EPISODE: BW110 "The Name's N!
While not that exciting of an episode, it was more of a character episode focusing on N who is acting as he should. It also looks like Team Rocket have indeed returned to form and gone back to following Ash & co. to capture Pikachu, though have thankfully kept their stronger attitudes and smarter competence.
Ash & co. are enjoying themselves on the cruise ship though notice a strange, green-haired boy watching them. They later meet up with him and find out his name is N and he has the ability to hear a Pokemon's inner voice. Ash & co. talk with him about the Tao Dragons, Pokemon, and his world views. Meanwhile Team Rocket are also on board the ship and start forming a plan to capture Pikachu while Ash & co. are stuck on the ship. Who is N and what does he have to say? What is this ability of his to hear a Pokemon's inner voice? What are Team Rocket's plan to leave Ash & co. high and dry on a boat? And is N as creepy here as he was in the games? Well he wouldn't be N if he wasn't, though if you want to see how then keep on reading:
Pokemon Good, Battles BAD:
The episode starts on the docks though quickly switches to what looks to be a destroyed lab in the middle of the forest. Inside, N (he made his grand appearance last episode, you're not fooling anyone by not showing his face
) walks up to a broken computer and after messing with some wires gets it working. The screen flashes on to show... GENESECT! The screen shorts out soon after as we hear N's voice (it's OK, better then his voice in the B2W2 animated trailer) and asks what's going on.
Time for the opener but it looks like they changed it and for good reason: WE'RE FINALLY GOING INTO THE TEAM PLASMA ARC (the opener also reveals a certain fire dragon... and I'm not talking about Reshiram
)! If you couldn't tell this was going to be a N episode than the title should clue you in as we go to Ash & co. (because we got to get them involved somehow eventually). Iris says the ship stops at a lot of places as Ash sees the destroyed lab (guess it wasn't in the middle of he forest... even though the establishing shot form earlier showed otherwise:


Guess the lab was experimenting with rapid terraforming)
Cilan checks the Town Map and reveals that's actually the P2 Laboratory (that actually makes sense, a ship from Nuvema Town to Aspertia City would be passing through the general direction where the P2 Laboratory is) with Cilan saying it must have been a research facility and Ash wonders what was researched there (I already said, rapid terraforming). The ship stops at the next harbor where we see N (wait, wasn't he on the ship at the end of the last episode?) who looks up to see Ash & co. and Ash notices N looking at them (well N is the hero of truth/ideal so he does need a hero of ideal/truth... even though we sort of used that plot in the 14th movie...). Cilan asks if Ash knows N though of course Ash doesn't and Iris asks why he's staring at them though soon see he has vanished and so shrug it off. In a nearby cabin, Team Rocket comes out and see Ash & co., James saying they're stuck on the ship as Meowth says they have time for a "slick" strategy to capture Pikachu.
The boat has left the harbor as Iris remembers their is a training facility on board and Ash & co. check it out, it being a battlefield on the top deck. Ash says he'll need to practice if he wants to challenge the Aspertia Gym so asks Iris to battle, Iris calling him a little kid for getting excited to battle though Cilan points out how much of a hypocrite Iris is with that statement. Iris agrees to the battle but Pikachu soon sense something an of course that something is N who has suddenly appeared much to Ash & co.'s surprise. N walks up to Pikachu and start petting it, Pikachu giving a happy squeak.
N: You're a cute one.
Ash: Sure is, thanks.
Comment: Ash, he was talking about Pikachu, not you. 
Ash asks why N was staring at them and N says it's because he heard a friends voice, Ash repeating the answer as a question and N responds he considers all Pokemon as his friends (pfft, hippie). Ash says he considers Pikachu his number 1 friend and partner (Iris and Cilan are just there for Ash's amusement) which N says he likes to hear and says he hears Pikachu's inner voice saying it cares for Ash which caught his interest (ah N, I see your transition from the games to the anime hasn't lost your creepy stalker vibe). N says it's rare to find someone with such a strong bond with a Pokemon surprising Ash as Iris say it's cool N can here a Pokemon's inner voice. However Cilan's picture isn't next to the word "gullible" in the dictionary so he asks if that's true and N says he might have just convinced himself he did which Cilan says, as a "Science Connoisseur", that something doesn't sit quite right. N says it doesn't matter to him if he can or cannot hear a Pokemon's inner voice but rather a trainer and their Pokemon come together as one which Ash agrees with. Iris asks if Ash has ever experienced that:
Ash: Yeah, it's like when I'm thinking how hungry I am, then I notice Pikachu...
Comment: Uhh... O_O;
Ash: ... is hungry too.
Comment: Oh. I thought he was implying he thought about eating...
Ash: And that's when I notice our hearts and stomachs are really and truly one.
Comment: Well they say to a boy's heart is though their stomach... and when they become men it goes a bit lower...
Cilan does a pity laugh as Iris "talks to the audience" that it just means Ash and Pikachu like to eat (well of course he does, he's a male anime protagonist). Ash & co. finally introduce themselves and N introduces himself, N shaking Ash's hand and saying it's always good to make new friends. N asks where Ash & co. are going and Ash says they're going to some ruins relating to Reshiram, the mere mention of Reshiram stunning N as he has a flashback of a burning castle. N is standing in the castle with his king robes as Reshiram appears on a pedestal in front of him though it flies away as N then says that Reshiram plans on BURNING THE WHOLE WORLD (SO I guess that makes "Pok?mon the Movie: Victini and Zekrom" the canon one?). Ash asks if N's alright and that knocks him out of his flashback, N saying that Reshiram is great which, Cilan asking if he met Reshiram before which N says he hasn't. Iris asks then how does N know its great which N says it's a Legendary Pokemon and would consider himself lucky if he ever met it.
Of course, despite of all the other times Reshiram has been talked about, it's this time when Cilan brings up Ash encountering Zekrom which further stuns N who asks if Ash could tell him about it. We move to the dining hall as Ash explains it's when they first got to the Unova region, us going into a flashback of that part. Iris says she wants to meet Zekrom one day too (... I'm beginning to think the 14th movie isn't canon (despite all the other movies having been...)) as N asks Ash if he knows about Zekrom's "Legend of the Hero". Ash of course pulls up a blank though Cilan reminds Ash that Cedric told them about it, everything sharing a laugh at Ash's stupidity.
N: Pokemon Mythology, Black Chapter, section 18...
Comment: subsection 18C, page 263, paragraph 2, line 12...
N: When the hero turns darkness to light and his heart becomes one with Pokemon, at that moment Zekrom shall decend and let the hero its power.
Comment: Then Ash must have really F@#$ED UP as Zekrom descended to TAKE Pikachu's power!
Ash says he remembers it as N says there is another legend also in a section 18, but this one is from the White Chapter.
N: The legend says when the hero's heart becomes one with a heart of a Pokemon, it is at that moment Reshiram shall decend and let the hero its power.
Comment: So it takes one less step to summon Reshiram then to summon Zekrom, either Zekrom expects too much or Reshiram expects too little.
Iris says that Zekrom and Reshiram are the strongest among all Dragon-types (Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina may disagree with that) as Cilan asks how N became interested in Reshiram and Zekrom. N says he had questions for a long time about why are there Pokemon in their world, why do they exist, why is their world the way it is (aren't these quetions more for Arceus than they are for Reshiram and Zekrom?). N goes on to ask if Pokemon are truly happy (I don't know, if only you could hear a Pokemon's inner voice so that you can ask them if they're happy) and that there are many conflicting ways of seeing things, gray areas.
N: I can't except that.
Comment: Says every villain EVER when this topic is their reason for doing what they do.
N says he needs to know Pokemon lives have meaning (but humans, pfft, f@#$ them) and perhaps if he meets Reshiram and Zekrom he can get some answers and change the world.

Run away... RUN AWAY...
N apologizes to them saying he got carried away though Ash says it's fine (no it's not...), Iris saying she didn't understand everything N said (because most of it was nonsense), and Cilan says it's obvious he feels very passionate about it (like a member of a fanatical cult). N asks what are Ash's dreams and Ash says he wants to become a Pokemon Master which hits ANOTHER cord with N *sigh*. Ash explains where he got in the Unova League though knows he'll win the next league (HAHAHAHAHA!).
N: Pokemon battles... I... don't like the idea forcing friends to fight.
Comment: Yes, because Pokemon obviously hate fighting one another and wouldn't do it if it wasn't for humans...
Confused, Iris asks what N means and Cilan asks isn't N also a Pokemon trainer though N says they should drop it but then smiles and says talking too much when he's worked up is a nasty habit of his and walks off, Ash asks where N is going and he says he's going outside to get some fresh air.
Good Pokemon Battle Turns Bad:
Later, Cilan was given access to the ship's galley and cooked up a meal and special Pokemon food. Ash wonder's where N went as Iris says N is an interesting person, especially when he starts talking about Pokemon. Ash agrees saying he was getting into it and wished he hadn't stopped, Cilan also in agreement as Iris says they'll find him later though make plans for their battle after they eat (just don't invite N...). However Team Rocket are watching from a doorway and Jessie says the battle will be the perfect time to snatch Pikachu, James saying their goof-proof because of a "capture case" (which looks like a briefcase) they have.
Back on the battlefield, Cilan declares the start of the battle as Iris sends out Excadrill and, seeing this, Ash sends out a Pokemon which would be the perfect match for a Ground/Steel-type: Boldore *facepalm*. Boldore uses Rock Smash (at least he's using a Fighting-type attack) as Excadrill uses Metal Claw and both start to clash, eventually pushing each other back. Up on the smokestacks platform watching the battle, Team Rocket gets ready to start their Pikachu capturing plan. The battle continues with Boldore using Flash Cannon and Excadrill using Focus Blast, both attacks nullifying each other. Just then a berry falls onto Axew's head which Axew sees and happily eats, more berries appearing and Axew gleefully follows the berry trail. Pikachu sees Axew running off and follows it to another part of the top deck where Pikachu catches up to Axew but is then put into an energy cube. Jessie declares the plan a success, James saying they knew wherever Axew went Pikachu would follow, and Meowth giving credit to the capture case (the energy cube) as Pikachu tries Thunderbolting out of the capture case but it doesn't work.
Though it's kind of odd for Team Rocket to factor in Axew into their plan yet not capture it too, something which backfires on them as Axew soon gives out a loud scream which alerts Ash & co. that Axew and Pikachu have gone missing (that's rather a MAJOR slip up, if they would have captured Axew too it wouldn't have been able to yell thus they would have not only gotten a head start escape, but have two Pokemon instead of one). Ash & co. come running where they heard Axew scream and see a disguised Team Rocket, asking who they are. Team Rocket reveal themselves and it seems like they are going to use the original (if slightly altered) motto for now on (at least until the next region)! Ash demands Team Rocket give Pikachu back though of course they aren't (so Ash might as well just send out a Pokemon to stop them) and they jump into the Meowth Balloon which also looks to have permanently return. Ash sends out Snivy who uses Vine Whip to grab the Meowth's Balloon basket railing and Ash grabs onto Snivy (though I don't know if his plan was to keep the balloon from floating away (which would be stupid) or to try and climb aboard). However James sends out Amoonguss who uses Body Slam to knock Ash back as Jessie sends out Frillish to use Shadow Ball on Snivy and Axew.
Just then N jumps in the way of the Shadow Ball and blocks it, protecting Snivy and Axew and asks if they're alright seemingly unhurt (confirmed: Humans are Normal-types). Ash & co. are surprised to see N as N turns around and calls Team Rocket fools and it's because of "selfish, human debris" like them which is why the Pokemon world remains imperfect. Team Rocket tell him to speak louder, including Meowth who N asks why is he speaking the language of people when he should be speaking the "beautiful" language of Pokemon.
Meowth: Uh oh, this dope is one berry short of a fruit basket.
Comment: Couldn't agree more Meowth...
Ash thanks N saying they'll be alright, returning Snivy and sending out Unfezant which Frillish attacks with BubbleBeam but Unfezant dodges and gets behind it. Unfezant uses Aerial Ace as Ash tells Pikachu to duck down, Unfezant cutting off the top of the capture case and Pikachu jumps out and toward Ash & co.. Frillish uses another Shadow Ball but Axew uses Dragon Rage to destroy it as Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt. But before Pikachu can launch the Thunderbolt, Amoonguss uses a Stun Spore which hits Pikachu after the Thunderbolt hits Team Rocket. Paralyzed, Pikachu falls straight down so Ash does a mad dash and catches Pikachu just in time as Unfezant uses Air Cutter sending Frillish and Amoonguss into the Meowth Balloon and sends Team Rocket blasting off (though I wish Team Rocket would say they were blasting off, they had an excuse last episode since they were falling but this time they don't
Ash tells Pikachu to hang on as N asks if he can see Pikachu and says it's in bad shape due to the Stun Spore (oh just give it a Cheri or Lum Berry and it'll be fine). N tells them to follow him as they go to the bow of the ship and... wait, I'm obligated to do this...

Anyway, N asks for his "friends" to join him as 2 Alomomolas jump out of the water and use Refresh which cures Pikachu of its paralysis. Ash thanks N who gives Pikachu an Oran Berry saying it'll recover its strength which Pikachu eats happily and climbs back onto Ash's head. Ash says he also wants to thank the Alomomolas but they're already gone however N says they'll still hear them and upon yelling their thanks the Alomomolas quickly jump out of the water to show they heard them. Ash says N is amazing with Iris and Cilan agreeing though N says he didn't do anything special. Ash tells N something has been bothering him and brings up when N told them he doesn't like Pokemon battling. Just then an announcement is made that they'll be docking in Castelia City soon, after which N tells Ash that the worlds both of them are looking for are not the same but he hopes they can still get along, N then saying he's getting off at Castelia City though will see each other again before heading off.
At Castelia City, Ash calls down to N and asks if he's sure they'll meet again which N says he's sure, Ash saying he has a lot more he wants to talk about which N says they will. As the boat leaves, N thinks to himself there has to be a reason Ash met Zekrom (my theory is that Zekrom was just doing a favor for Ho-Oh who doesn't want to fly all the way to Unova just to make a cameo appearance) as we see Ash & co. waving goodbye.
N: A reason that will change his life completely. The same way Reshiram changed my life.
Comment: Don't count on it. Ash has met every single Legendary and been the "chosen one" a few dozen times. He's no longer fazed by it. Heck, Ash has DIED a few times already.
And with that, we end the episode.