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The Official Dub Discussion Thread

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [141]Apr 7, 2013
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    Last And Tired:

    Ash send out Krookodile as Iris, Cilan, and Bianca talk about this last battle how both Pokemon are now tired but Sawk still has the type advantage. Stephan encourages Sawk who tightens its belt meaning its ready to go as Stephan tells Ash that he's (Stephan) ready to win this.

    Ash: You're going have to do more than just talk.
    Comment: Ooh, big words coming from Ash.

    Stephan says that's exactly what they're going to do and Ash tells them to bring it on.

    Krookodile VS. Sawk: Sawk uses a Close Combat though Krookodile counters it with Dragon Claw, able to force both of them back though Krookodile's injuries start taking a toll on it as Cilan says Krookodile can't take another move like that. Sawk uses a Karate Chop however Krookodile reveals a new move: Aerial Ace (so you taught a Pokemon weak to Fighting-types a move which is Super Effective against them... but yet you still didn't bring Unfezant?)!

    You will believe a crocodile can fly.

    Krookodile dodges Sawk's attack and flies up into the air, turning around and slamming Sawk into the ground, knocking Sawk out. Ash has won against Stephan and is moving onto the fourth round! Ash and Krookodile celebrate as Stephan returns Sawk telling it to take a break as both Ash and Stephan ten meet in the middle of the battlefield.

    Stephan: Of course, so that's why you switched Krookodile out after our first battle.
    Comment: Because Krookodile being tired and beaten had nothing to do with it...
    Ash: You bet! I knew you were going to use Sawk in the last battle so I saved up Aerial Ace until the very end.
    Comment: You know, instead of using his ACTUALY FLYING-TYPE which receives neutral damage to Fighting-type attacks (remember, Unfezant is also part Normal-type).

    Stephan says it was a great battle and Ash said it was a whole lot of fun as both shake hands as the audiance applause and we get some final comments from Iris, Cilan, and Bianca about how exciting the battle was.

    We then see Virgil and Cameron... and Russet (writers, I give a you a little credit trying to make the filler trainers seem less like fillers but it isn't working) win their battles as the 4th round matches are then made:

    Ash VS. Cameron (Phew, looks like we won't be skipping next round matches! Let the Idiot VS. Stupid battle COMMENCE!)
    Katharine VS. Dino (Darn, I was hoping one of the main characters would battle Katharine to see if that's indeed her or the animators messed up)
    Antonio VS. Ramone (I might as well called this Filler VS. Filler because, SPOILERS!, these two never battle Ash, Cameron, or Virgil)
    Virgil VS. Russet (Oh, I guess there was a point to pointing out Russet's victory, sort of, we all know that Ash/Cameron will be battling Virgil in either the Semi-Finals or the Finals)

    Ash and Cameron see they're battling and turn to look each other, both smiling and saying the other's name. Freddy O'Martian says that battles will start tomorrow and they'll be full 6-vs.-6 battles.

    That night in the Pokemon Center, Cilan cooks up some of Ash's favorite meals.

    Odd, that doesn't look like every single food ever.

    Ash and Stephan have a food eating contests which has Iris take back her comments about them not being little kids.

    Stephan: Hey Ash, now that you've beaten me you better win the whole thing.
    Ash: Yeah! It's a deal.
    Comment: Refer to my previous comment.

    Stephan says he'll cheer Ash on with Ash saying he'll be giving it all he got as they continue eating and everyone shares a laugh.

    Bedtime, Iris sits up on her bed excited for Ash's battle with Cameron tomorrow when Cilan remembers that Cameron mentioned something about a secret weapon (knowing Cameron it's probably a Magikarp and it'll be revealed he got it confused with its evolution, Gyarados... though eitherway he would plan to use it against Ash's Pikachu having further got the type match-ups confused thinking Gyarados is quad resistant to Electric-types when it's quad weak). Iris asks where Ash went and Cilan says Ash went on a run since he was too excited for tomorrow's battle to go to sleep (and he wasn't excited for his battle against Stephan? Ash knew Stephan much longer than Cameron), Iris calling Ash a little kid as always.

    In the stadium, Ash walks in and tells Pikachu that they're battling Cameron tomorrow and they should win it (well that is the main goal of competing...). Ash then sees something near the battlefiled... Cameron's tent (and he's allowed to have camp out in the stadium?). Cameron and Riolu crawl out of their tent and sees Ash, Ash asking what he's doing here and Cameron saying he doesn't want to be late for their battle (were you late to your other battles?). Cameron asks Ash why he's here and Ash says he was excited for their battle so he went on a run, oth sharing a laugh at the other's story before wishing each other good luck tomorrow, Cameron reminding Ash that he has a secret weapon though Ash says he'll be ready for it.

    Tomorrow's has come and Ash VS. Cameron is the first battle. Cameron says his first Pokemon is his secret weapon and it's revealed to be a... A HYDREIGON!

    Ash is f@#$ed! Oh, and that was the end of the episode.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [142]Apr 14, 2013
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    EPISODE: BW107 "Cameron's Secret Weapon!"

    This is an... interesting battle... so much so that right now I can't quite put my opinion on it into words... maybe after it's done I can better present my thoughts on it. Much like with the last episode we've already started the battle so I can't go into much detail so I'll just move onto the questions: Will Ash be able to defeat Cameron's secret weapon, Hydreigon? If he does, will he have enough Pokemon to face the rest of Cameron's team? Who will go on to the the next round and possibly face Virgil? And new drinking game: Take a shot every time Cameron does something stupid. Don't worry, you won't die (probably), but you'll at least start feeling a buzz, read to find out (and drink on) why:

    How Do Defeat Your Rival's Dragon:
    We start right up where we left off last time with Ash vs. Cameron as Cameron reveals his secret weapon: A Hydreigon! Ash scans it with his Pokedex (despite scanning one 7 episodes ago...) and sends out Boldore as Hydreigon's first victim.

    Cilan: Ash had made a good choice.
    Comment: ... how? This match-up leaves no one with a type advantage plus Hydreigon is a fully evolved pseudo-uber while Boldore is a 1st stage.

    Boldore VS. Hydreigon: Hydreigon starts a battle with a Tri Attack which Boldore tries to dodge but gets hit by the fire beam as Hydreigon follows up with a Dragon Pulse, hitting Boldore.

    Iris: I think Cameron has the upper hand.
    Comment: YA THINK?!

    Boldore however is alright and uses a Rock Blast though Hydreigon dodges all of the blasts so it switches to a Rock Smash (oh, forgot Boldore had that, guess Boldore has at least a move which is Super Effective against it) and hits knocking Hydreigon back. Hydreigon isn't going to let that hit lay it down though and comes back with a Dragon Rush which knocks Boldore back followed by a Tri Attack hitting Boldore with the lightning beam. Boldore uses Flash Cannon however Hydreigon counters with Dragon Pulse which not only stopped the Flash Cannon but continued to push forward, eventually hitting Boldore and knocking it out. Ash returns Boldore and says he's impressed by Hydreigon and Cameron laughs saying he's having a good time and asking is Ash is too which Ash says he is, especially in seeing how strong Hydreigon is with Cameron asking what Pokemon Ash is going to choose next and it better be good.

    Ash says of course it's a good one and shows him (and us) which Pokemon that it is... Oshawott (Ash has 3 Pokemon which has a type advantage against Hydreigon, so of course chooses one with a type disadvantage).

    Bianca: Um, is that a good idea.
    Comment: No. Actually it's a downgrade from Boldore...
    Stephan: Hard to say, maybe the strategy is to use Oshawott to chip away at Hydreigon's stamina.
    Comment: So in other words Ash is sacrificing Oshawott for his NEXT Pokemon to knock it out. Is this some kind of commentary about the players?
    Bianca: Are you saying Oshawott is Ash's throwaway Pokemon?

    Comment: I'm going to say that's a yes.

    Cilan says Ash wouldn't do that and is going to give it his all with Iris saying Ash wouldn't do anything else.

    Oshawott VS. Hydreigon: Oshawott starts with an Aqua Jet which hits and then tries a Razor Shell but Hydreigon dodges that and uses Dragon Pulse to knock Oshawott back, Oshawott uses its scalchop to block most of the damage. Oshawott uses another Razor Shell though Hydreigon dodges initially however Hyreigon tries reaching for Oshawott with one of its head hands so Oshawott strikes it and sends Hydreigon back. Oshawott uses Hydro Pump which hits though Hydreigon uses Tri Attack which confuses Oshawott which beam to block so gets hit back by all three and knocked back. Oshawott gets back up and uses a Tackle which hits and tries following with a Razor Shell however Hydreigon uses Double Hit which sends Oshawott back. With it's fourth move revealed, Hydreigon uses a Dragon Rush on a knocked down Oshawott to make it a knocked out Oshawott. Ash returns Oshawott and compliments Cameron on Hydreigon who says it's his secret weapon for a reason, in the audiance Bianca wonders if Cameron will win this battle just with Hydreigon, and backstage Virgil tells Eevee that if Ash loses then they may have to face Hydreigon next (well you have a Glaceon, that might help, if you're smart enough to use it that is).

    Ash's next Pokemon is one that FINALLY has a type advantage against Hydreigon: Pignite... wait, does Pignite know any Fighting-type moves? Oh well, at least it has that Dark-type resistance... too bad Cameron's Hydreigon doesn't have any Dark-type attacks... know what, nevermind, Ash still doesn't have an advantage (infact, Cameron still does by both evolution and type).

    Pignite VS. Hydreigon: So Pignite starts off with, OH! Pignite learned Brick Break! Okay then, I change my opinion back, Ash now has at least some chance of winning if Pignite keeps on using Brick Break. Hydreigon tries dodging by flying up but Pignite jumps after it and hits, Hydreigon then using a Dragon Pulse to knock Pignite back. Pignite uses Flamethrower (because why would anyone want to use Super Effective attacks?) and grazes Hydregion who returns the hit by using Tri Attack which grazes Pignite with the electric beam. Hydreigon goes in with a Dragon Rush and hits, though Ash cheers on Pignite who gets back up.

    Iris: Pignite sure got a lot of spirit.
    Cilan: And that's spirit is the perfect ingrediant here. I would guess that's why Ash chose it as his 3rd Pokemon.
    Comment: You know, instead of its second, because apparently Stephan and Bianca were right about Oshawott being cannon fodder.

    Pignite uses another Brick Break which sends Hydreigon back and goes into a Flame Charge, hitting Hydreigon once more. Cameron starts to look worried as Iris, Cilan, Stephan, and Bianca cheer Ash on. Hydreigon tries a Double Hit but Pignite misses as it uses Fire Pledge which Hydreigon flies high up to dodge though Pignite hits it with a Flamethrower. 3 battles has taken it's toll on Hydreigon as its badly wounded (guess not all Hydreigon's can be Ghetsis's Hydreigon) as Pignite uses another Brick Break and Hydreigon faces it head on with a Double Hit. OR DOES IT?! In the last second Pignite maneuvers over Hydreigon to hit with its Brick Break, knocking out Hydreigon!

    Learn Your Type Chart:
    Cameron returns Hydreigon as Iris, Cilan, Stephan, and Bianca cheer on Ash (ignoring that Ash is 2 Pokemon down with his 3rd weakened from a tough battle while Cameron still has 5 fresh). Ash asks what Cameron's 2nd Pokemon is and he sends out... Ferrothorn... a Grass/Steel-type... against a Fire/Fighting-type Pignite... well, that's an easy win for Ash, guess Hydreigon was the only real threat Cameron brought.

    Pignite Vs. Ferrothorn: Ferrothorn uses Metal Claw which Pignite easily dodges so it switched to Pin Missile that knocks Pignite back. Pignite uses Flamethrower which scores a direct hit (and should have knocked Ferrothorn out) though Ferrothorn surives to use a Mirror Shot which Pignite dodges and corrects the mistake Flamethrower did by using SUPER!Flame Charge which hits and sends Ferrothorn flying until landing knocked out.

    Cilan: We now have ourselves a tie.
    Comment: Hmm, close but, like with Hydreigon, this will be Pignite's 3rd battle so it's going in 2 battles weak against a fresh Pokemon.

    And just like how Hydreigon went up against a type it was weak against, Cameron does the same thing sending out Samurott. Though Ash is excited to be battling Samurott, Iris and Cilan are worried about the type disadvantage though Cameron cheers Ash to keep on battling (or, you know, return Pignite and send out Pikachu/Snivy/Leavanny to deal with the Water-type).

    Pignite VS. Samurott: Pignite uses Flamethrower but that gets countered and blasted through by Samurott's Hydro Cannon, though Pignite still gets up. Though the 3 battles in the row has taken its course as Pignite does a slow Brick Break which Samurott easily dodges and Samurott decides to put it out of its miseries with an Aqua Jet, hitting and knocking Pignite out. Ash returns Pignite as Cameron starts getting a bit power mad saying he feels like he can win every battle, though Ash says he does too. Ash sends out the Pokemon he should have switched Pignite out for next: Pikachu!

    Pikachu VS. Samurott: Pikachu uses Thunderbolt however Samurott blocks it with on of its seamitars (Samurott's scalchop) which Iris says must be their defense against Electric-type attacks (you mean the exact same thing Ash's Oshawott does with its scalchop?). Pikachu uses Quick Attack however Samurott knocks it aside with a Razor Shell and follows with a Hydro Cannon which hits and knocks Pikachu back. Samurott continues the assault with Megahorn but Pikachu manages to dodge uses another Quick Attack, Samurott tries swatting it away with Razor Shell again but Pikachu runs past it and hits from behind. Now with Samurott stunned and unable to block with its seamitar... Pikachu uses Iron Tail (*sigh*) and hits which sends Samurott rolling back. Pikachu uses an Electro Ball but Samurott blocks it with its seamitar (GEE, it's as if you shoul have used the Super Effective attack when Samurott had no way of blocking it, say, WHEN YOU STUNNED IT WITH QUICK ATTACK!) though the explosion distracted Samurott enough for Pikachu to deliver a final Iron Tail which knocks Samurott out. Cameron's next Pokemon is... hey, remember how it was stupid for Cameron to send out a Pokemon what was quadruple weak to Ash's current Pokemon? Well he DOES IT AGAIN! Cameron sends out a Swanna!

    Iris: It's a Water- and Flying-type.
    Comment: Yeah, I can't believe how stupid Cameron is either.
    Cilan: I bet Cameron is planning to attack Pikachu from up above.
    Comment: Because that worked so well with Hydreigon vs. Pignite.
    Stephan: COME ON ASH! You better win this or else!

    Pikachu VS. Swanna: Swanna flies up into the air and charges in with a Pluck which Pikachu starts dodging. Pikachu tries a Quick Attack but Swanna dodges by flying up and then hits with a Wing Attack. Swanna follows with a BubbleBeam but Pikachu dodges as Swanna goes in with another Wing Attack however Pikachu prepares an Electro Ball as it jumps up to dodge the Wing Attack last second and releases the Electro Ball, hitting Swanna and knocking it out. Cameron returns Swanna and Ash now has the battle advantage with 2 fresh & 1 weakened Pokemon to Cameron's 2 remaining Pokemo...

    (continued in next post)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [143]Apr 14, 2013
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    How To Go From 5 To 6:

    Cameron: Alright Riolu, you're up! Don't forget, all out hopes are resting on you.
    Ash: What are you talking about? Count them, we use six Pokemon and Riolu is number 5.
    Comment: Cameron didn't...
    Cameron: WAIT! Round 4 is a full battle so it's a 5-on-5, right?!

    Comment: He did... THE IDIOT ONLY BROUGHT 5 POKEMON! Actually it's a bit worse than that, apparently Cameron doesn't even know a full battle is with 6 Pokemon!
    Ash: No, wrong, a full battle is a 6-on-6 battle.
    Cameron: GUH!

    Freddy O'Martian: Uh oh! Looks like Cameron mistakenly thought he only needed 5 Pokemon for a full battle!

    Comment: Everyone is disappoint.
    Iris: Little kid time.
    Stephan: He's a bit of a scatter-brain.
    Comment: No, he's more too dumb to live.
    Cilan: That isn't exactly a news flash.
    Bianca: For sure.
    Iris: Bianca, you don't have much room to talk.

    Comment: OUCH! Low blow Iris! Bianca may not be as smart as Ash (which is already a VERY low bar), but Cameron is so stupid he makes Ash look like a genius!

    Cameron says numbers don't count since as long as Riolu beats Ash's remaining Pokemon he's going to win (yeah, first you got to get through Pikachu which is Ash's strongest Pokemon followed by two of Ash's other Pokemon even if you do knock it out... hmm, wonder which of Ash's Pokemon is going to be the winner, would be nice if it was Unfezant, though Krookodile or Scraggy would add in a nice bit of salt in the wound being at a type disadvantage...). Actually Pikachu is a bit tired from knocking out Cameron's Water-types so Ash tells it to take a break (I guess so that it can have the final battle with Riolu, sorry Unfezant/Krookodile/Scraggy, gotta make Pikachu look good), much to Cameron's disappointment (oh you'll battle Pikachu... it'll just be knocking out Riolu when you do).

    Ash: Three battles in a row it rough, even for Pikachu.
    Comment: You say this yet you kept Pignite in for 3 battles... favoritism at it's finest, folks, you though Oshawott was Ash's only cannon fodder?

    Ash sends out Unfezant (*GASP* They're actually giving Unfezant some battle time! Well I guess since it won't be giving the winning Pokemon...).

    Cilan: Substituting Unfezant for Pikachu is smart.
    Iris: But it's up against Riolu, this won't be an easy win.
    Comment: Iris is right, Riolu's Fighting-type is weak to Unfezant's Flying-type and said Flying-type is resistant to Fighting-types (not to menion the evolution stage difference), how will Unfezant ever win?

    Unfezant VS. Riolu: Unfezant uses Gust but Riolu jumps up to dodge and the same thing happens when Unfezant uses Quick Attack. Riolu then jumps on top of Unfezant and uses several Force Palms (I think these are the writers getting their hate against birds out) as Ash tells Unfezant to knock Riolu off its back which it does by doing a somersault. Unfezant uses Air Cutter but Riolu dodges and uses Copycat, knocking Unfezant back with the copied Air Cutter followed by a Vacuum Wave which hits. Unfezant isn't done yet and does an Aerial Ace however Riolu uses Circle Throw and grabs & throws Unfezant into a wall, knocking it out. Ash returns Unfezant and says he's impressed by Riolu and sends out his 6th Pokemon: Snivy.

    Snivy VS. Riolu: Riolu starts with a Vacuum Wave but Snivy dodges and hits with a Leaf Blade. Riolu uses Copycat and hits Snivy with the copied Leaf Blade.

    Ash: Oh yeah, I guess I didn't think about Copycat.
    Comment: ... a comment which would make sense if you uses a move that was Super Effective against Grass-types, but you used Leaf Blade which Snivy resists.

    Riolu uses another Vacuum Wave and Snivy jump dodges it like before, however Riolu was expecting this as it then jumps at Snivy, grabs it, and uses Force Palm which it then follows with a Circle Throw sending Snivy into a wall. Snivy is still able to battle though Iris, Cilan, Stephan, and Bianca start getting worried and are in awe of Riolu's agility and power. Snivy uses Leaf Storm which Riolu jump dodges but, much like when Snivy did it, Snivy was expecting Riolu to do that and uses Vine Whip to grab Riolu and starts slamming it into the ground. Riolu breaks loose by using Vacuum Wave which hit Snivy, though a second Vaccum Wave gets dodged by Snivy pushing itself up with Vine Whip. Snivy uses a Leaf Storm which hits, sending Riolu flying back and lying on the ground heavily damaged. However Riolu gets back up and... starts glowing that familiar blue glow...

    Stephan: What's happening out there?

    Iris: Could it be?

    Cilan: Not could, it definietly is!

    Virgil: It's evolving!

    Comment: Oh boy...

    I guess Cameron DID have a 6th Pokemon afterall, as Riolu has now evolved into Lucario! Cameron says this is their battle to win as the episode ends here...

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    [144]Apr 15, 2013
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    this may sound like a useless rant, though I really hope it doesn't....

    there I was just eating my breakfast burrito, watching the battle between Ash and Riley thinking that Ash would surely win, because I'm just such a darn hopeless believer like that. next thing I know I witness Pikachu's Electro Ball fail to crush that Aura Sphere. I WAS DEVASTATED. my heart went out to Pikachu. I just love that little guy so much. and when he fainted....... MY GOD when he fainted... I was at a loss for words. my brain just couldn't process it. Ash lost and so did Pikachu and he lost to a kid who only had 5 Pokemon. I know, I know... the Pokemon World ain't perfect and Ash has a long way to go but still. after watching this show since day one, you would think Ash would make it to the very end (or near it), ya know? but of course not. it's just so extremely difficult to watch him lose! MAYBE if I took off these nostalgic lenses.... no that's not it. I've accepted the dullness that is Iris and Cilan, and how stale this series has become. I enjoyed the Unova series wholeheartedly during the first half, then afterwards it just spiraled into this boring mess. why couldn't they evolve Oshawott? Pignite? Snivy was an exception, I guess. perhaps I'm still hung up on the Sinnoh League? Pikachu battled a freaking Latias, which was massively epic, and he couldn't take on a measly Lucario, fresh from evolution? i mean WHY? yeah I know I should get over it and I will. and YES, I know that this is how the Pokemon formula works and I'm being a little bratty fan. I don't care. I'm entitled to my opinion, right? heh..heh... there are many, and I mean MANY flaws in the series, and that's nothing new. I mean I'm used to the ridiculous material they present sometimes.... yet... I'm upset. hm. I just don't know why I'm so bitter about this one particular loss. I think it's because Ash lost so early in the League. (yeah... that's it) I do apologize for this long post. haha. just needed to get that off my chest!
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [145]Apr 15, 2013
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    I believe you made the mistake of referring to Cameron as "Riley." Just because they both own a Lucario doesn't make them the same person.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [146]Apr 15, 2013
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    He made Top 8, that's not early in the tournament. Compared to Sinnoh yes I suppose you could say that. And newly evolved means nothing. Riolu had plenty of power before evolving. Cameron is just like Ash, goofy, but that doesn't mean he is not a good trainer.
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    [147]Apr 16, 2013
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    Aaerni wrote:

    I believe you made the mistake of referring to Cameron as "Riley." Just because they both own a Lucario doesn't make them the same person.

    forgive me, your highness. Cameron , Riley. Potato. Pohtahto. I don't care, I zon't kare. see what I did there?

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    He made Top 8, that's not early in the tournament. Compared to Sinnoh yes I suppose you could say that. And newly evolved means nothing. Riolu had plenty of power before evolving. Cameron is just like Ash, goofy, but that doesn't mean he is not a good trainer.

    yeah, I know. I know it all. excuse my post. it was a well-needed venting on my part. I just couldn't take another overwhelming, unexpected loss like that. I was simply being sarcastic and humorous (or tried to be) with my previous post....... because you know. I'm so prideful when it comes to Ash & Pikachu. I'm over it now. so... moving right along.
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [148]Apr 16, 2013
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    Cameron is like the Ash of this league

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  • Avatar of Nik800


    [149]Apr 16, 2013
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    [/QUOTE] forgive me, your highness. Cameron , Riley. Potato. Pohtahto. I don't care, I zon't kare. see what I did there? [/QUOTE]

    Not really....

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [150]Apr 19, 2013
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    EPISODE: BW108 "A Unova League Evolution!"

    Ash's and Cameron's battle continues. Can't really say anything else without giving spoilers. However I will say I'll be giving off some strong opinions this time around so be prepared:

    Battle To The End:
    We start this episode with Cameron scanning Lucario with Pokedex and gets excited about his newly evolved Lucario. Ash too gets excited saying things are getting intense as he tell Snivy to say focus as Snivy dashes toward... opener and title screen.

    Snivy VS. Lucario: As I was saying, Snivy dashes toward Lucario and uses a Leaf Blade, though Snivy powers it up and deliver a bigger hit. However Lucario is quick to counterattack and uses a Force Palm right on Snivy's back, sending it flying.

    Bianca: WOW, what power! Lucario's Force Palm was stronger than Riolu's.
    Stephan: Yeah, that's a whole new level of strength. It must be because it evolved.
    Comment: Pokemon become stronger when they evolve, you don't say...

    Cilan says that Lucario's other moves will also be powered-up as Iris yells out a "good luck" to Ash and Snivy. Snivy uses Vine Whip though Cameron slaps himself (okay?) and tells Lucarion to block it which it does, taking the hits. Ash tells Snivy to keep on attacking which Cameron says is just like Ash, then telling Lucarion to use Circle Throw which it does by grabbing Snivy's vines and using it to slam Snivy into the ground. Iris, Cilan, Bianca, and Stephan becomes concern as Ash asks Snivy to get back up which it does and shakes off it's daze and recalls its vines. But things keep getting worse as Lucario doesn't need Vacuum Wave anymore since it just learned its signature move: Aura Sphere. Lucario launches the Aura Sphere and though Snivy tries jumping out of the way the Aura Sphere cures up and hits Snivy, being the final blow that knocks it out. Stephan is amazed that Lucario immediately learned Aura Sphere as Bianca says Ash may not win this though Iris says both Ash and Cameron have one Pokemon left so they're even, though Cilan says they'll have to see about that. Ash returns Snivy and tells Pikachu it's up, Cilan saying Pikachu probably hasn't fully rested so it's moves may not be that powerful which Bianca and Stephan agree with. Cilan says that Pikachu needed a bit more rest though Iris says it'll be okay since Ash & Pikachu have been in situations like this and will win (hey Iris, mind noting some of these occasions? I recall Ash being in plenty tough situations where he lost just as many as he won).

    Pikachu VS. Lucario: Pikachu uses a Quick Attack and hit Lucario sliding it back, Ash telling Pikachu to Quick Attack one more time and though Lucario tries to dodge Pikachu follows and hits. Pikachu does another Quick Attack which hits and Lucario is starting to feel all the damage it has taken. Virgil say Ash is trying to finish this battle with Quick Attack... and then Ash proves him wrong by telling Pikachu to use Iron Tail, though Lucario dodges it. Cameron tells Lucario to jump high and by the time Pikachu realizes where Lucario is, Lucario uses a Force Palm on Pikachu's back sending it flying. Lucario then uses Aura Sphere but Pikachu counters with Electro Ball and both attacks collide and explode, knocking both Pokemon back though they get back up.

    Cameron does his headband-stretch-slap and tells Ash it's exciting to battle him in a full battle (though he notes he only brought 5 Pokemon... he's still an idiot) here in the Unova League. Ash says he feels the same way and feels psyched right now, Cameron agreeing saying that he's ready as the battle continues and both Pokemon charge each other.

    Lucario tries a Fore Palm but Pikachu jumps over it though Lucario chases after and catches up, using a Circle Throw but Pikachu gets out of it by tucking in and spinning back onto its feet. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt which hits, Bianca amazed Pikachu can still move around so fast and Iris saying that's the "amazing" team of Pikachu & Ash which Bianca says she wants to watch (um, you are watching them). Pikachu switches to a Quick Attack and knocks Lucario down though Pikachu is starting to feel all it's damage however it's able to uses an Iron Tail. But before Pikachu can hit, Lucario quickly uses Copycat and copies the Iron Tail, resulting both in an Iron Tail clash causing an explosion which knocks them both down.

    It's come to the first Pokemon to stand is the victor, Cameron calling out to Lucario as Iris & Bianca (thanks for not helping Cilan and Stephan) call out for Pikachu. Ash tells Pikachu he believes in it and knows it can stand up, Stephan amazed Pikachu is getting up and Cilan explains it's because Pikachu sense Ash's belief in it. Pikachu has gotten up though Cameron does a headband-stretch-slap and yells out to Lucario, Lucario hearing and also gets back up. It's come down to a final attack as Pikachu and Lucario uses a full power Electro Ball and Aura Sphere, the orbs colliding alone creates a powerful force pushing the two Pokemon back.

    Let's do some quick math: Electro Ball's power is based on how much faster the user's speed is to it's opponent. Problem with this is that both Pikachu and Lucario has the same Speed, 90, so Electro Ball's Power is 60, 90 with STAB. Aura Sphere has a Power of 90, 135 with STAB. Not to mention Lucario's Special Attack is higher than Pikachu's.

    Why do I bring all this up? To make what happens next seem less like Tauros Mulch: Aura Sphere breaks through Electro Ball (should have gone with Thunderbolt... or had kept Volt Tackle...) and hits Pikachu, knocking it out. Ash has been knocked out of the Unova League while Cameron moves on to the Semi-Finals. While Cameron celebrates his victory, time to give my opinion on this match:

    While this battle started out okay, it quickly sunk into an overall bad match. When Cameron sent out Hydreigon you knew Ash was in trouble and Boldore wasn't a bad choice even though we knew it was going to lose. It was then after that when everything fell apart starting with Ash's 2nd choice: Oshawott.
    Why was Oshawott a bad choice? Because of Ash's 3rd choice, Pignite! Sure you can say Oshawott weakened Hydreigon but from the looks of it I think Pignite would have knocked out Hydreigon anyway with the little damage Boldore managed to do. Oshawott's "sacrifice" felt like it was in vain since it probably didn't need to happen.
    But it doesn't end there, because Cameron does something similar next but WORSE: Sending out a Pokemon quadruple weak to Ash's (Ferrothorn vs Pignite) and then sending out a Pokemon with a type advantage! Also if Ash has no problem switching out Pikachu after its battle with Swanna, why did he keep Pignite in against Samurott? He sent in Pikachu next anyway who looked to have no problem knocking out Samurott on it's own, so once again Ash "sacrificed" one of his Pokemon for NO REASON! But wait, if you thought Cameron sending out a quadruple weak Pokemon once was stupid, HE THEN DOES IT AGAIN (Swanna VS. Pikachu)!
    While we're on mistakes Cameron made, let's also focus a bit on the most major one: Bringing only 5 Pokemon to a full battle. When this was revealed this match quickly turned into a joke match. OH THAT CAMERON, HE'S SO WACKY!... which would be fine it this wasn't a LEAGUE match. Now I'm not saying wacky things can't happen during the match (like Totodile biting onto the mouth of a Kingdra using Hydro Pump causing it to inflate like a balloon or Gible biting Shuckle and getting Sludge Bomb shot in the mouth), but the wacky things should come from moves and tactics being used, NOT FROM THE OPPONENT FORGETTING ONE OF THEIR POKEMON!
    Combine the above with Cameron sending out 2 Pokemon that were quadruple weak to two of Ash's, and it actually seems more like Cameron came with THREE Pokemon against Ash's six! And in fact eventually Ash was in the lead because of that and near the end of the match was 3 Pokemon ahead of Cameron.
    And then came Cameron's deus ex machina: Riolu/Lucario. Listen, I like Riolu & Lucario as much as the next guy, I used one in my White 2, but Riolu/Lucario was up against 3 Pokemon, it should have lost even if it did evolve. First up, I mention this last episode but it was TAUROS MULCH that Unfezant didn't get a single hit on Riolu. This battle showed higher evolve Pokemon, unless tired like Hydreigon, are going to beat lower stage Pokemon. But here is Riolu, a Pokemon who not only should be slower but also weak to Flying-type move, beating Unfezant as if it was nothing! Then we come to Snivy and honestly it's battle with Riolu/Lucario was okay, but the problem in this battle is with the evolution.
    It seems to be implied that Lucario healed some of its wounds upon evolving, which is another deus ex machina to assure that despite being outnumbered it was going to win. Hey, you know what Pokemon we've seen evolve during a major battle yet didn't heal off it's injuried? ASH'S MONFERNO! During Ash's & Paul's pre-League battle, Chimchar evolved into Monferno yet it still retained its injuries which was how Paul's Electabuzz was still able to knock it out. EVOLVING DOES NOT HEAL INJURIES, especially heavy ones like Riolu got.
    Finally we come to Pikachu VS. Lucario and honestly it was an okay battle though you can immediately see they were plotting Pikachu's defeat by having Cilan says Pikachu didn't rest enough so it won't be at full power. TAUROS MULCH (I think I've said that enough times to plant a whole garden of Berries...)! Pikachu sat out for 2 battles and it wasn't injured that badly against Swanna, it should have been coming a little bit weary against a badly hurt Lucario. But NOPE, instead both Pikachu and Lucario are on the same level of injuries and tiredness.
    In the end, despite battling strong Pokemon, the way this battle was done just made Ash look weak! This battle was turned into a joke battle in Ash's favor but then changed to his losing battle for honestly I don't know why. Advertise Lucario? This battle aired in Japan TWO DAYS after the announcement for X & Y thus I think the time for advertising Black 2 & White 2 is over. Maybe they're making Cameron the winner of the Unova League? SPOILERS: He loses to Virgil in the next round who then goes off to become the winner. Now thinking about, why wasn't it Virgil who Ash lost against? Virgil has not only proved to be smart and tactical, but also has the Eeveelutions which are getting a new member in X & Y (and I'm sure the anime stuff were aware of this, otherwise why the sudden interest in Eevee?)!
    Ash lost the Kanto League due to his inexperience, lost the Johto League so that Gen III can be advertised, lost the Hoenn League against an experienced trainer with special Meowth, and lost the Sinnoh League against a trainer who uses Legendary Pokemon (two in which Ash was able to knock out while no other trainer was able to take out one). But for the Unova League? Ash lost the Unova League to a trainer who's shown to be dumber than him, only brought 5 Pokemon to a full battle, sent out two Pokemon who were quadruple weak against Ash's, and only won because deus ex Lucario.
    Rant over.

    Ash tells Pikachu it did it's best and thanks it, then going over to Cameron and congratulating him and Lucario. Cameron says it was an honor battling Ash and he'll win it all (HA!) for the both of them (Lesson learned: Don't associate yourself with Ash during a League, because if you do you're going to lose), both of them shaking hands and Ash saying he'll be cheering from the audience.

    (Continued next post)

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    [151]Apr 19, 2013
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    Winning The League:
    The Unova League goes on and let's just skip to Cameron VS. Virgil where we see that Cameron is down to Lucario while Virgil has 3 Pokemon left: Espeon and two that still haven't been used. Cilan notes that Team Eevee is strong with their different types creating for unique strategies as Iris points out Virgil has 3 Pokemon so asks wouldn't it be had for Cameron and Lucario to win. Ash says it won't be and, though Virgil is also Ash's friend, he'll be rooting for Cameron to win. Cameron cheers for Lucario who's looking tired though Virgil recalls Espeon and sends out Flareon, a.k.a. I'm-not-letting-you-pull-off-that-nonsense-you-did-with-Ash. Stephan says a Fire-type is an excellent choice against Lucario though Cameron is feeling hot-headed so doesn't think it's a problem.

    Lucario uses Fore Palm but Flareon uses Double Team, Lucario using Force Palm on the wrong Flareon. Flareon punishes Lucario by using Flamethrower which knocks Lucario to the ground as Flareon recalls its Double Team though Lucario is still up to battle. Cameron starts to panic and even his headband-stretch-slap is giving him no strategies, saying he can only attack. Lucario uses Aura Sphere but Flareon counters with a Fire Blast which blasts through Aura Sphere and hits Lucario, knocking it out. Virgil wins (with 3 Eeveelutions (including one unused one) to boot!) and moves onto the Finals as Cameron loses, further making Ash's lost meaningless. Ash is sad that Cameron lost while Stephan & Cilan comment on how strong Virgil is while Iris points out the Finals are next.

    Bianca: Now don't forget, Virgil did defeat Cameron who defeated Ash so I'm certain Virgil is going to win.
    Comment: Ash is only a seat away from you Bianca, what next? You're going to cut him arm, pour salt into the wound and rub it in?

    Onto the Finals, its Virgil VS. Dino (it's sad that a filler trainer which Ash defeated in a minor tournament got further than him...) and both are to their last Pokemon: Virgil's Eevee against Dino's Druddigon. Druddigon uses Dragon Rage but Eevee dodges it with a Dig and when it resurfaces it knocks Druddigon down with an Iron Tail. Eevee then finishes with a Trump Card, making Virgil the winner and Champion of the Unova League's Vertress Conference. Ash & co. (+ Bianca, Stephan & Cameron) applause as Virgil thanks Eevee saying he couldn't have done it without it (I don't know about that, I'm sure Glaceon would have had an easier time with Druddigon ).

    Onto the Closing Ceremonies, all the trainers that battles (minus Trip) are waving to the crowd as Virgil stands on the podium with the championship trophy and the League flame goes out.

    Heading Off To Adventure Unknown:
    That night outside the stadium, Ash & co. (+ Bianca, Stephan, & Cameron) meet up with Virgil and congratulate him as Virgil thanks them since after winning the Unova League Eevee feels more confident in itself. All of them hear a sound and Iris points out that Virgil's older brother, Davy, has come in their helicopter-jet-sled-thing and lands next to them, congratulating Virgil on winning and saying that their father had planned a big party to celebrate. Virgil gets in and says his goodbye to everyone as Day flies them off, though you may have noticed that someone isn't with Ash & co.. Of course it's Bianca as we need to get one last running gag in with her as she rushes toward everyone, knocking Ash into the nearby fountain.

    Ash: Is this ever going to end?
    Comment: I'm afraid not Ash, you're never going to win a League...

    Bianca apologizes to Ash though sees she's too late to give Virgil a gift: 9 ice cream cones (I guess one for Virgil and each of his Eeveelutions?). Not letting good ice cream go to waste, Bianca instead gives the extra ice cream to Ash, Pikachu, Iris, Axew, Cilan, Stephan, Cameron, and Lucario, as well as one for herself.


    Comment: Do those look ANYTHING like this: OR the ice cream you said were Casteliacones last time:

    Bianca said she said they were presents for Virgil so they were specially made (so does that mean Ash & co. (+ Bianca, Stephan, & Cameron) just stole gifts for the Unove League's Vertress Conference Champion?). Cameron and Lucario ear their ice cream in one gulp which Iris ask why and they explain they got to start training for next competition, running off with Ash saying goodbye. Bianca also remembers her gimmick of being in a hurry and says she has to go see her dad, Iris asking if Bianca ever stops though Cilan says that's Bianca for her. Stephan though isn't in any rush and asks Ash if he's up for sauna and Ash says he is and we jump cut to inside the sauna.

    Stephan: So what's up next?
    Comment: Well there's an un-named region based on France...
    Ash: Huh?
    Stephan: Your plans. Are you heading back home?
    Ash: No, the things is...
    Comment: No? What else is there to do in Unova? Unless the Gen IV Battle Frontier is doing a global tour there's no other reason to stay in Unova.
    Stephan: Of course you're not. You're going to stay on your journey and keep getting stronger.
    Comment: ... yeah, which he does after visiting home.

    Stephan says he's also going to stay on his journey to become stronger and asks Ash if he's going to be ready for a battle the next time they meet which Ash says he will be.

    In their hotel rooms, Cilan is packed up though notices Ash is gone, Iris saying he was in the room a minute ago. Going to where Ash has gone, it's in the stands overlooking the battlefield as Ash tells Pikachu how hard it and the others battled. Ash then thinks about how they lost to Cameron due to how strong Lucario was and then how they lost to Virgil who was even stronger (so in other words Ash realized there was really no point as he was going to lose no matter what he did). Ash goes to the center of the battlefield as the sun begins to rise and says to think what they went through to get here.

    Meeting, battling, and losing to Trip's Snivy.
    Meeting Iris by throwing a Pokeball at her.
    Meeting Cilan and his brothers, Chili and Cress, the Striation Gym Leaders, and beating them for the Trio Badge.
    Cilan joining Ash and forming the Unova Trio: Ash, Iris, & Cilan.
    Remembering Stephan and battles with him.
    Remembering Cilan's and Iris's rivals: Burgundy & Georgia.
    Remembering Bianca and her running gag of running into him and knocking him into a fountain (guess this also counts as Luke's appearance).
    Remembering Cameron and how he almost didn't wind up competing if it wasn't for Ash (BET YOU WISH YOU DIDN'T HELP NOW!).
    Experiencing the Unova League.

    The montage ends their as Ash thinks about how everyone has headed off and Iris & Cilan call Ash over to hurry. We end the episode with Ash running to them as the Narrator closes up, saying there are still adventures for Ash & co. to come. And tomorrow I'll give my opinion of the Unova League as a whole, but not on the Unova Saga because, as the Narrator said, it's not over yet... actually far from it... and it actually starts getting BETTER!

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    [152]May 3, 2013
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    So, um, sorry about being late with episodes, school work built up and I sort of... forgot... but here they are now, and let me tell you, THEY'RE WORTH THE WAIT!

    EPISODE: BW109 "New Places... Familiar Faces!

    This episode started off as meh... until we got to Team Rocket's return where it turned this episode completely around to AWESOME! And once Team Rocket is gone, they actually continue the awesome with several reveals at the end which makes me want excited for the next few episodes! Only con I have with this episode is that maybe Bianca should have been in it so that we had the entire Tepig family line and for Bianca to go with Ash & co. considering who they're going to meet next episode.

    Anyway, the episode starts with Ash & co. heading back to Nuvema Town to meet Professor Juniper when they meet a girl who's scared to cross a bridge. After helping her across Ash & co. meet up with Professor Juniper and Ash & co. decide what to do next now that the Unova League is over. The girl from the bridge then appears and we found out her name is Nanette and she's here for her first Pokemon, even though she reveals that she's afraid of pretty much everything. Though with some encouragement from Ash & co. and Professor Juniper she calms down and gets ready to pick her starter. Meanwhile Team Rocket have returned after taking a quick retreat to Kanto and they're ready to get back in shape by capturing Pikachu. Will Nanette choose Snivy, Oshawott, or Tepig? Can she overcome her overwhelming fear of, well, everything? Will Ash & co. be able to stop the new & improved Team Rocket's plans on capturing Pikachu? And are you ready to get excited? That last answer better be yes because here we go:

    Book Ends:
    With the Unova League over, Ash & co. are now heading back to Nuvema Town to tell Professor Juniper about their journey (so Iris doensn't want to stop off in the Village of Dragons nor Cilan in Striaton City?). They get to a bridge where they see a girl kneeled down in front of it who's yelling "What will I do" over and over again so Ash & co. ask her if there's something wrong.

    Girl: The bridge, I'm scared to death to cross it.

    Comment: You just know if 4Kids was still dubbing they would have replaced "death" with "destroy".
    Girl: When I was in school we leared you should tap on a bridge to make sure it's safe and that's what I did, but I'm afraid I tapped too hard.
    Comment: ... listen writer's, Cameron took all the stupid you're allowed for one season, you're going over your limit.

    The girl goes on how she kept on tapping it though she thinks she knocked it loose (BTW, the bridge she's talking about is a STONE bridge... oh there's something loose aright, but it's in your head...). Ash & co. put on a pity face with Iris saying it'll be fine but the girl goes on to explain she's always "thinking too much" (oh, no, I don't think "thinking" is the problem here...) and can't stop an begs Ash & co. for help (Ash & co., just run across the bridge and don't look back, luckily she'll never follow...). Actually, that's what they do, sort of. Ash suggests they cross the bridge first and a scene transition later they're across the bridge and telling the girl it's perfectly fine.

    Girl: It was safe, but now that you all went across maybe it can't take anymore weight and I'll fall.
    Comment: ... can't take the weight... ASH & CO. AREN'T ON THE BRIDGE ANYMORE! Their weight is off the bridge (not that the bridge even even affected by it)!
    Ash: So much for that.

    Comment: Just leave.
    Cilan: I wonder how she gets out of bed.
    Comment: Or eats (since it could be poisoned!), or gets out of the house (there's bad things out there!), heck, or BREATHE (she could inhale some pollution!).
    Iris: She looks and acts like a little kid.
    Comment: Don't forget sounds and cries like one too.

    Ash runs across the bridge and a scene transition later he somehow manages to get her across (she's not going to develop a crush on Ash, is she? He already has too many ships relating to him (even though he's oblivious to the concept)). Ash tells her it's good to be careful but you never know what to do until you try (look before you leap but he who hesitates is lost) and says goodbye and leaves with Iris & Cilan, the girl saying thanks (well, that was a waste of time and a character).

    Ash & co. continue on their way as a tiny camera-copter spies on them, revealing it to be the Rocket Trio (wow, that was a quick retreat to Kanto and then back over to Unova) who have gone back to a plan to capture Pikachu (welp, it was nice while it lasted but with this saga over it looks like Team Rocket will be reverting back to their pre-Unova attitudes. Remember, status quo is god) Opener, title, Ash & co. are at Professor Juniper's Lab IN NUVEMA TOWN?!?! Wait, they're in Nuvema Town already?! How close was Vertress City to Nuvema Town? Anyway, Professor Juniper greets Ash & co. at the entrance and invites them in. Inside Ash calls up Professor Oak who says he saw the whole competition and though Ash only got into the Top 8 he did great. Ash tells Professor Oak he caught a whole batch of Pokemon (well if Professor Oak saw the Vertress Conference then he already knew that) and asks how his other Pokemon are doing and Professor Oak are saying they're doing well... which is when Muk comes in and smothers Professor Oak (oh, good ol' Muk! ) and Ash says hi to it.

    After that Ash joins Iris and Cilan on the couch and figures out what to do next (I hear PokeFrance is nice this time of year...), Cilan saying he still training to be a S-Class Connoisseur so he'll be travelling around with Iris saying the same thing except with becoming a Dragon Master. Ash agrees saying all their dreams involve travelling around and decides to keep on going (so Ash isn't going directly back to Kanto? But there's nothing else really to do in Unova aside from some additional places... heck, Ash had more of a reason to stick around in Sinnoh because of the Gen IV Battle Frontier yet he didn't). Just then a familiar voice is heard asking if anyone's home as we reveal it's the girl at the bridge. Upon not getting an immediate answer she starts to think this is an abandoned lab and would be captured and shocked by Galvantula. Thankfully we don't have to hear her complain for long as Ash & co. answer the door and she calms down.

    Going From "Meh" To AWESOME!:
    Inside the lab the girl introduces herself as Nanette and she's here to get her first Pokemon from Professor Juniper (wait, you're afraid of everything yet want to go into a profession which involves battling, catching, and training monsters that can use the elements... WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?! ). Actually for some reason Nanette puts an emphasis on it being free... and that reason is to go into another "scare fantasy".

    EVIL!Juniper: You can have a free Pokemon but you'll have to work here for the rest of your life for no money.

    Comment: *sigh* No, you get a free Pokemon so that you can journey through a world filled with monsters you're suppose to tame in order to collect information which the Professor gets via the Pokedex... for the rest of your life for no money... maybe the professors are evil...

    Professor Juniper says she wouldn't do that, Ash & co. putting on another pity face, as Juniper tells her it's time to pick her Starter which makes Nanette nervous. First out is a Tepig (oh yeah, the FIRE-type would make a GREAT Pokemon for a person who's afraid of the slightest bit of danger when there is none)... which Nanette seems to take a liking too (what?...). Next is an Oshawott... who doesn't look like it cares (oh, so apparently all Oshawotts are jerks, good to know). And finally a Snivy is sent out... which obviously sounds like a male. Professor Juniper tells Nanette to pick one as Ash says picking your first Pokemon isn't easy (Ash, don't put pressure on the girl who breaks down at the slight instance of conflict) though Cilan says it's a lot of fun. But it's too late as Nanette starts thinking of the various ways the starters can kill her:

    Nanette: What if I choose Snivy and it evolved into Serperior while I'm asleep and is strangles me!

    Comment: Well that's easy, you'll stop talking and whining, EVERYONE WINS (hey, it could be worse, it could have been a Tentacruel...)! Also, ignoring that Snivy evolves into Servine and then into Serperior, you can ignore all this by keeping it in its Pokeball.
    Nanette: What if I choose Oshawott and it uses Water Gun on me while I'm asleep, my whole room will fill up with water!

    Comment: That's another easy one: you'll drown! Also, as said before, you'll be keeping them in their Pokeball most of the time.

    Ash & co.: Uhh...
    Comment: In agreement here.
    Nanette: Or what if I choose Tepig...
    Iris: STOP!
    Comment: Actually I really want to hear what Tepig will do to see how well she understands the concept of FIRE.

    Iris tells Nanette to pick one already with Ash saying she'll be gald she did (as well as us since you'll leave soon after...). We get a quick shot of the starters with Snivy just standing their, Oshawott not caring, and Tepig raring to go; something which Cilan notes.

    Cilan: Suggestion, since your the cautious type, why not choose that lively Tepig for your starter?
    Comment: We're actually doing this, we're giving the person scared of everything the FIRE-type!

    Tepig and Nanette look at each other, Tepig doing it's best twinkle-eye which wins Nanette over and chooses it, Tepig then licking her causing her to laugh (what, no scare fantasy of Tepig doing that to taste your flesh for it later to decide how long to cook you with it's flames?). With a starter chosen Professor Juniper gives Nanette a Pokedex, Badge Case (both which are pink. Remember, pink are for girls. THERE IS NO OTHER COLOR OPTION), 5 extra Pokeballs, and Tepig's Pokeball.

    Ash: Hey, now that you got have a Pokemon, what do you say we have a battle?
    Comment: I don't think Ash understands Nanette has a scared mental condition... probably because he has an oblivious mental condition...
    Nanette: WHO?! ME?! But, what if we have a battle and Tepig won't listen to a word I say?
    Comment: If that was one of your worries then why did you even get a Pokemon?
    Iris: There's that busy brain.
    Comment: Says the girl who had a disobedient Dragonite...

    Cilan says the best way to see is to have an Evaluation and decide for herself but Nanette is said she's afraid to make any decision (then why did you decide you wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer?). Ash suggests that maybe they should have a tag battle instead with Ash being her partner an giving her advice which Nanette agrees to.

    Outside at the battlefield next to Juniper's Lab, Professor Juniper says she'll referee their battle (oh, and if you haven't guessed, Iris and Cilan are their opponents). Ash chooses Pikachu & Nanette chooses Tepig while Cilan chooses Stunfisk & Iris chooses Emolga (let's see, being Stunfisk is immune to Electric-type attacks and Pikachu & Tepig are weak to Ground-types, advantage goes to Iris & Cilan). Ash tells Nanette they should attack first though Nanette says she doesn't know what to do so Ash says he'll attack first and has Pikachu use Thunderbolt which hits Stunfisk and Emolga.

    Okay, 1. Emolga, you're part Electric-type, Electric-type attacks should only do neutral damage to you why are you acting like you're in major pain? 2. OMG IT LOOKS LIKES STUNFIKS IS HAVING AN ORGASM... @~@

    Nanette follows by telling Tepig to attack... with Thunderbolt.

    That's the face a Pokemon makes when it realizes its trainer is a complete idiot.

    Ash says Tepig can't use Thunderbolt and explains the Pokedex will list Tepig's move so after a quick look Nanette tells Tepig to use Ember which it hits Stunfisk with, stopping its "happy time". Time to teach weaknesses as Cilan tells Stunfisk to use Mud Bomb and hits Tepig, making it all dirty, while Emolga uses Discharge which the writers actually remember hits every Pokemon... but that's probably only because they want Stunfisk make THAT face again.

    This is going to be a theme throughout the battle, isn't it?

    Pikachu and Tepig get back up from the battle and Pikachu uses Quick Attack on Emolga knocking it down. However Team Rocket are watching the battle from the nearby forest and decide it's time to catch Pikachu. Meowth presses a few buttons on a remote and a small tank rolls onto the field.

    Ash: Uh! What is that thing?
    Comment: Do you not see the Team Rocket "R" on the front?

    Team Rocket jump out from the forest and recite their motto... wait...

    Jessie: Prepare for trouble, we're back for more.
    Comment: Prepare for trouble?
    James: Make it double, using words of yore.
    Comment: Make it double!
    Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
    James: To unite the peoples within our nation!
    Comment: Wasn't it "all people"? Whatever...
    Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
    James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
    Jessie: It's Jessie!
    James: And James!
    Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
    James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
    Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

    Ash asks what they want (while I would normally critisize Ash for saying that, considering Team Rocket's last few schemes have been vastly different, this is actually a legitimate question).

    Jessie: The profound possibilities your Pikachu possesses prompts us to pinch it and present it to the boss.
    Comment: Ooh, an alliteration.

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    Proof That Riolu/Lucario Was OP:
    Nanette asks who Team Rocket are and Ash explains their "bad guys" who steal Pokemon (old news). But there is new news as Team Rocket got new Pokemon! Jessie sends out a female Frillish as James sends out an Amoonguss (AND that's it really. In case you're wondering, no, they STILL didn't get back their other Pokemon besides having been to part of Unova which had Pokemon from the previous generations) who then use Mist and Stun Spore, respectively. The Mist and Stun Sporte combine as Professor Juniper tells everyone to hold their breathe and Nanette returns her Tepig (though Iris and Cilan decide not to and let Stunfisk and Emolga suffer *facepalm*). Soon the Mist Stun Spore smoke gets so heavy no one is able to see anything and... Who's that Pokemon... Pikachu disappears in it. Everyone stars coughing (hey Ash, you could send out Unfezant to blow away the smoke. And don't say you don't have it, you're at Professor Juniper's Lab, EVERYONE OF YOUR UNOVA POKEMON IS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. Though if you're going to use that excuse anyway, Iris, YOU HAVE DRAGONITE ON YOU) as Amoonguss uses a Body Slam on Pikachu which knocks Pikachu out. Frillish then uses Psychic to lift Pikachu up as Meowth opens a hatch in the tank for Frillish to place Pikachu in.

    Ash: Gotta do something. Wait, that's it! Unfezant I choose you. Use Gust!
    Comment: Oh... Ash IS sending out Unfezant to blow away the smoke. Still waiting on you, Iris.

    Unfezant blows away the smoke as they see Team Rocket about ready to steal Pikachu.

    Nanette: I'm always worried about everything but this takes the cake.
    Comment: Oh boo hoo, SOMEONE'S POKEMON IS GETTING STOLEN! Get over yourself!

    Nanette says she has no idea what to do next (well considering Ash & co. have stronger Pokemon (not to mention other Pokemon Professor Juniper may have), they should really be the ones taking care of the situation), but remembers what Ash told her at the bridge. Nanette sends out Tepig and has it use Ember of Frillish, breaking its Psychic focus and dropping Pikachu (... returns her Pokemon when around Pokemon thieves, attacks the Pokemon currently using its power to steal a Pokemon... why is this character-of-the-day have more common sense than Ash & co.?). Ash thanks Nanette though Team Rocket aren't done yet as they set their eyes on Tepig, Jessie telling Frillish to capture Tepig and James telling Amoonguss to help Frillish. Amoonguss uses Hidden Power which Pikachu dodges though Unfezant is havin some trouble shaking off as Frillish flies toward Tepig and Nanette tells it to use... Tackle (oops, but I'm not going to blame Nanette since she's a rookie trainer and probably hasn't bothered to check the type chart). As you may have guessed, Tepig's Normal-type Tackle goes straight through the immuned part Ghost-type Frillish, Frillish then grabbing it and throwing it into the tank (so what's the reason for this target change?). Nanette asks what are they doing with her Tepig (stealing it, you were told they were Pokemon thieves) as Frillish uses BubbleBeam and Amoonguss uses Hidden Power at Ash, Pikachu, and Nanette. A smoke cloud is made but when it clears it's revealed that Unfezant has come to the rescue, having flown down and taken the hit!

    There must have been a rush of angry letters to the writers after Unfezant's pathetic defeat against Riolu as Unfezant is not only getting some screentime but it's also KICKING MAJOR BUTT! Unfezant uses Air Cutter and knocks back Amoonguss and then goes into an Aerial Ace to hit Frillish, both Team Rocket's Pokemon knocked out. Meowth announces a retreat as Jessie & James return their Pokemon and jump on the tank which slowly drives off (yeah, unless Ash & co. walk Team Rocket aren't going to get that far...) as Ash and Nanette chase after. Team Rocket must have realized their ride was slow so get to the... MEOWTH BALLOON!... and fly off, Tepig in a clear glass cage under the basket. Jessie says things didn't go as planned but they caught Tepig which is a nice day's work, though James says there is still plenty to do, and Meowth says they'll be catching Pikachu before they're through.

    Of course Team Rocket seem to forgot about Unfezant as Ash tells it to chase after Team Rocket with Pikachu going along for the ride on its back (now while I'm glad to see Unfezant getting some screen and battling time (and actually being effective at it)... unfortunetly when one of the main character has a DRAGONITE you wonder why she isn't sending it out to help chase the villains who are flying away...). Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball when it gets up there though Team Rocket sees Unfezant and Pikachu so activate the turbo jets they've installed on the back of the balloon (wouldn't that cause the balloon to fly ahead really fast while the basket dangles behind trying to stay attached (thus throwing Team Rocket around)?). However Pikachu isn't going to let them get away as it jumps up and uses an Electro Ball, James saying they're too far away to score, but Pikachu proves them wrong as it launches the Electro Ball and it hits the turbo engines, LAUNCHING OFF TEAM ROCKET FOR THE FIRST TIME IN UNOVA (okay, they more like fell, but still)! Tepig starts falling but Unfezant shows why it's the region's bird by not only quickly catching Pikachu but as well Tepig!

    The Messiah Arrives:
    Back on the ground, Nanette hugs Tepig and Ash thanks Pikachu (HEY! Where's Unfezant's kudos?). Going to the front of the lab, Ash tells Nanette she has battling spirit as Nanette says she didn't expect unexpected things happen on a journey (don't worry, only Ash & co. have this kind of stuff happen to them, your journey will probably be a bit calmer and safer). Nanette says she has no need to worry anymore and sets off on her journey, Ash & co. waving goodbye.

    However we still have 3 minutes left in the episode as a scientist (where were you when everyone was being attacked? You could have brought out some Pokemon to help) rushes out and tells Juniper her father is calling her. Juniper asks her "papa" what is it and Cedric starts to explain that White Ruins (guess they forgot they called Zekrom's ruins the "Black HERO'S Ruins") have been discovered near Dragonspiral Tower which might leads clues about Reshiram. Ash & co. get excited, Iris reminding everyone about its statue in the Village and of Dragons and Cilan saying it can create enough heat to change the temperature all around Unova.

    Ash: Wow, I want to see Reshiram for real.
    Comment: ... you did, the 14th movie, the first Unova movie. And depending on which version is canon, IT SIDED WITH YOU AND YOU RODE ON ITS BACK.

    Hearing that, Professor Juniper says Ash & co. should go check out the ruins (cause you want kids near ruins so they can mess with things which are thousands of years old and fragile) and asks Cedric if they could. Cedric says they won't be able to see a thing which disappoints Ash & co.... until Cedric finished his sentence that they won't until they get there (ah yes, Cedric's character quirk of pausing before finishing his sentence making it sound like he's saying one thing when he means another). Ash asks if that means they can come and Cedric says they're always welcome as Iris says they'll be there before he knows it.

    Cut to them at a dock in front of a cruise ship, Professor Juniper wishes Ash & co. good luck as Ash asks her if she's sure she doesn't want to come along. Professor Juniper says her research is keeping her busy but tells Ash & co. their destination: ASPERTIA CITY! Not only that, she informs Ash & co. of a new Gym Leader, CHEREN! With a new Gym Leader and ruins dedicated to Reshiram waiting, Ash & co. get excited and are soon on the boat which moves forth with Ash & co. waving bye to Professor Juniper. You know, being we're about to meet Cheren if would have been nice if Bianca had appeared to come along with Ash & co. (heck, they could have used Team Rocket's plans in DP122 "Stop in the Name of Love!" with the Tepig family to justify it), but there is someone else on the boat with Ash & co.:

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    [154]May 4, 2013
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    EPISODE: BW110 "The Name's N!

    While not that exciting of an episode, it was more of a character episode focusing on N who is acting as he should. It also looks like Team Rocket have indeed returned to form and gone back to following Ash & co. to capture Pikachu, though have thankfully kept their stronger attitudes and smarter competence.

    Ash & co. are enjoying themselves on the cruise ship though notice a strange, green-haired boy watching them. They later meet up with him and find out his name is N and he has the ability to hear a Pokemon's inner voice. Ash & co. talk with him about the Tao Dragons, Pokemon, and his world views. Meanwhile Team Rocket are also on board the ship and start forming a plan to capture Pikachu while Ash & co. are stuck on the ship. Who is N and what does he have to say? What is this ability of his to hear a Pokemon's inner voice? What are Team Rocket's plan to leave Ash & co. high and dry on a boat? And is N as creepy here as he was in the games? Well he wouldn't be N if he wasn't, though if you want to see how then keep on reading:

    Pokemon Good, Battles BAD:
    The episode starts on the docks though quickly switches to what looks to be a destroyed lab in the middle of the forest. Inside, N (he made his grand appearance last episode, you're not fooling anyone by not showing his face ) walks up to a broken computer and after messing with some wires gets it working. The screen flashes on to show... GENESECT! The screen shorts out soon after as we hear N's voice (it's OK, better then his voice in the B2W2 animated trailer) and asks what's going on.

    Time for the opener but it looks like they changed it and for good reason: WE'RE FINALLY GOING INTO THE TEAM PLASMA ARC (the opener also reveals a certain fire dragon... and I'm not talking about Reshiram )! If you couldn't tell this was going to be a N episode than the title should clue you in as we go to Ash & co. (because we got to get them involved somehow eventually). Iris says the ship stops at a lot of places as Ash sees the destroyed lab (guess it wasn't in the middle of he forest... even though the establishing shot form earlier showed otherwise:

    Guess the lab was experimenting with rapid terraforming)

    Cilan checks the Town Map and reveals that's actually the P2 Laboratory (that actually makes sense, a ship from Nuvema Town to Aspertia City would be passing through the general direction where the P2 Laboratory is) with Cilan saying it must have been a research facility and Ash wonders what was researched there (I already said, rapid terraforming). The ship stops at the next harbor where we see N (wait, wasn't he on the ship at the end of the last episode?) who looks up to see Ash & co. and Ash notices N looking at them (well N is the hero of truth/ideal so he does need a hero of ideal/truth... even though we sort of used that plot in the 14th movie...). Cilan asks if Ash knows N though of course Ash doesn't and Iris asks why he's staring at them though soon see he has vanished and so shrug it off. In a nearby cabin, Team Rocket comes out and see Ash & co., James saying they're stuck on the ship as Meowth says they have time for a "slick" strategy to capture Pikachu.

    The boat has left the harbor as Iris remembers their is a training facility on board and Ash & co. check it out, it being a battlefield on the top deck. Ash says he'll need to practice if he wants to challenge the Aspertia Gym so asks Iris to battle, Iris calling him a little kid for getting excited to battle though Cilan points out how much of a hypocrite Iris is with that statement. Iris agrees to the battle but Pikachu soon sense something an of course that something is N who has suddenly appeared much to Ash & co.'s surprise. N walks up to Pikachu and start petting it, Pikachu giving a happy squeak.

    N: You're a cute one.
    Ash: Sure is, thanks.
    Comment: Ash, he was talking about Pikachu, not you.

    Ash asks why N was staring at them and N says it's because he heard a friends voice, Ash repeating the answer as a question and N responds he considers all Pokemon as his friends (pfft, hippie). Ash says he considers Pikachu his number 1 friend and partner (Iris and Cilan are just there for Ash's amusement) which N says he likes to hear and says he hears Pikachu's inner voice saying it cares for Ash which caught his interest (ah N, I see your transition from the games to the anime hasn't lost your creepy stalker vibe). N says it's rare to find someone with such a strong bond with a Pokemon surprising Ash as Iris say it's cool N can here a Pokemon's inner voice. However Cilan's picture isn't next to the word "gullible" in the dictionary so he asks if that's true and N says he might have just convinced himself he did which Cilan says, as a "Science Connoisseur", that something doesn't sit quite right. N says it doesn't matter to him if he can or cannot hear a Pokemon's inner voice but rather a trainer and their Pokemon come together as one which Ash agrees with. Iris asks if Ash has ever experienced that:

    Ash: Yeah, it's like when I'm thinking how hungry I am, then I notice Pikachu...
    Comment: Uhh... O_O;
    Ash: ... is hungry too.
    Comment: Oh. I thought he was implying he thought about eating...
    Ash: And that's when I notice our hearts and stomachs are really and truly one.
    Comment: Well they say to a boy's heart is though their stomach... and when they become men it goes a bit lower...

    Cilan does a pity laugh as Iris "talks to the audience" that it just means Ash and Pikachu like to eat (well of course he does, he's a male anime protagonist). Ash & co. finally introduce themselves and N introduces himself, N shaking Ash's hand and saying it's always good to make new friends. N asks where Ash & co. are going and Ash says they're going to some ruins relating to Reshiram, the mere mention of Reshiram stunning N as he has a flashback of a burning castle. N is standing in the castle with his king robes as Reshiram appears on a pedestal in front of him though it flies away as N then says that Reshiram plans on BURNING THE WHOLE WORLD (SO I guess that makes "Pok?mon the Movie: Victini and Zekrom" the canon one?). Ash asks if N's alright and that knocks him out of his flashback, N saying that Reshiram is great which, Cilan asking if he met Reshiram before which N says he hasn't. Iris asks then how does N know its great which N says it's a Legendary Pokemon and would consider himself lucky if he ever met it.

    Of course, despite of all the other times Reshiram has been talked about, it's this time when Cilan brings up Ash encountering Zekrom which further stuns N who asks if Ash could tell him about it. We move to the dining hall as Ash explains it's when they first got to the Unova region, us going into a flashback of that part. Iris says she wants to meet Zekrom one day too (... I'm beginning to think the 14th movie isn't canon (despite all the other movies having been...)) as N asks Ash if he knows about Zekrom's "Legend of the Hero". Ash of course pulls up a blank though Cilan reminds Ash that Cedric told them about it, everything sharing a laugh at Ash's stupidity.

    N: Pokemon Mythology, Black Chapter, section 18...
    Comment: subsection 18C, page 263, paragraph 2, line 12...
    N: When the hero turns darkness to light and his heart becomes one with Pokemon, at that moment Zekrom shall decend and let the hero its power.
    Comment: Then Ash must have really F@#$ED UP as Zekrom descended to TAKE Pikachu's power!

    Ash says he remembers it as N says there is another legend also in a section 18, but this one is from the White Chapter.

    N: The legend says when the hero's heart becomes one with a heart of a Pokemon, it is at that moment Reshiram shall decend and let the hero its power.
    Comment: So it takes one less step to summon Reshiram then to summon Zekrom, either Zekrom expects too much or Reshiram expects too little.

    Iris says that Zekrom and Reshiram are the strongest among all Dragon-types (Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina may disagree with that) as Cilan asks how N became interested in Reshiram and Zekrom. N says he had questions for a long time about why are there Pokemon in their world, why do they exist, why is their world the way it is (aren't these quetions more for Arceus than they are for Reshiram and Zekrom?). N goes on to ask if Pokemon are truly happy (I don't know, if only you could hear a Pokemon's inner voice so that you can ask them if they're happy) and that there are many conflicting ways of seeing things, gray areas.

    N: I can't except that.
    Comment: Says every villain EVER when this topic is their reason for doing what they do.

    N says he needs to know Pokemon lives have meaning (but humans, pfft, f@#$ them) and perhaps if he meets Reshiram and Zekrom he can get some answers and change the world.

    Run away... RUN AWAY...

    N apologizes to them saying he got carried away though Ash says it's fine (no it's not...), Iris saying she didn't understand everything N said (because most of it was nonsense), and Cilan says it's obvious he feels very passionate about it (like a member of a fanatical cult). N asks what are Ash's dreams and Ash says he wants to become a Pokemon Master which hits ANOTHER cord with N *sigh*. Ash explains where he got in the Unova League though knows he'll win the next league (HAHAHAHAHA!).

    N: Pokemon battles... I... don't like the idea forcing friends to fight.
    Comment: Yes, because Pokemon obviously hate fighting one another and wouldn't do it if it wasn't for humans...

    Confused, Iris asks what N means and Cilan asks isn't N also a Pokemon trainer though N says they should drop it but then smiles and says talking too much when he's worked up is a nasty habit of his and walks off, Ash asks where N is going and he says he's going outside to get some fresh air.

    Good Pokemon Battle Turns Bad:
    Later, Cilan was given access to the ship's galley and cooked up a meal and special Pokemon food. Ash wonder's where N went as Iris says N is an interesting person, especially when he starts talking about Pokemon. Ash agrees saying he was getting into it and wished he hadn't stopped, Cilan also in agreement as Iris says they'll find him later though make plans for their battle after they eat (just don't invite N...). However Team Rocket are watching from a doorway and Jessie says the battle will be the perfect time to snatch Pikachu, James saying their goof-proof because of a "capture case" (which looks like a briefcase) they have.

    Back on the battlefield, Cilan declares the start of the battle as Iris sends out Excadrill and, seeing this, Ash sends out a Pokemon which would be the perfect match for a Ground/Steel-type: Boldore *facepalm*. Boldore uses Rock Smash (at least he's using a Fighting-type attack) as Excadrill uses Metal Claw and both start to clash, eventually pushing each other back. Up on the smokestacks platform watching the battle, Team Rocket gets ready to start their Pikachu capturing plan. The battle continues with Boldore using Flash Cannon and Excadrill using Focus Blast, both attacks nullifying each other. Just then a berry falls onto Axew's head which Axew sees and happily eats, more berries appearing and Axew gleefully follows the berry trail. Pikachu sees Axew running off and follows it to another part of the top deck where Pikachu catches up to Axew but is then put into an energy cube. Jessie declares the plan a success, James saying they knew wherever Axew went Pikachu would follow, and Meowth giving credit to the capture case (the energy cube) as Pikachu tries Thunderbolting out of the capture case but it doesn't work.

    Though it's kind of odd for Team Rocket to factor in Axew into their plan yet not capture it too, something which backfires on them as Axew soon gives out a loud scream which alerts Ash & co. that Axew and Pikachu have gone missing (that's rather a MAJOR slip up, if they would have captured Axew too it wouldn't have been able to yell thus they would have not only gotten a head start escape, but have two Pokemon instead of one). Ash & co. come running where they heard Axew scream and see a disguised Team Rocket, asking who they are. Team Rocket reveal themselves and it seems like they are going to use the original (if slightly altered) motto for now on (at least until the next region)! Ash demands Team Rocket give Pikachu back though of course they aren't (so Ash might as well just send out a Pokemon to stop them) and they jump into the Meowth Balloon which also looks to have permanently return. Ash sends out Snivy who uses Vine Whip to grab the Meowth's Balloon basket railing and Ash grabs onto Snivy (though I don't know if his plan was to keep the balloon from floating away (which would be stupid) or to try and climb aboard). However James sends out Amoonguss who uses Body Slam to knock Ash back as Jessie sends out Frillish to use Shadow Ball on Snivy and Axew.

    Just then N jumps in the way of the Shadow Ball and blocks it, protecting Snivy and Axew and asks if they're alright seemingly unhurt (confirmed: Humans are Normal-types). Ash & co. are surprised to see N as N turns around and calls Team Rocket fools and it's because of "selfish, human debris" like them which is why the Pokemon world remains imperfect. Team Rocket tell him to speak louder, including Meowth who N asks why is he speaking the language of people when he should be speaking the "beautiful" language of Pokemon.

    Meowth: Uh oh, this dope is one berry short of a fruit basket.
    Comment: Couldn't agree more Meowth...

    Ash thanks N saying they'll be alright, returning Snivy and sending out Unfezant which Frillish attacks with BubbleBeam but Unfezant dodges and gets behind it. Unfezant uses Aerial Ace as Ash tells Pikachu to duck down, Unfezant cutting off the top of the capture case and Pikachu jumps out and toward Ash & co.. Frillish uses another Shadow Ball but Axew uses Dragon Rage to destroy it as Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt. But before Pikachu can launch the Thunderbolt, Amoonguss uses a Stun Spore which hits Pikachu after the Thunderbolt hits Team Rocket. Paralyzed, Pikachu falls straight down so Ash does a mad dash and catches Pikachu just in time as Unfezant uses Air Cutter sending Frillish and Amoonguss into the Meowth Balloon and sends Team Rocket blasting off (though I wish Team Rocket would say they were blasting off, they had an excuse last episode since they were falling but this time they don't ).

    Ash tells Pikachu to hang on as N asks if he can see Pikachu and says it's in bad shape due to the Stun Spore (oh just give it a Cheri or Lum Berry and it'll be fine). N tells them to follow him as they go to the bow of the ship and... wait, I'm obligated to do this...


    Anyway, N asks for his "friends" to join him as 2 Alomomolas jump out of the water and use Refresh which cures Pikachu of its paralysis. Ash thanks N who gives Pikachu an Oran Berry saying it'll recover its strength which Pikachu eats happily and climbs back onto Ash's head. Ash says he also wants to thank the Alomomolas but they're already gone however N says they'll still hear them and upon yelling their thanks the Alomomolas quickly jump out of the water to show they heard them. Ash says N is amazing with Iris and Cilan agreeing though N says he didn't do anything special. Ash tells N something has been bothering him and brings up when N told them he doesn't like Pokemon battling. Just then an announcement is made that they'll be docking in Castelia City soon, after which N tells Ash that the worlds both of them are looking for are not the same but he hopes they can still get along, N then saying he's getting off at Castelia City though will see each other again before heading off.

    At Castelia City, Ash calls down to N and asks if he's sure they'll meet again which N says he's sure, Ash saying he has a lot more he wants to talk about which N says they will. As the boat leaves, N thinks to himself there has to be a reason Ash met Zekrom (my theory is that Zekrom was just doing a favor for Ho-Oh who doesn't want to fly all the way to Unova just to make a cameo appearance) as we see Ash & co. waving goodbye.

    N: A reason that will change his life completely. The same way Reshiram changed my life.
    Comment: Don't count on it. Ash has met every single Legendary and been the "chosen one" a few dozen times. He's no longer fazed by it. Heck, Ash has DIED a few times already.

    And with that, we end the episode.

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    [155]May 14, 2013
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    That was a pretty good episode.

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    [156]May 15, 2013
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    EPISODE: BW111 "There's a New Gym Leader in Town!"

    While not the most exciting episode, it was still nice to see Cheren make an appearance as well as fully wrap up the Unova League, though I still wish Bianca would have gone with Ash & co. (especially since in the games on of the main reasons Bianca was in Aspertia City was to visit Cheren). Ash & co. arrive to Aspertia City and immediately plan on going to the Gym but aren't able to find it on the Town Map. After asking some dock workers for some directions they come to a Pokemon School which they are soon told by a teacher that this is also the Aspertia Gym. The teacher leads Ash & co. down the hall where they soon meet the Aspertia Gym Leader, Cheren. Why wasn't the Aspertia Gym marked on the map? What's the reason for combining the Gym with a Trainer School? How is Cheren taking his new Gym Leader responsibilities? And SERIOUSLY, why wasn't Bianca in this episode?! Well the answer for the first three questions are just a read below:

    Different Kind Of Gym Class:
    Ash & co. have arrived to Aspertia City, enjoying finally being off the boat though Ash wants to go straight to the Gym. Cilan looks on the Town Map for the Gym but isn't able to find it, Iris asking what they're going to do and Ash saying their stuck (or you could, you know, go to the Pokemon Center and ask Nurse Joy). Cilan says they aren't stuck and suggests they ask some locals, pointing over to some dock workers which Ash rushes over to ask.

    Opener and title later, Ash & co. are in front of the building which they were told was the Gym, though there are kids running around which Iris says it looks like a school (Striaton Gym was a restaurant, Nacrene Gym was a museum, Driftveil Gym was a mine, why does this being a school mean it can't be a Gym?). Iris yells at Ash if he got the instructions right and as he retells her the directions a man comes out of the school and asks if he can help them. Ash says they're looking for the Aspertia Gym which the man says they found it, surprising Ash & co. (... Nimbasa Gym was a roller coaster, Mistralton Gym was a plane hanger, Virbank Gym was a music club...). Walking through the hallway, Ash & co. ask why the Gym looks like a school and the man (who I'll assume is a teacher) says the Gym also functions as a Trainer School saying they're preparing their students to be ready to become Pokemon trainers, said students watching them pass by from within the classrooms. The teacher explains that even after they become trainers they still want to teach them and what better way then by also having a Gym, Cilan saying he felt the same way when he build his Gym (YOUR Gym? What about Chili and Cress? Also your Gym is a restaurant, not a school, you're serving people food not teaching them how to be a trainer). The teacher is impressed that Cilan is also a Gym Leader, Cilan going on about how memories of Gym battles are flooding back to him as well as becoming a trainer isn't the end of their learning experience and how he's excited to help trainers. The teacher agrees as well as saying someone else, pointing over to the Aspertia Gym Leader: Cheren (who also has a much better voice than he had in the Black 2 & White 2 Trailer)!

    Being told there are guests, Cheren tells some students they'll talk later and for them to work on their assignments, all of them running off as Cheren walks over to Ash & co.. Cheren asks Ash & co. what can he do for them and Ash says Professor Juniper suggest they come here, apparently something Juniper called Cheren about as he knew they were coming. Cheren introduces himself saying he was a trainer from Nuvema Town but now teaches here in Aspertia, Ash confused asking if he's a Gym Leader which Cheren says he is though then adds he just became a Gym Leader which catches Cilan's attention. Cheren says he's only been a Gym Leader for a short while as Ash & co. introduce themselves though the teacher informs Cheren that Cilan is also a Gym Leader (hmm, I can't help but to think that Cheren and Cilan should already know each other. This either means Cheren never did the Pokemon League challenge, didn't battle Striaton Gym, or Cilan and his brothers weren't Gym Leaders at that point). Ash says that since Professor Juniper told them about the Gym he's been excited for a battle and asks Cheren for one, a request Cheren says he would like to take but can't as the Gym's battlefield isn't finished yet (so battle somewhere else outside, Ash doesn't need the Badge so you can have an unofficial battle somewhere outside). Ash is disappointed, Cilan says that's why it wasn't on the map, and Iris says Professor Juniper can be a bit forgetful. Cheren starts to say "Besides I'm not sure" but gets interupted by the teacher who suggests they have an exhibition match, something which Cheren isn't so sure about though the teacher says the battlefield is finished enough for that and the students would enjoy to see a match. The teacher asks Ash if that's alright by him and Ash says it is an Cheren also agrees, shaking Ash's hand as the teacher says they can have the battle after class but in the meanwhile Cheren can show Ash & co. around the school.

    Incase you couldn't tell from Cheren's responses and actions, he probably doesn't have much confidence in himself being a new Gym Leader, something which Iris and Cilan pick up on. Ash asks the teacher if Cheren is alright and the teacher explains that Cheren is very dedicated so when he puts his mind to something he tends to overthink it, something which Cilan says he knows about as he also had thoughts of self doubt when he began. However Cilan quickly says there's more to a Gym Leader then battling and that's what's taught to the challenging trainer and helping guide them, thus Cheren is trying to endure the pressure of becoming a Gym Leader which is difficult but has to be done right. The teacher says Cilan is right, however he says that he's afraid Cheren is losing his confidence which Ash says sounds intense and must be hard being a Gym Leader.

    Iris: And hard for a little kid to understand.
    Comment: Looks who's talking, miss tower climber. Have you even thought about the Opelucid Gym Leader offer since you left Opelucid City?

    Ash yells back at Iris saying she's a kid too, Cheren finally lookin back (he's only a few feet away, don't tell me he didn't hear them talking about him) asking if something's wrong though Ash says everything is fine and they continue.

    Cheren first shows Ash & co. the library explaining they can learn everything about Pokemon from Unova and other regions (have anything on Karos? ), Ash and Cilan amazed though Iris not so much saying she doesn't like being cooped up. Cheren says that they also do field projects where students study wild Pokemon and then try catching their own, something which Iris likes to hear.

    Ash: What a kid.
    Comment: No no Ash, if you're going to mock her you need to "imitate" her voice and doing it as obnoxious as possible. Just remember all the times she said it to you, build up the hate you felt, and release it. Make Iris double think about calling you a kid ever again.

    Cheren guides Ash & co. down the hall though Pikachu & Axew get side tracked by an empty room and go into it. Inside the room there's a control panel which Axew starts to mess with as Pikachu tries to stop it. Axew accidently turns the panel on and as Pikachu tries grabbing Axew they accidentally turn on the PA system and their screams of struggle are blasted over it into every classroom, outside, and in a room filled with Pokemon until Ash & Iris come running in to get them. Ash and Iris start apologizing then telling Pikachu and Axew to also apologize, Cheren saying he sees they're sorry and accepts their apology though tells them not to wander off again (yeah, like Axew listens to Iris the last few dozen times she told it that). However before they can continue their tour a group of Minccino run by as Cheren says those are the Minccino who were raised and live at the school, explaining it gives the students the chance to interact with Pokemon and that they live in the school's Pokemon House nearby. Cheren asks how the Minccino could have gotten outside and then rushes off to make sure the other Pokemon haven't also gotten outside, Ash & co. following.

    No Pokemon Allowed Inside:
    Getting to the Pokemon House, they see that all the Pokemon have indeed run away (don't tell me Pikachu's and Axew's screams scared them so much they forced their way outside to run away). Cheren says the Pokemon are tame so they won't hurt anyone (so are these wild Pokemon or did the school catch/raise them? I ask because if they were catched/raised then why would Cheren say that?) but he's more worried about the Pokemon's wellbeing and needs to find them fast, Ash & co. saying they'll help.

    Cilan: We need to hurry, once they leave school grounds it'll be more difficult.
    Comment: Another thing, why weren't the Pokemon trained not to leave the school grounds, let alone the Pokemon House? Common Pokemon are shown to at least be smart enough to understand what a human is saying, especially captured/raised Pokemon who hav near human understanding. Even if they momentarily freaked out and broke out of the Pokemon House wouldn't they find a safe place to calm down and then return the Pokemon House?

    Ash & co. split up as we join Ash in the garden who's looking around until he passes some sunflowers (and an obvious Sunflora) though notices something odd (like a Sunflora sticking out) and scans them with his Pokedex to get Sunflora's entry. The Sunflora jumps away from the sunflowers and start running away, Ash & co. following saying they need to get back to the Pokemon House though trips... to find a whole batch of other Sunflora. Ash wonders how many escaped and tries figuring out a plan to get them back to the Pokemon House (gee, I wonder if his plan will involve the Pokedex's entry of how they follow the sun's rays... actually that would be clever so of course that's not what's going to happen).

    Meanwhile, Cilan finds a flock of Duckletts in the swimming pool as Cilan tells them they need to return to the Pokemon house though they just ignore him (they know a butt monkey when they see one). Cilan says he knows how much they like to swim but they need to return to the Pokemon House (what, the Pokemon House doesn't have a pool for the WATER-types? No wonder why they don't want to go back) and the Duckletts respond like so:

    Did you forget Duckletts were jerks?

    Cilan start to laugh as well as the Duckletts but Cilan gets serious saying if they want to be like that he'll whip them an extra large portion of "lesson time" and sends out Pansage. Cilan tell Pansage to round them up which it does so by jumping at them... which the Ducklett dodge causing it to fall into the pool where the Ducklett start attackig it and it surfaces complaining while surrounded by laughing Duckletts. Cilan realizes he made a mistake, though it's not because he sent Pansage out to deal with a batch of Water/Flying-types who have a field advantage, but because he can't "evaluate" without being calm and collected (evaluate what? There are not trainers to evaluate with the Ducklett). Pansage gets to the edge of the pool and Cilan picks Pansage up and hugs it asking to be forgiven, both recovering saying they should calmly get them back to the Pokemon House.

    It's Iris's turn now as she finds the Cinccino inside the cafeteria's kitchen eating the food. She runs in asking what they think they're doing but this just makes the Cinccino run away and hide as Iris and Axew tries chasing and catching them but to no avail.

    Let's skip ahead a bit...

    Back inside the Pokemon House, Ash and Cilan have somehow managed to grab and bring back all the Sunflora and Ducklett, and Iris found an interesting way to bring back the Cinccino:

    Okay, time for a "Top Three Captions":
    1. Iris: Cilan, are you sure the recipe calls for this many Cinccino?
    2. Iris: What do you mean my cooking is terrible and inhumane?
    3. Iris: WAITER! There are Cinccino in my stew!

    A scene fade later, Ash & co. are happy they got the Pokemon back as Cheren counts them when he tells them they're still missing a Shinx. Rushing through the school, Ash & co. (+ Cheren) finds the Shinx being cornered by two students (and for some reason Ash scans Shinx with his Pokedex) as Cheren explains the Shinx is new and though it's been friendly it might lose control if startled. The two students try getting the Shinx to come to them saying they won't hurt it but the Shinx is too scared and releases a Dicharge which Ash tells Pikachu to block with a Thunderbolt which it does. Meanwhile Cheren had covered the two students though gets up and tries calming Shinx, picking it up and hugging it though Shinx uses another Discharge. Cheren assures that no one is going to hurt Shinx and they should go back to its friends in the Pokemon House, Shinx hearing this and stops the Discharge.

    Cheren turns around to the two students and asks why would they do something so dangerous when they're not trainers yet when the students reveal that they were the ones who let all the Pokemon out. We go into a flashback where the two students are in the Pokemon House and the big one (they're not given names so I'm going to refer them to as big and skinny) says the Pokemon will do anything he says, telling a Ducklett to come to be his battle partner and picks it up. The skinny one says he can do the same thing and picks up a Minccino asking it to be his battle partner, but then suddenly Pikachu's scream comes over the PA system freaking the Pokemon out and causing them to run out. The student says it's their fault for not closing the door and are really sorry, Ash wondering what scared the Pokemon and then they remember (well you guys sure made a nice mess of things...). Cheren says it's alright and tells the students that one day they'll become Pokemon trainers and he'll help them become the best trainers they can be, the students thanking Cheren and hug him, Shinx licking their their faces.

    Getting Schooled:
    Later, Ash & Cheren are ready for their exhibition match on the battlefield with all the students watching and cheering on Cheren, Iris saying the battlefield looks like a school yard. The teacher from the start of the episode is acting as the referee who announces Ash & Cheren and explains its a 1 vs. 1 battle with the winner knocking out the opponent's Pokemon. Cheren says this is his first battle as a Gym Leader and he has to win it or else he'll regret it (really...) and sends out Herdier (which Ash scans... *sigh*). Ash is about to choose his Pokemon when Oshawott pops out and Ash asks if it wants to battle which Oshawott of course does so Ash chooses it.

    The battle starts with Oshawott using Hydro Pump but Herdier dodges it so Oshawott tries a Tackle which Herdier counters with Take Down, causing an explosion which knocks down Oshawott. Oshawott gets up a bit dizzy and Ash tells it to pull it together, meanwhile Herdier uses Thunder Fang and rushe toward Oshawott which concerns Iris & Cilan. Oshawott uses Razor Shell and blocks Herdier's Thunder Fang, Cheren commenting Ash on his unique dodging technique saying he doesn't expect less of a Unova League quarter finalist, Ash thanking him. Herdier uses Thunder Fang again as Oshawott prepare to block it however Herdier jumps over Oshawott and lands behind hit, then kicks its scalchop out of its hand. Oshawott runs after its scalchop and picks it back up, putting it on its belly when Herdier sneaks up behind it with a Thunder Fang and hits, fainting Oshawott and making Cheren the winner as Ash walks up to Oshawott who's being licked by Herdier.

    Time for another "Top Three Captions":
    1. Herdier: This tastes much better than Minccino stew.
    2. Herdier: Electric-type attacks always makes meals taste zesty.
    3. Herdier: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a shocked Oshawott?

    Ash returns Oshawott and thanks Cheren for the battle, Iris and Cilan also commenting Cheren on the battle who thanks them though isn't sure if winning was the right thing to do in the exhibition match (why not? As a Gym Leader you're suppose to aim to win, that's the point of being a Gym Leader, your a powerful trainer where challengers need to overcome your strength and strategies to prove they're worthy to get your badge). Cilan tells Cheren to ask his students as we see the students admiring Cheren and the big student saying when he becomes a great Pokemon trainer he want to challenge Cheren with the thin one agreeing saying he can't wait to earn the Aspertia Gym Badge (which being the Basic Badge I'm going to guess we're not going to see ) and a few other students also agreeing. Cilan tells Cheren that the students looked to have discover their paths by watching Cheren battle and no one could have been a Gym Leader better then him with Ash agreeing saying he can't wait to battle him again someday. Cheren says they're right and maybe he was overthinking things and for now on will act more confidently as a Gym Leader.

    With the last Unova Gym and Gym Leader shown, Ash & co. leave Aspertia Gym having helped Cheren gain confidence as a Gym Leader and to help teach and aspire his students to one day become Pokemon Trainers.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [157]May 15, 2013
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    EPISODE: BW112 "Team Plasma's Pokemon Power Plot!"

    All I can say is FINALLY! In a at first unknown location, Colress of Team Plasma has been doing experiments on controlling and empowering Pokemon with the assistance of a few Plasma Grunts. Ash & co. soon get involved in all this as, upon reaching Floccesy Town, they're attacked by enraged Amoonguss though are able to knock them out and bring them to the Pokemon Center. However the Pokemon Center is busy with Pokemon who also had to be knocked out due to them attacking people and Pokemon. They soon hear that some mysterious people have been seen at the abandoned observatory and Ash & co. decide to investigate. Meanwhile Team Rocket overhear this and decide this will be a good distraction for them to grab Pikachu with. How are Team Plasma controlling and empowering Pokemon and why is it affecting the surrounding Pokemon? What will Ash & co. do when they encounter Team Plasma, if they do? What will Team Rocket do? And I wonder if this means we'll never see the Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma, Castelia City attack episode? No point thinking about the past, but instead look to the future such as reading what goes on in this episode:

    We start the episode... with a Galvantula in a glass container with the base it's standing on glowing... okay show, you got me interested. A rod lowers down and attaches to the top of the container, scaring the Galvantula, and its revealed who's at the control of this machine: COLRESS! Colress says in a cool but sinister way that he sees the Galvantula is scared but it shouldn't be as it's the star of his experiment making it a "splendid" Pokemon. With N and now Colress appearing, a certain idea might be crossing your mind and the next group of people reveal it: Black 2 & White 2 Plasma grunts walk up behind Colress, the lone female grunt saying she can't wait to see how much Colress can amplify Galvantula's electrical energy. Colress starts the experiment as the glass container starts sending down blue rings from the top which activates a red device on Galvantula's forehead causing it to give off electricity. Soon Galantula's eyes start glowing red and makes them into angry eyes as the female grunt says once the experiment is complete the Unova Region will belong to Team Plasma, though Colress says that's not his concern and he cares for one thing only: bringing out the true power of Pokemon (*whispering* it's called Pokesav, shhh). As the opener and title card plays let me FINALLY, after going though several seasons and the Unova League without this vital story element, welcome you to the TEAM PLASMA ARC!

    Going to our main protagonists (since we got to get them involve somehow), Ash & co. arrive to Floccesy Town where Cilan informs everyone that it has a ranch which Iris says she wants to see. But before they get going, a group of Amoonguss appear behind them as they reveal their eyes are angry red eyes and attack Ash & co. with SolarBeam. Ash asks why they're attacking and Cilan says they must think they're enemies though Iris says they haven't done anything to them. Ash soon fixes that with Pikachu using Thunderbolt on them which knocks the Amoonguss back which seems to also knock them out of their trance as they then knock out. Ash & co. check on the Amoonguss, Ash apologizing to them and Cilan saying they need to take them to a Pokemon Center.

    In Floccesy Town's Pokemon Center, the center is swamped by trainers with injured Pokemon as Nurse Joy tells everyone they'll get to them eventually as Ash & co. run through the doors. Nurse Joy checks the Amoonguss and says they aren't seriously hurt and to put them down on a bench before being called over by an Audino. Iris tries getting Nurse Joy's attention but Officer Jenny walks up to them and tells them it'll be alright and she'll be back soon. Cilan asks Officer Jenny what's going on and she tells Ash & co. that Pokemon from the mountain have been attacking people and Pokemon. Ash is surprised and Cilan wonders what's going on, Officer Jenny saying they don't know as Iris tells her the same thing happened to them and we go through a montage of images you'd probably see in a Pokemon version of "When Animals/Pokemon Attack!". A man reports to Officer Jenny that he saw some strange people hanging around the mountain and says they were at the observatory which has been closed down for years. Officer Jenny says she'll think she'll go up there to have a look (you know if you're just being told this information now you're probably not doing your job right. As soon as this started happening you should have started interviewing people asking if they've noticed anything strange lately) when a man comes running in telling Officer Jenny that there's a Bouffalant on a rampage. Officer Jenny runs off to deal with the Bouffalant as Ash & co. start going over what's going on with Ash saying they should check out the Observatory (I would joke that the only reason Ash & co. are going is because of the Bouffalant but then again I'm sure if they would have asked Officer Jenny if they could come along she probably would have agreed). Meanwhile Team Rocket are listening to Ash & co's conversation using a laser listening device on a window outside the Pokemon Center, deciding that while Ash & co. are distracted they'll grab Pikachu. As Ash & co. run out of the Pokemon Center, a hiker also gets up from his seat.

    Inside the observatory, the Galvantula experiment continues as the Galvantula glares at the Plasma grunts with one of the males saying you can see how much it hates humans and the other male saying it's so violent yet powerful. The female grunt says Galvantula will also listen to every command they give it as Colress tells them not to make eye contact as he's going to calm it down, turning off the machine thus restoring Galvantula to its senses causing it to fall over exhausted. The female grunt asked what Colress did and Colress said it was knocked unconscious and he might have used too much energy saying further testing will need to be done on the next test subject. The rod unattaches to Galvantula's container and the conveyor belt its on moves it out as the next Pokemon is borught in and the rod attached to its container: a Beartic. The female grunt assumes Colress would be amplifying its Ice-type energy (well what other type of Beartic do you know?) as Colress starts the experiment explaining he's using electromagnetic waves to overload it's mind to make it more aggressive thus increase its Attack power to the limit (got that? Because there's a test later). Beartic meanwhile is screaming in pain until its eyes too are glowing red which Colress says his theory so far is without flaws (so messing with a Pokemon's heart closes it and makes it a Shadow Pokemon with an invisible dark aura around it, messing with a Pokemon's mind makes its eyes glow red, I wonder what happens if you mess with a Pokemon's soul...).

    International Incident:
    In the mountains, we see happy Pokemon frolicking as Ash & co., who says they're going to check out the observatory, are instead sitting down on a cliff's edge admiring how nice everything is (our heroes ladies and gentlemen, easily distracted from their goals because of a nice day). The hiker who got up as Ash & co. left the Pokemon Center meets up with them and asks if they're also going to the mountain top. Ash says they want to see the observatory though the hiker says that might be a bit dangerous and thinks they better not go (what, is this an adult that actually cares about the safety of children? Who would have thought they exist). Suddenly a strange sound comes from the forest and Pikachu & Axew stop moving, Iris asking if they're okay and they turn around to reveal:


    Pikachu, Axew, and the mountain Pokemon release their attacks at Ash & co. though the hiker quickly runs and pushes Ash & co. aside. Ash calls out to Pikachu but the hiker says that Pikachu can't hear him and throws a cube at the Pokemon which has a little satellite dish pop out which sends out a orange beam creating a barrier that calms down all the Pokemon (ok hiker, you're now standing out a little bit more...). The forest Pokemon run off as Ash & Iris check on Pikachu & Axew, the hiker walking up to them explaining he covered the area with an EM Wave Shield and it looks to have worked. Of course this confuses Ash but not as much as the hiker calling Ash by his name and saying it's been a long time. Ash asks how the hiker knows who he is and the "hiker" takes off his disguise to reveal... LOOKER! Iris and Cilan are naturally confused as Looker explains he's an agent for the International Police.

    Scene fade later Looker told Ash & co. about Team Plasma as Looker explains no one knows about who are their members or their organization, shown by several colored silhouettes, including one in green...


    Looker explains that they do know they're conducting experiments up on the mountain, EM waves which make Pokemon violent (not to be confused with the EM waves Team Rocket used to force Magikarp evolve... do I need to tell anyone that EM waves don't work like that?). The satellite cube stops emitting the shield which Looker says the EM waves have stopped and says he better get going but of course Ash says they want to come with him. Looker says Ash & co. would need help if the waves start again so agrees to take them with him though has them promise to stay close which they agree (betting 100 Pokedollars they break this promise, anyone want to take my bet?). Down below behind a bush, Team Rocket overhear all this and Jessie says the International Police and Team Plasma makes things complicated but James says the EM waves which make Pokemon violent sound interesting and Jessie saying a tool they can use to catch Pikachu. Meowth then starts calling them to his attention, having been restrained by a metal ring, asking for them to release him. James says they can't incase the EM waves start again and Jessie saying she doesn't want to get Fury Swiped, Meowth saying he doesn't remember doing that. James tells Meowth to wait a little bit longer as Meowth complains he's innocent.

    Back in the observatory, Colress continues experimenting on the Beartic saying that its Attack power has increased by "leap and bounds". We've seen Colress and Plasma grunts, might as well bring in the big bad himself: GHETSIS! Ghetsis appears as a hologram as the grunts stand & solute, Ghetsis asking Colress how the experiments are going and Colress says the test subjects are responding well revealing said subjects are a Galvantula, Beartic, Scolipede, and Mienshao. Ghetsis says as their rampaging Pokemon attack the humans they'll soon be changing the entire world that only Team Plasma can envision. Colress tells Ghetsis to slow down as this is only an experiment and it'll take time for them to implement the system. Suddenly warning alerts appear on hologram screens and it shows images of Ash & co. (+ Looker), the female grunt revealing that they've known about Looker investigating them. Ghstsis suggest they have some "fun" and tells Colress to release Beartic on them, and idea which Colress agrees with as it'll test its attack power increase as Ghetsis which them "good hunting" and his hologram vanishes. Colress tells the female grunt they need a little time for Beartic to wake up which the female grunt says she and the other grunts will handle, all the grunts moving out.

    At the entrance of the observatory, Ash & co. (+ Looker) arrive and Looker says it looks the same on the outside though Cilan says he's sure this is the center of all this trouble. Ash says he's going to check but is stopped by a swooping down Golbat and Magnemite who soon fly back to their trainers, the Plasma Grunts. Ash says they must be from Team Plasma which the female grunt says they are.

    Female Grunt: We serve Lord Ghetsis acting as his eyes and ears in all things.
    Comment: ... why did you just reveal the name of your boss? Even the Rocket Trio never did that until Giovanni showed himself.

    Actually it seems like the International Police already knew Ghetsis was Team Plasma boss as Looker reveals that info. The male grunts command Golbat to use Shadow Ball & Magnemite to use SonicBoom though Pikachu & Axew counter with Thunderbolt & Dragon Rage, respectively, and nullified the attacks. The female grunt tells them to keep on the attack as Golbat uses another Shadow Ball which Pikachu counters with an Electro Ball nullifying the attack once more. The female grunt then orders a retreat and run back into the observatory with Ash & co. (+ Looker) right behind them.

    They chase the grunts into the main room where they meet Colress who greets Looker who asks if he's Ghetsis which Colress corrects him introducing himself as Colress. Ash demands to know what they've been doing with Cilan saying the mountain Pokemon have been suffering because of it though Colress says they were rejected test subjects affected by the EM waves and are no concern of his. Colress snaps his finger and the lights turn on revealing the controlled Galvantula, Beartic, Scolipede, & Mienshao and tells the female grunt to show the Pokemon's increased Attack power, the female grunt ordering the Pokemon to attack with all they got. Ash asks if Team Plasma is controlling all those Pokemon which Looker says must be the point of the experiments as the Pokemon start attacking. Cilan dodges an Ice Beam from Beartic & Iris an Electro Ball from Galvantula as the female grunt says the Pokemon are listening to them and says the experiment is a success. Ash tell the Pokemon they need to calm down but need to dodge attack for it: Pikachu dodges a Low Kick from Mienshao & Ash a Poison Tail from Scolipede. Ash says they have to listen and they don't want to fight them but Colress says that's not going to work as they're functioning in "hyper aggressive mode" (not to be confused with "Hyper Mode" which is when a Shadow Pokemon gets very aggressive, completely different), specifially towards people which surprises Ash and Looker. Beartic & Galvantula attack with another Ice Beam and Electro Ball, respectively, which Pikachu & Axew counter with Thunderbolt & Dragon Rage, respectively, nullifying those attacks. Mienshao & Scolipede attack with another Low Kick and Poison Tail which are once again nullified with Pikachu using Iron Tail and Axew using Giga Impct.

    Team Fight In The Making:
    The Plasma grunts are surprised at Pikachu and Axew deflecting all the controlled Pokemon's attacks as Ash says they're not getting away with any of this. Colress says they're sure filled with confidence and are able to bring out their Pokemon's power, especially Pikachu. Colress reaches into his pocket and gets out a remote which fires one of those beacon devices onto Pikachu's forehead, Colress activating the EM waves to try and control Pikachu. Looker throws down the EM Wave Shield cube but Team Plasma's machine causes it to overload. Pikachu falls under Team Plasma controls and is told to attack, launching an Electro Ball at Ash & co. (+ Looker) and knocking all but Ash back. Ash tries to call Pikachu back to its senses as Colress says Pikachu is the perfect subject (of course it is...) and can finally increase the EM waves. Ash tells Pikachu to fight it though the female grunt says Pikachu will only listen to them and tells it to keep on attacking. Ash reminds Pikachu their friends which Pikachu seems to hear until Ash yells out Pikachu's name and Pikachu is able to fight back the EM waves and destroy the beacon device, surprising the female grung though amazing Colress.

    Cilan says that Ash's heart was able to get through to Pikachu's heart as Ash cheers on Pikachu who turns around to face Team Plasma. Colress is amazed by this and asks what's the source of this power (didn't you hear them, it was HEART... yeah, sounds just as lame when you say it out loud...) though the female grunt says they don't have time to find out. The female grunt orders Beartic to attack but one of Team Rocket's mini camera copters flies down onto the control panel and starts hacking into the system, Colress trying to stop it but the control panel soon explodes releasing all the controlled Pokemon. Iris asks who did that as we see the mini camera copter fly back into Jessie's hand, the female Plasma grunt asking the Rocket Trio who they are. Team Rocket recite their motto and seems like Team Plasma knows who they are as the female grunt refers to them as "Kanto villains" and asks why are they here. Jessie tells them Unova villains are "too stupid" to take over Unova, James saying they'll take their system though, and Meowth saying they'll then be able to capture Pikachu before flying away in the Meowth Balloon. The female Plasma grunt gets angry though Colress says they got all the data they need and can close the book on the experiments.

    The Plasma grunts and Colress run away but as soon as Ash & co. (+ Looker) try to follow a self-detruct countdown appears and Looker tells Ash & co. they need to get the Pokemon out of here. Outside Colress and the Plasma grunts take off on an aircraft as Ash & co. (+ Looker) run out of the observatory. Looker tells Ash & co. to take cover which they do... by diving into a bush *facepalm*. The observatory explodes and the bush does indeed seem to protect Ash & co. though Looker is upset that Team Plasma destroyed any signs of their experiments. Ash checks on the Pokemon though they're alright (hmm, I guess Ash & co. didn't need to take cover afterall then). Meanwhile with Team Rocket, Jessie calls Team Plasma "Team Weakling" as James says it was like taking candy from a baby. However Meowth sees something coming up from behind them on the radar and Team Rocket sees it's Team Plasma's aircraft which fires a missile at them which sends Team Rocket blasting off, and this time they remembered to say they're blasting off again!

    Back at the Pokemon Center, Pikachu and Axew are healed up and Nurse Joy tells them the controlled Pokemon will also be feeling better soon. Looker tells Officer Jenny about what's been happening and asks if they would help the International Police deal with Team Plasma which Officer Jenny says they will. That afternoon outside the Pokemon Center, Looker thanks Ash & co. as Ash wishes Looker good luck with his investigation as Looker sets off.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [158]May 18, 2013
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    Actually James said it was like taking candy out of the mouthes of babes, XD

    Between that, their motto, calling Team Plasma too stupid to take over Unova, and blasting off I'm back to enjoying Team Rocket.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [159]May 18, 2013
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    I gotta say, the writes finally found a good way to balance Team Rocket. Still silly but serious at the same time.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [160]May 27, 2013
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    TR does have a point about Team Plasma being too stupid to take over Unova. Ghetsis underestimated that one of the dragons would side with the protagonist in Black/White, and that was his downfall. As for N, Saturday's ep makes me think of the Ex-Team Plasma home in Driftveil where Rood, Anthea, Concordia, and others live in Black/White 2, and there's also a memory link where he shows up there.

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