Crossdress To Success:
As we wait for my question to be answered, we cut to a clothing store where Iris dresses up in a stupid green dress (he already ha the stupid hair, though now it's "molded" into a powdered wig shape ).
LOL! They taped a heart to Pikachu's tail! Great attention to detail!
Ash: Oh man...
Comment: Is... is it time?
Comment: YES! It's time for Ash's Once-A-Saga-Crossdressing-Time!
Cilan: I don't think this is really my styIe.
Ash: Come on! What's the point in doing all this in the first place?
Comment: Ash you crossdressed to sneak into a Gym, help someone with their dating problems, and to help a maid café. You've lost your right to complain about crossdressing 2 crossdresses ago.
So does this mean Ash now owns 4 dresses?
Iris reminds Ash what Moira said about Snivy and then slaps a pink bow on Pansage.
Back at the Flower Garden Troupe headquarters Ash & co. head in though are stopped by the gatekeeper though Iris says they're friends of Moira and are allowed in (don't bother calling the headquarters and asking Moira is that's true, just believe the girls you've never seen before (she didn't even stopped them after hearing Ash's undisguised voice) ).Inside, Ash & co. try to figure there way around though eventually find Mona (stupid orange dress and green hair) who asks who they are and Iris says they're fellow performers from the city and ask if they can watch the Flower Garden Troupe rehearse to pick up a few pointers.Mona thinks she recognizes them though Iris nervously says she's mistaken as Moira and Cher walk out and asks what's going on and Mona tells Moira about "Iris & gals" and then whispers something to her (probably something which will get that gatekeeper fired, for good reason) and Moira agrees.
Moira: FIRST THOSE COSTUMES... They're splendid! It's so clever for you to wear your costumes to show everyone how extravagant you are. That's why we wear our costumes at all times. We're clever too.
Comment: Ash is not amused.
Iris: Well isn't that special.
Ash: What that mean?
Cilan: Play along with it...
Comment: I don't think Ash couldn't care any less.
Moira asks for their names with Iris giving hers and calling Ash & Cilan... ASHLEY (Now it's only a callback in the dub since it's a different name in the original Japanese, but I'll take it! )!Oh, Cilan's female name is Cilanor as Moira asks if all their Pokemon are female which "Ashley" says they are (wow, Ash has a very squeaky female voice), Pikachu grabbing its tail and pointing out it has a heart shape (IGNORE THE TAPE).
Moira: I prefer you add "-ette" to your Pokemon's name. I think it's much far, far prettier that way.
Ash: Is that girl nuts?
Comment: HAHAHA! Ash is great in this episode, why can't he be like this all the time?
Moira hears "Ashley" say something though Ash recovers by saying "Pikachuette" as Moira allows them to watch their rehearsal, Axew wanting to come out though Iris tells it to play along as it'll all be over soon.Moira tells "Iris & gals" to come with them as we cut to inside a dressing room where Moira tells them "Performance Rule #1" is to always be aware when your public is looking at you, "the eyes of stranger will help you get the poise you'll need for TV" (TV? I thought they did live stage performances?).Moira, Mona, and Cher then start poising as they say how beautiful their Pokemon are, annoying Iris.
Ash: I'll never be able to look at myself in the mirror again.
Cilan: Hush, you never do.
Comment: Now I know Cilan meant that Ash doesn't keep quiet, but the way that sentence is constructed makes it sound like Cilan says Ash never looked at himself with respect.
Moira's "Performance Rule #2" is that unless they walk with beauty and grace they can't shine on stage as she click a button on a remote which brings up a balance beam from the floor.Moira tells "Iris & gals" she wants them to walk straight on the balance beam without looking at their feet which Snivy and Emolga show off they can do without any trouble.
Moira: Enjoy your success while you still can, because now we're going to show you how much blood, sweat, and tears go into the fine art of being beautiful.
Comment: Beauty is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Moira clicks a button the remote again and a pool of mud appears below the balance beam, Moira explaining one wrong step and they'll sink in the mud.Moira then brings up a challenge, their Pokemon will battle on the balance beam and whoever gets to the other side wins, teasing if they were up for the challenge which Iris accepts.
First up is Roserade vs. Pansage as Pansage jump across the beam and Roserade struts into they get to the middle where they begin pushing each other.Pansage then gives a full force push but Roserade leans back, causing Pansage to miss, lose balance, and fall off the balance beam into the mud as Roserade walks to the other side.
Next is Emolga (odd, being this is an Iris-based episode you'd think Iris would be having the last battle with Moira's Cinccino) vs. Lilligant as Emolga walks to the center and Lilligant bounces finally getting to the middle where they start pushing.Lilligant then eases causing Emolga to fly off the beam but being Emolga is a, you know, Flying-type it's able to grab onto an edge and flip itself back up where Lilligant tries punching it down but Emolga kicks Lilligant in the head causing it to fall into the mud, Emolga then walking all the way across.Iris starts laughing her head off as Ash & Cilan look on with worry (I guess while unattractiveness isn't catchable, b****iness sure is) though Iris elbows Ash and Cilan into laughing, Iris gloating about Lilligant sinking in the mud as Moira vows to teach them good manners.
Finally it's Cinccino vs. Snivy as both balance their way across the beam until reaching the middle where they start to push each other.Cinccino does that leaning trick but Snivy had caught onto that and jumps up in the air and bouncing off Cinccino's head.Cinccino chases after it but Snivy just grabs and flips it into the mud, Snivy walking all the way across, Ash celebrating in his usual way though a glare from Moira has Ash tone it down.However the celebration is short lived as Cinccino shakes off the mud easily as Moira explains that it has a coating of oil on its body which prevents it from getting dirty (so I guess this must be the only case where a girl having oily skin is a good thing), Ash saying that isn't fair and Iris getting really angry.
Mud Bath:
Moira leads "Iris & gals" into a room saying in there is "Performance Rule #3", showing that the room houses their "beauty battlefield" which is a circle stage surrounded by a mud moat.Moira explains here they reveal a Pokemon's true beauty is in its strength and that there's a special rule that the losing trainer has her and her Pokemon both covered in mud, saying that on stage the trainer has to be beautiful too.
First battle is Iris's Emolga (again, it's Iris's episode yet she's not battling Moira) vs. Cher's Roserade, Roserade attacking first with Poison String though Emolga dodges. Emolga uses Discharge but Roserade dodges and attacks with Bullet Seed, Emolga jumping back to dodgebut ends up balancing off the edge of the stage, only barely managing to not fall in. Emolga uses Hidden Power which knocks Roserade back and then hits it with a Discharge, though Roserade hangs in and attacks with Bullet Seed which Emolga easily dodges.Roserade uses Energy Ball which hits Emolga and sends it falling into the mud, however Emolga quickly recovers and skims the mud confusing Cher, Moira, and Mona as Iris explains that Emolga is an expert glider which Moira calls unfair (unfair? IT'S BEEN FLYING DURING THE BALANCE BEAM AND THIS BATTLE! If you didn't want it to be flying you should have called Iris out on it during the Balance Beam battle) though Iris says it's no more unfair than Cinccino's oil.Roserade uses Poison Sting but Emolga dodges and hits Roserade using Discharge followed by a Hidden Power, knocking Roserade into Cher which cause both to fall in the mud, Cher and Roserade starting to cry as Iris laughs (you just knows she wants to do an evil laugh ).
It's now Cilan's Pansage vs. Mona's Lilligant though Pansage isn't that into the battle but Cilan reminds it if they lose they get covered in much which makes Pansage start to worry.Pansage use Bullet Seed but Lilligant dodges and uses Leech Seed which Pansage dodges by using Dig... and comes back up all muddy.Mona teases that it's muddy underground too which gives Cilan his turn to say something is unfair as Lilligant uses Energy Ball which sends both Pansage and Cilan into the mud; Mona, Moira, and Cher laughing as Iris vows revenge will be theirs.
This is what happens when you have a monkey Pokemon, you become the butt monkey.
Moira asks who will battle her and Cinccino which Ash says and he Snivy will but Iris stops him and says she wants to battle Moira with Snivy which Ash agrees to.Scene transition later, it's Iris & Snivy vs. Moira's Cinccino and Cinccino starts the battle with a Tail Slap which hits but Snivy recovers with a Vine Whip which hits (funny, Vine Whip hit Cinccino two times while Tail Slap only hit Snivy once).Cinccino then uses Rock Blast but Snivy dodges and uses Leaf Storm... which despite hitting is doing no damage to Cinccino.Cinccino uses Hyper Beam which Snivy dodges and uses Leaf Storm once more but still does no damage as Cinccino uses Giga Impact which Snivy dodges, Ash and Cilan noting how powerful Cinccino's moves are.Snivy use Leaf Storm to get Cinccino out of the Giga Impact as Cinccino tries another Tail Slap however Snivy uses Vine Whip to grab it and then a Leaf Blade to knock Cinccino into Moira and both into the mud. As Moira moans about being covered in mud, Cinccino tries to clean the mud off it but is unable to which confuses Moira but Iris explains it's because during the battle Snivy's "missed" Leaf Storms actually were cleaning the oil off Cinccino.
Iris, Snivy, and Emolga laugh as Moira starts complaining however they are all interupted by the sound of applause as a women dressed in a white suit walks in who Moira calls Ms. Chandler.Ms. Chandler congratulates "Iris & gals" for beating their star pupil Moira and asks if they would like to join the Flower Garden Troupe on stage which "Iris & gal" nervously turn down and start running away."Iris & gals" run all the way out of the headquarters, Ms. Chandler running behind asking for them to reconsider though they give a final no before escaping and Ms. Chandler giving up disappointed they got away.
At the clothing store, "Iris & gals" turn back to Ash & co. as Ash asks if Iris is satisfied which Iris says she is and then some.Cilan says he can't believe they were asked to work with them as Ash teases Cilan that with his dress he would have fit right in (well Cilan is pretty bishonen) but Cilan asks them to be serious as they all share a laugh.And with Iris getting her girly revenge and Ash adding a fourth dress to his wardrobe, they continue on to Vertress City for the Unova League.