Today's episode was fun to watch, although Iris calling Ash and Cameron little kids was a downer. I mean, come on, it's rather demeaning. Both trainers may be impulsive, but they have been shown to be resourceful.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Today's episode was fun to watch, although Iris calling Ash and Cameron little kids was a downer. I mean, come on, it's rather demeaning. Both trainers may be impulsive, but they have been shown to be resourceful.
Episode: BW094 "Road To Humilau!"
Boring in the beginning, but when they got to Humilau City things began moving into a good Gym Battle (which itself was questionable in the beginning but made up for it in the end). On their way to Humilau City for Cameron's 8th Gym Battle, Ash and Cameron get separated from Iris and Cilan. From there I guess some character development for Cameron and between Ash and Cameron is made though personally I found them a bit boring since it feels like they're just dragging things on. Of course that all soon changes as Ash and Cameron manage to reach Humilau City. Will Ash be able to find Iris and Cilan? Can Cameron win his 8th Gym Badge? What kind of character development occurred that it needed half the episode to do? And how many ways can you think of getting Riolu over to Cameron before his Gym Battle? If that last question has a bit confused (don't worry, that confusion will be replaced with annoyance once you know what I'm talking about ), then read on but just know that isn't going to be the only thing in this episode that confuses/annoys you:
Lost And Moving On:
Starting where we last left off, Cameron is about to rush to Humilau City for his 8th Badge he forgot he needed but Ash stops him and asks if he, Iris, and Cilan can come and watch his Gym Battle. Coming back from the opening and title, I guess Cameron accepted as he and Ash & co. are walking together to Humilau City. Cameron says after his 8th Badge it's off to the Unova League which Ash says he can't wait to see, both then sharing a laugh.
Oh no, Cameron is an Ash clone, NOOOOO! (This isn't what we meant when we wanted Ash to have a Riolu!)
Cilan notices that Ash and Cameron are getting along well which Iris responds it's because, say it with her everybody, "they're just kids" (*plays 80's laugh track*). Though upon hearing the endless chatter behind them having stopped, Iris and Cilan turn around to see that Ash and Cameron have vanished, running back to a crossroad and thinking they've made a wrong turn (because even following people a 5 feet in front of you and walking straight it too hard of a concept for Ash and Cameron to follow).
Going over to Ash and Cameron, they're just walking down the path (don't they notice Iris and Cilan are no where in sight? They're looking straight ahead) until Meloetta appears in front of Ash. Ash introduces Meloetta to a surprised Cameron who greets Meloetta but then FINALLY brings up that they've lost Cilan and Iris (isn't Cameron suppose to be the forgetful one?). Ash and Cameron start calling out and searching for Iris and Cilan but Ash soon walks off a cliff though is quickly saved by Cameron.
By the way, thanks for helping Meloetta, I mean your only a LEGENDARY and can FLY.
Ash says he thinks (Ash, no one like a liar) that they've might have been the one to take a wrong turn though Cameron says he always has his trusty map (can you guess what's going to happen next?).
Here's a picture to help know what I'm getting at (like you needed it).
That's right, it's not a map but rather a placemat (Cameron)/table cloth (Ash) (acutally I was thinking it was a napkin but either of those two work too). Getting further lost in the woods, Ash and Cameron come to a fork in the path and start to argue which one to go down though it starts to rain... I mean pour and both them, Pikachu, Riolu, and Meloetta run for shelter. Using the placemat/tablecloth as a cover, Ash and Cameron eventually find a cave and run in to start drying off. Cameron suggest that they stay in the cave until it stops raining as Ash opens his backpack and realizes he forgot to pack his lunch, and of course that means Cameron forgot to do the same.
Ash: Great minds think alike.
Comment: Except they aren't great and I hardly classify them as "minds".
Both laugh though stop when their stomachs growl which makes Meloetta decide that it'll probably be okay being it's a, you know, LEGENDARY to search for some food. Not noticing Meloetta flying out of the cave, Ash and Cameron just mope around looking pathetic until Meloetta comes back with an apple (yeah, don't get a batch of them, I'm sure just one apple can feed 5 individuals...). Ash asks Meloetta where it go the apple and it points outside though Cameron doesn't understand.
Ash: I think Meloetta got this from a nearby tree.
Comment: Apples grow on trees? You don't say!
Using the placemat/tablecloth as cover Ash and Cameron follow Meloetta out of the cave (you probably could have sent out your Water-types to follow Meloetta to gather fruit, sure they don't mind the rain) and get to the apple tree and start picking a batch. Soon they're back in the cave with a campfire setup and eating the apples they've picked (later they're attacked by angry Darmanitans who's food source are the apples). After eating their fill, Cameron says that it looks like they're staying in the cave for the night though soon asks Ash if he ever thought about what type of trainer he wanted to be.
Ash: Sure have, I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Master.
Comment: Ash could have been a Frontier Brain but that's not prestigious enough.
Cameron: Awesome, I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Champion.
Comment: Cynthia and Alder may not have their heads on straight all the time but I think they at least know that a region's league is held in that region and not another...
Ash: I'm not stopping until I become a Pokemon Master.
Comment: Don't sign a check you can't cash.
Cameron says he isn't going to stop either and both agree to do their best, giving each other a sort of high five/fist bump gesture:
1, 2, 3, 4! I declare a thumb war!
Soon both Ash and Cameron are asleep but get woken up by Meloetta who points out it has stopped raining and Cameron says they should get moving though Ash says it's still dark and they don't know where they're going (well it's not like waiting is going to solve that last problem and that's the main one). Cameron takes out a compass and says that Humilau City is north (I'm guessing they gave up on finding Iris and Cilan) of them so points in a direction... with Ash then pointing in another direction:
Yeah, maybe you should have gotten a compass which directions WERE CLEARLY WRITTEN AND NOT RANDOM SYMBOLS!
Actually the compass doesn't seem to be working (what, are they near Mt. Coronet?) but they decide to keep on walking with Cameron saying he's sure Humilau City is near the ocean (how do you know it's a Water-type Gym? Did Jervis tell you?). Sniffing around, Cameron says he smells salt water and runs off, Ash amazed that he can smell the ocean... which of course means he can't and they run upon a field of grass. Cameron wishes that the skies would clear up (what, can you use the stars to know where you are?) though just then the clouds part revealing a starry sky as they start pointing out constellations. Cameron says you can use the constellations to tell which direction is which (yeah, while that is true, with you Cameron, well, you also thought you could smelled salt water coming from a field of grass) and points in the direction of "north". However soon as they start walking does Cameron fall off a cliff and now its Ash's turn to be the rescuer as Meloetta remains as useless as ever (your Aria Forme gives you Psychic powers and Pirouette Forme gives you Fighting strength...). Cameron tells Ash to let him go (something Ash would wish he considered in the near future...) but Ash says he isn't letting go and starts falling off himself but Pikachu and Riolu grab on and with their help Ash is able to pull Cameron back up (Meloetta meanwhile:
DO SOMETHING!... Like release your event because I think PUSA forgot...
Cameron thanks Ash for saving him though Ash says he should thank Pikachu and Riolu (notice how out of all the Pokemon here Ash didn't mention Meloetta... actually now thinking about it why didn't Ash send out Snivy to help with Vine Whip?).
(Continued in next post)
(Continued from previous post)
Will He Sink Or Win:
Next morning, Ash and Cameron have finally reached Humilau City (meanwhile Iris and Cilan are still miles away searching for them... seriously Ash, what the hell?) and they run into it though Cameron says he can't see the Gym. Just then a Wailord surfaces right in front of Ash and Cameron as they look up and see that someone who should be familiar to the BW2 players is standing on top of it.
At the Humilau Gym, turns out Iris and Cilan must have given up searching for Ash and Cameron and decided they'll wait for them at the Humilau Gym (instead of, you know, alerting Officer Jenny that their friends are lost in the woods).
Iris: They must have gotten lost. Whatever. They're sure not here.
Comment: FRIENDSHIP! It's absolutely meaningless!
Just then Axew notices something and points Iris and Cilan over to the Wailord being riden by Ash, Cameron, and, oh I'll just reveal who it is, Gym Leader Marlon!
HEY KIDS! Do you want to go to Humilau City, go through the Humilau Gym, battle Marlon, and win his Gym Badge? Well you can't do that in Black & White, BUT you can do that in Black 2 & White 2!
BUT THEM!... though being Gen VI was just announced, they'll probably soon lower in price anyway.
The Wailord pulls up along the Gym as Ash and Cameron slide down and Ash apologizes for them being late while Marlon introduces himself to them (and he sounds like a surfer dude. I was kind of hoping he would sound like Wakka from Final Fantasy 10 *throws away those jokes*).
After a spoiling who's that Pokemon, Marlon and the referee guide Cameron to the battlefield as Ash & co. are impressed by the Gym, Iris saying it's a real Water-type Gym being built by a bay. Marlon welcomes Cameron to the Humilau Gym and Cameron introduces himself (so I guess Ash nor Cameron told Marlon who they were when meeting him?) as the referee (who's also a surfer dude) explain the rules: 2 vs. 2 battle, first one to knock out both of their opponent's Pokemon wins. Marlon asks Cameron if that's alright which Cameron says it is and Cameron asks Riolu if it's ready... except Riolu isn't next to him but rather is with Ash & co..
Cameron: OH NO! How could I have forgotten to bring Riolu out here?!
Comment: It's not like Riolu is in another city, heck I'm pretty sure that Riolu can just jump over to where you are. If not that a Water-type Pokemon can give it a lift over or Meloetta can fly it over... by the way Meloetta why aren't you invisible around new people?
Also, why did Riolu stay behind with Ash & co. and not follow Cameron onto the battlefield?
Cilan says Cameron is wasting his energy panicking with Iris saying that if he wins this it'll be because of luck (well he's an Ash clone so, yeah, that's probably how he's going to win this). Cameron asks what is he going to do (the Gym Battle hasn't started yet, you're allowed to get your Riolu. If Ash was able to leave the Nimbasa Gym for a few minutes to get another Pokemon DURING his Gym Battle, I'm sure you'll be allowed to get a Pokemon only a few seconds away before a Gym Battle) and starts thinking hard until he does that pulling slap thing he does with his headband. Cameron says he got a brilliant idea (having Riolu jump over to you? Having Meloetta fly Riolu over to you? Having a Water-type give Riolu a ride over to you? RETURNING Riolu to its Pokeball and then sending it out next to you...) though Ash says he can't wait to see how this battle goes and tells Cameron good luck (Ash could send out Snivy to Vine Whip Riolu over. Or he can use Unfezant fly Riolu over to him... wait, that's no good, that'll be giving Ash' bird Pokemon some screen time). Marlon's first Pokemon is Jellicent (a male one... wait, did Jellicent always sound like that?) while Cameron sends out Ferrothorn (wait, you have a Grass-type with you? Why are you worried about not being able to use Riolu then?). Though with that said, an apparent problem shows itself:
*Cilan and Iris facefault*
Iris: Ferrothorn can barely move on that battlefield, talk about a disadvantage!
Comment: Well honestly any big non-Water-type Pokemon would have a big disadvantage. I actually put the blame here on Marlon, those platforms are a bit small and should have a pole sticking into the bottom of the bay so that it doesn't move.
Ash asks if that's Cameron's big plan though Cilan says they shouldn't judge just yet as Marlon tells Cameron he can move first. Ferrothorn jumps into the air and uses Pin Missile (a Bug-type move against a Ghost-type...) but Jellicent dives (not the move) into the water where the Pin Missile can't go and attacks with Shadow Ball (while Ghost isn't effective on Steel, at least Jellicent is part Ghost-type so I'll give Marlon a pass). Ferrothorn dodges the Shadow Ball as Iris notes how quick it is (Ferrothorn is tied with Escavalier with being the slowest fully-evolved Pokemon with their Base Speed at 20...).
Cameron: See? Winning is a brilliant idea.
Comment: ... you don't say...
Ferrothorn uses Thunderbolt (why didn't you use that in the first place (or, you know, a Grass-type move)) and hits Jellicent but Jellicent soon start glowing and shaking which causes Ferrothorn to do the same (looks like the writers realized that ANY attacking move is effected by Cursed Body). Jellicent however couldn't take that super effective hit (which is kind of sad as Jellicent has a high Special Defense and Ferrothorn has a low Special Attack) and faints meaning that Cursed Body disabling Thunderbolt will come into play later, proven by no one apparently noticing:
Ash: His plan wasn't so bad afterall.
Cilan: It is common knowledge that Electric-type moves like Thunderbolt are super effective on Jellicent.
Comment: Or, you know, ANY Water-type which doesn't have a second type/Ability that's resistant/immune to Electric-types.
Iris: But it looks like Ferrothorn was effected by it in a weird way too.
Comment: ... YOU AND CILAN WERE THE ONES WHO TOLD ASH ABOUT TRIP'S FRILLISH'S CURSED BODY! Oh, wait, that was when Cursed Body only activated when Physical moves were used, that must be why they're confused.
Marlon returns Jellicent and sends out his Mantine which he calls his "ace"... which is odd, considering Jellicent was his strongest Pokemon in the games when you had your Gym Battle with him. Iris points out that Mantine is a Water/Flying-type so her and Ash are convinced that Cameron has won this but Cilan read ahead in the script so he tells them they shouldn't be so sure. As I predicted (and everyone saw coming), Ferrothorn tries using Thunderbolt but can't.
LOL, Ferrothorn's face is just derp.
Cameron asks Ferrothorn what's wrong as Marlon explains that Jellicent's Cursed Body disabled its Thunderbolt... and this for some reason creeps out Iris and Axew while Ash is amazed by Marlon's luck (you know, since Cursed Body only has a 30% chance of activating, otherwise Cameron would have this battle in the bag). Cilan says a Gym Leader always has a strategy to cover weaknesses (which has a 70% of not working, sort of a bad strategy. It's like something Ash would depend on) as Ash and Iris asks what Cameron is going to do now. Ferrothorn tries using Pin Missile (Bug-type against Flying-type. Even though it wouldn't be effective against Mantine's typing, does Ferrothorn even know any Grass- or Steel-type attacks?) but Mantine is faster and hits it with a Wing Attack and follows with a... Bullet Seed (a move which Ferrothorn would be QUADRUPLE RESISTANT TOO... the writers hate Pokemon, don't they?). Of course Ferrothorn looks to take full damage from the Bullet Seed though it still hangs in there, at least until Mantine uses Psybeam which it faints to. Cameron returns Ferrothorn asking what should he do now as Cilan says Mantine can attack from above taking full advantage of the battle field. Ash yells over to Cameron he can't give up if he wants to be the world's greatest Champion which Cameron says he's right and does his headband thing which gives him an idea (if doing that always gives him an idea then why doesn't he immediately do it when he gets into a situation like this). Cameron says he'll also take advantage of the battlefield and sends out his Samurott.
Now with a Water-type out, Mantine using Bullet Seed makes much more sense though Samurott dives (not the move) underwater to dodge. Marlon says underwater is where Mantine feels the most at home as Mantine dives (not the move) into the water however Cameron says the same can be said for Samurott. Iris says she thinks that Mantine would have the advantage underwater however Cilan happily says that isn't always the case. Underwater, Mantine uses Bullet Seed however Samurott spins out of the way and attacks with Hydro Cannon and hits, stunning Mantine. Samurott then follows with an Aqua Jet and flies it and Mantine out of the water, surprising Ash & co. as they start to cheer for Cameron. Mantine tries using Bullet Seed but Samurott finally uses Razor Shell, taking out one of its seamitar and blocking all the seeds. Mantine tries going in with a Wing Attack but Samurott prepares its other seamitar and when Mantine gets close it jumps at it and uses a double seamitar Razor Shell, knocking Mantine out! Cameron has won his 8th Gym Badge!
Cameron thanks Samurott as Ash congratulates Cameron (so, Ash, why were you here again?).
Iris: Forgetting Riolu was a shaky way to start but it ended great.
Comment: How was forgetting Riolu a shaky start? Mantine is part Flying-type and knows Wing Attack, Riolu would have been at a disadvantage.
Marlon congratulates Cameron and gives him the Wave Badge, meaning the only badge we haven't seen is the Legend Badge though I have a feeling that will have something to do with Iris... Anyway, Cameron takes the badge and does an Ash-style Badge GET! pose, Pokemon and all:
Ash should sue, that's his trademark pose!
Cameron puts the Wave Badge into his badge case as Ash congratulate him and Cilan says he can now enter the Unova League. Now that we've showcased Humilau City and Marlon, we no longer need Cameron so he says he has to go and leaves as well as Ash & co. (+ Meloetta), ending the episode.
It was sweet to see Ash and his friends help that nursery girl with the Pokemon, especially the Vullaby and that other bird Pokemon (I forgot its name). I'm dreading whatever Team Rocket's up to, though.
Episode: BW095 "Unrest At The Nursery!"
An alright episode, but it was filler, the only thing important that happened was at the very end and didn't have anything to do with the episode's plot. Ash is training for the Unova League when he accidentally causes a fight between a Rufflet and Vullaby. Soon the person taking care of the Pokemon appears, a girl named Layla, and takes the Pokemon and Ash & co. to the Nursery she works at where they hear that Rufflet and Vullaby can't seem to get along. Cilan volunteers to help try to solve this comparability problem with Ash and Iris providing support and a series of Rufflet vs. Vullaby shenanigans follow. Can Cilan help figure out what's the problem is between Rufflet and Vullaby? Can they then help solve the problem to get the two to get along? What is the problem Rufflet and Vullaby are having with each other? And for a Legendary Pokemon, how useless can Meloetta get? I wrote my observations and comments, it's up to you whether to read them or not:
Whatever You Can Do I Can Try To Do Better:
We start the episode with Ash training Scraggy as Cilan and Iris watch. Ash tells Scraggy to Focus Blast a rock which it does though soon start hearing an odd voice coming from within the forest. We cut to what's making the noise and find it's a Rufflet who shakes its head as a stone pebble drops from its hair (you mean destroying rocks and sending its fragments flying everywhere mean it could accidentally hit something!). The Rufflet turns around and starts complaining to a nearby Vullaby... opener, title screen... as Ash & co. watch from a distant and Ash scanning the two with his Pokedex. Rufflet points to the pebble and I assume it asks if/why Vullaby threw it at it though Vullaby assumingly says it didn't which Rufflet doesn't buy. Ash asks if the two are fighting (of course not, don't you angrily yell at people when you're having a nice conversation?) though Cilan gets the message and says Rufflet thinks Vullaby threw the pebble which resulted from Scraggy's Focus Blast. Rufflet then start pecking at Vullaby which then starts packing back when Ash, Pikachu, and Scraggy try to intervene the Vullaby turns around and attacks them (I didn't type it, but the Pokedex says that Vullaby usually chases around Pokemon which are weaker than it, take that as you will...). Cilan and Iris checks on the Rufflet who starts to cry though this draws the attention of a girl who says she's been looking for the two Pokemon... and then trips on a rock as she runs toward them. Rufflet and Vullaby run over to the girl who says she's glad they are alright and hugs them as a Petilil, Karrablast, and Whimsicott (the writer's do know Whimsicott isn't a basic stage Pokemon, right?) run out of a bush and joins the girl and two avian Pokemon, Ash & co. watching in confusion.
Scene transition to a large building, a man asks Ash & co. to forgive any trouble Rufflet and Vullaby might have caused them (Ash & co. should be the ones apologizing...) saying he's the Nursery Manager (so is that your actual name? I'm serious, we never find out this character's name) and the girl is his assistant, Layla. Layla explains that while taking the Pokemon on a walk Whimsicott got caught in the wind and floated away and while searching for it she get separated from Rufflet and Vullaby. Ash & co. introduce themselves and says that the fight was there fault as we look over to the nursery who are playing with a ball which Rufflet kicks hard at Vullaby but Vullaby bounces it back into Rufflet's face causing it to cry. Layla hears this and starts rushing over... only to trip on another rock:
Guess what Layla's running gag is...
Iris points out Layla's struggle with gravity and the Manager says Layla just started working at the Nursery and is a hard worker but is a bit clumsy. Petilil, Karrablast, and Whimsicott are around her panicking but Layla says she's alright as she knee walk to Rufflet and pets it telling it to play nice which cheers it up though Vullaby gets annoyed at (I would say Rufflet and Vullaby have a crush on Layla which is why they're fighting but Vullaby are an all female species... then again the writer's think Whimsicott is a basic stage Pokemon). Layla tries to have Rufflet and Vullaby make friends though Vullaby runs off which angers Rufflet into running off leaving Layla only to sigh. The Manager explains that Rufflet and Vullaby only has been at the Nursery for a short while but they fight constantly (gee, version exclusive Pokemon which have a rivalry, never heard that before...). Cilan says it seems to be a compatibility problem and it's a good thing that he's here which Iris explains to the Manager and Layla that Cilan is a Pokemon Connoisseur which delights them as Cilan says to leave everything to him.
Layla: WOW, that's beyond awesome! Uh, I mean, that would be a great help, thank you.
Comment: We're not going to run a "Layla having a crush on Cilan" angle, are we? We already sort of have that with Rufflet and Vullaby crushing on Layla. (sorta, I think)..
Ash says him and Iris will help out too (don't give Iris a choice or anything...) as we cut to Ash, Axew, and Pikachu showing some tricks with the ball to the Nursery Pokemon which all but Vullaby seem impressed by. Layla seems Vullaby and start to go to it but Cilan stops her telling her to be patient as he sends out Crustle and Iris tells Axew to play with Crustle. Axew uses Crustle as a rock climbing all which gets the 4 other Nursey Pokemon rushing over and start climbing on Crustle though Vullaby only watches until Cilan tells it to join in which Vullaby is only more then happy to join (so why did you tell Layla to be patient if you were just going to go over to Vullaby anyway?)* An invisible Meloetta watches from a tree as Layla thanks Cilan though Cilan tells her she has to prepare for the next time Rufflet and Vullaby get into a fight since they still don't know what they fight (one is part of a species of honorable warriors and the other is part of a species which picks on weaker prey, I think it's just in their nature to fight).
Skip to the afternoon, the Manager is in a van and says he has to pick up a batch of new Pokemon as Cilan says he and Layla will keep things running. As the Manager drives away, Ash comes up saying if they can have lunch and we cut to everyone eating lunch. Everything is fine until some of the Pokemon are unable to eat their food and Layla realizes it's because some of the food are nuts which she forgot to crack open. Rufflet, however, has no problem as it breaks the nut open with its talons impressing everyone.
Don't feel you have to go over and help the other Pokemon open the nuts...
This of course means Vullaby tries opening the nut by pecking it only to fail and fall over and the nut to hit Rufflet on the head. Rufflet starts yelling at Vullaby who ignores it and Rufflet gets angry as it charges at Vullaby who back steps so that Rufflet runs into Karrblast. Karrablast gets angry and uses Bug Buzz which causes the windows to shimmer (either Karrablast is weak or the Nursery is smart and use breakproof glass) which gets Whimsicott and Petilil angry that they...
Comment: Well, that's at least what it sounds like Iris is saying. What she's suppose to be saying is Gust and Stun Spore.
Cilan and Layla tries to calm the Pokemon down however Vullaby takes a more direct approach and uses Punishment on Karrablast, Whimsicott, and Petilil causing them to cry. Meloetta finally appears and starts to sing which calms the crying Pokemon... meanwhile Ash, Pikachu, Iris, and Axew have been paralyzed from Stun Spore.
Sorry Ash and Iris, being this is a Cilan episode he can't be the usual butt monkey so you guys have to make up for the slack.
Layla apologizes to the Nursery Pokemon though they forgive her as we move outside to Ash & Iris playing ball with the other Nursery Pokemon and Cilan & Layla talking with Vullaby. Layla thanks Vullaby for "helping" calm the other Pokemon down but says it went a bit overboard as it was her fault they got upset and didn't do anything wrong (actually what cause all that chaos was Vullaby and Refflet fighting, you should have Rufflet over with you and figuring out why they fight so much...). Vullaby looks over to Rufflet and glares at it as Layla says it should go over and play with the other Pokemon however it gets angry and starts running out of the Nursery (why is the gate open?) with Layla trying to give chase... but she trips (you had to know he tripping was going to be a plot point). Ash and Iris walk over and ask what happened and Cilan tells them Vullaby ran off and Layla says she has to go after it and asks Ash and Iris to look after the other Nursery Pokemon, Rufflet watching all this and follows Layla and Cilan out.
It's All About Not Picking Favorites:
Vullaby is running down the path though it sees another road leading into the forest and takes that instead of continuing going straight. Cilan and Layla are right behind as Layla doesn't understand why Vullaby is running away and Cilan says that Vullaby might think she wasn't happy with it and also because Rufflet saw it was getting talked down to. Layla says she didn't mean for Vullaby to take that what she said the wrong way and her and Cilan decide to pick up the pace as Rufflet follows behind them. Back at the Nursery, Ash and Iris realize that Rufflet is missing and Iris says that Rufflet must have followed Layla out since it likes her so Ash sets out to find Rufflet. Over to Vullaby, it trips over a rock Layla style and when it gets up it angrily kicks the rock into a nearby bush where it hits an Amoongus. Vullaby glares at the Amoongus which causes three other to jump out from behind the first one (look there there's Amoongus among us!), scaring Vullaby.
Cilan and Layla reach the split roads and are trying to figure out which one Vullaby went down (well there's two of you so why not each of you take one path?) and Layla blames herself. Suddenly they hear Vullaby's cry coming down the path leading into the forest and run down it, eventually meeting Vullaby who's running toward them and it jumps into Layla's arms. However the Amoongus are close behind and attack with Sludge Bomb knocking everyone down, Layla telling Vullaby to start running but it refuses to leave Layla behind and faces the Amoongus. Cilan gets back up and is about to send out Crustle however Rufflet then runs past him and uses Air Slash to knock the Amoongus back. Cilan then sends out Crustle to use Rock Slide which creates a rock wall between them and the Amoongus as they all run into the forest:
It's not as if the Amoongus can just follow them by simply going into the forest and around the rock wall...
Somewhere in the forst which it's barren and has tall rocks, Layla asks Rufflet what it's doing here and Cilan says it wanted to help her as it and Vullaby like her. Layla asks why as she's doing a terrible job taking care of them though Cilan says it's because she's doing her very best and they can feel it and they might be fighting for her attention (because it can't be that their species are on the total opposite ends of the morality scale). Cilan points out that Rufflet fights Vullaby to get her attention but when it loses it cries so she comes over to cheer it up which makes Vullaby angry, Layla realizing that she made Vullaby think she was giving Rufflet special treatment (would also help if objects stopped hitting Rufflet on the head since it always blames Vullaby for it, maybe get it a helmet). Layla tells Rufflet and Vullaby that she cares for the both of them the same which makes both happy, thus ending their feud (I give it 5 minutes before their at each others throats again). Over to Ash, Meloetta appears and Ash asks it to help them look for Rufflet, end scene (... why is Ash out here again?).
Back to Cilan & Layla, their crossing a narrow ledge holding Rufflet and Vullaby until Cilan sees the bridge they need to cross:
Oh yeah, TOTALLY safe...
And wouldn't you know it, as soon as Rufflet and Vullaby set foot on it the bridge breaks and Cilan just barely catches Rufflet who's holding onto Vullaby. Layla (after not helping Cilan pull the avian Pokemon up, so much for caring for them both) asks what do they do now as Cilan says they either face the cliff or face the Amoongus (do you really think the Amoongus are still looking for you at this point? They probably gave up after being attacked and blocked off by a wall of rock). Just then Meloetta appears on the other side of the bridge and since Meloetta knows Psychic it could easily pick them all up and bring them over... but no, it just flies back to Ash (most. useless. Legendary. EVER). What I can only assume if a few minutes later, Cilan and Layla have decided to stay where they were as Ash and Meloetta come back and Ash says to leave getting them across to him (since Meloetta is entirely useless...). Ash sends out Pignite to grab a nearby log and lay it across the gap to make a bridge as Cilan, Layla, Rufflet, and Vullaby balance themselves across (hey, Ash, why not send out Snivy and/or Unfezant to help them keep their balance... actually I'm sure those two could have lifted them over... why do any of you even have Pokemon?). As they're walking across the wind picks up and causes Cilan and Layla to slip off though they grab onto the log as another gust of wind knocks Rufflet and Vullaby off the log. Layla lets go of the log and grabs onto Rufflet and Vullaby as they fall into the river. However Layla is able to swim to over to shore and says she's glad they're safe and proud how brave they were (for what? All that happened is that they fell, you fell to grab them, and after hitting the water you swam them across. They did nothing). Rufflet start to cry which starts to annoy Vullaby though Layla says it's sometimes good to cry and Vullaby starts to cry, Layla then hugging them and both of them looking at each other and smiling (so, how are they going to get back up?).
Iris is waiting with the other Nursery Pokemon outside of the Nursery as they see Ash, Cilan, Layla, Rufflet, and Vullaby running up saying they're alright. Iris welcomes them back as Cilan says Rufflet's and Vullaby's troubles are now gone (I give them 10 minutes...) and Layla thanks Cilan, tripping on a rock though this time Cilan catches her. The Nursery Pokemon walk over to Layla worried though Layla thanks them and that she tries, clumsy or not, which makes everyone happy.
That evening, Iris says that Ash didn't have a lot of time to train today but Ash says that's alright as they listen to Meloetta sing, Meloetta then starting to sing another verse of its song. Of course, after the Narrator wraps up Ash & co.'s adventure to today, we see a camera watching Meloetta as we go over to Team Rocket's submarine where the Rocket Trio and Dr. Zager listens to the final part of Meloetta's song. Dr. Zager says they're data collection is now complete with Jessie saying they can launch the first part of their plan, James saying they'll prove the existence of an ancient power which Team Rocket will own, and Meowth saying that Giovanni is on his way!
It begins...
I missed the part where Ash got captured in today's episode. Can someone tell me what happened? What did Team Rocket and Giovanni say?
UnovaChampion wrote: |
It went like this... Giovanni: Stop right there son and hand over Meloetta, then together we can rule the Unova region. Ash: Never father, I have chosen the path of good and righteousness, for Pokemon are my friends. Giovanni: Very well then, Persian, Shadow Claw! Ash: Pikachu, Iron Tail! Giovanni: Power Gem! *traps Ash and Pikachu in cube* Giovanni: Now come out Meloetta or my son and his Pikachu will be very sorry. Ash: Meloetta no! *Meloetta gets captured in cubes, two cubes fly into TR's plane* Iris and Cilan: Oh no! Jessie: Looks like you were the ones who got stalled. *fly away* But Pikachu, for your review here's something for when he and Giovanni are face to face. "What's the matter Ash, Persian got your tongue?" |
That's the kind of quote that would bring up the whole "Giovanni is Ash's father" theories
Episode: BW096 "Meloetta And The Undersea Temple!"
... This is going to be the greatest Unova multi-parter yet! Giovanni has arrived and ready to begin "Operation Tempest". Though before Team Rocket shows up, Ash & co. meet with someone named Ridley who belongs to a group of people called "The Protectors" who's duty it to protect Meloetta. But soon Team Rocket do appear and after some fighting, Ash, Pikachu and Melotta are captured. Team Rocket then brings them to the Abyssal Ruins for something they need Meloetta for... What does Team Rocket want with/from the Abyssal Ruins? How is Meloetta involved? Can Ash and Pikachu free themselves and help save Meloetta? And can you spot the one MAJOR flaw in Team Rocket's plan (if you can't, don't worry, I mention it)? I would normally tell you to read below, but you should really watch the episode because this is actually some GOOD stuff! Or if you prefer, watch the episode and read along at the same time. Eitherway, you should watch the episode either first or while reading this:
Team Rocket's Arriving:
We start this episode with a Team Rocket helicopter landing onto their submarine with the Rocket Trio and Dr. Zager waiting. If the last episode didn't clue you in on who's in the helicopter, the boss of Team Rocket soon walks out of the helicopter: Giovanni. With Rocket grunts (were the Rocket grunts working on the submarine or did they also arrive on the helicopter?) saluting, Giovanni nods at the Rocket Trio & Dr. Zager as he turns to the sea saying soon Unova will belong to Team Rocket. SH*T JUST GOT SERIOUS!
On the battlefield behind Cynthia's Villa, Cilan's Pansage is battling Ash's Oshawott to help them train for the Unova League. After Oshawott uses Razor Shell to block Pansage's Bullet Seed, everyone compliments it but when Meloetta gives it a cheer Oshawott blushes starts showing off to it. Meloetta then flies in front of Oshawott and starts singing Relic Song loud enough not only for Jervis to hear it as he cleans up but also to some guy in goggles flying on a Golurk high up in the sky. The guy seems to know that it's Meloetta singing and tells Golurk to fly toward.
Back on the battlefield, Meloetta changes from Aria Forme to Pirouette forme and points at Oshawott, Cilan saying Meloetta wants to battle it. Oshawott gets nervous though Ash is more then happy to accept the challenge as Meloetta gives a "come get me" gesture. Ash tells Oshawott to use Aqua Jet but Oshawott is sweating beads and soon turns around all red-faced refusing to battle. Iris and Pikachu have a chuckle as Ash tell Oshawott this is training but it still refuses so Ash disappointingly returns Oshawott with Cilan also having a chuckle saying Oshawott's heart won't let it attack. Ash sends out Krookodile and the battle starts with Meloetta using a powerful Hyper Voice which pushes Krookodile back though it's okay and uses Stone Edge which Meloetta destroys with Close Combat.
Inside the house, the phone rings and Jervis answers to reveal that it's Cynthia who's calling to inform him why she won't be helping battle Team Rocket today's event is done and she'll be back soon. Cynthia asks how's everyone doing and Jervis informs her about Meloetta volunteering to help Ash train which she says is good to hear before hanging up. Back to the battle, Krookodile goes in with a Dragon Claw but a blast shoots out of the sky between Krookodile and Meloetta. As you probably guess, Golurk lands in front of Krookodile as Pikachu runs in to help and Ash scans Golurk with his Pokedex.
Ash: Who's that?
Comment: You saw a Golurk in the 14th movie and there was one in the PokeStar Studios movie you helped Luke make. While you never scanned one, you should know it's a Golurk.
The guy from before runs up behind Meloetta asking if it was alright, Meloetta gladly flying into his arms. The guy then calls Ash a villain saying he stole Meloetta confusing Ash and Iris saying Ash isn't a thief. However the guy says enough lies and tell Golurk to use Flash Cannon but as Golurk prepares the blast Meloetta flies in front of Ash & co. causing Golurk to stop charging. Ash tells the guy he's not his enemy and with Meloetta vouching for them the guy probably realize he jumped the gun a bit, however in the trees Team Rocket's spybots watch them.
Inside Cynthia's villa, the guy apologizes and Ash & co. forgive him as he introduces himself as Ridley and explains he and Golurk have been looking for Meloetta. I guess Ash & co. already introduced themselves as Ridley knows his name and says that Meloetta likes him though Ash asks why did Ridley call him "villain" (because it's been over 14 years yet you're still the main character despite being based on Red who was the playable male character for the Kanto games. I mean, come on Ash, give the male protagonists a chance to be the main character in their region). Ridley explains him and Meloetta lived in hiding (hiding from what? Later we'll see other people dressed like Ridley so does he mean he comes from a hidden village?) in a forest deep in Unova as we go to flashback. While Meloetta was playing in a field of flowers, Team Rocket's helicopter flies overhead and a bots flies down and traps Meloetta in a laser cube. Ridley runs out and sees Jessie and James flying on jetpacks as they guide the captured Meloetta back into the helicopter. Other people rushed out as Ridely sends out his Golurk though as the helicopter closes its hatch, James' Yamask appears and uses Haze though when Ridley and Golurk fly out of it Team Rocket was gone. Ridley says he's sure the villains were after Meloetta's immense "power" (yes, it's immense power to do nothing but float around and watch people who are in trouble) and he blames himself for it (wh, was it your job to protect Meloetta?) and why they've been looking for Meloetta. Meloetta flies over and hugs Ridley as Iris asks if Meloetta is his Pokemon which Ridley says she isn't since, as a mythical Pokemon, everyone knows the story about Meloetta and his people are known as "The Protectors" (what a boring title...) since ancient times. Ridley explains "The Protectors" have the power to detect Meloetta when it's nearby which is how it found them (you must not be very good at detecting Meloetta since you only "detected" her nearby when she started singing) though says they can't relax as he's sure the villains are still searching for Meloetta (BTW, how did Meloetta escape Team Rocket?).
Team Rocket's Wrecking:
Meloetta looks out the window and sees one of Team Rocket flying spybots and alerts everyone, Ridley saying that they've been found and tells Meloetta they can't stay here. Ash asks where are they going pointing out they know where "The Protectors" live though Ridley says his friends already found a place for them. however, going outside, they're surrounded by a Haze and as Ridley gets on Golurk with Meloetta they get knocked down by a Golem (oh, so I guess Giovanni decided to allow the use of non-Unova Pokemon, so you did bring Jessie and James there old Pokemon, right?). Meloetta falls onto the ground as Ash rushes over to it as a beam of energy comes from outside the Haze though Golurk counters it with a Flash Cannon. Next to the Golem lands a Rhydon (I'm guessing the move used was Hyper Beam, though that was an odd-looking Hyper Beam) as two grunts come into view and Ash tells Ridley they're Team Rocket.
Cilan: We've dealt with those criminals many times.
Comment: Correction, you've dealt with the Rocket Trio a few times, this is actually the first time you've seen other members of Team Rocket. Ash has faced Team Rocket many times.
Rhydon uses Megahorn though Golurk attacks back using Strength but Golem attacks with Rock Blast... which Golurk blocks using Rhydon (so in case you were wondering if other grunts were as dumb as the Rocket Trio used to be, they are). Ridley tells Ash & co. to take Meloetta and run as he handles the two Rocket grunts, Ash assuring they'll keep Meloetta safe. Golurk attacks Rhydon using Heavy Slam sending it flying back as Golem attacks with Steamroller which Golurk tries blocking while inside the villa Jervis is calling Cynthia tell her there's an emergency.
In the forest, Ash & co. are running away with Meloetta as they tell Meloetta to turn invisible which she does but they're soon surrounded by a Will-O-Wisp. Yamask and Woobat soon appear and with them the Rocket Trio on jetpacks as James uses his goggles to find Meloetta and tells Yamask to use Will-O-Wisp on it, knocking it into visibility. Ash grabs Meloetta and asks the Rocket Trio if they can see Meloetta (no, the goggles, they do nothing) which Jessie says of course they can so there's no use hiding. Iris asks what they want with Meloetta which James says that would be telling but Jessie then thanks them as James explained that they helped them get Meloetta to sing her song. Cilan and Iris ask what do they mean but Ash goes onto the offensive and tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, Jessie and Woobat flying out of the way and using Air Slash knocking Pikachu back. Yamask then uses another Haze but Axew attacks back with a Dragon Rage and knocks Woobat and Yamask aside while Cilan sends out Pansage to barrage Team Rocket with Bullet Seed. Cilan and Iris tells Ash to take Meloetta and run as they take care of the Rocket Trio. So Ridley is handling some grunts, Cilan & Iris are handling the Rocket Trio, you can probably guess where this is going.
Ash runs through the forest with Meloetta but stops when Pikachu hears something and suddenly Persain pounces at them from a bush (YES! A battle we've all wanted to see: Ash's Pikachu vs. Giovanni's Persian! Heck, just Ash vs. Giovanni we've all been waiting for! ). BTW, this is the first time Ash scanned a Persian (despite battled a random's trainer Persian during the original series). Ash tells Meloetta to make itself invisible (also telling it to hide might be a good idea too...) as Ash and Pikachu face Persian... and then Giovanni comes down on a hover platform wearing the goggles and telling Meloetta to show itself. Ash tells Meloetta to run as Giovanni orders Persian to use Shadow Claw but Pikachu counters with Iron Tail and hits, knocking Persian back. However Persian uses Power Gem sending Pikachu flying into Ash knocking them aside, scaring Meloetta into visibility. Team Rocket's helicopter then traps Ash and Pikachu in a laser cube (oh well, I guess it's too early for Ash to have the boss battle with Giovanni) and Giovanni tells Meloetta to do as he says or:
Ash: What's going on?
Giovanni: In just a moment they'll be much smaller then they are now...
Comment: O_O... I know I said it before, but I think it qualifies a second repeating: SH*T JUST GOT SERIOUS!
Ash begs Meloetta to leave but Meloetta cries out, assumingly saying it gives up and Giovanni stops shrinking the cube. Giovanni tells Meloetta "that's a good Pokemon" and returns Persian as we then see Iris and Cilan running up only to see Ash, Pikachu, and Meloetta trapped in laser cubes being taken into Team Rocket's helicopter. The Rocket Trio also fly in from behind, Jessie saying the tables have turned and James finishing that they were the ones delayed before the helicopter flies off. Iris and Cilan try running after though soon have to stop running, Ridley appearing all bruised and Iris tells him Team Rocket took Ash, Pikachu, and Meloetta.
Team Rocket's Rising:
At Team Rocket's submarine, a mini-sub goes down into the ocean with the Rocket Trio, Dr. Zager, and Giovanni on board and in the back is Meloetta in one laser cube and Ash & Pikachu in other. Ash tells Meloetta that everything will be alright as we watch the sub go down to the floor and turns on its headlights and goes to the Abyssal Ruins. Dr. Zager explains that legend says the temple sunk below the water and no one was ever able to find it, but for Team Rocket nothing is impossible (except being able to defeat a 10 year old and his electric mouse for 14 years ).
Driving through the temple and then surfacing inside a large dry room (what, did Team Rocket drain that room out?), Team Rocket gets out of the mini-sub and opening hatch to have Ash, Pikachu, and Meloetta in their laser cubes float out. Ash asks where they are but Meloetta seems to recognize the place (especially a floating stone shaped like a diamond and looks to have a cross on it) as Giovanni points that out:
So what, is Meloetta some kind of Jesus figure?
Ash asks what they're going to do and Giovanni tells him to sit quietly and watch as Dr. Zager floats Meloetta's laser cube near the floating stone which starts to glow. Giovanni tells Meloetta not to resist or "the boy and his friend will pay dearly" (friend? You mean Pikachu, his Pokemon?) and tells Dr. Zager to begin and Meloetta... is put on the cross.
I was kind of joking when I asked if Meloetta was a Jesus figure... oh, and SYMBOLISM!
James explains that normally the ceremony would require Meloetta to sing next but Jessie then says there's no need and starts playing Meloetta's singing they've recorded. Suddenly the temple's floor starts glowing forming circles, turning and rising to form a circular pyramid with ramps which stairs come out from... it's probably easier to show it:
There, much easier then trying to describe it.
Of course, being Meloetta's song was played Ridley is able to hear it and looks out at the sea with Cilan and Iris watching. Giovanni explains to Meloetta that being with Ash & co. have put its heart at peace bringing its song back to life, a long lost song which has the power to unlock a seal. Giovanni then rubs it in that it wouldn'thave worked if they had Meloetta sing its song in fear and anger (so what were you originally going to do? A MAJOR part of your plan only happened out of luck that it escaped and found nice people, that's not a good plan). Meloetta's eyes start to glow as Ash tells Meloetta not to give in when a small platform arises from on top of the circle pyramid with something resting on it: The Reveal Glass!
Do you want your very own Reveal... actually, considering what the Reveal Glass does, I'm going to wait until it happens.
Giovanni walks up to the Reveal Glass and says that it's now his as we cut over to Iris, Cilan, and Ridley and see that Cynthia has arrived and she's told that Ash, Pikachu, and Meloetta are underneath Undella Bay. Cynthia tells Jervis to get her cruiser and then tells Ridley to point which way they went, though first asks what is the power of Meloetta's that Team Rocket want. Giovanni recites a prayer to the temple for it to arise and summon "the three great powers" and the Rocket Trio says "Operation Tempest" is underway. We then see the Abyssal Ruins rise up from the sea and surface as the Narrator comes in meaning the end of part 1.
Narrator: The greatest threat Unova has ever endured is about to take shape.
Comment: At least until Team Plasma appears... they are going to eventually appear, right? Yeah, it's coming to the Unova League BUT in the games Team Plasma's plans didn't happen until the player challenged the Unova League so there's still hope... right?
All Team Rocket did with the Therians is basically pull a B/W 2 Team Plasma by using their powers to freeze the ocean near Undella Town, same as how the latter froze Opelucid with Kyurem's powers
Episode: BW097 "Unova's Survival Crisis!"
AWESOME EPISODE! Why we didn't get to see Ash and Giovanni continue their battle, I think Pikachu proves that in the end it would have won . Though I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed with what they did with the Abyssal Ruins. For one thing they didn't even say they were the Abyssal Ruins, much like what they did with the Not!Celestial Tower. Because of this we don't get any clarification on that mysterious written all over the walls of the Abyssal Ruins meaning we still don't know who the inscriptions were referring to at the end with the unknown symbols. But whatever, it can be assumed that the inscriptions had something to do with Reshiram and Zekrom and being the anime botched up that story it's obvious they needed to make up their own thing. It works, but I still would have liked it if it tried relating things to the game more. Anyway there's not much point to do my usual prologue as this is a 2nd part of a two-parter so my previous episode questions still apply. Let's just get to the review/summary:
Legendary Trio So Nice, They're Featured Twice:
Starting where we last left off, everyone watches on as Giovanni stares and smiles at the Reveal Glass which starts to glow. Ash asks "now what?" as the temple's roof opens up to the sky and Giovanni tells the Reveal Glass to "summon the three powers" as the Reveal Glass glows brighter and Meloetta screams out. Dr. Zager says Giovanni is controlling the Reveal Glass by will as the Rocket Trio finally deciding to reveal the details of Operation Tempest (to who? Ash? Why, so that he can come up with a plan to stop you?).
Meowth: Using the power of the ancients, Team Rocket will bring the entire Unova region to its knees.
Comment: ... those aren't details, that's a plan synopsis.
Meanwhile Iris, Cilan, Cynthia, Jervis, and Ridley are riding on a boat to where Team Rocket, Ash, and Meloetta are; Ridley in pain due to Meloetta's suffering. Ash tries to tell Meloetta to snap out of it as the Reveal Glass turns upwards and fires a white beam into the sky which creates some sort of portal. Everyone on the boat sees the beam and portal as Ridley says that Meloetta is at the temple and Cilan asks what Team Rocket wants from Meloetta. Ridley explains that Team Rocket isn't after Meloetta but are after the Legendary Pokemon which the Reveal Glass summon, whoever controls Meloetta also controls that power. Ridley says there has been many attempts to capture Meloetta and that power since ancient times though finally Cynthia asks what these powers are... though Ridley only says it's the Reveal Glass (oh come on writers, we know it's the Kami Trio, just say it already). Ridley says only Meloetta can activate the Reveal Glass's power and whoever controls it can control the forces of nature. For generations the only one who had that power was the chief protector of the people, but many evildoers fought to try and obtain that power. Meloetta realized it was the reason for all the fighting (actually Meloetta, you're just a key, the reason for the fighting was the power you unlocked) and so SANK THE TEMPLE (so Meloetta has the power to sink temples... yet not help people when they're about to fall off ledges). Ridley finishes that the Reveal Glass's power cannot be unlocked without Meloetta's song which Iris and Cilan realize was the song they always heard Meloetta singing (you know Meloetta, being you wanted to stop the fighting and it's a particular song which unlocked the Reveal Glass's power, maybe you should also have stopped singing that particular song also). Jervis tells everyone to look up ahead because the temple is now within sight and we now see a large dark storm cloud formed above it with lightning crackling.
We get a quick shot of Dr. Zager and the Rocket Trio where James says "there here" and then quickly back to the boat where Jervis tells everyone to hang on as the boat rides over bigger waves. And FINALLY they appeared, the Kami Trio: Tornadus, Thundurus, & Landorus.
Iris: What are those?
Comment: ... didn't you just hear them cry out their names?
The first one to float down from the clouds is Tornadus which Ash quickly identifies, next Thundurus which Iris identifies (though for some reason she says "and" as if she heard Ash, unless someone on the boat also identified Tornadus), and finally Landorus which Cilan identifies. Iris says they look different from before (no, they looked the same way as they did before. Iris, did you read ahead in the script? I think you're one or two pages ahead) as Ridley says they're the forces of nature summoned by the Reveal Glass. Giovanni greets the Kami Trio and tells the Reveal Glass to reveal their other forms, the Reveal Glass floating up to the Kami Trio.
Over to Ash & Pikachu, Ash tells Pikachu to try and break their laser cube cage with Iron Tail (you know there's enough room in there for at least one more of your smaller Pokemon like Oshawott or Snivy) and finally after enough attacks they break out but attract the Rocket Trio's attention. Ash & Pikachu start climbnig the alter but Giovanni tells the Rocket Trio to stop them and Jessie & James send out Woobat and Yamask to use Air Slash and Shadow Ball, sending Ash & Pikachu blasting off the tower (role reversal!)! However Ridley's Golurk flies by and catches them as Iris, Cilan, Cynthia, Jervis, and Ridley arrive to the temple and Ash rejoins and tells them that Meloetta is in trouble. Ash tells them Team Rocket's plan and that they need to stop them agree, everyone agreeing and Cynthia saying they need to stop the Kami Trio. Cynthia sends out Garchomp (actually Glaceon probably would have been better...), Iris sends out Dragonite who immediately sees the Kami Trio and flies up to them, Cilan sends out Pansage who flies up with Golurk, and Ash sends Unfezant & Pikachu. Cynthia tells Ash to go too and rescue Meloetta (you could at least send someone along with Ash, I mean technically protecting Meloetta is Ridley's job) as Giovanni calls out the Reveal Glass which sends out a red energy wave which stops everyone's Pokemon. Giovanni starts laughing maniacally and glowing red as Meloetta screams in pain which in return hurts Ridley. As the Kami Trio look at the spinning Reveal Glass, Giovanni says it's time for them to reveal their other formes as the Kami Trio turn from their Incarnate Formes to their Therian Formes.
HEY KID! Do YOU want to have the Therian Formes of the Kami Trio too? I'm sure by now you have Black 2 & White 2, but to get the Reveal Glass you'll also need to purchase the POKEMON DREAM RADAR from the 3DS's eShop!
Giovanni eyes start to glow red as the red energy wave returns to the Reveal Glass which teleports back in front of a now slumped over Giovanni who's eyes fade back to white. Dr. Zager says Operation Tempest is in its final stage (actually wouldn't its final stage be when you've had used the Kami Trio to take over Unova?) as Giovanni tells the Kami Trio they are his servants (yeah, because telling that to a powerful Pokemon worked SO well with Mewtwo) and to use their power of wind, thunder, and land as he points over to Undella Town. The alter glows under his feet as Meloetta screams out, causing Ridley more pain and he decides to go help Meloetta along with Iris, Cilan, and Cynthia (why didn't you all go with Ash if you're just going to go and try to help Meloetta a few minutes later?).
Dragonite is the first to charge in but is knocked down by Landorus who sends it flying into Garchomp (well Dragon-types are weak to themselves *rim shot*) but recovers and goes flying back in with Iris telling yelling that it can't do this by itself. Giovanni tells the Kami Trio to kill destroy defeat anyone who stands in their way as Tornadus attacks Dragonite with Air Slash but Dragonite takes it and attacks back with a Flamethrower which Thundurus comes in and blocks. Landorus uses Stone Edge which starts following like heat-seeking missiles until they hit Dragonite and send it falling from the sky in front of Ash & co. (+ Cynthia and Ridley). Dragonite tries getting back up though Iris tells it to take it easy when Thundurus flies down and uses Thunder with Ash asking it not to (I'm surprised they haven't tried reminding the Kami Trio the time they calmed them on Milos Island) and Iris standing inbetween the Thunder and Dragonite. Pikachu jumps down in the knick of time and absorbs the Thunder as Unfezant chases Thundurus away with an Air Cutter (an attack it should be resistant to... from Unfezant's weakest offensive stat). Ash catches Pikachu (who for the next few seconds sparks with blue electricity) and Iris thanks it though Cynthia tells Ash to go help Meloetta (why don't you ALL go help Meloetta, obviously you're doing nothing else) as Ash tells Unfezant to come with him as he runs up the steps. Iris asks Dragonite if it's alright though it starts yelling at her but she tells it that it's fine as Pikachu protected her while she protected it and gives Dragonite a pep talk which gives it its second wind and seems to have strengthened their bond, Dragonite even started to smile and Cynthia notes their "hearts are one".
Assault attempt #3, Dragonite uses Ice Beam but the Kami Trio dodge and Thundurus attacks with Thunder and hits Dragonite, knocking it back. Garchomp charges in with a Dragon Rush which Landorus tries to stop with a Stone Edge but that gets knocked aside as Garchomp slams into Landorus though only pushes it back in the air. Tornadus tries a Hurricane but that gets blocked... by Pansage's Bullet Seed (okay, I'm calling Tauros Mulch on that) as Golurk attacks with Flash Cannon but Tornadus dodges it and uses Air Slash which hits Golurk. Dr. Zager and the Rocket Trio make their way up the alter as Giovanni demands the Kami Trio to their "true power", making the alter glow red once again, Meloetta to scream, and the Kami Trio's eyes start glowing red.
Assault attempt #4 has the Kami Trio do a combine Hurricane, Thunder, Hyper Beam combo which send Dragonite, Garchomp, and Golurk & Pansage falling from the sky and into the water. As Ash keeps running the thr stairs, the Kami Trio quickly glow blue and create a huge portal above them that sends down a huge beam which starts freezing over Undella Bay and even into Undella Town causing people to panic and Officer Jenny trying to keep everyone calm. James says that power is frightening which Dr. Zager says is the exact reason people fought for it, the power to cause natural disasters (um, what "natural disaster" causes a layer of ice to cover the sea and surrounding city?). Speaking of which, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Golurk & Pansage break through the ice as Ash reaches the top of the temple (Pikachu sparking with blue electricity...) and yells over to Team Rocket. James says that as far as Ash goes and Jessie says Unova will soon be theirs but Ash tells them "no way" though Giovanni laughs asking if he thinks he can stop them, giving the Kami Trio an order to head for Undella Bay. Ash says Meloetta is coming with him but the Rocket Trio refuse saying Meloetta is part of their plan as their Pokemon float in front of them. Ash tells Pikachu to use Electro Ball and... WOAH!
Now THAT'S a Team Rocket blast off for the record books!
Meloetta starts to falls from the floating stone so Ash tells Unfezant to go catch it.
So... I think Team Rocket is dead...
Pikachu flips back over to Ash as Unfezant comes flying through the smoke with Meloetta on its back who floats over and hugs Ash. Ash tells Meloetta is safe as the somehow not dead Rocket Trio says that Meloetta escaped (ya think?) and they got to get it back, however Giovanni tells them no.
Giovanni: I no longer need...
Giovanni: Meloetta.
Comment: O_O...
Dr. Zager: Giovanni, that mark on your head.
Comment: Sorta looks like Giovanni is possessed by the Seal of Orichalcos.
Here's Giovanni:
Iris, Cilan, Cynthia, and Ridley meet up with Ash and Meloetta flies into Ridley's arms as Ridley thanks Ash, though Ash says this isn't over yet. Next thing we see is Dragonite, Garchomp, and Golurk slamming into the temple floor as...
Giovanni: I feel wonderful, and I live for DESTRUCTION!
Comment: Arceus help us...
Jessie: Destruction? No!
James: Our role is to conquer!
Comment: Yeah... I think that plan blew up in your face via massive "F*** YOU!" Electro Ball...
Meowth asks Dr. Zager what's going on but Dr. Zager doesn't know saying none of this was in the data. Possessed!Giovanni tells the Kami Trio to destroy all of Unova and proclaiming that no one can stop him as Dr. Zager suggests using Meloetta might be the cause of this (NO, I think it's that Reveal Glass's power which is doing that, probably some "revealing the true Giovanni" or something like that). Ridley says Dr. Zager is right, saying the Kami Trio contain the power of nature but Meloetta acts like a balance to keep the person who summoned them sane but without Meloetta Giovanni is now consumed by his own evil ambitions and is now focused on destruction and chaos. As Ash & co.'s Pokemon try battling the Kami Trio, the Rocket Trio jump toward Giovanni saying they have to save the boss and actually knock him down which gets rid of the seal on his head (so... who lost their soul in all that?). The Rocket Trio help Giovanni up who asks Dr. Zager what happened and Dr. Zager says they lost Meloetta and without it they can't control the Kami Trio and suggests they retreat, Giovanni looking at Ash & co. (+ Cynthia, Meloetta, & Ridley) and agrees. Ash asks where they are going but James orders Yamask to use Haze and in the few seconds Unfezant uses Gust to clear it Team Rocket have somehow gotten into their plane and lifted off, the Rocket Trio mentioning how special Pikachu is with Giovanni looking out angrily before flying off.
As Team Rocket leaves we see Garchomp being knocked down by a Focus Blast as Dragonite flies through dodging Landorus's Hyper Beam. Tornadus uses Hurricane to block Golurk's Flash Cannon, dodges Pansage's Bullet Seed, and uses Energy Ball to knock down Golurk & Pansage. Ridley puts the Reveal Glass back onto the alter and tells Meloetta that they have to calm down the Kami Trio which Meloetta agrees and flies off. Ridley wishes to the Reveal Glass to "calm down the rage that threatens Unova" causing it and the alter to glow, but this time in a light rainbow. Light rainbow ribbons come out of the alter and create an orb around Meloetta, who starts singing and draws the attention of the Kami Trio who's eyes return to normal. The orb around Meloetta turns into the shape of the Reveal Glass as reflections of the Kami Trio's Incarnate Forme flash which turns the Kami Trio back to said formes, Meloetta ending her song. On Team Rocket's plane, Giovanni muses about how he almost caused his own death destruction end and orders that they return to the Rocket HQ in Kanto (that plane must have a lot of fuel...).
On Cynthia's boat, Ash says he can't believe that Team Rocket was going to do something that bad (THEY'RE THE BAD GUYS!) as they watch the Abyssal Ruins sink back under Undell Bay, the Kami Trio fly up into a portal in the sky, and Ridley making a speech about conflict never stopping and wondering if people's hearts have changed at all during ancient times. Cynthia however says there are people who are good and don't seek conflict or conquest over others (well that can't be any of you, being trainers who battle each other (causing conflict) to see who'll win (conquest over others) ) and maybe some day people will be able to listen to Meloetta's song and live in peace, Meloetta flying around Cynthia happily upon hearing this.
Guess what time it is...
Yup, it's time for Meloetta to leave with Ridley and Golurk, Ridley thanks Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) as they say their goodbyes to Meloetta who hugs Ash one last time. Golurk starts launching off as Meloetta grabs onto Ridley's shoulder and they fly off, Meloetta singing and everyone waving goodbye. And with the narrator coming in, we end this episode though on a high note: THEY FINALLY ANNOUNCED THE MELOETTA EVENT! Hope you got a GameStop near you
Pikachu, I was hoping you'd make a 'Seal of Oricalchos' joke. Still, as awesome as Pikachu's mega Electro Ball was, I'm surprised you didn't compare it to the time Pikachu and Swellow absorbed electricity to form electro armor. Oh, btw, I think what James said to Giovanni was that their 'goal' is to conquer.
I loved the newest episode. Iris, Ash, and Cilan looked pretty in their dresses and showed those snooty girls what for!
Bunch of Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves those girls are. They may Believe they would win, but they don't have enough Love and Understanding...After All. They just weren't Strong Enough. If I Could Turn Back Time and watch it again, I would. Save Up All Your Tears girls, and remember, The Beat Goes On.
Ok, I'm done.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Bunch of Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves those girls are. They may Believe they would win, but they don't have enough Love and Understanding...After All. They just weren't Strong Enough. If I Could Turn Back Time and watch it again, I would. Save Up All Your Tears girls, and remember, The Beat Goes On. Ok, I'm done. |
What's with the Sonny and Cher quotes?
Hey everyone, I'm back! After my old laptop decided working wasn't for it, I got a new laptop which I'm assuming works perfectly fine... but I don't know for sure as it uses Windows 8 which I'm still trying to figure out. But that's neither here nor there as I have to catch up on a few reviews!
Episode: BW098 "Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!"
I'm a bit surprised how enjoyable this episode was, it was not only a unique episode but also had some story important stuff in the beginning and Ash & co. were all fun to watch considering the situation that they were put into. As I said, the story progresses at first as Ash is told by Cynthia the Unova League is to be held in Vertress City and they set off finally saying goodbye to Cynthia and Jervis. But while having a lunch break in a forest an incident occurs which sends Emolga blasting off. Ash & co. find Emolga in front of a cliff where 3 girls dressed in Victorian clothing says Emolga attacked them but goes on to say how unattractive all their Pokemon were as they introduced themselves as Moira, Mona, and Cher and their Pokemon which are the most beautiful in Unova. They soon leave but Iris is angry their Pokemon were called unattractive and later Ash & co. find out the three girls are part of a group call the Flower Garden Troupe, an all girls theater group. From there is a series of events started by Iris's thirst for revenge with Ash and Cilan being dragged along for an awkward ride. What does Iris's plan of revenge detail? Why is it awkward for Ash & Cilan? What is with this Flower Garden Troupe? And how is it that it's an Iris-focused episode but yet Snivy is the main Pokemon? I would recommend watching the episode, though I suppose you can read this review along with it to get a few more laughs along the way :
Beauty And The Ego:
This episode starts with big news as Cynthia tells Ash & co. where the Unova League is being held: Vertress City (careful what you tell Cameron, he'll probably mishear and go to Fortree City).Thus with Ash & co. knowing where to go now, we sadly must finally leave Cynthia.Before they leave, Jervis suggests they go through Opelucid City but Iris gets nervous and instead asks Ash and Cilan if they could go though the Village of Dragons, them accepting wanting to see Iris's home village and easing her worries.Cynthia & Jervis say their goodbyes as do Ash & co. who hit the road with Ash excited for the Unova League.
Welcome everyone to Season 16: Adventures In Unova!With a new season means a new opener: It's Always You and Me. The song is alright, and it shows clips from the Japanese opener "Be An Arrow" including the pic of all of Ash's Pokemon at Professor Oak's Lab (including Primeape, Squirtle, and Charizard). It also shows Stephan's, Bianca's, and Trip's rival shots which is really the last noteworthy thing (though being the importance of two other characters who will be in the Unova League, it's odd that the Japanese version never gave them a rival shot (though even if they did the dub opener wouldn't change to include them to avoid spoilers)).Also, was today's episode trying to be a pun on "Pride and Prejudice"?
Anyway, the noon comes and Ash & co. decide to stop in a middle of a forest path to have a quick lunch sending out Snivy, Scraggy, Pansage, Emolga, Pignite, and Oshawott to feed (their other Pokemon can starve).Oshawott finishes off its food first but sees that Pignite still has a full bowl so steals it like the little jerk that it is and eat all of it, Pignite responding accordingly.
Exactly what did Oshawott think was going to happen when Pignite found out it took its food?
Ash tells them to calm down with Pikachu trying to break them up however Oshawott begins unleashing Hydro Pumps, first one hitting Emolga's food causing it to fly away and the second hitting Emolga and sending it flying off into the forest.But when Emolga lands they hear an odd noise which Ash (with a sandwich in his mouth showing how really concerned he is) asks what it was.
I can see where Oshawott got its manners...
Deeper in the forest, Ash & co. find Emolga knocked out leaning upside down next to a small cliff's bottom with Iris checking on it and Ash telling Oshawott and Pignite to apologize.Suddenly a girl's voice starts speaking saying Emolga is unattractive and asks if it belongs to Iris, Ash & co. looking up to see... 3 girls dresses in Victorian clothing.
While not as fast as other episodes, this episode got stupid decently fast.
Iris gets angry and asks who they are (why Iris, haven't you ever head of an "antagonists of the day"? ) and the main (the one with the stupid clothes and hair... wait, they all have that... the one with the stupid pink dress and blond wig) introduces herself as Moira as well as her Cinccino saying it's the most beautiful Pokemon in the Unova Region (AND ASH YOU ALREADY SCANNED A CINNCINO A FEW EPISODES AGO!).The next girl is Mona (the one with the stupid orange dress and green hair) with the "2nd most beautiful Pokemon in Unova" Lilligant (ASH YOU ALSO ALREADY SCANNED A LILLIGANT!) and Cher (SPDShadowRanger already made all the Cher jokes, so I'll just saw she's the one with the stupid blue uniform and brown hair (she also has a deep voice, I can't help but to think this is a reference to the real Cher's son, Chaz Bono, who's actually a transgendered man)) with the "3rd most beautiful Pokemon in Unova" Roserade (well at least Ash scanned that one a saga ago... but he still scanned it...).Moira says that she was taking Cinccino for a walk when Emolga "attacked it" putting its beauty in danger and then goes on to say Snivy is also unattractive as is the rest of Ash & co's Pokemon (well at least they look like they're from this century (sorta)
) and are rubbish.Moira finally ends her tirade telling Ash & co. to get more attractive Pokemon and leaves before their "unattractiveness rubs off" (what, do you also believe you can catch cooties? Wait, that insult doesn't work if they're a girl...).Iris demands for them to stop (why, the sooner they leave the better) though eventually they drive off in a bus (what an unattractive vehicle, the rose decals don't help much either) leaving behind an angry Iris and confused Ash & Cilan.
Sometime later in a city, Ash & co. are talking to a fruit stall lady about the bus with roses and she tells them it belongs to the Flower Garden Troupe and explains they are the most famous theater group in the region made up of attractive young woman and their female Pokemon.
Iris is not amused.
The fruit stall lady tells Ash & co. their headquarters are nearby and gives them directions where to go but tells them that men aren't allowed in as it's females only and they won't even get passed the front door (um, what about Iris, she's a girl (sorta)).Ash & co. get to the Flower Garden Troupe's headquarters which is a mansion, confirming this by seeing the bus.
Iris: Looks like the perfect headquarters for a bunch of stuck up girls
Comment: Today's can't use word is "b****".
Iris: Let's go give them a piece of our minds.
Comment: But Iris, Ash has barely enough for himself!
Ash: You heard what she said, guys aren't allowed to go in there.
Comment: Ash, you do realize Iris is a girl (sorta), right?
Iris: Don't worry, leave that to me! *wink*
Comment: Wait, they have to go to a place where only girls are allowed... is... is it time?