through anything?
Charizard and Dragonite takes this battle into the sky as Dragonite uses ThunderPunch but Charizard shows off a new move, Wing Attack (note this is Charizard's first and so far only Flying-type move despite it being part Flying-type...), which causes another explosion.
I hope they can sleep through anything, otherwise the people in this city ain't getting any sleep tonight!
Charizard shows off another new move, Slash (BTW, how does Ash know Charizard learned these moves? Did Professor Oak tell him after being told that from Liza?), as Dragonite uses Dragon Rush, the resulting light show bringing both back to the ground. Dragonite jumps out of the smoke as Iris says Dragonite is extra special though Ash says they'll see as the smoke clears revealing Charizard is perfectly fine (LIKE A BOSS). Charizard gives off another shockwave echo roar as Iris wonders how Charizard came out okay and Ash tells Charizard to use a Dragon-type move against a Dragon-type with another newly learned move: Dragon Tail. Dragonite flies up but Charizard follows and lands the hit, sending Dragonite slamming into the ground. Awesome battle of power so far, right? Well I hoped you enjoyed it...
N: This battle is over.
Comment: F*** YOU N!
N says that he thinks Charizard and Dragonite know knows each other's power (yeah, but now they'll want to know who's power is stronger. CONTINUE THE BATTLE!). Ash and Iris ask Charizard and Dragonite if that's true and the two draconic Pokemon smile, Cilan joining in saying how a great battle forms new friendships. Iris says she was a little worried there for a while.
Iris: It is a bit strange, I was sure Dragon Rush woulda done more. Afterall, Charizard is a Dragon-type Pokemon.
Ash & Cilan: Uhh...
Pikachu: Pika!
Charizard: Rawr?
Dragonite: Grah...
Comment: And remember, Iris wants to be a Dragon Master! (Though this might explain why her Champion team has a Lapras, Archeops, and Aggron )
N laughs leaving Iris confused as Ash says Charizard isn't a Dragon-type, causing Iris to freak out and point out how dragon-like Charizard is (believe me Iris, MANY people want Charizard to be a Dragon-type too... it can do away with Flying-type, Reshiram is doing perfectly fine being a flying Dragon/Fire). Ash pulls out Charizard's Pokedex entry (for once making sense why Ash is looking up a Pokemon he had previously owned...) and it tells everyone that Charizard is indeed Fire/Flying.
Iris: NOO! And here I was hoping I can catch a Charizard and raise it too!
Comment: YOU OWN A EMOLGA AND EXCADRILL! In the games you use Lapras, Archeops, and Aggron. Dragon Masters Lance and Clair have used a Gyarados, Aerodactyl, & CHARIZARD. Charizard not only looks like a dragon but can also use Dragon-type moves and is in the Dragon Egg Group. I think no one would lift a brow if they see you using a Charizard, in fact they may think you're smart since Charizard is strong against one of Dragon-type's weaknesses: Ice-types!
Ash says he has seen how strong Charizard has gotten... AND ASKS CHARIZARD TO COME BACK WITH HIS TEAM! This surprises Charizard though with encouragement from everyone Charizard gives out a huge, roaring Flamethrower of acceptance!
CHARIZARD IS BACK! (Well, for the rest of the Unova saga at least...)
This was an AWESOME episode, and not just because it brought Charizard back (though that is a big part of it!). This episode had to be made purely made for the old fans with all the reanimated flashbacks of Ash's Charizard's defining moments. Charizard's reappearance was handled very nicely with it showing off its power but not making it too flashy. Finally there was the battled between Charizard and Dragonite which showed off just how powerful Charizard is by not only taking hits from Dragonite but also heavily injuring it which can be seen by Dragonite holding its shoulder after being hit by Charizard's Dragon Tail. Also with Ash's Unfezant at Professor Oak's, this might imply that Charizard would be used as Ash's aerial search Pokemon and with all the power Charizard has shown it'll also see plenty of battling action then after. All I can say is if you haven't watched this episode the go out and WATCH IT! For older fans it's a nostalgia-fest with an awesome payoff while for newer fans who joined during Sinnoh or later they find out the history of Ash's most powerful Pokemon and get to see it in action against another strong Pokemon which would probably be considered Unova cast Ash & co.'s strongest Pokemon up till this point.
EPISODE: BW117 "Team Plasma's Pokemon Manipulation!"
We start the episode in an unknown building where Colress is continuing his mind control experiments. He shoots a blue beam of light at a Scolipede and takes control of only it, leaving the also imprisoned Deerling and Maractus unaffected. Colress shoots another blue beam at Scolipede saying he's increasing its power as the Scolipede becomes more hostile and start attacking the barrier. Satisfied with the results, Colress frees the Scolipede and turns to a monitor where Ghetsis is also watching the experiment and explains he's using electromagnetic waves to put stress on the test subject to increase its power. Colress says before his machine could only mind control Pokemon in the nearby area but they can no target specific Pokemon thanks to upgrades (actually that sort of sounds like a downgrade to me, you went from controlling many Pokemon to just one...). Colress theorized that Pokemon's brain waves are split into four groups: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, & Delta (what, no Theta or Mu?) and their machine nullifies the Alpha waves while amplifying the Gamma and Delta waves (I'm sure a smarter person would be able to explain how stupid that is...). Ghetsis agrees with me and tells Colress to get to the point and Colress re-states that they can now target a specific Pokemon which Ghetsis telling a female Plasma Grunt named Aldith to use it in a test run. So with that done the machine is loaded onto Team Plasma's flying carrier and takes off.
Going to Ash & co. (+ N), they talk about how they'll soon be parting ways as N is heading someplace off from Driftveil City so Cilan suggests they celebrate their time with N by having a feast in the next town just up ahead.
Well that was a nice minute with the main characters, but back to Team Plasma. We actually see Ghetsis in person who's sitting on a throne as a Plasma Grunt walks up to him saying the teams are in place. The monitor in front of Ghetsis turns on with a grunt reporting they have yet to find N which Ghetsis tells them to keep looking as the sooner they have him the better (so if they're looking for N how come Schwarz and Weiss didn't recognize him? Surely Ghetsis would have made sure all of Team Plasma knew what N looked like if he needs him that badly). The monitor switches to another grunt who says they haven't found their target so their expanding their search area. We switch to another grunt who says their experiments are on their way and are collecting data. Switch to another grunt who's at the White Ruins spying on the Discovery Team reporting they haven't found anything. We quickly take a look at the Discovery Team, specifically the group Cedric Juniper is digging with, as he does his running gag, this time implying he found the discovery of the century which gets all the researchers excited before finishing his sentence that it hasn't been found yet. The spying grunt says it might be a while before something is discovered though Ghetsis tells him to keep an eye on them and report if they find anything. The monitor turns off and Ghetsis gives a sinister smile.
In the town/city (before they said this was a town but from here on they say it's a city. Also this city never gets a name) Ash & co. (+ N) find that bridges going to part of the city which is on an island has been blocked off. The first blocked bridge is being blocked by Officer Jenny who explains that a Haxorus is on a rampage and they don't know why.
Iris: There's got to be a reason Haxorus is acting to badly, there's no such thing as a bad Dragon-type.
Comment: Hydreigon begs to differ.
Ash: I don't think any Pokemon would attack without a reason.
Comment: Actually a batch of Pokedex descriptions do state some Pokemon go on rampages for no reason: Gyarados, Hydreigon, Vigoroth, Nidoking, Mankey, Primeape, Spiritomb, and I'm sure more.
Iris: We need to find out why, then I'm sure Haxorus will calm down right away.
Comment: "We"? No, the official authorities need to find out why while you continue on your way. Of course they'll do that AFTER knocking it out since IT'S DESTROYING THE CITY!
Officer Jenny says they have no leads and says she can't let Ash & co. through, though N looks like he might know something. In the forest Ash & co. (+ N) just left, Team Rocket are hiding behind a tree and have heard what Officer Jenny said, Jessie saying it sounds familiar with James saying the same thing happened in Floccesy Town which Jessie then says if the events are connect then "they" must be behind this and decide to go investigate. Back over to the main characters, Iris tries pushing her way past Officer Jenny (Jenny, just taser her, it'll teach her a valuable lesson (or at least be funny)) but Officer Jenny, being twice her size, easily pushes her back. Not wanting to give up, Cilan says they should try the next bridge and Ash & co. (+ N) run off as Officer Jenny tells them all the bridges are blocked off (you know you should probably call some officers over to escort Ash & co. (+ N) away from the city, they're blatantly disobeying you and trying to get themselves into a dangerous situation). Next bridge over they see that Officer Jenny was right (who would have thought) and it's also blocked which gets Iris angry saying they need to find a way into the city (if only you have 2 big dragons which can fly you over...). Cilan says it looks like the only way across is to swim which Iris is all for but then spot a row boat which they take instead (apparently the officer guarding the bridge Ash & co. (+ N) are at must be deaf and blind to not see or hear what Ash & co. (+ N) are doing). As they row their way across the boat springs a leak (though said leak is just a small hole you can plug with one or two fingers) but they get across safely and somehow uncaught so I don't see what the purpose of the leak was.
In the city, Ash & co. (+ N) find it completely empty but soon come upon a familiar face: Looker! Looker is surprised to see them and asks what they're doing here which Iris explains they heard a Haxorus was on a rampage and had to do something. Looker spots N which Cilan introduces and Looker gives him a friendly smile and welcome though hearing his thoughts we discover Looker knows about N, or at least that Team Plasma is looking for him. N breaks things up and says that they need to hurry. Team Rocket meanwhile are flying through the city in the Meowth Balloon looking for Haxorus when they hear an explosion. Team Rocket soon finds the rampaging Haxorus using Hyper Beam to cause destruction though then spot Colress and Team Plasma on a roof. Team Rocket decide to land the Meowth Balloon somewhere where they won't be detected.
Aldith: We conquered this entire city with just on Haxorus. Very impressive Dr. Colress.
Comment: No you didn't, you conquered PART of a city which is on an island which is being easily blocked off. Also I have a feeling no one tried fighting Haxorus back. Why whenever there's a rampaging Pokemon not every single trainer in that location send out all their Pokemon to knock it out I don't know.
Aldith wants to report to Ghetsis though Colress says this won't be enough to satisfy Ghetsis saying he has a hunch that Ghetsis is after something. Colress says he thinks he'll soon have to create a machine which can control a Pokemon even more powerful than Haxorus before giving an evil laugh, Aldith looking on in confusion.
Ash & co. (+ N & Looker) soon find the rampaging Haxorus who also spots them and attacks them with Shadow Claw though they call dodge.
Ash: We need to stop this now, okay Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika pika!
Iris: I'll do this! It is a Dragon-type.
Comment: Please eat her, or cut her in half, it's part ax after all.
Ash: Iris wait!
Comment: You didn't say who gets your Pokemon when Haxorus mauls you!
Iris runs up to Haxorus asking whats wrong but Haxorus attacks her with Shadow Claw though N jumps and grabs Iris out of the way. N asks Haxorus why he doesn't understand it though Looker uses a device which reveals there are EM wave and says someone is controlling Haxorus, Ash & co. figuring it must be Team Plasma. Looker tries using his EM blocking cube device to put a shield around Haxorus however it breaks because the EM waves are too strong (we're just throwing all of science out the window, aren't we?). Team Rocket spies on Team Plasma from a far away roof top, Jessie saying they must be controlling Pokemon with the machine they have and James suggests they take it. Back on the ground, Haxorus uses Hidden Power which Ash & co. (+ N & Looker) dodge which is when a boy comes running around the corner asking Haxorus to stop. Haxorus shoots a Hyper Beam at the boy who dodges and Ash checks on him, the boy revealing he's Haxorus's trainer and Haxorus isn't acting normal and won't listen to him. Iris asks about Haxorus's Pokeball but the boy (BTW his name is Lauder, though I don't expect you to know that since they NEVER SAID IT!) says Haxorus won't listen to his order (now at first you'd think that they meant the EM waves are preventing the Pokemon from being returned... we'll get back to this). N said he tried communicating with Haxorus but it won't respond, Iris explaining to Lauder that N can hear a Pokemon's inner voice.
N: Oh no, if Haxorus uses its attacks repeatedly its strength will be gone.
Comment: Yes, it's Haxorus's strength we're worried about, not the possibly million of dollars in damages to property it has caused.
Lauder: No way!
Comment: Actually that's a good thing. Haxorus will be tired out thus easier to knock out.
Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt but Haxorus shrugs it off as Iris sends out her Dragonite to use Ice Beam which freezes Haxorus in a block of ice but it easily breaks out.
Aldith: It's those meddling kids again.
Comment: And their stupid mouse too!
Aldith also spots N is when them though Colress is more interested in Iris's Dragonite and fires a beam at it to take control.
Colress: All right Dragonite, listen to my voice. You must use every bit of power you can muster up and go on a violent rampage!
Comment: Colress, if that's all you wanted you didn't need to bother taking control of it. Also how is Dragonite hearing him?
Dragonite shoots Flamethrowers into the air despite Iris telling it to stop and starts using Ice Beam to freeze the streets. Iris calls up to Dragonite but Dragonite attacks with Dragon Rush which Iris dodges. Iris tries to return Dragonite to its Pokeball but Dragonite dodges by flying up (so of course that means they're going to stop trying that... KEEP SHOOTING THE BEAM AT IT UNTIL IT HITS! This is what I was talking about, it would be one thing if the EM waves were preventing the Pokemon from returning to its Pokeball but no, the reason they can't return Haxorus or Dragonite is because they missed a few times with the returning beam and gave up trying!). Well there's only one Pokemon that can handle Dragonite and so Ash sends out Charizard who uses Slash but misses as Dragonite counter attacks with Ice Beam but misses just the same. Cilan tells them to leave Haxorus to him and sends out Crustle which uses X-Scissor but Haxorus dodges (get used to this, because throughout these battles NO Pokemon lands a hit!).
Aldith says they need to secure N so they assumingly pack up the mind control machine (I say this since we never see them do this yet it somehow gets onto their flying carrier) and take off on their flying carrier. Charizard uses Flamethrower but Dragonite counters it with a ThunderPunch while Crustle uses Rock Wrecker which Haxorus counters with Hidden Power. Team Plasma land in front of Ash & co. and jump out, Aldith telling N that Ghetsis is looking for him though N says he doesn't care and to leave him alone. Ash is confused that N and Team Plasma know each other as Aldith say N has a duty to report to Ghetsis though N says he's done listening to Team Plasma and demands to kow what they did to the dragon Pokemon. Colress says they're "helping" them by amplifying them to attack at 120% capacity which angers N as Colress talks about unused latent power. N asks what they did to make them act like they are but Colress says he'll let their imagination come up with an answer (hmm... you tortured them... by making them listen to Justin Bieber! YOU MONSTERS!). N says they shouldn't manipulate Pokemon and he won't allow it but Colress says he can see their incredible power which N says isn't real but Colress says it is and all he did was bring it out and made them what they truly were (so Iris's Dragonite is a rampaging monster of destruction... sounds just about right). Team Rocket are hiding behind Team Plasma's flying carrier and hearing all this decide to take the mind control machine (which I thought they already decided to do?). Ash tells Team Plasma to stop and free the dragon Pokemon but Team Plasma get distracted when they hear and see Team Rocket messing with their flying carrier and Aldith orders them to be stopped.
As Team Rocket is being pulled out of the flying carrier, Charizard attacks Dragonite with Dragon Tail & Crustle attacks Haxorus with Rock Wrecker, both missing. The Plasma grunts throw Team Rocker out of the flying carrier and Aldith asks who they are (your recognize Ash & co. but not Team Rocket?) and Team Rocket does their motto. Jessie and James send out Woobat and Amoonguss while Aldith sends out Liepard. Amoonguss uses Hidden Power & Woobat uses Air Slash which Liepard counters with Shadow Ball nullifying their attacks, meanwhile Meowth uses Fury Swipes on one of the Plasma grunts. Looker had slipped behind Plasma's flying carrier and is detecting the EM waves are coming from inside its hull. The battle with the dragons also continue with Haxorus aiming Hyper Beam at Crustle & Dragonite aiming a Flamethrower at Charizard but both attacks miss. N says Haxorus and Dragonite are going to be severely injured and runs up asking them to stop only to get blasted by Haxorus's Hyper Beam and Dragonite's Flamethrower. Ash & co. watch as N comes tumbling out of the smoke injured.
Liepard uses Shadow Ball but Woobat and Amoonguss dodge causing, get this, it to hit the flying carrier which causes a malfunction which creates an electrical short that short circuits the mind control machine. Haxorus and Dragonite get freed of their mind control and start breathing hard from exhaustion, Colress explaining to Aldith the impact of the Shadow Ball causes the machine to shut down and Aldith says they'll have to retreat. Aldith returns Liepard as Lauder & Iris return Haxorus & Dragonite, Team Plasma then taking off on their flying carrier (hey Charizard, mind destroying one of the flying carriers engine which will prevent them from escaping and allow Looker to arrest them? Of course not...). Colress says he's satisfied with knowing his machine works in the field as Aldith reports to Ghetsis they found N, Ghetsis telling them to secure N with force if necessary which Aldith says they will... as they fly away.
Ash & co. check on N as a fog suddenly appears causing everyone to lose sight of them. Ash asks where the fog came from as four figures approach from the fog: ANTHEA AND CONCORDIA (and a Gothitelle and Gardevoir)! Anthea motions to Gothitelle who uses Psychic to lift up N and takes him away with them, Ash & co. deciding to follow. Team Rocket hears Ash & co. in the fog and run in after... only to find themselves teleported onto an edge of a cliff in a middle of a forest! Ash & co. follow Anthea and Concordia through the fog which fades away to reveal themselves in a forest heading toward a house near a pond. Anthea and Concordia walk into the pond as Ash asks where are they and watch as Gothitelle lowers N into the pond, ending the episode here.
A potentially good awesome though is brought down due to some plot holes and lackluster battles. It was more meant to push the Team Plasma plot along than provide anything exciting or worth wild. The introduction of Anthea and Concordia is interesting and gives them an air of mystery, though I do feel they sort of pushed this to happen by having N run up to the dragon Pokemon and get blasted by them (where was Charizard and Crustle when this was happening?). Speaking of which, I would have liked to see more attacks landing, they're not really selling me Colress has made Haxorus and Dragonite into "super Pokemon" as we never see them take or deliver any hits. And I can go on and on about the plot holes but I think I've already said enough. Next episode should be interesting as we'll finally find out more information about two of Team Plasma's most mysterious members...
EPISODE: BW118 "Secrets From Out of the Fog!"
After summary of the last episode, we start this episode with Team Rocket who wonder where Ash & co. went when the fog clears. They start to celebrate but it's cut short when they find they're in front of a swamp which causes Jessie to ask where are they and Meowth saying he ain't crossing. We then cut to see several Team Plasma grunts searching through the forest.
Over to Ash & co., they watch as N lies in a shallow pond with Anthea and Concordia (and Gardevoir and Gothitelle) looking over him. Cilan asks who are "they" while Ash tries to get closer but is stopped by Gardevoir. Suddenly the water around N starts to glow.
Iris: N's healing!
Comment: How do you know?
Cilan: Yes, but how can it be? A pool that can heal?
Comment: Really? You live in a world filled with creatures of all sorts which can wield the power of the elements (some even having God-like power), said elements including things like psychic and ghosts, have advance technology which can turn mass into energy and restore a fossil back to life... YET it's a magical healing pond which confuses you?
N wakes up and says Anthea's and Concordia's name, Iris saying they must know each other (no really? What tipped you off: Them coming specifically for N or N knowing their names?). Ash asks if N is okay but is once again stopped by Gardevoir.
Concordia: You must leave now, you are not welcomed here.
Comment: Then why did you LET Ash & co. FOLLOW you?! You had Psychic-types and Gothitelle wasn't doing anything, have her freeze Ash & co. with Psychic and leave.
Anthea: Yes, go, you can no business seeing this.
Comment: Which is why you allowed them to watch quietly as N is healed... may I also remind you that, if the Psychic plan couldn't work for some reason, that must have some control over the fog as you sent Team Rocket somewhere else!
Iris asks why with Cilan asking what they did but Gothitelle then... freezes them in place with a Psychic... (*walks outside room, a loud can be heard outside, comes back inside*). N tells Anthea and Concordia that Ash & co. can stay, saying they've formed strong bonds with their Pokemon who they can ask so themselves, Pikachu and Axew agreeing with N.
Concordia: I guess you're right.
Anthea: Those Pokemon clearly love them a great deal.
Comment: And what made you think Pikachu and Axew didn't like Ash and Iris, respectively? Pikachu is riding on Ash's shoulder and Axew in Iris's hair, if they didn't like their trainers I don't think they'll be riding on them.
Cilan: Amazing, they seem to have the same power as N, a power to hear a Pokemon's inner voice.
Comment: You know, I was going to wait to do this until more of their character was revealed in this episode, but I'll do it now.
THIS IS NOT HOW ANTHEA AND CONCORDIA ARE LIKE! Now, due to the anime not following the Team Plasma storyline in the games (which is still VERY stupid of them to do), and by the time they finally did get to it Black 2 & White 2 was released which presented Neo Team Plasma, they had to make some drastic storyline changes. Now so far I'm okay with the changes they've done as it fits the story and stays true to Neo Team Plasma. I even don't mind they made Colress an obvious villain even though in the games he didn't really care who he was working for because they still got the main point of his character: he wants to bring out a Pokemon's "full potential" by any means necessary.
And then we come to Anthea and Concordia. Now much like many of the Sages, Anthea and Concordia are sort of enigmatic characters as in Black & White you only see them two times (opening animated scene where N is crowned king & then in N's Castle where Anthea heals your Pokemon before confronting N and both give a little back story about N) and only once in Black 2 & White 2 (they're with Sage Rood and other original Team Plasma members in the Plasma Safe House in Driftveil City. There you find out a litte bit more about N and themselves). Their backstory in the game, at least that we know about it, is that they are orphans which Ghetsis took in to help raise N. Those who played the games know Ghetsis was using N, who had special powers of being able to talk and understand Pokemon, to take over Unova by showing him how Pokemon suffered at the hands of humans making him believe the two needed to be separated. So where does Anthea and Concordia come into this? Well we don't really know, HOWEVER an interesting thing to note about them is that in the Japanese games they didn't have names but rather titles: Anthea was the "Goddess of Love" and Concordia was the "Goddess of Peace" (and before you ask, no, in the original version of the anime it was decided to give them actual names: Anthea is "Verbena" and Concordia is "Helena"). With knowing that, my guess is that Ghetsis must have realized keeping N away from humans completely might not work out well when it's time for him to become king to an organization of humans. Thus he got Anthea and Concordia to sort of provide some human companions to form some human communication skills as well as take care of him when Ghetsis isn't around. An important thing to remember that Anthea and Concordia DO NOT have the power to understand Pokemon, thus Ghetsis probably didn't focus on brainwashing them as much as he did to N. This can be seen as when you talked to them in the games. In Black & White, after healing your Pokemon, Anthea shows she knows trainers battle with their Pokemon so both can become stronger and not to hurt their Pokemon, saying N knows this too but has spent too much time being brainwashed by Ghetsis. In those same games, Concordia revealed they knew perfectly well that Ghetsis was manipulating N by deliberately bringing him mistreated Pokemon, saying that N is pure and innocent. Black 2 & White 2 expanded on this with Anthea going into more detail about battles making both the trainer and Pokemon stronger, even saying the more serious the battle the more the true nature of both trainer and Pokemon become apparent. Likewise, Concordia in the same games says she can't understand how N feels since he's too pure and innocent.
Then we come to the anime version of them where they completely changed their backstory causing some logical problems with N's backstory which they left largely unchanged. As you just found out, in the anime, they also gave Anthea and Concordia the power to talk to Pokemon like N and therefore were also put under the same amount of brainwashing by Ghetsis as N did. Now this raises a few questions: 1. If Anthea and Concordia also had the same powers as N and put under the same brainwashing to make them as pure and innocent as him, why did only N confront Reshiram? Why would Ghetsis not present three pure and innocent people with the power to understand Pokemon instead of one, therefore making a stronger reason for Reshiram to join Team Plasma as it has multiple people who understand Pokemon instead of just one. On the same note, why was N only made leader of Team Plasma? Would not Anthea and Concordia also be given ruling power in some way? Why were they only made caretakers to N if they have the exact same power and seemingly to have been even more easily brainwashed than N has? 2. If Anthea and Concordia came under the same amount of brainwashing as N thus have become distrustful of people, why is N not equally distrustful of people? In the games it made sense N wasn't completely distrustful because he had Anthea and Concordia to show them that not all people are bad. However, in the anime, Anthea and Concordia were put through the same amount of brainwashing that he did thus didn't really have any humans to teach him not all humans are bad. But wait, what about Ghetsis, surely he taught them that the humans he had gathered together were "good" thus they can trust some people, right? Well later in the episode it's revealed that, after Reshiram burned down the mansion they were all living in after telling N that it's now going to destroy mankind (yeah, sure, let's see how long it takes before a batch of other Legendaries appear to put you down), that they figured out Ghetsis has been using them and they escape. Well, being they were raised to distrust humans and then finding out the only human they thought they could trust was just as distrustful as they were taught, you'd think that would make all of them distrust every person they meet. In fact, that's what happened with Anthea and Concordia, they retreated into another dimension where they take care of mistreated Pokemon. So with all that said I ask again: Where did N learn to trust humans? And don't say Ash & co., N was trusting of humans long before meeting Ash & co., just hearing Pikachu's thoughts on Ash convinced N that they were even more trustful that he can tell them certain private information. In the games, Anthea and Concordia was suppose to be his connection to the human world to teach him not all humans are bad, but in the anime they were brainwashed to beleive all humans were bad and mistreated Pokemon, so when N met Ash & co. and heard Pikachu thoughts why did he not think Pikachu was simply happy because it had been made submissive by Ash? Why did he trust Nurse Joy to not only tend to Braviary's wounds but also his and the other Pokemon in the Pokemon Center? Why did he not tell Halsey he hated the idea of using Pokemon to rescue humans until after Watchog failed its test? Why was he okay in a large crowd of people who were making a Charmander, a rare Pokemon, perform on stage for them during the Kanto Fair? N obviously realizes that not all people are bad, but if he didn't learn that from Anthea or Concordia which was the games reason, and Ghetsis and Team Plasma only advocated this belief by revealing having used them, where did N learn to trust humans?
Rant over, back to the show.
N confirms what Cilan said, saying they are his companions (don't you mean sisters? Well, foster sisters), surprising Ash who then asks where they are. N welcomes Ash & co. to his, Anthea's, and Concordia's hidden home as Pokemon then start coming out of hiding.
Inside the house, N shows Ash & co. around, accompanies by Gardevoir. Cilan asks if this is where N lives which N says it is but only temporarily, Iris asking what he means and he says this is a hideaway he found during his travels. Ash scans Gardevoir with his Pokedex though Gardevoir channels our annoyance of that by glaring at him causing him to nervously back off. A Pidove then flies onto N's shoulder which he says he's glad to see flying again, but when Iris tries petting it the Pidove angrily smacks her hand away causing Axew to get angry and yell at the Pidove and making it fly away. N apologizes for Pidove, saying it got caught in a trap and was seriously injured causing it to no longer trust humans (so who set up the trap? I ask because if it was a poacher or some jerk kids than I can sympathize with Pidove. However if it was someone like a farmer who was trying to keep Pokemon away from eating his crops, I can't really blame the farmer for just trying to protect is livelihood). N says that all the Pokemon here have been mistreated by people in someway, Ash & co. surprised by the number of Pokemon as N shows them a room where Anthea & Concordia are taking care of some Pokemon. He explains physical wounds are easy to heal but emotional wounds are not. N explains that Anthea and Concordia take care of the Pokemon until they're ready to be returned to the wild. Ash asks what got N to go on his journey to help Pokemon, Iris asking if it has to do with Team Plasma, though Cilan says if it's too personal he doesn't have to tell the (considering they're in a place where all the Pokemon love N and hate them, I actually say this is a smart move on Cilan's part as not to look like they're putting pressure on N). N says it's all right as they've come along with him this far and owes them an explaination, Anthea and Concordia showing showing some concern and worry.
In another room with couches, Ash & co. are sitting down on one with N sitting on the one across while Anthea, Concordia, and Gardevoir stand to the side. As we go into a flashback, N explains as early as he could remember he lived in a big mansion and never went outside, us seeing a child N alone in a dark room playing with some toys. N says he was never alone though as a young Anthea and Concordia comes into his room with a group of Pokemon which cheer young N up. Ash says living in a big mansion sounds lonely to him (did N just not mention he had Anthea and Concordia to keep him company as well as a lot of Pokemon?) as Iris says she can't beleive he never went outside. Cilan says that's unthinkable and says N's parent must have wanted N to be safe but N says he's wrong and explains he wasn't allowed to interact with the outside world for a different reason: Ghetsis, leader and founder of Team Plasma. Going back to flashback, Ghetsis tells a young N too many Pokemon have been mistreated by people and says that N, because of his power to hear Pokemon's inners voice, is to become leader of Team Plasma to fulfill his mission. This obviously surprises Ash & co. (now if only it was done on a Ferris wheel...) as Concordia says they believed everything Ghetsis told them, Anthea then saying it was all a lie.
Cilan: That's awful!
Comment: Gee Cilan, aren't you Mr. Obvious today.
Concordia says Ghetsis had a different plan in mind for them as Anthea said he used them (the way they are saying this is bringing up a whole ton of out-of-context unfortunate implications...) and realized N was the most powerful out of the 3 of them (okay, that explains why N was focused on to become leader, but still Anthea and Concordia had the power, why were they not put in a higher position besides being caretakers or aided N when he confronted Reshiram?), but didn't realize this until it was too late.
Cilan: So what was the real reason then?
Iris: Are you saying Ghetsis never wanted to help Pokemon at all.
Comment: DING DING DING! Good job Sherlock, you picked up on that quickly.
N: I don't really know.
Comment: I mean, come on, does this guy look evil to you?
It's more like he's CHOPPING YOU IN THE FACE WITH AN AX that he's evil!
N explains one night 2 years ago he was summoned by Ghetsis as we go into flashback and... WAIT! Are those the other Sages?
You guys sure got the short end of the stick. Oh what am I saying, at least you're appearing unlike the Shadow Triad.
N explains Ghetsis wanted to use him in some kind of ceremony (so N, do you know what a "virgin sacrifice" is...) when suddenly a GIANT FIREBALL FALLS FROM THE SKY and hits where they were having the ceremony. The other six Sages run away (BYE! Hoped you enjoy your only cameo) and it's revealed the fireball is none other than Reshiram which Ghetsis asks why as it roars at them. Ash & co. are surprised that N has met Reshiram as we continue watching in the flashback Reshiram completely obliterating the mansion. Ghetsis asks Reshiram why does he deem N unworthy (maybe you should have presented the 3 people who could hears a Pokemon inner voice to show that you just didn't get lucky (which you still did, but still it's better than one)) as it then flies away leaving the mansion burning.
N: It was something we were not meant to touch.
Comment: ... what? So are you saying you did the ceremony wrong by touching something you shouldn't have?
N: For some reason I was spared.
Comment: As well as Ghetsis, honestly the only thing that it looked liked Reshiram did was burn down the mansion. I wouldn't be surprised if no one got killed.
N: When I woke up there was no one else around.
Comment: Yeah, if a fire dragon came crashing down in a fireball and began lighting everything on fire, I would not be around either as I would have ran about a mile or two away.
N: Then you two came and found me.
*In the flashback Anthea and Concordia carry N out of the burned mansion*
Concordia: It was a trick, everything Ghetsis told us was a lie.
Comment: How do you know that?
Anthea: The idea he would bring about Reshiram's wrath like that.
Comment: How do you know he tricked you? Was it something Reshiram said in its roars? Would you like to tell everyone watching at home what it said if it did? Actually, how do you know what it said, if it did say anything, if you weren't at the ceremony?
Concordia asks what do they do now and Anthea says they need to protect N from Ghetsis, the flashback ending with them and N setting on their journey and ended up here. Ash says it sounded rough as Cilan asks why did they leave here and didn't they risk Team Plasma finding them. Concordia says of course it was and would have been easy too, however Anthea says they wanted to see the outside world, N finishing they also needed to find out Ghetsis's plan. N says as they traveled they saw all the awful things Team Plasma has been doing, Cilan saying that's why he went on his quest to rescue Pokemon from Team Plasma. N says he wanted to rescue his friends though Anthea says it isn't only Team Plasma. Concordia says there are other people who surpress Pokemon as Anthea says that in that way Ghetsis was telling the truth. Anthea says if Pokemon were to ever be truly happy they must be left alone (tell that to all the Zubats/Woobats in the world's caves...) and living apart from people, Anthea saying that would prevent many tragedies (well, human on Pokemon tragedies and vice versa. Human on human and Pokemon on Pokemon tragedies will still be around, flourish even). Cilan immediately objects to this saying it isn't fair of accusing all people of oppressing Pokemon (yeah, who do you think you are, N from the games?), Ash and Iris backing him up saying there are plenty of nice people.
Concordia: STOP! This is a refuge for Pokemon.
Comment: ... what does that have anything to do with what Ash & co. just said?
Anthea: I'm sorry, but tomorrow you're going to have to leave.
Comment: Why tomorrow? I assume you can control where the fog appears as you had it appear in the middle of a city, just teleport Ash & co. in front of the nearest Pokemon Center.
Ash & co., as well as N, look sad and concerned.
Meanwhile Plasma grunt Aldith has reported to Ghetsis that N got away (well of course he did, you were flying away on the Plasma carrier when you said you were going to get him...) and begs Ghetsis to forgive them though Colress is more interested in why Ghetsis is concerned about N and his whereabouts, pointing out he's no threat to their plans. Ghetsis tells Colress that's not his business and his only job is to do his research and present the results, Colress saying he's in the middle of his next one and is getting close to the results which Ghetsis wants, Aldith getting a bit suspicious of Colress (you just suspicious of Colress? What about Ghetsis?).
Back at the hideaway, Ash & co. think about what Anthea and Concordia said, Ash saying they know they are bad people but saying they can't just give up before standing up proclaiming he wants to be the best friends with Pokemon that he can be. Pikachu, Iris, Axew, and Cilan laugh as Cilan and Iris also agree.
Iris: I say we talk to Concordia and Anthea and try to convince them too.
Comment: Uh huh, then after that maybe you should try to convince a dog not to bark or a bird not to fly.
Axew spots a Deerling (which we saw being afraid of Ash & co. earlier) and the Pidove which smacked Iris's hand watching them and runs over to them, Pikachu following and Oshawott pops out for some reason to do the same. As they get close the Deerling and Pidove start to hide (oh, so they're also afraid of Trainer's Pokemon? Do they think they have human cooties?) though after "talking" with them the Deerling and Pidove come out of hiding. Ash shakes hands (well hooves) with the Deerling while Iris stretches her hand out to let the Pidove land on it, saying it was the Pidove from YESTERDAY (great way telling that much time has passed. But why is Ash & co. still here? Didn't Anthea and Concordia say they had to leave? Wouldn't they want to do this as soon as possible?). As Ash & co. play with the Pokemon, Anthea and Concordia watch from the window surprised, N smiling behind them.
In a valley somewhere, several Team Plasma grunts are looking around when one sees an indent in the wall which causes his scan goggles to go off and him saying "we found him". The grunts start setting up a computer and... loud speakers? Anyway the "loudspeakers" are actually lights(?) which seem to be able to discover temportal anomalies and the grunt reports to Aldith about it who tells them not to let them escape. On the other end of the portal a bunch of Deerling are eating but upon spotting the warping space they start running away, passing by Ash & co.. N asks one of the Deerlings what's wrong and upon hearing it response N says they're being invaded as Anthea and Concordia join his side and Ash & co. catching up.
Concordia: What a coincidence we've been discovered.
Comment: You're not doing this...
Anthea: Could it be your the ones who lead them to us?
Comment: How about it was you who revealed where you are when you created the fog in the city to take N? That was as subtle as a train wreck on a boat.
Ash & co. say they wouldn't do that and Iris tells them they've been playing with the Pokemon the whole time (something which Anthea and Concordia KNEW!). N tells them this isn't the time but they're soon attacked as Gothitelle floats in front of them and uses a Protect to block the projectiles while Gardevoir floats behind Ash & co. (though whether to protect them or "keep them from escaping" I don't know). Three Plasma grunts walk out of the forest a the projectiles are revealed to be Sludge Bombs coming from a Muk. The lead Plasma grunt tells N to come with them (just ignore the other two who are able to hear a Pokemon's inner voice) or they'll have to take him by force, sending out a Magnezone. Magnezone attacks with Magnet Bomb which Gardevoir and Gothitelle block with a Protect but some shots get around them causing some of the healing Pokemon to run away. N says he has to do something (yes, N does, not the trainers with a CHARIZARD AND DRAGONITE) and tells Gardevoir to get everyone to safety as another Plasma grunt sends out a Liepard. Out of everyone it's Cilan who's first to send out a Pokemon with it being Pansage who uses Bullet Seed though the Liepard jumps out of the way. The last Plasma grunt is the one with the Muk and sends it at N and Gothitelle (yeah, send the POISON-type right up against a PSYCHIC-type, you'll be sure to win...). Iris sends out Excadrill (okay, it has the type advantage here) though instead of a Ground-type attack it uses Iron Claw which still gets the job done and sends Muk retreating. Ash tells N to leave this to them, N trying to say something but Ash says he's the one they're after (okay, when ASH is the one using common sense, you need to seriously start rethinking how you do things). Cilan and Iris also tell N to get going and N agrees, thanking Ash & co. as him and Gothitelle run off along with Anthea, Concordia, and Gardevoir.
The Plasma grunt tells Ash to stay out of his way sending Magnezone at them which has Ash sending out Pignite (okay, Charizard is weak to Electric-types so Pignite is probably the best choice since it's also part Fighting-type... what am I saying, they're not putting that much thought in what Pokemon they send out). Pignite uses Flamethrower which hits Magnezone and, proving my point, Ash tells Oshawott to use Hydro Pump which misses as Ash's two Pokemon take turns attacking Magnezone. Concordia asks why are Ash & co. helping them and N tells them that Ash & co. love Pokemon just as much as they do and will do anything they can do to help them. Anthea says she didn't know there were people like that (you know your a human, right?) and N says of course there are and though all of them aren't good, it's a mistake to assume all of them are evil (now if only you'll apply some of that logic with Pokemon though in reverse). Concordia says now that they've been found they'll have to deal with it which Anthea says they'll have to move again as they leave the hideaway.
The Plasma grunt tells Ash anyone who resists Team Plasma is a fool (before you say that you may want your Pokemon to actually give off a successful hit) though Ash just gives a demands to know what they want to do with N. The Plasma grunt says he doesn't have to tell a "punk" (HEY! The term is "twerp") like him anything and Magnezone uses Magnet Bomb which Pignite starts dodging. Pansage uses Bullet Seed to hit the Magnet Bomb... which somehow causes them to ricochet and knock out Pignite (*claps* good job Cilan!). The Plasma grunt laughs (hey, weren't there two others with a Muk and Liepard? Guess they're waiting their turn instead of, you know, ganging up on Ash & co.) as Ash returns Pignite as Pikachu gets ready to battle (you know, instead of Charizard... why even bother bringing him back if YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE HIM! In that episode you made it sound like Ash will be using Charizard in every big battle! WHAT WOULD YOU CALL A BATTLE WITH TEAM PLASMA?!). Magnezone uses a Thunderbolt (on an Electric-type...) and Pikachu does a Thunderbolt right back, getting caught in a "bolt" struggle. Meanwhile Cilan and Iris finish their battle with Pansage and Excadrill sending Liepard and Muk flying back with a Bullet Seed and Focus Blast, respectively. With their battles done Ash finishes his with Pikachu's Thunderbolt proving to be the strongest and knocking back Magnezone.
As the Plasma grunt recalls his Pokemon, a fog appears and N's voice calls out for Ash & co. who run into it, losing the Plasma grunts. Ash & co. meet back up with N, Anthea, and Concordia, N telling them they relocated the Pokemon to a safe place. Concordia says she feels like she should thank Ash & co. for protecting the Pokemon, but Anthea says as long as Pokemon are in contact with people they aren't safe. Gothitelle intensifies the fog as we cut back to Team Rocket who are sitting down stumped when they get surrounded by the fog and through it they see the Plasma grunts and hide & watch. Back to Ash & co., Ash & co. tell them they're not their enemies and people and Pokemon can live with each other, which N replies he hears them and "if only that was so" (you know, I think anime Anthea and Concordia are a bad influence on N). The fog grows so thick that Ash & co. lose sight of N, Anthea, & Concordia and then when it clears they find themselves in an empty field. Cilan turns around to spot a castle as the narrator ends the episode.
An okay episode, once again it was mainly to get a LOT of plot exposition out of the way. If you couldn't tell I don't like what they did with Anthea's and Concordia's character. Team Plasma is one of the most enigmatic syndicates do to how many of their important members not getting a lot of details told about them. Anthea & Concordia, the Sages (other than Ghetsis, obviously), and the Shadow Triad seen yet not talked about that it makes you wonder exactly what their story is. The anime could have been used to further expand on these characters, but instead we focuses on Team Rocket which, while not bad, could have honestly waited to give some spotlight on Unova's own syndicate. And yes, I know Team Plasma was planned to appear but due to the earthquake in Japan a few years ago that episode never aired. However Team Plasma really should have appeared even earlier and had an ever present presence throughout Unova like they did in the games. But back to what I was saying, the lack of Team Plasma caused them to cut out the Sages and Shadow Triad so there goes any possible additional info on them. But then, even when we do get characters we want to know more about, they change them for no reason and might even cause back story confusion! Whether you want to say we learned a lot or a little about the anime Anthea and Concordia, the problem is they're too different from the ones in the games so we can't really transfer any info we learned here. Point short, it's okay if you want to slightly alter the character to better fit the story like they're doing for Colress by making him more antagonistic but his motives are still mostly the same and you can tell there's more up his sleeve then he's letting on. However when you completely change the character, why bother having that character? Might as well make a new one since having the character act differently just further separates the two medias and, last time I checked, the anime is suppose to sell you on buying the games. With that all said, the battles were okay, though I'm still trying to figure out how the Bullet Seed ricochet and knocked out Pignite...
EPISODE: BW119 "Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!"
The episode starts where we last left off, Ash & co. transported to a field by Anthea & Concordia and we find out their in front of Dragonspiral Tower and near the White Ruins. After the opening credits, we that Ash & co. have made a quick stop at a Pokemon Center in a nearby town before rushing off to their destination. NEXT SCENE.
Meanwhile with Team Plasma, the three Plasma grunts which found the hideaway report to Aldith that N escaped with Anthea and Concordia, and it seems Ash is also getting a reputation as the "annoying kid with the Pikachu". Another grunt says that Anthea and Concordia are impossible to track and now N is back with them, though Aldith has heard enough excuses and says they're orders are to track down N as he can be a huge threat. Aldith says Colress has completed his Pokemon Control Device thus N now must be eliminated, but Colress corrects her saying his device is close to completion though in science nothing is ever complete, Aldith being a bit annoyance by it. Colress says Haxorus's data shows they can still improve amplifying Delta Brain waves so once he's done "debugging" he'll get back to more experimenting, Aldith telling the other grunts they still can't have N running around. But before the grunts leave, Aldith says they were followed pointing up to Team Rocket on an overhead walkway as a spotlight shines on them.
So did Team Rocket know a spotlight was going to be shined on them and that's why they were posing?
Aldith says its Team Rocket as the Rocket Trio jump down and James says the Pokemon Control Device is now theirs. The grunts aren't going to let that happen and send out a... Magnetmite? Considering one of your team mates have a Magnezone why do you gave its pre-evolution? Anyway Magnemite uses SonicBoom while the other grunt sends out Golbat who uses Shadow Ball, but Team Rocket dodges both attacks and runs out of the building. The grunts follow as well as Aldith, but as soon as they leave Meowth speaks up and Colress figures that Jessie and James were just decoys for Meowth to steal the machine. Meowth says that's clever but Colress is wrong as they instead want the source: Colress himself. Colress starts laughing much to Meowth's annoyance so Colress lets Meowth continue.
Cut to Ash & co., Iris and Cilan stop Ash and convince him to take a break so all of them to have some lunch, sending out all their Pokemon to enjoy the day. NEXT SCENE
Back with Meowth and Colress, Meowth praises Colress's Pokemon Control Device which surprises Colress, though Meowth says it's Colress who impressive him the most. Meowth "cuts to the chase" and says Colress obviously isn't happy working nor cares about the plans of Team Plasma, Colress then guessing that if he works for Team Rocket "all his dreams will come true" which Meowth gives him a "duh". Colress says it's an interesting offer, though speaking of which Colress says he finds Meowth very interesting.
Meowth: Who me?
Comment: No, the other TALKING Meowth. While it might be common for Team Rocket and Ash & co., the characters of the day sometimes points out Meowth is talking so he can't forget that easily.
Colress: Yes, you, one does not come across a talking Meowth everyday you know.
Comment: Or any talking Pokemon for that matter. And those who do "speak" are either godly powerful or very mystical (and before you bring up Chatot, it can only mimic a few phrases, not full speech).
Colress says as much as Team Rocket needs him, he needs Meowth which Meowth asks him to explain. Colress says Meowth is an intelligent Pokemon (no, Meowth is a TALKING Pokemon, there's a difference) and Meowth deduces Colress wants to use him as a test subject, Colress saying there isn't a better Pokemon. Meowth agrees to be part of Colress's first experiment as a "Team Rocket member" and they shake hands.
Over to Jessie and James, they lead the four Plasma grunts through the forest until one sends out Magnezone who uses Magnet Bomb which Jessie and James dodges. Aldith sends out her Liepard and tells Team Rocket that Team Plasma is about to take over Unova and Team Rocket is a nuisance. James says that Team Rocket has instilled fear in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions though the Plasma grunts aren't buying it and get their Pokemon ready to attack. James presses a button on a controller and create a pyramid-shaped energy field around Team Plasma and their Pokemon, deflecting their Pokemon's attacks within it. Jessie and James tells them to stay put until their mission is complete, running back to Meowth and Colress.
Cut to Ash & co., they get done eating and return their Pokemon, all except Pignite who hasn't touched its food and is looking sad. Cilan says Pignite was just checked on at the Pokemon Center and when Ash moves in closer Pignite sneezes giving out a small flame stream, slightly burning Ash's face. Ash & co. realize the flames weren't strong and Ash tells Pignite to use Flamethrower, but only tiny flame streams come out before going out. Cilan says that's not Pignite's usual flavor of Flamethrower which makes Iris wondering what's going on and Ash telling Pignite it'll be alright. NEXT SCENE.
Back to Meowth & Colress, Colress targets Meowth and fires the beam at him, Colress happy with the data being collected as Meowth keeps his consciousness by... counting Mareep. Jessie and James get back and see Colress experimenting on Meowth, James asking if everything is under control which Colress says he's generous for Meowth's cooperation. Jessie says it's just as they thought and James reveals Meowth has gone through concentration training (I think you're confused, counting Mareep is an analogue to counting sheep which is suppose to help you sleep which means LOSING concentration!). Meowth keeps on counting Mareep until Colress powers up the beam and we see a mental image of Meowth going spiraling down a blackhole. Colress stops the beam as Meowth falls onto his knees (Meowth's charm is also glowing), as Jessie and James become concerned though decide to keep their cool.
Over to the the Plasma grunts, Magnezone uses Magnet Bomb but it bounces off the energy field, the grunt owning Magnezone telling the others to do something. Aldith tells them it's uselss though one of the Plasma grunts asks what will they do as Colress can't protect himself from Team Rocket. Aldith looks around and sees a Galvanutal, Scolipede, and Sewaddle and tells Barret (the Plasma grunt with the Magnezone) to have Magnezone use Supersonic. Because it's not energy, the Supersonic gets through the energy field and confused the nearby Pokemon who start attacking wildly and manage to hit the devices creating the energy field, destroying them and freeing the Plasma grunts.
Back to Team Rocket and Colress, Jessie says it's excellent Colress finished his device and James says his talent would help Team Rocket take over the Unova region. Colress asks why evil organizations like Team Rocket and Team Plasma want to take over the world which James answers it's only natural that they take what they want and Jessie saying they're not evil but just doing what they want because they can (but there's no sense crying over every mistake, we'll keep on trying till we run out of CAKE!...). The Plasma grunts come back in telling Team Rocket that they're low leveled hacks in a third rate organization and they'll never take over Unova (well they almost set about the Kami Trio to destroy Unova, does that count?). Colress reports that he's done running his tests and now Meowth is a "member" of Team Plasma, Jessie calling him a traitor though Colress points out he never said he joined Team Rocket and though he's not satisfied with Team Plasma he's also not dissatisfied, for now. Jessie says maybe he'll change his mind by force, James saying Meowth isn't under their control and asks Meowth if that's right though Meowth doesn't respond which worries Jessie and James (well maybe your "conentration" training shouldn't have been something also used to put someone to sleep...). Aldith orders Meowth to attack Team Rocket which a Meowth with glowing red eyes reacts to as Colress tells Team Rocket to never underestimate his device.
Cut on Ash & co., Pignite still can't get a Flamethrower going no matter how many times it does it. After seeing some black smoke come from Pignite's nose, Axew looks inside Pignite's nostrils and sees something, Ash and Iris also taking a look and saying something is stuck in the back of Pignite's nostrils. Ash asks what do they do now and Cilan says they should shake it loose, first suggesting jumping up and down which they do.
In a destroyed building somewhere, N is looking through a laboratory asking where did "they" go. N spots a Watchog and Patrat watching him and senses they know something and asks for them to please tell him. We go into a flashback through the eyes of the Watchog as it sees the building N is in now explode. Next we're on the ground and see... GENESECT! Actually, FOUR Genesects! Well, four NORMAL colored Genesects as there's also a FIFTH SHINY Genesect. All of them come hopping from the lab before folding up and flying off. The Watchog and Patrat run off as N angrily says Team Plasma has been playing with the lives of Pokemon and it must stop.
Back to the Teams, Meowth is attacking Jessie and James with Fury Swipes and, as Jessie and James hides behind some barrels, Meowth Fury Swipes so fast it creates a cyclone tearing the barrels apart.
Face the Fury Swipes of Despair!
Colress says he finally created a Pokemon who's battling skill has been raised to its limit as the cyclone ends and Meowth walks toward Jessie and James. Jessie can't believe Meowth is being controlled but James says Team Plasma haven't won yet and they send out Amoonguss and Frillish, Barret surprised they're attacking their own team mate (oh please, the Rocket Trio beat up on each other constantly, now they just have an excuse to do it on Meowth). Frillish uses BubbleBeam but Meowth pops all the bubbled with Fury Swipes, however Amoonguss then uses Stun Spore which gets through and starts to paralyze Meowth, Amoonguss then slamming Meowth with a Body Slam.
So much for what Colress said, then again Meowth never was a battling Pokemon...
Jessie has Frillish use Psychic to lift Meowth over to her and James who restrain Meowth and tell him to focus on their voices... as they start counting down form six Noctowls... Anyway, upon getting to 0, Meowth breaks out of the mind control much to Team Plasma's surprise. Aldith sends out Liepard but Jessie has Frillish use Mist and upon it clearing they find Team Rocket have escaped, a Plasma grunt pointing up to the hole in the roof. As Team Rocket flies away, James tells Meowth he had them worried though Meowth apologies for not being able to resist being controlled, however Jessie says they'll have another day of success.
Cut to Ash & co., after having jumped till exhaustion to no avail, Ash sends out Charizard who picks up Pignite, flies up, and starts spinning Pignite by his ankles. Charizard lets go causing Pignite to fall but before it hits the ground Charizard grabs it... but still nothing comes out of Pignite's nose. As Pignite slumps over in depression, Iris sees Pignite breath on some grass which gives her an idea. NEXT SCENE.
Back Team Plasma, they report their failure of capturing N to Ghetsis who is not pleased by their constant failure but is in a forgiving mood as the had gotten a clue to the Light Stones whereabouts. Ghetsis tells them the Light Stone is at the White Ruins which Aldith says they'll go their immidietly as Ghetsis tells Colress they'll be meeting Reshiram soon which Colress says there can't be more of an incredible test subject. However we're quickly shown that Meowth put a device on the bottom of the Pokemon Control Device and Team Rocket heard the entire conversation and also decide to go to the White Ruins.
Well with the Teams story wrapped up for this episode let's wrap up Ash & co.'s as Iris asks if she could try something. Iris takes a peace of grass and starts tickling Pignites nose and it sneezes out what was clogging its nose much to Iris's victory. Axew gets what came out Pignites nose (eww) and gives them to Ash and Iris who ask what it is and Cilan says they look like Bullet Seed shells (wait, so you're telling me that Pignite's Flamethrower couldn't burn though seeds?). Ash remembers last episode when the Bullet Seed hit the Magnet Bombs causing them to ricochet and knock out Pignite, us getting a new scene where we see two shell pieces go into Pignites nostrils. Ash says he's glad it worked out and tells Pignite to give him his best Flamethrower which Pignite does and chars Ash's face with a giant stream of flame. Ash then makes the stupid decision of asking what Pikachu and Charizard thinks and, while Pikachu just gives a cheer, Charizard joins in Pignites fun and Flamethrowers Ash's face as well.
Don't act like you didn't deserve that.
We end the episode with Ash & co. laughing as Charizard and Pignite shoots Flamethrowers into the sky.
This episode was kind of dull and despite all the Team Rocket and Team Plasma activity I don't feel like the plot really moved anywhere fast. Not only that, but Ash & co.'s segment could be cut out entirely and nothing would be missed. When I saw Jessie and James leading the Plasma grunts away, I though this is how Ash & co. will enter the story as they'll encounter them resulting in a 3-way battle or Team Rocket would sneak away while Team Plasma attack Ash & co. seeing if they knew any information on N and eliminate the "annoying kid with the Pikachu" who's been messing with their plans. But no, Ash & co.'s story remained separate and non-substantial so what's going on. But saying that would be saying there was substantial to the "Team's" story which only really set up one or two plot points: Both Team Plasma and Team Rocket are heading to the White Ruins (and Colress's device is now finished). But did Colress really need to Meowth to finish his machine? Did we need to find out how Team Rocket also know to go to the White Ruins? Honestly they could have easily skipped this episode by having the start of the next episode having Colress report to Ghetsis that his device is done which Ghetsis then tells Colress and the Plasma grunts to get to the White Ruins as that's where the Light Stone is. And Team Rocket are at the White Ruins because they've been spying on Team Plasma from last episode. There, no nee for this episode. Well, as you might have guessed, the next episode is the beginning of the end of the Plasma storyline...
EPISODE: BW120 "Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals!"
We start the episode with Cedric Juniper leading a group of researchers into a room with a door made of blocks with symbols on them. A researcher asks if the Light Stone is being it which Cedric says "it can't be", getting the researcher's hopes up, but then finishes saying "unless it is", cue researchers doing comedic fall.
Meanwhile, Ash & co. are at Dragonspiral Tower finally and are amaze by its size, Cilan saying it's believed to be the oldest tower in Unova but no one knows when it was built (then why is it assumed to be the oldest?) or by who (how many lost civilizations does the Pokemon World have who ad built so many long lasting structures?). A jeep appears and drives up to them, asking if they know Professor Juniper, Ash & co. saying they know both and the guy says he's Cedric's assistant and he's here to pick them up. As Ash & co. get into the jeep, behind a bush Plasma grunt Barret watches and tells the other Plasma grunts to follow, one asking if they should contact Ghetsis but Barret says only after N shows up. As two Plasma vans follow Ash & co. (+ Cedric's assistant), Team Rocket are watching all this on top of a hill, Jessie saying Ash & co. are also heading to the White Ruins (well of course, that's where everything is going to be happening and we can't have our heroes being late to the party). Meowth says their transmitter he put on the Pokemon Control Device is still working, Jessie saying they'll grab Pikachu while James says they'll get the Light Stone as a bonus (shouldn't the artifact of power be on the top of the priority list?), Meowth also saying he wants payback for Team Plasma controlling him.
Cilan asks how the excavations are going and Cedric's assistant says they may have found a monumental find, an excited Ash asks what it is but the assistant says they'll soon see. They arrive to the White Ruins and Iris notes how large it is and points out the Tumburr, Conkeldurr, (no Gurdurr?), and Golurk which the assistant says they wouldn't have made it far without their help. Ash says he wishes N could see this which gets the attention of the assistant, revealing to the audience his eyes that should look familiar. The assistant says they should move along and they go inside the ruins where the monumental find is. Ash & co. are amazed by the maze-like passages (well it is ancient ruins, though impractical in use, those ancient people know in the future people will find them and so decided to give them puzzles to solve. Remember, if you want to seal away a secret, make it solvable puzzle!). The assistant says they aren't even done excavating and the White Ruins could be the biggest find yet. They finally get to the block door room which is where Cedric is and he shouts at them to "not take another step", Ash & co. freezing in fear, until finishing "if there was any danger", cue Ash & co. (+ assistant) comedic fall. Iris tells him he still have a way with words as Cedric laughs and asks if they remember his number 1 rule of adventuring, Cilan saying "after I have finished my thought" asking how could they forget (well apparently you just did).
Ash & co. get up and Cedric thanks them for coming, Ash & co. then thank him for inviting them as Ash asks about the discovery. Cedric points to the block door and explains it has something to do with Reshiram. Ash asks if that's one of the dragon statues at the Village of Dragons (I would like to remind everyone that in the 14th movies Ash has met Reshiram and in one of them he rode on its back), Iris saying it's the dragon of fire (Charizard is better, I don't care if he's not part Dragon-type), and Cilan says it can generate high temperature flames from its tail (well its tail is a rocket booster). Iris get excited there's more information behind the door, Cilan saying this is a monumental discovery, but Cedric says they won't learn anything if they can't get behind the door. Cedric says the door was sealed with a specific method which he saying he has figured out, Ash & co. (+ assistant) getting excited, until he finishes saying "if it works", cue Ash & co. (+ assistant) comedic fall comedic fall (was that really one that deserved a comedic fall? Maybe if he said "once I figured out my notes", but if he has a method of course there's a chance it not working). Cedric starts moving the blocks around like a sliding puzzle (are you sure you don't want to wait for a team of researchers before you do this in case something happens?) and upon finishing the final block pushes itself out and all the symbols start glowing very bright. When they stopped glowing it reveals the blocks have vaporizes themselves as now the doorway is open.
Ash & co. enter a room which looks like the one in the Black Hero's Ruins which had the Goldren Dark Stone in it, Cedric saying this room looks to be inside a dormant volcano. And sure enough, in the middle of the room is a round stone which Cedric says in the Light Stone, Ash & co. getting excited, until finishing "or a round" stone, cue Ash & co. (+ assistant) comedic fall. Ash asks Iris about the Light Stone and she says it's believed to be Reshiram transformed into another shape (wait, so now the stones in these ruins ARE the dragons? 1. So was the Golden Dark Stone actually Zekrom or, as said in the episode, did it only summon it? 2. If this is Reshiram, how did Team Plasma summon it? 3. Why would Reshiram turn back into the Light Stone after telling N is was going to destroy mankind? YOU CAN'T KEEP CHANGING THE RULES LIKE THIS!). Cilan says this could mean they're going to meet Reshiram which Cedric says they'll see and picks up the Light Stone, doing so sending out orange, flame-shaped energy which shoots out of the ruins.
Elsewhere, N sees the energy shooting from the ruins and says that's where Reshiram has been hiding, getting off a Sawsbuck he was riding (wouldn't a Zebstrika make a bit more sense?) and thanks it telling it to return to the forest. Nearby the ruins, Team Plasma also sees the energy and Barret tells another Plasma grunt to analyze it.
The energy stops and Cedric's assistant asks if he's okay, Cedric says he is and now that the Light Stone stopped they should get going. Outside, the assistant goes to get the analysis equipment as Cedric checks on Light Stone, Ash asking if this is really the Light Stone. As Barret is watching from behind a stone slab, Cedric says he can't be a hundred percent it's the Light Stone so says he "can't say it's the Light Stone", Ash & co. look disappointed, until he finishes saying "it's something I can't say for certain", As & co. comedic fall (okay, running gag is running too long..). Ash & co. realize that this means there's still a chance it could be the Light Stone (THAT'S WHAT HE JUST SAID TWO TIMES!). A Plasma grunt walks up to Barret and says that the energy was from the Light Stone which Barret says they need to report this to Ghetsis.
Ash asks if this is the Light Stone how do they turn it back into Reshiram, Cedric saying he doesn't know tells Ash & co. what the White Chapter of Pokemon Mythology says. When a person appears searching deeply for the truth, Reshiram will appear and battle that person to test his strength and heart, and if Reshiram decides he's the hero it'll share it's knowledge with him and fight his enemies. Reshiram will treat the hero with kindness, like a parent to a child, but if the hero attains riches and power the goodness in his heart will be lost (so remember kids, if you want to be a good person, you have to remain poor and weak). N's voice then continues by saying Reshiram will destroy the country the hero has made, Ash & co. wondering who said that but then sees N on a top of a cliff, N finishing by saying Reshiram will then depart. Barret sees that N has appeared.
Flying in Plasma's Carrier, Aldith says they'll be at the White Ruins soon when Ghetsis appears on a screen and she tells him they'll secure N this time. Ghetsis asks Colress if the Pokemon Control Device is ready which Colress says it is, Ghetsis then asks Colress if he knows what to do when Rehsiram appears which Colress says he does.
Ash asks N what he's doing here and N says that he senses suspicious activity by Team Plasma and also Reshiram. Iris says it could be the Light Stone which N says it is and it's sad, Cedric asking who N is though Cilan says it's a long story.
Ash: He's N and he's a friend of ours.
N *surprised*: A friend?!
Comment: Don't be too alarmed N, Ash considers EVERYONE he meets as a friend.
N says he knows who Cedric is and asks what he plans on doing with the Light Stone, Cedric saying he's going to take his time and investigate it (no, it belongs in a museum...) saying Reshiram and the Light Stone are part of his life long research. N says there's no more he can say then, jumping down and taking the Light Stone (N! I told you it belongs in a museum!) before leaping several feet away from Ash & co. (+ Cedric). Ash asks what is N doing, N saying he can't let Cedric take the Light Stone. Iris asks why and N says it's because he saw Reshiram destroy Team Plasma (it did a bad job) and fly away and wants to ask Reshiram why did it burn everything, what's it angry about, and what does it think of people. N says Reshiram is bigger than life itself to him (dramatic, much?) and if its angry at people it wants to quiet that anger (yes, the person who knows NOTHING about people will calm Reshiram's anger about people, brilliant plan, can't see where this can go wrong). N wants all Pokemon to live in freedom, to know what is the truth (YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!), and wants Reshiram to show them the way. Ash asks why doesn't he work with Cedric but N says Cedric confirmed what he "suspected", the Light Stone is just an object of scientific interest to him (yes, Cedric just wants to better the entire world by finding out the secrets of the Light Stone, he clearly doesn't care. You on the other hand just want to ask Reshiram a few questions which only pertains to only you, not selfish in the slightest). Cedric says that's not true, Cilan telling N to listening, but finishes saying "maybe it is", Iris & Cilan comedic fall.
N says this is how it has to be and runs off, Ash following behind him, N telling him to give it up, Ash says he just wants to talk. Ash steps on a loose piece of stone and starts to falling through the floor, N sees this and runs back to help but ALSO steps on a loose piece of stone and starts falling through, causing the entire floor to collapse. N has grabbed onto an edge but Ash is still falling so N has to let go of the Light Stone to grab Ash's hand, however after Ash thanks him N looses his grip and they both fall. Iris and Cilan run over to the hole, Cedric joining soon after asking what happened and Cilan says Ash and N fell in. Iris saying she's going down there but Cedric says she can't since its like a maze down there. Cedric says he's sure Ash and N are safe and to leave the exploration of the Ruins to him, Iris calling down the hole for them to please be safe (dead bodies can't hear nor respond back, Iris).
At the bottom of the hole, Pikachu wakes up Ash who says he's glad to see isn't hurt and asks where's N, N saying he's here and asks if Ash is okay which Ash says he is. Ash thanks N for saving him though N says it was nothing and its the sand that cushioned their fall (convenient since they're no where near a place which will have sand like a desert or beach...). Ash ask what happened to the Light Stone and N points to the top of the sand mound where th Light Stone glows orange, N also showing the hole they fell through which is now blocked by rocks. N says there doesn't look like there's any where else out of the room.
Up above, an explosion can be heard as Team Plasma grunts surround Iris, Cilan, and Cedric. Barret says they have the White Ruins completely surrounded and says they'll be taking the Light Stone. Cedric says they don't have it but Barret says they know N took the Light Stone and fell down the hole, telling Iris, Cilan, an Cedric to step back. The Plasma's Carrier lands and Barret tells another grunt to inform Aldith about what has happened. Nearby Cedric's assistant sneaks around behind some rocks.
At the bottom of hole, N says he's been thinking a lot of the last time they met, asking why Anthea and Concordia reject people like they do (because they confused their backstory with your's) and why do Pokemon love Ash (because Pokemon like knowing that there is at least one human they're smarter than). N says he's been chasing after Team Plasma for a long time and witnessed all sorts of relationships between people and Pokemon: like a member of the family, worked alongside them, and people who abandon them; too many relationships to count. N says that Anthea and Concordia never left their closed off world and wishes they learned more about the outside. N takes Pikachu and holds it up, asking why do Pokemon exist in their world in the first place (merchandising), what is their meaning (to make money), and what are they trying to tell us (GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!)? N says maybe there is a place where people and Pokemon live together in peace (I'm sure an evil syndicate will appear there sooner or later), but goes on saying thinking of the Light Stone as just an object of scientific interest still shows people think Pokemon as creatures who only exist to serve them (well, scientifically speaking, the Light Stone being Reshiram is a myth, nothing that can be proven to be fact unless investigated. If they find the myths to be true, Cedric will no doubt take the measure to try and resurrect Reshiram with the respect it deserves (I'd assume he's take it to the Village of Dragons)). N says it's all because the arrogance of people, Ash telling him to "come on". N asks if he's wrong which Ash says he doesn't know anything about making them serve us (what do you call capturing them in a Pokeball then?) and he only knows is that he's friends with and cares a lot about his buddy Pikachu and all Pokemon. Ash says that whenever he's been sad, happy, or mad, Pokemon has always been by his side and that's why he wants to learn more about Pokemon, because they're his friends. N asks if that's his reason which Ash says if they learned as much they can about Pokemon they can become better friends with them (or find better ways to capture them), and if its true Reshiram can transform from the Light Stone he wants to become friends with it too. N is surprised by that though smiles.
Above, Team Plasma deploys the Pokemon Control Device as Plasma grunts report having problems with some Golurks. Aldith tells Barret to ensemble a team to retrieve the Light Stone (what about N?) when suddenly Cedric's assistant grabs Aldith, brandishing a metal pipe(!), telling her not to move as Barret asks who he is. The assistant throws Aldith against a wall and puts the metal pipe to her face(!!), telling Barret to stay back and don't move. The assistant says he didn't want to reveal his identity until Ghetsis arrived but he has no choice, taking off his diguise to reveal, of course, Looker who tells Team Plasma they're all under arrest. Barret lifts up a Pokeball but Looker reminds him he told him not to move, telling him to drop the Pokeball and telling Iris, Cilan, and Cedric to move along. Looker, with Aldith in custody, also move as a bunch of Golurk appear behind Barret to help Looker. Aldith laughs and asks if Looker thinks he can defeat Team Plasma alone but Looker says the entire International Police is with him and backup is on its way. However Colress mockingly say they better hurry as he appears on the cliff with the Pokemon Control Device and takes control of the Golurk who start going on a rampage. Colress says they should be grateful for seeing first hand the device that'll change the entire planet, Looker worryingly saying they perfected the Pokemon Control Device. Aldith says it doesn't only do that but they can also turn Pokemon into weapons, her and Barret then are lifted up by a Golurk's Telekinesis.
Looker apologizes to Golurks saying they have to fight back as Cilan and Iris send out Crustle and Dragonite... while Colress and the Pokemon Control Device are watching. Well guess Colress wants to give them a fighting chance as he doesn't immediately take control of their Pokemon as Crustle uses Rock slide which takes out one Golurk while Dragonite attacks another one with Flamethrower but it starts crawling after it. Aldith orders the Plasma Grunts to clear out the "troublemakers" and a batch have their Liepards use Hyper Beam to attack the ruins though it only looks to have bothered Iris, Cilan, Cedric, and Looker rather than stop them. Meanwhile Team Rocket watches from a nearby cliff, James asking how long should they wait and Meowth saying till Team Plasma get the Light Stone. Jessie says they'll grab the Light Stone along with Pikachu (oh, so now the Light Stone is the target and Pikachu is the bonus) as Meowth says until then they'll just watch. The Golurk covered by the Rock Slide gets back up and starts attacking with Charge Beam, Dragonite swoops down and to pick up Crustle but they get hit and start to fall.
Below, N says he can hear "friends" shouts and asks if Team Plasma could be the cause of this. Ash says they got to do something which N agrees with and they get up to start looking for a way out, ending the episode.
Well looks like the end game has finally started for the Team Plasma arc. Though with that said the episode was still dull as it feels like they're just stretching this story for as long as they can, especially by having Ash and N (and the Light Stone) become separated from everything else. With Ash and N looking for a way out, hopefully they'll encounter Team Plasma sooner rather than later. However the scenes with Looker taking charge and even threatening Aldith with a metal pipe were AWESOME though sadly short lived. Hopefully next few episodes will have more action and conflicts to make this long wait for the Team Plasma arc worth it.
UnovaChampion wrote: |
So Season 17 of the Pokemon anime will begin after the Plasma arc. And golly does it have an amazingly creative title or what? Pokemon BW: Adventures in Unova and Beyond >_> |
You expected the pokemon anime to be creative?
I wonder why they didn't just give it the same title.
Does anyone know why the opening switched back to the Team Plasma one from the Decolore Island variation? I just found it odd that all of a sudden, they got rid of it for no reason.
Not necessarily. It could be a technical switch done by Cartoon Network. Seems odd, but it wouldn't be the first time CN has done it.
UnovaChampion wrote: |
A massive error on their part. But more importantly, where are the Pikachu reviews? :O |
Sorry, I've been busy. I'll have to do very quick reviews being I'm missing a lot of episodes, hopefully I can do them before X & Y are released (maybe I'll do a few tomorrow, though no promises. Still have to finish the XY things I began on, especially since new info has surfaced).
EPISODE: BW121 "Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!"
We start off with a quick recap of last episode: Cedric finds the Light Stone, Team Plasma attacks, Colress takes over the labor Pokemon, Iris & Cilan fight back with Dragonite & Crustle but they get shot out the sky, and finally Ash & N trapped in the ruins realizing the commotion that's going on (didn't mention N stealing the Light Stone nor Looker's involvement). After the recap Team Plasma continues attacking with the controlled Golurk, Conkeldurr, & Timburrs as well as their own Liepards. And despite us seeing them being shot from the sky last time we saw them, Dragonite and Crustle are just fine and keep on attacking the controlled Pokemon with Iris, Cilan, Looker, and Cedric watching and saying they need to keep them back. Using Dragonite's Ice Beam and Crustle's Rock Slide to create a wall, Looker tells Iris & Cilan to run with Cedric telling them to follow him though Looker goes the opposite direction. In the ruins below, as Ash and N look around N says he can hear his "friends" crying which Ash says they better hurry and find a way out and they continue looking around.
The controlled Pokemon break their way through the Ice Beam/Rock Slide wall so Dragonite and Crustle continue fighting, Colress seeing this and aiming the Pokemon Control Device at them. Team Rocket keeps watching on. Cedric sees what Colress is about to do and tells Iris & Cilan to return Dragonite & Crustle which they do just in time... OF COURSE this now means they're defenseless and after somehow surviving their cover (weren't they running away?) being blown up by a barrage of Liepard Shadow Balls, Team Plasma capture Iris, Cilan, and Cedric and put metal rings around them (what was wrong with rope? Unless the metal is flexible, which it doesn't look like it is, you'll have to create rings of various sizes and even then there's a possibility of not having a size which "fits" who you're restraining).
Cedric: As long as they have use of that control device, I'm not sure if there's anything we can do.
Comment: Then maybe instead of attacking the poor mind controlled Pokemon you should focus Dragonite on ATTACKING THE POKEMON CONTROL DEVICE! The thing takes time to charge up and being a small beam it looks pretty easy to dodge.
Looker climbs up a cliff and hides, saying the International Police are on their way but by the time they get there Team Plasma will get the Light Stone.
Looker: But even if I get up there now I don't stand a chance *looks at pipe* not with this.
Comment: I don't know about that, if you could sneak up close enough you could do a mad dash, push Colress aside, and shove the pipe right into the machine's controls. That usually works.
Over to Team Rocket:
Jessie: I would say at this point the score is Team Plasma 1 and Twerps 0.
James: Perhaps a good time for our entrance.
Comment: And do what? Also get easily captured?
Meowth says they should wait though Jessie and James are worried if they wait too long then Team Plasma will escape with the Light Stone, but Meowth isn't worried saying "slow and steady will win the race".
Below in the ruins, Ash tries digging out using a slab of stone against a crack in the wall while Pikachu digs in the dirt. N isnt doing anything (lazy bum) with a glazed look and Ash asks if he's sensing things but N says he isn't and can't sense anything, only remembering their screams but now everythng is quiet. Ash starts explaining to N that Cedric has "Adventure Rules" and tells him number 4:
Ash: You never give up until the very end, cause there's always got to be a way out.
Comment: Sometimes it involves large explosions and you may not come out alive, but there's always a way out.
Ash says he isn't giving up and starts stabbing at the wall again as Pikachu digs, N only watching them (HELP THEM DIG!). However Pikachu's hands start to hurt so which gives Ash the idea to... *GASP* send out all his Pokemon to help dig (you mean they're actually going to do something smart? Who are you and what have you done with Ash? Whatever it is, please keep him there and stick around)! Ash sends out Oshawott, Pignite, Snivy, Krookodile, & Charizard and tells them they need to get out of there and asks if they'll help (... of course they're going to help, THEY'RE TRAPPED THERE TOO!). Oshawott starts by using Hydro Pump on a pile of dirt which Ash says will make the dirt softer to dig through. Krookodile then uses Dig to, well, dig through the dirt (um, shouldn't it hit the stone wall and floor? I know this place is underground but you're in ruin made from stone). Charizard uses Dragon Tail, making its tail spin to make the hole bigger as Pignite & Snivy start digging away dirt, Pikachu soon joining in with Iron Tail. Oshawott calls them over as they continue digging a hole up, N watching in surprise and wonders if that's the bond between Ash and his Pokemon before finally also help in the digging.
Somewhere in the sky, Ghetsis flies to the White Ruins on the Plasma helicopter plane. On the surface of the ruins, Aldith says Ghetsis will be there soon and tells Barret to have the Pokemon start digging to get N and the Light Stone. The Golurk attacks the hole Ash & N fell through with a Shadow Ball... and suddenly Krookodile digs through the floor behind them.
Well, this is awkward.
Krookodile sees the angry Pokemon looking at it so goes back down... just for Charizard to BURST FROM THE FLOOR AND GIVE OUT A LOUD ROAR! Ash's other Pokemon jump out along with Ash & N. Iris, Cilan, and Cedric are glad to see their okay (and the Light Stone) as Ash & N confront Team Plasma. Aldith orders Barret to capture N and the Light Stone as Liepards Shadow Balls are shot at N but Charizard slides in and takes the hit. Golurk then launches a Shadow Ball sending Charizard flying back, Pignite rushes over to Charizard when more Shadow Balls are launched but Pignite nullifies them with a Flamethrower, Charzaird getting back up and thanking it.
Fire Starters stick together!
N says that Pignite and Charziard have formed a strong bond as they then do a DOUBLE FLAMETHROWER!
And this is why you don't mess with Fire-types, especially Fire-type Starters.
Not wanting to miss out, Krookodile does a wide hitting "Dig" (though more looked like a Sand-Attack). Oshawott & Snivy join in with a Hydro Pump and Leaf Storm. N says the strong bond isn't just between Ash and his Pokemon, but Ash's Pokemon also have strong bonds with each other, asking how could it be (because they're friends with each other?). Barret tells Colress to take control of Ash's Pokemon, Iris sees this and tells Ash to return his Pokemon as Ash starts to do so with Charizard and Krookodile. Colress is ready to fire but Looker runs out screaming and gets stopped (why did you announce yourself? If they didn't know you were there you could have run up and wrecked the machine), but it buys Ash enough time to return Pignite, Oshawott, and Snivy.
Ash: We made it, they're just fine. Can't control them now.
Comment: Yeah, but now you're totally defenseless against a few dozen grunts and their controlled Pokemon...
Ash: Huh... *Ash sees Pikachu*
Comment: Oh yeah, Pikachu, how did you forget about it? Do you even still has Pikachu's Pokeball?
Looker: Uh!
Iris: What about Pikachu?
Cilan: That's right, Pikachu doesn't like going into its Pokeball!
Comment: Yeah, that decision is kind of backfiring on it now.
Cedric: Oh no, then they'll be able to control Pikachu.
Comment: Don't sound so concern Cedric, we might mistake you for caring...
Ash runs to Pikachu but Colress fires the Pokemon Control Device at Pikachu and takes control of it. Pikachu smacks away Ash and sends a Thunderbolt at Iris, Cilan, & Cedric which knocks them back, surprising Team Rocket that they took control of Pikachu. Iris, Cilan, & Cedric run from Pikachu's Thunderbolts but Ash runs in front of Pikachu telling it to stop but only gets angry, Colress saying its a foolish attempt. Ash tries getting closer to Pikachu but it shocks him, N saying even their strong bond can't break the control.
Iris: Stop, you're going to hurt yourself Ash.
Cilan: Standing there and enduring Pikachu's Thunderbolt head-on could be an awful mistake.
Comment: You don't know how many times Ash had to do something similar to this...
Ash gets close enough to Pikachu to pet it but Pikachu shocks him again, Ash grabbing Pikachu into hug before flying back. N tells Team Plasma to stop or he'll destroy the Light Stone, telling them if they undo Pikachu's mind control he'll give them the Light Stone and himself. Barret asks what should they do and Aldith says getting the Light Stone is their main prioirty so Barret tells N they'll turn off the EM waves and for him to come up to them with the Light Stone. As Pikachu is release from Team Plamsa's control, it sees what it did and falls unconscious, N saying he won't let them hurt them and he learned so much from them. Cedric says N can't give Team Plasma the Light Stone when suddenly the Team Plasma helicopter plane flies over and lands, Ghetsis has arrived.
Aldith and Barret meets with Ghetsis, reporting they got the Light Stone and have captured N, Ghetsis telling them very good as Aldith says they'll prepare for the ceremony right away. Team Plasma & Ghetsis set-up an alter as everyone else watches, Team Rocket sneaks around for a closer look, and... they left Ash and Pikachu behind (okay, they're unconscious, but they'll wake up eventually! At the very least put metal rings around them). Oh, look at that, Ash and Pikachu wake up and Ash is glad Pikachu is back to normal as they see what's going on. N asks if Ghetsis wants to make the same mistake again, reminding him what happened at the mansion, though Ghetsis says that won't happen again as they now have the Pokemon Control Device.
Ghetsis: I have no need for you anymore.
Comment: Except needing a "pure heart" to summon Reshiram which is why you need to capture him... so yeah, you still need him.
Ghetsis starts the ceremony, lighting up torches which then send a stream of fire into the sky at a center point which then fires into the ground which starts making this:
Guessing it's suppose to be a sun? Just reminds me of the Crest of Courage from Digimon.
Ghetsis turns to the Light Stone and calls upon Reshiram to appear, N asks it remain as the Light Stone, Ash hearing N and running over to where everyone is. Cedric asks if they're serious about awakening Reshiram as Ash looks upon the Alter, ending the episode there.
A meh episode, honestly I fell like they could have turned this 3-parter into a 2-parter by cutting out the whole Ash & N falling into the ruins below section. The action was alright and it's always nice to see Ash's Pokemon able to show off what they can do when they're not being forced to lose. There's really nothing to say here, this is the middle part which only serves to set-up for the final part. So with that said, I'll seeya then which will hopefully be soon.